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Thought you would be interested in a dialogue

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>

Subject: Thought you would be interested in a dialogue I am having with a journalist, a new Facebook friend, who knows your brother Geoffrey. 
Date: July 9, 2018 at 8:38:25 AM PDT
To: “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and university tutor.” <>
Cc: rest; Sam Tollman <>, Miko Peled <>, “ liff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban, South Africa. South Africa – Clifford Benn who fought in the DAAC’s [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation’s bloody Angolan War where the DAAC backed both sides, was later caught in a DAAC sting Illicit Diamond Buying [IDB] operation when working at South African Clothing Industries whose co-founder was Alan Zulman, my mother’s second husband.” <>, “Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest. Met Strauss on June 20, 2006 at bottom of zipline at Simatai Great Wall, China. Most shocked was Strauss to hear that DeBeers had established retail shops on US soil.” <>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <>, “Neil Gould – no longer FB friend of Gary Gevisser.” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>

7:48am, Calif. time, Monday, July 9, 2018
Are you currently based in Afghanistan?
All the best,
I also like numbers. You now have 804 FB friends and it reminds me of my family’s first car whose license plate was 804
That is my father Bernie who during WW2 was an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot with a miraculous 71 dive bombing missions over northern Italy.
Based in Rome
We know each other?
Not yet, but I do know the family of Geoffrey van Leeuvan rather well as my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion, our world traveling dog, Mango stayed at his eldest brother’s home in Leiden as well as their chateau in Menigoute back in the first week of June.
I also have an interesting story about the principal funders of war who remain mostly hidden from the stories of war and drug trafficking which of course are closely related.
Would you like to hear more?
Below is a photo of Mango at the van Leeuwen’s chateau.
Great !
I have video of that great 1 week stay at Chateau la Barre that Im just trying to locate which I had posted up on Youtube 
Would you like to hear that interesting story?
The hyperlink above takes you to a 1 minute and 24 second video showing Mango retrieving his toy and his persistance comes through.
It is true that you don’t really know who are your friends and family members until they have been tested. 
My beautiful and smartest F-C wife Marie Dion whose first language is of course French says, “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!”.
Her command of the English language is also perfect, in fact better than most educated English speaking people.
Her words resound once you know what she knows and a great deal of her knowledge about the money comes from me who travelled a lot through Europe as well as Israel starting when I was very young and travel is the best way to learn the “ways of the world” just so long as one has a good teacher, and I had the best, and she happened to be my worldly and inspirational mother Zena.
The story that I can tell you if you are interested to hear, is like none other.
It also scares the living daylights out of most diplomats who think they know everything, but in fact the diplomatic community know very little about the banking-mining sector of the world’s economy because if they did then they would choose a different profession.
You have yet to say if you want to hear more.
I also think you would be better off hearing it all from me than someone who knows less than me.
I didn’t think you would mind if I now shared our dialogue here with Peter van Leeuwen.
