They took advantage of the poor -: What is fake?
From: “” <>
Subject: They took advantage of the poor -Re: What is fake?
Date: May 13, 2019 at 9:45:46 AM PDT
To: Chris Sander – Jehovah Witness –
Cc: rest; Ageorge <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>; Jill Hogan – younger sister of ANC official Barbara Hogan who is the only white South African convicted by the South African Apartheid Regime for treason, and tortured during her captivity.” <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>
Subject: They took advantage of the poor -Re: What is fake?
Date: May 13, 2019 at 9:45:46 AM PDT
To: Chris Sander – Jehovah Witness –
Cc: rest; Ageorge <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.” <>, “Laurie Black – Staunch Democrat and daughter in law of Larry Lawrence, former US Ambassador to Switzerland during the Clinton administration.” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <>; Jill Hogan – younger sister of ANC official Barbara Hogan who is the only white South African convicted by the South African Apartheid Regime for treason, and tortured during her captivity.” <>, “Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gary Gevisser’s close cousin Gary Levinsohn, co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan” <>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>
Chris, do not visit.
Jewish Christ, and let’s assume he existed even though the writings only began some 400 years after his death, would not be pleased with you.
BTW, does the New Testament cover why it is that God would need a single or group of Messiahs to convince us of anything?
Wouldn’t it be enough that a tree produces oxygen when it breaths out after first inhaling CO2 and if standing close to a tree when you breath out CO2 it pushes away all the CO2 that comes from the lack of oxygen in toxicity cities?
Why is it that you need to carry along the weight of a Bible as if it were a dumbbell?
Doesn’t scripture first say that you should speak to the choir about nutrition that stimulates exercise which in turn makes you more attractive to your fellow man or do you think God is offended by a healthy body temple?
Could you see Christ in this digital age ducking and diving? What is wrong with you?
I listened and communicated with you for over an hour the other day and the only point you said of any interest to me besides for a fisherwoman you ran into who said that the fish have been horrifically radiated and the rest of the sea-life nothing less than decimated and we have people like money hungry, social climber economist, Dr. Geoffrey Rothwell Phd to thank for that as he sought to distract and place future blame on China when writing his atrocious white paper on the Fukushima disaster in order to become a frontrunner for the job as principal economist for the Nuclear Energy Agency – write to him and ask for a copy – was this “fake” business about the Bible which you have contradicted yourself here in writing when first saying the Bible book is great, and you further add that your godly opinion is that the Bible is flawless while using sly English words, “nothing that I have found to be even questionable in 22 years” which are nothing less than vomit in my humble but seasoned opinion, and in the very next breath you point the finger at bad religious preachers such as yourself although you present yourself as so godly and then that very same day, May 10th, just a few hours later, you are condemning the bible.
Now maybe you are just having a problem with our Jewish Bible-Torah as being rotten to the core whereas your Christian-New Testament is flawless?
How can you be so sure it wasn’t 9600 times that “The god of Israel felt so strongly that he wanted us to know his name that he Incorporated it some 6900 times. What has been developed since then is the removal of that name from the Bible, there by making it fake” [sic].
How can you be so sure it wasn’t 9600 times that “The god of Israel felt so strongly that he wanted us to know his name that he Incorporated it some 6900 times. What has been developed since then is the removal of that name from the Bible, there by making it fake” [sic].
Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?
Do you have any idea how many trees you have destroyed in order to produce your mass of pamphlets?
How can you be so sure that our Hebrew Bible is fake and what was written some 1000 years later is the gospel?
To be so certain, doesn’t reason tell you that you need God to immediately descend from the heavens and after giving you a new brain that applies logic to feed the poor with knowledge and dispense with teaching how to fish given the sickness to the most sensitive of lifeforms?
Why is it that it is the most religious who are so poor in history other than the atheist history professors who lack the same common sense logic?
You obviously profess that you hate killing which is what war is all about and there is reason that old ugly farts are quick to send the youth to war which quickly shuts them up, so what has stopped you from investigating how it was possible for Nazi Germany to arm following the strict prohibitions of the Versailles Peace Treaty?
I can only tell you that if I was in your shoes and genuinely felt close to God I would commit suicide by jumping off the closest high bridge.
On the other hand if I didn’t believe in God and I was only following the guidelines set out by Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People I would just move on to the next household and looking for easier prey.
On the other hand if I didn’t believe in God and I was only following the guidelines set out by Dale Carnegie on How to Win Friends and Influence People I would just move on to the next household and looking for easier prey.
Of course I could care less what you think is missing in our Jewish Bible-Torah because when you are not contradicting yourself while always making yourself beyond question, you are making no sense.
How can you all be so out of touch
with nature.
How can it be universal that none of you religious preachers know the first thing about nutrition?
It must have to do with your being singularly focused on the money.
How can you not know that the money is the most manipulated aspect of our modern day society other than the election process which we only have to help mask the corruption of the pricing of the money?
Now this is an absolute fact of life and it is all spelled out clearly in Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic, non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.
It is totally irrefutable versus the great lack of proof in either the Torah, New Testament or the Koran.
Let’s assume you know of someone who is a genuine believer in God. Wouldn’t you expect God to have made this honest believer fully aware of The D I book before going door to door preaching the gospel?
Didn’t you learn in your Hebrew studies that Knowledge is Power.
What good are you?
Do you really hate the defenseless children all that much?
Do you know why it is that you come across as fake as the quack medical doctors?
You are in real estate making money that allows you to gallivant all over the place making new money connections and perhaps you have come across a lonely widow who either has no heirs or her heirs are not visiting as much and then you are in like flint.
So let me educate you about the real world that God has placed each of us in including the insects which are on a fast track to being extinct and then the toads, frogs and birds what will they eat apart from the human rotting carcass, and then I want you to get on your hands and knees and pray for my mother Zena before then getting on a plane to Israel and protesting her captivity that is now into its 947th day.
You must have heard of the name Aristotle Onassis. To the best of my knowledge he was never a Bishop or Pope for that matter in the Greek Orthodoxy church but he was very rich and powerful. From the early 60s until his death in 1975 the person he trusted the most was my Jewish British-English mother Zena who understood perfectly that Onassis wore his chicanery high up on his lapels but that was only to keep his enemies at bay and knowing that should something nasty befall him and his trusted friends he would call upon all the Greek God’s to be most vengeful, because in fact that is all he could count on.
Onassis was a most trusted member of Mossad who remain several steps behind their enemies who control the mineral wealth as well as the world’s different monies and can therefore support both the worst run as well as best run enterprises which if you were a genuine believer then of course God would have instilled within you the intelligence to go study economics at university and figure out quickly the crap that is taught.
His wealth and power however didn’t touch sides with the Greek Orthodox church whose priests when reading from scripture are unlikely to be examining their real estate portfolio to make more real estate acquisitions, just in case the page falls to the ground and then their game is up.
If you didn’t already know that the Greek Orthodox Church is the largest owner of real estate in Israel what does that tell you about your closeness to God?
We are here to protect first the earth which you cannot be doing if you are eating meat-dairy-fish and then to care for the poor which you are not doing when eating dairy-meat-fish because you are destroying the earth.
Do I think there are Jewish religious hypocrite rabbis out there? Yes, I do and that is because I have yet to encounter one who is not totally corrupt.
You must have already figured how easy it is clear away from the Waling-Western Wall.
Nor have I found a single Jehovah witness such as yourself who is any better.
None of you give a rat’s ass about your body temple until you are sick and still you will come up with all sorts of excuses for your poor and weak willpower including your nonsense original sin.
Then again how much nonsense can it really be if all of you are as “corrupt as the day you were born”?
How can you possibly think people who are not logical would have a closer connection with our Creator than those looking for example at how in hell could the Greek Orthodox Church be so rich.
Like anyone in real estate speculation the Greek Orthodox church took advantage of the poor.
Please when hitting reply hit reply all to make sure you include everyone you see in the cc section and feel free to add the entire world and since you have free time today, Wednesday and Thursday it should be enough for you to organize one of your Christian Crusades to the Holy Land without feeling the need to tell me how many people you run into can’t get enough of your weak sense of humor.
[Word count 1666]
On May 13, 2019, at 7:40 AM, chrissander <> wrote:Would it be ok with you if I stopped by briefly some morning this week? I am availabletiday, Wednesday or Thursday.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/12/19 8:46 AM (GMT-08:00)To: chrissander <>Subject: Re: What is fake??
On May 11, 2019, at 10:51 AM, chrissander <> wrote:I am out in the rain directing traffic at the stadium at the moment for our convention. So I’m going to have to get back to you later in the day.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/11/19 10:25 AM (GMT-08:00)To: chrissander <>Subject: Re: What is fake?Where has it been removed 6900 times?
How do you have this information that it has been removed?What is the significance of its removal since us Jewish people know the name of God Hashem Adonai Elohim?
Sent from my iPhone
On May 11, 2019, at 9:44 AM, chrissander <> wrote:A good teacher gets the student to think and leaves the student with something valuable. I teach to the best of my abilities and some people find me to be a good teacher and some people find otherwise.A good teacher will also teach on the level that the student is able to grasp. What little I’ve learned about you is that you affiliate yourself with the Jewish religion. The material that was developed to this date for Jewish people we commonly call the Old Testament. The reason I drew you to Joel 2:32 is because it states that a person’s salvation ties to the name of that God. The name of God in English is Jehovah. In Jewish times it was recognized as Yahweh. In Biblical Hebrew, not written with vowels, it was yhwh or jhvh.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/11/19 9:16 AM (GMT-08:00)To: chrissander <>Subject: Re: What is fake?When a teacher who professes to be so knowledgeable doesn’t answer the simple question, there is reason to be suspicious. Why make me work when you must have the answer to the name at your fingertips. Once you tell me the name then I will research. That is the way it is supposed to work in good schools and universities.Did you go to university?You also didn’t tell me that there is need “to investigate further”.It seems like you want to drag out a very simple issue.It began with you writing me back:One piece of fake that has been incorporated into the Bible has been a simple thing as the name of the god of Israel. That was a question that I left you with. The god of Israel felt so strongly that he wanted us to know his name that he Incorporated it some 6900 times. What has been developed since then is the removal of that name from the Bible, there by making it fake.Prior to blaming “the removal of that name from the Bible” you wrote:In that book there is nothing that I have found to be even questionable in 22 years. A scriptural reference is 2Ti3:16, 17. The problem is what religious leaders have taught from the Bible.There you were blaming the religious teachers and saying that the Bible was perfect, “nothing that I have found to be even questionable.”
You are inconsistent and it would not make sense to have one on one conversations when the written word is much clearer unless the one on one conversations are to mislead, coverup etc etc.You must have learned somewhere in scripture that it is always good to tell it the way it is.Isn’t that what Jesus was all about?BTW, is there anything in the Bible that says man must do everything within his power to protect his one-time body temple? What about caring for the other animals?
On May 11, 2019, at 7:52 AM, chrissander <> wrote:You have good questions. That is a good quality.Look at the holy writings to the Jews at Joel 2:32. That lays the groundwork for why we would want to investigate further.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/10/19 9:19 PM (GMT-08:00)To: chrissander <>Subject: Re: What is fake?What is that name which has been removed?
If it has been removed from the Bible how do you know about it?What was the reason for its removal?
Sent from my iPhone
On May 10, 2019, at 8:38 PM, chrissander <> wrote:Sorry to be so slow about responding. Been driving a truck hauling dirt all day and the truck’s kind of noisy. One piece of fake that has been incorporated into the Bible has been a simple thing as the name of the god of Israel. That was a question that I left you with. The god of Israel felt so strongly that he wanted us to know his name that he Incorporated it some 6900 times. What has been developed since then is the removal of that name from the Bible, there by making it fake. There have been other things done to the Bible from its original dictation that have watered down the intent of the Bible. But all these things can be restored to a proper format. When it is restored to a proper format it brings significant meaning for the individual that’s learning it. A good example of it is trying to have this conversation by email. It’s so much easier to sit person-to-person and actually show you what I’m talking about in the printed Bible.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/10/19 4:15 PM (GMT-08:00)To: chrissander <>Subject: Re: What is fake?… also can you give me an example of the wrong teachings of religious leaders?
Can you give me examples of such individuals?
Sent from my iPhone
On May 10, 2019, at 11:28 AM, chrissander <> wrote:When you refer to the Bible could be an issue of con versation. What we referred to as the Bible is if you went into a library or 99 Cent Store and bought a Bible That’s the book we’re referring to In that book there is nothing that I have found to be even questionable in 22 years. A scriptural reference is 2Ti3:16, 17. The problem is what religious leaders have taught from the Bible.Sorry about some of my hurried EnglishSent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.——– Original message ——–From: Gary Gevisser <>Date: 5/10/19 9:08 AM (GMT-08:00)Subject: What is fake?Chris hello – could you tell me what is fake in the Bible?
Thank you,