The truth still resonates
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Re: How do I reach the interviewers of Helen K?
Date: July 17, 2019 at 8:33:29 AM PDT
To: “Naron, Stephen” <>
Stephen – it was towards the end of what I believe is the full interview that I found on Youtube.
You should watch it given how intellectually honest is this woman who at the time was around 60.
I have found in my life experience where I have operated from a very young age at the highest levels of society that when faced with the absolute truths such as what this woman was saying, the human brain turns off altogether.
The fact that the rather good two interviewers don’t dig further is telling.
They obviously weren’t expecting such an incredibly honest answer.
You too might have reacted the same way.
I have also been fortunate to have visited many Holocaust memorial museums around the world and there is not a single uplifting message
Moreover not one including Yad Vashem in Israel come close to describing the true horrors.
Yes the Jewish Holocaust was significantly more horrific than what has been taught
This woman stands out from the rest and why her words captured my attention.
Were you to ask Jewish people today if they have heard of the Zagiew group who collaborated with the Gestapo, I guarantee you that 99.9999% would say “who?” and when you tell them about the huge size of Zagiew and the horrors they performed on behalf of the Gestapo, wiping out the very few survivors of the Warsaw Uprising, it goes in one ear and out the next.
Of course there is a huge consequence for choosing mental suicide which is what denial is, and the main impact is on the human memory and they start forgetting everything and why they end up repeating their lies because this is their way of covering
I’m not a psychologist but I have a knowledge of human nature that is second to no one because I know the banking and mineral resources business second to no one
Moreover when I explain it and the connection to our Jewish Holocaust it is much more than water over a duck’s back, it brings out only great resentment.
Truth however is that which doesn’t change
Knowledge is also power
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!
I highly recommend Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic non fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the internet without having to download it.
It shouldn’t take you 3 hours to read it and you will find yourself eager to get to the next section, it is that good.
This way you will understand better why this woman was so utterly despondent when at a point in her life when with a couple of grown up kids you would have expected her to have found peace, certainly not thinking that she would have preferred to die with the rest of her murdered family.
What if it turns out that no other Holocaust survivor has expressed such horrific thoughts?
Is it because they are all in huge denial that the Nazis couldn’t have achieved such devastation without strong Jewish collaboration?
All you need do to see the Aftermath of the Holocaust is look no further than the Apartheid Regime of South Africa where the opposition whose leadership were all Jewish had all been bought, with very few exceptions and most of them were murdered.
The upside is that the truth still resonates and The D I book is an excellent tool to figure out what makes each of us tick.
Best regards
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 17, 2019, at 6:15 AM, Naron, Stephen <> wrote:
I’m not sure exactly what you mean. Are you referring to a particular segment in Helen K’s edited testimony? I would have to relisten to the exact section to which you refer. I would, however, take their words at face value. One can also watch the entire, unedited testimony to gain an even better insight into her story.
Best regards,
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 10:31 AM
To: “Naron, Stephen” <>
Subject: Re: How do I reach the interviewers of Helen K?
Stephen, yes I know she passed away.
I’m assuming you saw that interview which I consider the most revealing of all Holocaust survivors, at least what I have seen.
What I felt was the most important is her “despair” that when reflecting back over the more than 4 decades that she would have preferred to die alongside her murdered family given the few if any lessons learned.
Was that your read of what she had to say?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jul 16, 2019, at 6:15 AM, Naron, Stephen <> wrote:
Thank you for your interest in the collection. Helen is deceased and we have no contact information for her family.
Best regards,
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Date: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 4:38 PM
To: “Naron, Stephen” <>
Subject: How do I reach the interviewers of Helen K?
I am trying to reach either the interviewers of Helen K and/or her children.
Thank you,
Begin forwarded message:
From: Yale University ITS <>
Subject: How do I reach the interviewers of Helen K?
Date: July 15, 2019 at 12:30:57 PM PDT
Reply-To: Yale University ITS <>
You can try reaching out to the collecting organization. Perhaps try the project archivist.