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That is beautiful ~ Ugly

Screenshot 17:22 Calif. time, May 13, 2019
Image may contain: bird and plant

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The bird with majestic “Hair Style”
Photo by ©Matt Onley

Vernell Lewandowski Pretty bird


Gary Gevisser That is beautiful. 

There are some beautiful creatures. 

We haven’t managed to destroy them all. Give us time we will do it!

It is not enough to say, “We give up!” and then look for the next soundbite that distracts us.

We are comfortably numb.

How come we don’t look deeper into the personalities of the people who motivate us in the direction of superficiality, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” or no less distracting, “Lock her up”?

Notice that I don’t put a name to either household name politician.

I am, of course being disparaging to both politicians who I have not met.

To know someone you just have to know the important things about their background and to then ask them the right questions.

I am a white skinned 62 year old, in better physical shape than most 18 years olds which really doesn’t say much considering how the overwhelming majority of kids whose brains havent come close to fully maturing are in horrific physical shape which of course affects their thinking department.

I was also raised for the first 21 years of my life in mineral rich South Africa and besides for my household name mother Zena being an advisor to the likes of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy Esq., his nemesis, Aristotle Onassis and prime minister of India, Pandit Nehru as well as his daughter, future prime minister, Indira Ghandi, I also made it my business after completing my university economic-law studies where I learned very little new information, other than the professors in all the subjects were either totally stupid or bought, to learn more about exactly how the real dog eat dog worked.

Naturally I sought employment with the biggest employer in the world; namely banking-mining consortium De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] whose entire business philosophy is zero toleration of competition which simply meant making sure all their bought politicians did a lot of distracting talk which still wasn’t enough for the DAAC to be certain their puppets stayed in line; and so they made certain that all the most senior opposition members to their favorite puppet received the identical dossier.

They love soundbites such as “A diamond is forever-a girl’s best friend”, “Say no to racism”, “Say no to drugs”, “Say no to wars”, “Say no to family squabbling”, “Say no to using bad language” and most of all, “Say no to guns”.

Yet every parent knows when you tell their kid “No” they will do the exact opposite.

Part of the problem is that most kids before their brains are screwed with know that they did not ask to be born, which is missed on about 99.999999% of college educated parents.

It also made sense given my immediate family’s extraordinarily tight business connections to American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] that Engelhard’s successor, South African, Harry Oppenheimer would take a keen interest in me, especially since he was eager to find his future replacement and I met the basic criteria, discrete, asked good common sense questions and avoided all political conversations thanks to being guided by British-English mother Zena.

TIME MAGAZINE described Engelhard Jr. well in their headline: Corporations: South African Invader…/

and that edition of TIME on January 27, 1961, coming just 10 days after the barbaric assassination by the CIA of Patrice Lumumba, prime minister of the Belgian Congo which featured prominently in the arming of Nazi Germany

and most of you might recall that January 17, 1961 was also the day of the infamous military industrial speech that was as carefully planned as was its distraction.

The fact that none of you might have thought about what private conversations took place between the outgoing and incoming president of the United States at the time, has a great deal to do with the execution of the educational curriculum which is no less carefully orchestrated.

Within the first 30 minutes of the start of my year long orientation into the DAAC

I had gone well beyond figuring out the problem with my university professors in all the subjects I studied, economics, law, finance and accounting.

Every household name economist had been effectively neutralized, going back to John Maynard Keynes who presided over the nonsense July 1944 Bretton Woods Conference which gave birth to the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible IMF and World Bank which was no less insane and amoral as the GDP economic index which was established in 1934, the same year a fairly successful bootlegger but more importantly, a full on anti-Semite, became the inaugural chairman of the SEC.

For the remainder of the period before I officially joined De Beers-Barclays

in early spring 1979 at their most important “listening post” on U.S. soil, and Codiam Inc remain headquartered on 47th Street, Manhattan, I was not sipping cocktails under a palm tree in the Bahamas.

Given my knowledge of how effective had been the brainwashing of the masses I decided to bide my time for reasons of safety before speaking out on 11.11.2004.

Obviously I am still here.

My information is no less time prescient today as it was back in 1934 when the world’s educated should have been instantly alerted that something was seriously wrong with the human thinking.

Once can safely assume because it would be hard to think that everyone was totally stupid, that there were some who figured out what was happening but decided to speak out wouldn’t help because they would likely end up dead.

Based on the reaction of people today, you would have to agree with that previous assessment, although you may disagree with the thinking that there was opposition because no evidence has surfaced in my investigation.

At 8:02 PM on the west coast, some 90 minutes ago, I sent Bob Gilfoy the following message on FB messaging:

Just earlier I sent the following message to a new fb friend, a pretty Afrikaner lady:

Hello – what do you do?

I write a little – see 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post – and what I mostly find about us humans is that we don’t share knowledge once we find out that we have been fooled about the thing we most care about which is the money, and specifically getting as much money as possible and then saying we will be generous.

It is a study that has already resulted in the premeditated murder in Israel of my [mother] Zena who was a household name in South Africa for 3 decades

Type in google ZENA THE LADYS SPEECH and after reading the background I provide note the lack of comments by the more than 1100 independent views, and most if not all the viewers have read my 4 articles and know me and my mother

Bob, before you read what I sent this woman, had you known anything about my mother Zena?


Bob Gilfoy Gary Gevisser ,I have viewed your videos.thank you and for your comments.
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Gary Gevisser Title: Ugly

Bob Gilfoy notice the lack of comments or questions from your other 327 odd FB friends.

Such knowledge tends to shut up the most formally educated to the least educated.

What do you think they all have in common?

Look how emotionally intense they are when it comes to political talk.

Look how emotionally strung they are when it comes to it their pet social cause such as those with the most ugly bodies gardening in the nude as my FB friend Valerie Heckposted up
Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor
 Page 2 – Ugly

But when it comes to actually doing something with the easy to get one’s head information they are all paralyzed like sheep jumping off a cliff to their death when surrounded by wolves.

How come we don’t learn from much smarter nature all around us?

How come no one asks, “Why would you say that the DAAC are the largest employer on the planet since I have gone to Google and they don’t rank close to the largest employer on the planet?”

Could all your readers be so totally numb and indifferent that they lack the curiosity to learn more about things like how the DAAC have managed for more than a century to conduct using their unlimited supply of untraceable diamond currency 90% of the transactions; i.e. acquisitions and divestitures “off balance sheet” and the remaining 10% are 100% influenced by these off balance sheet transactions?

Highly doubtful.

Instead, I know for a fact that 99% of literate humans when reading what I have to say and I grab their attention at the very start, waste no time in digging in deep to the history of the DAAC which I make easy on my free website and which the reader quickly realizes dovetails perfectly Epstein’s epic, page-turner book, The D I.

Aside from my good common sense, my experience of the nasty human sheep behavior goes back to the start of my year long orientation into the DAAC-Barclays which took place soon after immigrating to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st birthday, and knowing that the most formidable, household name economists such as Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman had been effectively “neutralized”.

Even if all you have done with your life is hammer away at limestone rock with a hammer and chisel because you have been a prisoner all your life in a place like Robben Island, Cape Town, South Africa where DAAC stooge Nelson Mandela served most of his 27 years incarceration which was really “protective custody” as the DAAC’s brutal Apartheid Regime eliminated all of Mandela’s future opposition, so long as you can read and comprehend and you are also given 2 ten minute breaks a day away from your hard labor sentence, you would type both economists’ names into Google and start looking for the words either “diamonds” and/or “diamond currency”.

When you drew a blank 8 minutes into your first, mid-morning, 10 minute break, you would quickly use your remaining 2 minutes not to bother with wondering who else has this knowledge and they are not sharing the information which is what you are expected to do on facebook if you genuinely care about your fb friends, unless you are just on FB to get attention because you are needy, and/or looking for girlfriend/boyfriend who is preferably rich, and/or spying on your FB friends which goes without saying, but you would invite all your FB friends to this conversation to figure out if they are really trustworthy unless you too are untrustworthy?

To show you what I am talking lets work with a real live case study.



Bob Gilfoy Gary Gevisser ,What you have to say is intetesting.Is there hope for the human race?Will a new day happen?
 Page 3 – Ugly 

Bob Gilfoy, first notice how I am taking my time in posting up “Ugly” and so far it is only you actively responding.

Second, what I have to say is more than interesting. I present irretuable facts and the only interesting part is the quietness of the “common herd” which is so well described in the DAAC’s 1892 Banker’s Manifesto which they want their “common herd” to question its authenticity.

It is only a fraud in that the DAAC so obviously produced such an articulate, most accurate assessment of what they were doing and then learning from all your poor, weak reactions.

I have already covered this in “They have reached their limits” which you can find on the BLOG or simply type those 5 odd words alongside “2facetruth” in Google and you will find it, and if not then people can just ask me to send them copy.

So let’s look again at the tail-end of the July 4, 1892 Banker’s Manifesto and then I will suggest what you can and should do rather than simply “hope”:

People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. History repeats itself in regular cycles. This truth is well known among our principal men who are engaged in forming an imperialism of the world. While they are doing this, the people must be kept in a state of political antagonism. The question of tariff reform must be urged through the organization known as the Democratic Party, and the question of protection with the reciprocity must be forced to view through the Republican Party. By thus dividing voters, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us, except as teachers to the common herd. Thus, by discrete actions, we can secure all that has been so generously planned and successfully accomplished.


Those 128 words explain everything other than why not a single human being who considers themselves good is actively campaigning for the release of my mother Zena before they either nail her coffin shut or finish off murdering her one of a kind great mind.

Surely Bob you have the common sense to tag all your other FB friends and put each of them to the test.

To talk in generalites like a preacher who perfectly understands that without the poor there would be no church and without the church complicity with the banking-mineral monopolist DAAC-Barclays where would be no poor, is very weak thinking.

If one can figure out when nature calls and you have to go to the bathroom, you should be able to figure this all out on your own.

Below is a grouping of some of my literate FB friends who I am tagging; and nothing prevents all FB users to enquire more from them as well as bring in your own experts even if all you think they are expert at is distracting talk:

1) Tomer Tene, Lt. Colonel in Israel Air Force and Israel’s largest organic produce producer. As you would expect Tomer is also fluent in Hebrew. If he could be assured of a better lifestyle than what he has presently in Israel he would have long won the release of my mother Zena into my custody which are her clear wishes.

Tomer can also perfectly understand your unwillingness to go beyond saying that my mother Zena is “lovely” in the videos.

Those videos are irrefutable evidence in an ongoing premeditated murder to not only shut up my mother Zena but no less important to punish my mother.

How could you as a sensitive artist have missed that?

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Dr. Rodney Smith Phd, a world water expert who I have worked with intimately since the second half of 2001 when I was spearheading a water project fund for the richest and most formidable west coast based lobbyist group, Wetherly Capital
 who had their eyes on rigging; i.e. committing voter fraud in the upcoming November 2002 California Gubernatorial elections which Dr. Smith Phd and I only discovered these spineless humans’ true intentions a couple of weeks after Wetherly Capital arranged two meetings on December 28, 2001 with incumbent, Democrat Governor Gray Davis, a client of Wetherly Capital. 

The first meeting with Governor Davis involved Wetherly Capital’s representative “renter” of space from Wetherly Capital, Joe Campos and the top officials on United States soil of the DAAC’s Veolia-Vivendi, including their chief executive officer, Andy Seidel.

The second meeting Davis had included Wetherly Capital “renter” Joe Campos and Dr. Smith Phd who had prepared ahead of time for the meeting, a most important and articulate “White Paper” detailing the pending water crisis in drought ridden California, the 7th largest economy in the world. 

At the time, Dr. Smith Phd was unaware of the first meeting with Governor Davis because Joe Campos who facilitated both meetings only told Dr. Smith Phd what Campos and the two top officials of Wetherly Capital Group, co-managing directors Dan Weinstein and Vicky Schiff wanted to Dr. Smith Phd to know.

I was unaware of both meetings. I had yet to touch base with either Dr. Smith Phd or Wetherly Capital as I was just getting back from a two week trip to visit with my mother Zena at her primary residence in Somerset, England which quickly went from a most pleasant visit to very serious “damage control”.

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I will now share more of what led to this “damage control” which included my purchasing from Valerie Heck and her former husband and now dead Jason Coster for my mother Zena a “safe house” on the water’s edge closest to my mother’s resid
ence in Wiveliscombe, and both Minehead and Wiveliscombe in Somerset, since my focus is still to win the release of my mother Zena over in Israel which you can see does not move all those about the money and quite angry with me the messenger who for good reason my one of a kind nice and worldly mother is so supportive of, which of course you ALL wish you had as a mother and if not then your teacher of the “ways of the world”.

BTW, I purchased this “safe house” from Valerie who was still married to Jason, pretty much “sight unseen” as I only saw their 3 bedroom house from the outside without even knowing that there was a restaurant attached to their house and we negotiated the price at around 10 PM on a very cold late December 2001 night and only going inside for the first time the following morning; not to mention, just hours before I arrived the previous evening they had taken their property off the market; and to be perfectly clear I didn’t even know their names as we had never met before and I just happened to run into a neighbor quite aways from their home who picked up on my South African accent when I asked if he knew of any properties for sale and Jason Costner happened to be South African and so this neighbor thought we might be able to speak the same language. 

How can you all be so unified in something so utterly ugly as the so obvious premeditated murder of my mother Zena by my 3 elder ingrate siblings and their bought Israeli lawyers and incompetent, unrepentant, remorseless Israeli judge, Yocheved Greenwald-Rand, which you all perfectly understand goes way beyond “sibling rivalry” as you are all so quiet and understanding perfectly that the first of you to speak out in a clear voice, so your bubble is burst, and the same with everyone.

So you are in the same boat and if you still like one another as much as you did before learning how you have been so horribly fooled then you can only conclude that there is not only something wrong with you, but still you can cannot trust the person next to you in the same leaky boat.

As the boat gets increasingly filled up with those “jumping ship” so you will behave that much more like a sewer rat but as we have seen from death factories of our Jewish Holocaust the human is far more brutal than a rat in a sewer only wanting to survive rather than take its vengeance out on its fellow rats; and once free of its surroundings doesn’t return to the sewer to beat up on its fellow brother and sister.

The brutality of the human who has more than its basic needs met is totally unique, and your imaginations make it all very easy to now visualize.

How often do you say to yourselves, “That was a stupid thing I just did and then you apologize if what you did bothered the next person?”

Often is the answer, if you say mistakenly bump into someone while walking in the isle of the supermarket.

Yet for some inexplicable reason not one of you are capable of taking responsibility for lacking the common sense to investigate the money before talking about money which is really all you think about once losing your body and it is no longer attractive to the opposite sex if that is your preference, and why money is all you talk about.

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The fact that I understand it is most difficult for the people who think it is only them and their best friends who have common sense, and that everyone who they and their best friends don’t like, lack common sense, does not mean I am go
ing to buy into your stupid excuses.

It would be one thing if it was just one of you or a handful of you, but for all of you failing to admit, “I was stupid because I trusted my parents and teachers and university professors” defies all logical reasoning because even if you are sewer rats of the worst kind, you cannot expect all of you to remain loyal to your common and so common lies.

So your thinking is simply that you will keep quiet and not draw attention to yourselves and if you are going to comment then you will do so in a very distracting way while being as civil and polite as possible until you decide to lash out, start accusing me of gross untruths before simply either removing my posts and/or unfriending me.

Then you have to deal with the possibility that others will know the game you are playing without them necessarily saying anything to you, and if they do say something you cannot be sure that they have bought your bullshit story even when they respond back, “O yes, I agree with you, this Gary Gevisser doesn’t know the first thing he is talking about”.

Remember there are huge numbers of people who already have this information and which each of our Presidents have had since the introduction of the heinous, insanely illogical and morally indefensible Gross Domestic Product economic index back in 1934 when Hitler had yet managed to get his future Storm Troopers and Nazi SS to march in a straight line.

How many of you right now when saying the words, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” as well as “Lock her up” feel like vomiting?

Normal humans should have long by now after berating themselves for not digging more and simply trusting the politicians who you all can’t get enough of saying how stupid and corrupt they are, should be most angry with the people who have duped you all terribly.

But not one of you genuinely applauding me for my courage and knowledge and at the same time writing to the entire Israeli Knesset as well as every Israeli you know denouncing their duplicity is very sick, is it not?

You also know exactly how to begin by simply pointing them in the direction chapter 16 of The D I book, WARRING WITH ISRAEL and asking:

“How can you talk about Israel being even close to a democracy when you had the entire Israeli Knesset back in the late ’70s in bed with the architects and greatest profiteers of the Jewish Holocaust, as De Beers and their favorite client, Barclays Bank wiped out, just like in a pogrom, the last of the Jewish resistance in Israel, after first neutralizing all their opposition in the rest of the world?”

 Page 7 – Ugly

Yes, it is your politicians and your most trusted human rights advocates who have so violated the most basic moral principles as well as logic in failing to have you question the money which you wrongly assumed had been vetted by all the
 world’s politicians screaming at one another, but really just acting better than the best Hollywood actors.

Then there are the so serious, “no nonsense” talking, hard nosed, bottom line, greedy, no sharing, ruthless all about the numbers and no emotion other than their favorite charities, investment bankers like George Soros and Warren Buffett who are again “all business”, the same with the so serious Justice Department prosecutors going after monopolists which is why we have our so sacred, sacrosanct anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies laws which the DAAC-Barclays have been laughing at from the very beginning which date back to 1890 the same year the last of the resisting native American Indians were massacred at the Battle of Wounded Knee 1890.

Since there really is no “honor code” amongst the corrupt as much as you have been brainwashed by the TV to believe otherwise, how much longer after we are all dead do you expect this charade of charades to continue and yet you know that just one person with truth could convince everyone?

Look how the puppet Hitler with all his untruths was able to convince most Germans that he was this amazing magician who singlehandedly filled the supermarket shelves full to the brim and at the same built up the Nazi German military machine in stark violation of the Versailles Peace Treaty?

Is this really the must ugly “make believe” world you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in?

What is wrong with all you people?

Isn’t there something inside each of your brains which says to avoid stupid people given how at best they are so uninteresting?

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It has been 937 odd days since I last saw my mother Zena back on October 8, 2016 and then spending the remaining 13 odd days in Israel not only trying to find one honest Israeli lawyer which is totally impossible that again you pick up f
rom chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL where Israel was totally defeated, but in criss-crossing the length and breadth of Israel meeting with both Israelis and Arabs, Christians and Muslims and finding out that they are all the same; only interested in grabbing the money and talking bullshit politicians just like everyone on Facebook, with very few notable exceptions.

So back to this “damage control”.

I had been visiting my mother Zena several times a year from the early 1980s when my mother decided to “retire” and return from South Africa to the country of her birth and where she lived for the first 18 years of her life.

Again, from a most relaxing and most looked forward to visit following my 4 most important articles published earlier in the year in the Jerusalem Post that you notice that you and everyone else have yet to comment about, and you can see that you have never come across writings so “spot on” and at the same time so controversial as it spells out the corruption of the highest levels in both the United States and Israel and their enemies such as the puppets in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc no less complicit, to both my mother Zena and I having to protect our lives following my mother’s second husband, Alan Zulman a major fund raiser for Israel-Israel United Appeal [IUA] overhearing a private conversation between my mother and I involving a close friend of hers, Muslim South African Fatima Meer who on the surface was an open and ardent opponent of the State of Israel given Israel’s closest of military ties to the pariah Apartheid Regime.

The color of one’s skin or one’s religion as we can all see does not make one either bright or stupid.

It is one’s character that is important.

Fatima Meer understood like me and my mother that the Third Reich’s Southern Division had immediately taken root in mineral rich South Africa following the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945 without the rich of the world getting poorer because it was only the poor of the world who have been getting poorer thanks to the economic system being so fatally flawed and which you have known now for several days and your reaction cannot be considered all that great even thought it is much better than the rest who are quiet.

A voyeur is really an ugly person.

Lets now bring in other Jewish South African Israelis who are FB friends of mine and you can just see on their FB walls how big talkers they all are.

Ministry of Education/Health official Beth Isaacs, head of kibbutz Jeremy Perling.

If you can get all the bought Jewish people to remain quiet and the rest of the world’s non-Jewish people are just the same, then you can see it is possible that we can all just focus on the money.

Let’s bring in other Jewish South African FB friends of mine:

British-South African solicitor Ray Oshry Esquire; architect Micha-el FrameMichael Ditz, and Sam Schaffer.

Notice that I don’t have any of my Jewish relations who are all about the stolen real estate FB friends of mine.

That is not to suggest that I would trust my German-Austrian FB friend Christina Moritsch-Krall as far I could throw her.

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Chinese General Sun Zi may not have been a practicing Jewish person but that does not mean he was stupid.

If you are going to war, you may tell your soldiers who you don’t want to pay the lion’s share of the spoils of war that they are fighting for your God, your freedoms at home, your family and your house, but then you would be lying to them if you are richer than them as a result of having stolen your wealth or inherited stolen wealth.

All land in possession of us humans has been stolen at one time which we all know but we also know that man’s greed has led to war with neighbors but the victor even if it is only mercenary soldiers have got the lion’s share of the spoils and when returning back their homelands victorious then strike a deal with Noblemen as to how much the domestic Noblemen hold on to unless they themselves have been fighting bravely on the frontlines.

Once Israel moved away from the kibbutzim society which produced the very best soldiers and they were not motivated by money because money had yet to corrupt the kibbutz society, then you started to see Jewish Israeli city slickers ruling the roost.

Again this corruption of Israel all began to take root upon the death of Haganah-Mossad head David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] and no doubt his death hastened by the gross incompetence of Israeli Military Intelligence in the hours preceding the 1973 Yom Kippur War where Israel was attacked simultaneously by Syria in the north and Egypt in the south and it was only because of 2 huge errors by both the Syrians and the Egyptians that Israel was no soundly defeated.

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Bob Gilfoy, notice your, your other FB friends and the silence of my FB friends who I have tagged.

As I have previously said, the DAAC-Barclays who escaped prosecution at Nuremberg where they should have been the first and last prosecuted have always been at least 3 steps ahead of Ben Gurion-Mossad because the DAAC have succeeded wildly in backing all sides to war going back to World War I and its continuation WW2.

Like any smart general Chinese General Sun Tzi cared first and foremost for his soldiers ahead of his family members, friends, business colleagues and possible great many mistresses.

Any general fighting on foreign soil, other than an Israeli general who tells their soldiers that if they are defeated their families will be massacred, is lying.

Any general who is fighting on foreign soil to grab that country’s mineral resources and says that they are fighting for their God and the freedom of their people back home is mostly lying.

You know for sure a general is lying if they don’t tell their soldiers fighting on foreign soil that it is to protect their lifestyle at home unless they tell their soldiers that they are going to get the lion’s share of the spoils of war to then take home with them and instead of housing on a near a military base to own the biggest houses in the most expensive real estate such as Bel-Air in Los Angeles.

Were Sun Zi to appear before us today, he would undoubtedly be impressed with the advances in technology and most eager to drive say a TESLA powered by batteries but he would then think the rest of what we have done starting with the foundation of our economic society the gross GDP index as totally stupid.

He would also wonder how we could master such technological discoveries including how the universe works which we really know very little about because for starters we cannot explain the ongoing accelerated expansion of the universe which will inevitably have the night sky totally dark and only digitized backup images of what we see today using the most advanced telescopes and yet accept with blind faith the lunacy of the GDP.

General Tzi was not as good a physicist as Elon Musk but that didn’t mean that Tzi was stupid when best protecting his soldiers by embracing the very simple to grasp military principal, “Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”.



Bob Gilfoy Gary, You should team up with a professional writer to co-author a book.You have a good story to tell and one that would find readers in several countries.It may also be a way to redress wrongs.I think you would find a publisher for your story.
 Ugly ~ page 11

Bob Gilfoy, what is wrong with you?

When you read my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post 

right after the Marc Rich pardon which I didn’t feel the need for an editor and nor did the editor/s of the Jerusalem Post change one word, why would you say now all that 49 odd words you wrote back on May 4 at 2:54PM Calif time which say what everyone already knows?

You perfectly understand the lack of courage of the human beast.

How many of your FB friends have you turned on to my writings here as well as my group chats such as Review Down Durban Memory Lane?

I’m currently working on a draft follow up to my postings on Roger Waters of Pink Floyd’s wall.

Do you really think it would be reasonable for me to expect children raised worse than my 3 elder siblings to have any humanity outside of an “Act of God”?

Do you have any expertise in the publishing field?

Surely you must have read that besides for gaining entry to the monopolist of monopolist De Beers-Barclays Bank who tolerate no competition in the money creation business just as they tolerate no competition in the mineral resources and weapons development business when I was still 21 years of age, I also went on to have vast experience in the corporate work out business which did not harm my credibility when the chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000] put me to the test back in 1993-94 before offering to me not only to publish the book that I am currently producing in real time here on social media as well as my website where you go if you have any questions but also the job as ceo of Hearst Corporation that remains the largest and most profitable publishing-media business in the world, apart from of course De Beers-Barclays Bank who can wipe out any business small or large in an instant and replace them with grossly incompetent management who don’t need to be concerned with job security as they will have access to unlimited funds just so long as they do what they are told, no different to all the politicians who have more than a pot to pee in and of course that includes all political lobbyists.

My experience is that when the human is hit with blinding truth they see things either that are not there or what they want to see and then this “talking to talk” never ceases.

Moreover, I have noticed that you have not touched on the plight of my mother Zena 

over in Israel other than with the conspicuous superficiality of a voyeur.

I also thought you had written something equally hideous as Neal Hugh Hurwitz on the Youtube Zena The Lady’s Speech.

Did you remove your comment or had you previously written the word “lovely” which is the exact opposite of what has been taking place over the past 947 days, although it began 970 days ago on September 15, 2016 when the 3 best raised Jewish children in the world turned on me who helped all 3 of them during their times of deep crisis over the years, as well as our mother when going behind our backs and getting a corrupt Israeli liar-lawyer Ayala Weisel Esq. appointed as my mother’s guardian on the fabricated basis that my mother was suffering from “advanced demential… no memory” and no family member was willing to take care of her.

