Tefo Mohapi
From: Gary S Gevisser
Date: September 8, 2011 12:08:22 PM PDT
To: “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.”
Cc: rest; Tefo
Subject: Legal protection money – Fwd: Ride my coattails – Re: You can do better – Re: Scorched Earth Policy
Note how this is the second time Tefo Mohapi, who you know is a good decade and half younger than you now in your mid-40s, has replied twice to the same email using the exact same words.
You also know that Tefo who is Black South African was not only more articulate than anyone you know with a law degree including your father as well as anyone you have ever worked with including yourself, but his analysis of political-economic events over the course of the past century was more insightful than anything you ever read in all your formal schooling, apart from my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.
You haven’t forgotten also that Tefo is a Black South Africa whose mother Joyce was terrorized by the US State Department-CIA’s South African Apartheid Regime when she spent a night in a South African jail during the 1976 Soweto Riots before De Beers-US Government singled her out for preferential treatment when awarding her a De Beers scholarship which you recall they also handed to Bill Clinton which had him venturing over to England.
You know because of how glued you are to your handheld communicating device that Monica Lewinsky is back in the news. Would you agree that her fat diseased TALKATIVE cells have not served her well as she has aged horribly?
Think about finding a way to share this with Monica without forgetting that Tefo’s repetitiveness was the result of seeing his name in the cc section of what I sent you earlier from the iphone:
Note how this is the second time Tefo Mohapi, who you know is a good decade and half younger than you now in your mid-40s, has replied twice to the same email using the exact same words.
You also know that Tefo who is Black South African was not only more articulate than anyone you know with a law degree including your father as well as anyone you have ever worked with including yourself, but his analysis of political-economic events over the course of the past century was more insightful than anything you ever read in all your formal schooling, apart from my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.
You haven’t forgotten also that Tefo is a Black South Africa whose mother Joyce was terrorized by the US State Department-CIA’s South African Apartheid Regime when she spent a night in a South African jail during the 1976 Soweto Riots before De Beers-US Government singled her out for preferential treatment when awarding her a De Beers scholarship which you recall they also handed to Bill Clinton which had him venturing over to England.
You know because of how glued you are to your handheld communicating device that Monica Lewinsky is back in the news. Would you agree that her fat diseased TALKATIVE cells have not served her well as she has aged horribly?
Think about finding a way to share this with Monica without forgetting that Tefo’s repetitiveness was the result of seeing his name in the cc section of what I sent you earlier from the iphone:
From: Gg
Date: September 8, 2011 8:22:39 AM PDT
To: “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.”
Cc: rest; Tefo
Subject: Fwd: Ride my coattails – Re: You can do better – Re: Scorched Earth Policy
Remind Tefo why he went silent
If you cannot remember exactly when Google search
Ps – Let’s assume Marie and I as well as every human being currently alive has forgotten including you that you didn’t answer my question the other day about what next interview you were talking about after you had visited the space museum and you also said I should consult with Marie who also reacted yesterday when we rode by a billboard advertising the big gunshow next month here in san Diego that you wouldn’t be visiting with us again, do you think God has forgotten and what punishment, assuming there is God, do you think will be fitting?
Now let’s leave God out of everything because we know the moment the human forgets why there is the poor they begin to suffer horribly and the first impact is on their brain when they think it is only them who has shame and everyone else is shameless, when you look at the 10 year chart for the trading of gold what date sticks out most in your mind?
When will you discuss with everyone you know starting with close family and friends December 31, 2002?
Do you feel like I’m spoon feeding you too much?
How long do you and Tefo plan to play ostrich?
Never forget the old money rich who orchestrated the new rich which allows those richer never to do anything more than what they want which allows them to easily forget that there is no cost to stealing the mineral rights such as water if you and your government which is you, don’t get caught, this scam remains a scam even if all the hard workers become middle class and all poverty gets wiped out thanks to advances in technology.
You can see a perfect world in your imagination but how do you erase from your minds not liking yourselves and knowing others you rely on, once they know as much as you, won’t have any shame in taking advantage of you and there remains the chance that God will have his own plans.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: G00G0L PL3X
Date: September 7, 2011 12:17:16 PM PDT
To: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: Re: Ride my coattails – Re: You can do better – Re: Scorched Earth Policy
Whether you believe or not is your choice and none of my business. I choose when to respond, and this, is my last email for a few more years.
On Wednesday, September 7, 2011,
Gary S Gevisser
> I do not believe you…—…
I would like you to research with your top brass US military friends including that Black American Rear Admiral, what valuables are contained in the ejection seats of American fighter and fighter bomber jets. Pay attention to who may have given the order to change the package in May 1991 right after the main fighting in the first Gulf War ended.
Next research the American Enterprise Institute where your father’s longtime employer, drug pusher Bristol Meyers was one of the founders back in 1938, well before the death factories of Germany-Poland were built.
Please assist me in the survey to find out if non-lawyers think people like your father who have to pay legal malpractice protection money; i.e. insurance, have a fiduciary responsibility both to their clients as well as the citizens of the United States for those lawyers as well as non-lawyers who are our lawmakers, to disclose that De Beers’ Lloyds of London Insurance have singled out American citizens, when deciding 2 decades ago to no longer allow American citizens to be investors of Lloyds, and this action, which to the best of my knowledge does not affect any other citizenry, has been sanctioned by the Securities Exchange Commission who continue to allow Lloyds not only to sell protection money insurance to American citizens and American corporations, but Lloyds because of their extraordinary access to unlimited amounts of untraceable diamond currency that costs them nothing since all their mineral rights were stolen by their parent corporation De Beers, sets the price of all protection monies.
You haven’t forgotten that while most 15 year olds when meeting in 1972 with people like David Ben Gurion wouldn’t have even known how to begin making intelligent conversation, you would know that in the intervening years between 1972 and 1995 when I was 38 and spending an entire day with my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser in Johannesburg, South Africa I knew I could make interesting enough conversation with David Gevisser to extend our morning meeting to an all day event without my father’s first cousin feeling the need to to remind me that he hadn’t forgotten not only that he Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa between 1970 and 1973 while overseeing the selling off of American-German Engelhard’s South African assets to De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC], but how easy it was for him and his emissaries to convince both President Nixon and the US Congress to go off the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971 and to keep rewarding Engelhard and their sister corporation DAAC.
You know that Tefo follows all of this perfectly including the timing of the decision by De Beers to summon Putin to Johannesburg in September 2006 as Nicholas Oppenheimer made it very clear that De Beers still had the backing of America’s big gun, and if Putin wanted to be the top dog he would have to show De Beers what he was made of.
Do you know if Dick Cheney or Obama got briefed on why KGB agent Litvivenko was disposed of brutally?
Please tell me what you found so fascinating at the Space Museum? Did you meet any space cadets?
Now write down everything you knew at 15 and whether you feel dumber or smarter at this very moment.
Come to think of it, if I am around I will visit with you at the big gun show in San Diego at the beginning of next month where along with the Gold Inventory Petition I will be handing out this email but with a lot more names in the carbon copy section.
[Word count 1600]
Begin forwarded message:
From: G00G0L PL3X
Date: September 8, 2011 10:17:17 AM PDT
To: Gary S Gevisser
Subject: Re: Ride my coattails – Re: You can do better – Re: Scorched Earth Policy
Whether you believe or not is your choice and none of my business. I choose when to respond, and this, is my last email for a few more years.
On Wednesday, September 7, 2011, Gary S Gevisser
I do not believe you.
You do not explain what you are doing.
Your title was violence and then you carefully threw in all your bs wordiness, “it’s either we all drive Rolls Royces / Maybach’s etc. or no one does.”
I explained more than 6 years ago that not only are you supposed to have majority rule in South Africa but you have the legal authority to rescind all of De Beers-Anglo American Corporations’s mineral drilling rights which makes all their future contracts null and void; but instead you focus on expensive motorcars all the while promoting the money whose value is determined by the price De Beers place on their diamond tipped drilling bits and gem quality diamonds that the US Government supports while telling its citizens and the citizens of the world that the US Justice Department does not have legal jurisdiction over De Beers because it is a foreign corporation.
Remember I know you are much brighter than those who can’t read like Mark Edge and equally moronic liberal elitists like Nitza Lite who are of course very very very quiet right now but that doesn’t mean they have lost their fangs or the venom that God so ingeniously has those corrupt eating themselves alive as they age so horrifically.
What is the difference between you and Devin Standard who is not only now gone very quiet and knows that his only move besides for inciting violence as he sells guns and armor and camouflages it by using his gift of the gab to speak with Tea Party idiots that much bigger gun runners cannot get enough of?
You of course know that I am much smarter than Devin and his big lawyer father and the proof is that I have survived this long, plus I still have Mango and Marie right at my side, and the sound of the surf and the sun blasting into the cliff house only has me thinking of the genius of One God.
You have been watching my writings like a hawk, no different to all the corrupt who serve the same equal purpose of the good, and until you have done good consistently you wouldn’t know the benefits.
Now you are seeing that I might have something on De Beers and their increasing hold on the US Government that will knock the socks right off you, and while hedging your bets you decided to make contact with me again in the hope that you too could ride my coattails once I am dead.
I have news for you. God is not as stupid as you all think.
On Sep 7, 2011, at 7:00 AM, G00G0L PL3X wrote:
Violence? Never!
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 6:47 AM, Gary S Gevisser
Tefo, why didn’t you sign your name and what a violent title, “Scorched Earth Policy”? The next thing is that you are going to be looking to buy guns from someone like Devin Standard. Violence plays right into their hands. Why don’t you be the first to sign the Gold Inventory Petition and share my writings and conduct Educational Light Journey-One Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops? God gave you a great brain, use it for good that is everlasting.
You surely didn’t think I needed an education of what’s going on and why people like you are being driven to violence.
It’s been what, 3 years since I last heard from you? Why now? Did my last broadcast Why De Beers-US Government are nervous, remind you of your fast and loose play?
Are you afraid of the bombshell I am about to drop that will make the US Government auction where Ed Bertolas bought his De Beers diamonds look like child’s play?
You dont even mention De Beers summoning Putin to South Africa in September 2006. Americans take much longer to react, but that photo of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer had to have sent a chill up your spine.
Don’t tell me that all the wine has you already forgetting t
he hero Steve Biko who stood no chance for he simply lacked the education that I couldn’t teach him when I tutored at the University of Natal-Kwazulu because you can see from this $4 million DEATH PENALTY sentence and the silence of everyone who considers themselves both better than the rest and evolved that I wouldn’t have lasted very long; but then again the human was much more evolved back in 1977.. Who do you now blame for his murder?
Could it be your mother’s De Beers-Rhodes scholarship has got to you?
De Beers would see you as the perfect target to incite violence.
Ps – When my friend Tony Leon joined the ANC so that he could live like a king in Argentina that is when you should have placed my INFORMERS WANTED AD and of course made the necessary edits.
Devin Standard says I need to come up with a 10 second elevator ride to explain it all. Go for it.
On Sep 7, 2011, at 5:34 AM, G00G0L PL3X wrote:
Shall we start with the formalities or skip right ahead…
It’s very simple what’s happening in the world and in south Africa right now, you mess with people’s basic needs and they are ready to die to defend them except for the Libyan situation…”The West” used the North African momentum to justify invasion of Libya. I dont need to go into detail but am certain you do know apart from Libya’s “army” (read – gaddafi’s personal army of bodyguards) and apart from the single political party that Gaddafi leads there are NO organised opposition parties nor armies / rebels. It’s all “The West” under pretence of civilian protection – yet they are killing more civilians.
Back to the subject, its very simple, it’s either we all drive Rolls Royces / Maybach’s etc. or no one does. What makes Obama, Zuma, Cameron, Merckel et al special when we are all humans and in the case of South Africa, when we, parents, grandparents fought side by side. It’s not a monarchy!
That’s all from me for the next couple of years.
The Revolution hasnt started, it’s still coming.
A Luta Economica Continua!