The Lady’s Speech Observers – P2
P2 – The Lady’s Speech Observers
@Olga Zabludoff, @Bernard P. Wolfsdorf, since I am now blocked from even messaging Grant Gochin on FB please be so kind as to write to him and let him know that I tried sending him the following message:
Note my postings following your cowardice on the FB walls of our 2 mutual FB friends as well as others.
You legacy will be your words, “I will stick to my ‘ignorance’.”
You should take the lion image out of your FB wall backdrop and replace it with scared rat.
October 9, 2017
10/9/17, 2:16 pm
You sent
One other thing @Olga Zabludoff. You never got back to me on the reserach you were helping me with; namely, the ratio of Nazi SS guards at the death factories to the number of Jewish Kapos.
Did you research show what David Ben Gurion figured; namely that apart from Jewish kids under the age of 12 who survived, Ben-Gurion was not convinced one of the adults who survived had not been turned into a Jewish Kapo.
When you consider the success of The Diamond Invention game which again at its heart is the price fixing of the money coupled with the diabolical GDP index, and the silence of the Jewish communities throughout the world to help me expose to the light The Diamond Invention book and its aftermath, which does not make the non-Jewish communities look all that great, doesn’t logic tell you that the principal benefactors of our Jewish Holocaust would have exploited their Jewish Kapo successes of WW2 into keeping future generations of Jewish children quiet?
Were you not sick to your stomach when you heard that the orthodox Jewish family of Durban North, the Lazarus clan who openly supported the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division just like the overwhelming majority of rich Jewish people throughout the world first supported Hitler, once De Beers-Barclays brought to an end the puppet rule of the Apartheid Regime, the Lazarus clan of Durban North became the primary sponsor of Durban’s Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial Museum?
What about “thier” [sic] mission statement, “Creating a more caring and just society in which human rights and diversity are respected and valued”.
Remember I am only asked if you were sick to your stomach?
Don’t you think those members of Durban’s Jewish community whose silence was not bought by the Lazarus clan headed by Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus who died of throat cancer, should be speaking out or do you think their silence shows they were all bought?
Couldn’t you imagine a much better world if the human decided to tell the truth for a change?
Didn’t your mother teach you its simpler to tell the truth?
How can you possibly ridicule Donald Trump when you can see that he is no worse than the rest of you?
October 9, 2017
10/9/17, 2:43 pm
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Here’s a personal message to my old buddy Larry Winokur.
I assume because the wind has picked up that you are out sailing. When the wind blows and you figure that outside of an Act of God cutting short your lifespan this time around, you like me have very limited meals remaining.
That means you must also have explored like Alan Dershowitz and the rest of the people sensitive to their internal organs which tell you that they don’t do well with animal products ingested through the mouth, the same with the downside of keeping bad company who only want to take you down, an alternative course to the one of denying the truth about the price fixing of the money and the insanely intellectually dishonest GDP index which must stick in your brain when you are sitting around and seeing others even when eating alone.
One of the upsides is that you could join forces with me and help publish my forthcoming book with all my postings including FB messaging conversations, and never to forget the email broadcasts as an addendum.
No one in their right mind ever called me stupid or boring including you.
So you focus that much more on the truth as you use up each of your remaining meals and knowing better than to create indigestion for yourself by sitting alongside people who hope you have a bad memory and cannot remember things like The Diamond Invention book, the brutal GDP and the price fixing of the money which means there cannot possibly be any distinction between the government and private sector which there isn’t, and why the war profiteers are the financially richest humans on the planet.
You also know it is no fun sitting opposite a liar no matter how much they are telling you things that you want to hear.
There are so many things us humans cannot understand such as all the mechanisms that have to come together to move just an index finger a slight inflection forward or to the left or right while combined with the rest of the fingers allows for a whole bunch of meaningless words to be typed into a blank space, and then there is the human animal that is mostly very unattractive as it ages and leaves behind so very little of beauty because so few of us are Michaelangelo, just consumers and shit talkers, yet each of us marvel at every inexplicable coincidence which we know is not of our making.
So all in all you know that there is a great possibility that there is a game going on right now which the human did not design and yet just one of us, even Donald Trump could decide that even if he does not change his steak and hamburger animal meat diet, he wants to enjoy it with a clear conscience.
Now doesn’t that make sense?
Does it not make perfect sense that for so many people when given the information to play stupid and then fly across false accusations at me, these people must be living in another universe with a completely different set or rules.
You sent
Please will everyone note, and share it with the rest of the world, Dr. Rod Smith Phd is not dead.
He was also born a human.
Being smart he chose carefully to give a “thumbs up”.
I have received “thumbs ups” from ignorant, self-absorbed people in the past who then go on to tell me that it was a mistake on their part.
This spineless humans while numerous in number are very easy to defeat.
There is no rush for anyone to join Rod Smith in giving me a thumbs up.
To the left of my computer screen there is an article with that similing face of the wretched Grant Gochin and the headline caption reads, “Tackling Holocaust whitewash.”
Wouldn’t it be great if God would invigorate the whole world who have a FB account to simply send this Grant a message that reads, “whitewash”.
When us Jewish people engage in rewriting the true history of our Jewish Holocaust there is opportunity for greatness.
Expose one and you expose all the hypocrites.
Gochin has spoken. It is unimportant to him who profited from the slaughter of the 6 million.
October 9, 2017
10/9/17, 6:04 pm
You sent
I have now attempted to post on Grant Gochin’s FB wall, right below my previous postings which still appear on my computer screen the following:
Grant you have unfriended me on FB which is your right. It is also my right to broadcast to the world what you see as unimportant in your telling of Jewish history, specifically the Holocaust story; namely, those who profited from backing both sides of WW2 but first they backed Nazi Germany and what these war profiteers first did right after in South Africa where I take it you were born and bred?
You sent
So you have to ask yourselves the question, why would someone such as @Olga Zabludoff and Bernard @Bernard P. Wolfsdorf who were both born and bred in mineral rich South Africa which had a disproportionate number of Jewish Kapos being bred following the end of WW2 remain my FB friends without supporting me in my efforts to derail Grant Gochin from spreading false propaganda?
I know that as attorny Bernard has to speak. I also know that when I met earlier this year with Olga and her husband Sid in San Diego soon after they made their pilgramage to the Richard Nixon library nearby, both Olga and Sid were very comfortable in speaking in the English language which they perfectly understood, at least when I spoke.
How can it be that important to humans that they work so hard in deciding what image of their face or no image at all, to place as their Facebook profile but no concern for the health, happiness and safety of their internal organs including their brains?
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Suffice to say I received earlier today a message, which is not close to the first time I have received such a retreat, but still I thought I would share it with you all:
“Gary. I’m not well at the moment and am getting advice to take full rest which I’m doing to do. I will contact you when I’m up to it. Be well.”
Why is it that people in denial need the excuse that others more knoweldgeable about their well being than than themselves are in support of their denial?
Do you think they stand in front of the mirror and ask, “Assume the entire world is listening to this conversation, wouldn’t they all say the exact same thing?”
October 9, 2017
10/9/17, 6:38 pm
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Let me now ask my former failed university student Trevor Goldberg something very important.
Trevor, you are up early in the morning reading my communications and still you appear to be without woman.
I am not suggesting that you propose right now a date with 65 year old Debbie Patton @Debbie Patton Kingsriter who when we were kids you would never have dreamed of asking someone so old out on a date but now you must surely be thinking she is pretty good looking considering your non-existent other prospects.
Granted the photo that Debbie puts up may not be as recent as your photo which when you decided to use it, I would guess 15 years ago, you went through as much deliberation as when you decided to drop out of first year university after you had little difficulty grasping my analysis of what you were going to learning for the remainder of your accounting, business, finance, and law studies.
How come you were so intelligent then and yet you haven’t managed to find a consistent lover?
Should it turn out that you have the most beautiful women lined outside your front door 24/7 then what in God’s name are you doing spending so much time on Facebook?
In order to move the ball, excuse the pun, forward with Debbie or anyone else with a FB account seeking a change in lover or just happy to have someone to talk that is slightly preferable over a talking sex doll, what would you say are your attributes?
Let me suggest you start with the following:
Gary Gevisser can validate that I can read and write, at least that was the case back in early 1978 when I attended his very interesting tutorials at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa where he was a paid tutor by the business-finance faculty as part of the B.COMM Honors program where he was one of a handful tutors having to babysit us first year students.
Second, my eyesight is not as good as it was back then which is why I take a close up showing that I am not blind when pointing the camera lens as close to my one eye as possible.
Third, my reading skills aided by my ability to read with my current set of eyes have allowed me to read The Diamond Invention book and to discuss it with any prospective women who would like to bed me.
Fourth, being single I have learned to clean up after myself and that means you can be assured of clean sheets that don’t have an odor residue from the laundry detergent.
Fifth, knowing that I also understand everything Gary Gevisser has been teaching about The Diamond Invention game and its aftermath following WW2, you will not feel under any pressure to immediately begin a conversation with me after having wild sex discussing stuff, like GDP and the price fixing of the money.
Sixth, I now also perfectly understand the body odor of an animal carcass eating human is not as pleasant as a healthy vegan eating person and healthy vegan of course does not include any of the wheats such as bread, wheat pasta and the such, and so I would expect the same level of effort in trying to cut down immediately of all animal products and show not only caring for the murdered animals but the planet that consumes so many of the scarce natural resources of the planet like water; and so if I promised not to eat any animal products for at least 3 weeks before we set a date to have sex, I would expect the same from you.
You sent
Trevor, look at the upside. Not only will you feel better because you will be healthier preparing for this sex date, but how much worse could your prospects be if Debbie or anyone else refuse you, given how you look like you are running pretty low on dating prospects and you are getting older.
Why not give it a shot.
Look at the really bright side. You could end up marrying Debbie Patton Kingsriter who might possibly have inherited General Patton’s pistol; and should you outlive Debbie depending upon how great you were in bed, such a great trophy could be yours. What you decide to do with the pistol to attract future lovers is of course your business.
Denise Goldin left the group.
བསོད་ ནམས་ཆོས་ སྒྲོན། left the group.
October 12, 2017
10/12/17, 7:04 am
Dawa Sherpa
Thumbs up sign
A contact left the group.
Colin Schneiderman left the group.
Phura Tenzing Sherpa left the group.
December 16, 2017
12/16/17, 9:47 am
Thumbs up sign
December 16, 2017
12/16/17, 10:04 pm
Dawa Sherpa
Thumbs up sign
December 24, 2017
12/24/17, 5:35 pm
Dawa Sherpa
December 24, 2017
12/24/17, 6:32 pm
Thumbs up sign
Dawa Sherpa
Thumbs up sign
January 20, 2018
1/20/18, 9:44 am
Kiran Sherpa
Kiran waved hello to the group.
April 21, 2018
4/21/18, 9:18 am
Dawa Sherpa
A contact waved hello to the group.
Ethel Stiller
A contact waved hello to the group.
Dawa waved hello to the group.
Dawa Sherpa
A contact waved hello to the group.
Dawa Sherpa
Thumbs up sign
April 21, 2018
4/21/18, 10:06 am
Ethel Stiller
A contact waved hello to the group.
A contact left the group.
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A contact left the group.
A contact left the group.
Mike Hack left the group.
September 20, 2019
9/20/19, 11:53 am
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Mike Hack left the group
ラミラ Sirishaa ライ left the group.
Dayangdu Sherpa left the group.
October 5, 2019
10/5/19, 5:31 pm
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Ramila Rai and Dayangdu Sherpa left the group
Janice Lipman left the group.
October 14, 2019
10/14/19, 9:55 am
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Janice Lipman left the group
The question is, “How many coincidences does it take …?”
October 14, 2019
10/14/19, 12:56 pm
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Title: Moment of truth
Below is my facebook conversation with a new friend:
9:30am Calif time today
What do you do?
I write on the economy
Are u facebook friends with Michael Rodd?
New friend:
Hi Gary, don’t think I know M Rodd.
I am a philosopher. Mostly work on Heidegger, climate impacts on women farmers in Africa esp. Ghana, drone warfare and other issues in military ethics, and big data ethics. Recently published a paper on Heidegger and economics. Piece in drones should be out soon in New Statesman, I think the 21st.
Can you say more about what you do in economics?
11:42 am
I actually write on military economics
It covers drone warfare
You first have to know the source
12:39 pm
All those with the best intentions who are very few in number, are playing the game of the oppressors without even knowing it
The good is that today you have a way of finding me
The internet is your lifeline and that scares them
They have you focused on their bought politicians like Obama Bush Clinton Trump and so when around the camp fire you gossip about which one is better and which one is worse
The worst are groups like Zeitgeist and Thrive by my fb friend Foster Gamble who not only give false hope but they trap the unsuspecting
I used to work for these people from South Africa and they also laugh a lot at Doctors Without Borders at least the few naive medical doctors but not the top officials because they are bought
I have 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post which shed a clear light on this evil which also highlights how totally rotten are most humans
Then you should read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention that is free on the Internet
There is a reason they offer it free as it shuts up everyone
But don’t forget the internet or the fact that all those quiet when not distracting are going mad and their physical health fails them at the same time
They also know why they are being punished and they can’t confide what they know to be true with others who feel the same
In the next instant their worst fears besides for physical punishment of their bodies can come true
Someone like Elon Musk will sooner rather than later make the wise choice and all those playing stupid will have a long life ahead to deal with their regrets and knowing if there is a God they will not be able to ask for forgiveness
Moreover the evidence keeps mounting that this Higher Energy Reaction HER exists
You can also see that I have provided a really good question that Musk in particular is asking for knowing that the answer is 42
Imagine if Musk once hearing the question and he very likely has already seen what I have posted up, realizes that the probability of anyone bettering the question is about zero.
Then he just looks at the practical solutions he has already provided and all the wars and poverty end in the next instant and the only ones suffering endlessly are those who lost the game of life by playing stupid and vindictive to boot
October 14, 2019
10/14/19, 3:41 pm
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To be clear, it was my response at 11:42 am, “I actually write on military economics… “ to her “… military ethics… Thanks!”
October 15, 2019
10/15/19, 11:33 am
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Such chickens, afraid to say something that might involve them.
You added Stefania Belli and 3 others to the group.
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You added Marcia Sapire Schlesinger to the group.
You added Michelle B Dagan to the group.
You added Tracey Farber to the group.
You added Mandy Michelle to the group.
You added Yvonne Hirsch and Debbie Woods to the group.
You added Sean Ferrari to the group.
You added Rika Rivka Markel to the group.
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You added Jerry Prager to the group.
You added participants to the group.
You added Stefan Sargent to the group.
Debbie Woods left the group.
You added Eli Berkow to the group.
You added Lynne Malkoff to the group.
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You added Kerri-Leigh Wieland to the group.
You added David Azzini to the group.
You added David Monk to the group.
You added Justine Musk to the group.
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You added @Taryn Le Roux, @Stefania Belli, @Monique Shevel, @Tomer Tene
You added Susan Munro to the group.
You added Mark Kromer to the group.
You added Marcia Sapire Schlesinger to the group.
You added Michelle B Dagan to the group.
You added Tracey Farber to the group.
You added Mandy Michelle to the group.
You added Yvonne Hirsch and Debbie Woods to the group.
You added Lionel H. Phillips and Sean Ferrari to the group.
You added Rika Rivka Markel to the group.
You added Alan Glass to the group.
You added Jerry Prager to the group.
You added Lionel Edelman and Nicole Salkow Raik to the group.
You added Frank O’Dell and Stefan Sargent to the group.
Debbie Woods left the group.
You added Justice Law and Eli Berkow to the group.
You added Lynne Malkoff to the group.
You added Jerry Emery De La Cruz to the group.
You added Kerri-Leigh Wieland to the group.
You added David Azzini to the group.
You added David Monk to the group.
You added Justine Musk to the group.
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Tweets to Elon Musk
Oct 16; 9:47 PM
Why is Darwin not going away?
The question is, “How many coincidences does it take….?”
Oct 17; 1:26 PM
The improbabilities of us humans being mutations is too high to be ignored.
Mutations mostly turn out negative; but we are mostly harmless.
Berlinski is right and technology disproves Darwin’s questionable theory.…
Coincidences are not random events.
Oct 17; 1:35 PM
4211 when added or multiplied equal 8, “lucky” to the Chinese.
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
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Eli Berkow left the group.
Jerry Prager left the group.
Stefania Belli left the group.
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Eli Berkow left the group.
Jerry Prager left the group.
Stefania Belli left the group.
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You added Alec Boswijk to the group.
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Earlier on my group chat Watch the price of Facebook shares I responded to @Alec Boswijk who is now writing away the following after he let me know that I didn’t need to indicate who I was adding to the group and who was leaving:
Alec Boswijk thank you for letting me know that you consider yourself above any possible simulation?
Moments ago I wrote to Robert Appelbaum who like you remains a facebook friend of mine even though you both know I don’t have a high regard for either of you; so why is it that you persist?
These were my writings, and perhaps you want to sleep on it, as it is getting late in Amsterdam, and to possibly wake up with a fresh outlook:
Noted that you [Robert Appelbaum, a South African lawyer] just left, “Watch the price…”
Dont you marvel at the fact that the superrich and the much poorer like you and those even with less than you all tell me to fuck off and yet none of you despite all your practice in talking are unable to mount a logical counterargument to what I have to say about the money which is what you care most about?
Can you really look yourself in the mirror and say, “I like what I see”?
Don’t you feel at times like this that you are living in a simulation but more real in that it is a nightmare you have created for yourselves that you can’t wake up from?
Have you tried pinching yourself and found that it makes it all that much more real?
Frank O’Dell
Lay off the Cocaine
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Frank O’Dell left the group.
Lionel Edelman
Thumbs up sign
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You removed a participant from the group.
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You removed Alec Boswijk from the group.
You removed Lionel Edelman from the group.
A contact left the group.
Yangji Sherpa left the group.
A contact left the group.
Lynne Malkoff left the group.
Stefan Sargent left the group.
Tracey Farber left the group.
A contact left the group.
October 22, 2019
10/22/19, 12:27 pm
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THU 5:07 PM
Justice Law left the group.
Yangji Sherpa left the group.
THU 7:48 PM
Alan Glass left the group.
Lynne Malkoff left the group.
Stefan Sargent left the group.
Tracey Farber left the group.
SUN 9:59 AM
You added Matt Imber and Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti to the group.
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You added Matt Imber and Française-Canadienne actress Caroline Rabaliatti-Ter to the group
Rika Rivka Markel left the group.
October 22, 2019
10/22/19, 5:10 pm
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Rika Rivka Markel left the group.
A contact left the group.
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Those of you not members of the group chat A Test Of Humanity [ATOH] will in due course be brought up to speed.
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Jerry Emery De La Cruz left the group.
Wendy Ann Bouman left the group.
October 23, 2019
10/23/19, 2:48 pm
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My high school history teacher Wendy Ann Bouman left.
Missing out on life is all I can say.
All the crypto currencies controlled by the same people who control money just to keep the masses tame and thinking they have choice.
It is like the stock market, all an illusion. True illusion or delusion.
We have these soft skins.
We shield our selves from the world inside and out and so we are less sensitive.
Deep Thought is the computer that formulated the answer 42.
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… Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Kerri-Leigh Wieland left the group.
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Kerri-Leigh Wieland left.
David Azzini left the group.
October 25, 2019
10/25/19, 7:25 pm
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David Azzini left group
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David Monk a boy of Goldman Sachs is still with us but quietly unfriended me.
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How come my enemies are not all mutual Facebook friends?
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When it is for trash talk they all rally.
Ask them for a good argument to anything that I say or just an intelligent comment like “Wow very powerful, I have to think about it and come back you, do you mind me asking you questions; yes I have to get my mind into thinking” suddenly you are all incapable of uttering a word.
A question like “what, why, where makes people so quiet?
Instead we get child talk and defensive talk.
Graham Bell left the group.
A contact left the group.
November 1, 2019
11/1/19, 9:23 pm
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OCT 25, 2019, 8:37 PM
Graham Bell left the group.
Michelle B Dagan left the group.
November 6, 2019
11/6/19, 1:01 pm
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Michelle B Dagan left the group.
November 7, 2019
11/7/19, 7:17 am
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October 21, 2020
10/21/20, 4:06 pm
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How can you have such beauty against a backdrop of ugliness?
Matt Imber left the group.
Lewis Barnett left the group.
October 21, 2020
10/21/20, 4:23 pm
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Currently having a conversation with Matt Imber on my group chat, To be honest.
Those of you members of TBH are ahead of the game.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game! ~ MD
You added Solly Krok to the group.
You added David Azzini to the group.
You added Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen to the group.
You added Teri Lawton to the group.
You added Michael Gaviser to the group.
You added Penny Rey to the group.
You added Robert Lobel to the group.
You added Clifford Benn to the group.
You added Lori Nichols to the group.
You added Sam Haim to the group.
You added Adele Abramson to the group.
You added Ronlynne Botha Benn to the group.
You added Nick Sternberg to the group.
You added Peter Chait to the group.
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You added Patrick N. Mcguire to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Steven David Sobol to the group.
You added Antony Unruh to the group.
You added Jenny Arenstein – Friedman to the group.
You added Steven Bailey to the group.
You added Foster Gamble to the group.
You added Torah Gemach to the group.
You added Marta Rubau Carreras to the group.
You sent
Once you have the knowledge, you know the game! ~ MD
You sent
Once you have the knowledge, you know their game! ~ MD
Yvonne Hirsch left the group.
October 21, 2020
10/21/20, 5:56 pm
Kiran Sherpa
Kiran unsent a message
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How can you have such beauty against a backdrop of ugliness?
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Yvonne Hirsch left
October 21, 2020
10/21/20, 9:00 pm
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How can there be such ugliness faced with such beauty!
Jeremy Perling left the group.
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A contact left the group.
Kiran Sherpa left the group.
Ian Scheckter left the group.
David Azzini left the group.
A contact left the group.
September 26, 2021
9/26/21, 5:18 pm
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David Monk left the group.
Taryn Le Roux left the group.
A contact left the group.
October 17, 2021
10/17/21, 2:07 am
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You added Shani Weltsman Moran to the group.
You added Dani Rakoff to the group.
You added David Levy to the group.
You added David Monk to the group.
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added Tommy Simpson to the group.
You added Alan Yudelman to the group.
You added Austin Michael Faure to the group.
You added Des Lindberg to the group.
You added Wilhelm Snyman to the group.
You sent
Title: Human not so kind
Is it that you and the rest feel powerless?
Are you complacent?
Are you indifferent?
Are you angry?
The top money makers are too busy making money and they don’t want to lose what they have, even on their death bed.
We are all on our deathbed.
It is guilt and ego.
It all boils down to stupidity.
As bright as they think they are, they stop learning.
They are not going to change.
They know the planet is being destroyed; multiple species are being extinct every day.
The time on this planet is getting shorter and shorter for humankind not so kind.
So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?
October 21, 2021
10/21/21, 11:57 am
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Title: Get on the boat
GemACH sic, I think, overpopulation is the biggest problem that has to be tackled.
Then everybody has to be vegan.
It is cleaning up the planet.
Then the mineral resources have to be monitored so that there is no waste.
Everyone is on the same boat.
The GDP is no longer an issue. Competition will weed itself out. Without GDP you will have the best product/s that do the least harm to humans and other species we share the planet; and people are no longer running like rats after the money.
It is more of an enlightenment towards the betterment and caring.
October 21, 2021
10/21/21, 1:36 pm
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How long can you swim?
October 22, 2021
10/22/21, 10:46 am
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GemACH sic,
As I just posted on my fb symposium, Name Someone Stupid (NSS):
GemACH sic, before we begin, why did you jump to Name Someone Stupid (NSS) from my fb symposium The Lady’s Speech Observers since it is not only on The Lady’s Speech Observer’s where you broke your long silence but it is where I articulately answered your question “So what is your point on the True statement? Do you have a rock solid plan and solution to reverse this or are you just saying?” which came 5 minutes after I placed up “Human not so kind”?
You added a participant to the group.
You added Wendy Ann Bouman to the group.
You added Alexey Shumeyko to the group.
You added Alan Woolf to the group.
You added Barry Molk to the group.
You added Jeremy Perling to the group.
You added Jeff Johnson to the group.
You added Adrian Treger to the group.
You added Andrea Kerzner to the group.
You added Gavin Strous to the group.
You added Steven Kofsky to the group.
You added Larry Shain to the group.
You added Trevor Abramson to the group.
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You added a participant to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Cate Bennett to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You added Saville Katz to the group.
You added Michael Clark to the group.
You added Harold Joffe to the group.
You added Sophia Zhang to the group.
You added Kati Fiskaali to the group.
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You added Annamarie Louw Koch to the group.
You added Lynda Egnos to the group.
You added Jonathan Marine to the group.
You added Louis Bergdoll to the group.
You added Steven Joffe to the group.
You added David Azzini to the group.
You added Beverly Green Smullen to the group.
You added Paul Blackbeard to the group.
You added Elria Wessels to the group.
You added Ivan Oshry to the group.
You added Alan Soicher to the group.
You added Andrey Shumeyko to the group.
You added Randy Powell to the group.
You added Michael Lee Walker to the group.
October 22, 2021
10/22/21, 11:16 am
It seems that I got the same content from multiple rooms you contributed to so I just responded without looking which one.
As far as my absence and silence is concerned, I have been busy doing things pertaining to the Torah Gemach and the Babshi Shabbos Pan
Harold Joffe left the group.
Gavin Strous left the group.
Cate Bennett left the group.
Beverly Green Smullen left the group.
October 23, 2021
10/23/21, 12:38 pm
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Ngima Tenzing Sherpa left the group.
Annamarie Louw Koch left the group.
A contact left the group.
A contact left the group.
November 24, 2021
11/24/21, 3:33 am
Glen Josselsohn
Jack Russel Rescue South Africa
This post is hidden because Jack Russel Rescue… is a private group.
Join Jack Russel Rescue South Africa to see posts from this group.
A contact left the group.
A contact left the group.
November 29, 2021
11/29/21, 2:51 pm
Fredde Odenmark forwarded a message
Please take a moment to comment. There are only 128 comments. There should be thousands. The OSHA regulation halting mandatory C-19 vaccines is in place until Dec. 6. It is now open to public comment. Our response as a nation will decide if it comes to a judicial review. Go now to the link below and voice your opinion before Dec. 6th. Share with everyone you know!
You sent
Cheers @Fredde Odenmark and @Tommy Simpson.
Do either of you want the last word?
Simpson, how have you reconciled your desire to “bother” me and also calling me smart.
In other words, does your deceit and stupidity have you feeling weaker in every department or am I only feeding your narcissism?
Also remember to keep checking the BLOG, and you can search by your name also on $HIT list as many times as you want.
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@Solly Krok are you still awake?
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@Dani Rakoff, do you want to have your final word before removal, such as realizing that the head trip you hoped to take me on was a big flop?
not really your doing a fine job on your own
bye bye
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Countdown from 60 seconds for @Tommy Simpson, @Fredde Odenmark and @Dani Rakoff.
Those remaining as well as leaving should not forget because it is foremost in your mind, you find it impossible to forgive yourselves not having questioned the lunacy of the GDP economic index and the corresponding destruction of the planet which you accepted as the price to pay for the health of the economy because the money wealth concentration in the hands of the few genius financial engineers such as The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper member @essak
You added Jeffrey Essakow to the group.
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@Jeffrey Essakow, George Soros, his son @Alexander Soros, Jeff Bezos the clown, Jack Dosey now deciding it is time to get out of the limelight, trickle it all down inevitably.
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Important as well that you can’t change the past.
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You have to live with your actions which if there is God who would be rational cannot be expected to be kind in any way shape or form.
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At the same time you cannot forget because I keep reminding you that you know in each of your minds that you can’t really be a genius or anything close if you didn’t figure out the moral depravity, insanely illogical GDP.
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All you can notice that soon to be ex member @Dani Rakoff is far less sure of himself compared to when he came flying out of the starting gates announcing, “Get back on your meds”.
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All of us can easily imagine him saying to God,”How can you sentence me on the next go-around to a common fly as you wipe your hands of me, when you allowed me to get my head so bashed up in the boxing ring?”.
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Again, none of you were being kind when ignoring my mother Zena’s clear wishes which you have seen time and again on The Lady’s Speech.
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You can’t feel good.
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You will never feel good unless you opt for Christianity and then all you need do is tell a priest that you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
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@Dani Rakoff, don’t be too quick to dismiss this option.
It is, in my opinion, your only option.
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@Dani Rakoff, you can see that I have let the 60 minute countdown deadline expire without removing you and other 2 uglies.
BTW, would anyone like to have GemACH sic rejoin us or is he also proving to be too embarrassing?
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@Dani Rakoff, while you know for certain you are far from bright, you must be wondering since we are all born in the “image of God” that there must be a part of God which is as dumb as shit?
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So @Dani Rakoff and the rest also trying to figure out what purpose you have in being born into this pivotal moment in history when you know it is just a matter of time before all the self-proclaimed financial geniuses head for the exit signs, why not help the Jewish rabbis locate the basis in Torah for the private ownership of land?
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We hear a lot of moral law eminating from scripture and so when did this private ownership of land become so accepted without the purchaser of the land first having to conduct themself with bravery and thinking out of the box on the battlefield?
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@Dani Rakoff, weren’t you the one who said you were a conscientious objector and the Apartheid Regime of the SA Oppenheimers let you off the hook, the same with your family members and close family friends, during these “coming to Jesus” sessions with fellow conscientious objectors, did you cover the subject of how the monies got into the hands of those furtherest away from killing fields?
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 1:24 am
NEW YORK (VINnews) — The rabbi of the Spanish Portuguese Jewish community in Amsterdam, Rabbi Yosef Tzarfati, announced his sharp opposition to the shooting of a movie about philosopher Baruch Spinoza in the community’s institutions. The rabbi stressed that the community’s herem (excommunication) of Spinoza, who abandoned and ridiculed the Jewish faith, is still in effect 350 years later.
The rabbi published a harsh letter attacking the producer of the movie about the renegade philosopher, stating that “the chachamim and parnasim of Kahal Kadosh Talmud Torah excommunicated Spinoza and his writings with the severest possible ban, a ban that remains in force for all time and cannot be rescinded.”
Rabbi Tzarfati referred to the producer of the movie, Yitzchak Melamed,a prominent professor of philosophy at Johns Hopkins university and declared him a “persona non grata” following his request to record footage at the synagogue for the project. Rabbi Tzarfati stated that the request to create the film about “this epicouros” in our “Esnoga (shul) and Yeshiva is incompatible with our centuries-old halachic, historic and ethical tradition and an unacceptable assault on our identity and heritage.”
Spinoza denied the authenticity of Judaism and is considered one of the founders of modern secularism. At the age of 24 he was excommunicated for his heretical ideas, which were even banned by the Catholic church and by the Dutch government after his death.
The original excommunication was read aloud in Portuguese, its citation of unspecified “evil opinions and acts” followed by a string of curses against the youthful Spinoza
“Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises up. Cursed be he when he goes out and cursed be he when he comes in,” it reads, adding: “The Lord will not spare him, but the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man … [and] blot out his name from under heaven.”
Ironically, in recent years the community had not demonstrated such extreme opposition to Spinoza. At a 2015 symposium in Amsterdam, a debate took place as to whether to lift the ban on the philosopher and former chief rabbi Pinchas Toledano, told the crowd that at present there was no limitation on freedom of thought, citing the fact that at the community’s gift shop, the philosopher’s books are for sale at the souvenir.
The rabbi added that he does not have the authority to lift the herem, since this “would clearly imply we share the views of Spinoza that state that God does not exist” and that “the law of Moses is no longer relevant,”. Rabbi Toledano added that these ideas “tear apart the very foundations of our religion.”
Hay @Gary Gevisser what do you have to say about this?
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 7:01 am
You sent
GemACH sic,
I must borrow from my spectacular British-English mother Zena, “Don’t you know when to be quiet!”.
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 7:37 am
You sent
You sent
GemACH sic,
You know you have done wrong.
Still you should try to stay calm as difficult as it is for you.
You are hurried which is not good for your health.
Didn’t Schneerson teach you that not only should life be taken very seriously but no less important, health is wealth and wealth is health?
Facebook whose principal owner, Jewish Mark Zuckerberg
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is Jewish, will have no difficulty following what you are trying to do as a result of making up stuff that is not only illogical but you lied when writing that private ownership of land on which to build either luxury penthouses or TESLA factories or biological warfare labs or the shipyards to build abundant nuclear powered and nuclear armed submarines sold to all competing armies, is contained in the Hebrew Bible; namely, Torah.
You sent
GemACH sic,
What do you have to say for yourself?
Should I go on?
You added a participant to the group.
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 8:37 am
What I want to say is have a happy Chanukah!
I read the article that was posted and sent to you. I thought that you would find it interesting and informative. That’s all and no other alternative in this.
You sent
Do you think you have managed to hide your lies from God?
You don’t really believe in God.
What sort of Jewish person finds comfort in those who cavorted with the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition?
One thing is certain, you are not God and you have no right to Judge me. So let leave it at that.
You sent
Your disrespect of your body temple is the visible display that you are a bunch of charlatans who hijacked the Jewish religion.
Shall we return to Einstein or do you think he wasn’t smart enough to figure out who butters your bread while attracting the weakest of the Jewish people?
You sent
Where does it say in Torah that it is okay to lie about things that are not contained in Torah?
Who but the enemies of us Jewish people would put out documents which support the insane, morally indefensible, that there are no innocent victims to a crime?
Do you know what a kofer is? It means a non believer in hebrew. This was Spinoza and the Rabbis understood this and banned him. For some reason he is your hero. Does that make you a Kofer as well?
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Your sick, ugly thinking that is commiserate with your physical ugliness, is that so long as you keep talking, you will find happiness.
It takes one to know one
Keep the change
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GemACH sic,
Has your memory improved since lying about private ownership of land is contained in the Torah and therefore supported by God?
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GemACH sic,
Do you recall writing to me that you are weak and seeking my forgiveness which I refused?
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GemACH sic,
Are things slow in your drug dispensary which allow you to converse?
No it has not and I heard this in a lecture so after much time, I cannot tell you the source of what I told you. But rest assured it is true and what difference does it make to you. If I found out exactly where it says, you would not look it up or you would use distortion about the subject matter.
I am on vacation now and had leisure time
Thumbs up sign
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A Jew who embraces the architects of The Inquisition whose goal was to weaken the Jewish people is nothing less than a traitor.
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A Jew who embraces the architects of The Inquisition whose goal was to weaken the Jewish people is nothing less than a traitor.
Distortion on your part. You have no capacity to judge
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GemACH sic,
Did Schneerson and your other chaBAD sic teachers ever tell you why the Gestapo eliminated their Jewish collaboration network Zagiew once they had fulfilled their mission to murder their Jewish brothers and sisters?
You sent
GemACH sic,
How old were you when you first heard of the Zagiew?
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GemACH sic,
When you write “rest assured it is true…” does it remind you of when you said the Torah supports private ownership of the land of Israel which the Torah is clear was given to all the Jewish people, and your coverup that it was a Jewish sage Hillel?, no less a lie?
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GemACH sic,
Can you see lies taking a toll on the health of the liar?
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GemACH sic,
Why do you think the Torah nor the bought sages advocate the logical, “Health is Wealth. Wealth is Health”?
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GemACH sic,
Do you wear your fake religiousness as a crutch or a weapon to intimidate or both?
Alan Soicher left the group.
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Alan Soicher left.
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Cousin @Niv Kantor, I see you are following along.
Is there anything you would like to add to the conversation before I remove GemACH sic, @Dani Rakoff aka
RATcoff sic, @Tommy Simpson and @Fredde Odenmark?
You sent
@Dani Rakoff aka
RATcoff sic, you spoke out publicly against me when you knew the right thing was to applaud me.
You could have kept quiet like the rest, but you didn’t.
It means you have to be like GemACH sic extraordinarily angry with yourself.
People with low self-esteem like Hitler can cause a great deal of harm and why they are carefully selected to move the masses towards violence.
But that doesn’t mean it is smart to ever bet against GoDNature, as you are all finding out.
You sent
GemACH sic,
Where did I use distortion to repeat your lie that private ownership of land is spelled out in the Torah?
In all this time you haven’t found your big lie in the commentaries of even the bought Jewish prophets-sages.
What is wrong with you besides for God punishing you with a weak body-mind?
You added David Masinter to the group.
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ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter, surely you have words to admonish your fellow Schneerson follower GemACH sic aka Benzion going around the bend, or do you think God either doesn’t exist or is irrational?
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@David Masinter, you know of course this question of private ownership of land and how it came about after it is so clear in Jewish scripture that God gave the Land of Israel to all the Jewish people who were willing to fight and die for it, stumps each and every one of you rabbis, making you totally obsolete.
You must therefore thank GemACH sic whose purpose is clear.
What do you see as your purpose rabbi @David Masinter?
Have you conferred yet with other rabbis now running for cover?
You sent
Rabbi @David Masinter, you are South African I understand.
Do you have a record of speaking out against the virulent anti-Semitic SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime who rewarded greatly the most coward of us Jewish South Africans?
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Do any of your current sermons talk about what Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest learned from the effectiveness of Zagiew in rounding up defenseless Jews of Nazi occupied Europe?
Common sense would tell you that if you can get away arming all belligerents to a conflict, you will also continue to support all opposition groups to your favored client.
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GemACH sic,
Since you are now on vacation and it is not possible to be anything close to sincere in your prayers, worshipping ink on paper, and mostly getting you out of the house to fraternize with the fat, unhealthy whose photos you send me, how did you feel when you read in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL of Professor E J Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention “… favored clients, the banks …”?
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GemACH sic,
Would you know if a narcissist ever feels weak other than when their body-mind tells them they are that much closer to death and increasingly fearful?
A contact left the group.
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Rabbi @David Masinter, you just saw “A contact left the group” and they were eager to be as anonymous as possible.
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Someone like my very astute Meta-Facebook Engineering Manager cousin @Niv Kantor does not need to know that individual’s name to learn the significance of that “hiding”.
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It is statically relevant.
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GemACH sic,
Is your math good enough to give me a counter-argument to that logical analysis; namely for those forgetful needing repetition, “It is statically relevant”.
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You sent
You are all here congregated, 10:21 AM California time, Tuesday, November 30, 2021, the day before the 48th anniversary of the passing of Ben Gurion who agreed wholeheartedly with Einstein that the religious, worshipping ink on paper were either foolish or bought versus the rabbis of Amsterdam, Holland who worked for The Inquisition designed to eliminate all Jewry.
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It is 365 years since the corrupt rabbis of The Inquisition issued their astoundingly ugly writ against the great of greats Spinoza who for good reason caught the good eye, the imagination of the 2 greatest Jewish people since Spinoza who was still 23 at the time.
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It is now 10:29 AM and I’m taking a tea break with two special beings.
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November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 10:52 am
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Just because a religious person is corrupt and is quick to call others non-believers does not mean either they believe in God or God does not exist.
A contact left the group.
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One should always look to smart people who know why the masses are stupid and easily fooled.
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Just look at all of you.
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Albert Einstein and David Ben Gurion knew exactly what they were up against when they took on each and every Jewish rabbi including the Schneerson when supporting Spinoza.
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What they didn’t have at their disposal and this was after the murder of the 6 million was either The Internet or those most disgusting writings which the idiot GemACH sic brought to our attention and thinking it would not only scare me off but have me forgetting his blatant lies about The Torah.
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How do each of you now feel about yourselves?
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Are you comforted that all the rabbis since Spinoza got everything of importance wrong and no one has pointed it out or that there is that much more confirmation in your minds that God exists?
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It is now 11:00 AM
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Why do you think the rabbis of South Africa didn’t awaken the rest of the rabbis that there was zero competition for mineral resources and labor in mineral rich South Africa for a period of 46 uninterrupted years?
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The fact that this always been the case globally doesn’t change the fact that it was most evident in Apartheid South Africa where the monopolist SA Oppenheimers ruled the roost, and everyone knew it but didn’t say anything because they were being taken care of.
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Most of the world are not white South Africans.
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That would include all of Meta-fb’s 2.8 billion subscribers.
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So we are talking about the transparent corruption of the clergy of South Africa.
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We are also talking about the role the corrupt priests play in protecting the SA Oppenheimers and their shills.
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In addition, we are talking about the notion of competition is only in your imaginations which allows each of you to draw a picture in your mind of the SA Oppenheimers’ strings.
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Where are the corrupt scientists in this foolishness, including those warning us of global warning?