The Lady’s Speech Observers – P3
P3 – The Lady’s Speech Observers
You remain gathered here at 11:10 AM because your single concern is to not let out the best kept secret; namely, competition does not exist when you have a heartless monster monopolist who should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg pulling all the strings and the people who know behave with jealousy, greed while maintaining the appearance of sincerity.
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Hitler probably did end up believing some of his bullshit.
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Who here is happy that they don’t show much of an imagination yet quick to judge me and my mother Zena wrong?
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If Mark Zuckerberg could get instantly a 7.9 odd billion audience with truth-logic, should he refuse?
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It is now 11:24
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With such corruption, no checks in place, other than rational, enlightened people who are not driven by any ideology other than to do what feels right to them, it is not possible to explain either the fact that the world hasn’t blown up, again not a single check in place for the arming of all sides to a no less contrived conflict or the level of stupidity which is no less mind-boggling?
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It is now 11:29 AM
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Bear in mind it is the religious who provide only the weakest arguments for God.
Nor can they blame God for blocking out of thought process the lunacy, ugliness of the GDP unless they feel God has punished them in the worst possible way?
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GemACH sic,
Do you and rabbi @David Masinter and rest worshippers of ink on paper feel blessed for your ignorance of the GDP that while destroying the planet, humanity constantly fighting amongst itself for competitive advantage thinking the money was as much a rare earth mineral as the minerals themselves, serves mostly the SA Oppenheimers that no one wants to talk about unless you are jealous that you don’t have as much as your neighbor or family member whose money wealth advantage gives them dominance at the dinner table and other celebrations where they can peacock.
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@Dani Rakoff aka
RATcoff sic, who exactly had you hope to please when attacking me?
Was it all just your weak ego, low self-esteem or was their a part of you hoping to ingratiate yourself with Nick Oppenheimer or someone close to him?
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How much are you willing to sell your soul for?
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For those who don’t believe in God, how much are you willing to take to continue supporting your money benefactor who has to pay homage to those further up the food chain?
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GemACH sic,
Do you see how we have moved away entirely from religious talk.
We are talking about the slave wage you receive for counting out pills that a robot can perform more efficiently without all the chatter.
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GemACH sic,
You have been selling religion that has kept the masses down.
Would you consider that a miracle if their suppression were to be immediately lifted?
Does it bother your conscience that you lied about something in Torah which you sell as gospel, the word of God?
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Did you know at the time that you would be revealing to the world that you don’t believe in God because why would God allow you to lie and get away with it?
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GemACH sic,
Do you feel you have been caught?
Is the feeling made worse knowing that there is not a single rabbi who is going to be able to help you out?
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GemACH sic,
How do your feel about the importance of imagination?
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Imagine now every rabbi and rabbinical student all in one room and they are all silent.
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It doesn’t have to happen right now; just keep it in your imagination until it happens.
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GemACH sic,
So aggravated by the most important question a Jewish person could possibly ask, given the horrific treatment of us Jewish people from the very start as we were the only ones questioning logically the power of the rulers and yet we had no army to speak of, you felt you had to lie.
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All the rabbis will now perfectly understand your plight because you have made it their plight.
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You attached great significance to the question by both your first lie and the horrific coverup even though it is all you could do.
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Imagine you, very ugly looking, revolting in fact GemACH sic doing such a fine job in exposing all the religious corrupt who are simply no different to the corrupt politicians that everyone accepts are corrupt, but not everyone knows knows the big picture.
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The future is however bright once you get the people to vote on a new school curriculum that everyone will agree on because it is logical to care about the next generation of children who we don’t want to see brainwashed.
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GemACH sic,
You and your wife couldn’t even put aside your cellphones for a family wedding photo.
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Go ahead and check that it is working and to let me know.
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@Niv Kantor, I plan to send you sometime today a copy of a communication to a local architect entrepreneur just “learning the ropes”.
If you want it to go elsewhere than your fb messaging, let me know.
Adrian Treger left the group.
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 2:51 pm
Hay Gary, I see that I got you started on your pontificating binges. Once I exposed that you are a follower of non believers it really hit a sensitive nerve. Good for you! You can bully me and all of thr religious people in the world as much as you want but it will not change the fact that your beliefs are not well. Go back to your corner and sulk as much as you want. I would like to know if you became this way because someone did some bad stuff to you when you were growing up or are you just acting and want attention.
November 30, 2021
11/30/21, 5:29 pm
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GemACH sic,
You know if God exists you are doomed.
Christianity is your only escape and they may not take you.
You also remember it was you who asked me for forgiveness and not the other way round.
Were you unwell at the time?
So even as a secular person you are doomed.
You can’t hold up a logical argument because your lies prevent that.
No one asked you once you got caught lying about The Torah to then threaten me with this buddy of yours in South Africa who you said “has your number”.
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A genuinely religious person does not act and behave the way you do.
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Again, you haven’t exposed me but all the hypocrite religious people when you say The Torah speaks clearly to the private ownership of land which you knew at the time was a bold lie.
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An honest religious person doesn’t then come back once failing to provide chapter and verse of your lies saying that you are certain that a sage said those untruths but you were too busy with other stuff to find what the sage had to say because you knew this coverup attempt was as big a lie as the first big lie.
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You know you are a scoundrel.
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It is also clear to you that all your false prayers fell on deaf ears as you failed to see the duplicity of the GDP.
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You are holding on to the hope that others no less stupid than you and all the rabbis who missed the GDP that is singlehandedly destroying the planet will protect one another but that is false hope.
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You each have your money agenda and all you can do is talk in circles and still you are going to die off knowing that God has forsaken you.
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When everyone is stupid you don’t need their numbers to prove you are right.
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You have lost your way and you are a sour loser.
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How could you expect to understand rational thinking Spinoza, Einstein and Ben Gurion when you are so stupid that you have to lie about things in The Torah?
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Where else do we have evidence of a religious person point blank lying about what is written in Torah?
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We have covered narcissist behavior ad-nausea.
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All that is left is to provide the new educational curriculum that everyone has the right to vote in favor of and the platform for the event to take place.
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GemACH sic,
Would you vote your preference on or its equivalent and will you abide with the majority decision if they allow you to continue looking for the sage you know is non-existent?
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GemACH sic,
Are you ready to leave The Lady’s Speech Observers or do you feel you need more attention?
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GemACH sic,
What prevented you from realizing that the rabbis of Amsterdam who issued the false charges against logical Spinoza were under the thumb of The Inquisition?
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What does it tell you today about who rules?
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GemACH sic,
Didn’t ChaBAD sic-Schneerson instruct you that The Inquisition were bad people who relied on their Jewish traitors to achieve their goal of wiping the Jewish people off the face of the earth?
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GemACH sic,
Are you ready to go back in time?
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You know how you all congregate and dance together, but without the women, as you also pat each other on the back, but how do you pull off your playacting without God’s support?
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GemACH sic,
You have a terrible dilemma and it doesn’t help you cope knowing that no one can honestly give you advice other than to give up your losing hand?
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Not even if all the prophets descended from heaven altogether and said “Don’t worry, life is a joke” will it change how you feel about yourself.
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The SA Oppenheimers don’t call themselves The Inquisition.
That shouldn’t make a difference to you.
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So loud and vulgar is Spinoza’s excommunication it is obvious it continues to have the same weight today as the order by The Inquisition 365 years ago.
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GemACH sic,
What are your health goals in the year ahead?
Do you see yourself being more religious or less religious or the same?
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GemACH sic,
Do you have any remorse about your lies which you would like to share for the children to learn from?
Why does a religious person spend so much time on social media playacting?
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GemACH sic,
Does it please you that so many others also have no shame?
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Do you see the lack of pride in how poorly you care for the health of hour sick bodies which you failed to see as an affront to a rational God?
Why would you behave irrationally unless you think God is irrational?
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What is there about the physical laws of nature that is irrational?
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Edit: … the health of your sick bodies-minds which you failed …
December 1, 2021
12/1/21, 2:51 pm
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It has been exactly 24 hours to the minute since sick GemACH sic spoke.
Doubtful that is calming to any of you.
Why doesn’t he and the rest explain why they still feel shackled?
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Title: Livelihood not dependent on a job
Will people staying at home be able to tolerate one another as the mechanical jobs all dry up; and those floodgates are not holding up and even Musk now seeks the help of his ex-wife member @Justine Musk who wasn’t exactly singing Musk’s praises on her first Ted Talks, quite the opposite in fact.
If their livelihood is not dependent on a job, they may be calmer.
On the other hand, they might become that much more addicted to TV, Internet and drugs.
It is going to get interesting, now, in this moment.
Who wishes to speak?
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It is now 2:54 PM Calif. time, December 1, 2021, the 48th anniversary of the passing of Ben Gurion who was not shocked that a Jewish Israeli traitor screwed up Operation Susannah in the spring of 1954, a year after giving the Schneerson and the rest of the religious Jewish hypocrites, traitors the middle finger.
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Ben Gurion kept his head and simply went to work.
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GemACH sic,
Can you share with us the amount of breaths of fresh air you have taken since writing, “…someone did some bad stuff to you when you were growing up or are you just acting and want attention”?
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GemACH sic and RATcoff sic, how would each of you, and of course everyone else is welcome to talk, rate your knowledge of modern day history of Israel, on a scale of 0 to 10 and 10 being perfect?
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Has anyone noticed that there has been a sudden increase in the number of the most beautiful female models amongst my fb friends?
December 1, 2021
12/1/21, 6:15 pm
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December 1, 2021
12/1/21, 7:44 pm
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December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 9:45 am
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Show me – Welcome to a special space – Learning to crawl
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Here comes the twister
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Even the losers
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Out of time
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December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 10:34 am
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Your face
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is a mess.
And if so what is it to you? Are you looking to solicit me for makeup?
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GemACH sic,
Do you have a bad conscience making up stuff that doesn’t appear in Torah?
Do you remember?
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Are you having trouble getting “makeup” out of your head?
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RATcoff sic,
Do you have anything on your mind?
Do you remember that you are a non believer? Who abused you as a child? A Teacher? Is this why you are anti religious? Was your reaction to what went on in Australia a irritation to you.
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GemACH sic,
Do you feel you speak for all the primitive, fake religious, worshippers of ink on paper who lack intelligence to even figure out how the modern day money system works which in turns destroys you to the point that you have no pride in your looks?
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Did you also learn about health is wealth on YouTube like the Zagiew?
December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 11:46 am
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Show me – Welcome to a special space – Learning to crawl.
Here comes the twister.
Even the losers
Out of time.
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GemACH sic,
I have never even visited Australia.
You shouldn’t make fun of your pedophile ChaBAD sic officials fiddling children within your sick community.
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December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 12:22 pm
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GemACH sic,
Do you know the name of your ChaBAD sic rabbi friend above who led the intimidation of the Waks family of Melbourne, Australia following Manny Waks who was the first member of the Waks’ to come forward of his sexual abuse, beginning at the age of 11?
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GemACH sic,
How could you possibly believe in a jealous Creator and think it okay to laugh it all off, not to forget your lies about important matters that don’t even appear in your scripture which you try to fool the world you believe is sacrosanct?
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GemACH sic,
All that is important is that everyone in the world will understand you are the non-believer.
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A non-believer not only has to still watch your step because telling lies cannot be rewarded with consciousness, a necessary requirement for the all important conscience but you can feel your punishment by your inability to articulate your great despair that will remain forever, and not relieved when you look in the mirror and see such ugliness.
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GemACH sic,
How do you get your courage up when you walk down Main Street?
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GemACH sic,
There is not a literate person who wouldn’t understand your loneliness.
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GemACH sic,
Have you noticed that Meta-Facebook official, @Niv Kantor remains active?
Do you know why you know why when you do right, it feels right?
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GemACH sic,
You can understand why The Inquisition officials felt it was right to have the traitor rabbis of Amsterdam issue the excommunication on Spinoza.
But they too were non-believers in a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) or Einstein ingenuously referred to as the “Old One”, and only subscribed to “Might is Right” and not stop until all Jewish institutions had been corrupted.
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GemACH sic,
That is common sense, and even a demented person such as yourself can understand it, so long as you are guided.
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GemACH sic,
Does your friendship with
RATcoff sic and @Tommy Simpson help you cope?
Amazing isn’t it, that even if the entire human population gave you a “thumbs up”, you would feel that much worse.
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GemACH sic,
How could you possibly think you could outthink Einstein?
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GemACH sic,
Don’t you think Einstein’s “Old One” is as perfect as it gets?
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GemACH sic,
How has your fake religiousness inspired you to achieve great health for you and your family?
Wouldn’t you have thought earlier of health from eating healthy would have accompanied all your prayers over the poison foods you consume which you obviously didn’t give any thought to when saying your false prayers?
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GemACH sic,
Does it help or worsen that you strange people who wear your piety high up on your lapels, well above those protruding, disgusting stomachs full of poison animal residue
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only account for 10% of the population in Israel and yet you accounted for 50% of the COVID-19 hospitalizations?
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GemACH sic,
Would you know if you have a thyroid problem?
My understanding is that thyroid disease may affect already more than 50% of the population.
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GemACH sic,
Do you feel your blood pressure rising or does your narcissism allow you to laugh everything off including your negative outlook?
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GemACH sic,
Are waiting on the side of the road and all your shit coming crawling back?
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You unsent a message
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GemACH sic,
You can’t escape your past, and for those knowing better, everyday is a beautiful day.
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GemACH sic,
Can your imagination describe your destination?
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@Shani Weltsman Moran, you are with us here, and have a lot to say about the orthodox of Israel; go ahead and tell us what you know that you have been afraid to say.
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Cousin @Niv Kantor, I will give you and Zuckerberg a “heads up” of what comes next on The Lady’s Speech Observers.
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Dark sister Kathy
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don’t forget about me, the same with brother in law @David
You added a participant to the group.
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@Niv Kantor, check your inbox.
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Lame, slime @Steven Bailey, are you following along easily?
December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 2:20 pm
I am a non believer of Spinoza!
You never had to go to Australia to get abused, it could have happened in South Africa
Einstein was brilliant but not in Godliness
If I to follow all of @Gary Gevisser Torahs, I would be sea Sick from all the movement and be going around in circles
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GemACH sic,
You are acting.
Why are you conversing on your vacation?
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You are going around in circles.
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We should get back to ChaBAD’s sic sexual abuse of the Waks children in Melbourne, Australia which continues to be on your mind and then we will come up to my upbringing.
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Was it convenient for your friends in Melbourne that the Waks family lived right across the street from ChaBAD sic headquarters?
@Steven Bailey @Tommy Simpson @David Masinter @Dani Rakoff @David Danziger @Niv Kantor @Justine Musk @Shani Weltsman Moran
Would you all say that @Gary Gevisser has certain out looks that are not normal and that he is busy with non essential issues.
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Did the protection of the top ChaBAD sic rabbis of Melbourne including the son of the one rabbi in charge of security who abused Manny Waks repeatedly and mocked him, have to do with pedophilia widespread in ChaBAD SIC?
You know better then me
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GemACH sic,
Those you name are not answering, but you just want to keep talking to relieve the pressure building up that you are alone, and very possibly since your parents were chosen for you.
You also know everything that ChaBAD sic have been covering up with the Waks scandal because you wrote that when you attended an event in New York where this sick fuck rabbi
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was present you wanted to vomit
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What had you learned about this sick fuck beforehand?
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Why hasn’t he and the rest of the sick fuck rabbis been excommunicated?
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How are you doing in raising funds for a memorial plaque for the 7 year old immigrant boy who was killed by the Schneerson’s speeding entourage convoy trying to keep up with very busy about the money Schneerson?
Thumbs up sign
And keep the change
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@Solly Krok, do you see how ChaBAD sic have behaved behind your back all these years?
Solly, now seems a good time to get back to that walk from the home of that Dutch lawyer who ChaBAD SIC Chaim Lipskar guided you to.
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It is 2:48 PM Calif time, the day after the 48th anniversary of the death of Ben Gurion who would have no difficulty following the importance of GemACH sic and others rotten to the core who want everyone to believe that The Torah explains the massive transition of public ownership of land in Israel into private profiteers’ hands.
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Solly, you remember we were served red wine out of a newly opened bottle.
Neither of us finished our glass.
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The lawyer who was also Queen Beatrice’s personal lawyer had a clear plan in mind from the start.
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That plan included Chaim Lipskar showing up at Schipol Airport to greet you in, and to have you focused only on what Lipskar had to say which did not include one word of praise for me having the day before exposed the corruption of Philips NV which was for the exclusive purpose of spreading anti-Semitism which also profits all the hypocrite Jewish people profiting from anti-Semitism including Jewish warmongers such as oil trader Marc Rich.
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GemACH sic,
Do you want to jump in now and give your opinion on how I know so much about Jewish Belgian-American terrorist financier Marc Rich?
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GemACH sic,
Can you now hang for a few hours without upsetting your vacation enjoyment?
December 2, 2021
12/2/21, 3:30 pm
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Everybody knows what’s going down.
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Paranoia strikes deep.
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Starts when you are always afraid…always afraid … always afraid
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Everybody look
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I’m such a fool for you
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Lee-Anne Dalley left the group.
December 3, 2021 at 8:44 am
12/3/21, 8:44 am
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GemACH sic,
I have conducted a poll.
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You call upon a handful of my enemies to help you.
You must not be very convincing.
What do you have to say for yourself?
You added Lee-Anne Dalley to the group.
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@Lee-Anne Dalley, before you remove yourself again, read carefully my writings to GemACH sic.
You are brighter than him but what you have in common is your wishful thinking.
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You visit with palm readers. He worships ink on paper and it too doesn’t help his thinking in any department hence he resorts to others also suffering from Poverty of Thought (POT).
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Can you explain what is your goal being on Facebook and trying to present an image of something you are not?
You added Kathy Danziger to the group.
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You added Kathy Gevisser Danziger.
December 3, 2021 at 9:59 am
12/3/21, 9:59 am
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He thought they would all respond since they are so quiet.
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Time is running out.
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They all, @Steven Bailey @Tommy Simpson @David Masinter @Dani Rakoff @David Danziger @Niv Kantor @Justine Musk @Shani Weltsman Moran, and the rest of you know, that this is a momentous occasion.
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The Jewish Bible-Torah is thousands of years old.
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There is no record of this ancient text having religious Jewish people such as GemACH sic and the rabbis lying about something contained in these scrolls which they consider totally sacred, and no less gospel than religious Christians view the New Testament and Muslims their Koran.
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Again, in 3,000 years, we have the worshippers of the oldest religion, Judaism boldly lying about something that is not contained in Torah.
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That is to tell you that I have struck the rawest nerve.
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Nor is it only GemACH sic who is lying.
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I have now rabbis, along with the rest of you falling apart.
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The rabbis know it is their undoing.
They too can’t ignore the question, made worse because they never thought about a most important matter from which all modern day laws use as their source.
Moreover, what else are they out of touch with, besides for their body temple that they desecrate with digesting poison food and their indigestion is ignored until it is all too late.
It is accepted that the irreligious are simply only about the money and tolerate the awkwardness of the religious lacking common sense because they have always been comforted that their primitive, pagan rituals is evidence that the “Old One” to use again Einstein’s words, does not exist and this life is to be enjoyed at any cost for there can’t really be any retribution for the wanton destruction of the earth.
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Calling upon these named irreligious and they are deafeningly silent is much more than remarkable.
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You don’t need religion to be logical.
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The fact, however, that the religious’ ink on paper address as the foundation the public ownership of lands, and there is nothing which could possibly explain how individuals could profit, let alone use manipulated, rigged monies to destroy the land to enjoy a greater lifestyle, tells you of their stupidity, ugliness of the highest order.
December 3, 2021 at 12:10 pm
12/3/21, 12:10 pm
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“The art of warfare, Win Mother Fucker Win”
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Burger’s podcast from Little Italy, San Diego
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Coffee break with my date
December 3, 2021 at 1:06 pm
12/3/21, 1:06 pm
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You too @Glen Josselsohn are ugly, so why stick around?
Should I explain more?
December 3, 2021 at 1:50 pm
12/3/21, 1:50 pm
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You added Robert Cromeans to the group.
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You removed Robert Cromeans from the group.
December 4, 2021 at 9:20 am
12/4/21, 9:20 am
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A contact left the group.
December 4, 2021 at 11:24 am
12/4/21, 11:24 am
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Glen Josselsohn left
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They work harder than giving a pill.
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Harbor Breakfast
You added Harry Rady to the group.
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@Harry Rady, I know you are watching.
Say hello to your dad.
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@Alexander Soros, I know you are watching.
Say hello to your dad.
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There are a lot of bad people out there
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Sherpa CrIzang left the group.
December 4, 2021 at 5:47 pm
12/4/21, 5:47 pm
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Sherpa Crizang left
December 5, 2021 at 10:15 am
12/5/21, 10:15 am
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It’s a loss of gain if you give something free.
It’s a weird mentality.
Gain for what, to do what?
December 6, 2021 at 2:49 pm
12/6/21, 2:49 pm
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GemACH sic,
We are going to go real slow in anticipation of you and those like you who are all about the money soon to irrelevant, and which of course you already have a strong sense of and why you didn’t call upon any of your fellow religious, worshippers of ink on paper such as rabbi @David Masinter, also of ChaBAD sic, to assist you, instead seeking support from those irreligious who also hoped you wouldn’t be so foolish as to name them.
BTW, why did you decide to add my brother in law @David Danziger into the fry?
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Not to mention, I don’t consider my cousin @Niv Kantor either stupid or corrupt or anything close.
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Each one of us humans are capable of changing our minds in the next instant even though it is obvious the human spirit is very dark and that can only be a result of poor conditioning which those in charge of the schooling curriculum want most.
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It only takes one of us humans to expose the truth to the light for the rest to understand perfectly and therefore make the right choices.
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The fact that I happen to be the only one exposing the corruption of the money, and no less unsettling that in all this time none of you, religious or otherwise, can find anyone to offer a logical counterargument has you grasping at straws.
It of course seems supernatural because it is simply not normal to be so stupid and yet you are so quick to call the next person stupid.
Yes, it is inconcievable as much as many view the “Virgin Birth” of Jesus Christ, that the money which can be used to purchase weapon systems that take all the gentality out of trade negotiations is not something you ever considered to be rigged, because of all the free advertising that has you convinced that their are hoardes, hundreds of millions, billions of humans from all walks of life, all competing for the money and that would include the most rapacious capitalists of Wall Street as well as the poor charity workers slogging it out to help the desperately poor.
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You see “CERTIFIED FAIR TRADE”, you should if fully conscious want to vomit.
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How is it possible to explain that such an incessant talkative species never really questioned the money other than to buy into the brainwashing and repeat it continuously, “Money is worthless, money cant buy you happiness, it is just a means of exchange, one shouldn’t worship money.”
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That does not mean everyone is stupid or that they cannot learn.
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GemACH sic,
Are you paying attention?
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What side of the fence do you sit?
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GemACH sic, @Tommy Simpson, @Dani Rakoff aka RATcoff sic, how come you are not jumping in to distract?
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Let me spell out my quote published in the March 16, 1987 edition of the Insurance Marketing Service’s WEEKLY MARKETEER that was read by the richest insurance brokers-agents on the planet and just weeks before I turned down Lloyds of London’s invitation to join the world’s oldest Old Boy’s Club which was formed in 1774, the same year Scottish economist Adam Smith who had to be drunk at the time penned his nonsense Wealth of Nations:
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“There are those who are opinionated who run the risk of being wrong… and there are those who sit on the fence who fear being wrong. And then there are those who have no opinions who will never be wrong but lack the committment to ever be right” ~ Gary Gevisser, Chief Operations Officer/CFO IMS
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When my highly literate mother Zena read those words she applauded that we had a poet in the family.
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My mother of course is the poet and then some, and nor were we ever in competition; quite the contrary in fact.
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Let’s now move on to some seriously minded people still seeking truth before providing the solution to solve all the problems of the world, using logic.
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The time on the west coast of the United States is 3:20 PM.
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BTW, for those of you wanting to lose weight healthily as well as put on weight, one and two celery sticks, and not separating the white of the celery sticks, in a blender will serve two of you.
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It is also delicious tasting, assuming you have taste buds remaining.
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First, lets read together the transcripts of the documentary, What Did Einstein Say About Religion?
00:02 [Music]
Albert Einstein certainly one of the greatest minds in the 20th century
Dr. Einstein is responsible for some of the biggest innovations in modern physics but did you know that Einstein also had some interesting things to say about God and religion
Of course Einstein vehemently denied belief in Church God
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which is God as angry, Aryan Patriach flying around beating bad people up.
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Einstein thought that Church God was primitive, and childish, rubbish.
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Nevertheless, despite his rejection of Church God, Einstein did believe in higher intelligence.
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Einstein called this higher intelligence, The Old One; and said apprehension of it, sparked a raptuous amazement and wonder so powerful it left one feeling small and utterly insignificant as a result.
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Something else interesting Einstein said was that human religion went through 3 stages.
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December 6, 2021 at 11:51 pm
12/6/21, 11:51 pm
It hurts when you sit in the center. I am on the right side of the fence
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Today at 2:25 pm
2:25 pm
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Title: City of Light
@Marine Serre you too must be getting tired of all the bullshit, the jealousy that is also in your line of work as you break through the outer limits of creativity using recycled materials and the balance between ugly and beautiful, exotic you manage to take right to edge, a gift that few designers can achieve.
It is those with low self esteem who wear their jealousy high on their lapels, and their hotheadedness which is not helped by a poor SAD (Standard American Diet) a bad habit that is as difficult to break as rock cocaine, prevents them from recognizing the ugly waste created by upholding the illusion of competition when it is one corporation that controls all the minerals and the money that includes all the stock options dished out by Wall Street that drives the cost of everything out of the reach of the poor which is the main goal of the puppet masters along with getting the poor in particular at each other’s throats, but less conspicuous than what you see on the battlefields which is more intellectually honest, and therein lies the problem.
For every problem there is a solution.
There is great light to the pervasive darkness that simply calls for a one of a kind smart art-literature salon in the city of light Paris, where in rush hour traffic there will be neither smog nor noise pollution as all moving vehicles will be electric and the only thing left for future scientists to work towards is getting rid of all the past nuclear waste which is not going to be an easy task but then they will have nothing else to busy themselves.
Before moving away from “on the side of wrong” GemACH sic who last pitched a wild throw on December 6 which took off like Kylian Mbappé’s penalty kick into the stands, quite unlike Messi’s ballerina touch just minutes before, and GemACH sic knowing his distraction didn’t work because in the past 26 days none of his friends who are my multitude of enemies eager to forget how they got blindsided by the gross GDP economic index that has mostly rewarded the destroyers of the planet, the weapons manufacturers and real estate developers which the youth are encouraged to emulate and strive towards, have stepped forward, not even this celebrated Israeli pedophile rapist, rabbi Chaim Wilder
or the Chief Rabbi of Israel who attended this scumbag’s wake.
Instead we must move on to encouraging Elon Musk despite not doing his mental-physical health any good when espousing that “good science” supports the COVID-19 and its variants’ vaccines when simple logic says the exact opposite.
Yes, Musk who is still very capable of saving humanity from itself is not exactly the bill of health and all it takes since he is not short of cash is the right, beautiful girlfriend who desires most of all a great lover.
That is not to suggest for a moment that there is not greatness for the masses by religious, stupid, GemACH sic and the rest of the primitive, childish, superstitious worshippers of ink on paper who both Ben Gurion and Einstein derided, making up the biggest bullshit story in the going on 3000 year old history of our Jewish Torah that there are written rules allowing for the private ownership of land, as if it is a God given right.
It just takes the right person with the common sense argument and to deliver it calmly, to set everyone straight.
Of course “Sitting Sheva”, the 7 days following death, is not called by Jewish people à “wake”.
Then again Jewish people revolted against The Inquisition which was Spinoza’s objective, and the bad are “turncoats”, as much as they wish to call themselves pious Jews.
Not to forget there is clearly a lack of consciousness when you account for 10% of the population of Israel and yet you represented 50% of the hospitalizations during COVID-19.
Either your prayers are insincere or God punishes you with displaying your body temple so grotesque.
The corrupt rabbis of Amsterdam could have opted to become Roman Catholic priests and helped Jewish people escape as they did much later during our Holocaust.
The best example of Roman Catholic heroism of the highest order is Witold Pilecki
and look how long it has taken for us Jewish people to learn of Pilecki’s achievements.
Most Jewish people still don’t know the first thing about this superhero Roman Catholic.
First though we must get back to the grand thinking of both Einstein and Spinoza and yes it is fair to call Musk’s performance on the 21 December on Babylonbee podcast Spinozaesque.
When true greatness like Musk comes along once in a lifetime we should not throw out the baby with the dirty water.
Not to mention, Musk wants more babies because he is concerned of his future supply of engineers running short, means that he must invest right now in the future of the physically hardest working women who will produce the strongest children, namely, the house cleaners, restaurant waitresses and baristas who will be the last replaced by robots.
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Note that my cousin @Niv Kantor has yet to remove himself from The Lady’s Speech Observers although he has unfriended me on fb following his bizarre writings.
Niv, probably didn’t like my suggestion that all I see from the Metaverse besides for an increase in neurological disorders, the eyes slammed up against a helmet that is not weightless, is to get into the porn market in a big way.
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Now if all of you hadn’t thought about the porn market, you now will, even though you previously heard of that one woman in the beta testing who complained she was molested.
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To be more precise, the molestation was in the virtual world of Metaverse.
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@Dani Rakoff what are you looking at?
Today at 2:58 pm
2:58 pm
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Edit: … wanting to lose weight healthily as well as put on weight, one apple and two celery sticks …
Today at 3:14 pm
3:14 pm
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Title: Its a great babysitter
Just think about kids, unsupervised, with that thing on their heads for hours.
The device is transmitting all over your body, and you don’t even want a cellphone on your body.
It is a great babysitter.