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Time to think! -: Insist they be good actors -: Too numb to care ~ Awareness …

From: “” <>
Subject: Time to think! -: Insist they be good actors -: Too numb to care ~ Awareness …
Date: September 14, 2019 at 8:17:53 AM PDT
To: “Sidney Lazarus – son of Gunter The Pig Lazarus c/o Bernard Lazarus brother of The Pig. Both The Pig and his brother Bernard were open supporters of the South African Apartheid Regime [1948-1994] as well as principal backers of today’s Museaum of Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial at the Durban Jewish Club, Durban, South Africa. Sidney now lives in the long time residence of Sandy Moshal-Gevisser Jacobson’s grandfather, Sol The Little King Moshal, also a staunch supporter of the Apartheid Regime as well as very close ally of virulent anti-Semite, South Africa Invader, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971].” <>, Nicholas & Jonathan Oppenheimer c/of Leila Jack The Brenthurst Foundation <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “California. Essakow was an officer in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army. The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall Solana Beach” <>, Ivan Glasenberg – CEO Glencore-Marc Rich <>
Cc: rest; Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <>, Jonathan Beare – Multi-billionaire founder Investec <>,, “Sidney Abelski – sellout lawyer – only child of two Auschwitz survivors.” <>, “Clifford Gordon Esq. – fb friend” <>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <>, “Natie Kirsh – Front person for De Beers who in 1969 purchased the public corporation Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies that was formed in 1910 for significantly less than liquidation value.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016″ <>,David Milne – Distracting member of Tripping Up Trump and also in Baxter’s You’ve Been Trumped & A Dangerous Game. Milne is no longer a FB friend of GG.” <>, Guy De Chazal – US Government owned Morgan Stanley <>, Susan Edelman – New York Post York Post <>, “Robert \”Citizens against the J.Essakow-Marc Rich and company Flower Hill Malls Excessive Expansion\” Vicino Vicino” <>, Adison Hewson – entrepreneur and wife of U2 singer Bono <>, “Tony Leon – Fomer head of the South African Oppostion Party to the current ANC regime. Immediate past ANC South African Ambassador to Argentinia. Tony wrote praising obituaries for both Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and David Gevisser [1926-2009]” <>

Screenshot 8:11 AM Calif. time

If you attack my tribe I will not be silent. Now Jews have a home and we are no longer afraid. So pal you think we are monsters that you need to get rid of? Yalla because we are a pack of 🦁lions. 200 mutuals with this drek.


Julie SaxonJulie Saxon replied

  8 Replies

Charles Cooper I’m right there with you sister


Carol Bonfield What did he say that was so hateful?


Carol BonfieldCarol Bonfield replied

2 Replies

Brian McComas CONVERTING or ATTEMPTING TO MISSIONARY to a Jew, is your death warrant. So says Hashem the G-d of Israel. Although Israel does not have a Sanhedrin, and can’t execute out the MANY COMMANDMENTS to wipe you pagans off the face of the earth, they can indeed self defense and govern Israel the land within.

Be lucky there is no Sanhedrin, and fear the coming of the Last Moschiach who comes to end all your religions.


Brian McComasBrian McComas replied

  14 Replies

Brian McComas 100% of all Messianics and so called Christians who proclaim to read Torah and know Torah.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, meme and text


Brian McComas ISRAEL!!!!
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Brian McComas Totally ready! I have a nail gun!
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Emanuel Macabi Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees .We are a lions .


Ari Lahti The very fact that one is promoting j-man as messiah is in of itself an attempt to prosyltise.


Brian McComasBrian McComas replied

  9 Replies

Gary Gevisser Stacey Mazin, did you remove my response above which in response to what a David Waintraub first posted?

I have already begun broadcasting what has now been removed; and Im sure you would join me not only in opposing wrong censorship but in getting th
e truth out.

Below is my broadcast which first began on my facebook group chats:

About an hour ago a man by the name of David Waintraub wrote up on a Stacy Mazen’s Wall in response to her posting up something along the lines, “Don’t Fuck with us Jews. If you attack my tribe…” (sic) and you know how the rest of the narrative goes:

Weintraub: What if Jews are terrorizing Jews… what do we do then… conundrum💜

12 minutes ago I responded:

David Waintraub you may be reacting intuitively which doesn’t mean you are off the mark.

If you already know about the incredibly large number of Jewish Gestapo collaborators known as Zagiew then why not say so?

Btw they were incredibly well organized in mineral rich South Africa immediately following the end of WW2 and nor did they have to be armed themselves in order to inflict heavy casualties on our Jewish South African communities, none of which was lost on Ben Gurion who didn’t need to consult with Palm readers to see that the principle architects and profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust escaped prosecution at Nuremberg where there were bunches of Jewish prosecutors.

Surely you must have asked yourself why our Jewish leadership including our rabbis and Jewish activist, civil rights defenders such as Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and no less academic Jewish philosopher Noam Chomsky, never thought to ask David Rockefeller to at least say sorry for placing the Rockefeller family’s IG Farben gas pellet production facility in the dead center of death factory Auschwitz?

Or do you think they both thought about it and also know why they are so prominent and live a better lifestyle than a squalor?

Or do you think they along with the rest so quiet simply lacked the intelligence?

Or do you think it is a little of all the previous options i just listed and which you would prefer not to think much about?

Btw, is the weather to your liking today?


Stacey Mazin Gary Gevisser i did not even see your response. So no I did not remove it. Nor did I see the comment with the F word


Gary Gevisser Stacey Mazin then lets continue to spread the good word.


Stacey Mazin I’m not well versed in South African Jewish history 
I was referring to a non that was attacking Jews for not converting to Christianity. I would be interested in learning more about SA Jewish history but it didn’t have relevance to this particular post. I will definitely ask my SA Jewish friends to bring me up to speed on what you are referring to in your comment.


Gary Gevisser Title: Insist they be good actors

Stacey Mazin I am one of those South Africa “friends” who can be relied on to give you the truth about South African politics during the 46 year uninterrupted rule of the brutal South African Apartheid Regime who simp
ly took their orders from the South African mining-banking cartel De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC]-Barclays Bank.

By now if you were following my posts along with my website which is all about the truth, 2facetruth dot com you would know that you didn’t need to be Jewish South African to know that the DAAC who have controlled the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the century openly supplied Hitler with his diamonds out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross as couriers.

If you are Jewish, and raised in a questioning Jewish family which means looking at who profits the most from either exterminating us Jewish people or quietening us, then that means obviously to look at the folks who profited the most following the end of WW2 and then to look at if they had any involvement with WW2 and finally your investigation would take you to determine if they were prosecuted at Nuremberg and if not, why not?

Now I happened to have two very good Jewish parents and no doubt my curiosity was heightened with my Jewish father Bernie Gevisser being a most accomplished Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot with 71 miraculous missions dive bombing the crap out of the Nazi bastards; plus he flew 2 missions on March 19, 1945 in support of the Jewish Brigade on their first offensive ground operation in northern Italy.

I am not suggesting that you don’t get all your South African friends to give their opinions, in fact I strongly urge all of them and you to do so publicly on your wall, this very hour.

As you can see I am tagging a bunch of my other facebook friends including Israel Air Force pilot, Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene, and I am quite sure that Lt. Colonel Tene has very little doubt about my knowledge of the founding of the IAF given how my father’s wingman during most of his World War II missions was the legendary South African captain Syd Cohen, the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot of South African Air Force Squadron 11; moreover, following the death of Israel’s first commander Modi Alon on December 16, 1948, Syd Cohen would then go on to lead Israel’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence while my father remained in reserve in South Africa and all ready to go thanks to another South African WW2 Fighter Bomber Pilot, Boris Senior having secretly purchased 50 American built Kittyhawk fighter bombers during his visit to South Africa in February 1948, most of which is detailed in Senior’s 2004 biography, NEW HEAVENS which contrasts sharply with the Spielberg’s portrayal of the founding of the IAF in their documentary Above and Beyond which was not only geared to sell tickets but grossly oversell the role of Jewish American fighter pilots who overall did pretty good but not quite as great as the non-Jewish American fighter pilots; to mention little of why people like Syd Cohen and Boris Senior received no mention in that nonsense documentary.

So you can also understand why my father Bernie was most reluctant to see the Spielberg’s 1998 blockbuster movie Saving Private Ryan even though my father’s second cousin’s son, Gary Levinsohn co-produced the movie.

Let us then look at the relevance to this post.

Mr. Weintraub asked a most important and relevant question, “What if Jews are terrorizing Jews… what do we do then… conundrum💜



Stacey Mazin Gary Gevisser wow that is a lot of information. I actually haven’t seen many of your posts. They don’t come across my feed but I will see the same post from the same person more than once. I will have to look at your website too. 
My dad was a medic in the IDF. Most of my info on SA Jews comes from my ex who’s SA and Jewish but I can’t know if what’s he’s said is delusional or factual.


Gary Gevisser Continuing…

Page 2 Insist they be good actors

What Mr. Weintraub was not expecting is my response; which I am quite sure nor did anyone else including you.

Nor have us Jewish people always be one “united tribe”.

Far from it in fact.

That “Lost Tribe” of Israel would have simply been annihilated by the stronger tribes.

You do have to follow logic at all times.

You would expect Jewish South Africans to be quite defensive about the lack of opposition the German-South African Oppenheimer family received from our Jewish South African communities.

In fact the rich South African Jewish people including all our Jewish political leadership who dominated the political opposition parties to the Apartheid Regime such as Helen Suzman and my lifelong friend, Tony Leon only applauded the Oppenheimers because the Oppenheimers backed the political opposition parties to their Apartheid Regime.

Do you think the world media, not only the South African media were oblivious to what was going on or do you think they were all smoking Durban Poison?

Maybe that is where you should begin your line of questioning of your South African Jewish friends.

Allow me to help you refine the question.

“Hello my boetie, do you think your parents, grandparents also smoked too much, or simply born stupid, or fully corrupt, or simply terrified of the Third Reich’s Southern Division’s Zagiew unit?”

Yes, one should not be engaged in political discussion of any kind if one is not an expert in “military economics” which I began to master during my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head, David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz-midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert back in the last third of 1972 having arrived at Sde Boker on September 1st, less than a handful of days prior to the murder of 11 defenseless Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games.

Nor should we get into why there was not an outcry from the world when the games continued.

More important is for people who talk nonsense because their parents talked nonsense around the dinner table and so their children and grandchildren talked that much more nonsense, to take a break from talking politics unless because of fear for losing their voice they decide to read aloud these writings as soon as the conversation turns to politics.

That would mean carrying at least one hard copy when they are say in a crowded coffee shop wanting to get away from their idiot family and friends and just wanting to be around strangers, and when they hear the conversation nearby move into politics to just start reading.

Could you see a more productive use of all your time while holding on to your sanity?

Nor is it my fault that most humans don’t have the common sense to figure out on their own that there is more profit to be made from backing all sides to war than only one side.

In the case of Jewish South Africans maybe it was the water?

Maybe God polluted the air just over South Africa in a similar way to nuclear radiation which leaves no smell and cannot be seen, but not quite as deadly otherwise you would see people falling like flies if the air was so polluted.

Therefore given how widespread was this Poverty of Thought [POT] it must have been nothing more than a brain wiring problem with Jewish South Africans, don’t you think?

Again, all we could see was Jewish people, again Helen Suzman and Tony Leon being the outspoken critics of the Apartheid Regime whose black labor policies were a bonanza to the Oppenheimers and their mining monopoly DAAC which directly controlled 85% of the capitalization of South African Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Let’s assume you never took a course of economics or finance at university but you could count to 10 and knowing that if you could pick the best 5 players out of a group of 10 to be on your touch rugby team then you would most certainly have the best team and win easily against the remaining 5 opponents assuming you weren’t as blind as bat and had never played touch rugby in your life.

85% ownership of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange meant the DAAC controlled the entire South African economy.

Why do you think the puppet Apartheid Regime cabinet ministers so ridiculed Helen Suzman and Tony Leon?

Why do you think at the very end of his political career Tony Leon decided to join the ANC and become their Ambassador to Argentina where he was allowed to make huge business connections?

Bear in mind that this nonsense went on not only for 46 uninterrupted years as Mandela’s ANC government was prepared to take over from the DAAC-Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime and all the whites in particular going “ape shit” over the “Mandela Miracle” as everyone standing in long lines to vote, both blacks and whites, so happy, so peaceful, big hugs, kisses, you know what I mean.

You might have noticed that the United Nations have yet to point a finger at the Oppenheimers for either their atrocities of WW2 as well as failing to give the majority of black South Africans their rights?

So Stacey Mazin, have you figured out why it is that I remain the only Jewish person on the planet asking why the Rockefellers have not said sorry for disturbing the lives of 1 million Jewish people gassed at Auschwitz when placing their IG Farben so conspicuously inside the notorious death factory?

You must know that Prime Minister Netanyahu is very capable on putting on a most excellent Philadelphia American accent; do you think he would resort to speaking Hebrew in a debate with me?

Would you encourage Netanyahu and the rest of the Israeli Knesset to debate me, starting with why they played an active role in helping the murderous Oppenheimers-De Beers-Barclays wipe out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel back in the late 70s?

Does everyone know how to gain access to the free Internet edition of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction novel, The Diamond Invention by clicking on the link above?

Stacey Mazin, could you see yourself, your immediate family members, cousins, and colleagues writing less, listening more now that you know that all the political talk you have been hearing all your life is total bullshit?

In summary:

Wouldn’t you if you were rich enough and had sufficient political clout, buy all your opposition and only insist that they be great actors?



Gary Gevisser Stacey Mazin, I see your response about your delusional ex-husband.

Are you feeling much happier knowing that you made the right decision?



Gary Gevisser Tomer Tene, Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel; Rod Margo Esquire, aeronautical engineer-attorney, whose father South African judge Cecil Margo wrote the blueprint for what is today the brutally strong IAF; economist Dr. Rodney Smith Phd, , former Pentagon THINK TANK, RAND Corp. official, Michelle B Dagan daughter of heroic Meir Max Bineth who was turned by fellow Israeli Military Intelligence officer Avri Elad (Avraham Seidenwerg) even before Operation Susannah (spring of 1954) began, and Bineth deciding to commit suicide in his Egyptian cell on December 21, 1954, once realizing that there was no way out for him and he did not want to give the Egyptians the pleasure of hanging him in public, which was the fate awaiting him after conviction.


Gary Gevisser Shiila Serrano – friend from Portugal who subscribes to healthy food, Tony JacobsTony Freeman – from Zeitgeist whose membership still have a lot to learn.


Gary Gevisser Title: Time to think!

Stacey Mazin have you asked any of your SA Jewish friends to bring you “up to speed”?

Do you notice how quiet is everyone?

Remember, today we have The Internet to reach all our family, friends and neighbors instantly.

Let’s leave the media and the rest of the politicians out of it for the present.

Imagine what it was like when the Brown Shirts arrived in your neighborhood.

Do you think you could fully rely on your Jewish family?

Notice I left out in the question above “your Jewish friends” and “Jewish neighbors”.

Let us jump forward 39 months and 29 days after the Russian Red Army liberated death factory Auschwitz.

May 26, 1948 was the day South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts who did more than save half of European Jewry lost that election, and the Trojan Horse in his United Party, Harry Oppenheimer who along with his father Sir Ernest supplied Hitler with his diamonds out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo, and the two should have been the first prosecuted and possibly the last prosecuted at Nuremberg, was elected for the first time to the South African Parliament.

The following day, May 27, 1948 was now the 12th day of very bloody fighting in Israel.

You would agree that Ben Gurion had his hands full.

Most Jewish supporters of the fledgling State of Israel including Jewish Israelis who also talk a lot of nonsense, are unaware that twice during this period Ben Gurion had to withstand two Generals’ Revolt.

The first was on April 26, 19 odd days before the official start of Israel’s War of Independence and then on June 24.
These were not small differences of opinion.

These Israeli generals eager to take Ben Gurion down were not your average Pissher Jewish South African raised in the Third Reich’s Southern Division where the Zagiew, Jewish Gestapo collaborators were already entrenched well prior to the end of World War II.

You know that Ben Gurion did not take to the internet and start posting on people’s facebook walls to assist him.

The future of all Jewish people throughout the globe was at stake if Israel was defeated in her first war of survival.

Thank God, Ben Gurion prevailed.

You would be wrong if you thought Ben Gurion was unaware that his most trusted friend Smuts had been defeated, and that he could care less.

Why would you be wrong?

Ben Gurion had a most excellent memory.

It didn’t escape his attention that the Oppenheimers should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg.

He also knew that the Oppenheimers and their closest allies, the American Rockefeller family knew better than to disband their Zagiew units throughout the globe.

Do you have any questions?

Can I make some suggestions?

First, why not once during the 46 year uninterrupted rule of the Oppenheimers-Engelhards-Rockefellers Apartheid Regime did the Jewish people of the world not take to the streets in protest the defeat of Smuts?

Second, why after the puppet Apartheid Regime were replaced by the puppet Nelson Mandela and his ANC government did the Jewish people of the world not take to the streets in protest the defeat of Smuts and question why neither the German-South African Oppenheimers and the Rockefeller family were not prosecuted at Nuremberg for their war crimes of murdering 6 million Jewish people?

Third, what is wrong with the people in charge of our Jewish Holocaust Memorial Museums including Durban, South Africa’s Tolerance Museum housed within our Durban Jewish Club whose primary sponsors are the Durban North Lazarus Zagiew clan who openly supported the Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime?



Gary Gevisser Page 2 Time to think!

Four, can you see more clearly the slow, torture murder over in Israel of my mother Zena given her support of what I am doing?

Five, why do you think it is only me protesting the Oppenheimers and their Zagiew Gestapo Jewish collaborators who succeeded in wiping out the last pocket of Jewish resistance back in the late 70s?

Six, is anyone watching this including Goldman Sachs official, my facebook friend David Monk willing to admit that they have read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention and to share with the rest of us what they have learned?

It has now been 2 years, 11 months and 6 days since I have communicated with my mother Zena, all thanks to the world’s indifference.

That does not mean God does not exist.

I see it as that much greater proof of God’s existence.

How can you have such an emotionally strung human willing to be lumped altogether and not only do you not speak but you do not trust one another for anything more than to be eventually betrayed and then just like we have no clue about the origin of life we don’t know what death brings when we finally take our last breath.

For sure not everyone returns as well cared for Mango.

You don’t need to be an expert in Quantum Physics-Mechanics which few are to understand that nature is totally unpredictable.

It would be impossible to predict such indifference of the human beast and it is not like you are all being presented with a fairytale.

You don’t question Epstein’s The D I book because it contains irrefutable evidence of corruption at the highest levels of our society and all of Wall Street no less corrupt than the Oppenheimers-Rockefellers.

On December 1, 2000, 9 months and 11 days exactly prior to 9/11 I sent out my New Beginnings Party invitation to my entire email list.

There were 14 Addendums. 

Addendum VIII was titled, Knotty Jews…/

Contained within is the following:

There is a story I would like to tell you about my friend Norman’s family. Norman’s father was headed one evening toward a bar in town called Gunzenhausen about 30 miles from Nuremberg. It was toward the end of 1933 and he decided at the last minute to turn back. At that very moment a bunch of Brown Shirt thugs entered the bar, lined up all the Jews including his father’s friends and then shot them all dead. Norman’s dad ran home to tell his father who was a World War I veteran, proud to be a German, perhaps though not exactly German first. He also had kept his gun although it was undoubtedly a little rusty. From the street Norman’s grandfather called up to his wife to throw down the gun because he was now going to go after these thugs himself, perhaps thinking that he would first knock on his Jewish neighbors door and get a little gang of his own going. Norman never quite knew the details of what exactly was going on in his grandfather’s mind. His grandfather might have simply have gone “m–ash–uga” – nuts.

Norman’s grandmother refused to throw down the gun and her husband eventually got tired of screaming from the street and went inside. His wife helped calm him down by not haggling all over him. Another neighbor did come by a little later to say that the nazi authorities were talking about this “crazy person.” Norman’s grandfather was a successful businessman, a prominent banker. His main competition actually came from the Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who ran bucket s-t-o-r-s in front of his bank, who didn’t quite have his over-head.

When I mentioned Norman’s grandfather may have been different to most of his other Jewish German friends, I meant it in the sense that although he had all the fine linens for all occasions and goods and services that money could buy, he, nevertheless, realized that he couldn’t rely on his brothers, neither his Christian nor his Jewish brothers when it came to saving his life, his soul some might argue. At the time getting in to America was not necessarily easy but it certainly wasn’t impossible either. Norman’s grandfather grabbed hold of the things that most mattered and headed west. When he arrived in America, he like my grandfather Israel who arrived in South Africa at the turn of the century, was now also dirt poor. But somehow Norman’s whole family managed to survive. The same could not be said of my grandfather’s sister Pessiah and her whole family.

One surviving member of her family, her son-in-law, wrote my grandfather the following letter (written in Yiddish and then translated into English).

Time to think!

