The clock – : Everything has a purpose -: Photo of Star of David
From: “” <>
Subject: The clock – : Everything has a purpose -: Photo of Star of David -: Their usefulness as cannon fodder – Roger Waters of Pink Floyd – Screenshot 111:31 Calif time, March 4, 2019
Date: March 7, 2019 at 4:30:22 PM PST
To: “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>
Cc: rest; Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, Israel Mossad <>, “Gil Hoffman – Jerusalem Post reporter now silent.” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, Michael Awerbuch <>, “Prof. Steve Jones” <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>, “FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives” <>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <>, “Dr. Lim MD” <>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <>, Cardiologist Warren Grundfest MD <>, “Dr. Barry Molk MD.” <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>, Rabbi Stuart Federow – Houston Texas Radio Show Host <>, Erick Van Engeland <>, “Voyeur Max Pohl – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, hillary Mulholland <>, “David Altman – Founder of Made In USA Inc.” <>, Trevor Goldberg <>, Neta Mark <>, Gerry Mohr <>, Lynne Bentel – Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser and former best friend of Michael Tordu-The Coward Awerbuch <>, Bruce Bentel <>, Len Bentel <>, Hilton Wolman – nephew of Sol Gambling Czar Kerzner <>, Merrick Wolman – nephew of Sol Gambling Czar Kerzner Czar Kerzner <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, Fane Joseph <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>, “Pam Kragen author, Flower Hill owners aim for the human touch” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, Conrad Anker c/o Pamela Hainsworth <>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>, “Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography.” <>, “South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB friend of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook.” <>, Stephanie Marine c/o Gary A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money Legator <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – Learned discipline and duty in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “Emma Elliot Gevisser – new wife of Neil Gevisser. Emma is more than half the age younger than her husband. Emma manages the Airbnb listing of Neil’s home in Wiveliscombe that borders the cemetry.” <>, “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – service in the brutal South African Apartheid Regime-3rd Reich’s Southern Division’s military.” <>, “Adrian Woollaston – Member Town Council, Wiveliscombe” <>, Bear Inn – Wiveliscombe <>, “Bill Whitman – Member, Town Council – Wiveliscombe” <>, “” <>, Barry Pepper – Actor – Saving Private Ryan <>, Coast 2 Coast Capital – Acquirer of Albi-Danziger-Gevisser for $50+ million in June 2016 <>, “Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth; Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” <>, Jos Verhorst – Chairman De Amstel Club <>, Jan – Amsterdam guide <>, Johann De Jager – General Counsel South African Reserve Bank <>, “German lawyer Claudia {I didn’t know the coin was gold} Seibel Esquire – (So why did she keep it?)” <>, “Laura Poitras – Director Citizenfour, co-producer 1971” <>, “Robert Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion Vicino Vicino” <>, Elon Musk <>, Aron Pflanz – TESLA <>, 60 Minutes <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <>, Lwinokur Winokur <>, Kerry Traitor Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>, “Bryan Howe – Parish Clerk, Wiveliscombe” <>, Carousel Pig – Wiveliscombe <>, “Co-operative Supermarket – Wiveliscombe, England” <>, “Court House Interiors – Wiveliscombe, Somerset – England” <>, British Embassy – Israel <>, “” <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “Gillian Slovo -daughter of assassinated Ruth First, whose husband and father of Gillian was Joe Slovo, a South African politician, an opponent of the apartheid system. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).” <>, “” <>, Haneen Zoabi – Muslim Arab member of Israeli Knesset <>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>, “Yoav Galant – Chief of Staff, Israel Defense Force; former Commander of Shayetet-Flotilla 13; c/o Ami Ayalon, former Admiral of Israel Navy.” <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, John Ostrovsky – Mossad <>, “Yossi Melman – co-author FRIENDS IN DEED.” <>, “Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006]” <>, “C. J. Vecht – Proprietor of Kunstzalen A. Vecht Gallery” <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, “Anthony Geffen – chairman of the board, CEO Atlantic Productions” <>, Professor AaronBrownNose Brown <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Diane-David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, Laura Lekker Dekker – The youngest solo circumnavigator ever <>, “” <>, Ernest Rady <>, “Kenneth Standard Esq. – former 25 year in-house General Counsel of Bristol Meyers; most recently past President of the New York Bar Association – Harvard Law School.” <>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <>,, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, “Adele Breytenbach – Professor of economics, UNISA” <>, “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>, “Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of his close cousin Stephen Moshal Cohen. Alan’s first cousin was murdered ANC armed wing member” <>, “Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey.” <>, “Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo.” <>, “Jeff Malatskey – another quiet classmate of Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]; and seller of exam papers – University of Natal-Kwazulu South Africa – partner Ernst & Young.” <>, “Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions.” <>, Shaun Marsh – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Saul <>, “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>, “Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter” <>, “” <>, “Vicky L. Schiff – co-managing director Wetherly Capital Group.” <>, “Bill Simon c/o Dan Weinstein – co-Managing Director of Wetherly Capital Group.” <>, Mweinstein <>, “Kevin Hall – Pulitzer Prize Winner, Panama Papers” <>, “Mike Flint – Hollywood producer looking for funding of Angels in the Sky – The Birth of the Israeli Air Force.” <>, “” <>, “” <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>, Noa Rotem – Israeli movie producer <>, Dave Fifield – Gerhard <>, “Elad Davidovitch – former Israeli army reservists and movie maker who lacks information.” <>, “Trevor Manuel – former South African Minister of Finance. In 1995, Manuel agreed to a deal favoring the anti-competition former Apartheid Regime the morning before Gary Gevisser met with his lucky uncle David Gevisser, the “male heir” of open supporter of the Apartheid Regime, monopolist German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, “Mark O. Hackner” <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>, “Michelle First – neice of Roy & J. Essakow” <>, Conrad Wolff – supporter of Roy Essakow <>, “Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Essakow was on Israel ulpan-Gadna training in 1972, same time as Gary S. Gevisser” <>, “Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company.” <>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration.” <>, Marcia Kramer – Political / Investigative Correspondent WCBS-TV <>, Derrick Beare – Investec <>, “Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter The Pig Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig. Both The Pig and his brother Bernard were open supporters of the South African Apartheid Regime [1948-1994] as well as principal backers of today’s Museaum of Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial at the Durban Jewish Club, Durban, South Africa. Sidney now lives in the long time residence of Sandy Moshal-Gevisser Jacobson’s grandfather, Sol The Little King Moshal, also a staunch supporter of the Apartheid Regime as well as very close ally of virulent anti-Semite, South Africa Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, “Sidney Abelski – sellout lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <>, Sharon Evans <>, “Sam Schaffer – J. Essakow’s best friend + Adele Breytenbach, but still FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, Marthinus Van Schalkwyk – South Africa Ministry of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Tourism <>, Fabienne Lacourpaille – Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser <>, “Frenchman Jean Figadere – multiple South African Aerobatics champion. Unfriended as a FB friend by Gary Gevisser” <>, Christina Nazi Germany-Austria Neutrality of First Line Nobility protected our fortune Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>, Alec The Flake Boswijk – owner of Alchemist Garden and FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Steven Bailey – Inconsistent and no longer a FB friend <>, “Beth It’s not all about me you know!! [sic] Isaacs – Still FB friend of GG.” <>, “Beth Klareich (TIS Program Director) (TIS Program Director)” <>, “Desiree Pure Evil Levin – No longer FB friend of GG. That ended on Aug. 20, 2018 following GG’s comments on group chat, A test of humanity.” <>, Michael Ditz – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, Geoffrey Rothwell <>, “” <>, Angel Gurria – Secretary General OECD <>, “” <>, “Newell Starks – Deadbeat officer of Citigroup’s Citicorp Venture Capital Group who specialize in management friendly; i. e. shareholder hostile takeovers – based in Austin Texas.” <>, Michael The Big Thief Grant <>, “Gilbert Takam – brother of magnificent heavyweight World Boxing Federation Champion Carlos Takam who defeated The Thief Michael Grant in Paris back on May 24, 2013” <>, Alex Davis <>, “Jack Quinn Esquire – Former White House Counsel and close personal friend of President Bill De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Clinton who played the most decisive role in the Marc Rich pardon.” <>, Ron Bellows – US Government owned American International Group – Chief Executive Officer President Barrak Obama – Nobel Peace Prize winner on 10/9/2009 <>, “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby, VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff.” <>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.” <>,, Brazil Embassy – USA <>, Marina Pickler Rorata – Brazilian lawyer – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Rafael Adolf – Brazilian Radiologist practicing in Germany + no longer FB friend.” <>, Rafael Zulueta Egea <>, “” <>, Weruschca Kirkegaard – No longer FB friend <>, JGreenky <>, A Kennedy Kennedy – Elie Wiesel – Elie Wiesel Foundation <>, Janet Bick <>, “Eric Lichtblau – New York Time journalist – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets.” <>, “Geoff Norris – South African-British actor who produces, directs and acts in his self described absolutely crap Youtube promotion of himself as an actor, teacher and singer.” <>, Paco Furió Marco – Spanish-German Business News TV Anchor <>, “” <>, Malcolm Ness <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement.” <>, and for treason <>, “Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time.” <>, Nina Sencar – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>, “Radiologist Dr. Peter Chait MD – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Divion – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, kingdelmar <>, “Roger Mills – Hollywood producer and witness to the shell-shocking of Wall Street broker and now Uruguay surfer Christopher Anthony Sumner back on December 11, 2010 at the Il Fornaio bar, Del Mar, Calif. Calif.” <>, “Roger W Robinson – intimate of Gary S. Gevisser, protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission [2002-2005]. Currently the Chairman and co-founder of The Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI)” <>, “Benet – St. Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, where Jane Engelhard [1917-Feb. 29, 2004] and her husband Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [Feb. 15. 1917-March 2nd, 1971] are buried.” <>, “Mary Valder – Personal assistant, David Rockefeller” <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, Director Guy Davidi c/o Kino Lober – Distributor of 5 Broken Cameras <>, guy bechor <>, Uri Rosenberg <>, Mary-Lou Filipino caregiver of British citizen Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, “Ayalah Kaplan – Evil South African-Israeli neighbor of my mother Zena still held captive in her Netanya apartment.” <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison.” <>, Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>, Alan Brody <>, “Israeli judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand – placed non-family member Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel as guardian of my mother Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman on September 15, 2016, 6 days before my expected arrival in Israel. On September 26, Judge Greenwald-Rand ordered Israeli police to evict me and my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion from my mother’s Netanya apartment at 01:30, the following day, Tuesday, September 27, knowing that my mother would also be woken up at the dead of night, rather than risk my mother giving them all a “mouthful” had they arrived at a decent hour.” <>, Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>, Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, Rabbi Abner Weiss <>, Chief Rabbi of South Africa Goldstein <>, HILLEL PIEKARSKI <>, Josh Gerstein – New York Sun <>, Editor-shanghai daily <>, “Richard Poplak – author of Dr. Shock, How an apartheid-era psychiatrist went from torturing gay soldiers in South Africa to sexually abusing patients in Alberta – No longer FB friend of GG.” <>, “Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate” <>, “Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers.” <>, “Alan Paton Centre & Struggle Archives – UNIVERSITY OF NATAL-KWAZULU, Gary Gevisser’s Alma Mater. Paton part of the Apartheid Regime’s propaganda.” <>, “” <>
Jeffrey, you may not yet have picked up, that in an effort to distract me from digging into her relationship with terrorist, murderer, Apartheid Regime senior military commander Eeben Barlow who after the fall of the Apartheid Regime who he served faithfully murdering opponents of the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime, went on to the payroll of De Beers doing the exact same thing, Chris Steyn has suggested that I write a book; and when I explained that is precisely what I am doing, and explaining in great detail using wonderful photographs, she went silent, and I don’t suspect it was because she fell asleep from boredom.
It is now 1:47am in South Africa, and were she to write me back that she is now awake, and nothing else, I would also assume that she was continuing to distract.
Chris Steyn is included in the blind copy section along with a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.
The gambling business is all that you know other than as I pointed out in the previous broadcast email to you which you chose to ignore, that the richest Israelis living both in Israel as well as abroad, profit handsomely from the Arab leadership, in particular the corrupt Palestinian leadership not raising their children as nice Jewish boys such as you.
You must have heard former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who was a very loud voice in getting terrorist financier Marc Rich his US Presidential pardon from DAAC, De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton on Clinton’s last day in office and which I protested very strongly and the not yet corrupt Jerusalem Post saw fit to assist me expose this outrage that has done little to stem the refugee crisis throughout the globe but that was the main purpose other than the warmongers including so liberal [Clinton], so concerned with the poor and their human rights, blah blah simply covering their dirty tracks, saying that i[f] he was born an Arab Palestinian he would probably be a terrorist.
Now if you hadn’t heard highly decorated and very brave Ehud Barak making those pronouncements, it does not mean you are either intelligent, nice, or for that matter someone I would like to break bread with again.
That is not to suggest if you decide to eat healthy it will make your brain [more] rotten; on the contrary, it might help you in the thinking department.
When Jewish people like yourself and special advisor to the President Trump, Jared Krushner who[se] spelling of his last name I had to check on Google which also gave me his first name, make wealth off the poor while giving a free pass to those dogs like Mr. Bone Saw Crown Prince of the House of Saud
and then you want to play either ostrich and/or censor, and/or DAAC enforcer, doesn’t it smack of hypocrisy?
Are you not using your Jewishness as [a] cushion
or would you prefer “security blanket”.
How do you explain the silence of the South African Jewish community when failing to express any outrage against the German-South African Oppenheimer family who ran their Apartheid Regime from start to finish and continuing the same game with bought Mandela and his ANC?
Don’t either common sense or the teachings of Torah tell you that i[f] someone is bad and they have the same last name as you and/or a Jewish sounding name but they are very bad people, then you should go out of your way to let the world know that they are not Jewish, unless you are profiting from their corruption?
What did you learn from the biblical story, even if it was not true, about Sodom and Gomorrah, that to get ahead in this dog eat dog world, one should have a heart of stone?
Have you examined the inner-workings of a stone and noticed the atoms continuing to vibrate without you first showing signs of Parkinsons?
I will cover more of this when next reaching out [to] Pink Floyd member Roger Waters. I can send you an advance copy if you prefer.
Is being bought a good enough excuse to make your way into the Kingdom of Heaven?
Let’s face it, it is only Nature which is totally unpredictable who stands in the way of you beating the crap out of the poor until such time as robots replace the menial jobs.
What if you simply didn’t think about making money on price fixed money is not as honorable as a bricklayer, would you think only that you would not prefer to think what could possibly have you thinking stupid?
Do you have any idea what it must feel like to a woman to be fucking stupid?
Many if not most women do not like to think much about the money in part because there is something about [money] that doesn’t ring right, and then to find out that the men with their protruding stomachs are all totally fooled, it is tantamount to them fucking stupid.
How can you possibly think you are smart making money on money created out of thin air and managed by the world’s most anti-Semitic, anti-Israel institution?
The DAAC don’t need to speak to see how effective they have been in shutting up all their opposition.
So lets just assume they inevitably corrupt everyone and everyone is thankful for never again having to work.
Does that makes sense of all this great creation?
You must admit that the smartest scientists don’t come close to having all the answers.
Therefore assume that you are not as smart as you think. That means you should be open to the possibility that it is a miracle that when we breath the air in the vastness of deep outer space, we pretty much die instantly, but here in this most minuscule cocoon, tiny, tiny earth it is possible for certain forms of life like a tortoise to live a couple of hundred years. We also manage to breath without dying of asphyxiation
I am not suggesting that Moses was a tortoise.
I am trying simply to get you without going back to the planners of our creation at the start of the last Big Bang to develop a spine.
I only mean that metaphorically speaking.
Also don’t make out like you are polite or anything close.
See my response to your shit from March 4 – CLICK HERE – as well as my previous responses; and there is no need for you to send regards from me to your child wife.
On the other hand given your age, poor diet and corresponding poor health, maybe she might be able to assist you figure out how to block my emails as well [as] keep checking both my BLOG and $HIT list.
BTW, how did your trip to Japan go? Did you come away with more stock options?
Now you say that you dealt directly with President Donald Trump at his casinos in Atlantic City? as well as Sol Kerzner and his now departed son Butch, what about Andrea? Why did you previously say that you didn’t know anyone I included in the carbon copy section?
You did notice that you were included in my last email broadcast to Tordu Awerbuch, titled, MOST INTERESTING – CLICK HERE – where I admonished him for such a long delay. You were the second individual I placed in the cc section. Are you also trying to hold back the clock?
Funny isn’t it, how this denial-anger works.
First you just ignore. Then you laugh it off. Then you get angry without necessarily thinking through all the consequences to your own brain when choosing mental suicide.
Do you realize how much rest time you are going to have when you die, before returning as game for hunters?
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone is game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
There are occasions when you don a yamikah.
Have you ever thought that was somewhat hypocritical given how nowhere in the Jewish Torah or in the enormous amount of commentaries does it say for Jewish people to take advantage of the world’s poor by hooking them on gambling which also serves to promote the money system that is controlled by the DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] who masterminded not only our one of a kind brutal Jewish Holocaust of World War II but the FINAL SOLUTION when they wiped out all the resisting Israeli diamond merchants, at the same time corrupting the entire Israeli Knesset when getting the Israeli government to bend the banking laws needed to facilitate not only wiping out the final resistance but to then have their banks led by Europe’s most dominant Barclays Bank, fence the diamonds they had foreclosed on, thus also confirming the price fixed value of the diamonds.
Assume you were a member of the jury hearing final arguments against the DAAC for their war crimes, would you recluse yourself on account that finding them guilty, you might feel worse about your own stupidity or would you just say “not guilty”.
Let’s just assume that today is my last day, and no one else is going to attempt bringing them to justice, would you just walk away, and left with the horrible thoughts of being spineless?
When you return to the Western Wall
please give me advanced notice so that I dont run into you.
Once you block my emails, to keep up with the times, again first check to see what is happening on Pink Floyd member Roger Waters’ Facebook wall.
Following this evening’s walk, I will be posting up more.
BTW, Im sure you have figured that Waters’ supposed net worth of 150 million English pounds does not touch sides with his reach.
Imagine if he is able to follow along as well as you, and wants to do something good with the remainder of his life. Try to think of that inspiring you, and sending him positive ESP.
[Word count 1672]
On Mar 7, 2019, at 11:46 AM, Jeffrey Gilbert <> wrote:
Kindly see the e-mail below I sent you on March 4. I will appreciate you removing me from you “mass” e-mail list.
Thank you
From: Jeffrey Gilbert
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 11:59 AM
To: ‘‘ <>
Subject: RE: Everything has a purpose -: Photo of Star of David -: Their usefulness as cannon fodder – Roger Waters of Pink Floyd – Screenshot 111:31 Calif time, March 4, 2019
I trust this e-mail finds you well. As previously mentioned in an earlier email I sent you, I enjoyed meeting you in Mendocino and I was pleased to share our contact info so that in the future we could corresponded and have an opportunity to catch up. I was not prepared for the many lengthy e-mails I have received and as you may already know, I do not participate in FB and frankly I know none of the other email addressees.
That being said, notwithstanding the interesting content of your emails, especially those that reflect on your mother’s situation, I would appreciate you removing my e-mail address from your “mass” mailing and preferably, lets stay in touch individually from time to time.
Thank you in advance and best regards to all
From: <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 11:39 AM
To: Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>
Cc: Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>; The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach, California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army. <>; Marina Pickler Rorata – Brazilian lawyer – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>; Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo. <>; Miko Peled – heavily misguided profiteer of the Arab-Israeli conflict <>; Christopher Mooney – American lawyer making money suing the wrong banks for price fixing gold so very undervalued. <>; Colin Schneiderman – another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and his cousin, tortured to death ANC armed wing member, Sandra Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997] <>; Gerry Mohr <>; Barrie Spero – served time in the South African Apartheid Regime’s notorious the notorious Greefswald camp overseen by infamous Jewish medical doctor, Dr. Aubrey Levin and where Spero once witnessed up close the presence of high ranking American military officers. <>; Wendy Ann Bouman – High school history teacher of Gary Gevisser and FB friend. <>; Wendy Dicks – Highbury alumni <>; “Jesse Angelo – CEO and Publisher of The New York Post. On July 8, 1999 Angelo penned FAX: FUGITIVE FRANKEL A FAILED FENCE that detailed a fax sent by Frankel to Alan Lipworth the same day Frankel’s Greenwich, Conn. mansion went up in flames. The fax said that Frankel needed the stones by May 7.” <>; “Alan Lipworth – former junior partner of Codiam Inc., whose principal is Stephen Cohen. Cohen’s one uncle was Sol Moshal, managing director of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970]. My grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-1970] owned the control block of shares with my father Bernie Gevisser [1923-2012]. Sol Moshal’s one granddaughter, and first cousin of Alan Lipworth was murdered Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. Sol Moshal’s favorite nephew was David Gevisser “male heir” of German-Ame <>; Samuel Mark Tollman – born and raised Jewish in Durban, South Africa. Served in the Apartheid Regime’s military. Converted to Islam. No longer FB friend of GG. <>; Jonathan Cooke – British author and Israel tour guide. <>; Liwan Culture Cafe Nazareth <>; Haneen Zoabi – Muslim Arab member of Israeli Knesset <>; Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>; Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman. Perjurer Weisel was petitioned for Guardianship by criminally convicted Neil Gevisser, who coped a plea, paid a heavy fine and forced out of Incline Village, Nevada to escape prison. <>; Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>; “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>; Brazil Embassy – USA <>; Rafael Adolf – Brazilian Radiologist practicing in Germany + no longer FB friend. <>; Rafael Zulueta Egea <>; Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>; Andrew Corser – Oxford graduate in Geography. <>; LKahn09 <>; Uri Rosenberg <>; Uri Bar-Joseph <>; guy bechor <>; Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations <>;; Geoffrey Rothwell <>; Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor. <>; Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>; Netherlands embassy in Kabul <>;;; Gil Hoffman – Jerusalem Post reporter now silent. <>; South African-British solicitor Ray Oshry – classmate of Gary Gevisser and GG’s murdered cousin Sandy Moshal Jacobson [1957-1997]. R. Oshry remains a FB “friend” of GG but blocks GG from messaging on Facebook. <>; Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <>; Shaun Tomson – 1977 World Surfing Champion – went to same high school and studied economics at university with GG. Both our father’s played on the same junior high school rubgy team; Shaun’s father was an Allied tail-gunner during WW II and GG’s father was a Fighter-Bomber-Pilot completing 71 missions. <>; Christina Nazi Germany-Austria Neutrality of First Line Nobility protected our fortune Moritsch-Krall – FB friend of GG <>; Steven Bailey – Inconsistent and no longer a FB friend <>;; Chinese Embassy – USA <>; Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS <>; and for treason <>; Jann Turner – daughter of slain white South African Richard Turner [September 21, 1941 – January 8, 1978] co-founder with Steve Biko [Decem,ber 18, 1946 – September 11-12, 1977] of Durban Movement. <>; Mark Gevisser – author of autobiography of Thabo Mbeki former President of South Africa. Mark Gevisser is the son of David Gevisser male heir of American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. assassinated by the Mossad on March 2 1971 and buried at St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown, New Jersey. <>; Michelle Smith – South African journalist and rape victim in longstanding dispute with Homosexual Mark Gevisser, the “favored son” of German-American “male heir” David Gevisser. <>; Gillian Slovo -daughter of assassinated Ruth First, whose husband and father of Gillian was Joe Slovo, a South African politician, an opponent of the apartheid system. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). <>; Sam Fischer Esq. – Attorney for Matt Damon about to star in the King of Oil-Secret Lives of Marc Rich story – c/o Christopher Carter <>; Daniel Ammann – author, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich <>; “Michael Isikoff – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News – Chief Investigative Correspondent at Yahoo! News, – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. Isikoff mentioned in Daniel Ammann’s King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich” <>; David Bellavia – US Soldier, nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now “blowing the whistle” on Operation Sparkling. <>; Felix Gutierrez aka David Bellavia <>; Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by “friendly fire” in Afghanistan. <>; Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted successfully Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney Scooter Libby, VP Cheney’s Chief of Staff. <>; Adele Strous {Im not interested in history of Israel} Clingman – wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and company. <>; Adele Breytenbach – Professor of economics, UNISA <>; Erick Van Engeland <>; Eric Lichtblau – New York Time journalist – FRONTLINE-PBS SPECIAL United States of Secrets. <>; Erik de Jong – Directeur, Museum aan het Vrijthof <>; Jos Verhorst – Chairman De Amstel Club <>; Mickey Smak <>; Nigel Hanbury – Lloyds of London <>; Nina Wiener – Managing Editor TASCHEN – left FB group chat FORGETFULNESS on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 at 7:48PM France time. <>; Beverly Stacey – Lloyds of London Insurance <>; Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital. <>; Jeffrey Gilbert <>; Andrea “Gambling Money Charity Giver” Kerzner <>;; “Trevor Manuel – former South African Minister of Finance. In 1995, Manuel agreed to a deal favoring the anti-competition former Apartheid Regime the morning before Gary Gevisser met with his \”lucky uncle\” David Gevisser, the “male heir” of open supporter of the Apartheid Regime, monopolist German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]. ” <>; Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>; Andrew Annandale – Managing Director, ASML-Lloyd’s of London <>;; Steve Kent <>;; Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>;; Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer. <>; Jo Becker – New York Times journalist – Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal <>; Peter Schweizer c/o Eric Eggers <>; Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>; Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>; Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>;; Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>; Glen Sol – Administrator of Beare Investment Holding Co. – No longer FB friend of GG. <>; Dr. John McDougall MD <>; FACC Dr. Neal Barnard MD – Forks Over Knives <>; Dominik Koscielny – FB friend of GG. <>;; Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author, THE END OF POVERTY <>; Anne Broeksma – FREE PRESS UNLIMITED <>; Neil Abramson – Film maker of Very Distracting black African plight – Child Soldier 1998 <>; Professor Richard Pithouse senior researcher, programme co-ordinator and supervisor at the Unit for Humanitites at Rhodes University. No longer FB friend of GG. <>; Kerry Traitor Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>; Emma Elliot Gevisser – new wife of Neil Gevisser. Emma is more than half the age younger than her husband. Emma manages the Airbnb listing of Neil’s home in Wiveliscombe that borders the cemetry. <>; Bill Whitman – Member, Town Council – Wiveliscombe <>; Bryan Howe – Parish Clerk, Wiveliscombe <>; Carousel Pig – Wiveliscombe <>; British Embassy – Israel <>;; Barry Solomon – No longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>; Aharon Barak – President of the Supreme Court of Israel [1995-2006] <>; Gordon Torr – author, Kill Yourself & Count to 10 – Greefswald inmate <>; “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – <>; Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>; Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016 <>; Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed. <>; Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army. <>; Diane-David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997] <>; Gideon Levy – Haaretz <>; Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND “Think Tank” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric. <>; Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <>; Cabinet d’Avocats Galit ZAMIR <>;; Galit Tassi <>; Vegetarian Tzipora Malka “Tzipi” Livni <>
Subject: Everything has a purpose -: Photo of Star of David -: Their usefulness as cannon fodder – Roger Waters of Pink Floyd – Screenshot 111:31 Calif time, March 4, 2019
Scroll down for updated screenshot of Roger Waters’ FB wall –
On Mar 3, 2019, at 2:37 PM, wrote:
Marina, this is now interesting. We have been FB friends for years; and we have conversed, not only in person when we first met at Plaza de la Virgen, Valencia, Spain which you were visiting with your parents from Brazil, all the while you work as a lawyer in Germany for a German company, but also over FB messaging.
Then a few days ago I sent you this email containing a photo of the Plaza with a distinctly Jewish Star of David displayed prominently on a very ancient building that is the feature of the entire square, and you never responded other than I just noticed that you had unfriended on FB.
From: “” <>
Subject: Did you know there is a star of David next to the church at the Placa where we met?
Date: February 26, 2019 at 6:59:29 AM PST
To: Marina Pickler Rorata – Brazilian lawyer – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <>
I did not know that you were so religious?
Is it anti-Semitism that is raising its ugly head. How can you be so stupid or am I missing something?
BTW, my postings on Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters’ FB wall has been updated this very minute, 14:02 California time, scroll down.
On Mar 3, 2019, at 12:44 PM, wrote:
Did you delete me as a FB friend? Just checking.
Begin forwarded message:
From: “” <>
Subject: Re: Their usefulness as cannon fodder – Roger Waters of Pink Floyd – Screenshot 12:31, March 3, 2019
Date: March 3, 2019 at 12:40:36 PM PST
To: Cameroon entreprenuer working in Genoa, Italy
I forgot to mention Ézéchiel who is now one of my 896 FB friends has 4999 odd facebook friends, one shy of the 5000 limit.
On Mar 3, 2019, at 12:38 PM, wrote Cameroon entreprenuer working in Genoa, Italy:
Im just speaking on fb messaging with another fellow from Cameroon who I had tagged on my post to Roger Waters. Ézéchiel Bambara Domsala assures me that he will share the post with everyone he knows.
Screenshot 11:31am Calif. time
Roger Waters
A video I made for the concert on the Venezuelan side of the border tonight.
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Enter Watch And ScrollClick to enlarge
5.6KKimberly Forsythe, Andrew Henderson and 5.6K others
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Fred Asbury Gary Gevisser no matter what you are ranting about you have no right to place my name on a list that incorrectly places me in an ideological group. You do not know me or understand what I represent.
Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.
Gary Gevisser [Replying to Fred Asbury] I am in the process as you can see of asking our 47 mutual friends what they think.
This “ideological group” I have been tagging are my Facebook friends. You are one of my FB friends.
Have you been drinking?
Since you either asked me to be your FB friend or you accepted a FB friend invitation from me, what is wrong with you?
Why didn’t you tell me who you are and/or what you represent?
Now is a good time, wouldn’t you agree?
In the meantime, let’s increase the circle of those who know us until we embrace the entire planet.
Carey Suzanne Davis 2 mutual friends
Chéri Lucia Linde 21 mutual friends
Christopher Allen Breidinger 1,773 friends
Gary Gevisser Cirilo B. Villarta 16 mutual friends
Damon Alagich Carpenter/Joiner at Self-Employed
Denise Ward 2,538 friends
Emmanuelle Cossette 968 friends
J Keegan Quinn 2,008 friends
Jan Gupta 623 friends
Jason Nelson 4,975 friends
Joanne Kopp 1,254 friends
Jodian Rodgers 2,374 friends
John Wardhaugh 1,127 friends
Joyce Misoi 1,075 friends
June Eriksen 35 mutual friends
Kim Braman 19 mutual friends
Gary Gevisser Kimberly Forsythe 26 mutual friends
Kirsty Nicholson 618 friends
Kisa Mogwai 5 mutual friends
Kolbjorn Borseth 3,429 friends
Mandy Moore 660 friends
María Agostina 2,069 friends
Mary Helsby 32 mutual friends
Mathew Eddy 1,035 friends
Michael E. V. Knight 2,875 friends
Natasha Melko 209 friends
Naturinda Innocent 1,285 friends
Neal Jones 3,422 friends
Neal Jones 30 mutual friends
Nick Greco 2,138 friends
Patrick N. Mcguire 1,051 friends
Paul Punt 620 friends
R.d. Monroe 837 friends
Richard Daugherty 4,997 friends
Rock Ridgeway 11 mutual friends
Roy Carlin 512 friends
S Rammiya Thevar 2,710 friends
Shawn West 20 mutual friends
Steve Bory 3,781 friends
Steve Saylor 2,754 friends
Trowa Daryon 2,341 friends
Fred Asbury Yes, we have 47 mutual friends. I have never understood fully this part of FB called “tagging”. It seems arrogant and condescending to me like secret code words or the like. It appeared to me that I was being singled out as being a member of a group that was in opposition to your presentation. Pardon my ignorance of modern jargon and communication methods on FB. That is just my perception.
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury did you notice that our one mutual FB friend Shawn West gave me a “thumbs up”.
Have hunger pains got the better of you?
Isn’t there a part of your insides that tell you that you should be thanking me for imparting all this knowledge.
What if everyone agrees with you to be angry but they are incapable of explaining their anger for fear of looking either stupid and/or corrupt, how could that make you feel better about your own stupidity and/or corruption?
Are you shocked that not everyone thinks like you?
Let me give you one example for what it is worth.
My FB friend Ézéchiel Bambara Domsala wrote me on FB messaging immediately after I tagged him over here so that he could learn as quickly as possible what people like Roger Waters and others are learning about for the first time, other than those who I have previously educated who selfishly keep the information to themselves.
Below is our dialogue:
It began with Ézéchiel writing to me at 12:30 pm Calif. time, exactly 1 hour ago; not to mention, you may not know that his first language is probably French which is not to suggest that his command of English is better than yours even if his thinking is.
Hello shalom from Cameroon central of Africa and I live in the northern of Cameroon
My response within a minute:
Are you following along my post on Roger Waters’ wall?
EBD 12:31pm:
Me within a minute [12:31pm]
Make sure you it with everyone you know.
EBD 12:32pm:
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury can you tell us whether you are doing better or worse since possibly learning more about yourself and the world around you?
How do you plan to make a positive contribution to this planet?
Fred Asbury Just exclude me from your rant!
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury are you apologizing for everything including your insidious suggestion that I am guilty of slander?
Were you just making up as big a word as you could in an attempt to intimidate me?
Isn’t that shameful?
Fred Asbury Just stop this!
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury as we increase the circle and you would expect Roger Waters to be following along perfectly since his mother tongue is also English and these matters are of utmost importance to the things most dear to him beginning with the contrived destitution that has been placed on the majority of the Venezuelan peoples, is it the fact that one organization with the most extraordinary tentacles and who you didn’t know the first thing about continues to be in charge of setting the value of the different currencies all the while having their common herd human sheep buy in hook, line and sinker into the atrocity Gross Domestic Product index and they are orchestrating it all from mineral rich South Africa without people like George Soros having the first clue, until I began speaking out.
Would you like for me to summarize the above the paragraph?
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury you want me now to “just stop this” after you started it. Isn’t that rather cowardly or would you prefer the word “stupid”?
BTW did you notice that my FB friend Steve Bory also gave me a “thumbs up”?
Again, can you see any good that I am doing?
Gary Gevisser For the record Fred Asbury just unfriended me; 13:50 Calif. time.
Fred Asbury Not really my desire but you just kept pushing. I had no other choice. I really don’t feel I deserved the bullying. Not the best way to keep a friend…
Gary Gevisser Subject: Everything has a purpose
Fred Asbury, you seem to have a problem with your brain, and nor should you feel any better in the rest of your body as well should others who are not right in the head give you any encouragement.
As I have now explained to several people including my beautiful looking FB friend Francesca Letterly, remember to look at everything taking place on Roger Waters’ fb wall including how this former FB friend of mine, Fred Asbury fell apart when writing to me at approx. 13:32 calif time yesterday:
Yes, we have 47 mutual friends. I have never understood fully this part of FB called “tagging”. It seems arrogant and condescending to me like secret code words or the like. It appeared to me that I was being singled out as being a member of a group that was in opposition to your presentation. Pardon my ignorance of modern jargon and communication methods on FB. That is just my perception.
Those 71 odd words of Asbury are profound.
That “It appeared to me that I was being singled out as being a member of a group that was in opposition to your presentation” is mind-boggling stupid and deceptive.
This Asbury had said nothing previously that he was in opposition to my “presentation” and nor did he explain what that “opposition” is.
What I have just explained is of material importance.
Nor is Asbury the only one going insane, but Asbury speaks clearly for them as their deafening silences speak volumes, wouldn’t you all agree?
The fact that most, but not everyone is also bloody quiet here on Waters’ wall as these succulents, future and most useful blood sucking leeches, just soak up the information to use it when it is convenient and profitable, does not mean they are either good or failing to help get the information out.
One can’t help notice that very busy Roger Waters has yet to remove my posts.
Consider the strong reality that he is following along perfectly and just figuring out his next moves without him forgetting that not one credible person can refute my findings.
It also means that he is taking stock of his so-called trusted friends and family members.
He would inevitably arrive at the right conclusion to converse with his fellow Pink Floyd musicians such as David Gilmour who might also be interested to hear that back in the early 1990s I had an intimate dinner with Bob Dylan who didn’t remember as much as me because after learning from me that he was all washed up about the Vietnam War as well as how it was mostly the liberal establishment around the world who supported the heinous, murderous South African Apartheid Regime, Dylan spent most of the evening under the table sucking down what was to start a full bottle of vodka.
We all contribute because we are all made of the identical atomic particle structure, and so you can feel a part of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Adolf Hitler inside each of you.
Everything has a purpose.
When the atomic particles get together and create say the human liver, that liver has a purpose.
If something has a purpose then it cannot be a random event.
Forget the scientific community who have their mouths to feed and for the ones that say, “I eat meat” how can they consider themselves sensitive, and that so well explains their manipulation of the truth about the meat-dairy that when causing cancer and heart disease does not make the human animal becoming more intelligent, what the hell is wrong with all the religious leadership who failed to pick up on the consequences that if something is not a random event including the creation of random numbers we cannot be alone?
Wouldn’t the greatest miracle be us all coming together in the next instant to end the lying of the GDP index or would you consider it a greater miracle indeed if the human ego prevents that from happening, and the merciless killing off the poor and destruction of the earth continues at a feverish pace, just so that you can all continue to feel relevant by posting up sweet nothings on Facebook?
We are problem solvers from start to finish and mistreating the more sensitive animals can be fixed in an instant without the meat or dairy farmers suffering once you get your head around the idiocy of the GDP index which has profit measured so poorly.
When Roger Waters came up with the ingenious lyrics to the song Comfortably Numb followed by Mother he may not have consciously been thinking of my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena or my 3 terrible elder siblings raised in a perfect or at least as perfect Jewish household as it gets, and all those of you who give them comfort, but now he might, and at the same time be inspired to effectively end the suffering of not only the poor of Venezuela but the poor of the entire world now that he is armed with the powerful truth of the insidiously false GDP economic index which exposes all the world’s economists, diplomats and politicians on all sides of the isle.
Go for it Roger:
mother do you think theyll drop the bomb?
mother do you think theyll like this song?
mother do you think theyll try
to break my balls?
mother should i build the wall?
mother should i run for president?
mother should i trust the government?
mother will they put me in the firing line?
mother am i really dying?
hush now baby, baby, dont you cry.
mothers gonna make all your
nightmares come true.
mothers gonna put all her fears into you.
mothers gonna keep you right
here under her wing.
she wont let you fly, but
she might let you sing.
mama will keep baby
cozy and warm.
ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby
Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Everything has a purpose
Fred “As-bury” [sic], you are the same as everyone else and nor has everyone else had me explain it all so well.
So well done. Now you have something to share with everyone else. Go ahead and cut and paste our entire dialogue from the beginning, place on a sandwich board and parade in front of my mother’s apartment in Netanya, Israel calling for her release and the prosecution of her captors denying her her rights and wishes.
Everyone who knows me which is a great number of people and everyone who knows my household South African name mother Zena and there are also a great many, cannot explain what bothers them to the point that they are sitting back and allowing my mother to be slowly murdered.
They are not coming at her with an ax to the back of the neck or shooting her in the forehead, but everyone understands what mean spirited people who my mother has exposed for what terrible people they are, can stick knives into a vulnerable 87 year old when they deny her her most clear wishes.
These siblings of mine have demonstrated previously their viciousness towards my mother’s second husband once they realized that Alan Zulman had cut them out of his will.…/
So it is very easy to figure out what it is that my mother and I represent that is so catastrophic that when silent it shows the true ugliness of all humanity.
That GDP expose is rocking the world and no doubt it is rocking Roger Waters’ mind; and yes it is of no less critical importance that while he has yet to comment again that he has also not removed my postings which will continue to attract an ever increasing number of eyeballs.
As you watch each video of my mother up on Youtube think about if your mother or the best mother you know of could come close to being my mother.
The premeditated murder of my mother Zena is ongoing as my siblings not only kill her wonderful light spirit but they are openly stealing her estate as they feel they have nothing to lose and nor will any government, including the Israelis intervene for they too want to play down entirely how my former employer, the DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] who have owned the world’s drilling industry for the past 119 odd years, managed to wipe out all their remaining resistance in Israel back in the late 70s – to repeat chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL of Epstein’s The D I book.
What prevents each of you other than your bad conscience from writing to the Israeli Knesset as well as my siblings expressing your disgust at the treatment of my mother Zena without you feeling the need to ask me any more questions because it is all well spelled in the comments of The Lady’s Speech.
Read carefully my mother’s BIO
and don’t speed up when reading her most carefully crafted memoir LIFE STORY OF ZENA that contains the wording, “The Gevissers (she married Bernie Gevisser when she was 19 after only a few months in Durban) owned land in Haifa harbour and Zichron Yscov and she rapidly felt at home in Israel” which she first broadcasted via email to a very select audience on September 25, 2001, 14 days after 9/11.
Most of you should still remember that Israel is not South Africa which is located on the southern tip of Africa.
South Africa is not the Jewish homeland. Israel is.
Israel is a country most familiar to my mother and her immediate family as her pogrom orphaned grandmother, Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] moved in 1925 from England to Tel-Aviv where Mossad remain headquartered and only returned to England in 1929 when my “Born to Perform” mother Zena was born; not to mention Nechie was a “kinsman” of Mossad head, David Ben-Gurion [1886-1973] as both were born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland just 12 year apart and Ben Gurion was not one of the Jewish people massacred in the 1888 pogrom which ended the lives Nechie’s entire family.
Remember well my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post beginning on Feb 1, 2001, 12 days after the pardon of DAAC terrorist financier Marc Rich whose top South African lieutenant in Zug, Switzerland was my best high school friend, Roy Essakow.…/letters-published-by-the…/
Just because there are no coincidences in life does not mean we should be illogical or tolerate illogical behavior such as the GDP index.
Jump in to my communiqué of Oct 2, 2017 to the Israeli judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand – note the similarity with Greefswald
and the South African Rand – who egregiously, so incompetently granted a non-family member, an Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel, a friend of my sister Kathy, guardianship of my mother Zena on September 15, 2016 with everyone knowing that I was arriving in Israel on Sept 19th to get the guardianship.…/
Note again the silence from all the other 1072 independent views of The Lady’s Speech.
Asbury and others of the same ilk, while it is never too late to improve your brain until you lose your mind entirely, you may want to consider watching The Film Vegan 2018 as well as all the videos on Youtube having people like very clean cut, most articulate Dr. Neal Barnard MD, Dr. John McDougall MD and his protege Dr. Lim MD, cardiologist Dr. Essylstein MD and Dr. Ornish MD explain the virtues of a whole food plant based diet which does not involve the killing of more sensitive animals including the most sensitive fish.
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Gary Gevisser Roger, take a deep breath.
All the suffering currently going on throughout the world can be explained in this photo
Gary Gevisser Forewarned is forearmed.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
While they don’t teach at schools like the London School of Economics that backing both sides to war you cannot possibly lose, it is common sense.
Nor do you expect the victors of war to also spell out that before inciting war to have their opposition complicit.
The father of the man seated to President Putin’s left directly supervised my year long orientation into diamond drilling cartel De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who have owned the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century following their victory in the Anglo American Boer War [1899-1902] which the history books only refer to as the Anglo Boer War.
The victors of wars also write the history books along with the dissenting opinions.
Following my year long critical examination I looked like this
Gary Gevisser which did make me in early spring 1979 and still only 21 years of age a contender to be a member of a rock band like Pink Floyd despite my very bushy and curly hair, because my role when joining the DAAC who own, lock stock and barrel, Lloyd’s of London, at their most important “listening post” on US soil, diamond site-holder, Codiam Inc. was simply to observe the DAAC break each and every anti-Trust/anti-Monopoly and money laundering law on the books of every country which was a party to The Bretton Woods Conference that began on 1 July 1944, 4 months and 14 days after your father was killed while my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser was preparing for his miraculous 71 dive bombing missions over the rugged terrain of northern Italy which we recently returned from visiting.
The only way your father’s life could have possibly been saved was if the DAAC had been prevented from violating the impossible to violate, most stringent tenets of the Versailles Treaty which would only allow Germany to rearm, if a western weapons developer and raw war materials supplier such as the DAAC stepped up to the plate.
Nor did this provision exist within the treaty because it would mean such a weapons contractor would be guilty of treason.
Bring your most ferocious opponent to refute my findings and you will find them speechless. To save them embarrassment have them first read scholarly American author, Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention and to make sure their brain doesn’t fry after reading the Prologue have them first turn to chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER
which they can do immediately without buying the book because The D I book is available free on The Internet.
That does not mean your arguments in support of the Palestinian people’s cause is right, because they are patently wrong, assuming they don’t make reference to the DAAC corrupting the Israeli banking system at the same time Epstein was writing his book and I was witnessing it all unfold from the perched position, and the consequence was the defeat of Israel’s budding democracy.
spells it all out most eloquently.
Moreover, Epstein on June 20, 1982 right when Simon & Schuster are publishing his book, presents a not exactly short synopsis of his book in a New York Times feature story, titled, DIAMONDS ARE NOT FOREVER…/diamonds-are-not-forever.html…
where in the first paragraph the reader gets smacked in the face with the grandest fake news just as President Reagan is gearing up the arms race, another wonderful piece of distraction.
The paragraph ending, “All three have failed, to varying degrees, primarily for the same reason: They were defeated by their own success, or perhaps the word is avarice” is laughable were it not all rather most sad.
Where however there is darkness, there is always greater light.
Now we have to go back to Bretton Woods which brought into existence the World Bank and IMF who simply add to the confusion.
Israel was not a party to Bretton Woods because the State of Israel had yet to come into existence and the Jewish people had yet to bring a halt to the extermination of the 6 million.
The only question should be is why us Jewish people and the State of Israel have allowed ourselves to become pawns of this most anti-Semitic, anti-democracy mafia of mafia DAAC-Barclays whose only goal is to keep covering their tracks and to diffuse, resulting in one refugee crisis after the next in the mineral rich regions of the world.
Common sense must, and will prevail, however late in the game it comes to the forefront.
You are now being introduced formerly to the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] whose defeat by peaceful means is in the cards.
What role are you now going to play?
While we can all agree with my beautiful, most mindful, great Française-Canadienne [F-C] wife Marie Dion, “People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” it is only the accomplished who have no ego.
You are seated on the one side of the border with oil rich Venezuela. I’m sitting in California.
May I suggest you start by asking the Venezuela politician you most trust if they are aware of any influence by the DAAC which can explain why no parties to this conflict which have the poor always being squeezed, are talking about either the DAAC and/or the meeting in mineral rich South Africa of President Putin and DAAC “Uranium King” Nicholas Oppenheimer back on September 5, 2006, and why they think President Putin waited 759 days, October 3, 2008, one month prior to when Senator Barack Obama became President elect of the United States, before having the Kremlin release the photo that speaks for itself?
Roger, as you well know, none of us live forever; and therefore given how no one can speak better them me on both my behalf and the downtrodden peoples of the world including the poor Palestinians as well as poor Israelis, why delay the process.
If not now, when?
Gary Gevisser A tribute to my father Bernie
Gary Gevisser Rodney Smith, Keisha Whitaker, Annabel Linder, Chris Steyn, Francesca Letterly, Janice Lipman, Micha-el Frame, Michael Ditz, Lionel H. Phillips, Jonathan Goodman Levitt, Harold Schenk, Hilton Greenbaum, Sam Schaffer, Lydia Marshall, Tomer Tene, Lt. Colonel IAF, Michelle B Dagan whose father Meir Max Bineth committed suicide in an Egyptian prison on December 21, 1954, rather than give his captors the pleasure of hanging him in public.
Gary Gevisser Roger, it should take a shorter breath to get through this.
Neither the League of Nations nor the United Nations which followed, addressed the incomprehensible in the extreme, fundamental economic index, Gross Domestic Product [GDP].
Were you to find a single economist, politician or diplomat who can point to why the GDP is both logical and morally acceptable, they would have to come from another planet speaking a different language.
The GDP is totally illogical and morally indefensible.
Again, they don’t teach this at the LSE [London School of Economics] or Oxford or Cambridge or for that matter any of the Ivy League Schools here in the United States.
Let me quickly turn your attention back to my country of birth, mineral rich South Africa where I spent the first 21 years of my life.
Were the DAAC not able to directly influence the world’s central banks such as the US Federal Reserve, London Exchequer and South African Reserve Bank as they did Barclays Bank in wiping out the resisting Israeli diamond merchants back in the late 1970s, then rather than impose economic sanctions on the South African Apartheid Regime who ruled ruthlessly for a period of 46 uninterrupted years, which all the major automobile and truck manufacturers violated when they imported platinum from South Africa which was imbedded in the catalytic converter of the exhaust system, and mandated by the governments imposing the sanctions, and of course the fast talking diplomats also talking out of both sides of their mouths, all that was needed was for the central banks, apart from the South African Reserve Bank, to refuse to convert South African Rands into another currency, and the Apartheid Regime would have been defeated in a matter of hours, without any fear of this DAAC pariah regime exploding one of its nuclear weapons, say against the Western Wall in Jerusalem or any other place which could make one hell of a mess.
That is because Israel’s Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] had a very close “working relationship” with the Apartheid Regime as did the rest of the NATO alliance.
Just because the fledgling State of Israel only got to read some 37 odd years after WW2 ended Epstein’s The D I book which explains clearly first of all that the DAAC are mostly South Africa based and second, the DAAC principals, Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry should have been the first and last prosecuted at Nuremberg, does not mean MIMI had failed to track the activities of the DAAC the moment Germany began its armament buildup and Hitler was not saying that he loved Jewish people.
MIMI which was led by the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] are not made up of the least intelligent humans, and could see that Nazi Germany’s weapons development program was well supported by the rich of the world including most of the royal families and nobility of Europe who cared only for the poor insofar as their usefulness as cannon fodder.
It so happens that Ben Gurion was born in the same tiny village, Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as my pogrom orphaned great maternal grandmother Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] who after raising all her children in England including her favorite, my granddad Alef-Albert Bardash-Ash who was born on December 5, 1899 and volunteered to fight with the British from the very start of WW1 when he was still just 14 years of age and came away without any serious injury, left England to join Ben-Gurion’s Haganah, and settled in Tel-Aviv where Mossad remain headquartered, and only returned to England, when my highly secretive British-English mother Zena was born in 1929.
On this 48th anniversary of the death of the DAAC’s German-American protector, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] and whose “male heir” David Gevisser [1926-2009] was my father Bernie’s first cousin, I wish you a pleasant and peaceful night’s sleep.
Not to mention, my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser was not a good person because he was a sellout, no different to the Jewish Kapos who helped the Nazi SS keep order in the death factories such as Auschwitz murdering upwards of 10,000 innocent Jewish people daily.
That does not mean MIMI couldn’t figure out a solution to having racist, anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. pay with his life at the same time have Jewish Kapo David Gevisser leave the clearest money-mineral trail directly to Harry Oppenheimer when transferring Engelhard’s priceless South African mineral rights including control of the world supply of platinum to Harry Oppenheimer-De beers which Harry Oppenheimer never thanked Engelhard Jr. at least not publicly.
Should you find the time to listen to President Nixon’s speech on August 15, 1971, 166 days following Engelhard’s death having turned just 54 the month before, where Nixon announces the official end of the Gold Standard, be alerted to the fact that if you were to first down a full bottle of scotch in less 15 minutes, you would understand no less than if you were firing on all cylinders.
Back then, some 47 years, 16 months and 6 days ago, there were to the best of my knowledge, only 3 people on the planet, President Nixon, Harry Oppenheimer and David Gevisser who could make sense of what Nixon was saying as he repeatedly lambasted “international money speculators who are waging an all out war on the United States Dollar” without however naming these very naughty sons of bitches, because to do so he would have to first name Harry Oppenheimer who along with my “lucky uncle” Dave wrote the speech.
Today, given how the speech cannot be changed, it remains totally incomprehensible unless you know the background to this crime of high treason.
Again, good evening, although I now see that we have passed midnight on the west coast.
Gary Gevisser A tribute to my one of a kind mother Zena [May 30, 1929 – ].
Gary Gevisser Roger and all, good morning.
To understand things like trade wars, you first have to understand the business of money which diplomats talk about a lot at their parties when feasting off the poor without however them mentioning the military component in the valuing of the money which again is not taught on tv where people get their opinions or in the schools or universities.
At least not when talking to the general public about the difficulties in bringing peace and prosperity to war-torn regions like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Congo, South Africa, Middle East and “Venezuala” [sic]. They talk about how carefully they have to watch their citizens’ hard earned tax monies and the human casualties of war that their citizens have endured in the effort to spread democracy, freedoms, equality of the sexes, same sex marriage, freedom of religion and the such.
In private when speaking with the puppet leadership of these remote war-torn mineral rich and better yet if they are strategically placed on the map, the gloves come off and the puppets come away simply having to practice that much more in front of the mirror how best to discredit the puppet masters.
By now you should have finished reading Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book without forgetting that the DAAC [De beers-Anglo American Corporation] leave nothing to chance and their “emisseries” [sic] who come in all different shapes and sizes, most often speaking multiple languages are also most eager to serve their masters and the bonuses are not always paid in the traditional hard government issued currencies like the US Dollar and Euro but the DAAC’s preferred untraceable, unlimited in supply and never once regulated diamond currency.
Standing almost as tall in the corruption department as the smooth talking diplomats are the DAAC’s charities which reach into all charities, with no exceptions; and you may know that a diplomatic pouch could be as large as an oil supertanker containing other more explosive material. There is a great story about the Russian large cargo ship Arctic Sea and while it is going on a decade old its findings which were shared with me by America’s most highly decorated active duty soldier David Bellavia, remains timeless and you can read all about this most elaborate Special Forces “takedown” in the TOP STORIES section of my website
While The Brenthurst Foundation does not present itself as the richest and most powerful charity on the planet, they are.
Nor does The Brenthurst Foundation provide the history of the DAAC-Barclays-Lloyd’s of London as well as Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book because that is not the narrative the DAAC wish to present.
But their puppets are fully aware and to make sure they don’t forget because people in denial who are those who choose mental suicide do have problems with their brains and they need to be constantly reminded, the DAAC point them in the direction of The Brenthurst Foundation’s Advisory Board where you find none other than the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers.
Do you have any questions?
I do not expect you to ask me exactly where the DAAC-Barclays keep the original records of all the goods they have on their bought officials which the officials know all about and why they never rat out the DAAC, the same with the DAAC’s media stars.
Gary Gevisser Victor Silver who was on Ulpan-Gadna training with me in 1972 at Mossad head, David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz-midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert; Richard Pedro, Linda Rothbart Shein, Nina Senčar, Dirk Kotze, Bissan Mohammed, Wayne Lusvardi, Wayne Henlis, Suman Ghosh, Lisa Joanne Ash, Lisa Finkelstein, Lisa Davies, Lisa Sture, Lisa Stewart, Tish Vorster, Rasha Foda, Marianne Dubreuil, Dominik Kościelny, Riaan Reyneke, John Scott, Karine Murrucciu, Kim Braman, Kirsty Nicholson, Will Parrinello, Tony Knight, Shawn West, Pat Ford, Jeremy Perling, Jane Beth Cantor, Beth Isaacs, Ray Oshry, also on Ulpan-Gadna training with me in 1972 at Kibbutz Sde Boker, Billy Jacobs the talker, Eitan Ash, Jim Browne, Jan Gupta, Kerry Menzies, Kim Braman, Trent Hancock, Hedimi Islam Islam, Fred Asbury, Corinne Rodriguez Montoya, Emilia Damon, Chris Baker, Peter Barendse, Cornelia Krall, Christina Moritsch-Krall who says that Hitler and his bankers allowed her rich Austrian family to hold on to their 5 generation inheritance wealth because they are First Line Nobility.
Gary Gevisser IamJameo Calvert, Dennis Mulligan, Pamela Powers, Pamela Stein, Ézéchiel Bambara Domsala, Denise Garner Gibson, Dee Howard, Constan Harris, Debbie Patton Kingsriter, Debbie Bolleurs English, Hazel Freed, Steven Lotzof, Anthony Steven Cohen, Steve Wolf, Mike Shepherd, Madelyn Herbert, Ingrid Goldman-Levy, Ingrid Swartz, Brent Tollman.
Gary Gevisser Marina-Vacances Apparthotel, Martin Stokbro, Susan Munro, member of the Aberdeen, Scotland community opposed to the Trump golf course, Sue van der Linde, Gaynor McNulty, Bev Kaplan, Brandon Platt, Alice La Casina, Elisabeth Nolson, Alec Boswijkanother talker, Denise Ward, Desmion Van Der Westhuizen, Denise Segal, Anna-marie Koen, Anna Zaikin.
Fred Asbury You can remove my name from your shit list, you got it all wrong, close to slander, please.
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury can you explain more precisely the “close to slander” or do you just feel like you need to say something for your mind so disturbed by the truth?
Couldn’t you simply have unfriended me without making yourself so conspicuous?
Gary Gevisser Fred Asbury allow me to continue.
Were you thinking that your outburst without any foundation would result in Roger Waters giving you free tickets to his next concert?
Let’s ask our 47 mutual FB friends how much in agreement they are with you.
Gary Gevisser Alexander Drakalski 284 friends
Andrew Henderson 9 mutual friends
Andrew Rbe Ubuntu 39 mutual friends
Billy Maggard, 1,972 friends
Bonota Rbe Ubuntu Taruaeaki 1,622 friends
Brien Emard 1,292 friends
Gary Gevisser Alex Tondowski, Alex Tween, Pierre Waldemar Brouard, Pierre Menard, Irit Gilboa, Roch Chouinard.
Gary Gevisser Andrew Rbe Ubuntu couldn’t you be clearer in what you have to say given the rather large audience this is attracting?
Do you just go up to anyone in the street and say “Hi”?
Don’t you want to be different than say Donald Trump or Obama or Merkel or Macron or May or the Clintons who get well paid to be a puppet?
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Gary Gevisser Subject: missing pieces
Everyone, including Roger Waters should note that Fred As-bury SIC appears to have removed from “the record” a very important segment of our discord which he no doubt finds most embarrassing.
I had in fact made a backup at 14:02 California time which I immediately began sharing with others via email.
Below are the missing pieces:
Fred Asbury:
Gary Gevisser no matter what you are ranting about you have no right to place my name on a list that incorrectly places me in an ideological group. You do not know me or understand what I represent.
Gary Gevisser:
[Replying to Fred Asbury] I am in the process as you can see of asking our 47 mutual friends what they think.
This “ideological group” I have been tagging are my Facebook friends. You are one of my FB friends.
Have you been drinking?
Since you either asked me to be your FB friend or you accepted a FB friend invitation from me, what is wrong with you?
Why didn’t you tell me who you are and/or what you represent?
Now is a good time, wouldn’t you agree?
In the meantime, let’s increase the circle of those who know us until we embrace the entire planet.
Carey Suzanne Davis 2 mutual friends
Chéri Lucia Linde 21 mutual friends
Christopher Allen Breidinger 1,773 friends
Cirilo B. Villarta 16 mutual friends
Damon Alagich Carpenter/Joiner at Self-Employed
Denise Ward 2,538 friends
Emmanuelle Cossette 968 friends
J Keegan Quinn 2,008 friends
Jan Gupta 623 friends
Jason Nelson 4,975 friends
Joanne Kopp 1,254 friends
Jodian Rodgers 2,374 friends
John Wardhaugh 1,127 friends
Joyce Misoi 1,075 friends
June Eriksen 35 mutual friends
Kim Braman 19 mutual friends
Kimberly Forsythe 26 mutual friends
Kirsty Nicholson 618 friends
Kisa Mogwai 5 mutual friends
Kolbjorn Borseth 3,429 friends
Mandy Moore 660 friends
María Agostina 2,069 friends
Mary Helsby 32 mutual friends
Mathew Eddy 1,035 friends
Michael E. V. Knight 2,875 friends
Natasha Melko 209 friends
Naturinda Innocent 1,285 friends
Neal Jones 3,422 friends
Neal Jones 30 mutual friends
Nick Greco 2,138 friends
Patrick N. Mcguire 1,051 friends
Paul Punt 620 friends
R.d. Monroe 837 friends
Richard Daugherty 4,997 friends
Rock Ridgeway 11 mutual friends
Roy Carlin 512 friends
S Rammiya Thevar 2,710 friends
Shawn West 20 mutual friends
Steve Bory 3,781 friends
Steve Saylor 2,754 friends
Trowa Daryon 2,341 friends
Fred Asbury:
Yes, we have 47 mutual friends. I have never understood fully this part of FB called “tagging”. It seems arrogant and condescending to me like secret code words or the like. It appeared to me that I was being singled out as being a member of a group that was in opposition to your presentation. Pardon my ignorance of modern jargon and communication methods on FB. That is just my perception.
Gary Gevisser:
Fred Asbury did you notice that our one mutual FB friend Shawn West gave me a “thumbs up”.
Have hunger pains got the better of you?
Isn’t there a part of your insides that tell you that you should be thanking me for imparting all this knowledge.
What if everyone agrees with you to be angry but they are incapable of explaining their anger for fear of looking either stupid and/or corrupt, how could that make you feel better about your own stupidity and/or corruption?
Are you shocked that not everyone thinks like you?
Let me give you one example for what it is worth.
My FB friend Ézéchiel Bambara Domsala wrote me on FB messaging immediately after I tagged him over here so that he could learn as quickly as possible what people like Roger Waters and others are learning about for the first time, other than those who I have previously educated who selfishly keep the information to themselves.
Below is our dialogue:
It began with Ézéchiel writing to me at 12:30 pm Calif. time, exactly 1 hour ago; not to mention, you may not know that his first language is probably French which is not to suggest that his command of English is better than yours even if his thinking is.
Hello shalom from Cameroon central of Africa and I live in the northern of Cameroon
My response within a minute:
Are you following along my post on Roger Waters’ wall?
EBD 12:31pm:
Me within a minute [12:31pm]:
Make sure you [share] it with everyone you know.
EBD 12:32pm:
Gary Gevisser:
Fred Asbury can you tell us whether you are doing better or worse since possibly learning more about yourself and the world around you?
How do you plan to make a positive contribution to this planet?
Fred Asbury:
Just exclude me from your rant!
Gary Gevisser:
Fred Asbury are you apologizing for everything including your insidious suggestion that I am guilty of slander?
Were you just making up as big a word as you could in an attempt to intimidate me?
Isn’t that shameful?
Fred Asbury:
Just stop this!
Gary Gevisser:
Fred Asbury as we increase the circle and you would expect Roger Waters to be following along perfectly since his mother tongue is also English and these matters are of utmost importance to the things most dear to him beginning with the contrived destitution that has been placed on the majority of the Venezuelan peoples, is it the fact that one organization with the most extraordinary tentacles and who you didn’t know the first thing about continues to be in charge of setting the value of the different currencies all the while having their common herd human sheep buy in hook, line and sinker into the atrocity Gross Domestic Product index and they are orchestrating it all from mineral rich South Africa without people like George Soros having the first clue, until I began speaking out.
Would you like for me to summarize the above the paragraph?
Gary Gevisser:
Fred Asbury you want me now to “just stop this” after you started it. Isn’t that rather cowardly or would you prefer the word “stupid”?
BTW did you notice that my FB friend Steve Bory also gave me a “thumbs up”?
Again, can you see any good that I am doing?
Gary Gevisser:
For the record Fred Asbury just unfriended me; 13:50 Calif. time.