Swinging the chicken
Backup: 1:09 PM Friday 25 Nov. 22
You, Byron DelSignore, Veda Stram and 134 others
Katie Fletcher
Yes! Just a simple every day reply to me posting vegan options on my page.
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Milton Rene Mills
Katie Fletcher The reason he doesn’t “get it” is because his brain and morals are damaged, fried and corrupted from eating death!
Tashi Jelani
Katie Fletcher 99% of them not hunting or killing anything themselves. They pay for others to spill the blood, while they pick it up in a plastic package.
Katie Fletcher
Tashi Jelani thats what I replied back!
- it’s mind blowing really
- it’s mind blowing really
- Gary Gevisser
Tashi Jelani here is one
- Gary Gevisser
“Katie Fletcher 99% of them not hunting or killing anything themselves. They pay for others to spill the blood, while they pick it up in a plastic package” ~ Tashi Jelani
Gary Gevisser
Milton Rene Mills, not sure what message you are sending with the emoji you placed underneath potato head Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend bullying a chicken.Please explain.
Katie Fletcher
Gary Gevisser what is he doing with it??2d-
Gary Gevisser
Katie Fletcher you would need to ask him.Maybe a carnivore ritual of sorts?He is quite a talkative individual, just ask him.
Of course I am disgusted.
The people are dumb-numb.
Torah Gemach
Katie Fletcher swinging the Chicken2d
Katie Fletcher
Torah Gemach why??2d
Torah Gemach
Katie Fletcher good question, this picture was taken before Yom Kippur. It’s a Jewish tradition to use a fish or money or Chicken and say a prayer which in short basically says that this is instead of me as a sacrifice or symbol of such to repent for my sins. Their after the Chicken was donated to an organization to feed the poor.2d
Gary Gevisser
Katie Fletcher did you follow GemACH’s (sic) train of thought?Andii Dii are you able to relate to GemACH sic bullying a chicken about to be slaughtered to feed his sick gut, and putting it down to charity for the poor?
- 2d
Milton Rene Mills
Gary Gevisser I don’t approve.1d-
Gary Gevisser
Milton Rene Mills what don’t you approve?1d
Gary Gevisser
Katie Fletcher did you remove this section of the conversation relating to GemACH sic “swinging the chicken”?
Katie Fletcher
Gary Gevisser no, I still see it on the thread.1d-
Gary Gevisser
Andii Dii, are you still here playing voyeur?
Gary Gevisser
Katie Fletcher , I’m on my iPhone. In a couple of hours I will check my laptop.What do you think of carnivore-savage Torah Gemach’s first response “Swinging the chicken” to your question?BTW do you know anything about his teacher Rebbe Schneerson, before doing a Google search?
Katie Fletcher
Gary Gevisser I know nothing. I thought the picture was awful and unsure how it went with this post. Clearly I’m missing something.
I got my fill a while ago, but thanks for asking, Gary
- 1dEdited
Gary Gevisser
Title: Righteous Indignation [Word count 1010]Katie Fletcher your response, “… missing something” this past Wednesday, 23 Nov. at 3:19 PM Calif. time, did not go unnoticed.“Swinging the chicken” first of all fits in perfectly with the theme
KILLING “THEM”!My iphone was “acting up” or it was just a weak internet connection. Either way we should all focus on the callousness, bullshit of this GemACH sic who thinks he can say anything, act disgracefully and not only have no fear of man given how well insulated is ChaBAD sic but not a thought that there is an Almighty Power who can do anything but in fact such a power, call it God, does not exist in their minds.
That doesn’t prevent them from asserting 24/7 that they not only believe in their personal God but their righteousness, conforming with pagan rituals allows them to preach to the rest of humanity.
Bear in mind less than a handful of things.
First, I am Jewish, born and bred.
Second, I come from the founding mothers and fathers of the modern State of Israel who have never trusted these religious pontificators who are constantly talking out of both sides of their mouths when not threatening.
Third, while I was very fortunate enough to have very enlightened Jewish parents and grandparents who never interacted with these very different dressing folks, once getting immersed in the business-Wall Street world there is no way to avoid them.
The non-Jewish world have very little knowledge of them and unless you live in crowded cities like Montreal and New York City you wouldn’t see them and possibly think if seeing them in the distance they are Amish or possibly a sect of Jews from eastern Europe who have never changed their ways, or even aligned with the Greek orthodox church.
They stick exclusively to the Jewish communities, at least in public.
There have been a great many secular Jewish people they have fooled, but clearly not everyone.
If you wanted to get rid of the questioning Jewish people then of course you would find a way to infiltrate them by simply rewarding your informers.
That is how the Portuguese-Spanish Inquisition got off the ground, just ahead of Columbus sailing the ocean blue.
As we move the clock forward to 1632, we arrive at the birth of the greatest Jewish philosopher-rabbi of all time, Spinoza who when not quite 24 years of age was banned, excommunicated by the corrupt Jewish priests of Amsterdam who issued the most severe writ, excommunication against Spinoza who was unwilling to pay homage to either the brutal Inquisition or their Jewish informer network which over the centuries only got stronger.
As we arrive at our Jewish Holocaust of World War II and non-Jewish people still ask, “How come the Jews went like sheep to the gas chambers?” you never get the truthful answer because you ask the wrong people.
I went to a Jewish day school in South Africa for most of my schooling before university and the name Spinoza nor the Gestapo’s Jewish collaboration network, Zagiew ever came up.
In fact if you visit any of our many Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museums and you ask any of the instructors to tell you about the Zagiew who were no less brutal than the Gestapo, they will give you a blank look; and unless reading this, they would not be acting.
Today’s headline news in Drudgereport.com displays this:
Avian flu outbreak wipes out record 50 million birds…
Another headline:
Cardinal on trial for fraud taped call with Pope…
It is not enough to simply say that this animal abuse of the nth degree is wrong and we should all do our best to encourage meat-carnivore eaters to be both kind to their bodies-minds as well as the animals.
The rainforests continue to be decimated and replaced by animal farming to feed a growing carnivore human population that is getting sicker and sicker.
Why is today different?
We have a follower of the revered, sacred to many, Rebbe Schneerson, bullying a chicken about to be slaughtered and there is not an ounce of empathy.
Just as many believe Schneerson to be the Messiah and despite him long dead and nothing close to peace on earth which the Messiah is supposed to bring, he is revered by ignorant Jewish people all over the world including Israel where he is more popular than David Ben Gurion who like Jewish Albert Einstein recognized the importance and great achievements of Spinoza in exposing these phony, “Worshippers of ink on paper”.
All their rituals are designed to control, different sets of dishes and cutlery for meat and milk – liquified meat, and come down like a ton of bricks on all those who question their utter nonsense.
“Swinging the chicken” ahead of giving to poor Jewish people is bullshit at its ultimate.
That chicken doesn’t go to the poor just like every Turkey dinner yesterday doesn’t go to feed the poor.
The top dogs of all religions know that if they want money to go to the source which is the German-South African Oppenheimer family who have controlled the minerals of the world since the turn of the last century.
Yes, not even the Pope would dare to carry on display for the world to see, a live chicken grasped by the neck by its slaughterer.
Their biggest opposition have always been us questioning Jewish people.
You don’t have to be Jewish to know that eating a dead, rotting, stinky piece of animal flesh is bad for your health and that will affect your willpower, and reasoning inevitably non-existent.
Bad Jewish people cannot afford if they want their easy lifestyle to promote a healthy citizenry.
If you had someone bad in your family, wouldn’t you see fit to expose them especially if they make out that they are holier than thou, full of Righteous Indignation?
Please ask me your questions.
Gary Gevisser
Andii Dii your writings above this past Wednesday at 6:50 PM “I got my fill a while ago, but thanks for asking, Gary
” in responsed to my earlier question in the day, 2:35 PM, “Andii Dii, are you still here playing voyeur?” are as wishy washy as those “inauthentic” you protest against.
You probably don’t recall writing to me on fb messaging this past Wednesday, 23 Nov at 5:14 AM Calif. time, “I do believe most of them [on facebook] inauthentic, for sure
Not to mention, as the truth I was sharing about the money got too disturbing you decided to play with your mind, writing me repeatedly, “Am I willing?” in response to me sharing with you how best to do your own research.
Not that I am trying to change you, but rather to let the next generaion of truth seekers learn from your behavior how best to avoid becoming stupid.
I will be posting up our entire fb messaging dialogue on the Internet in due course.
BTW, how did you do with Righteous Indignation which I posted up earlier at 9:59 AM?
It is now 10:16 AM.
Where can I send you a backup of this wall?
- Veda Stram
It’s not an accident/coincidence that brutalizing someBODY damages/kills another BODY!3d
Ronny Watson
One of those Beyond Meat type factories was in the news today for some outbreak of listeria or something. Not a justification for eating meat but maybe a concern for processed foods.
Milton Rene Mills
Ronny Watson Those outbreaks are still MUCH more likely to happen with actual dead flesh factories.
Ronny Watson
Milton Rene Mills I agree, and like I said it’s not a justification for eating meat. I’m living proof of that. Here’s a link to an article about it.https://www.cnet.com/…/beyond-meat-pennsylvania-plant…/
Peter Dubicki
Eww I’m not eating bugs
- I killed a lot of them for the cockroaches too, so I eat them to
- 3d
Nancy Poznak
And many are turning to eating insects as a replacement for animals while snubbing and saying “ew” to tofu! Craaazzzyy folks!
Dee Schilling McClenthan
Nancy Poznak I had someone say “ew” to carrot dogs.
- Because what’s in hot dogs isn’t vile?
- Because what’s in hot dogs isn’t vile?
Nancy Poznak
Dee Schilling McClenthan this obsession people have with eating dead bodies.
Geoff Palmer
“A survey of 1,000 people found that 73 percent of men would rather reduce their life expectancy by up to 10 YEARS than stop eating meat.”Recent research shows men actually give up around 13 years of their life:Study: Estimating impact of food choices on life expectancy: A modeling study
Link: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1003889
“A sustained change from a typical Western diet to the optimal diet from age 20 years would increase Life Expectancy by more than a decade for women from the United States 10.7 years and men 13 years.”
- 3d
Milton Rene Mills
Geoff Palmer The very definition of “addiction”! Just WOW! That study literally confirms the statement made in this post! Thanks for posting this information.
Chey Sanfilippo Stivers
Geoff Palmer That would be my dad… he chose eating whatever he wanted and lived a shorter life. He had another 20 years I think. Basically his organs shut down. Heart disease, renal failure, diabetes… you name it… he suffered from it
- 3d
Chey Sanfilippo Stivers
… I should add that even after several heart attacks and a stent put in… he still kept eating crap even with blood sugar of over 500!
Geoff Palmer
Milton Rene Mills So sad that we have lost the purpose of food…PrioritiesThere are roughly 37,200,000,000,000 cells in the human body and only about 8,000 of them are taste buds.
When choosing foods to eat, we should focus on supporting the health and survival of the 37 trillion cells, not just pleasing 8 thousand of them.
Milton Rene Mills
Geoff Palmer It’s the brainwashing of the billions of neurons that contributes to and perpetuates the disordered thinking and dysfunctional behavior.3dEdited
Geoff Palmer
Milton Rene Mills That is why I am so grateful for people like you who give so much of their time to true nutritional education. #vegucation
- 3d
Lexy Race
Geoff Palmer thanks for the link! Great read. Gonna share with my Public Health professor!2d
Gary Gevisser
Geoff Palmer predictable, yet amazing.Torah Gemach you are not speaking much “theses” (sic) days.That’s how stupid they are.
Errol Graham Musk
Micha-el Frame
Shaun Tomson 1977 World Surfing Champion
Kimberly Baldwin
Karen Krok2dEdited
Dee Williams
Thank you for your work! When you broke down dairy on some YouTube videos that did it for me. I also was reading a book by Octavia E Butler a science fiction tale and the main character was disgusted by eating “food cooked in animal milk” without her knowledge and that was it, I became disgusted.
Sarah Kellett
Just curious, how many patients at your workplace do you tell every day to eat better?3d
Milton Rene Mills
Sarah Kellett EVERY PERSON I SEE!3d
Sarah Kellett
Milton Rene Mills how do people mostly respond? Especially if you tell them to go vegan? Disbelief? Do they want to see another doctor? Or are they receptive?3d
Milton Rene Mills
Sarah Kellett They mostly listen respectfully; and some say they couldn’t do it and others say they’ll consider it. And a few have done it to great benefit! Not only is this the “reason” I went into medicine, but I also know that God has placed me in this position to be a “watchman on the wall” to tell people the truth! That is an honor and a responsibility I take seriously and to heart.God told Ezekiel, “whether they will hear or whether they will forbear — tell them anyway!” And that is what I always try to do.
Jeff Adams
Look at this video from yesterday. Short pseudo debate with Dr Greger and Ivor on GB News. It is HORRIBLE. She let Ivor start and finish. Of course Ivor came prepared to gaslight and brings up Ornish only putting Dr G on the defense. After throwing Ornish under the bus they acuse Dr G of not having science. Yet they showed none, only mentioned Ornish which supports plants exclusively, and totally ignore the thousands of videos Dr G has created referencing science. The comments are horrible too. This world has so much apathy and ignorance. But we have to be inviting, persistent and somehow sane
- 2d
Milton Rene Mills
Jeff Adams There is a quote from the Bible that says, “Ephraim is joined unto his idols. Let him alone.” That applies in this instance. These people are not interested in truth so there is no point engaging with them.
Jeff Adams
Milton Rene Mills well, you’re probably right. But I spent 3 hours commenting last night on it. I figured since it is public it is probably a great way to at least get people thinking.and practice debating.
Milton Rene Mills
Jeff Adams I applaud and affirm you for your commitment and patience. I’ve had it with these recalcitrant idiots! I just want them to sign a waiver that WHEN they get cancer or heart disease or some other diet-related malady, they will just sit on their porch and die — and NOT seek medical treatment for illnesses they could have and SHOULD have avoided!
Jeff Adams
Milton Rene Mills I hear and understand you. Ideally we would come together at some point in showcase the evidence in the most compelling way which I don’t think has properly been done yet I’m talking about the totality of evidence and make it undeniable. This really hasn’t been done yet. Vegans get heart disease and cancer too so that would have to be factored into showcasing the totality of evidence. Then cap it all off with our potential to adapt and evolve and paint the options clearly to illustrate way can choose a path that fosters diverse ecosystem using plant agricultural techniques or foster a future filled with slaughterhouses, we literally have a choice as to how we evolve our species. Let’s talk soon and find a way to actualize our utmost potential at being creative and communicating in the most powerful way to the masses what we know.1d
Geoff Palmer
1 in 10 young British men would rather go to jail than stop eating meat
51% associate a diet that contains a lot of meat with being “more masculine”.30% of men said they believe humans are meant to eat meat
39% said they’d prefer to not date a vegan
While 76 percent say they care about the environment… Only 26 percent would stop eating meat to reduce their environmental impact.https://plantbasednews.org/…/1-in-10-young-british-men…/
“A survey of 1,000 people found that 73 percent of men would rather reduce their life expectancy by up to 10 years than stop eating meat.”
https://www.ladbible.com/…/food-nearly-three-quarters…7 Reasons Vegans Are More Likely to Be Women Than Men
“80% of vegans in the U.S. are women”
Marjorie Alexander
I believe processed food of any kind is also a killer. After chemo I taste and smell all kinds of chemicals in food and drink. Even bottled water that is supposed to be from springs have a metallic chemical taste. Dont just blame the animal eaters.2d
Mylène DM
And people get mad when you try to bring it up. Watching my father in law be sick and get worse and eventually die, and not wanting to hear anything about nutrition, was tragic. He ate lots of animal products, little to no whole grains and fruits, little veggies.
Mark Colman
It’s a zombie deader society. “No Deaders- no meat, no feathers”!
Sharon Green
I don’t drink water from the sink. I buy young coconuts and drink the water from this fruit. It has more electrolytes than water. Since it grows higher than any other fruit, the solar energy from the Sun provides a lot of good energy. In addition, its roots go deep into the ground. Look up young coconuts as well as it nutrient dense water. It is so very good for your body! Thanks so much for sharing!
Gary Gevisser
Title: The natural order of things
Milton Rene Mills, it is now 11:42 AM Calif. time, Friday 25 Nov. 22.
Twice today I have posted up on your wall; first at 9:59, Righteous indignation; and then at 10:16 when calling out my other fb friend Andii Dii.
I am still not clear what you meant when writing, “I don’t approve” this past Wednesday at 1:27 PM.
I’m assuming that you find what Torah Gemach, who I share 20 fb friends, was doing to the live chicken most offensive; and no less so his 2 explanations; the first this past Tuesday at 9:18 PM, “Swinging the chicken”; and the second, 32 minutes later, 9:50:
“Katie Fletcher good question, this picture was taken before Yom Kippur. It’s a Jewish tradition to use a fish or money or Chicken and say a prayer which in short basically says that this is instead of me as a sacrifice or symbol of such to repent for my sins. Their after the Chicken was donated to an organization to feed the poor”
in response to her shock, “Torah Gemach why??”.
Milton, this is your wall, and what you and others who are more sensitive than most are doing, is good.
I don’t want to take away from it; at the same time I see a need to give the much broader picture of what is going on in order that when the time is right we have an educated public, fully up to speed and assembled in one Internet chat room.
It is also easy to see what divides us citizens of the world, which is the money, the haves versus the have-nots, and who is responsible for deciding who gets the money.
None of this is taught in the study of economics at university and that is because once you teach someone the most important element of modern society, there is nothing else to teach.
The entire study of economics at university can be taught in a matter of no more than 10 minutes assuming the students have a low intelligence like Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around the Bend, and no more than 5 minutes if the entire student body has average intelligence which is 100 IQ points.
You can reasonably assume that my 2 fb friends, electrical and mechanical engineer Errol Graham Musk who I share 53 odd fb friends, and his younger brother, physcian Michael Musk MD, my newest fb friend and who I share 2 fb friends, including Errol who received a university bursuary from Harry Oppenheimer, the patriarch of the world’s most powerful and richest family who have all the rest of the world’s Captains of Industry including Errol’s eldest Elon by the short-hairs, have an IQ of above 100.
Moreover, GemACH sic is more than capabable, despite his mental handicapps from perfectly understanding why Errol Musk, who was tested in South Africa and scored the highest IQ out of 5000 South African students, achieving 150+, would write to me:
“Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!”
Later he followed up:
“Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.”
Those 100 words don’t mean that I must be the dumbest person on the planet, and nor do I suggest for a moment that I have more intelligence than a common ant.
My book which picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention leaves off
while filling in the few gaps such as the thinking that went into the 15 minute speech President Nixon made on 15 August 1971, 48 days after Elon Musk was born, announcing the official end of the Gold Standard, now only needs a publisher such as Randolph Apperson Hearst to step up to the plate, and/or another miracle of sorts takes place, and there is a groundswell of people preordering and not waiting to be last.
Not to mention, Hearst who was chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation, the richest and most powerful private media company on the planet, second only to the reach of the SA Oppenheimers was keen in early 1994 to publish this book which obsoletes all text books written on economics, including Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, but I turned down his generious offer which included an upfront royalty payment of $6 million, and if I wanted I could use a nom de plume, but that would only show my fear, because I am the only person on the planet who would have this knowledge.
Dead people don’t talk or write.
Again there is a lot of history that I can’t do justice to in one post.
You would also expect that GemACH sic is not the only person paying very careful attention not only to how all of you are reacting here, but the reaction on my more than a dozen group chats-symposiums on facebook.
The one that concerns all those profiting the most from war on the poor is Name Someone Stupid [NSS] where GemACH sic has been awefully quiet since 16 November at 7:33 PM, following my last question to him which most all of the 250 membership would have seen, “Were you telling the truth when you said earlier, ‘… this is something you made up’?”.
In fact GemACH sic last spoke up on NSS, “I never wrote such a thing, this is something you made up” at 7:17 PM Calif. time on 16 November, just 16 minutes before.
He has been caught in his big lie which has been growing steadily over the years.
Again, each and every person on NSS understands perfectly the game GemACH sic has been playing.
Like during the height of The Inquisition which reached its peak with our Jewish Holocaust, the result of more enlightened Jewish people mastering technological advances in communications that like everything else were propelled by battlefield weapons technology, a double edged sword, us Jewish people had to watch our backs from traitors within our Jewish communities.
Nor were our most close-knit Jewish families immune from infiltration.
Air transportation allowed both my grandfathers to travel extensively throughout the globe, no doubt greatly helped by both being very successful food and other commodity merchants.
Our enemies, however, were simply focused on those most likely to turn; namely the jealous.
The natural order of things makes those ugly looking the easiest targets, followed by those most desperate who are only desperately poor because of the pecking order.
What can be worse than having an ugly looking family member getting their comeuppance having a sword over your head?
My father Bernie was an exceptionally good looking Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot during World War II with an astounding, miraculous 71 dive bombing missions over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, tucked under his belt.
Upon returning to South Africa on 23 April 1945, just 8 days after his 71st dive-bombing mission, he knew intuitively the Nazis had in fact won World War II, despite the Allies’ great success on the battlefield, including “Armed reconnaissance” on 19 March 1945,
in support of the Jewish Brigade’s first ground offensive, very possibly the one single action that convinced the most important Allied General, Jan Christiaan Smuts [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] known to his enemies “King of the Jews” to give us Jewish people a shot at delaying the FINAL SOLUTION to rid the world entirely of Jewish people.
Nor was my dad or my very attractive mom
with the closest ties to Ben Gurion going back 2 generations, starting with my maternal great grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] who was born in the same tiny village as Ben Gurion, Plonsk, White Russia-Poland, about to dampen my positive spirit that I was born with in abundance.
A positive spirit keeps firing up the common sense.
However, once reading Professor Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which details how virulent anti-Semite, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], who was born Jewish but converted to Christianity, same with his father, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer [1880-1957], along with his Israeli and European banks led by Barclays Bank had wiped out all their Israeli opposition in the late 70s, my father granted me permission to write his biography with the title, My Life as a World War 2 Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and the Aftermath of the Nazi Victory.
is where every Jewish person should be pointed towards in order to figure out what makes them tick.
Like the rest of the book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL is extremely well written, leaving nothing to interpretation.
Again, please ask your questions.
Obviously over the course of the past several days I have not been stuffing my face with cancer causing rotting animal carcass protein or for that matter growing a beard to hide behind.
The fact that I am the same weight as I was in my late teens also means I am no less light on my feet which goes a long way in wanting to live this life with the greatest enjoyment.
You can visit my 2facetruth.com BLOG to see that I have not been sitting idle; and may I suggest you jump right into, Everyone supports
an email broadcast I addressed last evening to Brooklyn, New York born GemACH sic and another Poverty of Thought driven Jewish South African Michael “Tordu” Awerbuch at 7:11 PM and then 29 odd minutes later, 7:40 PM, I followed up with Hollywood actor Matt Damon’s Los Angeles law firm, Splash Hollywood media.
Total opposite of freedom
which I first began broadcasting earlier yesterday, 5:01 PM, addressed to Academy of Ideas – info@academyofideas.com and President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, former head of Jewish Agency Israel aka Israel United Appeal -Iherzog@jafi.org – also does more than cover a lot of important ground as it puts in perspective how extraordinarily misguided has been the past several generations going back to 1934, the introduction of the insanely evil, totally illogical, morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index that has only been supplanted by Cryptos which takes the cake in terms of moral depravity without a morsel of solid reasoning; but don’t tell that to the grotesquely brainwashed masses.