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Tat Wolfen ~ future possible speech writer of President Trump

Tat Wolfen


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Musk is the only one who has made a dent in the system He scared them in their stagnant state They all say nothing is going to change, that the poor masses will stay numb and the rich will continue with the destruction of the land, raping Mother Earth.



what do u do?

Tat Wolfen


Multimedia communications; writing, photography, video. PR, marketing, etc.



Is Musk popular in SA?



Why is that question, which is of course subjective, but we each have opinions, so difficult to answer? Everyone especially in marketing has opinions otherwise what good are you to someone else; moreover Musk is not only South African but he is the biggest name in both innovation and automation and therefore he is spoken about a lot and that means you would have heard lots of different opinions about him, just like I have heard on my travels throughout the world as well as from what I pick up on social media where it is easier for people to be deceptive compared to meeting them in person when it is much harder to fake out the next person. I also know a little about marketing-PR in part because I ran the most successful publishing-marketing company in the US specializing in the insurance industry which is rather technical outside of the financing of insurance companies and for that matter all businesses, and I ran it successfully because I had a solid background in finance-economics-marketing to begin with and that had nothing to do with my university B.COMM degree from Natal U which you appear to have attended but it wasn’t clear to me what if any degree you obtained. So why can’t you give me your personal opinion on Musk and what you have picked up as the general attitude of South Africans towards him? Do you see a lot of Teslas on the road?

Tat Wolfen


I didn’t say I can’t give you my personal opinion. I just wasn’t sure what you meant, at first! Some people like him, some don’t. I guess, mainly the former. There are no Teslas in SA, to the best of my knowledge.


I didn’t know there are no teslas in SA. Why do you think that is? What are your personal thoughts about him and the rest of his family? Does he get much press coverage. Do you know who Solly Krok is? He is one of my several multi billionaire clients who I am in close contact with. You can see he is one of my fb friends. Are you Jewish? Do you have an optimistic view of SA and life in general? Where do you see things in SA getting the most improvement in the near future? Where do you see things getting worse? What did you think of Mandela? Just earlier I sent out an email to the Personal Assistant of Germany’s richest and most powerful man, Kurt Engelhorn whose one palace in northern Spain we stayed at for several days back in late June before returning to the US. If you send me your email I will forward it to you. I’m sure you will find it most interesting.
Tat Wolfen


I didn’t know there are no teslas in SA.
> Not that I know of…
Why do you think that is?

SA’s crap economy wouldn’t be able to support Tesla’s sales and support network.


What are your personal thoughts about him and the rest of his family?

I was never crazy about him, though I like his recent pronouncements against socialism and high Democrat taxes.


Does he get much press coverage.

I think so. Bear in mind that South Africans consume press from all over the world now, and we trust local media less and less.


Do you know who Solly Krok is? He is one of my several multi billionaire clients who I am in close contact with. You can see he is one of my fb friends.

Sure I know who the Kroks are! I also know that they’re hated by lefties. But that’s amazing! What do you do for him?


Are you Jewish?



Do you have an optimistic view of SA and life in general?

Not a damn!


Where do you see things in SA getting the most improvement in the near future?

No areas at all.


Where do you see things getting worse?

In all conceivable areas.


What did you think of Mandela?

There were good things about him, though he was far from a saint.


Just earlier I sent out an email to the Personal Assistant of Germany’s richest and most powerful man, Kurt Engelhorn whose one palace in northern Spain we stayed at for several days back in late June before returning to the US.

Who’s “we”? You and your wife?


If you send me your email I will forward it to you. I’m sure you will find it most interesting.


Do you live in the US now?



We is me my wife Marie Dion and our world traveler doggy Mango 🙂

Initially back in the latter part of 89 I did a review of all his international holdings and that led to a more intimate involvement in those investments, and that lasted about 18 months and then in 95 I restructured one of his investments Made In USA Inc which is a trade show company that I sold to SAITEX which was a great deal for Solly, pretty much the same with what I had previously done for him; not to mention had he taken my advice and gone to war with Philips NV -Dutch Royal Family he would be the richest Jewish person on the planet, if not the richest because we could then have swept the SA Oppenheimers in our path, but Solly didn’t have the stomach for it, and he chose to sweet talk them into a management buyout deal but we were only dealing directly with their top management who are just order takers.

Of course it wasn’t long before Solly regretted his actions and many years later in 2005 after he and I hadn’t communicated in a decade and I called him up to tell him about a book, The Diamond Invention, upon just hearing my voice he cut me short, “Gevisser I should have listened to you!” which was not entirely correct because his wife Rita also told him to listen to what I had to say and to take my advice, so maybe technically it was me he should have listened to, but when you have your lifetime and most trusted wife saying to you to take the advice of your most trusted advisor who had never steered you wrong, then of course you have to feel totally stupid especially when the only downside was death and upside is that in a very short period you could be the richest and most powerful person on the planet.

Nor do I think the chances were high that we would have got bumped off given how well I had lined up our ducks.

But for sure we are both alive and happy. I also know I wouldn’t trade places with anyone in the world including Musk.

What exactly don’t you like about him?

How old are you? Married, kids?

Did you get a university degree?

Who are your clients?



And yes I have lived in the US since March 1978.


I just forwarded you a thread, “Principal Benefactor – Human circus – Each successive generation is that much more degenerate.



I notice you have gone from very strong opinions to total silence. How old are you? Did any of your parents and/or grandparents participate in WW2 and/or Israel’s War of Independence? A great thing about Facebook is that Zuckerberg provides real time feedback on all those participating, and more detailed than Twitter. Did you pick up that long before I started my consulting practice where Solly Krok was not my first client because that was Terry Rosenberg but technically Multi billionaire Jonathan Beare who thought he was a “self made billionaire” thanks to his very quick billion US Dollar payday in Amsterdam real estate and that falsehood came to his attention only when Beare and I met for the last time in Beverly Hills on January 13, 2005, 11 odd years to the day before I met with my amazing British-English mother Zena at her second residence in Netanya Israel after a physical separation of 14 years which began soon after an “Act of God” caused my mother to lose her composure when responding to her second husband South African Clothing Industries (SACI) superstar Alan Zulman who was bewildered when overhearing my mother make positive comments about South African Indian Fatima Meer, and within hours I trekked through heavy rain and mud fields in the countryside of southwest England and bought my mother a beachfront “safe house” located in Minehead, Somerset, a distance by car of 17 miles, but less obviously as the “crow flies” and I did it in well under 6 hours which is about what it would take you now sticking to regular side roads, and I left Wiveliscombe as it was already starting to get dark and it was pitch black when I arrived at the Seacrest Property, knocked on the living room window which I could barely reach with my arm extended but knowing the property was for sale and I could see the owners – see Valerie Heck one of my fb friends – conversing in their living room, but no FOR SALE sign that they had taken down that very day, and I agreed to pay their asking price less the commission they would have paid a broker whose listing had expired the day before, without even knowing that the 3 bedroom house in “Nick condition” had a fully functioning restaurant with a great, large commercial kitchen which I only found out the following day when returning to check out what I had bought on a handshake. Now about to Tweet Musk. Is there any message you would like for me to convey to him?

Tat Wolfen


Hi, Gary, I haven’t “gone silent” – it’s just that you hit me with so many questions out of the blue, and I’m struggling to survive in this racist shithole…


I understand, but I didn’t think my questions such as your age were difficult to answer. When you say “racist”, you mean racist against the whites?
Tat Wolfen


Yes, of course, racist against whites!


I don’t only mean “questions” in the literal sense, but the many issues which you open up, all of which require a whole lot of attention! 🙂
I’m in my late fifties – happy? 😀
Is Alan Zulman still alive? We’ve come across him in our lives…



AZ died on August 6 2016 In what way did he enter your lives? What are the issues I raise that require a whole of attention? Your happy? Doesn’t say much Did you earn a university degree, married, children? Did you go to the army and did you see stuff that you would prefer to forget? What do you think of Schneerson and ChaBAD? What did you think of Mandela and the Oppenheimers? What did your dad and grandparents do during the war?
Tat Wolfen









That was a lot of time spent talking but saying little It was though interesting to hear your voice and intonations You said nothing about the Oppenheimers? You said nothing about the issues I raised or the email I forwarded you, not even to articulate them but clearly they aroused you to say they require a lot of attention. I also see that you write a lot on your Facebook??? Do you can write. Not an “interrogation “ but there are a lot of flakey people who have strong opinions that get shared with others and just talk can influence people. So when I hear someone voicing such negative opinions about the politics of a country and calling the country a shithole I’m interested in what makes them tick. What school did you got to? What sort of clients do you have? Did you read The Diamond Invention book? What businesses are your family in here in the States? Have you had any interactions with Jonathan Beare. That black lesbian bit was rather strange. Are you homosexual or homophobic? Have you heard of my writer cousin Mark Gevisser? Please type because it is much faster for me to read than listen to endless talk where you repeat a lot. Do you have memory problems? Did you see stuff in the Navy that you would prefer to forget? What do you think of this article below:


Have you started reading The D I book?


How did you get started in the marketing consulting business with no formal schooling?


For example why would someone like Solly Krok hire you?


Are you aware that you asked me about AZ but you obviously knew little about him? Is there anyone of prominence you know a lot about?


Is there anyone of prominence that you like?


If you came to the States, what would you do?


It occurs to me, and of course I could be wrong, that in all your political speeches you have never included the Oppenheimers? Could that be what most troubles you at the present time, which as you not only avoiding but sounding very defensive, accusing me of “interrogating”? Have you ever come across when someone has done wrong they go on the attack?
Tat Wolfen




The knowledge that I have shared with you here as well as what I forwarded you via email is significantly more than if you had spent your entire life at the best universities in the world, and yet you are all mum and talk in circles. I see you have just sent me another speech, all of 26 seconds. I will now listen to it Remember though you were bitching about Facebook recording but you don’t use that tool when typing your long speeches on your Facebook wall. Do you think there is a better way to research people before you hire them than going through a headhunting service?


Yes I am accusing you of talking too much and saying nothing because that was the sum total of your last 26 second speech Remember your vitriol on public Facebook attacking the “black racist… shithole” isVERY AGGRESSIVE and you know words influence people and your goal is to influence people, so stop playing stupid even if you think it will entertain someone like Solly Krok. I will run it by him. Would you be interested in his feedback?


How did you do with the Schneerson interview?


Could you see someone like Harry Oppenheimer wanting to hire you?
Tat Wolfen


As I remember, I was stressing the questions you were firing at me.
Tat Wolfen
Tat Wolfen replied to you


Could you see someone like Harry Oppenheimer wanting to hire you?
If he met me and knew me; yes.


What questions? Why are you so inarticulate with me but so hateful to black South Africans who you help keep suppressed?
Tat Wolfen
Tat Wolfen replied to you


Yes I am accusing you of talking too much and saying nothing because that was the sum total of your last 26 second speech

Remember your vitriol on public Facebook attacking the “black racist… shithole” isVERY AGGRESSIVE and you know words influence people and your goal is to influence people, so stop playing stupid even if you think it will entertain someone like Solly Krok.

I will run it by him. Would you be interested in his feedback?

What would the point be in that? My Facebook wall isn’t the same as my PR work. The point isn’t to “influence” anyone, but merely unload my frustration.


My dream would be to be in Trump’s comms team.


Since you answer about Harry Oppenheimer and I disagree strongly with your assertion based on how you go around in circles, he wouldn’t have hired you even as an informer, unless when you were younger and you could put on a better show, but without a university degree you would have been a non-starter. So what have you previously said in all your speeches about the Oppenheimers?


What do you stand to gain by writing so much on your fb wall? Point me to your PR work


What is “comms”?
Tat Wolfen


I don’t have much to say about the Oppenheimers, and university degrees mean little to me. I’ve had folks with university degrees work under me, and I wouldn’t entrust then with writing an invitation for my kid’s birthday party.








Can you stop writing and talking for 60 seconds?
Tat Wolfen


I don’t write ‘speeches”, much as would like to write Trump’s.


What do you have to say about the Oppenheimers?


Do you think the Oppenheimers are Jewish?
Tat Wolfen
Tat Wolfen replied to you


Can you stop writing and talking for 60 seconds?
I could say the same about you. You’ve been firing stuff at me non-stop! Scroll up and see.


You couldn’t say the same thing about me unless you were lying.


Anyone who does as much public speaking about the ills of South Africa but doesn’t have much to say about the Oppenheimers is a moron or bought, and still they are a moron.


You have yet to name me one prominent client and yet you think you are qualified to be Trump’s speech writer?


Again, What do you have to say about the Oppenheimers?


Yes, I’m going to stick to the Oppenheimers because when it comes to the politics-economics of the South Africa and the world since the turn of the last century, they are the most prominent and why I made the logical decision to join them.


What I can also tell you is that I have had more than a dozen multi billionaire clients; moreover my father’s first cousin David Gevisser the “male heir” of American Charles Engelhard Jr who again at the time of his death on March 2, 1971 was the richest and most powerful person on the planet, and each of them if they were having breakfast, lunch and dinner and were aware of this conversation I’m having with you, would stop eating.


What do you think they would do once they put their knife and fork down?


Would you like for me to try and arrange a meeting between you and Solly Krok?


Again, what do you have to say about the Oppenheimers? Is what beats up your mind now the fact that you never gave it a moments thought previously that the Oppenheimers back all political parties where there are mineral resources to be had or strife to incite?


I’m going to wait about an hour for your response and then I will call Solly Krok and also forward him our communications.


You have been quiet for more than 30 minutes, not even an abysmal voice recording. When you can get a white Jewish racist South African to finally go quiet after they tell you that they use Facebook to vent their frustration which arises because they are so ignorant, then there is great reason for optimism in South Africa as well as the rest of the world.


The fact that the majority of the world’s population are ignorant and have bought into the bullshit political propaganda doesn’t mean they can’t learn from the great embarrassment you now feel because of cause they can learn and nor can you argue with the truth that you are most ignorant and most talkative. It is even possible that you might be able to control your ego and admit it prevented you from following logic and seeing the pivotal role of the Oppenheimers in all the problems of the world starting with overpopulation and building weapon systems and destroying the soil and the air we breath. But I’m not counting on it. It is just a question of time before the first person in your inner circle reads all the game playing you engaged to try and distract me, and you also know that they would be foolish to bring it to your attention unless they were just wanting to goad you. The human is not nice, but the few exceptions are all we need. I take it that your dislike of Musk is entirely jealousy?
Tat Wolfen


Why do you make these bizarre assumptions? Why would you assume my motive to be jealousy? I’m not a socialist.


What do have to say about the South African Oppenheimers? Do you think it makes a difference to them whether a politician or would be politician or member of the media or someone like yourself venting your frustrations on social media is a capitalist, socialist or communist or a mixture of all 3?
Tat Wolfen


Did I say that it does??? Or that I care? Or that I know anything about them?

Tat Wolfen


Gary, I don’t appreciate it when you humiliate me on my wall (as in “go cap in hand to your relatives”), or invite (or try to humiliate) your friends on my wall. It’s really overstepping the bounds of privacy.

Tat Wolfen


I can’t believe the offensive stuff you’ve been posting on my wall. Have you no respect for others? It’s all about you, apparently, and your world view. My friends are all messaging me, asking me where you came from, and how I can let you talk to me like this.


You protest too much. You have been “baiting” the “lefties” to take you seriously and the best you can come up with is support from a Franette Blom who is so patronizing towards you; and of course it may have taken longer for you to realize it. Did you receive a backup before you blocked me from posting up more? Can that really get out of your head, how childish you are? Are you interested in her? I have already begun letting her know how I feel about her, and why shouldn’t the world know as you now attempt your best to play down the power and influence of the Oppenheimer family. You really should have paid more attention to what our mutual friend Raphael Wyngarten had to say about both you and me. Try imbedding into your brain, his words: It is said ” when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” I am ready


You are now going to have to wait a little longer as I rebroadcast the postings on your Facebook wall, to hear about my 33 minute conversation with Solly Krok; bearing in mind what an actor you are, “…Im shaking my head…”


Correction of spelling: Raphael Wyngaardt


Remember, there is no privacy when it comes to the SA Oppenheimers and their informer network. Nor does it mean for those who previously weren’t informers that they couldn’t be bought or look to offer their informer services to the the SA Oppenheimers-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays Bank-INVESTEC-IG Farben. So don’t try the “privacy” bullshit even if you mastered sneakiness while serving in the Apartheid Regime’s Navy.


I find it most offensive and so would any reasonable person that you attack black South Africans all the while what did you do to protest the abuse of the majority black South African population during the 46 year Apartheid Regime rule?


A hypocrite feels so sick inside that they can barely speak until it becomes their first nature.


You and my fat cousin Mark Gevisser would probably get along great if you could stand the sight of one another.


Let’s look at your ugliness on Facebook: Tat Wolfen Yesterday at 8:59 AM · Dear lefty friends that are left on my Facebook list: Last night, some lefty thug walked up to a police patrol car in LA and shot two police officers, who, when last I heard, were in critical condition. One of the officers, a woman, has a six year-old boy. Both the officers, deputies, where shot in cold blood, without provocation….


You sound so fricken smug; like you are some teacher of ethics and business.


Again, how would you present yourself in writing to someone like Solly Krok?


Our mutual friends are quiet. Caroline Hurry 26 mutual friends Friends Des Lindberg 14 mutual friends Friends Guillaume Earle 9 mutual friends Friends Melanie Walker 32 mutual friends Friends Mike Jankelowitz 44 mutual friends Friends Rahla Xenopoulos 64 mutual friends Friends Raphael Wyngaardt 5 mutual friends Friends Wilma Robins 6 mutual friends


That does not mean that in the event they were to give you “lip service” that you could trust them. If they said, this Raphael Wyngaardt said everything that we felt but we simply didn’t have the courage to write it, then they wouldn’t be paying you “lip service”.


Would you know if any of your wrong words about the “lefties” have resulted in the deaths of innocent black African lives?


Do you not have a bad conscience for having so misled your flock, or is your only concern is to make yourself out to be some tough intellectual?


Do you really think with your, “I’m shaking my head here, Franette…” that you convinced anyone other than idiots looking for consolation? How could you have missed the Oppenheimers in all your bullshit? When you wrote about how Harry Oppenheimer would have been so quick to hire you once he met you, and you were so charming and witting and so incredibly knowledgeable about history and economics blah blah, did your mind escape the detail of the Oppenheimers’ Nazi past?


You are Jewish South Africa, what’s wrong with you? Just because most Jewish South Africans are as stupid as you doesn’t make them bright or trustworthy.


Your words, “Did I say that it does??? Or that I care? Or that I know anything about them?” make no sense, and of course you know it. You just wanting a lead in to the garbage you planned to throw out of your rear end: “Gary, I don’t appreciate it when you humiliate me on my wall (as in “go cap in hand to your relatives”), or invite (or try to humiliate) your friends on my wall. It’s really overstepping the bounds of privacy.” How about your lack of decency towards all those whites you have incited to violence while hardening the hearts of the black South African majority who have been fooled by their puppet leadership?


I sent the following to all 8 mutual friends: Did you see my writings on Tat Wolfen’s wall before he took them down after he protested too much, “I’m shaking my head here, Franette…”? You may have picked up that Im writing a book in real time that picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet leaves off, while filling in the critical gaps. Tat Wolfen knows he has done a very bad thing feigning his ignorance. If you would like to the see backup I made prior to Wolfen’s censorship which should remind you of the Apartheid Regime, send me your email and I will add you to my email list which is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.

[Tat Wolfen then blocked me on Facebook messaging]
