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Tell it the way it is

Gary Gevisser

They say Musk is arrogant when he tells it the way it is.
You named the group Tell it the way it is.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

Testing 1 2 3, can you hear me in the back?
You added Gisela Gala to the group.
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You added Dani Gal to the group.
You added Riaan Reyneke to the group.
You added Shawn Hesselberg to the group.
You added Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Steven Bailey to the group.
You added April Gottlieb to the group.
You added Mark Kromer to the group.
You added Nina Senčar to the group.
You added Jeremy Perling to the group.
You added Neal H. Hurwitz to the group.
You added Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen to the group.
You added Micha-el Frame to the group.
You added Lee-Anne Dalley to the group.
You added Clifford Benn to the group.
You added Trevor Goldberg to the group.
You added James M. Kauffman to the group.
Gary Gevisser

A contact left the group.

Gary Gevisser

Stefan Bumbaru left the group

Shawn Hesselberg left the group.

Gary Gevisser

Shawn Hesselberg left the conversation.

Seen by James M. Kauffman at March 21, 2020 at 8:31 AMSeen by Micha-el Frame at March 26, 2020 at 7:49 AMSeen by Riaan Reyneke at March 26, 2020 at 10:48 PM

Dani Gal
Dani Gal

Jonathan Papin left the group.

Gary Gevisser

Jonathan Papin left the group.

Seen by Jeremy Perling at September 21, 2020 at 10:52 AM

Gary Gevisser

You unsent a message

Mark Kromer left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Mark Kromer left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Again, they say Musk is arrogant when he tells it the way it is.

Healthy food may not yet be his priority as it is with others but there is always greater positive against a well-heeled opposition who don’t want an intelligent population but rather order takers who are soon to be replaced by robots, which is not a bad thing once your brain muscle 🧠 has atrophied sufficiently.

No one likes to think of themselves as stupid and no one really thinks I am stupid just because I happen to know so much about the people who since the turn of the last century have controlled both the resources and education system worldwide while the small South African Oppenheimer family have nurtured civil unrest by simply backing the most tyrannical of the tyrants who are those with the biggest egos.

Gary Gevisser

Musk has been put on the spot by a proponent of eating fat and meat and the outrage is that no vegan doctors, nobody is outraged about these off the wall diets.

That’s the outrage!

Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@kelvynbettridge @elonmusk @DeborahPatteri @TENETFilm @Grimezsz No vegan doctors, nobody outraged about these off the wall diets. That’s the outrage!”
Gary Gevisser

The focus of course is the money and how much of it you can grab while you are still younger and healthy. The spirituality side is really only to make out to others that there is more to you than money in the hope that this “intellectual side” will get you laid by someone rich and if and when they find out what you are all about and it bothers them, then getting a divorce is a simple solution and you now have something more to talk about with your next conquest.
Gary Gevisser

We all know that Mark Kromer most likely remains online along with the rest of you who are not exactly certain what the outcome is going to be of getting more people, especially those more familiar with TESLA-Musk, aware of the power of the single most powerful and richest monopoly on the planet, the Christian South African Oppenheimer family who count on weak ego, small knowledge, treacherous people like my fb friend

to pull out all stops to distract.

Gary Gevisser

You know you can also take my word for it that I can see when cutting these writings and pasting them into my fb messaging dialogue with Mark Kromer that he is following along in real time. So you have to ask yourselves what game are people like Kromer and Bailey playing with their increasingly confused minds. Imagine yourself like Bailey and the rest of you quiet were I to start removing you from this group chat, please will someone describe that feeling knowing that most of the world do not yet know what has you most bothered apart from how little you know about money and you want to keep this knowledge from reaching everyone.
Gary Gevisser

You would hope that everyone else who gets the information will behave selfishly the same; but that is not logical because by the time we reach the very last impoverished human, that individual will know that they have been short-changed; and it may happen sooner. As you examine the writings of my detractors such as Steven Bailey and Torah Gemach
You added Torah Gemach to the group.
You added Solly Krok to the group.
Gary Gevisser

I just added Torah Gemach who is like most all of you never far away from his handheld 24/7.

Ultra orthodox Jewish ChaBAD sic member Torah Gemach also last wrote to me that he remembers saying nothing about my former client, Jewish South African multi-billionaire

who I added right after, and Solly is expecting me to call him any minute now, but I want to bring

who is a rather modest man but hearing stuff out of Gemach’s mouth that must have Solly Krok wanting to vomit.

Gary Gevisser

The small players are as important as the big players since we are all connected and no one knowing for certain how we all got here and if there is any other purpose than existing the happiest we can be without running into people like


, two peas in pod, the same with no less talkative Frenchman, Jean Figadere.

You added Figadere Jean to the group.
Gary Gevisser


without yet removing anyone.

Gary Gevisser

Let me quickly bring Mark Kromer up to speed. In the meantime the rest of you should feel free to talk to one another because you know how uncomfortable it is to be seated at a table with a bunch of people, especially those you think you know well and there is this silent wall. You could go mad in the very next instant. You know it is the money that has you so closely bound and yet you didn’t have the first fucking clue of how it all worked.
Gary Gevisser

Most all of you have been selling all your lives, the same with your parents, grandparents and great grandparents, and you have been aware that you are manipulating the buyer when not telling them everything you know about your service and/or product.
Gary Gevisser

That is not only horribly horrific but what can be worse than finding out late in life and you can feel that you have less energy than in your prime that this one small South African Oppenheimer have been manipulating you and several generations before you became one of their witting or unwitting shills?
Gary Gevisser

Remember we are talking about the item you most care about. The money. How many times have you repeated to others, “It always comes down to the money””?
Gary Gevisser

You feel like the biggest fool and you don’t know who to talk to, so you stay on my group chats as long as possible all the while before you leave and after you leave you feel financially richer because you haven’t had to pay me as you would a psychologist. What else could explain your abysmal behavior? Entertainment is fun. This is the exact opposite. A horror movies ends and you leave to enjoy a sundae. Some of you might even stop visiting churches just to see the opulence created by the slaves because it might have you thinking you are being watched no different to going to the toilet and thinking about the meat products including liquified meat; i.e. milk and cheese that will never be eliminated as they are programmed to slow you down which all cancer patients would have no difficulty agreeing with.
Gary Gevisser

So how is everyone doing?

Should we invite more guests who might be more into health, and they don’t include

who is still hooked on his ham?

Gary Gevisser

So it is not only

who I am bringing up to speed.

I don’t hear anyone choking or shrieking out a nervous laugh once I finished asking, “… how is everyone doing?”

You added Claire Berlinski and Jenny Feinstein to the group.
You added Mark Kromer to the group.
You added Penny Rey and Issy Fisher to the group.
You added Teri Lawton and Maxie Pohl to the group.
You added Lori Nichols and Ivan Oshry to the group.
You added Olga Zabludoff and Yaron Frame to the group.
You added Patrick N. Mcguire and Sean Ferrari to the group.
You added Anthony Maister and Dennis Mulligan to the group.
You added Robert Lobel and Gary Fisher to the group.
You added Warfield Fine Art to the group.
You added David Azzini and Colin Goldman to the group.
You added Jacquelyn Berry and Anna Zaikin to the group.
You added David Schmahmann and Adele Abramson to the group.
You added Jon Shenk and Lance Levin to the group.
You added Gary Levinsohn and Norm Zwail to the group.
You added Mark Gevisser and David Levy to the group.
You added Jeffrey Robert Krinsk and Marcy Campbell Krinsk to the group.
You added Daniel Ammann to the group.
Gary Gevisser

The biggest sales people are Wall Street which is the entire financial services sector of the economy.
Gary Gevisser


at the bottom of the list of Wall Street-Hollywood players like my cousin Gary Levinsohn who co-produced with sellout Steven Spielberg the 1988 blockbuster movie Saving Private Ryan, the year after our mutual cousin, my classmate Sandy Jacobson (1957-1997) was tortured to death by fellow members of Nelson Mandela’s Umkhonto, the armed wing of the African National Congress.

Not to mention, the only time puppet Mandela didn’t take orders from racist, anti-Semite Harry Oppenheimer was when nature called which didn’t mean Mandela’s every move was watched which is what you would expect from the most criminal organization in the history of mankind, the oxymoron of all time.

Gary Gevisser

Who amongst you are not sickened by the photo above of stooge Mandela and his handlers Harry Oppenheimer and his only son Nicholas on the far right?

Gary Gevisser

Who thinks President Putin when meeting in Cape Town South Africa with Nick Oppenheimer on September 5, 2006, that Putin was unaware that in April 2006, Mandela was put on the payroll of the Oppenheimers-De Beers to buttress any opposition to the Oppenheimers’ blockbuster movie Blood Diamonds starring environmentalist Leonardo Di Capri?
Gary Gevisser

I still haven’t heard from the treacherous how each of you is doing.
Gary Gevisser

Note that

is sticking along, the same with my other cousin self-proclaimed fat

who is so quiet about the brutal assassination of Sandy Jacobson or how uncomfortable it should feel to see Nick Oppenheimer seated across from Putin who sent future puppet President Obama a very clear message when authorizing the Kremlin to release the photo of himself with Oppenheimer on 3 October 2008, the month before Oppenheimer stooge, ONLY HALF BLACK Obama became President elect.

Gary Gevisser

Does it make a difference if provider of gardening services

feels as wretched about his impoverished thinking which didn’t prevent him from sperming a bunch of children and thinking that the moment they were born into this manmade hellhole that he would get enlightened as to how best to raise his defenseless children as say someone with a bunch of Wall Street money thinking they have to be the most bright because they have tons of money that everyone wants?

Gary Gevisser

Your focus has been to catch me.

That is natural for someone who is all about the money and only talks morals to appear as godly as the manipulated money.
Gary Gevisser

Let’s assume that none of you including

are of no more than average intelligence and you all know that you perfectly understand me as well as your wretched poverty of thought, then it is safe to assume that Elon Musk will understand it all perfectly including the bullet proof business model which will speed up the end to the destruction of the planet that each of you either wittingly or unwittingly have contributed to.

Gary Gevisser

Correction: Saving Private Ryan 1998

Correction: … which didn’t mean Mandela’s every move was NOT watched…

Gary Gevisser

They don’t want to see the religious as corrupt.its the last hope for good in this world.

The Jewish rabbis just cheat on their wives. The priests rape little boys and everyone is shocked on the moment and then they go back to believing the religious are mostly good,

Then why are the religious so stupid? Why with all their praying and adherence to ritual, my God for a Jew to gout without their head covered it is like forced to eat ham rather than the tongue of a cow,

If you can’t get the common sense in eating healthy how can one talk logic to imbeciles who are the animal they most like to eat just so long as they say a prayer before the rotting animal carcass passes through its lips and prayers right after before heading to the head,
David Azzini left the group.
Gary Gevisser

David Azzini left
Gary Gevisser

, when you look at my lunch plate above and you see no chicken wing or chicken 🐓 breast or chopped animal liver or simply minced meat taken from the pieces of tongue 👅 cut out of the cow’s mouth does it make you want to vomit for the lack of blood dripping on your plate?

How many live animals do you think had to be killed to sustain the Schneerson over his lifetime?

You would think with his Messiah connection to God he would have improved on the performance of the first Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ.

Gary Gevisser

In the course of my and

’s 49 odd minute phone conversation we did not discuss if you,

were happy with your life.

Gary Gevisser

I would say however that it was at least half the time laughing and about 45% of the time only smiling. The remaining 5% was neither smiling nor laughing. One other thing, Solly Krok is an amazing listener. That is because he has a fantastic memory. He listens well because he doesn’t have to keep track of his lies which messes up the components that make up memory.
Gary Gevisser

The environment impacts memory.

Everything impacts memory and why you should do your best to choose the right foods and the company you keep.

In your case

have you thought about how you distance yourself from yourself?

Gary Gevisser

I check every so often if there has been a response from you to my email broadcast earlier today before rejoining this board and before of course speaking with Solly Krok for 49 odd minutes which ended at 10:40 PM South Africa time.

Gemach, how can you be that focused on counting the pills you are dispensing when your mind cannot forget writing to me that what I had to say about

donating money to ChaBAD sic is untrue?

Gary Gevisser

how can you ever look yourself in the mirror again?

Gary Gevisser

I’m not saying you should try wearing a cross around your neck with a long enough chain that when you walk it bounces off your fat glutinous stomach. When you first realized that your last name rhymed with both stomach and ache did it occur to you that maybe God was sending you a sign that you were not very bright and you needed visuals to assist?
Gary Gevisser

Most 91 year olds have little to laugh about especially if they have dumb children and grandchildren who think they are hot shit because they have excelled at university because they did what they were told by either idiot professors or bought professors.

If you can’t laugh and you have missed the finest teachings of Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, why is life worth living?

Just to keep psychologists and medical doctors from not joining the food lines?
Gary Gevisser

can you send us given how sure you are that

has never made a donation to the ChaBAD sic movement, a detailed listing of all the donors to ChaBAD sic including the Christian SA Oppenheimers as well as the monies, Diamonds, gold, share certificates, bonds, etc they have donated ever since the Schneerson took the helm?

Gary Gevisser

you have enough business experience to know that if you were running a worldwide extortion racket, you would not place your one messiah on every street corner including all those dirts streets in Timbuktu.



, let me know if I am going to fast for you.

Being able to predict accurately when you have been lying through your teeth is most difficult.

When you do speak it is logical that you are increasingly incoherent, and then when you get caught you just ignore what you have lied about and thinking it will all go away, but you have to think that much more about not just the last lie which is your ignoring but all the lies.

When mad people cluster they can deal better with their silence but still they are not happy with themselves.
Patrick N. Mcguire
Patrick N. Mcguire

Gary Gevisser



can you honestly say you are happier than before you read The Diamond Invention book?

Remember, none of you can say that you like me, because you know I do not like any of you.

You also know that I am not your psychologist and nor am I recommending you see a psychologist unless it is the only way you know how to get out of the house and still your partner might think you are having an affair.

I should make it clear, that of course I like

very much, first because he is nice and second he has done well in a very rigged system that caters to the worst of humanity.

Any prick who just puts up a thumbs up like

just did is a total prick.

Patrick N. Mcguire
Patrick N. Mcguire

that was an accident. sorry g. I was just reading as I know nothing I say will add value
Gary Gevisser

if you are not already suffering from Parkinson’s and you have no intention of typing anything could you try keeping that shaky finger-thumb away from the keyboard and if it loses control try to remind your brain to immediately announce it was a mistake rather than give people the impression you might agree with me or that you are being sarcastic like

You added Des Lindberg to the group.
Patrick N. Mcguire
Patrick N. Mcguire

yeah I had no idea that was going on man I grabbed my phone to get food and yes I touched the wrong stuff.. even better I didn’t even see that it happened you guys had already texted it up out of my screen
Gary Gevisser

Des Lindbergh who I just added and it was my impression that when Lindberg did a similar thing he was being a fucking arsehole.
Gary Gevisser

Btw @Solly Krok who is not trying to marry me off to any of his ugly daughters who on a scale 0 to 10 when it comes to Jewish girls would rank as an 8 if not an 8+ when they were in their prime which is prior to their carnivore diet including liquefied meat catching up with them, paid me the most wonderful compliment towards the end of our earlier conversation, “You are a true, fervent Jewish lad”.
Gary Gevisser

So we were talking extortion before

couldn’t control his handheld in his pocket which is not known as a healer of testicular cancer or for that matter Epilepsy.


How are you doing?

Nor do I hear everyone clamoring for me and everyone else to invite more guests who might be more into health.
Gary Gevisser

, you could contribute by telling us how far you have got in The D I book and exactly what you have learned?

Also let us know if you think it could help others and if so who have you told?

If you feel that you need to first get beyond chapter 8 and then to read the book at least a 100 times before sharing the book and my writings, please be kind enough to say so.

Gary Gevisser

So we are all agreed that even if the Schneerson and the Pope because of their godly connection to both

’s and

’s Little Jesus and God could clone themselves depositing such godly figures on every street corner would only arouse suspicion and hookers if the goal is to mastermind a global extortion racket.

Gary Gevisser

I am not saying that

is planning on sending his idiot grandchildren who have excelled at Stanford by most of all becoming atheists who for some reason all look as unhealthy as the fake religious, because we are all fully focused on organizing a global extortion racket with religious groups like the Catholics and ChaBAD sic running interference.

Gary Gevisser

Just because there are flashy gangsters who roam the streets of New York City, you would not expect the first tier informer networks namely the organized religions, Doctors Without Borders etc etc to dress like they are rich pimps, at least not if their handlers are smart.

Was there anything you read in Professor Epstein’s The D I book which indicated that the Christian German-South African Oppenheimers were fools?

The most negative thing that can be said about the SA Oppenheimers is that it was their unwitting shills who are the peacocks such as Warren Buffet, George Soros, Jeff Bezos and Marc Rich.

Amazing isn’t it all of you who would wish me long dead don’t have a kind word to say about me for so quickly and effectively exposing terrorist financier Marc Rich.

How you must all hate yourselves for wanting to be so much like each other.
Gary Gevisser

sticks around because he knows that not only have I greatly slowed down if not totally derailed the huge movie project based on his flawed book, King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc starring Matt Damon and John Krazinski that was kickstarted with huge media coverage back in mid-2018, but in the wake of that collapse so Switzerland reverts back to stinky cow country.

You added Roy Essakow and Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Let’s give Marc Rich’s one South African lieutenant Roy Essakow and his elder brother The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper

time, to get caught up.

In the meantime, does anyone have any questions? If you want to ask me the time just to make sure your atomic clock is as accurate as mine, that will be fine. Consider this like when you were in elementary school and the teacher had everyone stand up and move around.

When you have the most idiot talkative species all quiet that is a fucking miracle if I say so myself.

Seen by Patrick N. Mcguire at September 21, 2020 at 3:59 PM

If the non religious couldn’t figure out how the most corrupt of society would first choose the most ugly looking religious as their first choice of rats, it does not mean these non-religious are more intelligent or that they can be trusted.

When Jewish people with the closest connections to either the SA Oppenheimers or their shills such as Marc Rich go on a real estate buying splurge you should not call upon a pogrom to befall all us Jewish people and nor should you wish harm to such peacock Essakows.

Instead you should just accept that at all times God knows what She is doing even when a wasp or bee stings you or someone close to you.
Gary Gevisser

Look at it like you were applying the study of Quantum Mechanics to say the creation of a Quantum Computer geared to reducing substantially the heat buildup in conventional computers and while you cannot fully understand how it all works because not even Richard Feynman was all that certain because he was far from certain, you just have to use the mathematical equations and you always get the right answer.
Gary Gevisser

That is not to begin a beginners course in QM but to illustrate that you cannot go wrong relying on logic just so long as you are not stupid.

While the word stupid is used a lot, it is another form of saying the person is illogical, just perhaps more vulgar until you think more about how traumatic it is that you have an illogical mind and you can’t just go to a TESLA Supercharger Station and get a replacement brain.
Gary Gevisser

Musk’s vertical integration enterprise I see as having no spots open for any of you other than

and should any of his children and the others trying to bore him to death with Zoom conferences they should think more about God and if that is too heavy burden then just come back to my QM brief introduction.

Gary Gevisser

Don’t get me wrong. All of you would live no worse a lifestyle than you currently do, not having to give up a single home or automobile, not ever having to think where your next meal or clothing item comes from, and nor would you be forced to participate in a Neuralink study but if you want to contribute than you must follow the protocol of the administrator even if they begin, “we are going to begin this frontal lobotomy…” because the administrator which could be robot is demonstrating their great sense of humor.
Gary Gevisser

Who here considers they have a sense of humor and also less inclined to visit a psychologist for fear they also know their days of being a paid friend are fast drawing to a close.

But not even the worst psychologists are going to worse off financially.

All your goals are to be rich and I not only want to see that happen but I’m giving Elon Musk a bullet proof business model to make it happen. Who here would like to see that happen?

I had hoped to get back to Elon Musk sooner today, but as you know this very small group of takers has kept me busy.
You added Kimbal Musk to the group.
You added Tosca Musk to the group.
You added Justine Musk to the group.
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk You can see that from the top of the pyramid all the way down, the people want to filter out the most important information. It goes against all logic, whatever one’s belief system happens to be. The Game Playing ends I will explain it shortly.”
You added a participant to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Who here believes that the South African branch, the Canadian Branch, the Australian Branch, the New Zealand Branch, the Timbuktu Branch, the Israeli Branch, the Dutch Branch, the French Branch, the Spanish Branch, the Brazilian Branch, the Pacific Palisades Branch, the Santa Monica Branch, the Chicago Branch, the Hong Kong Branch, the German Branch etc etc of ChaBAD sic don’t communicate with ChaBAD sic headquarters in Brooklyn New York?
Gary Gevisser

Who here believes that

had only goodness in his heart when asking me if the Rosh Hashanah service was meaningful for me?

Who would like to see the totally crap article

sent to me that Gemach believed placed the Schneerson in a favorable light?

Many of you will have already received it because the Gemach sent it to a couple of hundred on my email list.

without commenting on how non-existent is your sense of humor, what did you find the most deplorable?

Gary Gevisser

Side note to Gemach: only an intellectual midget would are that you are not way over your head. I have 2 questions and 1 suggestion: First, the 2 questions. 1) Does ChaBAD sic ever get involved when there is concrete evidence that an elderly Jewish person is being taken advantage of in Israel? 2) You must have read the article before you sent it and therefore didn’t you know that it was trash? My suggestion is that you put me in direct contact with the most senior Chabad official who calls your headquarters 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn New York City home. My understanding is that headquarters is open 24/7.
Gary Gevisser

Correction: … only an intellectual midget would argue that you are not way over your head.

Gary Gevisser

Bill Clinton yesterday

My comment just seconds ago:

“We actually need to live under the same set of rules” ~ Bill Clinton

I voted for Bill Clinton when he ran against George H. Bush for the simple reason that just because one is given the set of rules of how the game is played when arriving at Oxford to begin your Rhodes-De Beers Scholarship studies, you are not prevented from changing your mind some quarter of a century later on January 20, 1993 and doing the right thing.

If you don’t follow along perfectly then all that is needed in order to get up to speed with a great many on both sides of the isle as well as those who have no interest in politics only money and there really isn’t anything else that the people care about, then simply read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which is free on The Internet:

Long before you finish reading this page-turner you will realize that you have been fed a whole bunch of nonsense by the economic university text books, Professors of economics, finance, political science and law and the history books and history channel and the puppet TV and radio talking heads no better.

The trauma might be heightened or lessened depending upon how you were raised once remembering that the history books are always written by the victors and the dissenting views just as carefully choreographed.

Should you have more questions you can email me,

Bill Clinton Explains How His Family Destroyed Democracy
“You can’t keep a democracy if there’s one set of rules for one group and another set for everybody else.”

Seen by Mark Kromer at Tuesday 7:47am

Gary Gevisser

Earlier day, beginning at 6:20 AM Calif. time, some 90 minutes ago, I sent out the first of two emails.
Gary Gevisser

The first was to a member of this group chat. The second, 7 minutes later, was to my umpteen year American attorney, King Golden Jr. Esq., former in-house General Counsel of America’s foremost, Top Secret weapons developer, San Diego headquartered, Science Applications International [SAIC] who I have previously mentioned. Moreover, Mr. Golden Esq. who held on to his shares of SAIC when leaving soon after he and I became acquainted and immediately became best friends, held on to SAIC’s increasingly valuable shares, has been receiving my emails from when I first began broadcasting my unique knowledge of the “money-war game” in the latter part of 2000. The fact that he and his “bosom buddy”, Roger W. Robinson, the former senior member of the National Security Council and inaugural Chairman of U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission where “Our Man Roger” served until 31 December 2005 well after I broke my 24 year silence with monopolist SA Oppenheimer-De Beers-AG Farben-BASF-Monsanto, have remained quiet most of this time, although the two of them were active in feeding the jealousy of The Sperm Donor back in the summer, late fall of 2002 and that quickly fizzled out. Knowing King Golden Jr. as well as I do and he too wouldn’t question my good memory, all he can be thinking besides for how come I am still alive and able to speak freely my good mind is how incredibly rich the two of us could have been without either of us having to bother buying lottery tickets. Golden Jr. Esq. also knows that it is not everyone who is so fortunate to have the most beautiful wife with a mind no less to die for. What can be worse if you are a woman married to a rich fat cat and you are finding out so late in life that you have been fucking stupid?
Gary Gevisser

It is not worse for a man with a disgustingly fat spouse who has been feeding him and their children poison foods as they all piled on the fat, because it is the same.

To feel fooled by your spouse, or other family member, or friend or money making business colleague, is a most horrific feeling.

Social media, and I am mostly familiar with Facebook, is tantamount to the heads-up display in the most modern fighter aircraft.
You added Harry Rady and 2 others to the group.
Gary Gevisser

I just added the only child of multi-billionaire Canadian-American real estate, mining magnet +++, philanthropist Ernest Rady who is a member of a couple other of my fb group chats. Harry Rady appears to have 3 fb accounts, and if you think Harry is no longer interested in money, then I suggest that you think again. There are of course drawbacks to being a single child because first of all you are not able to gauge either of your parents as well as if you had a sibling, better yet 2 other siblings but no more, at least for those of us having babies right after World War II; and today you have to be pretty unconscious to bring a child into this mad world which is of course far madder than all of you ever dreamed possible in your worst nightmare.
Gary Gevisser

Logic says that no child born into this world should have more privileges than the child born into abject poverty, unless they can prove that they and their partner/spouse who contributed sperm and an egg are God’s two favorite humans.

The fact that branded name philosopher Noam Chomsky has aged so horrifically may well be his greatest curse for being so utterly stupid, assuming he too wasn’t bought.

The fact that the clergy are so remiss in all their talk to mention the important logic I shared above does not mean the leadership of all the clergy are either intelligent or honest.

The fact that each of you have had for some time now the tools to figure out precisely whether someone is simply stupid or bought and you think it is wise to “play the fool” does not mean you have not been punished or that your punishment ends when you take your last breath.

Each of you are in the same leaky boat and you know you cannot trust someone who is putting you on.

The one benefit of being an only child is that you don’t have to worry about your siblings stabbing you and/or your parents-grandparents in the back.

Who here would choose to be an only child on the next go-around?

Who here thinks

takes me for a fool?

Who here thinks that King Golden Jr. Esq. has ever taken me for a fool?
Gary Gevisser

Who here thinks that America’s land and cash richest litigator, Mr.

Esq. and whose wife,

was formerly a marketing head at SAIC but of course not close to the very Top Secret intelligence shared with the likes of Mr. Golden Jr. Esq. or “Our man Roger”, has ever taken me for a fool?

To be clear,

who has the code name, “Campbell Soup” assigned to her by her husband Mr. JRK Esq. has never called me a fool even though she knows that I consider their one best friend, Bozo The Clown Tierstein a fool deluxe.

Still I would have Bozo The Clown as a guest on our show.

Gary Gevisser

Amazing how little so many of you have going on that you can be bothered to sit here like potted plants and think nothing of it.
Gary Gevisser

Each of you have this once in a lifetime opportunity to converse with the lowest level plebes with a disgusting mouth like



to multi-billionaires such as Harry Rady and


Tantamount to giving each of you a cold shower is the realization that George Soros’ youngest child Alexander Soros now prevents me from adding him to my ever expanding Facebook group chats but he has yet to remove himself from my other group chats for fear that it will make him that much more conspicuous.

Gary Gevisser

Those of you not born into great wealth all think that the superrich simply couldn’t give a shit.

It is true that they don’t give a shit about the poor of the world because they know that without the poor they would be in the poor house, but you Poverty of Though plebes think only that the super rich don’t give a shit about you, and that is where your thinking ends.

That doesn’t mean if you are tending their gardens that you don’t dream of fucking their daughters especially if they are beautiful.

In fact you would pull out all stops to please your super rich employer.

It is only in contrived Hollywood movies that you find a script where a youngster says “No”.

Look how the beautiful actresses never came close to saying “No” to the ugliest, most revolting Jewish person to have ever been born, Harvey The Swine Weinstein, until the “little talk” gained sufficient momentum.
Gary Gevisser

If the ugliest man in the world can command the attention of all the world’s most beautiful actresses who also gave speeches referring to him gladly as “God Harvey”, it only means there is something seriously wrong with your foolish minds to listen to a word coming out of the mouth of anyone associated with either Hollywood or Madison Avenue.
Gary Gevisser

There is this great story shared with me by Solly Krok just yesterday about Harry Oppenheimer. At the time of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the leadership of the South African Jewish Federation who had been fully infiltrated at the time of Israel’s War of Independence [1949-1949] approached Oppenheimer for a donation during Israel’s most critical time of need, thanks to the most extraordinary break down in Israeli military intelligence along with a no less Act of God when both the Syrian and Egyptian forces committed the greatest military blunders in the annals of history which you all know is only war, from start to finish. The fact that I am telling the story which was told to Solly Krok is all part of the SA Oppenheimer-IG Farben war machine propaganda, just like all the elections that take place around the globe 24/7.
Gary Gevisser

If it is a secret, you shouldn’t talk.

In any event, here is that story.
Gary Gevisser

Not once, but twice the bought Jewish Federation of South Africa approached Harry Oppenheimer for a multi-million dollar donation for the survival of the State of Israel who didn’t need money only weapons and assistance from God to make up for the deplorable breakdown in military intelligence which kept getting worse with every moment the very bloody war progressed and Israel was getting the thrashing of her life; a far cry from the 1967 6 Day War. Again, twice they came to Oppenheimer who knew that his bought Jewish Federation just like his bought African National Congress, just like his bought South African Apartheid Regime were just doing as they were told.
Gary Gevisser

After the second time, as Oppenheimer couldn’t go on forever putting off his other engagements such as having his regular 3 meals a day, and lets no forget all the consumption of alcoholic drinks and toasts to better days ahead, he commanded his Jewish Federation of South

Africa, “That’s it. Don’t come back a third time.”

, did I get the conversation right?

The “impossibility” of this small Christian South African Oppenheimer family having so much power is only because your feeble minds have been tampered with repeatedly for so long.

You might not find the word “brainwashing” mentioned much if at all in Professor Epstein’s The D I book because the main thrust of the book is to explain how this merciless group who are only loyal to their succulents manage to quite effortlessly rule the world.

When you cry out loud, “They don’t have the power they once had” it is only to soothe your horribly troubled mind.
Gary Gevisser

Our Mango is now crying to be let out which doesn’t mean the cougars who along with the vicious coyote have stopped listening and watching his every move; still their presence which is easily observed is proof positive of a miracle. There are no small dogs anywhere to be found close to this ferocious predator heaven.
Gary Gevisser

Why is it, you think, that all the Jewish people in the world who have these so strong opinions about the heavily diluted power of the SA Oppenheimers never bring up what Mossad head, David Ben Gurion thought of the openly virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers?

It is either because their minds have been cursed with total ignorance or they are totally fucking stupid.

What good is a spouse-partner if all they serve is to serve poison foods, keep the noisy children quiet and give you lip service that you are some fucking financial genius?
You added Jenny Arenstein – Friedman to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Every Jewish person has no business calling themselves Jewish if they don’t know intimately the modern day history of Israel.

Notice that I just added, duplicitous Jewish South African lawyer

to the group.

Gary Gevisser

Let’s now call upon big politics talker Jewish South African

to give her opinion on Ben Gurion, Donald Trump and how come she has so much time to be talking about politics in the United States when she doesn’t have a fucking clue about the politics of South Africa.

Gary Gevisser

are you there?

You added Michelle B Dagan to the group.
Gary Gevisser

I just added Meir Max Bineth’s daughter


Gary Gevisser

Any Jewish person who speaks a word of either economics or politics but doesn’t know about Meir Max Bineth (27 June 1917 – 21 December 1954) who committed suicide in his Egyptian prison cell on December 21, 1954 some 10 months and 25 days after Ben Gurion stepped down for the first time as Prime Minister of Israel which was several months prior to the failed covert-false flag Operation Susannah which nabbed Bineth and a bunch other high level Israeli operatives, all thanks to the most senior member of Israeli Military Intelligence responsible for logistics in Alexandria, Egypt having “turned”, shouldn’t necessarily wash their mouth out with soap, but at least they should shut the fuck up talking about anything other than their latest botox treatment or stomach tuck or umpteenth face lift.
Gary Gevisser

I see that very fat face Clive Kaplan is following along in real time.

I am not saying that the rest of his body reflects a great athlete in his prime.
Gary Gevisser

So let’s stick with Ben Gurion and his decision to give Avri Elad aka Avraham Seidenwerg a nothing to speak of 10 year prison sentence for costing the lives of Israel’s bravest. Remember is was not only Bineth who decided to commit suicide in his prison cell rather than suffer the humiliation of public hanging. There was also Yosef Carmon. Many of us were not yet born when the Egyptian trial which began on 11 December ended on 27 January 1955. Not everyone of the Israeli intelligence officers escaped the gallows because both Moshe Marzouk and Shmuel Azar met that horrific fate. Nor is that to say they weren’t first horribly tortured. Only two were acquitted, and Wikipedia gets its right as well that the rest received lengthy prison terms. Not even Winston Churchill was able to sway Egyptian president Nasser. In other words, this was global news back then and you all about the money talk and repeating the politics you hear off the tv and radio are clueless. What sort of imbeciles did you have as parents-grandparents or were you just so stupid that your parents-grandparents gave up on you for fear that your low self-esteem would put the rest of the family members at great risk?
Gary Gevisser

Given how it is no secret that the trust of Nazi Germany was not to steal the Jewish people’s gold but to kill them and their gold, property and businesses just icing on the cake, doesn’t it make sense for everyone to focus on the arming of Nazi Germany and the aftermath of the Nazi victory?
Gary Gevisser

Just because your poor minds not helped by your deplorable school and university learnings didn’t have you thinking beyond the low ranking of Nick Oppenheimer in the Forbes list of billionaires, and therefore the SA Oppenheimers were no longer “in contention” only means you are no less stupid than a street person who you look down on.
Clive Kaplan
Clive Kaplan

Love to play with

but I’m on my 10th re-run of The Trailer Park Boys and it’s getting nail-bitting exciting!

Gary Gevisser

@Clive Kaplan, you don’t refute my contention that you are driven by your fat diseased talkative cells, so please don’t tell me that you are now getting a physical workout from watching a TV show. Can you tell us quickly your profession?
You added Errol Perling to the group.
You added Martin Perling and Cindy Perling to the group.

Gary Gevisser

Note that I have added the butcher Perling family from Durban, South Africa.

My classmate from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, Jody Perling who is a member of my other fb group chats and has declined accepting my fb friend invitation, has blocked me from adding him, although his wife

is obviously not under strick orders from Jody to do same.

Note also that @Clive Kaplan who was earlier very talkative but now doesn’t even elaborate on his ABOUT section which reads that he is CEO of Green Mind Capital, South Africa and previously AFHCO HOLDINGS and Amalgamated Appliances Limited; and the longer the names the less impressive, at least that is my experience.

Yes it is extraordinary that these “money managers” not only still exist but that they can afford a pot to pee in.

That is not to suggest that at the present time Clive Kaplan isn’t happily married although all his ABOUT section reads in that regard, “Married since July 12, 2000”; in other words, nothing also about how great is his sex life.

You added Nick Sternberg to the group.
Gary Gevisser

BTW, since 6:47 AM Calif. time, I have also been talking with a very distant relation of us South African Gevissers who are all closely related, and this what seems like “heavy duty asset manager” is now, let’s say “pensive”.

His name is not George Soros, and you really can’t be all that “heavy duty” on Facebook unless you are fat and think your fat is demonstrative of being rich and will attract a Trophy Wife no matter how ugly and disgusting you look, which is not to suggest that this Clive Kaplan is without doubt the splitting image of Harvey The Swine Weinstein because they all look pretty much the same; or you are are like me publishing a book in real time and it attracts people from all walks of life, from the poorest to the richest, the ugliest to the most beautiful, the least intelligent to the most intelligent, the least naive to the most naive and hoping all the while to remain incognito.

Yes, I left out attracting the most vicious, cruel and treacherous.

Everyone increasingly more of a player than what they may well have wished for.

Nor is this distant relation someone who I have previously communicated with previously, although his wife and I struck up a rather lengthy dialogue also on Facebook beginning on July 29 at 6:07 AM Calf. time, and yet his wife never mentioned a word about me to her husband.

Nor is that something any of you in a relationship or who hope to be in a relationship should forget; in part because I am not going to let you forget.

All the Gevissers-Molks-Moshals as well as our Sternberg partners in The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] such as

who was a kid when Oppenheimer-De Beers stooge Natie Kirsh made his “laughable” move in 1969, should also pay careful attention.

Gary Gevisser

First I will go back to the fateful year 1954, the year after my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] married his second wife, Jenny Maltz [1911-2001] who right as Kirsh was making his move, with the managing director of Moshal Gevisser, the thief South African Chartered Accountant, Sol “Little King” Moshal in Kirsh’s pocket along with most all of the board of directors of Moshal Gevisser including both Cecil Sternberg and his son, Martin Sternberg, the father of Nick Sternberg, plus Moshal Gevisser’s outside auditors and no less duplicitous Moshal Gevisser’s lawyers, took Issy Gevisser on a trip to the Orient when soon after arriving he was no longer fully coherent or anywhere close, but he did speak over the phone granting Kirsh his wishes. That was not quite the end of it because I had a very smart father Bernie Gevisser who spoke very little about the matter because when the deck is stacked it is best to just observe and do your best to be “friends with the world”. In terms of innate skill and intelligence nothing comes close to being a World War II Fighter Bomber Pilot, and something all those adults at the time knew like the back of their hand. You are all expert on not only talking mostly shit all your lives, again the exception is Solly Krok, but jealousy-greed is the essence of who you are. Obviously, I keep Elon Musk out of this most accurate broad brush but that doesn’t mean each of you have failed to see your lack of concern for my mother Zena with your every and great effort to minimize the importance of the knowledge I am sharing.
Gary Gevisser

You unsent a message

The previous posting was incomplete and so I removed it.
Gary Gevisser

By 1953, not only had Israel’s first war of survival not ended because it has never ended given how I am still alive although you could make a dam good case that Israel was totally defeated in the late 70s when Harry Oppenheimer thought nothing of using his Barclays Bank, the premier league bank of Western Europe to eliminate his last pocket of Jewish resistance, but two years prior, 1951, Harry Oppenheimer’s partner, equally virulent anti-Semite, Protestant-Catholic German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] took a minority interest in our ACME TIMBERS INDUSTRIES which controlled the entire South African and surrounding territories’ timber, and of course the furniture, residential and commercial real estate market. It really shouldn’t be difficult for any of you so long as you put on your thinking hat to understand that you don’t need to attend the Wharton School of Business, or Yale, or Stanford, or Natal University, or Columbia University, or Oxford University or Cambridge University or the London School of Economics to know that a monopoly tolerates no competition.
Gary Gevisser

Let us now closely examine the photo below.

It was taken in 1968.

the second time I held an Israeli Special Forces weapon; the first was in 1966

during one of my two trips to Israel.

On October 20, 1968, my most Jewish, highly secretive British-English mother Zena attended the wedding of her client, Aristotle Onassis to First Lady Jackie Kennedy, and after my mother penned these writings:
Gary Gevisser

PIC. JACKIE ONASSIS WITH THE CHARIOTEER PIC. ARISTOTLE ONASSIS GREEK GOD IN THE MODERN IDIOM. PIC. VIEW OF THE THEATRE AND THE TEMPLE OF APOLLO AT DEPLHI The magic air of the gods can make one hungry and on the way back to Athens we stopped at a small village to enjoy a baby lamb roasted on a slow spit. Excepting that the head had been previously removed (out of courtesy to me) the lamb was served split down the middle, lunch for two and washed down by a couple of glasses of Retina wine, we ate the lot! What did the Oracle say “Nothing in Excess”? Of course that can also mean Nothing (or) In Excess that is the story of Greece and the Greeks. Go buy yourself a taste of their “Donkey Summer”. Pics Story Copyright Zena Gevisser. Nov. ’68. Why “Donkey” summer? The Greeks have a word for everything. Picture that slow plodding much maligned donkey far in the rear, not expected and suddenly he’s there delivering the goods. When the European summer is over, almost gone and forgotten, September slips into October and November and still in Greece the sun is shedding warm rays insisting, like the donkey, that the end of summer can bring the best. By courtesy of Aristotle Socrates Onassis, 119 South Africans and myself winged our way from Johannesburg to Greece in time to enjoy a few days of “donkey-summer”. The warm November days had nothing to envy of July and August. Blue skies competed with the beauty of the even bluer sea and as my countrymen toured Athens and the ancient sites of the Acropolis and Parthenon, within an hour or our plane touching down, I was on my way to Delphi. Delphi-that pre-Christian holy citadel of man and home of the young god, Apollo. To those uninitiated in Greek history and mythology the Oracle of Delphi may have no significance, however, there are few who are not familiar with the wise proverb emanating from pre-historic times; ‘Know Thyself’ ‘Waste Not Time’ ‘Nothing in Excess’. How and when the Oracle was founded is not know, one of the many legends is of a young shepherdess pasturing her goats who had gone into a cave from which vapours were pouring. She was almost overcome by the fumes and suddenly as if inspired by some divine power she uttered the first prophecy, which in time came true. At one time the Oracle was said to be owned by the god, Neptune but, it was Apollo’s arrival that heralded its riches. Apollo was short of officials for his sacrificial temple at Delphi and one day meditating his problem he saw a fine ship. He quickly turned himself into a dolphin, swam out to the ship and towed it into the Gulf of Corinth, where, with the help of Zephyr (the west wind) he bought it into harbour. Apollo transformed himself into a handsome young man and informing the men that they would never see their wives and families again he suggested that they join him and learn the ways of the immortals. My mind was full of all these legends as my companion and I sped along the wide modern roads that lead from Athens to the southern slopes of Mount Parnassus. Suddenly to the North and East rising almost perpendicularly were the Phaedriade cliffs. I held my breath as the Cadillac in which I was traveling turned hairpin bend after hairpin bend. (I thanked heavens I was not in a bus, but, would have preferred the smallest Fiat!) Passing through the town of Arachova, perched like an eagle’s eyrie, nothing had prepared me for the wild beauty and austere grandeur of the Sanctuary itself. To greet me were the eagles, Zeus (Jupiter) eagles. Circling as in the past when Zeus set two eagles to fly round the earth, one to the East and one to the West to discover the centre. They met, and to all intents and remained at Delphi. Befitting the home of the gods, the air was champagne quality. I climbed slowly and reverently towards the remains of the Temple of Apollo and the site of the Oracle. In my mind’s eye I could see the vapours rising from the now extinct cavity. The prophecies of Apollo were pronounced through the mouth of the priestess, who in the beginning was a young virgin. However, young virgins ran out of favour after rumours of an orgie with a young Egyptian and a woman over fifty was found to be more suitable! There is no question of the Oracle of Delphi’s political, philosophical and religious significance to the then world. Great leaders and statesmen consulted and were influenced by the “phophecies” [sic]. Bringing gifts, they first had to bathe in the Castilian Springs below the temple site, before presenting their problem. Here is another name from the wealth of legend and myth. Castalia was a beautiful young girl from Delphi with whom Apollo fell madly in love. She, being a virgin and knowing he was a god, frantically ran from him and climbed the sheer rock of the Pheadriade Cliffs. Seeing she could not escape him, she threw herself off the cliff and fell dead near the spring which was then named after her. Standing where the waters flowed I looked up at the menacing Pheadriade rocks and suddenly remembered the friend of my childhood, Aesop and his fables. For Aesop’s fate was that of many believed to be sacrilegious and he was thrown off the cliffs down to the ground where I was now standing. Many believe Delphi to be the precursors of such institutions as the United Nations Organizations and certainly some of the prophesies were just as ambiguous as the present day pronouncement: for instance when a king asked about a certain battle he wished to fight, came the answer, “If you cross water a kingdom will be lost”. The king thinking this meant his success attacked another country – he was then defeated, but the Oracle of Delphi had not been wrong! Or how about when asked if a child about to be born would be a boy or a girl, the priestess chewed her laurel leaves, went into a frenzy from the vapours and pronounced “Boy No Girl”, which if it were a boy had meant Boy-No Girl and if it had been a girl meant Boy No-Girl! Thus were the early priests of the Temple of Apollo surely amongst the world’s greatest psychologists. Little remains intact of the Sanctuary, but, in spite of the sacking of hundreds of statutes and works of art, by the Romans the museum is full of exciting archaeological finds, in particular the Charioteer, which is the finest bronze antiquity seen by modern man.
Gary Gevisser

Nor am I inferring that any of your mothers had much more of a brain than to accept the male sperm.

The male sperm does not appear to me to be in the least bit treacherous once its ego has fulfilled the mission of survival and you are now all about competing with the pig looking @Clive Kaplan for attention.
Gary Gevisser

To have such pure evil systemic with incredibly few exceptions cannot be put down to random chance when you consider your willingness to destroy what little remains of your brain because the idea of how easy it is to restore balance-fairness to the planet is more petrifying disturbing because it brings you face to face with an ingenious Creator.
Gary Gevisser

Again, you cannot talk politics or religion or money until you have mastered “military economics” which for good reason the German-South African Oppenheimers keep out of the educational curriculum while encouraging youngsters to just get used to expressing themselves and who can forget the song, “Im the greatest… greatest” and who thinks a self-help guru like Tony Robbins would last more than 3 minutes in the ring with me?
Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind that what Robbins has the least going for him is his large physical size which makes it difficult for him to always employ at the right time his martial arts training which doesn’t prevent him from remembering not only has he been talking shit all his life just like the rest including Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People, but the very moment you have struck a woman physically, in a way that she is physically fearful of you, which of course is normal for all the handpicked household name politicians like Clinton, Trump and how could you possibly come up with a bigger retard than Joe Biden other than Trump who is a much safer bet when it comes to ordering a nuclear strike than Biden, Clinton or Obama given how because Trump is a sociopath liar, he is far better equipped to judge whether his advisors are telling the truth, and more likely to hesitate whereas Biden doesn’t remember what he was saying when he began his small speech.
Gary Gevisser

Still not really much for anyone to worry about because the next rigged election is more than a month away and a lot of good things can happen before then.
Gary Gevisser

It wasn’t so much that my mother Zena was Aristotle Onassis’ most trusted advisor which my mother was, all the way up to his death on March 15, 1975 but rather Onassis was Ben Gurion’s most trusted shipping tycoon. Just because the history books and all our Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museums are remiss in explaining the pivotal role of the SA Oppenheimers in arming Nazi Germany with folks like the no less virulent anti-Semitic Rockefeller family minor players given how the Rockefeller’s didn’t have the leg up on the SA Oppenheimers who had the exclusive, untraceable diamond currency which was out of the reach of their handpicked regulators and first into that market takes the Grand Prize, does not mean that people like long memory thinker David Ben Gurion had forgotten the duplicity of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals whose farce was self-evident when Chairman of BASF-IG Farben, Nazi Carl Wurster hosted on 6 February 1959 a reunion banquet for the veterans of the pre-1945 IG Farben Vorstand. In 1959 not only were most courageous Israeli operatives, Robert Dessa, Philip Nathanson, and Marcelle Ninio still in an Egyptian prison and their fellow operatives who were hung or committed suicide in their jail cells all their edible remains long digested by the ants, but Mossad head Ben Gurion was in firm control of his mental faculties without losing sight of the biggest Nazis who had escaped prosecution at Nuremberg and were now openly celebrating.
Gary Gevisser

Just because a man reaches no more than the height of 4 feet 11 inches, it does not mean he has yet to be fully grounded.
You added Marta Rubau Carreras to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Let us now welcome

whose boss is Germany’s richest and most powerful multi-billionaire Kurt Engelhorn, no relation to German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. but Engelhorn, more importantly has Carl Wuster and no less important, American High Commissioner for Occupied Germany, John McCloy (March 31, 1895 – March 11, 1989) to thank for his enormous power and wealth that affords him to hire dedicated staff such as


Gary Gevisser

You should all notice how the world’s biggest wankers led by the likes of

, ChaBAD sic representative,



blah blah with so much time on their hands to talk shit none stop 24/7 have been most reluctant to dig into this the history of this all powerful SA Oppenheimer-IG Farben stooge, John McCloy so very loved by the top Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike; although the US Supreme Court, a little bit too late, did admonish this Nazi opportunists for lying.

Gary Gevisser

Always thought it is important to follow the words and actions of the most talkative Jewish people on the planet; Jewish South Africans who can’t say enough either great things about the SA Oppenheimers Apartheid Regime or how much they hated the Apartheid Regime although mostly today their anger is towards to the SA Oppenheimers’ current ANC Government whose top officials are doing exactly what they are told, no different to their Apartheid Regimes’ opposition politicians such as Helen Suzman and Tony Leon.
Gary Gevisser

It looks like Jewish South African Tony Leon has now blocked me from adding him to this group chat, and like others he remains increasingly conspicuous on my other group chats.

Once you have done wrong intentionally to a good person you are increasingly living in the past and not able to keep up with advances in technology which flush out the troublemakers.

Who really wants to hear another speech by either Trump or Biden or any of their clowns appearing all over the place including Youtube asking for money to just get 3 more Democrats or 3 more Republicans elected to office this November.

To be clear only the ignorant who are only ignorant because the likes of you are playing the game that the SA Oppenheimers have steered towards ever since you came out of your mother’s womb or too foolish to question.

The great thing is that most all of you are going to stop calling the next person stupid.

Doesn’t anyone here other than @Clive Kaplan feel left out?

Let me now bring

‘s eldest son Martin Krok to join the show.

You added Martin Krok to the group.
Gary Gevisser


, how is your day going?

Martin, being Solly’s eldest and you are stuck there in Johannesburg recovering from your second failed marriage or is it your third, I would like for you to do your best to keep your father as healthy as possible.

As you know if you are in poor health not only are you a pain to be around but your unhappiness is contagious.

If your thumb is in your mouth, please take it out and don’t replace it with a dummy although us Americans refer to this nonsense device as a pacifier.

You are obviously not equipped to prepare for your father the healthiest and most delicious tasting vegan meals but you have the money to afford the best food experts in the world, and if you need names I can provide it.
Gary Gevisser

No less important, your father should be driven by a chauffeur since I have reason to question both your driving skills as well as survival skills in the event a storm were to arise given my experience with you on the Quickwheel saga, daily to areas lush with trees and bushes; and at all times you too should should be enjoying nature to the fullest.
Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind that if ChaBAD sic South Africa can get South African banks to loan them monies and the totally stupid South African banks think that headquarters of Chabad at 770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, New York City have not been insulated from their underlings setting up operations throughout the planet, then if you are in a cash crunch, ask the South African banks to loan you money based on your good word and the Trust Fund Monies yet to come your way. Martin Krok, I am not suggesting that you kill off your father so that you can get larger sums of money quicker than it takes you fill out a bank loan application. I am simply saying why do I need to tell you how best to keep your father happy and healthy, the two going hand in hand. Bear in mind, Martin were your father to appoint me as the sole executor of his estate, I would immediately upon his death, possibly even before he is buried, rake you and your brother and sisters over the coals for not making him laugh as much as I do.
Gary Gevisser

Now let me bring America’s smartest attorney King Golden Jr. back into the picture.
You added Sharon Krok Feuer to the group.
Gary Gevisser

you remember King?

Of course you do.

I am not saying you remember your sister Sharon Krok Feuer’s very cute secretary going down on King because first of all that was done in private and during her two daily 10 minute breaks.

Just to be perfectly clear, no did King Golden Jr. Esq. before submitting his monthly consulting bill to me deduct the fair market value of these regular giving head.

In fact, I could see reason for helping keep King’s mind singularly focused that there were personnel within the Epilady USA Inc. organization who could think without being told.

As you know having a conversation with any of you was far more difficult than having a conversation with the wall.

Seen by Nick Sternberg at Tuesday 2:52pm

When you talk to the wall, it is like talking to yourself. But when you are talking to complete idiots they can give you the impression that they are listening and ready to act accordingly but it is impossible to predict.
Gary Gevisser

That again is Quantum Mechanics at work.

It is impossible to predict exactly how the idiot human will react once given the good information.

, you must remember that for the longest time King Golden Jr. Esq and I couldn’t get a straight answer about the extent to which you and the rest of the grossly incompetent management team including two idiot South African Chartered Accountants had tested the Quickwheel yourselves before firing off some $15 odd million to some nonsense offshore bank account.

The logical thing was for King and I to test it on the one South African Chartered Accountant, Steve Ross’ brand new Mercedes and the Mercedes held out because it is a motor vehicle with 4 wheels and 3 wheels can support the vehicle when the one is all but totally wrecked just so long as gravity holds out and the Mercedes were to end up visiting with Musk’s roadster.

Gary Gevisser

The fact that King Golden Jr. Esq. was being paid several thousand dollars a month more than me didn’t mean that I was forced to go cap-in-hand to the tenants in my 6 unit apartment building in Santa Monica and for each of them to hit the streets wearing sandwich boards that read, “Please subscribe to Gary Gevisser’s Youtube Channel”.
Gary Gevisser

You had perhaps the most gifted attorney ever on your payroll who had mastered not only every aspect of the law but understood the nuances of the most advanced technologies starting with the fasting switching lasers and we won’t get into King Golden Jr. Esq.’s knowledge of submarine warfare and the counterintelligence which is no less important, you must be thinking now what an incredible bargain you were getting.
Gary Gevisser

I have just been asked to feel two beautifully looking avocados to see which one is the most ripe because my beautiful F-C wife Marie Dion is preparing a source that requires avocado.
Gary Gevisser

, why not start with a vegan recipe book that has ingredients that are familiar to your father.

For example look at a recipe that includes real lemon juice, sea salt and pepper along with cilantro. You might also try on the one half a little sprinkling of hot pepper without you first dehydrating a hot pepper and then chopping it into little pieces.

Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind that your father, Cain in Horror, should outlive you because he has never been a glutton but still I want to bring out the best in you just in the off chance it is not only me who is appointed executor of your father’s multi-billion estate by King Golden Jr. Esq. alongside me.
You added Arlene Treger to the group.
Gary Gevisser


and Arlene Krok Treger, I am not highly recommending that you approach estate lawyers eager to extort money from the elderly rich and who care little about putting them into an early grave as the stress begins the moment they receive the lawsuit demanding that the rights of Trust Fund kids be preserved at all cost, because I am not highly recommending that you do that.

Gary Gevisser

In fact you shouldn’t even be thinking of such dirty tactics, especially given how wonderful a father you have that he has tolerated your stupidity over the years.
Gary Gevisser

It is perfectly fine that you direct your anger towards unless you fear that I be appointed executor of your father’s estate and then I will begin by asking you what exactly prevented you from raking

over the coals when he publicly stated that your father has given no monies to ChaBAD sic?

Gary Gevisser

Could the 3 of you think that it escaped the attention of the SA Oppenheimers that Chabad headquarters in Brooklyn New York don’t enforce with their branches to state clearly in all their literature as well as loan applications that they are financially independent of the Chabad headquarters.
Gary Gevisser

Look I am not saying that the 3 of you should stop having sex.

I just want you to be aware that I see nothing that leads me to believe that they 3 of you have got more intelligent over the past 4 decades and therefore you might need a hand in taking better care of your father while he is still alive.
Gary Gevisser

Let us now assume that

is dead and the 3 of you have less than 24 hours to prepare his funeral.

Im not saying that you should buy your airline tickets in advance along with a lifelong supply of masks to get the best price available on, rather who is going to be the greediest?

No, just kidding.

and Rita Krok would not nurture greed, but for each of you to be the best you can be, starting with doing everything within your power to stop these nonsense Zoom conferences and move back to South Africa and if your husbands want to stay behind, feel most fortunate if they are too sick to be great lovers.

Gary Gevisser

Yes, I have a vested interested in the continued good health of Solly Krok because show me another multi-billionaire anywhere in the world who has a nice thing to say about me and my mother Zena.

One can never detest such inexplicable evil given how easy it is for us humans to all get along once we dismantle the systems in place which have the biggest arse-creepers like The Coupon Clipper Jack the Ripper

rising to the top.

It is not possible to have such cause and effect order throughout the universe without a guiding hand carefully watching over everything.

What do you think causes the body to want to reposition itself when there is too much pressure on one or more internal body parts as well as the very sensitive skin that gets thinner over the years which wraps itself around the head?

Of course if you are a fat cat like @Clive Kaplan you could sit on a mouse and not know it.

Can anyone explain why it is that so many of you remain here quiet as a mouse but inside you are burning up all because you know you are wrong starting with failing to take the best care of your body as you know how which simply means doing some reading.

When did it occur to the 3 of you that maybe all the religious burying themselves in prayer and reading from scripture were mostly thinking about the porn they were missing?

What else can explain why it is that every ChaBAD sic member, every other religious person was not an expert on the science of healthy food and what foods are poison?

I am not saying that you should trust a word coming out of the mouth of

even if he tells you that either he is converting to Judaism or that everyone should love fucking fat because it is no different to eating a juicy steak.

You added Michael Sewitz to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Lets now welcome gluttonous Michael Sewitz who could have slimmed down, but I doubt it.
Gary Gevisser

The very important photo of Israel president Zalman Shazar meeting with the released operatives in 1968, including (from right to left): Robert Dessa, Philip Nathanson, and Marcelle Ninio is no small matter. To think they served 14 years in an Egyptian prison and they could still stand, is a miracle is it not? Do you think Mossad head, Ben-Gurion was standing on his head all that time?
Gary Gevisser

Do you think that when Ben-Gurion met on 23 May 1967 with his protege Yitzhak Rabin who was now Israel Defense Force Chief of Staff, Ben Gurion had forgotten Robert Dessa, Philip Nathanson, and Marcelle Ninio.

How many of you Jewish people growing up were aware that there was a very brave woman who gave up everything for the fledgling State of Israel, only to be “turned” by a high ranking Israeli military intelligence officer?
Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey

Tesla Battery Day LIVE is on.
Gary Gevisser

Steven Bailey, you are very late to game. Nor are you qualified in my opinion to educate anyone on anything other than to be treacherous.

Possibly how to be attracted to fat.
Gary Gevisser

Steven Bailey, lets assume that didn’t shut you up completely. Had you previously researched Nazi Christian American John J. McCloy given my repeated previous suggestions that all those who love to use the word “Zionist” in the most pejorative manner, such as yourself, to mask your deep rooted anti-Semitism because you are a product of brainwashing by the government-church, should not make a sound, not even to smack your wife in the hope her fat will disappear into thin air, just quietly without losing your temper Google the person who authorized the early release of the most abominable Christian German Nazis who were given slap on the wrist prison sentences at Nuremberg-IG Farben War Crimes Tribunals?
Gary Gevisser

Steven Bailey, should I rephrase the question to help you think about your highest and best use when returning as a TESLA battery that never needs recharging?

Wild rice at the bottom of this assortment of the most wonderful tasting, healthy vegetables topped with the most delicious source, lime, lemon and orange, cilantro and Serrano/chili pepper.

Everyone including Solly Krok’s 3 children present here, should focus on the time it takes

to address the business of John J. McCloy.

Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey

Presidential advisor banker
Gary Gevisser

We all understand why it is that bought Jewish organizations like the South African Federation and ChaBAD sic have yet to touch John J. McCloy with a 100 foot pole because they are bought.


, that is not the correct answer.

Try again

by reading my question correctly.

The rest of you should focus even more on how

avoids the question by writing total bullshit; and remember he is at the bottom of the anti-Semitic propaganda machine, and yet so devious.

Gary Gevisser

BTW, there is also avocado in the most delicious citrus sauce. [

I would give you ice at the North Pole in winter before giving you the recipe of that delicious sauce. Remember you might feel the need to use your tongue to whip it up in training to bite your tongue.]

Gary Gevisser

Let us now come back to the counterpart to the

‘s of the world amongst us Jewish people; namely ChaBAD sic.

It is because they can’t be bothered to cook. The wife …

Let’s open up the discussion to everyone including Steven Bailey who knows this is not the first time the future worm has been caught between the rock and the hard plate; although this must be the end of the road since Elon Musk must be getting the ESP message.

How could ChaBAD sic and the rest of the religious Jewish people who can’t get enough of their prayers all centered around food and cleanliness be too busy to immerse themselves in learning about the merits of healthy eating?

How could this have escaped the attention of the virulent anti-Semites who are not all that enamored with Jewish people and even less so those who are so quick to display their righteousness in their dress?

Could it simply be that the ultra orthodox Jewish people and the non-Jewish anti-Semites have all simply been cursed with the identically same stupidity that is universal?

Obviously the wives of the Jewish ultra orthodox Black Hatter-ChaBAD sic men are simply fucking machines to produce babies 24/7 and to cook.

Now if you were intelligent Jewish woman sucked into such a deplorable sect, wouldn’t you want to poison your husband while calling upon God for help?

It is customary for Jewish people to say that God needs our help, but that is just talk without any meaning.

Of course God does not need our help for anything.

How can you spend your time mostly around men praying when not dancing together and think it is the woman’s job to be a baby factory machine, a cook, and how best to have you intelligent when doing so much praying?
Gary Gevisser

Again, how many men come out of ChaBAD sic as nutritionists imploring their fat pig brethren to take a break from their repetitive praying that obviously falls on the deaf ears of God and to give the wives a hand in the kitchen to make sure the whole family is healthy and stays together for life?
You added Lewis Barnett to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Let me give you one example, my classmate from Carmel College

who was also a classmate of tortured to death Sandra Jacobson [1957-1997] whose half-naked and tortured body was found in the trunk of her Toyto automobile on 4 November 1997 and then in March 2006, the month before puppet Mandela was placed on the Oppenheimer-De Beers-IG Farben-BASF-Monsanto payroll, the South African police reopened her case and on September 5, 2006, the same day Putin met with Oil-Uranium King Nick Oppenheimer, the SAP issued their whitewash report, blaming a nobody who had conveniently died in 2003.

Gary Gevisser

Lewis Barnett, like Roy Essakow, like

and I think Jody Perling as well, were held back a year in school not because they were certified geniuses.

Gary Gevisser

however, was smarter than all the 32,000 Jewish South Africans who served in the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime’s brutal and cowardly military and police forces who thought nothing of shooting defenseless black African children in the back; and those who held down office jobs simply freed up the others to practice their shooting while enjoying the bloodletting.

Gary Gevisser

figured that he had every right to hold on to whatever little remained of his brain to get the hell out of South Africa even if meant building a canal from Durban’s South Beach through the Kalahari Desert, and with sufficient momentum to plough through the Sahara until arriving in Tel-Aviv and swimming all the way if necessary.

Gary Gevisser

As far as I know Lewis never went quite that far because he found a sensitive South African Jewish diamond merchant who bought Jewish an airline ticket all the way from Durban to Tel-Aviv.

was not met at Ben Gurion International Airport which might have been called Lot sic at the time, by 19 Muslim virgins each one wearing a kimono and totally naked underneath.

Lewis Barnett was only arriving in Israel which is a far place from heaven.

He was not only fed, bathed, clothed and housed but he soon found a religious Jewish woman that he fucked enough times to produce 7 children.

When he was done with her, he got a divorce, married another one and moved to New York City, although it might not have been in that precise order.

, can you confirm your story as well as add to it?

did tell me that the only reason he still eats meat and liquified meat-milk and cheese is because he does not know how to cook.

Gary Gevisser

Now you can see all the weak Jewish South African boys who signed up with the Nazi South African Oppenheimers’ military machine all geared to flush out white “troublemakers” and sufficiently declaw the black South African majority population to then have them turn on each other and it is only very recent that they have gone after the most vulnerable of the white South African population with the rich who haven’t left long made their escape plans but still they cannot find any place in the world which gives quite the lifestyle and who wants to be little fish in a big pool when you can be a big fish in a little pool?
Gary Gevisser

No, they are no longer going ape with enjoyment that at least they came out of the SA Oppenheimers’ Third Reich’s Southern Division’s military knowing how to cook.
Gary Gevisser

Focus again on the quietness of

who is no less attached to his handheld as the rest of you 24/7.

Focus at the same time on how deplorable that the world’s most powerful Jewish charity group, ChaBAD sic have yet to find a rabbi amongst them who has chastised them for their vulgarity towards women while taking God for a fool.

Gary Gevisser

By October 20, 1968, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. had not only chose his successor, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser who also never once took me for a fool when didn’t prevent sellout David Gevisser from addressing my mother Zena, “Your son Gary is naive” at a private dinner party he held in her honor shortly after my all day meeting in Johannesburg in mid-1995 following my morning meeting with South Africa’s new Minister of Trade & Industry, Trevor who approved the sale of trade show company Made In USA Inc. to South Africa’s largest trade show group, SAITEX run by senior members of the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime thus taking

“off the hook”; and nor was Made In USA Inc. the first attempt to embarrass

by the establishment who have few left to conquer.

Lewis Barnett left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Isn’t it great that the SA Oppenheimers-Kurt Engelhorn-Monsanto are not God?

Lewis Barnett left the group without saying a word. Let me try and get him back.

Lewis has now blocked me from adding him, but at this moment he remains a member of several of my other group chats, and perhaps he would like to keep talking to me on fb messaging. Can you all hold tight?

Lewis has not blocked me as of yet on fb messaging and so I left him this note: Hi? What’s up? Why would you leave Tell it the way it is without giving at least all of us your blessing?

The departure of Jewish ultra orthodox Black Hatter Lewis Barnett caught me by surprise and so I didn’t complete the thought.
Gary Gevisser

By 20 October 1968, the day my highly secretive British-English mother Zena witnessed the prenuptial agreement between First Lady Jackie Kennedy and Mossad operative Aristotle Onassis, Engelhard Jr. now had direct control of terrorist financier, Marc Rich for an entire year which is not to suggest that when Rich first journeyed to South Africa in 1958, the year my mother’s one model

[Coelen] won the Miss World and returned to the United States after 6 months working on a piddly manganese mine “empty handed”, both Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer were quiet in their applause of this loser Marc Rich.

They were of course ecstatic especially when his bosses at Philip Bros. didn’t fire him on the spot.

Wherever there is oil, there is opportunity for oil wars.

Wherever there is uranium there is opportunity to build more powerful nuclear bombs.

Gary Gevisser

Yet you all remain here casting a shadowy eye towards me and my mother Zena and not a thought to how could have such a large brain surrounding by an increasingly large skull as you put on the tonnage of weight and yet you can recognize that you have pea size mind?
Gary Gevisser

, Facebook-Zuckerberg let me see that you are waiting to say something but knowing that anything less than commenting on why you have been so slow to dig into the history of Nazi Christian American John J McCloy will result in you being sent to the back of the class to join the Essakow brothers,



Gary Gevisser

Is there anyone else who like to join the group at the back of the class?

Every celebration of the Octopus SA Oppenheimers never went unnoticed by Ben Gurion and his Mossad operatives who knew better than to write anything down and simply let their actions do all the talking.
Gary Gevisser

By the time Mossad had begun debriefing First Lady Jackie Kennedy, Israel’s War of Attrition was now fully underway as it began in June 1968, the same month that Jackie Kennedy’s former lover, Attorney General of the United States, Robert Kennedy was assassinated by a crazed Palestinian who correctly concluded that Robert Kennedy had very strong sympathies for the fledgling State of Israel because just because Kennedy was a lawyer didn’t mean he was entirely void of common sense which is synonymous with human sensitivity. Now can you imagine if Robert Kennedy had been vegan all his life? Yes, we can imagine that and it goes nowhere. But we can be quite certain that if he wanted to remain alive he had to pull out all stops from Ben Gurion turning Israel into a nuclear powerhouse. Please let me know if I am going either too fast or too slow.
Gary Gevisser

The debacle of Operation Susannah which was only designed to weaken Muslim fundamentalism which is the arch enemy of all those who profit from the sale and giving away for free weapons to all sides of war, was a devastating blow to the State of Israel.
Gary Gevisser

Once it is clear that you can buy one Israeli military intelligence officer to turn on the best undercover Jewish operatives, the only choice you have is expose in the smartest manner possible those who control the money who are the same as those who control the mineral resources using buffoons like Marc Rich and Ivan Glasenberg of Glencore, the successor to Marc Rich.
Gary Gevisser

How can one human put a value to the life of another human?

How can you get anything as idiotic as life insurance and all the corruption within the household that it brings?

How can you have so many people with messed up minds like





without there being around the clock The Hand of God?

Gary Gevisser

How could Harry Oppenheimer go from donating millions, not once but twice to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War and then think nothing of 4 years later beginning to implement the final hurdle in the destruction of us Jewish people? Harry Oppenheimer did as he pleased, any different to the rest of you? Could you see yourselves acting any different to Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nick Oppenheimer?
Gary Gevisser

It hasn’t escaped me that

and the rest of you have yet to bother yourselves writing a very public letter to Nick Oppenheimer to share his thoughts on Professor Epstein’s The D I book without it being too much of an inconvenience.



To my mother Zena!

Gary Gevisser

We have a lot to cover today which began for me much earlier, and before speaking with Solly Krok who was just listening I was thinking.
Gary Gevisser

Each of you also have to think and as I suggested to Solly Krok there is an interesting end to Werner Herzog’s movie White Diamond

specifically at 1 hour 22 minutes and 8 seconds, the tail end of a dialogue between the English aeronautical professor who comes across as quite the sensitive man and this most articulate, wonderful Mark Anthony who doesn’t get it quite spot on when thinking that the Amaridian little children are simply quiet, but you know that his good listening skills woke him up quickly to the very good point the Professor was making before the Swifts descended from the skies right into their faces, into the cameras eye.

Herzog Il diamante bianco The white diamond
Sub ita
Gary Gevisser

Imagine if Werner Herzog who is as clueless as the rest of you were to the money game were to bring himself before the camera along with all his great actors who have yet to die off, how would each of you feel?

Is it enough to shake you up to the point that you are sure you have the most terrible disease Parkinsons that you are never going to shake off, and death doesn’t come fast enough or to choose the logical path?

The logical, good path you would have all chosen much sooner, but ugliness makes you feel better about your shortcomings.
You added David Danziger and 2 others to the group.
Gary Gevisser

has most likely not gone out and bought himself a dehydrator

Gary Gevisser

so that when all his children and grandchildren arrive he has gone to the trouble of also plugging it in and beforehand sent each of them the manual which they could read on the plane rather than play video games, watch porn which may already be illegal in economy class but free in first class, or just a regular movie to pass the time, along with a simple recipe to make highly nutritious sunflower seeds, flax and zucchini bread, and then to play with the recipe adding perhaps as is the case with the last batch some dried fruits, so that the bread has a “neutral” taste before adding jam and tahini toppings.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

When the family and friends get together to enjoy a meal it is neither the best conversations which you see between myself and my mother Zena which upsets you so, nor the best, healthiest foods even if when passing the meat products through your lips you don’t consistently think of the terror going through the mind of the animal leading up to its bloody slaughter for fear that you could end up looking like my cousin fat Mark Gevisser and @Clive Kaplan who has yet to tell us how he felt at the end of the rerun.
Gary Gevisser

There are many virtues of

such as modesty which I will get into more if time permits, but what stands out the most is his total lack of jealousy, the same with my mother Zena and my father Bernie.

What else besides for jealousy can explain all your ugliness?
You added Ayala Weisel to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Who would like to know more about my mother Zena’s false guardian Israeli liar-lawyer

who has yet to know if my sister

, or my brothers

and Neil Gevisser will turn on her to save their skin or vice versa?

We must now go back to that greeting of Israel President Zalman Shazar with the released Operation Susannah operatives in 1968, Robert Dessa, Philip Nathanson, and Marcelle Ninio.

I was still 10 years old in February 1968, and even if I knew what was going on, my input wouldn’t have amounted to much.

My mother Zena, on the other hand, who always carried a handbag

knew everything, even more than our Israeli-Argentinian “guide” Yehudah Matov who had been vetted by Ben Gurion who only told Matov

what he needed to know.

The photo above is the only known photo of Yehudah Matov showing his full face. My mother Zena asked me to keep this photo to myself until I was told otherwise.

Matov would have died for my mother Zena which is why Ben Gurion couldn’t think of anyone better to be her chaperone.

I never knew if Matov accompanied my mother Zena into the capture territories of the Sinai following the June 67 Six Day War because there were Israeli Generals with my mother at all times.

So 1968 was a very eventful year in my mother’s life.

14 years in an Egyptian prison and not knowing one day from the next whether the torture was going to get less or worse or whether your last meal was it, is very unnerving.

So I can begin to sense how each of you must feel.
Gary Gevisser

Having spent so much time yesterday on Facebook which didn’t prevent me from eating incredibly healthy throughout the day plus enjoying that much more than the day before exercising in the forest because my body-mind is that much healthier even though I am that much closer to the biological age of 64, I never got around to sharing with Elon Musk the bullet proof business model which knocks Jeff Bezos right off his pedestal.
Gary Gevisser

Amazon’s share price, something which I have never previously looked at, and nor did I have any idea of its price, last traded at $3,076.12.

, are you quite sure you don’t want to spend the rest of you life giving us a regular update on both Amazon’s share price, even if it is no less than every 30 seconds as well as Jeff Bezos’ physical and mental health, the same with Bill Gates Jr?

What if there was betting ring allowing all 8 billion of us humans including the illiterate to bet on when each of us will next talk, would that interest any of you?

Or are you thinking that even if people close to Elon Musk are not giving him real time updates that he is getting the message via ESP?

It is not totally accurate that I spent all my time online on Facebook because I did post one thing up on Tweeter.

“Don’t ignore your machine” has 11 impressions which is much better than zero, and those statistics can only improve.
Gary Gevisser

In February 1968, Ben-Gurion was now 4 months into his 81st year without him forgetting that he had to deal twice with insurrection from his top generals, first in April 1948, one month before the official start of Israel’s War of Independence and then in June 1948 when the war was far from over.
Gary Gevisser

The Generals’ Revolt probably means fuck all to most all of you because your thinking is still “How can I make money or money connections spending all this time listening to Gevisser”, but it is an important part of Ben-Gurion having to deal with small thinkers.
Gary Gevisser

The bribe monies paid to senior Israeli military officials did not stop flowing following the debacle of the spring 1954 Operation Susannah because it increased exponentially just like this massive Covid-19 stimulus all designed to keep property owners quiet as their real estate skyrockets and all the media report is that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.
Gary Gevisser

Remember all of you who are not skilled skilled artisans, or spectacular engineers and visionaries like Elon Musk are the contrived middle class who have been brainwashed to believe that you are the core of the capitalist system and who are at the greatest risk of being squeezed away.
Gary Gevisser

Moreover, that you can be counted on to move heaven and earth to help defend all that you have worked for.

Now we go back to the religious folk who care for the poor as much as they do their bloated stomachs.

Let’s face it, how hard is to realize when looking at fatsos like

and @Clive Kaplan that they really care for themselves?

Once you demonstrate to others by your glutinous display that you don’t care for yourself, they naturally come away thinking, “This person is a bullshitter”.

If you have a stomach the size of

which is why she only gives a headshot on Facebook, you are instantly envious.

Who here would hire

to be their guardian?

Of course you would want to see references from more than my sister and two brothers.

, can you give us here a list of your references other than your Facebook friends?

Do each of you see how powerful a database Mark Zuckerberg has created?

So lets ask

‘s 3 children present here whether they would appoint

as Solly’s guardian in the event they are too busy making money?

, I am not suggesting that you move in with your father because

might like his independence.

What I am saying is that it is good thing to learn from your previous ignorance.



do the three of you ever recall asking me or King Golden Jr. about his former credentials and others besides for me who he was in constant contact with?

The answer is “No”.

I know because I discussed it with King.

Did any of the three of you ask King Golden Jr. Esq. about his very talkative Jewish American neighbor

who appears to have moved out of Del Mar and is now living in New Mexico with the same wife?

Gary Gevisser

The answer to that is also “No”. Doesn’t it make sense if you are going to sharing intimate details with someone starting with your brothers, sisters and parents-grandparents that you learn everything there is to know about them including the neighborhood they live in and their interactions if any with the neighbors?
Gary Gevisser

Yes it makes perfect sense without asking them the color of the panties they are currently wearing.

Have each of you noticed at any time in your lives when you just think of someone you don’t like there is this convulsing feeling you have?

Yes, is the right answer.

That is quite amazing the more you think about it. Just an image in your mind can reverberate throughout your body, either negative, positive or neutral.

Wouldn’t you therefore pay most attention to the science behind such chemistry without thinking how best to produce a concoction that will blow off your hand?

It is very easy to see without reading scripture how ugly is man.

You see it here vividly.

It is an amazing “heads up display” provided by Facebook.

Could you see Mark Zuckerberg taking a call from me were I not so visible?

It depends, is the right answer.
Gary Gevisser

Do you think I have enough knowledge of the media industry, technological advances and high powered connections to formulate an introduction to Zuckerberg’s personal assistant that would quickly bring him on the line just as I did when calling the ceo and chairman of the board of AIG, Maurice Hank Greenberg back on December 10, 1996?
Gary Gevisser

Yes, is the right answer.



, do you remember King Golden Jr. Esq and myself without any input from

sharing with you our incredible victory over major nuclear weapons developer Westinghouse founded in 1886?

The answer is again “No”.

That is because that unprecedented victory took place a couple of years after King and I completed our assignment to best protect you from yourselves.

The idea of taking on Westinghouse is tantamount to David taking on Goliath but a factor at least a 100 times more.

This might arouse

to get before the podium which he carefully places in his dark Facebook profile and vomit more his ugliness, although if it is not the Hand of God then ChaBAD sic headquarters in Brooklyn who have now grabbed hold of his short-hairs.

To be clear, it was no my idea to take on Westinghouse as it was King’s idea and knowing that once I got my head around the situation I would be game.
Gary Gevisser

It began with another client of King’s, an American-Israeli physicist who like Elon Musk did not finish his Phd studies which didn’t prevent the physicist from developing and perfecting the fastest laser switch; and previous designs, operating at slower than picoseconds had saved the eyesight of captains of America’s nuclear submarine fleet who were being blinded by lasers fired by their Soviet counterparts. Bear in mind that a picosecond is pretty slow compared with today’s lasers, but still one trillionth of a second is not exactly slow.
Gary Gevisser

Had my client Irving Cooper who I called upon to assist with more than the financing of the patent infringement lawsuit against Westinghouse been around today and had a similar or identical heads up display to what I have, and if he were looking over my shoulder it would of course be identical, and he saw all the names in the right as well as left column of the screen, he would smile and be totally amazed, but only once I explained everything otherwise he would greatly question my sanity.
Gary Gevisser

How in the world would you spend a moment with such total losers is what Irving Cooper would first think if all he did was look at the center of the screen and then have me scroll to the very top.
You added Anastasia George to the group.
Gary Gevisser

It is highly probable that only one of you have met Irv Cooper who was already very successful when he along with 4 other investors decided in 1967 – again the year of the 6 Day War which followed Operation Diamond that ended on August 16, 1966, when an Iraqi Air Force MiG-21, flown by the Iraqi Assyrian defector Munir Redfa, landed in Israel with only fumes remaining in the gas tank – to back hedge fund operator Michael Steinhardt with a quarter million dollars each and had Irv let that investment ride for the next quarter of a century before Steinhardt shut it down, Cooper would have walked away with a cool $100 million which sounds like chicken feed today, right?
Gary Gevisser

, my former girlfriend, met Irving Cooper on several occasions along with his chickenshit son-in-law who Cooper put into the battery business.

That battery business is not TESLA.
Gary Gevisser

Anastasia George however, despite joining me for an intimate dinner with rock legend Bob Dylan never visited with Cooper and his second wife Helga who was one of the Jewish German orphans who Hitler used to show the world that he was not all bad, at their home in Beverly Hills where I spent a great deal of time, even before proposing to Cooper he get involved in taking on the behemoth Westinghouse.
Gary Gevisser

One really only gets to know someone when visiting regularly with them in their home, wouldn’t you all agree?

Why do you think it is that when kids have the best parents the not so great kids keep their distance?

Let’s face most all of you are not great kids because your parents are no better and why you are here.

Correction: Lets face it.
Gary Gevisser



, you also don’t remember either King or myself mentioning the work King assisted me with when flushing out Michael Steinhardt who didn’t take long to collapse his empire and walk away with a cool $400 million and today this ugly beast is once again centerstage not just because he feels on top of the world but because he has caught all your attention.

Gary Gevisser

You can just see most all of you including the pricks



racing to their Google to check out Steinhardt and before long they will be passing comment on their Facebook walls in an effort to improve their crippling low self-esteem, much the same as Ayala Weisel who was convinced that her theft of my mother’s wealth including properties was never going to come back and haunt her.

Gary Gevisser

Ben Gurion had the best justice system.

He allowed the crooks to hang out and dry.

Im now in the process of helping my wife plan our next trip. Who would like to come along?

Im back.
Gary Gevisser

Shortly I will be getting back to this distant cousin of us Gevissers who I began a dialogue with yesterday, and before that I will share it all with you, other than his name; without us forgetting that Facebook officials can see everything assuming it is information that interests them and the algorithms they rely on to prioritize.
Gary Gevisser

The Westinghouse matter began once King Golden Jr. Esq. and I had put the crook Steinhardt to bed.

No surprise of course that Steinhardt’s right hand man was an Israeli banker, Shimon Topor.

You can all visualize

and my 3 elder siblings seeing how they can loop in both Topor and Steinhardt into their murderous criminality.

Gary Gevisser

To steal another person’s patented technology is a complicated business unless the victim has limited resources and is barely surviving which was the case with this Israeli-American physicist. All of you with access to Google know that the strength of a patent is only known once it is litigated and just the thought of having to sit down with scoundrel lawyers is enough to make most normal humans vomit.
Gary Gevisser

Our team which is consisted of me, King Golden Jr. Esq. and Irving Cooper, now into his 70s didn’t have a naive bone in our bodies.
Gary Gevisser

That is not to suggest that we were unprepared because our names are not to be found, other than mine, in either the left or right column; even most skilled and experienced class action litigator

Esq. would have brought nothing to the table because the 3 of us were totally complete.

Gary Gevisser

When you go to war with the Military-Industrial-Complex you must expect the possibility of being wiped out, certainly totally financially crippled.

The stakes were high on both sides.
Gary Gevisser

Going for us was the knowledge that our technology had to be spectacularly powerful that Westinghouse would feel the need to steal the technology or their lawyers had ulterior motives like feeding their nest eggs or just fucking with a small Israeli physicist who should have long applied for a job with Westinghouse.
Gary Gevisser

In other words, we didn’t really know Westinghouse’s motivations and the point being that we knew that we didn’t have all that much going for us.
Gary Gevisser

Still the conversations amongst the three of us with lots of input from the physicist, Ovid, were a little more interesting than what you hear out of the mouths of people like



who has yet to tell us what he learned from Musk’s talk yesterday.

Gary Gevisser

Why is that


Is that because your wife called you into the bedroom and you have yet to escape?

By the time Irving Cooper put his money where his mouth was, and that required us getting perfectly comfortable with the sole practitioner patent litigator who was based in San Francisco, my assessment was that we had a good chance of prevailing.

That was my job.

It would please me to hear from each of you how you would describe your day job?
Gary Gevisser

Have any of you considered the fact that when the economy is contracting due to say an apocalyptic event such as a meteor that wiped out the Dinosaurs which gave rise to us human rats or God simply creating an illusion which we are only just now getting our heads around, albeit of ingenious proportions, or a Covid-19 virus, the last thing a prudent economist or politician would do is pump money into the economy?
Gary Gevisser

In other words proof positive that you are morons.

That isn’t all bad if this is all masterfully designed.
Gary Gevisser

Just because no Jewish person should be talking politics or economics-money unless they are intimately familiar with Operation Susannah it doesn’t mean the Christians who have been fixated on turning Jewish people on each other ever since Jewish person Jesus Christ got so horrible mistreated by the corrupt business people eager to maintain the status quo as were the corrupt, puppet Jewish priesthood all beholden to the military might of the Roman Empire, are the best that came out of the marauding Christian Crusaders whose handlers, again the business people went on to mastermind the Spanish Inquisition and today the plebes believe that it was mostly one Jewish man Luis de Santángel who provided the financing to the “bankrupt” King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I of Spain.
Gary Gevisser

Since when have you known that bad parents breed better offspring?

Why do you think it is that bad parents are so protective of their children and grandchildren, “They are the smartest, they are the greatest”?

You don’t know your FUCKING HISTORY is the problem.
Gary Gevisser

You think that because you can put on makeup that mostly accentuate your ugly looks because you failed to take a charm school class with Zena Gevisser, and get dressed before going out to charm the world that is all the intelligence you need to display other than show the world you have tons of money and other forms of wealth to show.
Gary Gevisser

Have you noticed how the Hollywood clown Diller is now up on telling the world they need to stack up with cash.

Could it be that because Diller is rich you are more likely to pay attention to him than a down and out street person?

You couldn’t even figure out the right question to ask how Nazi Germany rearmed and yet you make babies and think that you will learn to be good parents along the way.

You couldn’t even begin to imagine such a scenario of mass stupidity.

How could you possibly not think that stupid people cannot be manipulated.

That is why you are continuously brainwashed to repeat that Hitler was a genius before saying “he was also a madman”.
Gary Gevisser

You know it isn’t God if there isn’t a God, telling you not to use your common sense to ask the most logical question and not stop asking until you have got a logical answer and there are now 7 billion of you literate and eventually all literacy will be wiped out, and you all simply accept that there had to be a logical answer otherwise there wouldn’t be so many professors and students of history, economics, law and political science.
Gary Gevisser

What drives each of you other than your common stupidity?

How can you not think there is a God?

I don’t hear one of you taking full responsibility for your stupidity, why is that?

Call it a miracle if you will, not only did Westinghouse send us a check for a cool $1 million, but much more importantly they were humbled as they returned all the stolen property.
Gary Gevisser

So how very close was

less than a handful of years earlier from being the richest Jewish person on the planet and not having to worry if his son

is going to remember to arrange every day for a chauffeur to take Solly and spend most of the day enjoying nature at its finest moments?

Gary Gevisser

My “risk assessment” was that

had a far greater chance than us prevailing against Westinghouse, other than he had stupid children who surrounded themselves with even bigger fools.

I am not saying that their husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends were all that great either.

Those of you who make your own Kamubucha know that you need to feed and nurture the “mother” Zooby, I believe is the name, and if you don’t do it right, there is this vinegar taste.

I did not say “honey” because I said vinegar which doesn’t mean the fruit fly population is going to drop precipitously in the next 24 hours.

I know that I am not stupid.

I also know that none of you really think I am stupid.

I know that God has a plan to deal with stupid people.

Just because I believe, because I know that God exists doesn’t mean any of you should because first of all we don’t have the same brain or moral code; the exact opposite in fact.

Therefore it is of no consequence to me what you think of me or your belief system.

What is important to me is that I provide Elon Musk with the necessary writings to stop all this nonsense and then I will shut off my Facebook unless Mark Zuckerberg makes a convincing case that I should continue.

Why would anyone expect bad people to feel at any time that a higher energy reaction exists other than when they feel goddam awful?

Who here feels great?
Gary Gevisser

Title: Why so quiet?

Gevisser relation: Lives in New York, New York
JUL 28, 2020, 4:58 PM Calif. time


Hi – are you related to us Gevissers orginally from Pazelva-Zelvas some 38 miles from Vilnius?

MON 5:57 PM

Gevisser relation:

I assume so. Sorry I never saw this.


I did communicate with your wife, I think, and there is a document that talks to our connection – I will look for it.

What do you do?

I write on the military economy with a background in the banking-mining industry as well as corporate workout.

Gevisser relation:

I am a consultant to asset management companies. Worked in biz development for private equity and other asset managers.

I know we are related to someone in San Diego. My grandmother told me that 30 years ago

With your last name. Named Kathy I think

Maybe 35 years ago actually

MON 7:08 PM


I’m out on a mountain bike ride and will only get to my new but ailing MacBook Air tomorrow to find the document prepared by my father’s brother.

35 years ago my sister Kathy lived in San Diego.

My immediate family which was as close knit as it gets went through a rift that is not yet resolved following my 3 elder siblings deciding to ignore the clear, stated wishes of our extraordinary mother Zena

There are videos on YouTube type ZENA THE LADYS SPEECH and it is me doing all the filming.

The upside is that this is a huge universe in every respect.

It is hard to predict the future when the truth is ignored.

That is a huge punishment for those who knowingly do wrong and a great source of encouragement for those who have the courage to always try and [do] the right thing 😉

Nothing quite as breath taking as this beautiful evening with only the crickets frogs and birds talking other than the enjoyment of my exotic gorgeous Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion who knows the mountain lions have better things to do than eat me

Gary Gevisser

TUE 6:47 AM

You added Tracy Tomson to the group.
Gary Gevisser


are you able to read the document I just sent you?

Are you married to X?

She and I began a dialogue on July 29.

TUE 8:37 AM
Gevisser relation:


It’s only one page

TUE 11:22 AM


I will send you the other documents including an extraordinary 2-page letter sent on 6 May 1965 to my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] who arrived pretty much penniless in South Africa back in 1904, just his clothes and a coat and the cookies his mother Beila Getal had made and which his sister Pessiah took a couple which Issy made note of when writing back home soon after arriving in Durban, and nor did he speak a word of English or Afrikaans or any of the native African languages, but [b]y 1929 he was more than “on his feet” as he purchased the most valuable properties in Israel, from the beaches of Haifa, all the way to the top of the hill and that didn’t mean it was one square inch in a vertical line 🙂 for the most strategic harbor land in all of Israel began with where Haifa airport is today, all the way to the ocean, then to the left and up “around the corner” and then right of the airport extending several kilometers, and well within the binocular view of Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan where future Prime Minister, and protege of Ben Gurion, Yitzhak Rabin received in 1941 his special forces Palmach training.

Mark Gevisser
Origin Born: December 15, 1964 Location: Johannesburg, South Africa Father: David Joseph Gevisser Mother: Hedda Cohen Gevisser Brothers: Peter, John, Anthony Partner: Education College: Yale – Comparative Literature – 1987 Career Journalist: Author: Defiant Desire, Gay and Lesbian Lives In South Afr…
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

BTW, both shots of me holding Israeli Special Forces weaponry, the one with the Uzi pointed at my middle brother Melvin taken in 1966 during one of my two trips and the one at the top taken in January 1968 were not only very “staged” but it was the very first time I had ever held a weapon and no less important, given how I was such a novice, both the Uzi and the semi-automatic were double checked to make sure that the weapons had been cleared of bullets 🙂

I would suspect that being an asset manager the first criteria is that you cannot be naive, and also most likely you have visited Israel?

And if that is the case, it is unheard of for Israeli Special Forces commandos to give up their weapons even for a photoshoot and both took place on the side of the road where the soldiers were hitching a ride up to the frontlines in northern Israel, unless the person making such a request was of sufficient stature within Israeli Military Intelligence – Mossad [IMIM] that the commandos were certain that they would not receive a court marshal.

What I have yet to mention is a decade after Israel’s War of Independence ended those priceless properties were stolen by a crooked Israeli lawyer and nor did it escape the attention of Mossad head Ben Gurion who facilitated the original purchase by Issy Gevisser back in 1929.

Mark Gevisser
Origin Born: December 15, 1964 Location: Johannesburg, South Africa Father: David Joseph Gevisser Mother: Hedda Cohen Gevisser Brothers: Peter, John, Anthony Partner: Education College: Yale – Comparative Literature – 1987 Career Journalist: Author: Defiant Desire, Gay and Lesbian Lives In South Afr…
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

Beila-Gitel who is seated above with Issy on the left and his sister in law Fanny alongside her husband, Berel-Leib Gevisser who was older than Issy, is I believe our “blood connection”.

BTW, Issy placed all the Haifa properties as well as those far less valuable in Zichron Yaacov in his sister Pessiah’s name; just to tell you he did not hold a grudge against Pessiah for “swiping” those cookies 🙂

You probably also know 🙂 that not all marriages last; and some that do such as my grandfather Issy’s marriage to his second wife Jenny Maltz back in 1953 following the death of his first wife, my grandmother Kate Sher Gevisser [c.1895 – 8 June 1945] who died on the same day Nick Oppenheimer

Gary Gevisser

was born, can last a lifetime, but that doesn’t mean there is total trust. Have you heard of Nick Oppenheimer? [then I mistakenly hit the “thumbs up”]

I hit the “thumbs up” in error Also, as you see from the date of the “tearful” 2-page letter sent to my grandfather that it is 3 May 1965 not 6 May. I probably had in my mind the 3-page letter my amazing Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser

sent his first cousin, David Gevisser’s [1926-2009] eldest son, renowned South African writer Mark Gevisser

back on 6 May 1994 which provides some detail of the Haifa properties theft.

Mark Gevisser
Origin Born: December 15, 1964 Location: Johannesburg, South Africa Father: David Joseph Gevisser Mother: Hedda Cohen Gevisser Brothers: Peter, John, Anthony Partner: Education College: Yale – Comparative Literature – 1987 Career Journalist: Author: Defiant Desire, Gay and Lesbian Lives In South Afr…
Gary Gevisser

Let me know if you have any more questions as well as thoughts.

BTW, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser was the “male heir” of American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]; you may have heard or even encountered his Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corporation which was established in 1902, the same year that the Anglo “American” Boer War ended.

I am also publishing a book which picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet

leaves off while filling in some of the critical gaps which relate directly to events happening today in the world of “military-economics”; and I think it is fair to say that it does both my father as well as his father Issy most proud.

Just one more thing as I think about it, future clients of mine Simon & Schuster first published The Diamond Invention book back in 1982, which was the same year one of my intimates, Roger W. Robinson who was born on the same day, February 6 as President Ronald W. Reagan, just 40 years apart, and both shared the same initials, joined the National Security Council and prior “Our Man Roger” who went on to become the inaugural Chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission where he remained until 31 December 2005, was the right hand person of David Rockefeller.

Gary Gevisser

whose family had a hand in IG Farben located in death factory Auschwitz where they had inexpensive Jewish labor producing the Zyklon B gas. Do you recognize the man to the left of Rockefeller? Are you thinking what those Haifa properties would be worth today?

BTW, I have been mostly “out of the game” since December 2000 when I had my NEW BEGINNINGS PARTY at my digs in Del Mar, California and where my father Bernie was the photographer.

The guy sticking his head between myself and his girlfriend is my mate from high school Paul Tomson whose elder brother, Shaun Tomson was with me at university where we studied economics together, and Shaun taking a year off in 1977 when he won the World’s Surfing Championship.
Gary Gevisser

Their father was an Olympic swimmer and prior to that, during World War 2 he was a tail-gunner, the most dangerous position in a bomber, which is not to suggest for a moment that a tail-gunner is as skilled as a Fighter Bomber Pilot such as my father, nor does one learn the art of warfare better than a Fighter Bomber Pilot whose onboard cameras tell the Commanding Officers who they want to keep on the battlefield which of course the other Fighter Bomber Pilots “on the show” already pretty much know but in the fog of war when your focus is to get out alive after dropping your bombs the film footage tells it all. Did you see my mother Zena’s The Lady’s Speech? Did you see the photo of Ben Gurion on the wall of her living-dining room? Today 10:06 AM Why so quiet? [Seen by Gevisser relation at 10:17 AM]
You added Susan Munro to the group.
Gary Gevisser


who once bravely took on Donald Trump and then got old.

Susan Munro
Susan Munro

Gary Gevisser

, while taking your time to get caught without bothering to read General Smuts’ 1926 groundbreaking Holism & Evolution which pseudo intellectuals like also horribly aging Noam Chomsky don’t touch with a 100 foot pole, can you figure out why ChaBAD sic member

lied when telling the world that huge contributor to Chabad,

had not donated monies to Chabad led by the Schneerson?

Gary Gevisser

, since you wanted to make your presence known and you clearly have no problem admitting that you threw in the towel because Trump helped greatly in taking your life’s energy away from while realizing that this Big universe is moving in an order that we can recognize and predict with extraordinary accuracy and it only the accuracy and seeing incredibly further than at any time in history and the ancient Romans, not all that long ago couldn’t have even imagined, do you think old looking, wrinkled terribly parents and grandparent when looking into the faces of babies not all raised above to see beyond what the adults can see, don’t give a fuck that they are scaring the living daylights out of children who then start imitating hoping they will be left alone?

How are you doing in getting to the bottom of

’s huge coverup attempt?

Could you see if there was enough support from the poor of the world as well as Elon Musk all religious instructions will cease to exist?

Susan, how much time today do you have to spend with us?

Gary Gevisser

Correction: the “from” is not necessary after “… taking your life’s energy away”.
Gary Gevisser

For the rest of you who cannot possibly think, that stupidity is a requisite for figuring out anything complicated including the existence of a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) who would have no problem punishing all the religious hypocrites fasting on Yom Kippur or bearing their soul to a priest during confession even if they carry a lifeless statue of Baby Jesus on their backs, how do you explain all the great many Jewish South Africans who failed to see that there was never any legislate opposition to the SA Apartheid Regime during their 46 year uninterrupted rule?
Gary Gevisser

Who thinks the death of American Charles W Engelhard Jr on March 2, 1971 having turned just 54 the month weakened the power of his partner South African Harry Oppenheimer?

I am not asking how long is a piece string.

How can you avoid asking which business people and their bought politicians profited the most from the non-existent opposition to the South African Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime?

You can only avoid asking if you don’t think or your DNA has been programmed to think like the rest of the stupid?

The only alternative is that you knew like Jewish Tony Leon, leader of the South African Democratic Alliance Party that he had been bought by Harry Oppenheimer.

What you don’t see is that many people in class putting up their hands and saying they were bought.

I also know that going back to 1978 Harry Oppenheimer who was now 70, just 7 years older than I am today, felt that he didn’t have to pay much or anything at all when getting what he wanted.
Gary Gevisser

you can’t be thinking exclusively the great ugliness of thought that

was attempting to cover up when asserting that Solly Krok never donated monies to the ChaBAD sic movement and therefore what I had previously said was untrue, because you can feel that is an extraordinarily hot potato which will have repercussions all the way through to Aberdeen, Scotland.

So could you see Harry Oppenheimer as yourself, and would you stop using your most reliable informer networks to keep tabs on your middle class who will do whatever is necessary to prevent the riff-raff from coming into their neighborhoods, because you feel with all your potential South African opposition completely out of the way, the rest of the world will go away and to simply rest on your laurels?

Gary Gevisser

, you are not only human but you are no less brainwashed than the rest.

Of course you would continue doing what brought you great success in your backyard South Africa because it was so brilliantly executed.

do you think



have the intelligence to realize this without me spoon feeding them?

Do you think

’s underwhelming children and grandchildren have the intelligence to realize this?

Do you think the rest of the world has the intelligence to realize this?

do you have the intellectual capacity to figure out how we can all find out if each of us has the intelligence to realize this?

do you have more or less respect for religious people following this tutorial or do you prefer to remain neutral?

let’s leave you to cycle back to the huge problem

has created for the ChaBAD sic movement and their middle class supporters because we all understand, one thing at a time.

Gary Gevisser

you haven’t forgotten how you have yet to explain how your family’s money and other support for Belgian Congo Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba saved his life despite his horrific assassination on the same day the person who ordered his assassination, President Eisenhower threatened us about the power of the Military Industrial Complex which you know not only built Nazi Germany but on 6 February 1959 the Nazi leadership responsible for Germany being the powerhouse it is today celebrated.


, if you were in Harry Oppenheimer-IG Farben’s shoes would you continue to do what brought you great success in your backyard South Africa because it was so brilliantly executed?

Gary Gevisser

should I repeat the question, slightly differently to help you or right now are you thinking what a bloody waste of time were the years spent being taught fucking nonsense at Columbia University?

Gary Gevisser

Let us assume that once we have canvassed the world the universal consensus with no exceptions is that Harry Oppenheimer would have changed the formula he and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer implemented so brilliantly in South Africa which simply required lining up their ducks perfectly in the rest of the world as well.
Gary Gevisser

So we are left pretty much with nothing further for anyone to say other than we have yet to reach the rest of the world and so far I think it is fair to say I cannot count on any of you.

I now announce school is closed for the rest of the day.

, I take it that you are staying behind because you have something to say?

Without us going back in a time machine to when Hitler’s Brown Shirts were intimidating the crap out of the German-Austrian Jewish people, we can imagine how very tough it was for people to be brave and fearless.

Look how ugly you react to the truth just because you have been bought with money.

The Germans were starving. All you not so fat men have to worry about is having to screw your fat wife when she comes home from work because she provides most of the bacon.

So we are proving Maslows hierarchy of needs. You would sell your soul for little gain and you will sellout everyone for greater gain until you get stopped.

All Ben Gurion had going for him was head of Mossad.

He could shout loud and hope the wind would carry his voice to the end of the room.

Had he the Internet at his fingertips do you think he would have my courage even though he didn’t have more knowledge of the facts?

That is a good question, I know, which is why I asked it.

Would Ben Gurion have known how fickle is the human? Of course he would because he would have had the internet at his fingertips.

So would he have pulled the trigger prior to Harry Oppenheimer wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s? How could he not unless he felt that Harry Oppenheimer’s replacement would be worse.

Each of you have allowed the murder of my mother Zena.

Each of you, like all those who have watched The Lady’s Speech, know that my mother Zena’s clear wishes are not being met and who exactly is responsible for obscenity.
Gary Gevisser

So knowing Ben Gurion as well as I did, and part of that knowledge is what my mother Zena taught me leading up to my regular meetings following our first meeting on November 1, 1972, is that Ben Gurion would have sought an accommodation directly with Nick Oppenheimer who would have fallen on the sword.
Gary Gevisser

Remember, that was all hypothetical. Ben Gurion did not have the Internet wondrous machine but you pricks remain.

My witch sister Kathy and her no less vulture husband David Danziger have their birthdays coming up tomorrow, don’t each of you want to wish them happy birthday?

Bad people cannot predict good things, once they realize there is order to this universe.

Who thinks those who sponsor charities for the poor in places like Africa and Brazil are ignorant that war is good business?

Who thinks Bill Gates Jr. is so smart that he can think for all of us?

Why do you think the world’s top atheist philosophers such as Noam Chomsky and the world’s top religious such as the Pope and the Schneerson of Chabad fail to educate the poor that they are murdering themselves when breeding like rabbits?

Why do you think the corrupt business people are so slow to ridicule the hypocrite religious?

Do you think it is all because of political correctness?

How many weapons systems would you produce if there was not cannon fodder?

Who would ever think a corrupt business person wouldn’t see the merit of having the poor breed like rabbits and what their cannons didn’t kill then Monsanto would do the job, and in both instances they make a profit?

Who here is willing to admit that they are stupid?

How much time does the class want before I continue?

Seen by Nina Senčar at Wednesday 1:00pm

Gary Gevisser

Correction: an important “not” was left out and the edited book of today reflects the correction; Let us assume that once we have canvassed the world, the universal consensus, with no exceptions, is that Harry Oppenheimer would not have changed the formula he and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer implemented so brilliantly in South Africa, which simply required lining up their ducks perfectly in the rest of the world as well.
Gary Gevisser

Everyone, please take your seats, look straight ahead while keeping your peripheral vision on your co-dependents.
Gary Gevisser

Having turned just 54 the month before his death, again, March 2, 1971 which his Swiss medical doctors had engineered, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. was no longer “on top of the world”.

Death has a way of bringing everyone into reality check.

If we didn’t die, we all know how much uglier you would all be, perhaps me as well; but for sure we know about all of you.

Since we don’t have a choice, we must stick with what know and try best to learn from it.

Do you agree

, Jean

, Torah

, Steve

, Clive

, and


You added Hilary Hackner to the group.
You added Vera Dubin to the group.
You added Bess Magid Resnick to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Let us give my close neighbors in Durban, South Africa, @


and @

spanning 2 generations, time to get caught up with the rest of you on this important 4 year anniversary of lunch with my Zena at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel

Suffice to say that my mother Zena was aware that it was her daughter, the unaccomplished witch of Melbourne, Australia Kathy Gevisser Danziger and her no less head in the clouds husband David Danziger’s birthdays but their names never came up in the car ride from Netanya which my mother has taken a great many times although mostly leaving from Tel-Aviv just slightly south of Netanya going back to the earliest days of 1949 when my mother began visiting Israel two to three times a year or on the slow ride back as my mother was in no hurry to get back to the evil Filipino caregiver that my sister and her malice ridden, money hungry lawyer Ayala Wiesel had hired in their scheme to deprive my mother of her rights in effort to shut her up.

As a quick side-note, the current share price of Amazon is $3021.19 giving Amazon a market cap of just shy of $1.5 trillion versus TESLA now trading at $373.67 with a market cap just shy of $350 billion.

Should anyone wish to make any “Wall Street talk” while I am gone on a couple of hours hike, please direct your comments only to shareholder class action litigator Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who is the most knowledgeable person I know, besides for myself, on these matters.

Gary Gevisser

All you hear is the birds, nice!

All you hear is the birds, nice

Not many women who model professionally at 18 have such a perfect body shape.

, you are not the only member active, but still let me ask you if you agree with that statement or do you need to see more?

Gary Gevisser

Today’s book we are going to go slow because time is not in the least bit important if God-HER (Higher Energy Reaction) exists or once you are aware that you have contributed in any way, shape or form to the suffering of a good human being and in the case of my mother Zena, you know from yourself and your mother and grandmothers if you knew the first thing about them, it doesn’t get better than Zena Ash Gevisser.
Gary Gevisser

In fact it is not a requirement to be in the least bit spiritual to know that it is not just most difficult to predict the actions of those around but it is a most uncomfortable feeling knowing how difficult it is to predict the future when you have knowingly done wrong to the very best human being.
Gary Gevisser

Life becomes an endless battle with your increasingly feeble mind and you find yourself repeating the same conversations with those in your inner circle starting with family members and non-family members you have coopted.
Gary Gevisser

The chances of any of you in the future experiencing anything close to the joy my mind-body experienced on this 2 hour hike in very familiar territory where we can cage accurately the relative health of the trees, and where one is on its last legs but it could take many years still before it falls over other younger trees are doing great, is next to impossible.
Gary Gevisser

While it has been going on 30 years since I have been “party to” Shtetl Durban, South African Jewish conversation and I don’t miss it one bit, those of you that much more narrow-minded can appreciate the conversation between Durban Jewish mother and their daughter:
Gary Gevisser

“Your father is still having trouble with his left leg”. “Has he seen the doctor?” “Yes, just yesterday but today there are no signs of improvement!” “Have they tried changing the medication?” “Yes!” “Is he on new pills or have they tried increasing or decreasing the dosage?” “It really hard for me to keep up with it all, maybe you want to visit with him later today, if it is not too much trouble?” “Maybe on Shabbat we can pick you up on the way to shul. It is on our way, unless you think he isn’t going to make it?” “I just don’t know. This COVID-19 if he gets it, he is done and so may be I” Well let me see once I have done my shopping at Amazon’s Whole Foods where the fools shop at the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, I will give you a call and maybe I can stop by for afternoon tea?”
Gary Gevisser


, do you remember what we were talking yesterday?

Can you see

getting healthier as he continues his attempts at coverup, the same with

and most all of the rest?

Gary Gevisser

Could you see a financial advisor to Elon Musk who if they were to catch wind of my daily insights and analysis of the important events of the day, ignoring speaking to Musk because first they want to hear America’s land, cash, and shares of public and private corporations richest and most politically connected litigator Mr

Esq. first speak his mind?

Gary Gevisser

Yesterday you heard that just because most all of

’s children are very poor listeners and increasingly shell-shocked by all their non-stop talking and you understand why the ears are positioned where they are, it didn’t prevent me from getting on with my life.

Gary Gevisser

What I didn’t share yesterday but you can find prior mention of is that just shy of 2 years before beginning my assignment for

reviewing his international investments outside of his hugely spectacular Epilady USA Inc investment throwing off more millions than Solly knew what to do with and which began with Solly not hesitating to plunk down $3 million, outbidding American Victor Kiam who owned Remington just to tell you how slow generally are America’s most successful Captains of Industry, at least compared to maverick South African

while the rest of South Africa’s Jewish Captains of Industry are on a par with the dumbest American Captains of Industry, and that designation may not be totally accurate because I could easily see the dumbest American Captains of Industry such as Jeff Bezos totally insulted, I predicted most accurately Black Monday, October 19, 1987, 69 odd days after nonsense talker, Jewish American Alan Greenspan married to White House correspondent Andrea Mitchell since 1997, the same year the SA Oppenheimers’ Death Squad brutally assassinated my classmate and cousin, Sandy Jacobson (1957-1997), began his going on 19 year head of the SA Oppenheimers’ US Federal Reserve.

Gary Gevisser

Nor did I keep my most helpful prediction from my one client, George Nordhaus who was at the time the biggest American “Name” at SA Oppenheimers’ controlled most important money laundering operation, Lloyd’s of London, given how I had been racking my brain since turning down Lloyd’s invitation to join the world’s oldest and most prestigious Old Boys Club just weeks before Greenspan took the helm at the Federal Reserve which is as big an acting job as it gets.
Gary Gevisser
Zena Gevisser + Marie Dion – The addiction – King David Hotel, Jerusalem; Sept. 24, 2016
Who has dementia, is questionable? My mother or my siblings forgetting who my mother is, and their lack of respect for everything that she accomplished? It i…

Gary Gevisser

Explaining to George Nordhaus who was no fool, in great measure because he allowed me to fire the President of his publishing-marketing company who had hired me just months before, August 1984, that I needed more time to think about Lloyd’s generous offer wouldn’t have flied which is why I never used that excuse.
Gary Gevisser

Instead I told him what I had told Lloyd’s officials when I met with them in London while I was staying in Nordhaus’ not exactly inexpensive flat in Mayfair which is more upscale than Cato Manor, Durban at least when I lasted visited which was back in early 1978 when I immigrated to the United States, and that was the truth; namely, that I saw an opportunity for Lloyd’s to penetrate directly the medium to small business not only in the US but throughout the globe but that it would take bringing in other players like Citigroup-Citicorp whose acquisition of a small technology in Texas, Garner Venture I had previously engineered and that relationship was going spectacularly well. All that Garner Venture brought to the table was the most reliable computer network which gave 24 hour turnaround on an individual’s driving record throughout the United States.
Gary Gevisser

“All” may not be the right word, because that was the motherlode.
You added Terry Orman Gevisser to the group.
Gary Gevisser

George Nordhaus I knew was not listening to my wise words which only required a little patience, and so he was very pissed off with me that I would “kick a gift horse in the mouth”, and so I needed nothing short of an “Act of God” to take his mind off my dissing Lloyd’s.

Moreover, Citi’s first entry into the insurance market place in anticipation of the repealing of the Glass-Steigal Act preventing banks from selling insurance, and vice versa, was working like clockwork given how not only did Citi continue paying us a very healthy stipend every month for doing very little when continuing to promote with our one of a kind customer base Garner Venture’s 24 hour turnaround to every insurance agent nationwide, and no other competitor even coming close, because there was not a competitor, and pretty much everyone has a car or truck or motorcycle and the fee generation to Garner Venture better than anything I was aware of at the time, other than the return on investment of the SA Oppenheimers’ bribes which mostly didn’t cost them a penny, but Citi were much more interested in their future domination of the worldwide insurance market as their acquisition of Garner Venture provided an unmatched bird’s eye view of the business generated by each and every insurance company.

Remember this was mid-1987, 5 years after future clients of mine, Simon & Schuster published Professor Edward J. Epstein’s epic, 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention which pains you all.

Nordhaus who I believe is still alive is like most men when not thinking about sex as good as the last person who he is talking to and why he first hired an idiot President who thought I was an idiot because he had taken my middle brother Melvin for a fool, and it was Melvin who recommended me to replace him as he buried his head in grief following his first girlfriend Durbanite, Diane Epstein, no relation to either pedophile Jeffrey Epstein or Professor EJ Epstein, telling him to get lost, which would not be the last, because his two successive girlfriends did the same thing, the last being the ugly mother of his two children,

, but with monster Terry it took longer because she and her children thought that my mother Zena would long have kicked the bucket, and then there was Alan Zulman’s estate, my mother’s second husband, to be had.

Gary Gevisser

The opportunity began to percolate the moment Greenspan spent his first day, 11 August 1987 in his new very cushy job which required only that he never be understood, and he failed to expose the SA Oppenheimers’ Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which is all spelled out in Prof. Epstein’s The D I book. The Lloyd’s market is easy to collapse because the SA Oppenheimers’ control Lloyd’s as well as all their affiliate banks such as same name Lloyd’s bank, Westminster Bank, Barclays Bank, Bank of America, Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Bank Leumi of Israel, South African Reserve Bank, London Exchequer etc etc without forgetting their US Federal Reserve. First though, they had to crash the no less nonsense stock markets.
Gary Gevisser

When someone is talking in their native tongue nonsense you know they are covering up unless they are drunk and when they sober up, if they continue in the same vein then either they are insane or they weren’t drunk to begin with?

It is easy to see that I got very close to my Spanish comedian friends while vacationing in Porto Banus, Costa Del Sol, and their parting thank you card is dated 11 September 1987, exactly one month after the clown Greenspan began his 19 odd year most important acting career.
Gary Gevisser

Nor did I need to give short-attention span George Nordhaus all the detail in my thinking, simply telling him that I was going to be liquidating all our investments in the stock market which I did at the perfect time and then getting back in once the market’s over-corrected themselves.

Seen by Gary Fisher at Thursday 11:50am

Gary Gevisser

Now I know that I didn’t put even you housewives fucking right now the either Fedex or DHL or UPS delivery person assuming your gardener doesn’t quite fit the bill, to sleep because you are only staying with your husbands because they bring home the money.
You added Wendy Ann Bouman to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Just added my high school history teacher

who I last saw some 47 odd years ago and she looked great because she was in her prime having beaten out all of Natal University’s most beautiful young women in winning the Rag Queen competition, although she may have been one of the princesses.

Bear in mind that in the early 70s, the SA Oppenheimers’ BASF-Monsanto had yet to fuck up your heads as much as they do today.

You could walk an entire day through the Natal University campus and not see a single fat person.

This coming Yom Kippur I would bet that 90% of those showing up for services on Zoom are most thankful they don’t have to appear in person.

I have been telling you for some time this Covid-19 is a godsend.

You just have to be patient.

Zena Gevisser + Marie Dion – The addiction – King David Hotel, Jerusalem; Sept. 24, 2016
Who has dementia, is questionable? My mother or my siblings forgetting who my mother is, and their lack of respect for everything that she accomplished? It i…
Gary Gevisser

has previously left my Facebook group chats because it is all simply too unnerving but my prediction is that she is going to stick around today.

That doesn’t prevent the rest of you from leaving at any time.
Gary Gevisser

Perfect form

Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

, we are going to be jumping in very shortly to the very important history of South Africa at the turn of the last century, right after the Anglo “American” Boer War [1899-1902] which you never covered with us before it wasn’t covered in either your school or university training.

Because you are not Jewish, and nor is it important that you taught history at our Jewish day school Carmel College, Durban SA, your English would remain perfect even if your Yiddish is a little rusty 🙂
and therefore when you read this article that ChaBAD sic member Torah Gemach sent out to me and some 220 email addresses from my email list back on September 12, you will first of all notice that it is English.

Gary Gevisser

Before repeating what

wrote which is again is his huge attempts at coverup which undermines the integrity of the entire ChaBAD sic network, worldwide, each and every branch, note what it says at the end:

Rabbi Hershel Feigelstock served as principal of Tomchei Temimim, the Lubavitch yeshivah in Montreal, from 1953 until his retirement in 1993. Since then he has continued to serve as the president of the school’s board of directors. He was interviewed in July of 2010.

Gary Gevisser

In other words it represents an interview with with this famous rabbi Hershel Feigelstock when he was approximately 87 years old. Moreover, he is still very much alive, the same with his 66 year old son who is also a rabbi and speaks perfect English.
Gary Gevisser


‘s words which accompanied the pdf attachment:


Attached is the article interview pertaining to the Rebbe and Charity. Read it and tell me if you think that the Rebbe was interested in money. You have your storyline wrong or you are making up things. Which one is it.

Gary Gevisser

Given how

was pulling at anything he could including possibly his short-hairs below his fat stomach, he no doubt didn’t read the article as carefully as he should have.

Again, and this is now opened up to the entire class, what, if anything, do you find disturbing about the article?

Gary Gevisser

What I can tell you is that I have run it by a bunch of both Jewish and non-Jewish people, and to be clear, all literate in the English language, and they remain shocked to this day.


, the two of you are steeped in anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism which is one and the same even when you have Jewish intellectual midgets arguing otherwise, surely the two of you must have an opinion?

Gary Gevisser

Zena Gevisser ~ “What a question … everything is perfect!” September 23, 2016, 12:33 PM Israel Time
What a question … everything is perfect!
Gary Gevisser

In case everyone remains focused on that disturbing article, let me assure you that my mother Zena is not referring above, “What a question … everything is perfect!” to either her daughter Kathy-Louise Gevisser Danziger, Emma Gevisser, the English gold digger married to my eldest brother Neil who is more than twice the age of the child Emma or


Gary Gevisser

You really don’t want to fuck with my mother Zena.
You added Deborah Sturman to the group.
You added Mervyn Shneier to the group.
You added Kerry Molfesis to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Couldn’t you all see the smile on each of your Facebook profile photos being wiped off, just like what Deborah Sturman Esq. and

has chosen to do?

Nor can I be certain that the

I just added is the same Deborah Sturman Esq. who Alan Zulman had replace my untrustworthy sister

as the co-executor of his estate on his death bed, and which didn’t prevent Zulman from first sending his only sibling, Roz Norris the wife of Jonny Norris all the way from Israel to my mother’s principal residence in Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England to retrieve documents and see if any of the monies-diamonds-gold remained after my siblings and their collaborators ransacked the house which had my eldest brother Neil nervously telling the neighbor

that she shouldn’t tell anyone that there is no one staying in my mother’s house at 7 Hartswell Lane, Wiveliscombe which not only

knew but the entire small village of Wiveliscombe who loved my mother Zena knew that she was away in Israel where Zulman was getting treatment for his terminal cancer which ended his life on August 6, 2016.

Moreover, Neil went on to tell Kerry that my mother Zena was not going to be returning to England following the death of Alan Zulman which happened to be the truth, but that then contradicted what my sister later wrote

later in June following my writings to my 3 siblings which recounted what Kerry shared with me and which made no sense to Kerry or me that my mother wouldn’t be returning to the place that had been her home for 40 years, and away from the clutches of dirty pig Israeli lawyers and judges.

You added Emma Gevisser to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Facebook messaging conversations between Kathy Gevisser Danziger and


Kathy to Kerry June 13, 2016, 10:07 PM:

Hi Kerry…hope you and Mom are well. Need your assistance. I will be very brief. Neil is in Israel. Alan is in hospital and in a bad way. For the past 20+ months since Mom’s memory has been going..she is still very much in the here and now and has feelings, he has treated her like a non person and has taken control of all their assets. He wants her to remain in Israel on his death and us kids want her back in her house…will need to get it re carpeted and painted, with her dogs. She needs 24 hour care and this is why I am reaching out to you. There is money for private care if NHS can’t provide it all. She needs to be near Neil and in her home and we can visit regularly. Can you point me in the right direction. Also can one bring in her carer from Israel…she is Fillapino and is amazing with Mom. Apart from her memory loss she is good. Love K

Kerry to Kathy:
Hi Kathy,
How lovely to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and I would not wish what has happened to Alan on anyone. I agree with you that the best place for your Mom would be Wiveliscombe as that is the house that she knows and loves. Can you give me a ring on 01984 623157 and I will answer all your questions and help in any way I can.

[Kerry received no response].

On June 19, 10:30 AM, Kathy wrote Kerry:

Will call you tomorrow xxx

In Israel…

[Kerry heard nothing more and forwarded me their messaging.]

Gary Gevisser

Does anyone have any questions for either







Is everyone aware that my Zena never returned from Netanya, Israel to England?
Gary Gevisser

Can everyone see the bullshit of my sister when telegraphing the difficulty she and my two elder brothers, Neil and Melvin would have finding more competent caregivers in England than an accounting major Filipino who doesn’t have the first clue about either nutrition or able to relate to my mother Zena on any level?
Gary Gevisser

Don’t you just love, “Can you point me in the right direction”?
Gary Gevisser

From: GaryStevenGevisser <> Subject: Weasels – Fwd: THANK YOU! Date: August 22, 2016 at 9:54:44 PM PDT To: Mary-Lou Filipino caregiver of British citizen Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <> Cc: rest;,, Deborah_NY Sturman <>, Kathy Gevisser-Danziger Kathy danziger <>, david danziger <>, Debra Danziger <>, Emma Gevisser <>, Neil Gevisser <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, Benjamin Netanyahu – Prime Minister of Israel <>, Jewish Telegraph Group of Newspapers <>, Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, Galit Tassi <>, Mervyn Shneier <>,, Norrissk <>, Werner Herzog – Filmmaker <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG.” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Kerry Anderson Molfesis <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “” <>, Office of the Public Guardian – United Kingdom <>, “” <> Mary-Lou, is this you below or is it just a coincidence that I get an email from another Marylofu, similar name to you, and who I have never heard of? Still you have not connected up the phone for me to speak with my mother. Tomorrow, all being well, I will be writing to South African-Israeli Ms. Ayala Weasel lawyer and her colleague South African-Israeli lawyer Eli Symon and of course copying more than the entire Israeli Knesset. Again, below are the email conversations between my sister Kathy and Kerry Anderson Molfesis who never heard back from Kathy after Kathy promised faithfully on June 19th that she would call Kerry “tomorrow” from the Holy Land. The extraordinarily conflicted thoughts of Kathy are easy to figure out, especially when considering that she does not mention the visit of our eldest brother Neil to Kerry in April where Neil informed Kerry that he planned to sell my mother’s house and her personal belongings in Wiveliscombe, England because he said that my mother was too sick to return from Israel, without Neil mentioning a word about this most bizarre thinking being Alan Zulman’s wishes. Kathy’s poor attempts at cover up do not mention the emails I sent her and my two elder siblings on June 4 and June 7 which center around the conversation Neil had with Kerry who thought, as would any reasonable person, that to sell my mother’s house and her personal belongings of a lifetime well before my mother Zena is one foot in grave is not just bizarre, it is totally heartless. Being all about money, does not make it any less heartless. Not to mention in the week between June 7 and June 13 when Kathy contacts Kerry “out of the blue” they were plotting – O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Alan Zulman’s critical changes to his will, and which he had Deborah Sturman Esquire execute, speak poorly of all of you currently my mother’s caregivers. You must think that with you all in a “command and control” position, that God must be blind. Disappointed. [Word count 357] Will call you tomorrow xxx JUN 19TH, 10:30AM In Israel… Chat Conversation End Hi Kerry…hope you and Mom are well. Need your assistance. I will be very brief. Neil is in Israel. Alan is in hospital and in a bad way. For the past 20+ months since Mom’s memory has been going..she is still very much in the here and now and has feelings, he has treated her like a non person and has taken control of all their assets. He wants her to remain in Israel on his death and us kids want her back in her house…will need to get it re carpeted and painted, with her dogs. She needs 24 hour care and this is why I am reaching out to you. There is money for private care if NHS can’t provide it all. She needs to be near Neil and in her home and we can visit regularly. Can you point me in the right direction. Also can one bring in her carer from Israel…she is Fillapino and is amazing with Mom. Apart from her memory loss she is good. Love K JUN 13TH, 10:07PM Hi Kathy, How lovely to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and I would not wish what has happened to Alan on anyone. I agree with you that the best place for your Mom would be Wiveliscombe as that is the house that she knows and loves. Can you give me a ring on 01984 623157 and I will answer all your questions and help in any way I can. Begin forwarded message: From: GaryStevenGevisser <> Subject: Re: THANK YOU! Date: August 22, 2016 at 3:28:27 PM PDT To: Cc:, Deborah_NY Sturman <> Are you my mother Zena’s caregiver? On Aug 22, 2016, at 10:09 AM, wrote: —–Original Message—– From: Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 10:58am To: Subject: FW: THANK YOU! Please let me know your views on my last mail.
Gary Gevisser

Zena Gevisser ~ “I don’t think my other children believe in anything” – July 23, 2016

Believing in money is not virtuous, even if you consider yourself Jewish.

There are more taped phone conversations with my mother Zena prior to my arrival in Israel on September 21, 2016 and which my siblings and their thieving, murderous Israeli lawyers were made aware of, and I will be sharing all those with you.
Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind it is now 3 years, 11 months and 16 days since my mother Zena has been in the exclusive custody of my 3 elder siblings, their Israeli lawyer

and no less complicit South African-Israel liar-lawyer Eli Symon.

Can you each figure out on your own why they have failed to speak about my mother on the important issues; and no less important why they have not been able to show film footage of my mother Zena expressing her appreciation of them?

Gary Gevisser

Let us not forget who I am.

Yes, I am the product of my parents Bernie and Zena Gevisser. Most of you can only wish you had a mother as beautiful as mine in every respect and who would reward you with the acknowledgments you hear from my mother Zena.

One always needs a yardstick as a measurement for everything including one’s lifetime achievements.
Gary Gevisser

When your own mother explains, “I don’t think my other children believe in anything” and its significance is punctuated by a laugh, “I think we can get over that”, if you are one of those 3 children or in any way, shape or form connected to any of them, you should hang your head in shame the remainder of your long lives.
Gary Gevisser

I am also the most knowledgeable of my 3 siblings about the business of money as well as war where the only thing that counts is winning.

To be on the losing side, is the wrong side.

That is why you have to do everything within your power, starting with eating as healthy as possible, not to be killed before your work is complete.

That is not to suggest for a moment that I would trust any of you not to stab in the back at the first opportunity.

I would trust Hitler before I would trust any of you.

I would also find Hitler, albeit he was a stooge far more interesting than any of you combined because I am quite certain I would get him to laugh and very possibly commit suicide were not aware that he was a stooge from the moment word got out about his Main Kampf.
Gary Gevisser

There is a reason why the “male heir” of the virulent anti-Semite, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971], my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser [1926-2009] didn’t choose any of his 4 sons, starting with his eldest, the fat pig, intellectual midget,

to be trusted with managing his investment portfolio, given how David Gevisser had enough common sense to know all his children were bloody fools.

Gary Gevisser

How in the world can you put your face out in public without first distancing yourself from the world’s greatest criminal, second only to Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, when your entire lifestyle is all courtesy of the menace German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.? Of course it would have been much easier for me given how neither me nor my immediate family profited from David Gevisser, Martin Sternberg, Colin Sternberg, Gerald Hackner, Alan Benn ++++ helping Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer engineer the “asset stripping” of Moshal Gevisser by the puppet Natie Kirsh who prior had nothing going for him other than Engelhard Jr. authorized the King of Swaziland to grant Kirsh the exclusive maize concession. But why live for a moment with a bad conscience?
Gary Gevisser

The fact that it is not difficult in the least for most all of you, still doesn’t mean I would choose your path.
Gary Gevisser

I should make clear that my eldest brother Neil Graham Gevisser didn’t bring his Emma idiot Elliot Gevisser with him to visit with Kerry in April 2016 because Emma and Kerry hate one another because Emma considers Kerry “working class” which she is, and that is her great strength plus

has in all probability genius IQ, fluent in Greek as well as Ancient Greek and that only touches on her much more spectacularly smart parents, Peggy and Robert Anderson

Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

The perfect spot for a home – It’s a long distance view with lots of little hills, crevasses, dips, shadows and rocks.
You added Celia Levy to the group.
You added Sharleen Wollach to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Just added

‘s mother

and his sister

who will also in high likelihood stay longer than usual.

Gary Gevisser

Let’s now move closer to the death of German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who every Jewish South African who departed South Africa with the rather “settling in allowance” has this man and his partner, no less anti-Semitic, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer to thank, with no exceptions I know of, besides for Solly Krok who they all thought would long have “come a cropper”.
Gary Gevisser

Suffice to say were

to be approached to inform of another fellow Jewish person, he wouldn’t know where to begin, not because he is so honest but he never makes it his business to nosey in to other people’s business.

He barely knows the details of what his own children are doing.

Nor is that because he has his “head in the clouds”; he just likes to do good business which is the arch enemy of those eager to promote anarchy in support of large enterprises like

Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind a business like Facebook is not really a trading business in the traditional sense because all it is a forum for people to meet and advertise themselves.
Gary Gevisser

A good business doesn’t need advertising, only a bad business needs to waste money and time advertising itself unless that is the only way it can compete against a monopoly like SA Oppenheimers who have all the tools to keep all the other less successful monopolies on a tight leash.
You added Shawn Hesselberg to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Is there anyone with either half, a quarter, an eighth or full degree in finance, economics, law, philosophy or political science such as B.COMM graduate

now peddling Kumbacha who would now like to speak their mind on how little importance is advertising to the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers other than the expenditure of advertising monies further confirms the pricing of the money and therefore strengthens their grip on the economy of the world?

Gary Gevisser

Wouldn’t you all just love it, if only one lawyer would step up to the plate right now?

, how about your real estate broker husband, Neil?

You added Richard Friedman to the group.
Gary Gevisser

, is either your father, Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge David Friedman or Jonathan Beare wagging your tail at the moment?

How’s Derrick Beare doing these days?

Gary Gevisser

Once seeing Jewish South Africans as they were during the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime, you can only conclude that it is either an Act of God that has such a large talkative group equally quiet and/or you recognize how effective was the small SA Oppenheimer family from the time their National Party-Apartheid Regime came to power on May26, 1948 right up until this very moment.
Gary Gevisser

The fact that SA Oppenheimer-AG Farben monopoly has been in power from well before that rigged election of 1948 doesn’t change the fact that such a monopoly makes a total farce of there being any competition in the marketplace.

All that is happening is people in order to survive having to compete for the SA Oppenheimers monies; both their diamond studded iron fist control of the somewhat regulated government currencies and their never once regulated diamond currency.

That previous paragraph which you would agree is not all that wordy, eliminates the jobs of every professor of economics, finance, law, philosophy and political science.

You know how it is with the human brain, it take a while to digest information which sends it into a tailspin.
Gary Gevisser

I was fortunate, very fortunate to have as my father a most skilled and experienced World War II, Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot who was quick to gauge – note the misspelling previously where I or Siri typed “cage” – the leadership skills of his first 3 children, and it also helped that he and my mother Zena were of “one mind”.
Gary Gevisser

When I was about 8 my father took me alone in his Cessna, taking off from the Durban North airport which was much smaller than Louis Botha Airport which was itself not all that grand and we flew above a Valley of a Thousand Hills which came as close as it gets to the rugged terrain of northern Italy where he completed his 71 miraculous dive-bomb missions all in support of the partisans as well as the Jewish Brigade, and nor did he need to get my mother Zena’s thoughts about us first flying to the Drakensburg Mountain range to have me experience what it was like to approach the target area from a dizzy height. In fact we only started out at just above 10,000 feet and nor was it a very steep dive and we pulled up well above 500 feet, and my father could see that I was turning green. Then we went back up to the safe distance of 10,000 and my father stalled the aircraft and that too wasn’t all that much fun. By the time we landed I was most comfortable throwing the plane in all directions but still my father didn’t think I was competent to land the plane because I could barely see out of the windows of the plane other than look sky-high.
Gary Gevisser

When we got home that evening my father told my mother that on his next trip north for business he would take me to Victoria Falls just as he had done when first dating my mother back in early 1948. My mother’s response, “We will see!” I never did get to fly to Victoria Falls with my father and soon my father stopped flying solo altogether.
Gary Gevisser

Nor did my father ever fly first class, at least as far as I know, other than on one occasion he was on a commercial South African Airlines flight from Durban to Capetown and he was having a casual conversation with the air stewardess and he mentioned that during the war he was a fighter bomber pilot and this was well before takeoff and the captain of the plane, an English South African came over to my father and invited him into the cockpit which was different looking to his American built Kittyhawk fighter bomber
Gary Gevisser

and when entering the cockpit the co-pilot quickly gave us his seat and my father remained there the entire course of the flight.

Here is my father a few years later getting into the cockpit of jet fighter trainer in Half-moon Bay, Northern California which my middle brother Melvin arranged.

As you can see that was on March 1, 1994. It was not the first time my father flew in jet combat aircraft but the last. He was happy to be back on the ground.

Were my father to be looking down right now, he would know better than to curse my 3 elder siblings because they were cursed when they first began acting like the rest of the sick Durban Jewish community.

We have got monopolistic business practices and their impact on the rest of demented civilized society out of the way, so lets back to events preceding the death of Engelhard Jr. who drew fear into the hearts, souls and minds of those who scared easily.

Those of you who have had dealings with my sister Kathy over the years will remember all too well, “Correct, that is correct, correct, correct, correct, that is correct, correct, correct, correct, correct”.

The SA Oppenheimers’ school of business like all their university business schools create “order takers”.

116 days, or 3 months and 24 days, after the “last day of school – leave” to study for the matric exam, November 11, 1970, Engelhard Jr. took his last breath.
Gary Gevisser

As I previously mentioned his Swiss medical doctors were not quite as incompetent as David Gevisser portrays in his 2006 autobiography, The Unlikely Forester which you can read by clicking the link below

as he refers to them as “quacks” which was a common expression for medical doctors at the turn of the last century and today they may know even less about how the human brain works given all the environmental damage that has been done to the human genome.

Nor was “quack” a complimentary term just like “scum” is how lawyers were referred to.

David Gevisser
ORIGIN Born: December 15, 1926 Died: April 2009 Location: Durban, South Africa Father: Morris Gevisser Mother: Jane Moshal Wife: Hedda Cohen Children: Mark, Anthony, John, Peter EDUCATION Secondary: Durban High School College: University of Stellenbosch – BS Forestry – 1949 College: New York State C…
Gary Gevisser

That didn’t mean some of the brightest people in the world like General Smuts and Ben Gurion didn’t attend university to “read law” which they did, and both excelled and that we know by how well they managed the battlefield.
Gary Gevisser

You don’t hear much of Bill Clinton’s battlefield experience. You don’t hear much of his wife Hilary’s battlefield experience. You don’t hear much of Obama’s battlefield experience but he certainly knew to avoid Nick Oppenheimer when he visited South Africa for the first time in August 2006 and nor has Obama ever explained why.
Gary Gevisser

Obviously President Putin didn’t have a problem meeting with Nick Oppenheimer.

How could President Obama have a problem meeting with Nick Oppenheimer unless Obama wanted to avoid meeting Nick Oppenheimer like the plague?

Perhaps since

Esq. has such intimate dealings with the Biden family, he will let us know Joe Biden’s position on the SA Oppenheimer family?

Gary Gevisser

Remember neither Ben-Gurion nor General Smuts had access to the Internet capable of reaching all of TESLA employees along with the entire literate world connected to the Internet in the next instant.

Man has experienced far more than quantum leap jumps since the Internet began maturing around 1994.
Gary Gevisser

The fact that you can’t even question how on earth do you pump money into the economy when there is contraction in the Gross Domestic Product index in order to increase the GDP index does not mean that any of your brains have improved with the quantum leap jumps in communications technology.
Gary Gevisser

Let me assume that Mark Zuckerberg is following along; Mark could you quickly run a match on “Swakopmuind” the harbor, coastal city in Namibia, west of the capital, Windhoek and someone you think you know well?
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
Gary Gevisser

55 days after that school photo of my sister with some of her classmates from Carmel College, Durban, Kathy, myself, our first cousin Karen Gevisser Fisher and my mother Zena were celebrating New Year’s Eve at the Central Hotel, Arosa, Switzerland.

Gary Gevisser

Neither of my brothers, Melvin and Neil were being “ostracized” because Melvin was on Ulpan-Gadna training in Israel and Neil who knows where he was because he was now out of the Apartheid Regime’s army and trying to find himself. It is possible he was on his way to Cape Town in his mini-station wagon which left the road and his head cushioned the impact on the rest of the roof.
Gary Gevisser

My mother Zena took both photos above and nor was my mother ever on the slopes during this trip, but she did take several meetings with Ben Gurion’s most trusted South African-Israeli spy, Boris Senior [1924-2004] who like my father was not only a Fighter Bomber Pilot during WW2 but my close friend Boris only flew the “beloved” Kittyhawk on all his missions which numbered some 50, but he was pretty much done following his 45th mission in March 1945 where his Kittyhawk provided him enough height to parachute out, into the freezing waters just 800 meters offshore of Venice after he scored a direct hit on the large German vessel Leonhardt and some 4 hours plucked by very brave Americans flying a Catalina sea rescue aircraft while Spitfires strafed German E-boats eager to finish him off, and one of the Spitfires was piloted by Durbanite Les Shagam, also a founder of the Israel Air Force, and lifelong best friend of my mother Zena and whose estate neither my 3 siblings, David @uDavid Danziger nor Deborah

had any problem stealing.

Gary Gevisser

Boris Senior’s 2004 autobiography NEW HEAVENS which was only published after his death in April sheds light on his familiarity with Arosa; enough said.

61 days after that happy New Year Eve celebration, Engelhard Jr. took his last breath.
Gary Gevisser

Nor was it a breath of relief for Republican President Richard Nixon or all the high powered Democrats such as former President Lyndon Johnson, Vice President Humphrey and Senator Ted Kennedy who attended Engelhard’s funeral held at St Mary’s Abby Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, the birthplace of both Hollywood and Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation which was established in 1902, the same year 22 year old Sir Ernest Oppenheimer arrived in South Africa just as the Anglo “American” Boer War was concluding.
You added Christina Moritsch-Krall to the group.
Gary Gevisser

For those of you either devout like

or non-devout Christians, I would appreciate it if you would pay careful attention.

It is not customary for Jewish people to excommunicate Christians from any Christian church.

, I see that you still want me to accept your Facebook friend invitation request.

Gary Gevisser

I will consider it more if you tell me that you agree with my previous assertion that it is not customary for Jewish people including Jewish rabbis to excommunicate Christians such as yourself, Harry Oppenheimer and Charles Engelhard from any Christian Church, including the Roman Catholic Church to which you belong and you can’t say enough good things about our Jewish Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ?
Gary Gevisser

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you Christians?

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you Jewish people for not picking out the Christians for failing to excommunicate Harry Oppenheimer and Engelhard Jr. from their respective Christian churches?

I don’t imagine any of you smiling right now other than


Esq. who I am sure can see where I am going with this, given how bright is


I did not say any of the Perling family are bright, starting with Jeremy Perling who is head of a Midrasha, money making Kibbutz in Israel, unless he too has moved on to make his killing alongside Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden in the Belgian Congo.

Is everyone okay if instead of calling it the Congo or the Democratic Republic of the Congo I stick to Belgian Congo?
Gary Gevisser

I would like going forward that whenever you see the word “Democratic” or a shortened version such as “Democrat” or “Democracy” try thinking of the people behind it as bullshit, bullshit, bullshit and bullshit; much the same as Obama’s Congo Relief Security & Democracy Promotion Act which the US Congress passed into law in December 2006, and guess who was the primary sponsor of this bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, Congo Relief, Security & Democracy Promotion Act?
Gary Gevisser

, I know that you are standing at the back of the class facing the wall, but can you name that ONLY HALF-BLACK former United States President who was succeeded by Donald Trump?

, do you feel that you deserve to be let out of the dog house now that you hate the word politics-economics?

Gary Gevisser

We must not forget that Elon Musk is not responsible for the mess created by the SA Oppenheimers and all those religious Christians who failed to have Messers Engelhard and Oppenheimers excommunicated from the Christian faith which I understand is standard practice in the Christian Church but for some reason the Pope was remiss. Could anyone explain that?
Gary Gevisser

Why is it that we have total retards beating down on us Jewish people after we told these fuckheads to fuck off and it was only their puppets who continued to suck up to them?
Gary Gevisser

When a Jewish person converts to any other religion and Im not talking yoga, either Christianity or Islam or Buddhism it is generally because either it is a money issue; for example their partner is rich and has the other party by the short-hairs or because the sensible Jewish elders have told such individuals to fuck off.
You added Sam Haim to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Sam Haim, you were a medic during the 1967 6 Day War, would you agree with that assessment?

Sammy, are you Facebook friends with

Esq. because you expect free legal advice or because you met him once, on April 4, 2002 at my digs just below where you were living in the Tree House

which later Marie and I moved into, or both?

The death of Engelhard Jr. was far bigger uproar behind closed doors of all the world’s most powerful politicians than Watergate.

Watergate was not even a tick on an elephant’s backside in comparison.

Let’s see if anyone here is eager to bring Carl Bernstein or Bob Wardwood on to the show.
You added Bob Woodward to the group.
You added Carl Bernstein to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Please note that my first cousin

(Gevisser) has yet to do a disappearing act.

You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You added Hedda Gevisser to the group.
You added Jonathan Gevisser to the group.
You added Justine Gevisser to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
Gary Gevisser

You added Bob Woodward to the group. You added Carl Bernstein to the group. You added Nigel Gevisser to the group. You added Hedda Gevisser to the group. You added Jonathan Gevisser to the group. You added Justine Gevisser to the group. You added Antony Gevisser to the group.

There is a reason why Professor Edward Jay Epstein in his The D I book does not cover Engelhard Jr.’s death in detail, can anyone think why?

Who is aware which 2 corporations profited greatly soon after his death and which not covered in President Richard Nixon’s speech some 166 days later, August 15, 1971 when Nixon incriminated himself and the entire US Congress and the rest of Harry Oppenheimer’s puppets?

Who believes one of those corporations is TESLA?

, your father David Berlinski who I have the utmost respect, the same with Richard Feynman, has said that Elon Musk should stick to batteries and leave philosophy to others from the past who have it all fully covered.

Gary Gevisser

I couldn’t agree with you more, other than Elon Musk has ingeniously questioned the purpose of the enjoyment of sex which is something highly unlikely to be the bond between my sister Kathy and her husband David Danziger, the same with my brother Neil and this

who seems to be telling us that she is now diving for cover?

Gary Gevisser

You unsent a message
Gary Gevisser

“It is the most important thing in the whole world.” You don’t hear porn stars talking this way, not even Steven Spielberg’s one daughter who has decided that she wants to make porn movies her life’s work. My mother wasn’t talking porn nor would porn ever cross my mother’s mind when talking about the importance of sex, “It is the most important thing in the world”. The fact that my very beautiful Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion agrees with my mother is also very cool. Most mothers, unless they have taken a course with my mother Zena, wouldn’t even know where to begin such an important conversation with their daughter/s. BTW, you all might think that both my sister Kathy and the no less sick thief, vulture pig Ayala Weisel are jealous of my wife’s looks and intelligence, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” ~ Marie Dion Gevisser There is no one more aware of the brutality of the Nazi SS female guards at the death factories of the SA Oppenheimers-BASF-IG Farben as my both my mother Zena and Ben-Gurion. They made the male SS guards look like saints. My mother Zena also knew that I could hear all her words of wisdom to her pupils once she moved her Charm School business from downtown Durban, Amsterdam Place to the converted garage at our home at 50 Bowes-Lyon Avenue, Glenwoo.d which was directly in front of Hilary and Gerald Hackner residence, because while sound proofed the air-conditioning duct passed through my bedroom right above which was previously our living room and it was also the biggest room in this relatively small house, amongst the smallest in the neighborhood where none of the residences had sprawling estates besides Vera and Abe Dubin whose residence was directly across the road, King George V from the Hackners before the Dubins moved to an even grander residence on the other side of Pigeon Valley. One of my mother’s latter pupils was the one daughter of lawyer Alan Magid, Bess Magid Resnick who had a lot going for her in all departments but there was only so much my mother could do to help the Poverty of Thought Durban Jewish community beginning with the fact that jealousy has no boundaries within the mind because there is no way to control it if you are not accomplished. To be accomplished in the art of love-making requires first and foremost making certain that the man is well taken care of physically as it is the body that feeds the mind, and to accomplish that you have to first build up your own self-confidence by making yourself as physically attractive as possible and then get worldly by using your looks to meet with the most important men in the world who if they don’t want to marry you and save on investment banking fees, and family psychological therapy sessions which cost both money and time, to then advise their wives. There is absolutely no need to take care of the male’s mind because it is a one track mind all geared to fuck the most beautiful and smart women in the hope that at least one of the children is intelligent and hopefully it will be the first. It is most true that my mother Zena at the time of filming “The Addiction” did not know about nutrition as much as my wife some 29 years younger, but you can see that my mother in the right company is a quick learner, far faster at age 87 than anyone else I have known all my life with the exception of my wife and my father Bernie Gevisser, and still it is not possible in my opinion to learn any faster than my mother. Sex is a very touchy subject in part because as most people’s body ages badly sex becomes like any beast in the wild, and nor do you have to go that far to observe one’s pets in the act of reproducing.
Gary Gevisser

There is an intimacy amongst animals during sex which we observe more in humans. Professional counselors like psychologists tend to focus on the physical looks of their patient for any signs of discrimination by their partner or future partner such as how a male would view them while cursing, no strike that, damn Siri, while cruising through the fruit and vegetable section of the supermarket and the more deplorable the looks the focus turns to how much money they have to afford future counseling. In most cases both the professional and the patient know this is all put on; the counselor wants money and the patient is willing to pay to have a friend who doesn’t argue or who knows the limit and lets the patient have the last word. I am not saying that every household must have a baseball cap with the writing “Psychologist” and the spouses alternate when there is an impasse, but it might help. The manual that is provided is not the same as an Employee Manual that reminds the future patient that unless they take their two ten minute breaks every day they run the risk of upsetting their co-workers all jockeying for position to serve their boss who advanced to a position of deciding life and death, as well as your next date under the Peter Principal doctrine which is religiously indoctrinated throughout your university studies or failing that the TV. Those of you who feel you need help in better understanding why mother says, “Men can be highly successful, but never grow up!” can reach me here. Another thing your healthcare professional does not advise you about is that not everything about a fat face is totally terrible because like a blowfish all facial creases where the fat can find their way don’t require the wearer to be constantly blowing the trumpet. Im still waiting to hear from fat face Clive Kaplan if the rerun he was watching had a different ending or that he just forgot? Most of you may have heard that standup comedians are mostly playing to smaller audiences much the same as small retail establishments just feel more depressed and the sicker they get so the landlord flush with cash smiles from ear to ear. These are new economic times as these government stimulus packages have turned the study of economics on its head.
Gary Gevisser

Who feels the undertone of repetition is driving you stark crazy mad?
You added Newell Starks to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Those of you who don’t know

who stole from me $45,000 was previously a partner at Citicorp’s hugely successful Citicorp Venture Corporation which specializes in management friendly; i.e. shareholder hostile takeovers.

To be clear the $45,000 that Starks stole were monies I loaned him personally to pay the premium on his life insurance policy as well as get current on his family’s psychological counseling sessions thanks to his second wife Nancy who married him for his money and she Brough along a son who kept stealing money out of Newell’s wallet.

Gary Gevisser

I also asked Newell very nicely to repay the monies that were attached to note he provided me because he simply didn’t trust that in the event of his death by accident or intentional foul play, Nancy would honor the obligation.

Nor is

a street person, at least not back on May 18, 2001 when he executed the note

Gary Gevisser

or when he followed up January 18, 2002 when I last heard from him.

If anyone would like to help me collect from

and/or his wife, and remember he lives in lawless Texas, please let me know.

Gary Gevisser

is another one who is rather put out that he wasted so much time in his career moving up the Wall Street ladder, first while an engineer at Texas Instruments he is credited with having invented the first notebook computer which didn’t make him a billionaire because he was just an employee earning a salary and then he committed his second mistake when asked by the two founding partners of Compaq to join them in starting this huge success story he turned them down and left a couple of billion dollars on the table and so he finally made the worst decision of his life which at the time he thought was the right move and went back to university to get an MBA and that is how he ended up at CVC.

Of course I need to spell it out for new arrivals including this

who might not be the Washington Post reporter, that the right move for a common sense person once completing their university economic-finance studies and they haven’t gone crazy listening to all the bullshit to seek a job with Harry Oppenheimer.

Gary Gevisser

I wonder how Mark Zuckerberg is doing with that “match up”.

If anyone needs to stretch their legs for the remainder of evening while trying to get some sleep, this is an excellent time because Mango is eager to play, and is now having a conversation with my wife who is telling him, “No kisses”.
You turned on member approval and will review requests to join the group.

Des Lindberg
Des Lindberg
Brian Webber hehehe
Monique May

Gary Gevisser

Ugly What distraction efforts an Apartheid Regime stagehand Des Lindberg will go to, His beard speaks first. Should I go on? Solly are you awake?
Gary Gevisser

Earlier before seeing the funny Starbucks SUCKS

but without a photo of The Coupon Clipper if Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, visionary Elon Musk Tweeted, “What can’t we predict?”

My response:

The ugliness of the people once realizing the obvious insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index which requires war and poverty in mineral rich regions to sustain itself.

We can live with the destruction of the planet, because it is already doomed.

Archillect on Twitter
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk The ugliness of the people once realizing the obvious insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product index which requires war and poverty in mineral rich regions to sustain itself. We can live with the destruction of the planet, because it is already doomed.”

Gary Gevisser

Stagehand Des Lindberg, I don’t think you can see in the Southern Hemisphere the awesome glow of Cassiopeia whose 5 massive stars form a W in the sky which my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion and I observed easily with our naked eyes without having to leave our most comfortable and cozy bed, and of course this was well before the crack of dawn, not that such matters interest a human ostrich, and that doesn’t prevent me from asking you how you went about mocking the Christian South African Oppenheimer thinking they could fool us with their sick Apartheid Regime and that we would fall for their successor, the no less puppet Nelson Mandela? If you didn’t do a full play can you provide me with excerpts from each of your productions either before or after transition to Mandela where you made fun of the SA Oppenheimers and their succulents? I’m patiently waiting for you to give me the green light before proceeding.
Sharleen Wollach left the group.

Gary Gevisser

Sharleen Levy Wollach left.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk The importance of being a man is to listen to the women.”
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

You unsent a message
Gary Gevisser
Wendy Ann Bouman left the group.
Gary Gevisser

The fooled white South African history teacher Wendy Ann Bouman left.

You unsent a message
Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk Coincidences are not predictable.”

Coincidences are not predictable.
Gary Gevisser

@elonmusk, how can you really predict considering the illogical state of affairs, the illogical GDP, mostly the illogical emotional human?

Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk @elonmusk, how can you really predict considering the illogical state of affairs, the illogical GDP, mostly the illogical emotional human?”
Bess Magid Resnick left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Bess Magid Resnick left. Whose next?

Gary Gevisser

It is customary for Jewish people who are not all about the money to say to all those they know, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not” on this solemn day of Yom Kippur.

That would mean my sister

would have to say to my middle brother Melvin Gevisser, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not” and this would go around the room.

Kathy would eventually after doing the same thing to our eldest brother Neil and he doing the same to her and Melvin and their respective spouses and ex spouses and girlfriends get around to Ayala Weisel, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not” and again as is customary Weisel would then ask

, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not”.

Im sure you could all imagine them along with the rest of you who have been coopted such as




before my mother Zena, on their hands and knees like true Christians saying to my mother Zena, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not”.

Gary Gevisser

I’m not going to ask all of you to say to me, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not” because some of you are Christian and I would have to take a long breath because it is not customary for you on Yom Kippur to go around to everyone you know, “I ask for your forgiveness for anything that l may have done that I should have not”.
Gary Gevisser

First of all Christians don’t celebrate Yom Kippur or the fast of Yom Kippur.

Christians have a much easier route.

No matter your crime you just need to find a sober priest and all is forgiven and the ceremony in the confession booth is quick and to the point.

Why there are not more bad Jewish people like most all Jewish people I know starting with my 3 siblings and all my cousins choosing the path blazed by Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry, I do not know.

Maybe the thought simply didn’t occur to them before because for sure these sick fucks have to know they have not fooled God for a fucking moment.
Gary Gevisser

So let’s give them the opportunity to think it all through and I’m quite certain you devout Christians such as



, and

will embrace these Jewish converts to Christianity and to ease the pain, should there be any in wearing the heaviest cross, you will move heaven and earth to find the most sensitive Roman Catholic priest who will listen to each of their confessions and I assume Catholic confessions are now being conducted on Zoom round the clock and the Catholic coffers have never been so full.

Gary Gevisser

As I had said previously there are more taped phone conversations I had with my mother Zena ahead of my arrival in Israel back on 21 September 2016 which shake up every dead bone on each of your bodies.
Gary Gevisser


wants to pretend to me that he is still Jewish and I protest differently because I have a very different opinion, I want to encourage him to speak here just as he has done so vocally in his email broadcasts as well as my fb group chats as I continue to encourage Marc Zuckerberg to run that harbor in German South West Africa and those within his inner circle and of course the same with Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Gary Gevisser

Below is

and my recent dialogue on Facebook messaging:

Gary Gevisser

As you can see

got the last word in at 6:04 PM his time in Brooklyn New York City before I assume getting stuck into his sick, poison meat dinner to sustain himself wretchedly over the next 24 hours with God observing everyone’s performance including when the men except their airborne particles of feces in the direction of the defenseless women and young girls in those nose bleed seats.

Gary Gevisser

Come tomorrow when

is at the initial crunch hour of say 11 am his time I will be proving more of my insight and analysis of the important events of the day including what the Torah teaches us about how best to identify a hypocrite in our ranks and why they are likely candidates to be the most reliable informers of us Jewish people, unless he has already met with a Catholic priest who will certify his confession and provide a photo of Gemach wearing a large cross.

Gary Gevisser

On a very positive note there are now 7,281 impressions of my last response earlier to Elon Musk’s prescient timing question, “What can’t we predict?”

Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk Coincidences are not predictable.”

Gary Gevisser

You fast on one day, the rest of the time you pig 🐷 out.
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk You can’t predict nature.”
Gary Gevisser

You can’t predict nature.

Nurture nature. Nobody really gives a fuck about nature; let’s build a development.
Gary Gevisser

Yum Yum Kippur (When do we eat?)
You added Bobby Jacobs to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Added Bobby Bubba Jacobs
You added Michael Gaviser to the group.
You added Lauren Gilman Gaviser to the group.
You added Sydney Gaviser to the group.
You added Sara Gaviser Leslie to the group.
You added Idit Cohen Gaviser to the group.
You added Judy Gaviser to the group.
You added Ali Gaviser to the group.
You added Tal Gaviser to the group.
You added Judy Gaviser to the group.
You added Peter Gevisser and Ava Gevisser to the group.
You added Peter Gevisser to the group.
You added Larry Winokur to the group.
You added Foster Gamble to the group.

Gary Gevisser

Before we get started in preparation for the Yum Yum Kippur fast of fasts, let me simply say that those of you feeling totally defeated by Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention have America’s financially richest and most politically connected Wall Street litigator Mr

Esq to thank.

Jeffrey, please take a bow.

Some of you already part of that story but most of you who will have forgotten because of your short term memory loss due to many factors, your personality, environment and your food and drink intake so to repeat it will sound like the first time.

Gary Gevisser

Let’s also officially welcome our new members.

Gary Gevisser

The story of The D I book and its revealing impact on the true nature of man since totally forgetting its hunter-gatherer past which was only at the turn of the last century when the most enlightened of humanity who of course were all women were waking up the men who were just slow; again the meat not helping and this we only began to get our heads fully around when the excavation of the ruins of Pompei which fell in 79 AD the same year the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem which was just another coincidence so please forget it altogether.
Gary Gevisser

Those of you who have never felt the perfect set of long, straight legs which require you first be up close and that is not something you necessarily find on your wife/girlfriend given how impossible they are to find, may be interested to know that you can find the perfect recipe on the Internet for removing hair, simply reduce a concoction of water, lemon and sugar and vallah-wow it works perfect, far better than the Epilady which is torture if you have hard stubble leg hair like all of Solly Krok’s daughters. I don’t know if this not unknown recipe for inexpensive hair removal works on hard stubble, but if it is important to you, just look it up and don’t bother me.
Gary Gevisser

We must avoid war at all cost and this is what I’m trying to do.

, you can help by just chiming in.

Gary Gevisser

The biggest problem in Africa is Bill Gates Jr and to know more on that subject one just needs to ask

, starting with how Newell and I first got together when I was doing a review of the Steinhardt Divestiture Fund on behalf of my client Irving Cooper.

Newell, is there anything you would like to say at this time?

Gary Gevisser

Since the focus remains on why so very few women have the perfect set of legs that haven’t changed on my wife in going on 30 years, let’s quickly bring in


Gary Gevisser

Martin, if you had paid more attention to King Golden JR Esq back in 1989-1990 not only would your father be today the richest Jewish person in the world but you would have approached you father once I began exposing the duplicity of the SEC in going after Elon Musk, and then when the time was perfect as I ramped up my Tweets on Twitter you would have approached Solly to set aside $50 million, the same value of Amsterdam properties that his South African Chartered Accountants stole, and invested in TESLA stock, and in all probability your father would today have a board seat on TESLA and imagine how much fun he would have telling Elon the story of how Philips NV tried to buy him off with a bunch of pretty girls.
Gary Gevisser

I must now leave you all for a short while to do some organic produce purchases at the local farmers market.

Gary Gevisser

As of 1:17 PM Calif time there have been 14,644 impressions of “Coincidences are not predictable”

Is anyone here an expert on Twitter and can share their thoughts on whether that number is statistically relevant?

Esq, you are not allowed to break a smile.

Gary Gevisser

I’m currently also talking with a distant cousin whose connection to us South African Gevisser’s broke off some 120 years ago, and most likely a rift in the family as my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c1890-1970) never spoke to my father Bernie, his favorite, who he shared an office with for 25 years at the headquarters of the multinational trading conglomerate The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970), which is part of the reason he left Vilnius for Durban, SA in 1904 when somewhere between the age of 12 and 14 and the other was not wanting to serve in the Czars army for 25 years.
Gary Gevisser

, lets say you are busy today like my distant cousin who is very circumspect in his communications with me at the present, although he raises money for Wall Street funds which is right up you alley, could you share with us if you have forgotten me?

Gary Gevisser

One of my obvious questions to him which he has yet to answer despite the two of us speaking since this Monday and his wife and me speaking since July 29 and then she went quiet on me and he now says that he forgot that she told him about her and my communications, is how far he got in The D I book which the world is indebted to you for its far more effective spread of knowledge of how systemically corrupt is Wall Street and the election process. Another question I have put to this cousin is, do you know why the photo of Oppenheimer and Putin is so disturbing to Jewish South Africans? The last question I asked was if he viewed The Lady’s Speech?
Gary Gevisser

Esq, you will recall our very first business meeting at Rainwaters downtown when you and I were discussing which public corporation amongst a list of possible targets for Securities Fraud violations against both shareholders and/or banking institutions I thought was the most interesting.

Gary Gevisser

It wasn’t an automatic answer like deciding who looks the best in a Miss Lucky Legs competition and you recall my mother Zena’s 2 models sitting on the bed at Parklands Nursing Home in Durban, South Africa just 3 days after I was born, and the photo along with a fairly large caption appeared in the local newspaper, and that would have been on March 27, 1957 when my future best friend South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry Esq was born.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

First I had to study the capital structure of the corporations which took about 10 seconds each to see how much ownership was in the hands of corrupt management which we knew was in the order of 99.99% recurring and then to examine the steepness of the share price decline along with volume of shares traded and that took about 10 seconds each and then I chose the most difficult in the history of Wall Street; namely billionaire Ronald O Perelman and his Revlon Corporation; and when you didn’t flinch I knew you were one of the good guys 🙂
Gary Gevisser

My asset fund raiser cousin remains quiet and that could simply be because he is cutting the lawn, and his wife scooping the cut grass onto her handheld for fear of missing what if you decided to be as responsive to me throughout the more than 4 years we worked intimately.

As you know, just because I was in regular contact with the biggest players on Wall Street, it didn’t mean I hadn’t forgotten my parents or The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies

that dominated every facet of the South African economy apart from the mining industry where we had a most solid footing thanks to our ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES

whose majority ownership had been wrestled away by monopolists American Charles W Engelhard Jr

Gary Gevisser

and his partner South African Harry Oppenheimer back in 1956, two years before the stooge Marc Rich first travelled to South Africa and spent 6 months demonstrating to his future employers Engelhard-Oppenheimer how incredibly incompetent he was, although Engelhard-Oppenheimer muscling in on ACME TIMBERS which set the price on the furniture, residential and commercial development, left Moshal Gevisser with the all important technical and management control.
Gary Gevisser

You will recall Jeff, how on June 9, 2004,

1 month and 6 days after AIG’s senior risk management specialist Ron Bellows from AIG’s Mergers & Acquisitions wrote you me, May 3, letting me know that AIG were committing serious Securities Fraud, I will place the entire “memo to file”

False sense of security – Living well is the best revenge
From: Gary S. Gevisser Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 4:45 PM To: ‘Deborah Sturman’ Cc: (Sandiego) Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}…Living well is the best revenge. {:} Sic how Melvyn “Mweissman” Weiss Esq. and Lerach Coughlin Stoia Geller Rudman & Robbins provide nothing more than a false sense…
Gary Gevisser

my point the other day – that these people have been taken and treated as war combatants when there is no war – is totally against the constitution – which apparently doesn’t exist anymore BUT get this .. .. I have now been given the project of trying to figure out our exposure for our overseas defense contractors we insure – thing is – the policy excludes ‘acts of war’ ( as most do ) – BUT – includes Terrorism ?? so.. .If a contractor dies from an act of war – we pay the widow and the gov’t is supposed to reimburse us from their war chest so now – the feds are saying – “there is no war” – and we don’t get reimbursed – for all the dead, captured and “lost” contractors ( and our loss numbers are showing lots more than the news is reporting ) so all the actuaries and underwriters are freakin out – watching their policy breach limits and bleed cash so I got the order Sunday – go and figure out what KBR, Centcom and Haliberton employee exposure are and what they are doing to control their contract employees exposure ?? AND – this is a no win – If I pull the plug ( write a report that says its a poor risk ) my name goes to the head of KBR etc – If I say its all good – we loose money and megalopoly stomps on my tushy aaagghhh later boys I need a drink . . . .
Gary Gevisser
Ron Bellows – AIG – “I need a drink….”
From: Ron Bellows Senior Risk Assessor for AIG To: Gary S Gevisser Monday, May 03, 2004 7:39 PM; Subject: WE [megalopoly] insure… Haliburton my point the other day – that these people have been taken and treated as war combatants when there is no war – is totally against the constitution – which a…
Gary Gevisser

America’s lead Wall Street litigator in the securing of the multi-billion dollar Jewish slave wage settlement from German-Swiss Banks for their support of SA Oppenheimers-BASF-IG Farben-Carl Wurster’s war crimes against us Jewish people, Deborah Sturman Esq who I have known since she was a teenager playing the French Horn for the Cologne Philharmonic Orchestra, wrote to me asking why I was upset with her and your close colleagues, the 2000 pound gorilla duo, litigators Melvyn Weiss Esq and Bill Lerach Esq. who I believe still owns the largest beach front properties in California. Again Deborah Sturman Esq’s communique of 9 June, 2004:
Gary Gevisser

Hi Gary, I hope all is well with you. I get and read most of your emails (when I’m not traveling) and since this one is directed to me, I thought I should respond. I am not sure what you mean when you write about Mel Weiss and Bill Lerach. What is it that they did that upsets you so? All the best Deborah
Gary Gevisser

So we all know intuitively that it is war that decides everything including how best to make the most of COVID-19 and shut down small retail business establishments by the stooge politicians such as Trump, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Merkel, Macron and Johnson.

If we know it intuitively what then is wrong with my distant relations, my close relations,



and the rest of the world’s middle class paper pushers?

Gary Gevisser

As you know I next heard from

Esq some 4,444 days later, August 8, 2016 when she wrote telling me that my mother Zena’s second husband of some 3 and a half decades, Alan Zulman had passed away 2 days before and that I should know in the months leading up to his death my 3 elder siblings had behaved so disgustingly towards Zulman, “vultures” is how she described the 3 of them, and in particular my 2 elder brothers, that I should know what was going on including Zulman’s decision to have her replace my witch sister Kathy as the co-executor of his estate along with the corrupt South African-Israeli lawyer Ely Simon Esq.

Gary Gevisser

Of course the shock of this vulture behavior caused

Esq to initially forget the silence of the previous 4,444 days.

Shock is a wonderful ingenious working of the brain which causes neurological problems without forgetting coincidences cannot be predicted.

At the present time there have been 15,914 impressions of “Coincidences can’t be predicted”.

Gary Gevisser

We are getting close to the very important steps which led to the start of World War I which the history books fail to piece together much like how it is possible for the most religious Jewish people who bury their mouths, faces and noses in Torah readings all centered around the rituals of killing and eating rotting animal flesh don’t have a clue about nutrition much like the quack medical doctors.
Gary Gevisser

But before that, and without forgetting that your request that I assist you in identifying culpable importers of chemicals into the United States led to my discovery in late 2003 of The D I book, I should make mention that the purchase of majority ownership of ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES by Engelhard in 1956 was the principal step in Engelhard getting the well deserved designation, South African Invader back on January 27, 1961 after he and Harry Oppenheimer instructed President Eisenhower to pull the trigger 10 days earlier, January 17 and order the brutal execution of Belgian Congo Prime Minister, Patrice Lumumba.
Gary Gevisser
Corporations: South African Invader
TIME MAGAZINE January 27, 1961 Operating out of an unpretentious brick building in Newark, surrounded by New Jersey’s malodorous swamps, Charles W. Engelhard, 43, has built himself into one of the most powerful businessmen in South Africa. Last week came his biggest breakthrough: the diamond-and gol…

Gary Gevisser

20166 impressions of Tweet reply to Musk: Coincidences are not predictable


Universe of Prospective “Reporters” Gold flowchart ~ October 1, 1999


Seen by Susan Munro at Sunday 7:50amSeen by Gisela Gala at Sunday 9:16am

Gary Gevisser

There is some clarity needed on my point yesterday “… the true nature of man since totally forgetting its hunter-gatherer past which was only at the turn of the last century …” perhaps needed mentioning to all those who need everything spelled out is that our nomadic ancestors once clustered in one spot, concrete jungle cities to serve the mining and making easier access to the minerals while the food and water now had to be brought to them living like rats 🐀.

Seen by Jenny Feinstein at Sunday 2:02pm

Gary Gevisser

Is there anyone who is now not clear on this?

It was all war, 24/7.

It stopped being all war when the Kings-Monarchs-Monopolists began collaborating when it became more important to confuse the plebes; namely all of you.

Who amongst you say that you were never confused?
Gary Gevisser

That you always knew before running into me or The D I book that it was the soldiers of the Israel Defense Force, the United States Army, the British Army, the French Army, the Swiss Army, the Portuguese Army, the Spanish Army, the Belgian Congo Army, etc etc including their respective police forces who have been deceived?
Gary Gevisser

I continue to have a mostly one sided conversation with this one Wall Street asset manager fund raiser distant cousin of mine who I’m quite certain is talking things through much closely with his wife who is also a member of this group chat.

I have asked him if he would like me to continue speaking “one on one” with him and again he has stopped speaking other than his deafening silence and/or I continue the conversation here and open it up to a broader audience.
Gary Gevisser

He has yet to respond and I don’t think it is because he is currently attending mass at St Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, New Jersey because he is Jewish or that he gives a rat’s ass that Yum Yum Kippur dinner is fast approaching and all he can think of is how much meat he can stuff into his stomach cavity and as it putrefies over the next 24 hours on top on the previous accumulation he will believe that much more fervently that he has a good diet.
Gary Gevisser

Since there is no hurry, and there is also no stoppage yet on the number of “impressions”

Gary Gevisser

“Coincidences are not predictable” which has been up since 12:27 PM Calif time on the 25th, going on 50 hours ago, I will be sharing first my ongoing dialogue with ChaBAD sic member

who remains located at their headquarters in Brooklyn, New York City and city officials saying they are not acting responsibly although their bad meat diet is the plague?

Gary Gevisser

Let’s begin on August 23 at the great time of 12:41 PM: Gary Last August 13 you thought yourself smart by repeating what I sent you so as to sneakily avoid the issues: Again, when you return answer the question first about whether engineer Rebbe Schneerson had the intelligence to understand that before De Beers-Barclays wiped out their last pocket of Jewish resistance (in Israel back in the late 70s) they first made certain that they would not run into any problems on 47th Street as the goods grabbed from the bankrupted Israeli diamond merchants first made their way on to 47th Street? Then explain where you have got up to in The D I book and what you learned that has you so disturbed that you choose to attack the messenger when not being equally ugly in your distraction? On August 5, 2019 just days before you asked: “Now I have a few of my own. Who is this Solly Krok and what is his relationship to you,” I gave you a complete answer and more recently you asked who is Solly Krok? Do you think if someone such as yourself has a bad memory it means they have a healthy brain? Do you plan on asking Solly Krok for money and if not why not? Do you no longer need money or have you found an easy source of money? Also on August 5, 2019 at 11:30 AM California time you wrote: “I believe he (Schneerson) knew the value of money very well.” Those precise words of yours were in direct response to my question, “To the best of your knowledge did Schneerson have knowledge of how the money is valued and distributed?” It is clear from Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The D I that the German-South African Oppenheimers run the world’s most sophisticated extortion racket. Again that is spelled out clearly in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL which you say you have read. Nor have you asked me any questions about this most important chapter detailing the elimination of the last pocket of Jewish resistance against the murderers of the 6 million. Gather around you all those you know of barmitvah age and older, have them read chapter 16 and then let’s add them to my group chat, It Is Time and they can voice all their thoughts. One final thought, when you wrote to me earlier today, “You have it all wrong. The Rebbe knew about Torah but people would come to him with their own issues including Money. Most of what I have heard was that he would tell them to strengthen their observance and give Charity to create a conduit for the blessings to come to fulfillment” you were trying to make out that Schneerson didn’t know about money and why you said he was not a politician. To be a politician you of course have to know about both money and lying. There is no such thing as an honest politician. As soon as someone becomes a politician or religious leader they are told about how the money system works because the Oppenheimers and their bought stooges don’t tolerate any competition and that includes their banks; again all spelled out in chapter 16. So what exactly was bothering your conscience that you woke up this morning wanting to repent?
Gary Gevisser

September 20; 10:26 AM Gary You like trump right? September 25; 10:09 AM Torah Gemach I am not left I am right Gut Shabbos September 25; 12:28 PM Gary You are falling apart. 12:53 PM Gary Can you show me any beauty in your life as you approach the toughest fat, strike that, fast? 1:06 PM Torah Gemach I lost 10 ibs

Gary Gevisser

I interrupt this rebroadcast of my fb messaging conversations with

who last announced that the beauty and which I took to be the main beauty in his life is that he lost 10 pounds to share with you the 9 minute conversation I just had with 97 years Rabbi Hershel Feigelstock

Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser


pointed me and several hundred to back on September 22 when writing us the following:


Attached is the article interview pertaining to the Rebbe and Charity. Read it and tell me if you think that the Rebbe was interested in money. You have your storyline wrong or you are making up things. Which one is it.

Gary Gevisser

Gemach did not place a question mark at the end of “… one is it” so I left it out.
Gary Gevisser

As I have previously brought to you attention, I believe

was simply trying to distract from the much bigger issues; first that Rebbe Schneerson, the ChaBAD sic Messiah was either too dumb or corrupt not to make the people of the world aware that neither Harry Oppenheimer nor his partner Charles Engelhard Jr were Jewish, that in fact the yet to be corrupted Jewish leadership of South Africa had ostracized the SA Oppenheimers for their anti-Semitic, monopolistic trade practices and at the heart of it was their enslaving of the majority black population of South Africa and why they chose to be Christians and to focus their attention on coopting Jewish politicians and Jewish people throughout the globe, not only in mineral rich South Africa.

Second, when giving heavy donors of ChaBAD sic “money blessings” that they be successful in their business activities, why was ChaBAD sic always looking for money?

Were those money blessings not all that effective and therefore what else other than such blessings being bad snake oil salesmanship or the Schneerson needed to work harder in his communications with God, and neither sounding very compelling.

Third, if an economics-finance-law undergraduate of an Africa based university where all the students are taught in their native English language, could figure out long before graduating that if you needed money for adult diapers, pacifiers for babies, iPhones for two year olds to compensate for their parents’ bad parenting skills, nuclear weaponry including nuclear aircraft carrier fleets, renovation costs for both the Arc Di Triumph as well as Eiffel Tower so that they both shine 24/7, new urban sprawls, Botox, tummy tucks and facelift treatments, monies to feed the poor of Africa, Israel, Brazil, Grosvenor London, England, Greenland as well as Iceland, North Pole as well as Antarctic residents getting thinner because of food deprivation, vacations for all humans, vaccinations for all humans, schools for learning, saving the small organic farmer, saving all the small retail shops from going out of business thanks to COVID-19, retirement homes, retirement monies for those who have less, Street cleaning, new interstate roads, freeways, monies for charities workers no longer working for charities etc etc, the place to go is the world’s leading banking and mining institution, SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-Barclays Bank-BASF-IG Farben-Monsanto, what was the problem with the Schneerson and ChaBAD sic taking so long to get with the program?

Gary Gevisser

Four, with all the world leadership so quiet, does it mean that the small SA Oppenheimer family were hugely unsuccessful or amazingly successful?

Five, could

see the SA Oppenheimers who demonstrate great competency in their dealings with Nazi Germany using officials of the Red Cross to supply Hitler with his diamonds out of the Belgian Congo as well as how they whitened, no strike that, quieted first all South African Jewish leadership during their Apartheid Regime’s 46 year uninterrupted rule followed by the silencing of the Israelis, including all those in the real estate game as well as weapons development when wiping out the last pocket of resisting Israeli diamond merchants in the late 70s, without forgetting how they escaped prosecution at Nuremberg, suddenly getting soft in the head, and leaving it to chance that not one religious leader or Captain of Industry like newcomer Jeff Bezos might decide to follow their conscience and speak out?

Six) What if there were mostly dumb politicians and captains of industry as well as religious leaders who simply didn’t think about these things because money is of no choice importance to them and when handed a document spelling out the modus operandi of the SA Oppenheimers-Monsanto all the people instantly went dumb?

Gary Gevisser

Granted there’s crossover in those 6 points but I don’t think I have left anything out that would help

get through better the next 24 hours or for that matter the remainder of his life.

Gary Gevisser

Rabbi Hershel Feigelstock should now retire and leave to his 66 year old son who is a rabbi to do a better job of editing his articles.

I did not tell this rabbi who was once a young man and perhaps just as totally stupid as he is now that someone needs to work on helping

to stop with his disgusting behavior of cover up, because this rabbi Feigelstock has enough to think about given how it is most doubtful he has ever been lost for words after quoting the Schneerson and suddenly realizing that the Schneerson made absolutely no sense.

We of course ended on a very friendly note after I offered my services to present my findings of Schneerson’s total nonsense to all of ChaBAD sic.

On the point of why I hadn’t received a response from his 66 year old son who I had sent another important question, his father said that his son will respond.

Gary Gevisser

Our discussion during this 9 minute conversation centered entirely around these 2 paragraphs in the article which

thought would shut me up:

He (Schneerson) said to me, “If two people are arguing, they are both guilty. It could be that one is fifty percent guilty and the other is fifty percent guilty. It could be that one is ninety- five percent guilty and the other is five percent guilty. But there is guilt on both sides.”

This made me think and I realized how right the Rebbe was. An argument requires two people — you can’t have a fight with yourself. Therefore, if two people fight, both are guilty to some extent. With that in mind, after I left the Rebbe, I tried to straighten things out with this teacher.

Gary Gevisser

Of course I gave Rabbi Hersel Feigelstock the real case study of

’s most trusted Jewish South African Charted Accountants stealing

’s Amsterdam, Holland properties which he had paid $50 million (50 million US Dollars) back in the late 80s, early 90s which these thieves stole around 1994 and their settlement through intermediaries amounted to nothing less than a kick in

’s backside.

Gary Gevisser

So of course, I wanted to know if just because

was a totally innocent party that he should admit to being partly to blame so that these words of the Schneerson which were being repeated wouldn’t sound so totally stupid, if not an indicator of the Schneerson’s culpability?

Rabbi Herschel Feigelstock was silent.

Gary Gevisser

So let us cycle back to the cover up of @Torah Gemach.

Also on September 22, and prior to

sending me the Rabbi Hershel Feigelstock article, Gemach wrote me, and copying several hundred on my email list which he had picked up from my previous email broadcast:

I see that many of the people who you send to do don’t even have valid email addresses. You are a sham. You can say all bad things about me and the Torah Gemach and The Rebbe. It will not help you one bit. Stop using obscenity.

Get some very close to you who can help you.

Gary do this before it’s too late.

Just on a note, I read an interview of a Rabbi who collected charity money from his students to give to the Rebbe. The Rebbe did not want to take it. Your story about your boss paying another of money to get to see the Rebbe is untrue. Which leads me to believe that most of the stuff you write about is also made up. Something like what the press in America is doing.

Gary Gevisser

The most critical part is religious hypocrite

writing, “Your story about your boss paying another of money to get to see the Rebbe is untrue. Which leads me to believe that most of the stuff you write about is also made up…”

Gary Gevisser

wants the people to believe that he checked and verified that Solly Krok has never made a money contribution to the ChaBAD sic organization, which I had previously said

had donated a large amount of money.

Torah Gemach’s goal was simply to both intimidate me and damage my reputation because he saw no way out of his dilemma of how unconscious was the Schneerson and ChaBAD sic about the atrocities of the SA Oppenheimer family.

Gary Gevisser

is not the first to play this game with me, but he could very well be the last.

The fact that

has yet to apologize to me and

does not mean

is anything but one big piece of shit.

Gary Gevisser

When you are talking about monies donated by one of the most significant Jewish donors to ChaBAD sic South Africa, and

might very well be the largest donor, being nothing, or at least not of an amount significant to meet the Schneerson 3 times, you must be insane or a liar, what is it


Gary Gevisser

if the monies that allow the Schneerson to hand out $1 bills comes mostly from rabbis such as Hershel Feigelstock giving a $1 to each of his students to give the Schneerson a dollar each, where do all the monies come from which make ChaBAD sic the most powerful Jewish organization in the world?

Gary Gevisser

Does ChaBAD sic publish annually a list of their donors and how much they donate? Does ChaBAD sic ever take issue with an anti-Semitic or anti-Israel organization?

can you think of a more anti-Semitic or anti-Israel organization than the SA Oppenheimers?

Gary Gevisser

would you think it is most likely that an anti-Semitic organization who openly supplied Hitler with his raw war material needs as well as monies for other purchases outside of Germany do their level best to deflect attention away from themselves while having their corrupt Jewish people turn on good Jewish people like my mother Zena and me?

Gary Gevisser

Let us now get back to what followed @Torah Gemach writing to me, “I lost 10 ibs”.
Gary Gevisser

Sept 25; 2:47 PM Gary I notice you don’t talk about your wife or children. 2:54 PM Gary As the yomtov (Yum Yum Kippur) approaches and you know your attempts at distraction, the pitiful article you sent is in the process of backfiring and wiping out in its wake all the religious charlatans and the rest of the hypocrites who also have no shame Trump, Biden etc will stampede over one another, can you think of what you should be asking forgiveness that you may have done that you should have not?
Gary Gevisser

Sept 25; 3:03 PM Torah Gemach I cannot think of a thing. Also I will not bring my Family into conversations period 3:04 PM Torah Gemach Have a great Shabbos Sept 26; 7:20 AM Gary Caught you lying again. So let’s come back to that bullshit article you sent everyone. Have you figured the total bullshit that was not lost on either Solly Krok or me or for that matter anyone with common sense? Does your wife have common sense to feed you and your children only the healthiest of foods so that you don’t get fat and stupid?
Gary Gevisser

7:21 AM
Yum yum Kippur

11:36 AM

Why do u think u r so sick

5:55 PM
Torah Gemach
Sends an image of a Diamond

8:22 PM
I note you insidious De Beers diamond support

8:34 PM
I thought it was the black African communities who were complaining the most that they were hit hardest because of the economics, the bad nutrition as they were the unhealthiest because of diabetes, high blood pressure heart disease, all economically contrived and why we still have Black Lives Matter, but it seems you folks in Brooklyn despite your stated closeness to the Schneerson who you profess is the Messiah-God, you are far worse plagued:

“Officials this week released statistics showing that the positivity rate in some Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods had grown to anywhere from 3 percent to 6 percent, significantly more than the city’s overall rate of between 1 percent and 2 percent. Officials are especially worried about the positivity rates in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Borough Park, Midwood and Gravesend, which they have referred to as the ‘Ocean Parkway Cluster.’

Mr. de Blasio said on Friday on The Brian Lehrer Show that the city had closed four yeshivas over violations of social distancing rules. ‘This is an indicator of something we’ll be fighting for a little while here,’he said.”

Oye Oye Oye Oye you are not very law abiding citizens, what sort of example are you giving to your community and to the world? (Another reason to hate the Jews, Jesus. I could see a conspiracy theory on the lines that the Jews have created this whole COVID and God just decided to punish the Jews.

Could you see God singling you out for punishment like the 10th plague befallen the Egyptians?

Today, Sept 27; 2:21 PM
Have an easy Fast

2:25 PM
I see you having the most difficult fast of your life.

2:32 PM
Torah Gemach
Ok if that’s what you have to wish someone then it must be a blessing!

2:37 PM
I disagree with you, but that is okay because you are falling apart without yet to comment that your wife is “beauty” in your life, the same with your kids, at the same time you told me who is not a personal friend of yours that you are having “family issues” which contradicts you later saying that you don’t talk about your family (publicly).

You are a hypocrite.

Could you see why you asked me forgiveness and that because I haven’t forgiven you that God will punish you?

N.Y.C. Threatens Orthodox Jewish Areas on Virus, but Trump’s Impact Is Seen
Facing a worrying spike in coronavirus cases in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, New York City health officials began carrying out emergency
Gary Gevisser

2:49 PM Gary I explained that it is easy for Christians to ask for forgiveness just so long as they accept Jesus as the savior. Why aren’t you already wearing a cross?

Facebook shows that

saw my last post “… a cross” immediately after I sent it. He has not responded, not even asking what delicious healthy vegan food Mango had for lunch or what he will be served for dinner.

Mango also does not fast at any time.
Gary Gevisser

What is wrong with challenging the religious who double talk “… it must be a blessing”? What kind of an answer is that? It is only valid if you reflect on it, if you logically think about it and agree that it is going to be the most difficult fast of your life.
Gary Gevisser

is not going to change the world, and if it is only Elon Musk who picks up on all this ugly distraction that has been going on since the turn of the last century when British women took to the streets of Trafalgar Square in protest against the Anglo “American” Boer War because of how transparent it was simply a minerals grab by the bankers of the world in cahoots with the weapon developers who like the bought politicians had no loyalty to country or religion, forget what happened to the intelligence of the religious men so buried in scripture their focus was to get home to a hot meal and the women be thankful for at least being baby factories, it will if nothing else help lighten up Elon Musk’s day.


Gary Gevisser
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk Logical EMotion”

21,928 impressions “Coincidences are not predictable?”

Believe me, if they came up with a better answer they would say it; it would be out there.

Gary Gevisser

Correction: Siri threw in “choice” between “no” and “importance to them..” It should read, “money is of no importance to them…”

Gary Gevisser

Logical EMotion 492 Twitter impressions

Seen by Dani Gal at 6:17 AM

How do you pray, when your mind is so plagued?

At some point even those who live each moment to “make money” ask, “What am I doing here?” When you are on social media whether it be Twitter or fb or just pitching your movie or asking for money to help your party

win an election, you are pretending when you ignore the information.

Even the best Hollywood actors get caught up in their acting roles.

Here it is much more intimate; your family and fb friends are not the only ones seeing you put on an act.

You know you can’t beat the answer we provided to Elon Musk’s question, “What can’t we predict?”.
Gary Gevisser

Are you waiting for Elon Musk to come up with a better answer or are you just so pissed that you didn’t think of it first that you just feel like dying, but knowing it is killing you, you are trying your best to shake it off, and thinking staying quiet is a better alternative than following in this Des Lindberg or

’s footsteps, to name just 2 wretched fools?

Des Lindberg left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Lots of places today to find distraction from reading out of a religious prayer book, but that doesn’t mean Elon Musk has stopped reading and noticing the blah blah responses to “Coincidences can’t be predicted”. If stupid you are following along, do you think that bright Mark Zuckerberg is not intelligent enough and has to drop to your level of intelligence to understand what each of you is thinking in your abysmal mental state.
Gary Gevisser

None of you are politically correct including those who make out that they stand for good.

You only stand for trashing the best because you are so insecure and that grants you the most satisfaction.

So what is sex, physical or mental or both?

Of course it is both and if you have an ugly out of shape body you can possibly be enjoying all that much sex.

So keep the focus on your greatest joy besides for stepping on the good and that is making money and getting applause from all those who are only about the money.
Gary Gevisser

We will get back to Lloyd’s of London and how insane it is that they set the price on insurance worldwide at the same time have the rest of you including those who don’t insure with Lloyd’s confirm the price of the money that you have never questioned because let’s face it, you are simply stupid.
Gary Gevisser

The biggest laugh of course are the religious who make a big fuss about all their charity raising for the poor and those falling victim to drugs, bad food etc

What happens if COVID-19 disappears as quickly as it began, will the synagogues, mosques and churches fill up for the Holy Days?

If God exists then you can all see God laughing at you while you continue your presence; and that has to be the most disturbing thing you can think of.

If God doesn’t exist how do you break out of your pretending mold starting with the spouse who is playing along with you but the spouse has to think of itself first were the partner to cave in.
Gary Gevisser

You remember the wife of the distant cousin of mine who went silent as I began to share more of my immediate family’s history which links up with that of her husband, the Wall Street salesman raising money for Wall Street funds which you know from reading The D I book makes no sense other than it creates work for paper pushers that in turn promotes nonsense Wall Street and it also keeps her husband from joining all the street people who have been disappearing off the streets and they are not all dying from COVID-19.
Gary Gevisser

Next I will share my dialogue with that spouse who remains a member of Tell it the way it is, as does her spouse and members of the Gaviser branch of us South African Gevissers.
Gary Gevisser

And to get there this introduction, an email I sent earlier to

will help get you once again settled in your seats. (Btw I don’t recommend popcorn 🍿 as corn is bad even for the cows, and the ancient corns not all that easy to find; moreover if you are still eating meat-dairy-eggs-fish, why even bother; other than you have choice other than when you can no longer feed yourself or communicate your preferences and then you will see how much your caregiver loves you, rather than the money).

Gary Gevisser



I see us in the final hours of Sodom & Gomorrah as the full of themselves corrupt have their brains fried

Thank God for God

Sent from my iPhone

Seen by Michael Gaviser at 7:18 AM

Gary Gevisser

July 29; 6:04 AM
Are you related to us Gevissers orginally from Pazelva-Zelvas some 38 miles from Vilnius?

6:07 AM
Spouse of distant cousin

I think my husband’s family is from that area. Not exactly sure where they came from. My husband’s name is Michael if you want to reach out to him directly.

6:10 AM
I sent him a similar message yesterday, have not yet heard back

6:13 AM
I’m not surprised 🙂 I’ll have him check this morning

6:18 AM

I’m still in bed – west coast – and waiting for my new MacBook Air to update and working off my iPhone which has 1 page of the Julius Gevisser in the photo section.

This page

Gary Gevisser

Norm Zwail left the group.
Gary Gevisser

does not mention the American GAVISER side of the family who are closely related to us – that page I have yet to take a photo which I will do later – but i find the last sentence of this page interesting as it mentions the “collaborators” who assisted the Germans which is an often used word us Jewish have heard time and again but generally never give much thought to the Jewish collaborators – Zagiew – as most of us Jewish people have never even heard of the Zagiew.
Gary Gevisser

6:25 AM Gary I hope I didn’t bore you to death with that long speech 6:27 AM Spouse Not boring at all. But X is still in bed — east coast time! When he comes down I’ll show him all this. It’s not my family so I don’t have much to add 6:38 AM Gary Btw, when I was 15 and finishing my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker and I had gathered more knowledge about the business of war than most given how both sides of my family are amongst the founding mothers and fathers of the State of Israel beginning with my great maternal grandmother who was born in the same tiny village as Ben Gurion, Plonsk, White Russia-Poland, Ben Gurion asked me what I had learned most and my reply, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t do all the talking; once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret.” It is doubtful you will find those words spoken by anyone else and why Ben Gurion responded with a smile, “I might borrow those words”. So those words have stuck with me, and more recently I have been sharing my knowledge which began with 4 articles the Jerusalem Post decided to publish right after the Marc Rich pardon back in 2001 and then when I came across Professor Edward J Epstein’s 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on The Internet. If you ever do get bored I highly recommend reading it. 11:51 AM Gary I thought, since Im going through my photos that were just migrated from an external hard drive onto my MacBook Air, and the efficiency-competency of the 31 year (old) senior technical AppleCare specialist cannot be overstated to share a photo of my uncle Julius Gevisser as well as my father Bernie who is on the far left next to Julius and alongside them are their first cousins Leslie and David Gevisser who upon the death of American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. on March 2, 1971 became the richest and most powerful person on the planet.
Gary Gevisser

11:52 AM Gary I kid you not. The smartest however and of course the nicest, most modest was my father Bernie.

Gary Gevisser

12:02 PM Gary It is highly unlikely that you are of an age where you father qualified as an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot just 6 months and 20 days into his 21st birthday before going on to complete 71 dive bombing missions against the Germans over the rugged terrain of northern Italy which I am more familiar with than most Europeans unless they live in the area. 12:06 PM Gary Most woman are not in the least bit interested in war given how not only vile it is, but totally stupid, but the men are drawn to it, until they understand its importance in confusing the people, which becomes pretty obvious once you begin reading The D I book. It is a marvelous book to help assess exactly what each of us is made of. If I had my choice and put aside my good conscience – and btw if you didn’t already know “Gewissen” is German for “conscience” – I would have followed in my mother’s footsteps and stuck exclusively to the beauty business
Gary Gevisser

and it would have been quite difficult for me to fail at that given how my mother had built up the most solid foundation which is not the only reason in the world why the world’s most powerful women and men

12:19 PM Gary sought my British-English mother’s counsel. My first ambition in life was of course to follow in my father’s footsteps and that seemed pretty easy given how I demonstrated from a young age

Gary Gevisser

that I had a natural inclination to planes as well as flying pretty high on ice. 12:41 PM Gary All that was set aside soon after I returned to South Africa in late December 1972 and my mother Zena let me know soon after arriving at Durban’s Louis Botha Airport that I needed to finish my schooling in South Africa and her then no less precise words, “and when you are 21 the world be your oyster”. 21 was much too old to begin fighter pilot training in Israel but I was already well prepared for that disappointment given how I was now in possession of the important secrets concerning our Jewish Holocaust. I won’t go on much longer other than to have you think how very different your life would be if your father was a spectacular World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and this knowledge known to Ben Gurion well before my father earned his Fighter Bomber Pilot wings on May 8, 1944 one year to the day before Nazi Germany surrendered and by which time Ben Gurion knew that the principal perpetrators of our Jewish Holocaust were going to get off scot free. Today I continue to work on my book which picks up where The D I book leaves off and while every chapter is important, chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY is the one most relevant to us South African Gevissers given how the central character is American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.; moreover, when you get to the sentence that ends, “… he [Engelhard] had no male heirs to take over”, it not only sounds bizarre, and rather weak considering the great eloquence of Professor Epstein who is no dummy but it does cause the aware reader to question more which is always a good thing; and yes that “male heir” is my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] who provided my mother with the “Letter of Introduction” which kick-started my year long orientation into Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation-Oppenheimer-De Beers-BASF-IG Farben-Monsanto that was directly supervised by Harry Oppenheimer who you are introduced to in chapter 1, A RELUCTANT TYCOON. Below is the page from Julius Gevisser’s documents which he began distributing in March 1991, 12 years after I officially joined Oppenheimer-De Beers-BASF-Engehard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation when I was still just 21 years of age.
Gary Gevisser

Today, September 28, 2020; 7:19 AM Gary Are you still here?

Note that Norm Zwail, King Golden Jr’s former close neighbor left the conversation.

It would be wrong to assume Zwail who reminds me of Swaziland, hasn’t read anything and his decision not to accept my fb friend invitation is because he is simply too busy.

Seen by Jenny Arenstein - Friedman at 7:58 AM

Gary Gevisser

The corporate personnel recruiting business is on its way out, the same with all the Wall Street consulting-investment banking firms like Goldman Sachs, The Venus Project, Vistage Intetnational, the Rady School of Business, Wharton Business School, Booz Allen Hamilton, George Soros, Michael Steinhardt,

, CVC, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, economists, fund raisers and politicians.

Gary Gevisser

Next my fb dialogue with the male spouse, the Wall Street money raiser who might better appreciate at this moment even if burying his head in the Torah that it was probably very unpleasant memories of his stepfather which caused my grandpa Israel Issy Gevisser (c1890-1970) not to speak much to my father Bernie who he shared an office with for 25 years about his life growing up in Vilnius, Lithuania well prior to the arrival of the Nazi SS who immediately went to work in recruiting their Gestapo Zagiew Jewish network; and the difference a few years later in South Africa when the National Party came to power in May 1948 and ousting General Smuts, the best friend us Jewish had since Moses, is that people like the Jewish Lazarus clan of Durban North and their best friends the Essakow family didn’t need to walk around with sidearms. That doesn’t mean this distant relative is sitting on @Torah Gemach’s lap in that stinky Brooklyn synagogue as the disgusting fatso men lap up each other’s airborne particles of feces and musing to themselves while making out, that, they are deep in prayer, what they had missed out on the next person’s ravenous carnivorous meal, just to stack up on all the animal fat-protein. How in the world can you be so caught up in scripture and know fuck-all about nutrition? How in the world did these transparent religious hypocrites get so powerful?
Gary Gevisser

Can it only be because no one questions?

Is the power of the made up money so overpowering or man programmed to be so stupid until the time it wakes up?
Gary Gevisser

Who is awake and can’t wait to hear how the Wall Street husband is feeling at this hour knowing all that he knows?

Think how his spouse might also want to turn back the clock like most all of you.

Think also how most all of you wish Mark Zuckerberg had long pulled the plug on me, much the same as the great success of Zagiew.

How do you project the future based on your negative thoughts which you can’t really articulate well to others but you feel compelled to talk even if it is only placing a blank face as your fb profile photo and before that you might be thinking of using a dark photo like


How would you be advising Mark Zuckerberg if you were a member of his inner circle like the only advertiser on the Internet edition of The D I book.

A lot for you to think about.

Gary Gevisser

That doesn’t mean Elon Musk has stopped breathing.

Logical EMotion which is nothing short of totally brilliant even if you don’t get it all, now has 582 impressions and that number is not going down.

Coincidences are not predictable now has 23,633 “impressions” and that number is also not going down.

Who knows how best to get out of depression as well as avoid depressing people?
Gary Gevisser

Have you ever thought that when eating a beautiful, tasty flower 🌺 or it’s fruit 🍎 that it comes close to making love much like you see a human carnivore tuck into its piece of steak and then you look at its equally fat and disgusting spouse and the thought of them even kissing has you wanting to vomit all over your plate?
Gary Gevisser

Time to now enjoy the great uplifting spirit of exercise as I take our most strong, beautiful eyes Mango on his morning run and sniffs. Not to mention who thinks dogs are always teaching us something along with the rest of nature if you simply pay attention?

Seen by Figadere Jean at 8:48 AM

Do you think if carnivores sniffed more the piece of rotting meat-fish before them, there might be less killing or mor killing?

You added Des Lindberg to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Des Lindberg, you have been previously very talkative and you show you were following along closely before departing or was it just a coincidence?

If it is all a game which it is most certainly to the SA Oppenheimer then you may not have thought it all through including why you continue to be a Facebook friend? So maybe you just got confused and didn’t really want to leave.

Des Lindberg, you must still be looking for money which is the same as thinking about your Trust Fund manager/s running off with your entire wealth.

Des Lindberg, it always helps to keep perspective on those promoting health and safety such as government officials who also want good paying jobs and great retirements.

While it may have never occurred to you that the SA Oppenheimers thought this all through when choosing their first buffoon leaders; namely Franklin D Roosevelt, a proponent of racist and scientifically defunct Eugenics and Hitler.

Seen by Steven Bailey at 10:22 AM

Des Lindberg, you are into the stage show game but that doesn’t entitle you to be ignorant of how important a role you play in having everyone ….
Gary Gevisser

… avoid thinking how a mineral monopolist who only has the guns and soldiers to thank for their possessions including “legal” mineral rights, have been lying to the soldiers and the rest of the poor.

You might think at your next performance alongside the social distancing placard at the entrance to your theatre to provide such disclosure.

Just because Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum in Israel didn’t care for my input does not mean you don’t follow along.

The Yad Vashem officials perfectly understood that I made the most logical argument if their goal was to have us Jewish people not forget the Holocaust for fear of repetition.

The goal of the SA Oppenheimers is to get people as fat and sick as quickly as possible.

Fat-sick people are generally more distemper than those healthy eager to get knowledge.

If you noticed yourself at about age 6 and you had responsible parents who most don’t have because they are gung-ho from about age 12 to grab the money, you were just a sponge for knowledge.

Des Lindberg, when do you think that ended for you and do you now feel good about yourself?

When the goal is wrong, you can assume correctly the measurement system supports the bad goal which is first and foremost the destruction of the land forcing the people into the cities to work the factories.

Des Lindberg do you blame me and my mother Zena for your Poverty of Thought not having thought this all through before bringing defenseless children into this world who are going to get sick and die and before that you must have envisioned you would have at least one argument?
Clive Kaplan left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Why do you think it is universal that none of you want to take the fight to Nick Oppenheimer and his Brenthurst Foundation Advisory Board which includes former Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs if Staff, General Myers?

Fat Wall Street fund manager Clive Kaplan just left. Let me make sure his head is screwed on right.
You added Clive Kaplan to the group.
Gary Gevisser

, do you think it is the way Myers parts his hair that got him the job?

, can you describe your typical investor?

have you ever missed a meal because no one would accept your money?

Gary Gevisser

don’t you think anyone selling money instruments like money, certificates of insurance, bribes to gain access to politicians who can grease the wheels for you to excessively expand your Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall so that the communities surrounding all the way back to Durban North South Africa will shout loud, “he scored a home run”, George Soros no longer looking for investors, Goldman Sachs etc should disclose in their solicitation material and online advertising the business of a monopolist and the strategies and tactics they would employ to achieve their goals including false propaganda?

Gary Gevisser

Could anyone see the possibility of filling up the world’s largest auditorium such as The Internet by nightfall this evening, California time?
Gary Gevisser

Those of you who know about Google and read up on Michael Steinhardt and his crook father might wonder how Stringardt’s right hand person, Israeli banker Shimon Topor responded to my accurate assertion that he had to be bloody stupid or corrupt to have such a pitiful performance record in the Steinhardt Divestiture Fund? Bear in mind that not only am I better Charm School trained than any of you imbeciles pretending that you have class, breeding and the such, but I’m very familiar with the bullshit Wall Street lingo and had no trouble in ruffling Topor’s feathers far worse than calling him a cocksucker fund manager which is how investor Irving Cooper referred to this cocksucker.
Gary Gevisser

Given my politeness and brevity, Topor could only express signs of a stroke without saying a word but finally as he pulled himself together which I was happy to oblige because I didn’t want to have his job and be reporting to cocksucker Michael Steinhardt, he challenged me, “Let’s see if you can find me a deal better than what you see in the portfolio!”
Gary Gevisser

Thank God he didn’t just get up from behind his desk and say as he gathered his belongings, “I’m now retiring, good luck” because that would have only pissed off my client Cooper that much more; but then again I not only have tact, but I had a plan which was not to piss off Topor but give me what I wanted.
Gary Gevisser

Those of you who haven’t studied

Esq’s very brilliant business plan should do so before you look more stupid and leave this auditorium.

You don’t need to reach every out of work restaurant waiter before concluding that there might be one waiter who would like to contribute more to the betterment of society than a Wall Street player who only provides negative and to be richer than broke.
Gary Gevisser

I did about half a day’s research and came across a Hollywood Post Production company called AME whose most technical person, a colorist, Yarn Yarborough who Clint Eastwood used on all his movies, was now running the show; at least on paper but it was Newell Starks and his CVC who were calling the shots and AME was now fast bleeding cash and it was becoming very embarrassing for Newell and Citicorp Venture Capital whose dominance in shareholder hostile takeovers, i.e. management friendly takeovers was not being helped by the fiasco which Newell was contributing towards because he wasn’t getting enough sleep which was not helped by his addiction to pop soda drinks.
Gary Gevisser

What not all of you may realize is that brain stupefying drugs like Aspertame which AIG, i.e. Maurice Hank Greenberg refused to insure its owner SG Searle back in the 80s before the studies were complete because those being tested were dropping out because they realized that losing their minds was not helpful to making logical decisions such as “Should I change my meat-dairy diet just because it causes cancer but my taste buds like it as much as Aspartame, are not good for the health of your mind-body.
Gary Gevisser

Here let me provide a Public Health Service announcement far better than what you find sticking out right now of the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall that my pal, multi-billionaire Ernest Rady who owns bunches of real estate surrounding this atrocity could have purchased with what Ernest rounds off to on a daily basis, and Im assuming his good sensibilities, not wanting to stand out like a Jewish slumlord prevented him from giving his son

something to do on his 10 minute morning break.

Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

Those two photos are neither women auditioning for the rugby lock positions or the sign at the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall which I first read as “BOOM” as in the BOOM for us well connected to the banks-Wall Street real estate speculators has arrived, and come and shop until you drop.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

The arrogance of real estate, destruction of the natural habitat, speculators is all thanks to the SA Oppenheimers and their lead banks such as the US Federal Reserve, London Exchequer, South African Reserve Bank, European Commission, Deutsche Bank, INVESTEC, Barclays Bank-Glencore-Ivan Glasenberg-Jeffrey Epstein, promoting the destruction of nature which belongs to everyone, just like the water from the heavens, as an honorable profession.
Gary Gevisser

So I found

who during the day before lunch could think really smart and so I stuck to hearing him out during that 30 minute window of opportunity, and then meeting with the former CEO of AME, Dennis Stanfill who was previously the ceo of MGM before my pal Gary Barber who I first met on Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head, Ben-Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker in latter 1972, and when Stanfill was Chief Executive Officer of MGM, MGM was owned by the Denver oil tycoon, Marvin Davis.

Gary Gevisser

Nor at any time that I can recall did Stanfill take me for a complete idiot.
Gary Gevisser

All the while we were putting the deal together for the Steinhardt Divestiture Fund to acquire AME for a ridiculous $10 million, ridiculously low sum, because again it wasn’t that this was going to be an “under the table deal” with Newell or CVC getting a “backhand” which is customary in the real estate game which is not mentioned as theft in any of the world’s constitutions such as the Magna Carter or US Constitution but it is, but rather because CVC were eager to get it off their hands and no one more eager than Newell Starks because CVC was his baby and when it comes to running a business

is like a bull in a china shop.

Gary Gevisser

But that wasn’t my concern. My concern which I addressed promptly was only paying attention to what

had to say during that 30 minute daily opportunity.

Stanfill on the other was more “old school” because he was older and during the war years had not got addicted to Aspertame which only came out later.
Gary Gevisser

As I was saying, there is only so much one can say to anyone who has a short attention span which Aspartame, pot, heroin, acid, cocaine etc etc has not proven to be helpful and so I tried not to go beyond that 30 minute window but still there was a lot of people analysis that needed to be done at AME because you didn’t want to keep feeding a Big Black Hole.

To mention much about having waiting in the wings was my one umpteen year American attorney King Golden Jr. and “Our Man Roger” aka Roger W. Robinson formerly of the National Security Council also eager for a foothold in Hollywood, would probably have also increased the price.

Just to let you know fat fund manager

, I am not totally stupid.

Gary Gevisser

Shimon Topor however had other ideas of his own which was to prove me wrong and so he refused the deal which was stupid because Topor is stupid no less stupid than Michael Steinhardt or Bill Gates Jr. or Jeff Bezos or George Soros or Warren Buffett, but still stupid is stupid.
Gary Gevisser

While I was not surprised it was a little disappointing and most disappointed was Irving Cooper who had no trouble understanding the numbers because I put them together and so he had King Golden Jr. Esq. write Topor a scathing letter while copying Michael Steinhardt who of course had to protect Topor because like every right hand person Topor knew where all the bodies are buried.
Gary Gevisser

I am not saying that all of you housewives married to rich fat cats can trust everyone other than your dog.

What I am saying is that if you are married to a fool or a crook, one and the same, your best bet is to trust your dog and no one else.

Again, that is just my solid good advice.
Clive Kaplan left the group.
Gary Gevisser

The funniest part is that about 18 months later Topor bought AME – I notice that fat Clive Kaplan just left for the second time – and he paid $18 million for the assets which were worth about half what they were.

Still of course $18 million was a steal.

Sorry for that 30 second delay. I was just writing to fat Clive Kaplan: You haven’t yet told me how you would sell yourself to Nick Oppenheimer-Richard Myers or Solly Krok. Could you do so now?

Nor did

and I decide that because Simon Topor-Michael Steinhardt were idiots that the two of us should perform frontal lobotomies on each other.

Everyone with common sense knows that Wall Street is the biggest rigged game out there besides for the production of raw war materials.

Now when I use the word “raw” I am not talking about organic raw food.

, what year was that, 1992?

Something like that.
Gary Gevisser

In fact had

been in California he would have attended my New Beginnings Party back on December 9-10, 2000, 4 years after my one and only phone conversation with AIG’s Maurice Hank Greenberg, December 11, 1996 which was 2700 days – 7 years, 4 months and 22 days – before AIG’s most senior and trusted member of AIG’s Mergers & Acquisitions Division, Ron Bellows handed me the “blueprint”, May 3, 2004 for the 2008 worldwide banking crisis which of course I immediately passed on to Mr.

Esq. who in turn passed it on to his best friend, Attorney General of New York State, Eliot Spitzer Esq. and hence Spitzer’s refreshing criminal complaint filed in mid-October 2004 against the megalopoly AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd all run by the Greenberg family.

Gary Gevisser


Starks been at this two-day event party at The Cave which was one of the converted garages of the Tree House

Gary Gevisser

which still stands and who cares what it is worth right now, he could have explained another great deal which he had in the palm of his hands to Paul Tomson,

‘s younger brother who was tired of his sister sucking up to The Coupon Clipper is Jack the Ripper Jeffrey Essakow although that got much worse once Jack the Ripper Essakow purchased the Marc Rich-Flower Hill Mall on September 11, 2002, the first anniversary of 9/11 which was triggered by the treason pardon by outgoing President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton on January 20, 2001 and my first of four articles published in the Jerusalem Post condemning this atrocity was 12 days later, February 1, 2001.

Gary Gevisser

By doing so, it would have allowed me to save my breath and spend more time with my other guests including my father Bernie who took all the photos.

Gary Gevisser

BTW, when Paul Tomson later, once we moved from the main dwelling of the Tree House to living on the water’s edge of Del Mar on 11th Street with the best view, best gardens and best of all best landlady in the world who just couldn’t understand how Jewish people unless corrupt or stupid would vote for a political party which supported big government, until of course I explained that anomaly, came to visit with us at the Cliff House, does he looked depressed in these photos below?
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

Of course Paul Tomson was very happy on both occasions. But as you know from most of your deranged thinking there are many people who are unhappy when others are happy and most happy when they destroy the soul of a good human being. Monster The Coupon Clipper is Jack the Ripper Essakow felt he had to let Paul Tomson know that he was most displeased to see in heavily broadcasted emails Paul Tomson looking happy.
Gary Gevisser

I wonder if you all think I am stupid, that somehow I have missed you all noticing how happy is my mother Zena in my company?

When you get 100% of the people acting the same, it would be wrong to think that society is civilized or anything close.

Those of you currently fasting, Im sure you have thought about all the animals that had to be killed to fill up your stomach cavity and then you pig out a second time when you break the fast?

Don’t you Christians, even the most deprived of you, found it insanely stupid that us Jewish people wish each other an “easy fast” when the whole fucking idea is to suffer like the starving to death African children with flies in their eyes?

Remember though, Judaism is the genius religion all designed to flush out first the Jewish hypocrites; and once you get them out of the way, the rest fall by the wayside.

So there is obviously more work to do.

Anyone willing to give me a helping hand out there?

Shame on you

for letting The Coupon Clipper is Jack the Ripper Jeffrey Essakow so intimidate your younger brother.

The only person who seems to show shame is Elon Musk, so lets check in with him.

Logical EMotion currently has 725 impressions and it is still not dropping.

Some of you perhaps not as bright as Musk probably think that Musk spends his time and that of his staff thinking of little else other than how to get eyeballs on Twitter because it is free advertising; something to say all the time.

You may also be right.

Let’s say he has probably heard of me, do you think Musk thinks I am stupid as you would all like to believe?
Gary Gevisser

Yes, the possibility exists that Musk is totally stupid and what we are seeing is just an animation resulting from a far more intelligent civilization which only lets us see what they want us to see and the more they share with us, the dumber we feel about ourselves and how little we know.
Gary Gevisser

Now I know that you have to be incredibly dumb not to have figured out how Nazi Germany rearmed and then began celebrating big time on 6 February 1959 when “Our Man Roger” celebrated his 8th birthday and his close buddy, Ronald W. Reagan celebrated his 48th birthday, along with how the SA Oppenheimers’ Lloyd’s of London have kept it a secret from the masses that they have a 3 decade old ban prohibiting American citizens and American residents from investing Lloyd’s who accept investments including untraceable diamond currency which is as price fixed as all the insurance and real estate in the world, the same with share prices of public corporations, the same with all the food, medical doctors salaries without forgetting all the bribes from terrorist leaders such as the Royal families of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Qatar while the US Government continue to allow Lloyds to sell their priced fixed insurance products to Americans and American corporations; without forgetting that all opposition to nuclear weapons development has been wiped out.
Gary Gevisser

Look how well denial has worked for each of you.

You haven’t managed to stop the clock from aging.

You haven’t managed yet to kill me but your FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES continues to get out there.

Being as bright as you all are, of course you feel that you are brighter than the Creator of all things because lets face it, you eat a dead animal and you don’t die instantly.

Where else do we have great evidence of your collective intelligence?
Gary Gevisser

Let me see if I can get Clive Kaplan to comment on the 24,028 impressions of “Coincidences are not predictable” and the 242 total engagements.

Also note that stage hand producer

remains with us a second time without explaining if he feels that when he eats healthy he feels more stupid.

Gary Gevisser

One of the lessons we all learn from our Jewish Holocaust is that you don’t have to be Jewish to treacherous. The SA Oppenheimers weren’t Jewish nor were the Rockefellers or the Fords or Carl Wurster or Hitler.

In other words it didn’t start out with Jewish people wanting to get rid of all the Jewish people.

You don’t have a problem with all that; that you understand.

What bothers you is that you have heard all your lives about monopolies and never thought they might want you fat.

Now that you have all this money from your real estate wheeling and dealing you are still left with your increasingly fat and unattractive wife and you feel no less stupid.
Gary Gevisser

You also can’t get as easily divorced as Roy Essakow who was insistent on keeping a kosher house once his boss Marc Rich got his pardon and Roy felt the need like most Jewish South Africans who arrive with money and buy the biggest house on the block to show everyone that he has arrived before moving to LA and just playing 24/7.
Gary Gevisser

Nor is it that easy to compensate soldiers who have fought for the land you have stolen and lost parts of their bodies’ extremities such as legs, arms and noses as well as their brains turned to moosh and no less important they have married a fat woman who has got fatter and she too would have chosen differently if she was paid as much as Marc Rich for promoting terrorism around the world.
Gary Gevisser

can you relate ?

If there is no such thing as coincidence then everything is related

In other words if you are a shithead you were destined to be shithead if you were not awake to the suffering of the poor who are only poor because the SA Oppenheimers and their bankers had you all fooled.

You know you can eat ham or shit but you choose ham which is no better than shit, it is just that you are used to the smell of ham and your taste buds say that it is delicious.

At what point is ham cooked enough that it doesn’t taste as bad as raw sewage?
Gary Gevisser

you are French and you can’t leave home without your favorite pig although I don’t suppose you give a name like Bert when your wife serves the ham slices as you shout back, “please say hello from me to the rest of Bert in the fridge, I will get back to them later, you are a ham expert, how much does Bert or Tom or Dick or Harry have to be cooked so that you don’t vomit?

Gary Gevisser

Let’s say you have never eaten Bert raw, would you be game, do an experiment.

I think you might only need to sacrifice one or two Berts. Start trying to eat Bert while his blood is still warm and flowing out of his throat. If you don’t vomit, you are good to go and you can now save on electricity or propane whatever is your preference.

What is that you do with the rest of your life once you know how to play monopolist?

Once figuring out the breaking point where you are no longer vomiting 🤮 you still won’t forget the game the SA Oppenheimers have been playing with you since the turn of the last century.

You might even decide to give up meat because you feel like meathead having bitten into so deep the shit of the SA Oppenheimers.

Seen by Solly Krok at 2:01 PM

You all remember that it served Mossad Ben Gurion no good shouting his head off that he could do nothing to end monopolist rule because the internet had yet to arrive.

You all prove that Ben Gurion was no idiot when not confiding in any of you or your parents and grandparents.

Paul Tomson left upwards of $50 million on the table when he failed to find a buyer for Chase Brass Industries, another of

’ not so great achievements when working for CVC.

Des Lindberg left the group.
Gary Gevisser

In fact

was eager to meet Ms Vicky Sticky Schiff who was taking surfing lessons with Paul Tomson and Paul was sure that Schiff could pull off the deal because Schiff’s partner in her $100 million self storage portfolio was Lou Gonda whose father was the second largest shareholder of AIG, Hank Greenberg of course the largest.

Gary Gevisser

Des Lindberg has left for the second time, let me make sure he hasn’t come down with epilepsy.
You added Des Lindberg to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Des, on the way out, if that is your intention, could you unfriend me on Facebook?

flew into Los Angeles just for a date with Schiff but his flight was delayed and she had left the party by the time we arrived.

Gary Gevisser

Because I was now fully retired, I offered to help Schiff disentangle herself from Lou Gonda as well as his two goon lawyers, one happened to be best friends with Tracy Tomson and was passing off a $100k a year in real estate deals to Tracy Tomson who was not close to rich and knew as much about the real estate game as Roy Essakow knew about oil deals when working for oil trader Marc Rich which was nothing.
Gary Gevisser

You can read up on the Peter Principle without my help although I’ve already explained in a previous book that you can’t expect stupid to hire bright because they are counted on to hire more stupid than them.

, are you able to follow along or is your primary interest getting Vicky Schiff’s telephone number?

My offer to Schiff was indeed very generous. I said that she didn’t have to pay me a dime but if I succeeded, she could compensate me whatever she felt was fair, and it was all done on a handshake.
Gary Gevisser

Despite interference from

who did to her brother Paul what J Essakow later did to Paul, Lou Gonda and his two goon lawyers caved and Vicky Schiff was now free to enter the big leagues of Wall Street which I also facilitated and which I was compensated in addition to Schiff agreeing to paying me 10% of the gross of all her future earnings, and she was only in her mid-30s.

Her first partner was American Supermarket King, multi-billionaire Ron Burke

Gary Gevisser

who gave SA Oppenheimer’s President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton his first job when leaving the White House on January 20, 2001.

Who remembers the name Bill Clinton?

Who remembers the SA Oppenheimers’ stooge terrorist financier Marc Rich?

Who remembers my name and the name of my mother Zena and my father Bernie?

Seen by Des Lindberg at 2:35 PM

Gary Gevisser

When I attended my first board meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group on October 8th, 2001 and then the next 2 weeks later on October 23rd with Vicky Schiff present on both occasions and so was the chairman of the board of WCG, Dick Ziman who was also chairman and ceo of ARI REALTY, the largest REIT [Real Estate Owned Investment Trust] trading on the New York Stock Exchange, I was not thinking of 9/11 or Marc Rich or Clinton or how the SA Oppenheimers and their stooges would exploit this Covid-19 pandemic to high heaven.
Gary Gevisser

That is because I was focused on the board meeting conversations which began, at least the first on October 8, 2001, 10 days before my father’s 78th birthday and you all remember my “gift” to him on his previous birthday

with Richard S. Ziman asking me in essence “What do you bring to the table?”

Perspective One – October 18, 2000
Perspective One An insider-outsider’s perspective of a President all “set-up-set” to win the Middle East chess game – Gary Steven Gevisser, October 18, 2000 [1] The uncertainty facing President Clinton of not knowing whether he has been already served lamb or duck or simply about to be serve…
Gary Gevisser

Had I the mangled Quickwheel I found lying beneath the credenza in the office of the General Manager of Philips NV still headquartered in Eindhoven which Philips NV decide on everything including those establishments that they don’t directly own, some 12 years before, which I left in his office, I most certainly would have placed it on the table in the conference room next to Ziman’s office at ARI’s grand headquarters in Santa Monica, California which has yet to hit by a major earthquake today, and earthquakes too are unpredictable, just thought I would throw that in.

The Quickwheel saga would have been a great story and Ziman would have got a great laugh without him losing his focus on the business at hand, which was big business for him and why he would choose to be the chairman of the board of a lobbyist firm who co-managing directors Vicky Schiff and Dan Weinstein had little going for them other than both Ronald Burkle who had committed an initial couple of million, maybe it was $5 million, chomp change, and me.

Gary Gevisser

So it was a legitimate question, and so I started to tell the story of my grandfather Issy Gevisser pushing a wheelbarrow picking up unbroken bottles off the dirt streets of Durban, South Africa while also winking at Vicky Schiff who really didn’t need for me to wink at her to know that I was ready to blow Ziman away with sufficient credibility that he might consider an early retirement, but I wanted to make sure just in case Schiff wasn’t thinking about her current boyfriend and sex that evening with him.
Gary Gevisser

The first meeting went great and why we had the second soon after and that too went great and so did Vicky Schiff meeting her obligations to pay me not only 10% of her gross earnings but also the execution of my consulting agreement with the WCG, where the monthly retainer of $6250 was also chomp change compared to the residue.

Seen by Lauren Gilman Gaviser at 2:59 PM

Gary Gevisser

Bear in mind that while I was now fully retired at my New Beginnings Party less than a year earlier, I still had unfinished business with Revlon Corporation’s multi-billionaire owner Ronald O. Perelman which was now mostly in Mr.

Esq’s hands ever since I developed the algorithms which I used to convince Krinsk and his New York partner Bob Kaplan of Kaplan, Kilsheimer & Fox that with this “thread”, again all mathematical computations, no analysis of Perelman’s weak management because all of Wall Street is weak management from start to finish, we could unravel Perelman’s empire and in the process bring down Wall Street which is no less responsible for the wars and the murder of the innocent poor than the SA Oppenheimers.

Gary Gevisser

That did not mean because

Esq. is Jewish that I had him sit in for me at both those board meetings as well as the couple more that followed, and the last one including my friend, economist Dr

Phd who of course remembers February 8, 2002 like it happened yesterday.

Gary Gevisser

One’s religion only means something to fools.

Those of you who talk the color of a person skin other than ONLY HALF-BLACK Obama, put up your hands. You too are fools.

Any time you play the SA Oppenheimers’ game you are a fool, at least since being made aware of The D I book.
Gary Gevisser

In fact Krinsk and I conversed almost daily ever since he and Bob Kaplan filed the epic class action lawsuit against the prick Perelman on October 1, 1999 which was several months after the world found out what people like me, Krinsk and his colleague Bill Lerach Esq. knew about the level of corruption on Wall Street.
Gary Gevisser

Please don’t read the article that the link above takes you to, all at once. It could crash my website

BTW, who would like to order a simple t-shirt with the words,
Gary Gevisser

Instead just focus on the centerpiece of Lerach’s article from 2001 that references his participation 2 years earlier, in the spring of 1999 at the Business Week annual conference of America’s top 100 Chief Financial Officers: Two years ago I addressed the “Business Weak” [sic] CFO Conference in Phoenix. I spoke to 100 CFOs of top U.S. companies – major American corporations. After I had challenged the quality of current corporate financial reports, the moderator used an interactive question-and-answer system to ask the CFOs to respond anonymously to the question: “Has your CEO ever asked you to falsify the financial results?” Astonishingly, 67% said yes – and 12% admitted they had done it. I later heard the SEC had sought – and obtained – the attendance list for this Conference.
Gary Gevisser

If I look around the room I don’t notice any of you amongst those 100 CFOs and I will assume that you would agree that none of them at the time were broke.
Gary Gevisser

The spring of 1999 was well prior to my first foray on to the Yahoo Revlon Corporation message board which took place on June 10, 1999 with astounding results and of course we knew that Ronald O Perelman and his goons were paying very careful attention to that board; and it could easily have been Perelman himself who responded the following day, June 11, 1999 using pseudo name, momworker63, “Help help help my brother has invested my life savings in Unilever” [sic] and Unilever is a difficult public corporation to Revlon even though they fall under the same umbrella SA Oppenheimer-De Beers-Lloyds.
Gary Gevisser

So the point Im making is that

Esq. and me at the beginning of fall in the northern hemisphere of 2001 were still quite chatty and having our regular Wednesday lunch at San Diego’s main watering hole for its movers and shakers, Rainwaters.

Nor did I discuss much my business with Vicky Schiff, because that was small potatoes compared to nailing Jewish person Perelman to the cross.
You added Clive Kaplan to the group.
Gary Gevisser

When I eventually got around to sharing with Krinsk my dealings with Schiff and of course mentioning that until she decided to exit the money making world, I would be paid !0% of her gross, and

looked at me and with a nice smile on his face said, “That’s quite rich”, but of course he agreed that it was fair not only because Schiff agreed to it and I know that if I asked for 15% she would have agreed because I could be counted on not to be speaking every 5 minutes with people like








etc etc every 5 minutes, and then check to see if they are telling people about my Tweet, “Coincidences can’t be predicted”.

Gary Gevisser

Not less important, Krinsk knew that I didn’t get off a ship on Ellis Island yesterday, quickly rush to Wall Street, and establish hookers on every street corner to hear what the idiot Wall Street investment bankers couldn’t stop talking about.

You may have heard me say repeatedly that it was the poor Jews of Eastern Europe who journeyed to South Africa while their much richer cousins came to the United States.

I never called them stupid, because they were the most intelligent, it is just that they were financially poor.

Business doesn’t mean much when one monopolist calls the shots and the rest of the quasi monopolies like, San Diego Gas & Electric, Microsoft etc etc know to keep their big bloody mouths shut.

So why lie, steal and cheat other than you are a prick like my 3 elder siblings, The Coupon Clipper is Jack the Ripper Jeffrey Essakow, Joe Biden etc etc and you derive great happiness from being impossibly cruel.
Gary Gevisser

Again, in my humble but seasoned opinion each of you with few exceptions are far more cruel than Hitler or the rest of the Nazis, including the SA Oppenheimer family. It is only business for the SA Oppenheimer family. They are not family. They have made it clear for a century now that they are no friends of us Jewish people or anyone really interested in sharing fairly. But still that doesn’t make them nice people or the rest of you any better. So why don’t all of you who don’t like me, instead of mouthing away, pouting, and whatever other crap you do on social media to amuse yourselves apply for a job with SA Oppenheimers-Brenthurst Foundation-Deutsche Bank-Monsanto, and if you would like for me to critique your job application even if it is to clip Nick Oppenheimer’s nose and ear hairs, I will gladly do so, if I have the time.
Gary Gevisser

BTW, the first attorney client of the Wetherly Capital Group was Bob Kaplan Esq. and I had nothing to do with that introduction; just to tell you that the WCG cast a huge net amongst the movers and shakers.
Gary Gevisser

Let us now look quickly at what your consumption of Aspartame over the years has done to destroying your brain.

First internal memo of AIG that Ron Bellows provided me:

Subject: Aspartame

Aspartame was accidentally discovered in 1966 by a research chemist –

SG Searle – did some original studies on mice and supposedly hid the results because they killed the mice and created seizures in others –

They continued to manage all the toxicology studies through ”75 – and had invested $30 mill in production facilities – from 70 -75

Stockholders alleging Searle had concealed information filed a class action suite. Through 78 a back and forth battle with FDA and congress occurred. In 79, FDA “flying in the face of huge scientific community opposition and documented gross negligence in Searle’s toxicological research”; accepted Searle’s studies and convened a Pub Board of Inquiry (PBI) to determine if in humans aspartame would invoke retardation, brain stem damage, or tumors etc, as was suggested – had occurred in many of the rodent population and monkey studies conducted.

PBI – found serious safety issues (w/ aspartame ) and research ethic questions (of searle ) especially in regard to tumors and interaction with glutamate (a very common soda and food component known as MSG) – and were recommending further study.

However one year later under the new Reagan administration, Searle resubmitted their app with “new” evidence and it was accepted by the FDA and held from congressional scrutiny by Orin Hatch and other Reagan Republicans – who also fostered it’s expanded use into children’s vitamins and soft drinks less than two years later.

Between 79 and 82 four FDA officials who took part in the aspartame approval process left for jobs in the industrial nutrasweet community – Senators Hatch, Heflin and Byrd reportedly received numerous campaign contributions thereafter from Searle –

Monsanto who owns Nutrasweet – picked up the ball and obtained FDA approval in 84 to open up additional food markets amidst a conflagration of innuendo and finger pointing of fudged toxicity results – many prominent biochemists and university researchers have made some very harsh evaluations of aspartame – including it’s breakdown into methanol in carbonated drinks at elevated temperatures above 98*F –

In 1984 the US consumed almost 7 bill pounds of nutrasweet- in 1986 the number rose to 16 bill –

In 1986 – 80 cases of aspartame induced seizures were reported by Dr Wurtman at MIT –

In the 1990’s Monsanto made headway into Latin America, Japan and China –

Some researchers believe that up to 1.9 mill acute and chronic injury reports have been made related to human consumption with up to 8 mill injuries going unreported due to misdiagnosis –

The US Air Force’s magazine “Flying Safe” and the Navy’s counterpart published articles in 1992 warning to the dangers of vertigo and seizures if you drink diet soda in flight – apparently a result of the atmospheric pressure gradients –

The major biochemical exposure is the metabolites of aspartame – These include formaldehyde ( a known carcinogen) and methanol – The impact of the methanol/formaldehyde and their potential effect are debated because of the low levels of aspartame consumed in a single food dose

IN 1996 continued independent research from DR’s Olney, Wilcox, Kessler, and others reported significant brain tumor findings and continue to believe that the aspartame poising effects on the human body are cumulative
( i.e.; the longer and stronger the dose the more pervasive and pronounced are the effects . . .)

Gary Gevisser

Second AIG internal memo: Aspartame tTOo Feeling forgetful? You might not be having a “senior moment” after all, especially if you’re a fan of diet cola. New research suggests that people who consume a lot of the artificial sweetener aspartame — commonly known by its brand name, NutraSweet — are more likely to suspect they have memory problems. But representatives of NutraSweet’s maker maintain there’s no evidence that the sweetener does anything to affect memory. Because aspartame long has been blamed for memory problems, researchers at Texas Christian University decided to take another look at the sweetener and its effects on people, says Timothy Barth, a psychology professor and director of the university’s neuroscience department. Previous studies, he says, had not proven a link. “There’s been this void, this big divide between what the people have said they’re experiencing and what the laboratory studies have been able to show,” Barth says. The idea was to determine if aspartame users were likely to complain about memory problems or if previous reports just came from a so-called “noisy minority,” he says. Researchers questioned 90 male and female students, from age 18 to the early 30s. “You wouldn’t think there would be any serious memory problems within these people,” Barth says. “They’re all here, getting through their courses reasonably well, at least most of them are.” Some participants were heavy users of aspartame products, such as diet colas or the sugar substitute Equal. All participants were given standard memory tests. Responses on the questionnaires indicated that the students who used the most aspartame were the most likely to think they had problems with what’s known as episodic memory. That’s the ability to remember having accomplished a task earlier, Barth says. “You might be reading an article in a newspaper and realize you already read it,” he explains. “It could be that you’re ready to give your child medicine, and you think you did it about 30 minutes ago.” But several things could explain why the aspartame-using students reported memory problems, he says. “The fact that they think they have a memory problem doesn’t mean they do have a memory problem,” he emphasized. n perhaps because they’re more likely to be dieters trying to lose weight and more likely to criticize themselves, he says. n “It may be that people who decide to consume aspartame are of a certain personality type,” he adds. “The next series of studies will try to give tests of self-esteem and mood.” Also, he cautions that it’s difficult to measure episodic memory using tests, adding that more research will need to be done in that area. Results of the latest study were presented to the Society of Neuroscience earlier this month in New Orleans. Dr. Harriett H. Butchko, NutraSweet’s vice president of medical and scientific affairs, downplayed the significance of Barth’s findings, saying other, more sophisticated research has yielded different results. “The results of [other] studies clearly demonstrated that aspartame, even in amounts well above those typically consumed from products, has no effect on memory,” Butchko says. Aspartame is digested into its three components _ the amino acids aspartic acid and phenylalanine, and methanol — but the body gets these components in much higher quantities from ordinary foods, she says. According to the NutraSweet company, aspartame is manufactured mainly from amino acids, which make up protein. While it has about the same caloric makeup as sugar, it is much sweeter, meaning that much less is required to sweeten a food or drink. Paul Spiers, a neuropsychologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has studied aspartame and found no link to memory loss. One of his studies was funded by the parent company of NutraSweet, but Spiers denies any conflict of interest. “I know from our own research that students drink aspartame when they’re under stress,” Spiers says. “They often drink Diet Coke for the caffeine, but don’t want to gain weight. They’re writing papers, and if you’re writing three papers that you haven’t done all semester, it’s hard to keep track of what you’re doing and what you’re writing.” The Texas Christian University study, Spiers says, simply was not fine-tuned enough to detect whether aspartame caused the memory problems cited by students. Regardless of whether the findings have been accepted by others, TCU students who participated in the research seem to have reached a consensus on its use in their own lives. Diet soft drinks seem to have vanished from Barth’s lab. Students simply stopped drinking them during the study, he says. Short-term use of aspartame may be OK, he says, but studies have not investigated exposure over many years. “There is a potential [for harm] there,” Barth says. “If you don’t have to take that chance, why take it?”
Gary Gevisser

, what do you think should be the financial claim against all the politicians throughout the planet for their breach of the public trust?

Okay, so where were we?

We have decided that happiness of good people you reject out of hand.

Two, you wish you were smarter but you also know that you can’t have the same relationship with your mother as I have with mine.

Three, you simply can’t get over that anger and why you disgusting pigs so commiserate with my 3 elder siblings and the Weisel.

Four) Im not loaning you our dog Mango or my wife Marie Dion, not even for a day.
Gary Gevisser

Five) You are greatly looking forward to the history tour that you were deprived of either the result of lack of common sense in which case only God can answer that for absolute certain whereas us mere mortals have to figure out all the issues and assign probabilities which may interest all of you, but I couldn’t give a fuck.
Gary Gevisser

Six) You would like me to get back to my dialogue with this Wall Street fund raiser distant relative who along with his wife have yet to accept my fb friend invitation but they remain members of this group chat

Seven) The bullet proof business model addendum for Elon Musk which doesn’t require him to change course, not even his dedication to Twitter; and all his has to do is stay alive and be healthy.
You added Norm Zwail to the group.
Gary Gevisser


I just wanted to make sure that you hadn’t fallen asleep driving your TESLA and when changing lanes on automatic pilot your thumb moved and removed you from this group chat.

Gary Gevisser

, I would like you or your driver, not your golf club, unless you think it has more going on in its head than you, to check your fb messaging as well as my fb friend invitation and click to subscribe.

Just in case it is too much trouble because the TESLA is now changing lanes and you have yet to get your other thumb under control, this is the last of what I wrote to you today:

7:29 AM Calif. time
Shortly I will be posting our one way dialogue on the blog of

Btw have you ever come with anything so creative?

8:52 AM
I see you have changed your fb profile photo.

Are you thinking about growing a beard and throwing your hat in the ring to replace Schneerson?

Don’t you think you are too old to be playing hippie?

Seen by Tomer Tene at 4:00 PM

Gary Gevisser

Users, while I prepare to transfer those writing of my distant relation over here, please study the amount of deaths worldwide attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic and compare it to the NET INCREASE in the world population so far this year, over 60 million humans including all the heavily disrespected baby factories: Current World Population as of 4:02 PM Calif. time, September 28, 2020: 7,814,996,731 Births today 256,466 Deaths today 107,670 Population Growth today 148,796 THIS YEAR Births this year 104,249,581 Deaths this year 43,766,471 Population Growth this year 60,483,110
Gary Gevisser

Should anyone need help in analyzing the data accurately, I don’t suggest you call Bob Kaplan or

Esq. because in all likelihood they will refer you back to me.

Gary Gevisser

Picking up from where I had previously cut and pasted my dialogue with my distant relation

, who shouldn’t be confused with

whose younger brother is married to my cousin, the sister of

, the co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan, the blockbuster movie of 1998, the same year that my first cousin Adrian Ash and his one uncle Tony Tillum met for lunch with Tillum’s best friend, Nick Oppenheimer as well as his father and Harryat De Beers-Anglo American Corporation headquarters in London when again Nelson Mandela called for instructions from Harry Oppenheimer how to deal with the media over the striking miners, and while Adrian got a free lunch, free drinks and a $2 million infusion into his cash security business which he had been given by his father, my mother’s Zena’s half-brother and the business didn’t need cash because it was already cash positive and growing steadily around the world, the business quickly collapsed and Adrian was out of a job:

SAT, Sept 26; 7:46 AM

Michael, just because our heritage goes back to the year dot doesn’t mean I cannot understand what is going through your head but you must still be thinking why your wife avoided giving you the very polite message as well as good knowledge.
Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk Coincidences are not predictable.”

When you have truth at your side you know better than to follow the crowd.

Nature is unpredictable but that doesn’t mean man can predict the future based on bad information.

You are obviously hedging your bets by not blocking me, just in case someone such as Elon Musk, who can see that my Tweet response to him quickly caught traction [chooses differently].

SAT 11:57 AM
Michael Gaviser

I’m confused

What about, you are non responsive and I’m so forthcoming.

How large is the largest fund you have run?

Michael Gaviser
I raise capital. Don’t run the fund.

How do you raise capital, from who?

Did you see that I flushed out Michael Steinhardt following his initial investor not happy with the performance of his one fund?

Do you talk politics at all at home with your family?

Were you aware of how hugely wealthy and sophisticated financially and trading wise was our side of the family until the Oppenheimers-Engelhard found our weakest link?

Have you read any of Tell it the way it is?

Would you consider yourself Wall Street sophisticated?

Didn’t you find it strange that your wife never mentioned a word to you about me and why she suddenly stopped communicating with me?

Do you agree that blood is as thick as experience?

I’m currently having an expresso

Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

with my amazing wife…

My wife mentioned it but I forgot about it

I don’t know what u mean about sophisticated

… and our doggy and the people are getting sicker by the moment.

Michael, at 21 and just turning 21, I was provided enough knowledge to shut up every professor of business or anything closely related.

If you have a memory problem try changing your diet

Bear in mind I write for the intelligence level of a 12 year who doesn’t suffer from bad parenting

Why don’t you tell me your family’s history and then we can talk about the rest

Don’t forget I know that all the rich people in the world would like to have my knowledge

Michael Gaviser:
Nothing wrong with my diet

Just busy

On a Saturday?
Did your father fight in the war?

Michael Gaviser:
My father didn’t pass his physucal

What business were your parents and grandparents in?

What university schooling do you have?

Michael Gaviser:
My dad and grandfather were surgeons. My mom worked in investment brokerage business

I have a good feeling that your father and grandfather were from the old school and very competent and honest?

How old are you, and what schooling?

Does the name Solly Krok or Epilady mean anything to you?

Have you started to read The Diamond Invention book?

Do you know why the photo of Oppenheimer and Putin is so disturbing to Jewish South Africans?

Have you visited either SA or Israel?

Do you have a point of view about the politics-economics of Israel?

Did you view The Lady’s Speech?

Did you see the point I just made on Tell it… about the Czar when not wanting us as soldiers his goal was to turn us on each other?

SAT 3:43 PM

How are you doing?

SUN 9:05 AM

When you are 21, very healthy, not close to a paunch which most have today and it is getting worse by the minute – and my quick look at the one photo of you on your fb showed a very protruding stomach and please correct me if I’m wrong so that I can correct that wrong impression – and you are also being assessed to eventually take over from SA Harry Oppenheimer who runs the whole show, starting with Wall Street the biggest joke of them all, there is a look about the face as it drains of its life energy once encountering the truth.

I knew that it was of critical importance if I was to get through the first interview when beginning my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia who had fooled the people since the turn of the last century when the people were much more savvy but they didn’t have the power of the almost light speed Internet to communicate to all corners of the globe at the same time, and no one person having advantage over the next, that I address the biggest weakness of the study of economics before asking Oppenheimer whether there were any professors of law and economics who were not playing stupid?

What percent do you think were just simply fooled back in early spring 1978?

Are you fooled today?

Do you think Jeffrey R Krinsk Esq is fooled?

I of course did not bother to ask if John Maynard Keynes was bought, the same with Milton Friedman, because it was now in Oppenheimer’s court to direct the course of my progress which was all but guaranteed.

I just had to keep my wits about me and that simply meant continuing to be very discrete.

I didn’t need to go from one coffee shop to the next or one university campus to the next polling how a student of economics-finance-law-political science-philosophy would react once learning that “market forces” mean nothing to the world’s wildly successful monopolist who has no barriers to entry.

The dramatic drainage of blood from the head would have to wait 40 years after I wrote to author Prof Edward J Epstein on January 13, 2004.

Playing the fool, distracting, attacking the messenger, I got to see vividly is totally irreversible.

Not all the neurons get eliminated instantly.

But that empty space never gets filled.

You are probably still thinking money.

So I plant this seed in your head

If you were stage promoter for someone like Bob Dylan who you may have read I shared a very intimate dinner some 3 decades ago and which I recently revisited with Dylan’s best friend Louis Kemp who[se] house is where we all first met.

I hadn’t even met or spoken with Louis before.

There were only 6 of us.

Dylan is also one of the most private people in the world.

Also present was a senior rabbi of ChaBAD sic.

I saw right through the rabbi.

Today Dylan and Kemp are on the road again promoting their : Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures.

Think of the biggest stadium in the world.

Do you think you could possibly fill it all by tonight with your clients and business partners?

What would you charge them to attend?

Would we put out the names [of those] who chose not to attend or would that number be so insignificant compared to those who attend; it’s just a matter of time.

I know you say you are busy.

That’s all hypothetical

A waiter now out of work but previous was a philosophy major who couldn’t find work, now sees a way to have fun and make money as well.

Remember it is just a matter of time.

And don’t forget how long you have been ignoring the truth and are you feeling good about yourself?

Seeing through distractions is a virtue.

Have you ever played the card game Clobyosh?

I once played against the future chairman ceo of MGM, South African Gary Barber back in the fall of 1972 while on Ulpan-Gadna training on Mossad head David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker, and lost to him and his partner, and my partner future British-South African solicitor Ray Oshry Esq. was also an excellent player.

We also lost all of 5 Israeli lira.

Would you know what that is worth today?

My middle brother Melvin may have been the best player amongst us including Ray’s elder brother Ivan who you see is a member of Tell it the way it is.

I would say at the current time Ivan is much richer than Ray who is not poor.

Probably the worst player amongst us was Bobby Bubba Jacobs who I believe is also a member.

There is luck in all card games but skill is important but it is different for all of us.

That is what makes us different to all the other animals as we are conscious of our respective skill sets and we can discuss it with one another without killing each other.

It is important that we can discuss it applying logic at all times.

That again is unique to man.

So how long before the first waiter wakes up, finds himself out of a job and a whole lot smarter than those in denial?

Myself, Melvin and our eldest Neil were pretty tough

Seen by Rodney Smith at 5:07 PMSeen by Clive Kaplan at 5:08 PM

Clive Kaplan left the group.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

but more importantly we could be counted on to watch each other’s backs. One time when Melvin wasn’t around my dad, Neil and I decided to intervene in a very delicate matter that could have deadly repercussions because it could have been a murder, and there could be two murderers involved, which I hadn’t first discussed with either my father or brother although I knew my father and I were on the same wavelength. It involved Kerry Anderson Molfesis who is also a member of Tell it the way it is. I could continue that story here and/or Tell it the way it is, what would you prefer? Most people don’t know that this Covid-19 restrictions are exclusively to make the poorest of the working class poorer. Remember they are still pumping out university graduates with no skills but to talk bullshit
Gary Gevisser

You unsent a message

Gary Gevisser

SUN 12:37 PM Gary We don’t want to have suicide on our conscience, so we want to find something positive. I know it’s selfish, but that’s how I feel. This pandemic is real; people are dying from it. People are fearful of it. People are talking about it incessantly. It is real and pervasive in their lives. It divides friends and family. People are forced to restrict their travel. Does it remind you of Nazi Germany? People tell on their neighbors. People see other people walking by them without a mask and they pass comment. It is about 50/50 the people will react violently if there is stoppage in the flow of passing each other by. People are getting off on the power play. Do you know much about the organization of the Hitler Youth Movement that made it so effective in disrupting the family unit and placing power in the hands of the politicians? You must know something about numbers? You are selling numbers all day long. You are probably working on it now because you say that on the Jewish Sabbath you are busy, other than on your handheld or laptop following our conversation. You must be aware that your reaction to the truth i e to shut down is the same as your wife. Did she fail to tell you the seriousness of what caused her to disengage and be so rude towards me? Or did she express it all perfectly and you were just fucking with me to learn more, and give yourself and her more options. I am certain she never got close to the knowledge I shared with her throughout her, her parents and siblings’ lifetime(s). The same with you. When last did you connect with someone who is so connected to so many very powerful people starting with Engelhard and Oppenheimer? When did you become aware that Harry Oppenheimer had President Nixon and the entire US Congress by the balls, the moment Nixon finished his 15 minute speech on August 15, 1971 and failed to end; “A gun has been put to my head by the bad bankers I just mentioned, although I failed to mention their names because they are bad. We are the good bankers. The lead bad banker waging an all out war against the US Dollar is German-South African Harry Oppenheimer who along with his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg, and perhaps the last. Oppenheimer is tied in with the ‘male heir’ of Engelhard Jr who died in very mysterious circumstances, 166 days ago, and he had only turned 54 the month before. No less problematic for all those elected and non elected government official he had bought is that just before his death German-American Engelhard had his ‘male heir’ South African David Gevisser begin openly transferring his most strategic assets, starting with control of the world supply of platinum as well as his timber holdings over [to] Harry Oppenheimer who was just waiting for me to finish this speech before instructing me to proceed, and with the help of the US Congress and their respective bought countries violate the trade boycott we had imposed on South Africa when mandating that our auto and truck industry purchase the platinum for the catalytic converter from Harry Oppenheimer in concert with Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation. I also had a CIA member, a Hungarian Countess meet with David Gevisser when he arrived in the US for Engelhard’s Roman Catholic burial at St Marys Abbey Church in Morris Town, New Jersey for the specific purpose of showing respect to both him and Harry Oppenheimer who collaborated on the total bullshit speech I just gave. David Gevisser is your typical low self esteem Jewish person whose jealousy towards the strongest member of the family, his first cousin Bernie Gevisser allowed D Gevisser to act no different to the Gestapo’s Jewish Zagiew who operated throughout Nazi Occupied Europe committing the most terrible atrocities against their fellow Jewish people. Nor was Dave Gevisser without help from other members of the Moshal Gevisser families, all who have names and the evidence against them is watertight, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now having shared this all with you, I have the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders and let’s just forget everything I said earlier about going off the Gold Standard and as the price of gold is so incredibly understated, it will rise exponentially causing the value of real estate worldwide to plummet, the same of course with all the stock markets and the good businesses will work together harmoniously while all monopolies will cease to exist and therefore no need for war, and cooperation is logical.” Sunday, 1:21 PM Gary: Michael are you aware that Watergate was one big pitiful smokescreen? Do you better understand why Nixon allowed it to get so out of hand given how distracted he was in focusing on plea[s]ing H Oppenheimer? Are you aware of how significant is the dent in the exponential growth of the human population is this COVID-19 pandemic? Do you know how many people who are said to have died and will continue to be labeled as having died of the Covid 19 virus were sick anyway and likely to die in a year or less? Yes, Michael there is no dent. Michael are you aware how the goal of having a healthy economy and the gauge that has been in use since 1934, the GDP is total bullshit from a logical standpoint? Do you think that because bad people have succeeded for so long in not only maintaining their banking-mining monopoly but diversifying using different name corporations, but all one and the same, that we should ignore because it is convenient. Do you think that one waiter is too stupid to understand what is going on and your tactics? Corrections: not “pleading” rather “pleading Harry Oppenheimer.” 2) “… we should ignore because it is convenient.” The “not” has been removed.
Gary Gevisser

Gary Gevisser

Gary: It will be a good thing if the population of the world drops. Some might say Covid 19 is war and we need to have more babies. What do you and your wife think? Do you think the net increase in world population so far this year of 60 million again taking into account Covid 19 deaths that included people already on their way out, is too little or too much or do you not have any opinion because you are too busy working on your respective stories? [Seen by Michael Gaviser at Sunday 6:56pm] Today, Monday, Sept 28; 4:08 PM Gary: BTW Michael, you never told me anything more than “Nothing wrong with your diet”. Were you telling me that you have the perfect diet or is that Wall Street talk to confuse?
Gary Gevisser

At 5:30 PM Calif. time, 3 minutes ago, I sent Clive Kaplan who remains a fb friend: “You remember how into that “rerun” you were, that you felt the need to tell the whole world, so what’s wrong with you that you can’t talk? Wasn’t your goal to show us all that you are this mighty sense of humor guy and can distract like the best out there?” Then I showed Clive Kaplan what he missed.
You added Clive Kaplan to the group.
Gary Gevisser

Clive Kaplan, do you need help making sure you don’t get added back to group chats? This is something that

prides himself on.
