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To be honest ~ Feb 24 through March 14, 2021, 12:21 AM

CLICK HERE – Prior to Feb 24, 2021, 2:36 PM:

When you observe in your economics lectures covering the governance of monopolistic enterprises that besides for you there is only one other student in the entire hall either raising their eyebrows and/or rolling their eyeballs – please go ahead and practice if you will – and this student Mark Oscar Hackner whose mother @Hilary Hackner is quite a long term member, is seated directly next to you and possibly concerned I might raise my hand and ask a really good question such as “What do you mean?” which most likely leads to the automaton response, “What don’t you understand?” that begs the question, “How do you know that De Beers bring order to a marketplace that would otherwise chaotic?” that would be the end of your career before it started.

We can’t just play with rockets let’s make it so unbelievably impossible that we can go and colonize Mars

Distraction doesn’t explain the destruction

You sent February 24 at 2:41 PM
Fortunately Mark O Hackner who is seated in the cricket photo from 1967 when we were both 10 years of age on the far right in the front row, had a financial engineer father Gerald Hackner who is mentioned 3 times in David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, and Gerald lived next door to us at our last home in Durban, 50 Bowes-Lyon Avenue, Glenwood and so did Mark, his elder brother, CEO of INVESTEC Private Banking Sam Hackner

and their younger sister Susan, the same with Hilary because Hilary is their mother and was married to Gerald all the years until Gerald passed away, I believe in 2004, and therefore Gerald wouldn’t have read THE UNLIKELY FORESTER. Gerald did read my mother Zena’s THE WINKING CAT

which my mother began to promote in March 2001, figuring it would help subtly build a defensive wall around me once I was increasingly standing alone having taken on beginning the month before a civilization of the most two-faced humans not even imagined; and who would have thought it could be far more farfetched than the story of Sodom and Gomorra.
You sent February 24 at 3:11 PM

You added Karene Fisher to the group.
You sent February 24 at 3:44 PM
Added @Karene Fisher (Gevisser)
You sent February 24 at 3:56 PM
It may look out of place “We can’t just play with rockets; let’s make it so unbelievably impossible that we can go and colonize Mars” but not when the center of it all is the destructive nature of the Military Industrial Complex all geared to distract from the theft of the minerals which I would assume @Peter Thiel first shared MonKeyING MOCK the moment Thiel proposed investing Deutsche Bank-Oppenheimer monies into PayPal otherwise what sort of friend is he? Destruction is sick. Distraction doesn’t explain all the destruction which must have purpose.
You sent February 24 at 4:00 PM
If anything good can come out of what was unquestionably a fiery inferno which needed 300,000 years to cool down before all the atoms in the universe were created, that would be unimaginable and better yet reason to dispense with all the fast talking religious high priests whose voice is that of the rich and wasteful.
Shmuel Montrose left the group.
Jonathan Gevisser left the group.
You sent March 1 at 2:32 PM
Tweet to very pretty Jewish Russian-American Julie Loffe at 2:28 PM Calif. time: @juliaioffe, order of things is a very deep thought. Spinoza did not fear death or torture when explaining that the religious were worshipping ink on paper. With order right from the beginning, rational thought leads us to a Higher Energy Reaction (HER). Why ignore this meeting?
You sent March 1 at 2:32 PM

You sent March 1 at 2:33 PM
Tomorrow is a special day.
You sent March 1 at 2:34 PM
Half a century ago, March 2, 1971, again 48 days after Elon Musk was born, the uncle of Jonathan Gevisser
You added Jonathan Gevisser to the group.
You sent March 1 at 2:44 PM
David Gevisser (1926-2009) became the most powerful person on the planet, aside from if a HER exists which has yet to make an appearance which every human can agree on and if HER does exist then HER would exist permanently and be smart enough to leave it to each of us to conclude without any coercion or interpretation of scripture or tea leaves that such a force is powerful to be most subtle.
You sent March 1 at 2:50 PM
If you just think about it a little, the speed at which the ever so slightest touch originating from the tip of the index finger to the brain and back ahead of losing one’s finger to a flame 🔥 takes amazing sequencing of events which is slowed down if one has diabetes and you have already lost your one big toe that doesn’t make you the perfect climbing partner to scale Mt Everest.
You sent March 1 at 2:57 PM
The moment my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser who had enough common sense not to have a religious bone in his body which may have first come about when looking at the mirror and seeing his incredibly ugly looks and if you believe in God-HER that would only make matters worse and yet a great many ugly people still believe in God, heard that his benefactor, racist, anti-Semite, monopolist German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr had taken his last breath, David Gevisser was in position to reverse the “asset stripping” of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970), but this sellout-traitor never did.
You sent March 1 at 2:59 PM
His nephew @Jonathan Gevisser is 12 years older than 54 year old Charles W Engelhard Jr who like any crook cannot have the sensitivity to recognize the inherent order of the universe that comes with the most precise measurements.
You sent March 1 at 3:05 PM
One could see HER letting us discover great technologies that inevitably has no one having to work other to do exercise to stay in shape which in turn attracts an equally healthy sex partner, and this natural instinct towards health which you don’t see in the huge, disgusting, double chin of the US Assistant Secretary of Health nominee, at the same time these advances in technology has the human dumber.
You sent March 1 at 3:13 PM
I realize that we are getting away with all this “supernatural” talk which must all be explainable and only requiring intellect which without there cannot be any possibility of morals, but we are now heading back to what David Gevisser chose to do when ignoring the wrong he had done to his elder brother Leslie, the father of unintelligent @Jonathan Gevisser and David Gevisser’s first cousins, my father Bernie and his elder brother Julius, the father of member @Nigel Gevisser and @Karene Fisher (Gevisser) who was more interested in boys like her two brothers than to question logically.
You sent March 1 at 3:16 PM
David Gevisser didn’t need anyone to remind him when Natie Kirsch made his ridiculous low ball offer for the shares of Moshal Gevisser that he could have just picked up the phone to his boss Engelhard Jr. who in the next instant could have sent Kirsch packing all the way back to Swaziland and to be content the remainder of his life picking maize.
You sent March 1 at 3:21 PM
It was however a carefully planned execution of the last pocket of Jewish resistance in mineral rich South Africa making the decapitation of Jewish resistance in Israel as easy as saying you are praying when photographing a slob in front of you and first saying you did so in order to stop the slob from going out in public with his one suspender loose.
You sent March 1 at 3:22 PM

You sent March 1 at 3:24 PM
It is no less important if there is reason behind the order of things right from the beginning or as far back as we can go with telescopes and other tools to allow us to make precise measurements, that religious Lubavitcher @Torah Gemach’s story keeps changing.
You sent March 1 at 3:27 PM
We know that each of you have great difficulty both with Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention and the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer, but not as much as someone who makes their living from talking about Putin.
You sent March 1 at 3:34 PM
One can imagine President Putin sitting quietly while being interviewed by someone like Elon Musk who sees himself right now as more powerful than all the world’s central banks because he is or Julie Loffe getting to the point quickly, “Have you read The D I book and could you see the South African Oppenheimer family happy with the promotion of Bitcoin and future competing cryptos by another South African Elon Musk aka MonKeyING MOCK, taking them and all the world’s banks off the hook?”.
You sent March 1 at 3:35 PM
When all logic fails it doesn’t mean the end of the world because we are all still here and none of you can reason intelligently.
You sent March 1 at 3:37 PM
While it is unquestionably superfluous to write “reason intelligently” it is only for emphasizing that your reasoning for still being a member of TBH is because you live in hope that someone will step forward and debate me.
You sent March 1 at 3:39 PM
How come none of you have the intelligence, the intellect, the skills of reasoning-logic to realize that is far more impossible than proving that HER doesn’t exist?
You sent March 1 at 3:42 PM
Bear in mind that you have corrupt religious people arguing so weakly about the existence of HER as if dancing around at a snail’s pace with a scrolled up document that Spinoza quite rightly ridicules as “worshipping ink on paper” is enough to distract you.
You sent March 1 at 3:43 PM
A weak argument is not convincing.
You sent March 1 at 3:45 PM

You sent March 1 at 3:48 PM
When David Gevisser returned to South Africa after the burial of Engelhard Jr at Roman Catholic, St Mary’s Abbey Church, Morris Town, New Jersey, he wasted no time in telling Harry Oppenheimer of President Nixon’s “interest” in who was going to be delivering his next orders.
You sent March 1 at 3:50 PM
The leaking of the Pentagon Papers a little later in March 1971 by stooge Daniel Ellsberg was no less carefully planned going back to when the Pentagon Papers were first drafted.
You sent March 1 at 3:53 PM
That doesn’t mean every person at the New York Times was unaware of the sequencing of events all designed to lay the foundation of President Nixon’s incomprehensible and self incriminating speech 48 days after the birth of Musk, August 15, 1971.
You sent March 1 at 3:56 PM
The fact that it may have only occurred to you right now that it is not possible to remove from history President Nixon paying tribute to his new masters, David Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer, does not mean you are either intelligent or nice, the two going hand in hand.
You sent March 1 at 3:59 PM
How does MonKeyINK MOCK who has been zigging and zagging ever since he realized that if he wants his raw materials and parts delivered on time he has to play their game, get away from tossing himself under the bus when throwing his weight behind Bitcoin?
You sent March 1 at 4:01 PM
If you were Musk or any of his family members such as his sister member @Tosca Musk and his ex @Justine Musk you would of course look carefully at each of your reactions and come away with feeling that it is all going to be smooth sailing.
You sent March 1 at 4:06 PM
But it is a jealous and vicious species this human and not all of you love MonKeyING MOCK who of course is mocking everyone with his support of totally indefensible cryptos which are simply to cover up going off the Gold Standard which didn’t mean small traders didn’t understand what was going on and held on to gold bullion for as long as possible and believing that the people would become rational.
You sent March 1 at 4:07 PM
But nor is there anything in scripture which says man is likely to become more rational with time and learning to get along with their neighbor.
You sent March 1 at 4:09 PM
In fact the scripture is full of clear deception such as the 4th Commandment that condones slavery which you would expect the rulers to have inserted.
You sent March 1 at 4:11 PM
Religion is a big business because the rulers want the people to believe that the religious are here to save souls and for that job there is no requirement to be logical and to simply say whatever comes to mind.
You sent March 1 at 4:14 PM
The fact that @Torah Gemach says “We Jews (including you) are here to make a better world so that G-D should be able to be and stay here. To dwell with up” (sic) and yet he nor any other religious person can explain what exactly us humans have done to make the world better than when we arrived is another insurmountable problem for the religious.
You sent March 1 at 4:18 PM
But they must be here for a reason because the huge effort in establishing order such as the fruit trees here already and the taste buds in the mouth rather than the anus and to top it off the unimaginable beauty of great sex which is the last thing a resentful ugly fatso can think of, cannot possibly be a random event that doesn’t get less random with the passage of time.
You sent March 1 at 4:20 PM
Logic says that it is inevitable that people like MoneKeyING MOCK and Julie Loffe will get tired of masquerading.
You sent March 1 at 4:21 PM
They can put themselves in each of your shoes and know exactly what you are thinking.
You sent March 1 at 4:21 PM
They can feel that you are getting tired and worn out from all your lies.
You sent March 1 at 4:23 PM
Remember a great deal of thinking took place in the 166 days before Engelhard’s death and Nixon’s speech.
You sent March 1 at 4:25 PM
Since August 15, 1971, no economist or politician or philosopher has come forward to denounce Nixon and his advisors for failing to name the “international money speculators waging an all out war against the US Dollar.”
You sent March 1 at 4:29 PM
Nixon was committing treason when not naming Harry Oppenheimer at the same time rewarding Oppenheimer by laying the groundwork for the American auto and truck industry violating the trade sanctions on Apartheid South Africa selling Oppenheimers’ platinum and forcing America’s biggest industry to imbed the platinum in the catalytic converter of the exhaust system.
You sent March 1 at 4:30 PM
Since all you quiet understand this perfectly it would be wrong to assume that because MonKeyING MOCK is not religious he will not follow.
You sent March 1 at 4:30 PM
He hates to lose.
You sent March 1 at 4:31 PM
He knows that I’m right and the rest of you cannot be considered trustworthy.
You sent March 1 at 4:31 PM
What will he do next?
You sent March 1 at 4:33 PM
Certainly he will greatly disappoint member @Peter Thiel, but despite Thiel into young blood transfusions, Thiel cannot guarantee Musk great health.
You sent March 1 at 4:35 PM
If anyone really cared about Musk’s health they would have long encouraged him to follow reason and adopt a low fat whole food diet that never once had a heart beat.
You sent March 1 at 4:35 PM
Musk also has plenty of other examples of his inner circle being money opportunists.
You sent March 1 at 4:37 PM
An atheist, like a corrupt religious person doesn’t really think for a moment about life after death unless they are bored stiff and have nothing better to think about.
You sent March 1 at 4:40 PM
Musk can however envision were he to die later today of a heart attack the result of his glutinous, lack of willpower to try a different approach to getting the most out of great sex, that he will quickly be forgotten and all those saying positive or negative things about him are because they have a financial incentive.
You sent March 1 at 4:41 PM
So of course the door should always be left open for Musk to do what is right even if he has been threatened with death.
You sent March 1 at 4:42 PM
We should all do what is right even if it is unpopular with the stupid who can’t argue the facts because they are stupid.
You sent March 3 at 1:58 PM
Notice that not only my siblings but cousins @Jonathan Gevisser and @Karene Fisher (Gevisser) remain with the rest of you.
You sent March 3 at 2:00 PM
Once chiseling down a piece a marble into an identifiably object so the chances of guessing it wrong become increasingly less.
You sent March 3 at 2:04 PM
Upon the final product of you see for example the statue of David looking like a woman everyone might remain calm thinking you are mad and not saying anything that could have you going off the deep end as all the rest of the audience enjoying an afternoon of seeing Michelangelo’s work is to relax rather than stay at home with their boring and fat husband.
You sent March 3 at 2:05 PM
Most people who are fat, out of shape are just waiting to die.
You sent March 3 at 2:07 PM
Such people are mostly only happy when making others miserable, especially the young who are in shape and how easy it is to ship them off to war if it means preserving their wealth to enjoy the rest of their life in the lap of luxury.
You sent March 3 at 2:09 PM
It is quite a different world than when Julius Caesar led the Roman Legions into battle.
You sent March 3 at 2:10 PM
If Caesar had fighter bomber drones and robotic soldiers he would first of all devastate every army on the planet before they got the technology.
You sent March 3 at 2:11 PM
Have you asked yourselves what you are doing here?
You sent March 3 at 2:12 PM
I mean both on TBH as well as your purpose in being placed here when for some reason you have missed the basics of logic?
You sent March 3 at 2:15 PM
Acquiring wealth by conquering lands was self evident from caveman times all the way through the Boxer Rebellion which could have easily gone the other way with the Chinese sending the Allied slaves to all their conquered territories and never allowing the conquered to ever get back on their feet unless to fight amongst themselves over slave wages.
You sent March 3 at 2:16 PM
Who can explain the change?
You sent March 3 at 2:17 PM
@Noam Chomsky-Theorist, you must have an answer for this other than you are a poor read of both history and logic.
You sent March 3 at 2:17 PM
You are all here because you continue to wait for someone intelligent to debate me.
You sent March 3 at 2:18 PM
Now it is increasingly evident to each of you that is never going to happen.
You sent March 3 at 2:19 PM
So why don’t you all leave together which is easy to accomplish by simply messaging each other that at a time certain you will all hit “remove”?
You sent March 3 at 2:20 PM
Let’s see if I can help you all start a chain reaction.
You sent March 3 at 2:23 PM
@Torah Gemach, you and @Steven Bailey like to talk as much as the next shit talker, and neither of you like me and the feelings are the same with me. In other words what binds you together is to prevent others getting the information of the corruption being top down.
You sent March 3 at 2:25 PM
So me suggesting that the two of you email each other to coordinate the chain reaction is only going to want you both remaining. Therefore we must think of a more reasonable way to have you leave and not feel lonely if no one else follows.
You sent March 3 at 2:26 PM
You could try calling each other on the phone and still that might not be private enough.
You sent March 3 at 2:28 PM
Given how little thinking each of you have to do, surely you can figure out this one or do you think we are beyond the point that any of you can trust your own judgement?
You sent March 3 at 2:32 PM
As a small percentage of you will already know, yesterday the 50th anniversary of the passing of 54 year old American Charles W Engelhard Jr took place, I sent 2 broadcasted emails to member @Solly Krok who has known for quite some time that member @Torah Gemach is no different to all the other Lubavitcher Chabad officials Krok has interacted with over the past great many decades.
You sent March 3 at 2:34 PM
Both “Putting your mind into the Junco” and “Hitler isn’t rolling in laughter” is not as important as this because this is now and we have the benefit of hindsight following the publication of those 2.
You sent March 3 at 2:35 PM
Still for those of you didn’t get both, you will still find them very interesting and relevant.
You sent March 3 at 2:38 PM
Today is the 20th anniversary of my second article published in the Jerusalem Post following the treason pardon of President Clinton of the Rhodes-De Beers Scholar Class of ‘68 granting Israel traitor and terrorist financier Marc Rich a pardon on January 20, 2001, Clinton’s last day as the 42nd US Commander In Chief.
You sent March 3 at 2:41 PM
Let’s look at it while viewing clearly in the back of your mind Clinton, Trump, Biden and Obama compared to the less talk of Julius Caesar veni vidi vici:
You sent March 3 at 2:44 PM
It is more than Pollard who got stuffed. – PUBLISHED 3/3/2001 Jewish leaders coveted Marc Rich at the expense of one who may have delivered the Right Stuff. Perhaps, it is simply a coincidence that Jonathan Pollard was locked away at the same time FBI agent Hanssen was mastering U.S. counterintelligence on behalf of the Soviets. If you were Mr. Hanssen or Mr. Ames of the CIA what would you do to deflect attention? Wouldn’t it make sense to position Jonathan Pollard as the evil incarnate, an eternal threat to U.S. strategic interests? Not surprisingly, those charged with counterintelligence have somehow missed every opportunity to neutralize the impact of Pollard’s 15-year-old intelligence secrets. With all the finger pointing that went on in the mid 1980s, even a former CIA head like former President Bush, may not have been given all the intelligence he deserved. Coincidence or not, by our Jewish leaders supporting the pardon of Marc Rich negating a once in a lifetime opportunity for the public to view the role that middlemen play in corrupting the leaders of most oil- producing nations to mention little of the terrorism these oil dollars father, the person made of the Right Stuff remains stuffed.
You added Martin Utian to the group.
You sent March 3 at 2:46 PM
The last person I provided a link to this article, new fb friend of mine @Martin Utian responded back: I haven’t come across your writings or views before. I guess anyone that asks questions instead of accepting prevalent views, is doing something worthwhile.
You sent March 3 at 2:48 PM
78 minutes later, at 6:38 PM Calif time yesterday I replied: Did you read the articles ?
You sent March 3 at 2:52 PM
At 8:04 AM today, going on 7 hours ago I followed up: I provided you a link to those articles and yet you are quiet other than saying “I guess…” There is no guesswork when you can read the most controversial articles in the history of the JP which is easy to ascertain by reading them which are spoken in simple English. They of course shock everyone because they put into clear perspective how poorly informed are the common herd who think they have their own opinions but in fact they are all manufactured by the people who create all the wars and chaos to hide their thefts. So shocking is the head trauma that they end up saying the most stupid things. It was 2 decades ago today that the 2nd article ran: It is more than Pollard …
You sent March 3 at 2:53 PM
At 8:08 AM I continued after sharing the second article published on 3 March 2001: Imagine one article that turned everyone’s world upside down; 4 took them over the top and those pulling Rich’s strings went to work on restructuring the JP and placing non questioners in charge. Today I will be releasing something more shocking. If you are interested send me your email.
You sent March 3 at 2:54 PM
@Martin Utian remains quiet at this time.
You sent March 3 at 2:57 PM
It also appears that my website is down. It could just be the weather as it was snowing earlier and earth’s position is altogether changed in the universe and never again will it occupy the same space given the expansion of space which has no chance other than in science fiction of reversing itself so that we can change future history.
You sent March 3 at 2:58 PM
It is a most orderly universe with only the human the odd mankind out.
Torah sent March 3 at 2:59 PM

Torah sent March 3 at 3:00 PM
Look who started to wear a Yarmelka, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion
Torah sent March 3 at 3:00 PM
You’ll should start as well!
You sent March 3 at 3:15 PM
@Torah Gemach, everyone knows why you distract. You are not pious. You have no business suggesting anything to anyone other than they might improve their nutrition than end up stupid and deceptive as you. May I suggest you ask @Solly Krok now for forgiveness as he might forgive you but you know I never will. Do not make out that Ben Gurion supported anything about ChaBAD sic or any religious person. Ben Gurion ardently supported Spinoza who gave you superstitious, worshippers of ink on paper, the same middle finger as Ben Gurion did in 1953. @Torah Gemach has your physique improved or got worse than yesterday? Can you explain how the Schneerson and the rest of you missed the GDP and its genocide of the poor?
You sent March 3 at 3:18 PM
Following a most healthy, mouth watering lunch, I will share the 2 emails sent yesterday to multibillionaire @Solly Krok.
You sent March 3 at 4:29 PM
I see that @Shani Weltsman Moran is currently with us.
You sent March 3 at 4:32 PM
Shani, while I wait for to be back up and running and where I will be placing the 2 emails “Putting your mind into the Junco” and “Hitler isn’t rolling in laughter”, you have a story to tell about abuse within the Jewish religious that you encountered in Israel. Do you feel safe now talking about it?
Martin Utian left the group.
You sent March 3 at 4:42 PM
@Shani Weltsman Moran, let’s assume you are as inconvinced about the existence of God-HER as someone such as Black Hatter Lubavitcher full of himself figuratively and literally, @Torah Gemach who like all the religious of the world have an unsurmountable problem and that is what other than their corruption or stupidity resulted in them missing the deplorable GDP? If you are irreligious and simply out to grab as much as you can and not waste a moment enjoying yourself totally you might not want to say it, but you would agree that only stupidity can explain how you missed the GDP. For the religious it is devastating. It is tantamount to the Devil descending upon the earth and cursing them the remainder of their lives untl they give up all the rituals. This is of course only my opinion but you wont be able to fault my logic. Not only do the religious protest that they are next best to God and therefore that God must have at least blessed them with common sense but they say they care about justice for the poor starting with an end to their genocide that is being exacerbated by the crypto currencies and hence why we are able to see the corrupt much more clearly with their deafening silence.
You sent March 3 at 4:45 PM
There cannot be a more grave injustice for the poor than the despicable GDP.
You sent March 3 at 4:47 PM
Let me share with you how much David Ben Gurion bothers all the religious Jewish people who have controlled the Israeli government ever since Harry Oppenheimer got the Schneerson, Menachem Begin and the rest of the Israeli Knesset to go quiet as he wiped out the last pocket of Jewish resistance in Israel, and in the rest of the world it has since been simply a “mop up” operation.
You sent March 3 at 4:49 PM
I personally met Ben Gurion more than 15 times when I was on Ulpan-Gadna training back in 1972. Never once did he wear a yumulkah aka Skull Cap or for that matter a larger hat covering his head.
You sent March 3 at 4:50 PM
Nor did any of the people who were around him at the time. No one even thought about wearing a yumulkah in Ben Gurion’s presence.
You sent March 3 at 4:52 PM
Ben Gurion’s most trusted South African-Israeli, besides for Israel Air Force Commander Syd Cohen, Colonel Boris Senior who was with me on at least 4 occassions when I met with Ben Gurion also never worse a yumulkah in Ben Gurion’s presence.
You sent March 3 at 4:53 PM
That is not to say these men didn’t wear a hat of sorts covering their head when visiting the Western Wall in Jerusalem or while saying Kiddush, the Friday Night prayer over wine and whathaveyou, because Im sure they did.
You sent March 3 at 4:54 PM
Nothing made the Nazis happier than to say when seeing a Jewish person wearing a yamulkah, “There goes a Jew”.
You sent March 3 at 4:55 PM
The Nazis advocated inbreeding but they were nuts.
You sent March 3 at 4:56 PM
The visual leadership of the Nazi such Hitler and Goebels were in fact nuts which is why they were chosen for the job of slaughtering us Jewish people before we had a country to build a very strong army.
You sent March 3 at 4:56 PM
Let’s go back to the point that @Torah Gemach wishes to distract us with.
You sent March 3 at 4:57 PM
Wouldn’t you say that the depiction of Ben Gurion is very much comic like?
You sent March 3 at 4:58 PM
The chances of Ben Gurion approving that sculpture are extraordinarily slim unless his objective was to flush out more Jewish turncoats.
You sent March 3 at 4:59 PM
So this @Torah Gemach is trying his best to make fun of Ben Gurion who is not around to defend himself but his words and actions show that he had no time for the religious.
You sent March 3 at 5:01 PM
That did not mean Ben Gurion failed to take them seriously as a genuine foe because they were and remain a formidable foe, especially the religious Jews who use their observance of the Sabbath as well as the other ridiculous rituals to make out that they are better people than those who don’t observe the rituals.
You sent March 3 at 5:02 PM
Why unless you are most worried about what Ben Gurion thought of the weakness of religious Jewish people would you say “Look who started to wear a Yarmelka, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion”?
You sent March 3 at 5:03 PM
You of course belittle your enemy once your enemy has made it perfectly clear with his endorsement of the great Spinoza that the religious are a joke.
You sent March 3 at 5:05 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:05 PM
Do you recognize the man above wearing a Yamulkah standing before and touching the Western Wall?
You sent March 3 at 5:05 PM
Does Trump look like Ben Gurion?
You sent March 3 at 5:06 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:06 PM
Does this American President above wearing a yumulkah look like Ben Gurion?
You sent March 3 at 5:07 PM
Why would you bring up the false image of Ben Gurion wearing a yamulkah to get people to feel bad about themselves if they don’t wear a yumulkah?
You sent March 3 at 5:09 PM
I typed in Google “ben gurion with yarmulke” where I found the 2 images above.
You sent March 3 at 5:09 PM
The only image that came up of Ben Gurion on the first page was this one below:
You sent March 3 at 5:11 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:12 PM
Clearly this is a large crowd scene where a lot of religious Jewish women are covering their head with scarves and/or wearing wigs.
You sent March 3 at 5:12 PM
Ben Gurion is not wearing a wig.
You sent March 3 at 5:12 PM
Clearly if he was wearing a yumulkah before walking up to the podium then he had to have tossed it.
You sent March 3 at 5:14 PM
Now I have gone and typed in Google “ben gurion with Yarmelka” where the word is spelled according to pot belly @Torah Gemach, although he might put it down to his lust for chicken parts.
You sent March 3 at 5:15 PM
I will place up all the images I have found on page 1:
You sent March 3 at 5:15 PM

Torah sent March 3 at 5:16 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:17 PM
Note that falling apart, worshipper of ink on paper @Torah Gemach places up a photo of men wearing skull caps and none of them are Ben Gurion.
You sent March 3 at 5:17 PM

Torah sent March 3 at 5:18 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:21 PM
Prior to @Torah Gemach once again trying to distract from his goal of rewriting history which the religious Jewish people who serve their rulers have been doing ever since they were slaves in Babylon and it took King Cyrus of Persia to free them but still what do you do with Jewish children born in a ghetto who show little to no creativity, I placed a photo of Ben Gurion with Frank Sinatra and neither of them are wearing a skull cap.
You sent March 3 at 5:22 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:22 PM
Another photo above of Ben Gurion with Golda Meir, and still no skull cap.
You sent March 3 at 5:23 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:23 PM
Another photo from page 1 of Google with @Torah Gemach‘s spelling.
You sent March 3 at 5:24 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:24 PM
Above, another photo from the same page, and no skull cap.
You sent March 3 at 5:25 PM
They hate Ben Gurion with a passion.
You sent March 3 at 5:26 PM
Ben Gurion knew they were treacherous and realized that as their numbers grew from inbreeding to reason with them was futile but nor could you forget them because they are treacherous and @Torah Gemach is just one example.
You sent March 3 at 5:27 PM
Let’s find one with Einstein which @Torah Gemach wishes shows both Einstein and Ben Gurion wearing a skull cap.
You sent March 3 at 5:28 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:28 PM
@Torah Gemach, why don’t you show that you can draw by drawing a skull cap on top of Ben Gurion’s and Einstein’s heads?
You sent March 3 at 5:31 PM
A reasonable person would have thought that if the smartest Jewish physcist of all time and who was head and shoulders smarters than all the rest of the world’s physcists combined and also Einstein was incredibly modest which didn’t mean he wasn’t tough on the best to bring out their best, came up with the most brilliant way to join Ben Gurion in giving the religious the middle finger, then why in God’s name haven’t the religious at least dispensed with the yumulkah?
You sent March 3 at 5:33 PM
There is a reason why the religious are still very reluctant to lift the sinful Harem they imposed on Spinoza who wore it as virtuous because Spinoza was a very good person and smart because he was a very good person.
You sent March 3 at 5:34 PM
They remain deathly afraid of Spinoza.
You sent March 3 at 5:34 PM
All they can do is distract when up against a well armed with knowledge and logic opponent such as me.
You sent March 3 at 5:36 PM
Of course it would be nice to have both Einstein and Ben Gurion at my side, but I feel comfortable having God-HER constantly at my side without me thinking for a moment that I am better than the next person, but that doesn’t mean I should be stupid and let the likes of @Torah Gemach run all over me.
You sent March 3 at 5:40 PM
Again, @Torah Gemach first calls Ben Gurion a “politician” which was not done in a kind manner.
You sent March 3 at 5:42 PM
@Torah Gemach has enough deception remaining in his dark soul to never forget that in 1953 when Ben Gurion thought he was forever out of politics declared that Spinoza “is the first Zionist of the last 300 years”.
You sent March 3 at 5:43 PM
Combine that with Einstein in total awe of Spinoza stating as clearly as Ben Gurion, “My God is the God of Spinoza”.
You sent March 3 at 5:44 PM
No Jewish philosopher in history has so ridiculed the ridiculous, ritual religious Jews as did Spinoza.
You sent March 3 at 5:45 PM
What can be more in their faces than, “Worshippers of ink on paper” other than Ben Gurion’s “First Zionist of the last 300 years”.
You sent March 3 at 5:45 PM
Ben Gurion didn’t say that Schneerson was someone that Spinoza would have applauded.
You sent March 3 at 5:47 PM
There is something about smart people that is really nice; they use a lot of logic and nor are more susceptible to bribes as a result of being more logical and unwilling to compromise their integrity.
You sent March 3 at 5:48 PM
No Jewish person in history has received the most macabre excommunication as did Spinoza.
You sent March 3 at 5:48 PM
Again, no one even close.
You sent March 3 at 5:49 PM
Yet of all the Jewish people Ben Gurion chooses to applaud the great Spinoza.
You sent March 3 at 5:49 PM
Hats off to Ben Gurion.
You sent March 3 at 5:49 PM
Hats off to Einstein.
You sent March 3 at 5:50 PM
@Torah Gemach, please continue to wear anything that won’t have you pulling on the threads which has God pulling back.
You sent March 3 at 5:50 PM

You sent March 3 at 5:51 PM
Is the photo above of Ben Gurion with his field commanders during Israel’s War of Independence enough to shut up @Torah Gemach and anyone else who wears a yumulkah to intimidate?
You sent March 3 at 5:52 PM
You couldn’t expect Ben Gurion to hold them off once he was dead.
You sent March 3 at 5:54 PM
This business of separating the Jewish men from the Jewish women and the women covering their heads lest the men be distracted by the sexy hair on a woman’s head while they are immersed in prayer is not exclusive to the Jewish rituals.
You sent March 3 at 5:56 PM
Roman Catholic girls wore something like white handkerchiefs on their heads and this must have been passed down by our Jewish rabbis who say they like questions but we can see that is not really the case.
You sent March 3 at 5:56 PM
What we find is that it call comes down to the money.
You sent March 3 at 5:57 PM
All the religious have been protesting that there is not enough money for them and the poor in their congregation but that simply is not true as you are all discovering.
Seen by Tomer at March 3, 2021 at 5:57 PM
You sent March 3 at 5:59 PM
The bought religious want you all confused into thinking that the minerals and money are interchangeable and that if you had a choice you would prefer to have the money to buy the minerals that do things like generate electricity that allow you to work from home advertising for yourself and others in order to derive income to pay for the basics as well as luxuries.
You sent March 3 at 5:59 PM
The business of minerals is the last thing they want entering your head.
You sent March 3 at 6:02 PM
That is why they now have the world’s best salesman Elon Musk aka MonKeyING MOCK promoting Bitcoin to eviscerate the totally crazy GDP and why not come up with something even more stupid as who do you go to insure your Bitcoin other than MonKeyING MOCK and Nicholas Oppenheimer?
You sent March 3 at 6:03 PM
Each of you are showing that you are willing to be bought as is the next person.
You sent March 3 at 6:03 PM
But would you trust @Torah Gemach with the truth?
You sent March 3 at 6:04 PM
How can you call yourself religious at the same time condone the trampling on the poor who simply don’t have the information because the likes of @Torah Gemach are willing to move heaven and earth to distract?
You sent March 3 at 6:06 PM
All pricing disappears once you have a monopolist such as the small South African Oppenheimer family in charge of the allocation of the world’s resources and no less able to create chaos wherever opportunity avails itself.
You sent March 3 at 6:06 PM
This is common sense.
You sent March 3 at 6:07 PM
This is why you all abhor Professor Epstein’s The D I book.
You sent March 3 at 6:08 PM
Once you know for sure that you are not as smart as you once thought so it opens the door that you recognize your great limitations and there can be no greater indicator of lack of intellect and morals than not waking up to the totally ugliness of the GDP.
You sent March 3 at 6:09 PM
@Peter Thiel can also see this great intransigence and so can each member of the Musk family and the rest of Elon Musk’s advisors.
You sent March 3 at 6:10 PM
Being able to observe past behavior is not an indicator that you are the master of the universe.
Robin Grosberg left the group.
You sent March 3 at 6:11 PM
The Master of the Universe has shown and continues to show man is mostly unkind when no vengeful.
You sent March 3 at 6:12 PM
Edit: … when not evilly vengeful.
You sent March 3 at 6:13 PM
It would be a totally different world without either the GDP or the illegal arming of Nazi Germany led by the duplicious German-South African Oppenheimer family.
You sent March 3 at 6:13 PM
A better world of course because there first of all wouldn’t have been that many of us totally stupid.
You sent March 3 at 6:14 PM
Intelligent people can reason that killing is not good for the planet or the lifeforms which need a healthy planet in order to survive.
You sent March 3 at 6:16 PM
Intelligent people can reason with the biggest fools that no matter how many politicians and economists say that real estate development is good for the growth of the economy, it is totally at odds with both logic and the health of the environment that we share.
You sent March 3 at 6:34 PM

Tal Gaviser left the group.
You sent March 5 at 8:54 AM
Have you like Dutch Ambassador (Geoffrey van Leeuwen) @leeuwengew read Prof. Epstein’s The Diamond Invention which explains the gross fraud of the GDP which cannot be reversed by cryptocurrency trades? Why play stupid when so many of you already know unless you think it won’t harm “you” (sic) mental health.
You sent March 5 at 8:54 AM
Tal Gaviser left
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
Jonathan Gevisser left the group.
You added Jonathan Gevisser to the group.
You sent March 5 at 8:41 PM
There are idiots more conscious than Musk. And the other fools watching are caught in the net.
You sent March 5 at 8:43 PM

You added Dominique Albinski to the group.
You sent March 6 at 5:54 AM
@Jonathan Gevisser on January 10, 1963 when your aunt @Hedda Gevisser and her husband now deceased David Gevisser “drove off the next morning to the idyllic Engelhard ‘Mbulwa’, a charming, luxurious cottage in the grounds of the Sabie River Bungalows, adjoining the Kruger Park for a marvellous honeymoon” you would have been in your 8th year according to how us westerners keep track of our biological age which is a year less than the Chinese way of doing things.
You sent March 6 at 5:58 AM
On their wedding day the day before, Patrice Lumumba whose execution was ordered by American-German Charles W Engelhard Jr and his partner German-South African Harry Oppenheimer had been dead 23 months and 23 days.
You sent March 6 at 6:00 AM
You @Jonathan Gevisser have spent a lifetime fooling Poverty of Thought (POT) black South African school children.
You sent March 6 at 6:01 AM
How do you live with yourself without going totally mad?
You sent March 6 at 6:03 AM
Look how this distant relation of our Tal Gaviser is able to block me from adding him back just in case it was a mistake on his part making himself conspicuous when departing.
You sent March 6 at 6:04 AM
Could it be that Tal is much younger and possibly more stupid?
You sent March 6 at 6:05 AM
@Jonathan Gevisser don’t you have friends or relatives of ours who you can turn to assist removing you permanently so that they also don’t so stick out?
You sent March 6 at 6:08 AM
Our families were disunited the very moment my father Bernie was accepted into Fighter Pilot training in General Smuts’ South African Air Force which is the second oldest Air Force with the Royal Air Force being the oldest which Smuts also “fathered”.
You sent March 6 at 6:09 AM
The jealous relatives and neighbors were hoping that this best looking Jewish man in South Africa would be killed and then they would honor him at every family and friends gathering.
You sent March 6 at 6:10 AM
That was not meant to be.
You sent March 6 at 6:14 AM
71 dive bombings missions against the Nazi bastards might not sound like many if you are totally stupid but in fact it is totally spectacular. Moreover, my father returned without so much as a scratched only to be welcomed back by a lunatic uncle, Louis Sher, the brother of my father’s dying mother Katie Sher Gevisser who lunged at my father with a large kitchen knife, but missed, thank God.
You sent March 6 at 6:14 AM
Let’s now move forward to 1969, the height of Engelhard’s power.
You sent March 6 at 6:20 AM
Bottom of Page 93, top 94, chapter 9 of David Gevisser’s 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER, titled HEDDA: On the business front, two strands were apparent. As my involvement with Moshal Gevisser weakened, so my ties with the Engelhard interests strengthened. Also, I had become a director of Boustreds as a Moshal Gevisser representative. It was run by Willie Brittan and his son, Irvine – my first cousin. We had in my bachelor years become close friends. We now became business allies and grew to appreciate one another’s strengths and weaknesses. We were in fact complementary and it was this growing awareness that played a critical role in my business life in the distant future. Meanwhile, on the Acme front, I headed a committee whose task it was to recommend the future structure of the company’s sawmilling activities in the Eastern Transvaal, and the technology to take it from its then rather basic approach, into the future. This involved a careful analysis of its existing three mills, an evaluation of available technology and of future log supplies, and a careful calculation of all the factors that influence a decision on whether to decentralise or concentrate. It was a fascinating exercise that involved a crowded year of intense committee work, based in Graskop, and visits with Roland Jansson, Acme’s superb Swedish technical manager, to the U.S.A., Scandinavia and Europe. The report, a massive document, led to the acceptance of its major recommendation that a large modern centralised sawmill should be built in Sabie.Jansson and I were mandated to proceed, and the largest and most modern sawmill in Africa, equal in technology to any in the world, was officially opened by Charles Engelhard and the then Minister of Forestry, Paul Sauer, in 1969.
You sent March 6 at 6:22 AM
@Jonathan Gevisser, did you get that, “… the largest and most modern sawmill in Africa, equal in technology to any in the world”?
You sent March 6 at 6:24 AM
In 1969, Engelhard’s and Oppenheimer’s puppet President John F Kennedy was also dead and his assassination clouded in mystery but not who buttered his and his family’s bread.
You sent March 6 at 6:28 AM
It is not possible to change the thinking of anyone who likes things just the way they are which is most all of you and those not that happy fearful of being worse off financially which if down and out living on the street begging for handouts you might prefer to be dead but the authorities keep enough in sight to make sure we don’t forget.
You sent March 6 at 6:31 AM
I am in the process of composing a communication to MonKeyING MOCK aka Elon Musk who was not thinking clearly when he proposed on Twitter back on Feb 13 that Putin join him for a discussion on exclusive Clubhouse who I had previously never heard of.
You sent March 6 at 6:33 AM
When examining MM’s Tweet
You sent March 6 at 6:33 AM

You sent March 6 at 6:43 AM
the poor grammar and lack of correction may indicate to you that MonKeyING MOCK was saying “I’m busy. I’m writing this quickly” to President Putin who is not a neophyte when it comes to military economics where the shell-shock of very accurate intercontinental ballistic missiles is the main intention of the enemy because we know from experience here and elsewhere that stupid people which are brain damaged people do not think clearly especially during periods when critical thinking is important such as how to retaliate against incoming missiles that are false flag operations which is the cornerstone of every military action.
You sent March 6 at 6:46 AM
@Jonathan Gevisser, you like many of our generation born in the Engelhard-Oppenheimer Apartheid Regime served in their pedophile, barbaric military whose officers were picked by virtue of the Nazi Germany affiliations and as a Jewish boy your main concern was not being boned up the arse.
You sent March 6 at 7:00 AM
There is a reason why at their main “re-education camp” Greefswald the Commandant in charge was Jewish Medical Doctor Kapo Dr Aubrey Levine MD a pedophile who was in all probability worse than Dr Mengele of Auschwitz fame. That is not to say Saudi Crown Prince Mr Bone Saw should get a Nobel Prize in Literature for dreaming up the best way possible to keep all the Saudi Princes with billions handed to them from getting too full of themselves. One can however understand the talk that goes on in private between someone like Mr Bone Saw and a real estate speculator like Jared Kushner, the son in law of the former President Trump who deals in stolen real estate. For those of you unfamiliar with Greefswald which was often visited by high ranking American military officials, it is a place where young conscripts were sent if they were judged to be “deviant.” You got that label if you were gay, smoked marijuana, or were a conscientious objector.
You sent March 6 at 7:04 AM
It is my observation, and @Jonathan Gevisser please correct me if you disagree, that ugly looking people like yourself and my brother in law @David Danziger have less shame and more easily coopted to do bad things by directing better looking Jewish South African boys to be boned by members of the pedophile ring, General Magnus Malan’s death squads.
You sent March 6 at 7:07 AM
When you commit heinous crimes you are prone to extoll the virtues of meditation as well as honor those giving you the power that your physical ugliness couldn’t command.
You sent March 6 at 7:11 AM
In the case of @David Danziger who was quick to judge my mother Zena from the standpoint of his damaged brain, gave public applause during his speech acceptance of monetary reward from the Engelhard-Oppenheimer Regime when sharing with everyone that his service in the South African Apartheid Regime’s military taught him “duty and discipline.”
You sent March 6 at 7:12 AM
Who else here who served in this military agrees with @David Danziger?
You sent March 6 at 7:15 AM
@David Levy, you wear a yarmulke at all times in public and you were a Captain in the Apartheid Regime, which is my understanding, do you agree with my brother in law @David Danziger that you are proud for having learned duty and discipline while serving in The Third Reich’s Southern Division military?
You sent March 6 at 7:19 AM
Why do you think there was never an outcry by South African Jewish medical doctors, Jewish lawyers and Jewish Judges during the Apartheid Regime’s 46 year uninterrupted rule, 1948-1994, of any anti-Semitic acts such as rape of Jewish conscripts?
You sent March 6 at 7:21 AM
Even homosexuals must abhor the idea of being involuntarily boned up the arse, so why no outcry @Mark Gevisser?
You sent March 6 at 7:22 AM
It is 7:21 AM Calif time, isn’t it time also for the rest of you to get a wake up call?
Seen by Andy at Sunday 2:30pm
You sent March 7 at 3:59 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:04 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:05 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:07 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:07 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:09 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:09 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:11 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:13 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:14 PM

You sent March 7 at 4:17 PM
9 hours ago member @Steven Bailey: Know, that “sustainable” to a Capitalist means the money streams, not the environment. 🙂
You sent March 7 at 4:18 PM
6 hours ago my response: Title: Barak’s call to Clinton induces the wrong call-to-arms. Steven Bailey another example of your lame, treachery. Aren’t you getting bored, hence brain-body sick with your old games or is it only important that you get attention? You would agree there is evil in this world. Would you say that during your lifetime you have noticed it getting increasingly worse, the same, or less of it? Can you feel it in your bones that today is a very important day? We are 4 days from the 20th anniversary of the publication of my 2nd article in the Jerusalem Post. We are just 6 days away from the 20th anniversary of the publishing of my 3rd article in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon on January 20, 2001, 234 days prior to 9/11 of terrorist financier Marc Rich by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar from Class of ‘68, President Bill Clinton. Didn’t you find it interesting that an Israeli newspaper which happens to be the most widely read Israeli newspaper globally would publish 4 articles sufficiently well spaced to get everyone’s attention on the same subject but updated to reflect current events and clearly they are highly derogatory of not only a sitting Israeli Prime Minister but Ehud Barak remains Israel’s most decorated Special Forces commander whose quick thinking and bravery on the battlefield is exemplary? Do you think I was stupid not to notice how all the corrupt around me went silent and that much treacherous once they couldn’t find any articles or TV news item that explains who supports the breeding of terrorists and terrorist nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait who feature prominently in the ingenious Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) report of the summer of 2007? What does it all tell you about yourself? Does it bother you more looking yourself in the mirror than to have me in a room with all the talkers? BTW do you think if you eat badly which you can first tell from the excess weight you carry which has your brian and stomach neurons the little that remain having to work that much harder to keep you upright that it automatically means you must be more intelligent in figuring out your purpose? Why don’t you make the most use of your Sunday while never forgetting most all worship the money god 24/7, to speak online with a Bitcoin salesperson. Do you know the right questions to ask? Are you aware that it is easy to identify deceptive people by how they break the thread? That happens a lot between you and me. I just had a conversation with one of them. Were it to go viral, it would scare the hell out of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Venus Project, Green Peace, Klu Klux Klan, Sierra Club, INVESTEC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, JP Morgan-Chase, Peabody Foundation, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates Jr., every Wall Street investor, religious people asking for money, corrupt medical doctors who are easy to identify, everyone who makes their living in the financial services sector other than bookkeepers who keep track of the things. Do you still feel that sperming children is your greatest contribution to the planet or your lameness that highlights the ingenious order of the universe which we should celebrate at all times even when staring death in the face? Do you visit my website often even though you hate it as much as your own presence? Who do you rank as the most evil person/s currently living and who would you rank as the best? Solly Krok Linda Rothbart Shein Debbie Patton Kingsriter Brad Awerbuch Jenny Feinstein Jenn Jenn Jenny Arenstein – Friedman Janice Lipman Micha-el Frame Michael Clark Austin Michael Faure Alan Davidoff Alan Yudelman Alan Gold Wendy Ann Bouman Ann Nurock Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt Colonel, Tomer Tene
You sent March 7 at 4:19 PM
Barak’s call to Clinton induces the wrong call-to-arms. (Published in the Jerusalem Post March 13, 2001) Throughout the ages, Jewish people are taught more about the weaknesses of their leaders than about their strengths — beginning with Moses. Even King David, the greatest of Jewish warriors, too had feet of clay, sending his captain to the front line so that he could continue a liaison with his warrior’s wife. Calling the leader of the free world on behalf of Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice, is all too telling to people of all ages. Barak’s actions are strikingly at odds with the message of Israel’s first prime minister who in the twilight of his life challenged Israel’s future leaders to become “A light unto the nations”, a people abiding by the highest moral standards. The day after the 1973 Yom Kippur War ended and just weeks before Ben Gurion’s death on December 1st 1973, Marc Rich began to profit from the Arab oil producers’ shakedown. A decade later he arrived in Zug, Switzerland with his suitcases full and plenty of cash in the bank to begin buying his own protection. Clinton has a history of lapses but why would Barak allow himself to be used to set such a bad example, lacking the foresight to realize that he would ultimately be blamed for Clinton’s decision? Despite his highly touted ability to read maps, Barak lost his way in this maze filled with the glitter of Richy Rich, golden calves no doubt playing their part two (sic). Mr. Arafat must also take his share of the blame. He wasn’t exactly a potted plant at Camp David, or was he? Israelis and Palestinians should recognize the events of the recent past as a call-to-arms to eliminate protection rackets throughout the region. Following the example of their forefathers they should raise a shield and band together, encouraging the business community who understand that a win-win results in long term mutual prosperity to mention little of the protection it affords. Trading with each other is the only possible way out of this crisis. Fostering interdependency is the only way to win the peace and end the rhetoric of hatred that allows despots to obfuscate their own poor performance. Both peoples have in their arsenal a potent weapon, much holier than anything contained in a Swiss lock box, their commonality. Their forefather wrote the book on how to win holy wars that really count. Not King David, the warrior, but rather, Abraham, the first of the free traders, with whom Jews and Arabs share everything in common. One day Clinton and Barak may want to take a trip to Sde Boker in the Negev Desert and visit a no-frills library. Once briefed on the legacy of Ben Gurion who envisioned an undivided Jerusalem they can then set forth and promote the whole world as one holy place, not just Jerusalem. Both former leaders may also be encouraged by the time they have inhaled the crisp unpolluted air that blows off the desert to speak to the youth about the lessons they’ve learned since leaving office; that the right call-to-arms is to reward those who stimulate competitive business practices.
You sent March 7 at 4:20 PM
You sent March 7 at 4:33 PM
P21-Why bet …? High Blood Pressure Affects Memory. (A lot of people have these problems)
Shani sent March 7 at 4:48 PM
Shani sent March 7 at 4:48 PM
Shani sent March 7 at 4:48 PM
You sent March 7 at 4:55 PM
@Shani Weltsman Moran, are you saying that you understand how to tame the poor, or do you prefer not to be so clear? Have you noticed that Blackhatter @Torah Gemach has taken a long break? Did you ever envision a day when the religious could not debate logic while showing a nasty side that you only expected from money god hungry humans who simply failed to use common sense when asking about the money?
You sent March 7 at 5:18 PM
@Shani Weltsman Moran, while we have you. You must understand why Israel should be the most compensated country in the world for those who lost immediate family members due to terrorism or any of Israel’s wars; for example your uncle who was killed in the last hour of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, like the father of my fb friend, IAF Pilot, Lt Colonel @Tomer Tene. That would be about 90% of Israelis whose parents or grandparents were born before the 6 Day War, a very huge number indeed. So why other than corruption are there so many very very rich people in Israel and great many poor Israelis who don’t own large villas in expensive areas? You must have thoughts of white ownership of land in South Africa given your background “born in Israel, grew up in South Africa, studied law and psychology and ended up specializing in Trauma domestic violence and sexual abuse in children, worked a lot with gang rape in SA but did my research on HIV AIDS and a trauma at Bara. In Israel I worked with the ultra orthodox community , manly in the sexual abuse realm” and you travel a lot to diamond-oil rich Angola and your father was in the diamond business.
You sent March 7 at 5:37 PM
You unsent a message
You sent March 7 at 5:37 PM
That question you might think is more relevant to land ownership in Beverly Hills since you live in Beverly Hills or if you have now moved in with a very rich Muslim man in Egypt and the dowry you received for giving him your hand in marriage that includes this great villa has you now concerned about its true worth if it turns out that Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, the military dictator who executed on 4 July 2013 a coup d’état against the elected President Mohammed Morsi who died in detention, actually in court on 17 June 2019, gets his orders from Nick Oppenheimer or one of his emissaries such as Maurice Tempelsman who after making sure that Congo genocider Mobutu Sese Seko was all squared away went on to romance First Lady Jackie Kennedy following the death of Onassis.
You sent March 7 at 5:41 PM
Those thoughts of the value of all real estate might have you only momentarily distracted because you barely have time to enjoy the spectacular view of the pyramids, you still on honeymoon making love all day long, but now thinking that the Pharaohs didn’t pay their Jewish slaves a fair wage and so why shouldn’t Israel and all surviving Jewish people get restitution for the wrongs of the past since we have been the one’s most taken advantage of and still survive?
You sent March 7 at 5:42 PM
You have to start somewhere in looking where it is most preposterous.
You sent March 7 at 5:43 PM
It is certainly not Egypt or Israel because both countries have fought hard for the little they have got, at least the poor.
You sent March 7 at 5:45 PM
South Africa is the clearest, like the North Star that is brightest in the night’s sky.
You sent March 7 at 5:47 PM
80% of the population are slaves under the gun, just like the Jews were treated by the Romans and their puppet rulers in Judaea like Harod.
You sent March 7 at 5:48 PM
The difference is that in 2000 years we humans have done a lot of talking and writing.
You sent March 7 at 5:49 PM
Any compensation request demanded by a victim of the Romans was met with, “Let me get on that right away” followed by a boot in the arse.
You sent March 7 at 5:50 PM
In other words not much talk between victor and loser.
You sent March 7 at 5:51 PM
But suddenly things changed that has us thinking we were a just, conscious, conscience filled species.
You sent March 7 at 5:52 PM
Can you point me to evidence of that?
You sent March 7 at 5:58 PM
As part of the deal with the 80% black population of South Africa they were restricted where they could live and work which made the black majority population of South Africa neither buyers nor sellers of lands in South Africa which is where the blacks would like to have lived but laws like the Groups Areas Act and Immorality Act prohibiting sex between races interfered with the majority black South African population accumulating great wealth to pass down to their relatives and friends who couldn’t be black because of the rules where they could live, work and who they could fuck.
You sent March 7 at 6:01 PM
It was not however the Christians or Muslims who proclaimed in South Africa for the 46 year uninterrupted heinous rule of the Oppenheimers-Engelhard-House of Windsor’s Apartheid Regime, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWSH PROBLEM.”
You sent March 7 at 6:03 PM
It wasn’t a problem as much as it was convenient to have laws that kept the majority blacks from being rich real estate developers and getting their financial backing from the richest source of money capital, the SA Oppenheimers.
You sent March 7 at 6:05 PM
It makes since thst you have that monster mantra and the SA Oppenheimers also living in South Africa and laughing mostly at us Jewish people because our leadership, religious and secular were corrupt.
You sent March 7 at 6:07 PM
Remember, when you come out of Jewish a Holocaust like none other in history and where it is obvious the entire world is against you, that you should not stab others weaker in the back, at least if you are Jewish.
You sent March 7 at 6:07 PM
You need intellect to have morals.
You sent March 7 at 6:09 PM
@Shani Weltsman Moran, you are also best friends with one of @Solly Krok’s daughters, @Sharon Krok Feuer who remains a member and is the same age as your parents.
You sent March 7 at 6:10 PM
Do you think the lack of morals that is self evident is because of a severe intellect deficiency?
Seen by Wendy at Monday 11:04am
You sent March 8 at 2:01 PM
You unsent a message
You sent March 8 at 2:02 PM

You sent March 8 at 2:10 PM
Title: The game has been organized. The people are easily distracted. They want to be entertained.…/status/1368661082999418881… Let’s go back to the wealth creation of the world’s richest banker, JP Morgan who presided over a great many military campaigns, starting with paying his dues to the City of London Corporation followed by the Hall Carbine Affair. During the American Civil War, John Pierpont Morgan financed the purchase of 5,000 surplus rifles from the United States government at $3.50 each, modified them poorly before selling the rifles back to the government for $22 each. The investigation that followed said that “the rifles were more likely to blow the rifleman’s thumb off than they were to cause any damage to the enemy.” That was JP Morgan, buying weapons from the government armory, modifying them so they act as a “granade” [sic] with no fuse when firing, and then selling them back to the US military for an extraordinary profit. It is unlikely that JP Morgan test-fired each one. That is not only self-dealing, being on both sides of the transaction but during a critical war period and only benefitting JP Morgan, his partners and the other side whose leadership were doing the exact same thing, making it the classic case of treason with all sides turning a blind eye. But you read about it and your mind says that it all makes sense because Morgan was a rich business person and he was just being smart and whatever wrongs were done in the past, JP Morgan and his partners’ philanthropy work continue to help the downtrodden by first helping those beginning with the City of London Corporation and their banking network who create confusing wars. Wouldn’t it be great if that were taught as thoroughly as “All men are created equal” which flies in the face of the skewed inheritance laws, favoring the biggest thieves and treasonous bad actors such as JP Morgan. Then it just takes another miracle of getting the children to focus much easier – when reading this – on the aftermath of the 1066 Battle of Hastings which established private banking for the despots and their thieving allies within the small enclave of fiercely independent and unregulated City of London Corporation which has been increasingly fooling the people since the Battle of Hastings as the job of the Commander In Chief turned from leading the troops into battle, and his life at greater risk most certainly than the civilians left behind fearful of a bad outcome, to talker. Pen is mightier than the sword. Not to mention the King of England, Harold lost the battle that he was predicted to win and also lost his life, so did his two brothers. While the troops of the victorious side celebrated with whiskey and wine and danced the night away, plotting for the next war with the Commander In Chief taking less risk began. They just had to keep talking until all the people were fully brainwashed. Assume Oprah has also read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention like a great many have, then Oprah would know that all advertising revenues are simply to continue building up the illusion in the minds of the people that there is competition for the minerals which are needed for everyday life as well as weapons. Purposefully confusing anyone when you are selling them brainwashing packaged as entertainment, is wrong. No one disputes that South African Nicholas Oppenheimer inherited in December 2000 a mineral drilling and distribution monopoly that doesn’t also tolerate any competition or opposition amongst its bought lawmakers. With SA Oppenheimer in charge, it also means Nicholas Oppenheimer has a vested interest in keeping the illusion of competition alive. Can Oprah or anyone selling be able to block this out of their mind; and if so at what cost? What if this is exactly how the game has been organized? Nowhere in the universe do we see signs of disorder; quite the opposite in fact. Bear in mind, Peter Thiel, Facebook seed capital investor and continuing boardmember, Paypal investor, TESLA-SPACEX insider, and now Security King and whose father, an engineer worked the SA King of Minerals Oppenheimers in South Africa and German South West Africa-Namiba openly advocates, “Competition is for losers”. Any questions?
You sent March 8 at 3:04 PM
What if I were to interview Meghan and Harry, it would still not be interesting.
You sent March 8 at 3:05 PM
Instead we could talk about these 2 Bitcoin salespeople on Facebook Lewis Mocker
You sent March 8 at 3:06 PM

You sent March 8 at 3:06 PM
or Jane William
You sent March 8 at 3:07 PM

You sent March 8 at 3:09 PM
which may not be their real names or facebook profile photo but they do provide a look into this greatest scam ever since President Nixon announced the official end of the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971 when MonKeyING MOCK had been breathing on his own for 48 days.
You sent March 8 at 3:10 PM
They, including CBS, are so desperate to get eyeballs, lets see if we can give them a hand.
You sent March 8 at 3:12 PM
We have clear evidence that it is not only sects of us Jewish people who are inbred but more than mounting evidence of inbreeding within the British Royal Family which seems rich in outbreeding half black and half white Meghan is taking advantage of.
You sent March 8 at 3:14 PM
My first question to Meghan before showing her great acting skills which is being able to form tears in the eyes so that the people are that much more distracted from thinking what she is like in bed, “Is this to prepare the groundwork for divorcing Harry?”
You sent March 8 at 3:15 PM
Obviously Meghan has heard of businesses including corporations such as City of London Corporation’s Buckhingham Palace have a Human Resources department which is where she went to first when her husband Harry couldn’t aid in finding a marriage counselor specializing in those who marry for money.
You sent March 8 at 3:16 PM
Harry now one for you, because we believe in equal time for retards.
You sent March 8 at 3:36 PM
“When you married Meghan and you knew she married you for your money or that it was a strong motivator having help waiting on you hand and foot and being older you knew that Meghan wasn’t your mother because your mother was dead, did the thought not occur to you to suggest to Meghan that she try the yellow pages for a marriage counselor or were you just as manipulative figuring that you were now getting great sex and what better way to get out of the marriage committment than to say your mental health problems deteriorated and you can’t be responsible for anything that makes you look stupid including falling for a gold digger?”
You sent March 8 at 3:36 PM
We have now covered Oprah’s 2 hour interview.
You sent March 8 at 3:37 PM
Let me share that with the other audience on facebook who are not as conspicuous as you.
You sent March 8 at 3:45 PM
In every family it seems, there is at least one member who marries for money.
You sent March 8 at 3:47 PM
In my immediate family’s case, the most obvious is my sister in law @Emma Gevisser who married my eldest brother Neil when he was well into his 60s and Emma was more than half Neil’s age younger and nor does it appear that Neil’s physical health has improved over the years.
You sent March 8 at 3:48 PM

You sent March 8 at 3:50 PM
For those of you unfamiliar with the faces of my immediate family, the oldest looking in the photo above recently taking and placed up on facebook, Neil is on the right and his face appears twice as large compared to when he and I last visited on March 27, 2012
You sent March 8 at 3:52 PM

You sent March 8 at 3:55 PM
when 6 foot 7 inch World Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant passed through Wiveliscombe, Somerset England on our way to a meeting with the bigwigs from SA Oppenheimers-City of London Corporation’s Lloyds of London.
You sent March 8 at 4:02 PM
Just in case anyone thinks I stopped at any time following the extraordinary Gold Flowchart
You sent March 8 at 4:04 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:06 PM
designed and produced by America’s richest, most skilled and experienced litigator, member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. which he made me pay for when he picked up the bill for our lunch at Rainwaters in San Diego using my credit card on October 1, 2003, the 4th anniversary of the filing of the epic Revlon Class Action lawsuit
You sent March 8 at 4:06 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:07 PM
and which in my opinion was his greatest victory
You sent March 8 at 4:07 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:07 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:09 PM
considering all aspects, the monetary reward of $10 million which was the least of the spoils, the political clout and most of all just winning against all odds.
You sent March 8 at 4:10 PM
There is something remarkably uplifting when doing the right thing.
You sent March 8 at 4:11 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:12 PM
All the handwriting on the credit card receipt dated October 1, 2003 belongs to Krinsk and even an expert handwriting specialist would see the writings matches up perfectly with the Gold Flowchart.
You sent March 8 at 4:15 PM
Clearly I haven’t forgotten either the flowchart which I have been following religiously every day for the past 17 years, 5 months and 7 days or that this was the only time in all great many lunch meetings and other celebrations that Krinsk had me pick up the bill.
You sent March 8 at 4:16 PM
Those of you who have wondered exactly what lawyers do for a living other than mostly take advantage of their clients, family members and friends, what you will find is that there are not that many who are competent in abstract thought.
You sent March 8 at 4:16 PM
@Solly Krok, would you agree with that?
You sent March 8 at 4:17 PM
Lawyer @Geniv Wulz would you agree with that?
You sent March 8 at 4:18 PM
It is quite amazing how people have so much to say when writing to me on facebook messaging or via email but when part of a group chat and they have a much larger audience they show they are just plotters?
You sent March 8 at 4:20 PM
A professional lawyer able to produce such a remarkable document, thinking right outside the box and not even being asked, may have greater chances than it taking 300,000 years for the universe in its current form to cool down before all the atoms that everything including the air we breath came into existence.
You sent March 8 at 4:21 PM
Better if I had written, has less chance than it taking 300,000 years.
You sent March 8 at 4:24 PM
In many ways more memorable was our last lunch together in 2003, December 31st.
You sent March 8 at 4:27 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:29 PM
As you can see from the notation on the bill that greeted us the next time after December 31, 2003 which was now into the New Year and my focus was on how best to first communicate with the author of The Diamond Invention book, Professor Edward Jay Epstein, neither of us picked up the bill.
You sent March 8 at 4:31 PM
Nor did we have an argument. It is just that time was precious to both Krinsk and me. And when you consider all the free kisses Krinsk got from Pypeetoe
You sent March 8 at 4:31 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:33 PM
for him to have to fork out $88 plus tip for Pypeetoe’s 48 ounce Porterhouse steak, Krinsk got over that one very quickly.
You sent March 8 at 4:39 PM
December 31, 2003 was 2 years, 10 months and 24 days after I faxed over a handful of documents I picked up at the start of the Wetherly Capital Group’s board meeting on February 8, 2002; and once everyone was seated including the co-managing directors of the richest United States’ lobbying group, again backed by Supermarket billionaire King Ronald Burkle who had placed 2 assignments with WCG to raise in total $500 million
You sent March 8 at 4:39 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:45 PM
I took charge of the meeting even though my contractual consulting services had been terminated 25 odd days before, January 15, 2002 once I told Ms. Schiff and Mr. Dan Weinstein that I wasn’t going to go along with their voter fraud plans in the upcoming November 2002 California Gubernatorial elections where not only were they backing both the incumbent Democratic Governor Gray Davis and his Republican contender, billionaire trust fund kid, William Simon Jr.
You sent March 8 at 4:45 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:47 PM
but they had taken 2 steps in “greasing the wheels”; first arranging for the top executives of Vivendi-Veolia on US soil
You sent March 8 at 4:48 PM

You sent March 8 at 4:50 PM
to meet with their client Democratic Governor Gray Davis on December 28, 2001; and second, driving out to Palm Desert on January 11, 2002 to meet with these same most senior executives of the world’s largest water company to collect their winnings.
You sent March 8 at 4:55 PM
So yes, it is highly unsusual for an independent contractor with an iron clad consulting agreement that had already been fully executed both signatures and payments according to the contract made, to be invited to a board meeting after having been terminated 25 days prior and to waste no time taking control of the board meeting and once finished going around asking each person seated to describe their job function and what contributions they expected to make going forward, I politely excused myself from the board meeting and faxed the documents over to Krinsk who you will remember told me when we last met for a 3 hour lunch on June 3, 2011 that he had finally got rid of the faxed documents because he figured that I no longer needed them.
You sent March 8 at 5:00 PM
What most conscious humans would find perhaps the most interesting is that between April 4, 2002 when Krinsk and I discussed the WCG’s settlement offer and Krinsk quickly saying that he could get me $3 million and me questioning “Why not $63 million” and June 3, 2011, a passage of 9 years and 2 months exactly, he and I never once brought up the WCG settlement offer.
You sent March 8 at 5:02 PM
Nor did I ever bother replying to their lawyer, Stanford Law School graduate, William H. Jackson Esq.’s 2 page letter of April 3, 2002 because I would then need to find ways to buy back my soul.
You sent March 8 at 5:04 PM
Of course Krinsk knew that $3 million was not the sum of money he could easily collect, more like $63 million without any difficulty.
You sent March 8 at 5:04 PM
But even the best lawyers in the world want to look good.
You sent March 8 at 5:05 PM
I could have bought a lot of real estate in Del Mar as well as a private island next to Jeffrey Epstein with that sort of money.
You sent March 8 at 5:07 PM
When however you have figured using both quantitative analysis and direct personal experiments that the game has been organized, it is really easy to make the right decision.
You sent March 8 at 5:07 PM
If you notice, I don’t really have a big problem with my memory and nor do I suffer from high blood pressure.
You sent March 8 at 5:09 PM
In fact my vital signs are the best they have been in my entire life, at least since being examined head to toe along with the blood work, and that is because I think better thanks to increasingly eating healthier that results in better thinking.
You sent March 8 at 5:09 PM
Is there anyone else here who can say the same?
You sent March 8 at 5:11 PM
If you think the young looking woman to Neil’s right is member @Emma Gevisser you would be right.
You sent March 8 at 5:13 PM
If you think @Emma Gevisser looks closer to the age of my middle brother Melvin’s 2 children from the disaster member @Terry Orman Gevisser who told Melvin before he married her that she was a nutcase and nutcase Melvin went ahead and married her, sperming 2 children, and Melvin is on the far left, you would also be right.
You sent March 8 at 5:13 PM
Those of you who didn’t have a smart mother would therefore not know how a smart mother like my mother Zena thinks.
You sent March 8 at 5:17 PM
Knowing that unless the world was totally rotten to its core, it made no sense that Israel would have to fight for its life in its first war of survival when us Jewish people occupied a tiny stretch of the earth’s surface and the Arab nations surrounding having more land than they knew what to do with and we had just come away losing half of European Jewry and before that puppet Hitler offered to let all the Jewish people of Germany-Austria go if any country wanted them and there were no takers.
You sent March 8 at 5:37 PM
Her first child, Neil was told before me because I was the lastborn, that she never wanted to leave Leeds, England right after the war ended
You sent March 8 at 5:37 PM

You sent March 8 at 5:40 PM
because she had the greatest life, lots of boyfriends, a fancy sportscar and a very rich father who never needed to work another day in his life, and it was only because her parents insisted they wanted to get away from the cold and be in a place where Jewish people weren’t hated that they settled in very humid Durban, South Africa.
You sent March 8 at 5:47 PM
When my mother was seated at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem back on September 24, 2016, two days after I filmed 9 minute and 24 second The Lady’s Speech which was not geared to show her view of the Med. Sea or apartments alongside which were not there when my mother and her deceased second husband, Alan Zulman bought their 2 bedroom plus study apartment in Netanya, Israel as their second home, and stated matter of factly that she was smarter than all her teachers, my mother was not being boastful.
You sent March 8 at 5:47 PM
My mother Zena was simply telling it the way it is.
You sent March 8 at 5:48 PM
Amazing that a woman who has been declared by the medical doctors and State of Israel to be an “advanced dementia” case has such an active mind.
You sent March 8 at 5:50 PM
One of the other items my mother Zena used to test the intellect of her children who we all can understand are capable of great cruelty was to say repeatedly, “Loose Lips Sink Ships”.
You sent March 8 at 5:53 PM
By the time I arrived some 6 years after Neil who also got to hear just like my two elder siblings, Kathy and Melvin the story about getting away from the anti-Semitism in England as well as “Loose Lips Sink Ships”, the 3 of them got to hear my mother say the exact same things to me.
You sent March 8 at 5:53 PM
Granted I was a “late talker” but Im only talking about what the 3 of them heard repeatedly.
You sent March 8 at 5:56 PM
Another item they heard was that while on the first leg of the ship journey to Cape Town the Ashes met a very Jewish Cape Town family, Maubergers who had a son they wanted my mother to marry which meant a very fancy house and lifestyle in perfect climate Cape Town.
You sent March 8 at 5:57 PM
So why bother leaving Cape Town when no one has to work and end up in shit hole like humid Durban that had this most disgusting smell blowing off the Bluff because this is where they took the whale kills.
You sent March 8 at 6:00 PM
7 months passed during which there were no pogroms in South Africa, the same sun rose every day, and then the National Party whose officials openly supported Hitler were brought to power in the rigged May 26, 1948 South African General Election and the loser was “King of the Jews” Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1950].
You sent March 8 at 6:02 PM
As you all know the IG Farben Nuremberg Trials continued all the while the fledgling State of Israel was not yet out of the woods.
You sent March 8 at 6:03 PM
When the judicial proceedings are all bought you can be certain that all the bought participants are watching to see what becomes of “Jew King” Smuts.
You sent March 8 at 6:04 PM
If I am taking too long to get to the point or just boring you to death, you can leave or read again what Goering had to say about foolish people right before he committed suicide in his Nuremberg cell.
You sent March 8 at 6:05 PM
My 3 elder siblings never once asked, “Why do you keep repeating, ‘Loose Lips Never Sink Ships’?”
You sent March 8 at 6:06 PM
They never asked, “Are there secrets you know that you are not saying?”
You sent March 8 at 6:10 PM
7 months in a new country and still at age 87 you haven’t picked up a South African accent or coming close to learning a word of Afrikaans, and the people now in power are a bunch of Nazis and Smuts totally impotent to reverse a process that began at the turn of the last century when the goal was to make the most important teachers; namely, the parents stupid, doesn’t mean you are prevented from packing your bags again and if England is too cold then to simply settle in a place like Monaco, and be happy.
You sent March 8 at 6:13 PM
If you tell your children that they need to ask you questions about such an important story of Smuts losing the election and your family doesn’t leave immediately when your only and beautiful daughter can’t wait, you see if you can get through 8 miscarriages until I arrive.
You sent March 8 at 6:14 PM

You sent March 8 at 6:14 PM
First cousin, cardiologist Dr. @Barry Molk MD, hang tight; we are going to get into the stent business shortly.
You sent March 8 at 6:28 PM
Edit: … the Ashes met a very rich Jewish Cape Town family, Maubergers …
You added a participant to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
You sent March 8 at 6:35 PM
You added Bitcoin dealers, @Lewis Mocker and @Jane William to the group.
Dominique Albinski left the group.
You sent March 8 at 9:42 PM

Seen by Robyn at Tuesday 12:01pmSeen by Gary at Wednesday 12:12pmSeen by Alexander at Tuesday 3:49pmSeen by Elana at Tuesday 1:03pm
You sent Yesterday at 10:56 AM
@Jenny Feinstein, you are not alone because you can commiserate with my South African born and raised 3 elder siblings who know, like everyone else including our cousins, aunts and uncles, that it is not possible to imagine better Jewish parents than our mother and father; and this we gathered early in life from our grandparents who were as careful with their words in front of the children as were our parents. The more you think about it, the more painful it is for you and everyone else losing your consciousness with your silences when not distracting, to relate to the cruelty, born out of vengeance, of my 3 siblings towards our mother Zena whose great mind and body strength you see in all the videos I took beginning the evening of September 21, 2016 having that afternoon arrived in Israel unaware that these 3 monsters had gone behind our backs and got their corrupt Israeli lawyer friend Ayala Weisel be appointed as my mother’s guardian, so that they could that much easier kill off my deep spirited Jewish mother like none other, and not even wait for burial before stealing her estate. Moreover their dark soul collaborators have only multiplied with every passing moment. Yesterday you woke up to the lies of the world, and then you capsized. You and all those tagged including members @Solly Krok and EM’s shadow @Sofiaan Fraval had never figured out in your worst nightmare – exacerbated by the fact that had you common sense and not fixated on accumulating riches – you would have realized that the only fair way for slaves to be compensated for having been made slaves in their country, where in the case of South Africa the non-white indigenous blacks remain the majority, is to reclaim their lands and mineral rights stolen.
You sent Yesterday at 11:05 AM
@Sofiaan Fraval the lead TESLA THIRD ROW sitter and who could easily be today a Bitcoin multibillionaire, wishes he hadn’t so enthusiastically nodded when Musk declared that he is the furtherest thing removed from being an investor or hoarder of minerals. Musk is in fact the designated heir of Nick Oppenheimer but Musk can also decide to remove such an ugly title. You may have already heard that Eeben Barlow, formerly the most senior officer of the South African Security Forces’ “Malan Death Squads” who would have had a hand to play in the torture execution of my cousin and classmate from Carmel College, Durban, South Africa, has reactivated his mercenary expedition strike force, Executive Outcomes which was far more effective in its brutality in support of dictatorships sitting atop mineral rich lands than Blackwater; and yes the ties between Barlow-Executive Outcomes and SA Oppenheimers-De Beers is inextricable. Below is the tail end of Wikipedia’s EO profile: In November 2020, founder Eeben Barlow stepped down from his position as chairman of STTEP to restart Executive Outcomes. He mentioned that part of his company’s mission would now be “to expose those media and intelligence whores that thrive on lying for secret payments.”[21] Barlow claimed that the decision to restart the company came at the request of “some Africa [sic] governments”, which he had “little choice but to accept.”[22]
You sent Yesterday at 11:09 AM
All the world’s biggest thieves and mass murderers are all banded together in promoting, ridiculous in the extreme, Bitcoin and they are delighted by the reaction they see here; until however, they think more of the origins of this universe and Higher Energy Reaction (HER) not having to show any more of a presence.
You sent Yesterday at 11:13 AM
Not much else place to go with your lies when you want peace of mind, and you can’t trust anyone other me who has both the knowledge and logic to shut up all the big talkers. You stay here even when you unfriend me on Facebook and think that by censoring my writings on your wall it will be the end of it. When the weak traders of Holland cornered the Tulip bulb market they weren’t dumb enough to sell the people pie in the sky. It was a physical object that had beauty before it got rotten. Here on TBH we have 2 Bitcoin salespeople and all the rest of you sick voyeurs are too afraid to ask them any questions because you know the truth. So you are not so stupid after all, but you feel your corruption deep inside your bones. You go back and forth with your minds and your sense is increasingly that you are losing it. When the moment comes for you to take your last breath and you are geared to be that much more religious, your imagination, whatever little remains, envisions absolute horror. All because you are jealous and stubborn, the two going hand in hand.
You sent Yesterday at 11:14 AM
So you are left to figure out how I have managed to survive this long, with not a friend in sight, and what a beautiful mind-face-body wife.
You sent Yesterday at 11:20 AM

You sent Yesterday at 3:09 PM
In a short while – and we must not forget time is uniquely relevant to the conscious human because we don’t assign such attributes to other species unless we see it in a nature documentary which I saw last evening which showed a great white shark bonding with a fisherman who saved her life when entangled in beach shark nets like we had in Durban, SA – we are going to move on to discuss the politically very liberal South African Oppenheimers’ unique brand of hypocrisy, the Immorality Act prohibiting sex and marriage between people of different colored skin and how it directly ties into the SA Oppenheimers-German Deutsche Bank’s Bitcoin.
You sent Yesterday at 3:11 PM
First though I want to share with you the look of the great great great grandfather of a Jewish Persian woman who I once met very briefly and all we did was exchange smiles but I felt that I knew her many lifetimes ago.
Seen by Asne at Friday 3:11pm
You sent Yesterday at 3:18 PM
XMA Header Image
Gary Gevisser added a new photo.
Gary Gevisser
You sent Yesterday at 3:21 PM

You sent Yesterday at 3:21 PM
The photo was taken around 1880-1890.
You sent Yesterday at 3:24 PM
Her Jewish physcian, great great, great, grandfather is the one with the big beard sitting down on the Persian rug.
You sent Yesterday at 3:25 PM

You sent Yesterday at 3:25 PM
He was the physcian to the Persian King.
You sent Yesterday at 3:27 PM
It is an interesting photo, like a Velasquez.
You sent Yesterday at 3:28 PM
He is in the center, honored.
You sent Yesterday at 3:28 PM
Note the woman in white veil in the opening on the right, upper level.
You sent Yesterday at 3:29 PM
Most likely an older woman.
You sent Yesterday at 3:36 PM
I don’t know enough about that ancient Jewish culture going back 727 years before Christ, and nor am I asking any Jewish rabbi or someone like pitiful member @Torah Gemach to provide me with a history lesson on the Jewish people of Persia-Iran because of course they would only tell me what suits their agenda just like you would expect in spots like Wikipedia, lest we forget that Wikipedia have yet to remove this section below in the profiling of Spinoza: Reconsideration in modern times David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of the new state of Israel, called Spinoza “the first Zionist of the last 300 years”, and in 1953 published an article in praise of the philosopher, renewing discussion about his excommunication. Israeli politicians, rabbis and Jewish press worldwide joined the debate. Some call for the cherem to be reversed. However, none of them had the authority to rescind it; this can only be done by the Amsterdam Talmud Torah congregation. [75]
You sent Yesterday at 3:36 PM
Reference 75 reads: Rutledge, David (3 October 2020). “The Jewish philosopher Spinoza was one of the great Enlightenment thinkers. So why was he ‘cancelled’?”. ABC News. ABC Radio National (The Philosopher’s Zone). Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 7 October 2020.
You sent Yesterday at 3:39 PM
Let us look at the different definitions of “Zionist” as the fake religious Jewish people who are not all of us Jewish people find themselves increasingly stupid and correspondingly isolated.
You sent Yesterday at 3:42 PM
Noun: Zionist; plural noun: Zionists 1. a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. “the artist’s parents were committed Zionists” 2. (in southern Africa) a member of any of a group of independent Churches which practice a form of Christianity incorporating elements of traditional African beliefs.
You sent Yesterday at 3:44 PM
We can be totally confident that Ben Gurion was not referring to a group of independent Southern African Churches which practice a form of Christianity incorporating elements of traditional African beliefs.
You sent Yesterday at 3:53 PM
When we turn the clock back 300 years from 1953 when again Ben Gurion was no longer a politician but he did keep his finger on the pulse of our enemies both within our Jewish communities as well as outside our Jewish communities spread throughout the globe, and never expecting to be drawn back into politics the following year following the debacle in Alexandria, Egypt of Operation Susannah, a covert military operation to blame Muslim extremists, nationalists for setting off bombs in Egypt, and the covert operation which blew up thanks to a corrupt, cheat, thief, high ranking Israeli military intelligence officer “turning”, we arrive at the year 1653.
You sent Yesterday at 3:54 PM
In 1653 Spinoza was 21-22 years of age.
You sent Yesterday at 3:54 PM
So we know two things.
You sent Yesterday at 3:54 PM
First, Ben Gurion could count.
You sent Yesterday at 3:56 PM
Second, when he was saying “the first Zionist of the last 300 years” Ben Gurion was specifically referring to Spinoza.
You sent Yesterday at 3:57 PM
Where in the world did Ben Gurion who had to watch his back and his flanks continuously come up Spinoza “the first Zionist of the last 300 years”?
You sent Yesterday at 3:59 PM
Ben Gurion didn’t say he was the last, but why choose to piss off the Schneerson and the likes of @Torah Gemach, @David Masinter and some 3500 chapters of ChaBAD [SIC] with saying anything good about Spinoza who received the worst possible excommunication of a Jewish person and which Spinoza to his great credit, gladly accepted?
You sent Yesterday at 4:01 PM
Ben Gurion understood perfectly the Muslim mentality prescribed by the Muslim Mullahs who know only to teach a brand of Islam that identifies us Jewish people as “Dirty Jews”?
You sent Yesterday at 4:04 PM
Ben Gurion when studying law in Istanbul Turkey which btw is not a bird sanctuary for flying wildlife like eagles chopped to bits in the disgusting in every respect wind turbines, will have noticed that there are not as many Jewish synagogues as there are mosques.
You sent Yesterday at 4:05 PM
That is because Jews in Turkey don’t amount to even 1% of the population who are predominantly Muslim who when not fighting amongst themselves can’t get enough of calling out “Dirty Jews”.
You sent Yesterday at 4:07 PM
Us original Jewish people who were as black as the ace of spades which this wonderful lady’s great great great grandfather demonstrates perfectly well, have never worshipped our leaders because we are a questioning people who don’t follow blindly.
You sent Yesterday at 4:09 PM
Before visiting a region of the world, lets say China Town in San Francisco it might be interesting to read up or speak with one of the Chinese people working there to find out their history and what they think of Bitcoin and what it is intended to accomplish.
You sent Yesterday at 4:10 PM
Ben Gurion had common sense. He was not caught up in perpetuating the asinine inheritance laws which promotes nepotism and the Peter Principle.
Seen by Linda at Friday 4:10pm
You sent Yesterday at 4:12 PM
Nor am I again suggesting that member @Peter Thiel is the architect and administrator of the Peter Principle which is the mainstay of the Schools of Management other than to manage lies which is the primary objective and the rest total distraction.
You sent Yesterday at 4:15 PM
Bear in mind that while I was still 20 years of age, begining of 1978, and a tutor at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa and one of my failed students was member @Trevor Goldberg, the reason I had such a huge drop out rate that included Trevor as well as the highest attendance when compared to my peer tutors, some 5 odd others, who were now doing post graduate business studies, is that I encouraged my students to quit university unless they had smart parents and grandparents like mine.
You sent Yesterday at 4:16 PM
As @Trevor Goldberg will recall so long as he is currently not smoking zoll, I began the first tutorial asking the logical question, “What are you doing here?”
You sent Yesterday at 4:17 PM
All agreed that they were in business studies to learn how to make money.
You sent Yesterday at 4:19 PM
Remember we are not talking about a certain breed of monkeys that got lost when coming out of the jungles of Africa and ended up in my business tutorial class in order to find their way back before they succumbed to the human fat disease promulgated by the bad people pullling the strings of government.
You sent Yesterday at 4:19 PM
Who remembers if Monsanto now owned by IG Farben-Deutche Bank-BASF-Bitcoin is interested in the health of the human population or making money?
You sent Yesterday at 4:23 PM
Had I told @Trevor Goldberg and the rest, “Okay, you are not here because you want to marry Whoopi Goldberg because she has converted to Judaism and she is also black which means that her genes have not been weakened like us very white people as we were foolish enough to venture north into cold climates where black people when flying by rocket propulsion don’t really have time to acclimatise when leaving the plane and going to the bathroom to freshen up because acclimatizing is not their priority as it is making money.
You sent Yesterday at 4:24 PM
There should be closed “inverted commas” after “… Whoopi Goldberg”.
You sent Yesterday at 4:26 PM
I in fact wasted no time in explaining that I perfectly understood their desire to “make money” without chopping off my legs below the knees, closing off all doors to join hater of independent Jewish people, monopolist SA Oppenheimer-De Beers, the masters of disguise.
You sent Yesterday at 4:27 PM
Hence why I did not recommend, “Why not call up Harry Oppenheimer and find out from him how he makes his money”.
You sent Yesterday at 4:29 PM
Instead I used my common sense. “Surely you learned business from listening to your parents and grandparents talking around the dinner table, and if not, may I suggest you go get a job and see how the successful people make money.”
Someone replied to you

Yesterday at 4:30 PM. Original message:

I in fact wasted no time in explaining that I perfectly understood their…
Reply by Lewis:
You sent Yesterday at 4:31 PM
Notice that Bitcoin salesman conartist member @Lewis Mocker has just spoken up, and still the rest of you may not have fully figured that Mocker, member @Peter Thiel and MonKeyING MOCK are all mocking you.
You sent Yesterday at 4:32 PM
Sidenote to @Lewis Mocker: is that you in the photo you use on facebook?
You sent Yesterday at 4:33 PM
It is not common amongst university lecturers and part-time tutors such as myself to discourage first year students who think they are hot shit and much smarter than those who end up in places like Angola and Iraq, to quit university.
You sent Yesterday at 4:34 PM
Given how not all first year business students are rocket scientists in the mental faculties department , I did need to spell it out a little more.
You sent Yesterday at 4:36 PM
So I went on to say, “The only thing you will learn here in your business-economic studies besides for stopping production when Marginal Revenues equal Marginal Costs is the art of larceny; we teach you how to build into your cost of sales the cost of getting caught.”
You sent Yesterday at 4:39 PM
One of the things that @Trevor Goldberg had going for him besides for stupid parents and grandparents who didn’t prepare him well for his university studies and fortunate to have me as his university tutor is that a year or two before he got caught stealing with a bunch of his neighborhood friends Mini automobiles, not for the purpose of reselling them because their parents-grandparents were filthy rich, but just for joyrides and their thinking was, “Fuck the owner” because they only thought about themselves and how fun they could have at any given moment.
You sent Yesterday at 4:40 PM
Sidenote to @Trevor Goldberg: If you had you life to do over again, what would you do differently?
You sent Yesterday at 4:41 PM
Notice that we have history here in the making. No mention anywhere about Bitcoin salespeople being outed.
You sent Yesterday at 4:41 PM
With everything there always has to be a first.
You sent Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Sidenote to @Lewis Mocker: At 8:42 AM Calif time today I wrote to you the following on fb messaging: You didn’t answer my questions, so I will restate. If there is a dispute, for example someone hacks my account, who in administration at Bitcoin do I seek help?
You sent Yesterday at 4:43 PM
Why haven’t you answered that question and yet you come onto this much public platform to mock? Why is that?
You sent Yesterday at 4:44 PM
A trillion US Dollar company is unraveling and each one of you should take credit.
You sent Yesterday at 4:46 PM
Ben Gurion understood history begining with the victors starting with the Romans who were really the first empire to move westwood and wiping out the fiercely private, independent, no fanatical, non radical, not seeking converts, Jewish people.
You sent Yesterday at 4:46 PM
Our One God is in our minds.
You sent Yesterday at 4:46 PM
We have to take personal responsibility for how we think and act.
You sent Yesterday at 4:49 PM
Jewish people were not the leadership of the Muslims when they became radicalized by the corrupt Mullahs who like all priesthood take their orders from the ruling monarchs who if powerful enough militarily chop off the heads of anyone not playing by the rules which is to divide and conquer and the Jewish people being the easiest scapegoat because they didn’t have a country to build a strong army to defend against the Romans and their descendants.
You sent Yesterday at 4:51 PM
Again, we have always been the minority in Muslim countries controlled by the people building the strongest armies who make deals with the people who control the minerals which they do by hiring either regular armies and/or bribing mercenary forces like Executive Outcomes who you would expect to have an intelligence unit seeking out weak individuals without discriminating against hiring turncoat Jewish people.
You sent Yesterday at 4:52 PM
How in the world can any other people who have been fixated on exterminating us Jewish people refer to us as “Dirty Jews”?
You sent Yesterday at 4:54 PM
Feed a starving African baby with flies covering their eyes, bathe them, clothe them and send them off to Oxford University not only will they come away with a pucker English accent they won’t continue to be Poverty of Thought [POT] stricken.
You sent Yesterday at 4:55 PM
So it goes without saying that us well educated Jewish people know that this “Dirty Jew” business is only a distraction but assassinating all the Mullahs preaching hatred doesn’t defeat the serpent with tons of heads.
You sent Yesterday at 4:56 PM
Everyone should remember that during the height of Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949] the Nazi Oppenheimer-IG Farben-Deutsche Bank had slowed down the farcical IG Farben Nuremberg Trials.
You sent Yesterday at 4:57 PM
@Trevor Goldberg and @Trevor Abramson, did the two of you get that and are you comparing notes?
You sent Yesterday at 4:58 PM
If most all of you can keep your eye on the ball when thinking of nothing other than balling the most beautiful woman in the world and if you are over 35 or out of shape, you are left to your imagination, what a horrific end to a wasted life.
You sent Yesterday at 5:01 PM
… then you would correctly assume that Ben Gurion was not distracted and thinking it was smart to assassinate any puppets when he knew that the kingpins were German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. with the closest of business and personal ties to my immediate family and Harry Oppenheimer and by chopping off the head of Engelhard Jr. then the focus of all independent thinkers, no matter their religion, sexual orientation, color of skin, gender, politics and country where they born would only be on Harry Oppenheimer and his offspring.
You sent Yesterday at 5:05 PM
For 3000 years the Jews of Persis who did not embark at Ellis Island New York were incredibly well protected in Persia because it was clear who the rulers were and the rulers were not stupid to either persecute or discriminate against us Jewish people who believed in study and work ethic second to none because our God resided in each of our heads.
You sent Yesterday at 5:05 PM
God is our conscience.
You sent Yesterday at 5:06 PM
You let go of your conscience you let go of God and then wander in the wilderness looking for where it disappeared.
You sent Yesterday at 5:07 PM
The rulers simply got lazy with advances in technology and they didn’t want to fight anymore themselves and that made it more difficult to motivate the frontline soldiers who when they disappeared so did the rest who were supposed to back them.
You sent Yesterday at 5:10 PM
So again the Jews without a country to build a strong army became the easy scapegoat all the while these monarchs following in the footsteps of William the Conqueror set up corporations which were given the same rights as humans who were becoming more robotic because again Iphones, Ipads, and wiretaps manned by computers did all the thinking.
You sent Yesterday at 5:11 PM
These corporations bought up the mineral rights from corrupt tribespeople and mercenaries who because the tribespeople didn’t have their fair share of Bitcoins handed over the mineral rights to the mercenaries who in turn traded amongst themselves before handing those rights over to the small South African Oppenheimer family.
You sent Yesterday at 5:13 PM
So you ask, why do I bash my head against a brick wall knowing that there is really nothing going on in the space between your ears and why would you change when you only hear what you want to hear?
You sent Yesterday at 5:13 PM
Someone has to do something smart if everyone else is either stupid or playing stupid.
You sent Yesterday at 5:14 PM
Who recalls noticing the color of the very dark skin of the Jewish physcian to the King of Persia?
You sent Yesterday at 5:15 PM
Do you think the King of Persia was thinking all this time, “Black Kaffa, Dirty Jew” or esteemed counselor?
You sent Yesterday at 5:15 PM
Who thinks all those people in the photograph had bathed in a month?
You sent Yesterday at 5:18 PM
How in God’s name can anyone consider a person with a dark skin as inferior when they have been around much longer than us white skins and it is not black skins who have come close to committing as many genocides as us white Europeans who introduced the concept of corporations to hide ownership because the owners of these corporations didn’t want to pay their dues like King Cyrus, and Julius Ceasar?
You sent Yesterday at 5:19 PM
The weak always denigrate the strong by attacking them with their strongest attributes; namely physical beauty-strength.
You sent Yesterday at 5:20 PM
That is not to say that the best white athletes such as Messi decide who to have playing alongside them by refusing to play with black soccer players because their black skin indicates that they are automatically inferior.
You sent Yesterday at 5:22 PM
In other words, us Jewish people if we were to discrimate against black people then we would be attacking the best of us Jewish people who were well protected for 3000 years before the bought Mullahs began preaching their shit, “Dirty Jews”.
You sent Yesterday at 5:22 PM
So why arn’t us Jewish people fighting back?
You sent Yesterday at 5:22 PM
Our leadership are bought and our youth don’t know any better because our leadership are bought.
You sent Yesterday at 5:23 PM
Why aren’t more Jewish people like Messi or Pele?
You sent Yesterday at 5:23 PM
That’s a very good question.
You sent Yesterday at 5:24 PM
We proved too good on the battlefield and that left us with using such dexterity to be the very best artisans and physcians which has kept us alive.
You sent Yesterday at 5:25 PM
Im not sure there are any good Jewish writers other than my mother Zena because the smartest of us Jewish thinkers thought better than to write things of importance down.
You sent Yesterday at 5:26 PM
So yes I am very sad about not being with my mother Zena in her time of need, but this is a very short life anyway and God would agree that my mother served well her purpose.
You sent Yesterday at 5:26 PM
What purpose do each of you have before meeting our Maker and thinking how best to atone for your sins?
You sent Yesterday at 5:28 PM
Who thinks our Jewish Torah commands us to look like this?
You sent Yesterday at 5:28 PM

You sent Yesterday at 5:29 PM

You sent Yesterday at 5:29 PM

You sent Yesterday at 5:32 PM
@Torah Gemach, you are an expert on the common expression of dying internal organs including the brain muscle. Why would you even entertain buying into the Nazism “Dirty Jew”?
You sent Yesterday at 5:33 PM
@Torah Gemach is it your accomadations, 4, 5, 6, children in a confined space and only one bathroom?
You sent Yesterday at 5:34 PM
Up until a couple of hundred years ago most of us humans lived in mud huts.
You sent Yesterday at 5:34 PM
We were grounded.
You sent Yesterday at 5:36 PM
We knew the rules of the game and wild animals still traversed the Savannahs of Africa and elsewhere before the humans began to overpopulate.
You sent Yesterday at 5:36 PM
How could a Good God advocate human overpopulation?
You sent Yesterday at 5:37 PM
@Torah Gemach, rabbi @David Masinter, shul President @David Levy, can you explain that in simple English?
You sent Yesterday at 5:37 PM
Remember you are here to learn how the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-Peter Thiel make money.
You sent Yesterday at 5:38 PM
They don’t teach at university how to make money; they teach how to build into your cost of sales the cost of getting caught.
You sent Yesterday at 5:39 PM
The University Schools of Management teach how to manage lies.
You sent Yesterday at 5:40 PM
So I don’t expect any of you to show up at my forthcoming first year university student tutorials because you now know everything you need to know other than how to be the best possible crafts person, carpenter, mason, electrician, plumber etc.
You sent Yesterday at 5:42 PM
I leave out medical doctors because that profession also got corrupted at the turn of the century when corporate CEOs fooled the people into thinking that they were tough son of a bitch military commanders leading the country’s troops into battle against an enemy who were identical in every respect other than they were on the other side.
You sent Yesterday at 5:43 PM
How long has it been since spies on both sides have mastered the technology of spying and having robots do the fighting and being paid with Bitcoins because Bitcoin is perfect robotic monies.
You sent Yesterday at 5:45 PM
You say Bitcoin enough times you won’t think for a momnent that you are being conned by the world’s biggest con artists who want you to believe that Bitcoin eliminates the possiblity of money laundering because cash is thrown out the window and this next generation only know to use their handheld to make payments and receive monies.
You sent Yesterday at 5:46 PM
Bitcoin promotional material don’t explain that Bitcoin use by all the world’s banks and central banks, one and the same, wipes out the history and without the history you lose who you are and perspective.
You sent Yesterday at 5:48 PM
The lawmakers make a whole song and dance about paying compensation for past slavery which has been mostly black skin people and all those suffering from the slave wage laws which of course includes all whites and skin tones between white and black which is really brown since black is not really a color.
You sent Yesterday at 5:51 PM
They play act fighting like dogs and cats just as they do all these nonsense stimulus packages which only create that much more of a divide between the rich land owners and the poor who will end up in concrete boxes stacked high away from the rich downtowns now being gentrified like never before, and of course they end up in wooden boxes underground once they have served the purposes of the rich, deviant monopolists who simply take us all for the fools we are.
You sent Yesterday at 5:51 PM
Why allow them to play us like we violin musical instruments?
You sent Yesterday at 5:51 PM
We have much more going for ourselves.
You sent Yesterday at 5:52 PM
It is only a couple of hundred years that they have been fooling us and the devastation of the planet is not our imagination.
You sent Yesterday at 5:52 PM
It is real what is going on.
You sent Yesterday at 5:53 PM
So we move from Persia where for 3000 years us Jewish people didn’t really experience persecution to mineral rich South Africa, May 26, 1948.
You sent Yesterday at 6:00 PM
Us Jewish South Africans made up about 1% if not less of the entire population. Unlike the Muslims who conquered Persia some 1181 years after the death of the great King Cyrus [c. 600 – 530 BC], the Jewish people of South Africa did not control the mineral rich lands; again we were a fraction of the population.
You sent Yesterday at 6:01 PM
We had just come from a horrendous exercise in human culling and us Jewish people were the dominate sufferers.
You sent Yesterday at 6:02 PM
The goal of the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime was to cull the indigenous non-white peoples of South Africa by force and decree.
You sent Yesterday at 6:03 PM
Now we come to this huge item, the Apartheid Regime’s Immorality Act.
You sent Yesterday at 6:03 PM
The choice of word “Immorality” was not something done on the spur of the moment.
You sent Yesterday at 6:04 PM
It was intended to sound immoral.
You sent Yesterday at 6:04 PM
When a basketball player calls another player “bad” they most likely are showing their appreciation.
You sent Yesterday at 6:05 PM
Mango is now growling in one of his often very animated dreams.
You sent Yesterday at 6:06 PM
What can be more moral than moving the majority indignenous peoples off their lands containing rich mineral deposits and then imposing a law so heinous as the Immorality Act and the whole world is too busy making money to bother?
You sent Yesterday at 6:06 PM
Edit: What can be more immoral than …
You sent Yesterday at 6:10 PM
They want you arguing over money matters, getting sicker eating poison foods and then they pop you with Bitcoins and your memory that activates your imagination has you forgetting that the major purpose of replacing a fraught with corruption monetary system with something so utterly prepostrous as a crypto currency that had to come out of the mind of an artificial intelligence lunatic given how there is no administration, no barries to entry and only demand driven by the crazies who came up with it.
You sent Yesterday at 6:11 PM
Who has difficulty seeing the connection between the players imposing the Immorality Act and Bitcoin?
You sent Yesterday at 6:12 PM
Wouldn’t you expect the biggest money launderers to be religious fanantics in shutting down small cash businesses?
You sent Yesterday at 6:13 PM
Who envisions a day when robots serve robots at restaurants and humans stay at home with their joysticks eaves dropping on the different robot conversations?
You sent Yesterday at 6:14 PM
Who thinks we are already there and Elon Musk and member @Peter Thiel have yet to announce this application on your iphone and android?
You sent Yesterday at 6:15 PM
BTW, isn’t it great that when it comes to long brushes to clean sidewalks and driveways as well as high windwos the connecting devices for the different length polls is all identical?
You sent Yesterday at 6:18 PM
In a nutshell: Today we have those who profit the most from the preaching of hatred “resetting the clock” with their Bitcoin that prevents their slaves from reclaiming the lands and mineral rights stolen; and to add salt to the wound everyone knows that there are no barriers to entry preventing the next crypto from being worth trillions and the only thing backing them and those paying the $69 million for junk digital art, is the demand from the people responsible for pulling off this scam, and they argue they want to stop money laundering that is part and parcel of the drug and weapons trafficking that they also directly support. Hence we reach the end of my work in support of God’s genius putting this crazy human on the planet. [Just tying up loose ends.]
You sent Yesterday at 9:16 PM
Edit: Ben Gurion understood history begining with the victors writing the history books, and the Romans really the first empire to move westward, wiping out …
You sent Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Edit: Who thinks all those people in the photograph had not bathed in a month?
Seen by Alan at 2:00 AMSeen by Rachel at 7:29 AMSeen by Lynda at 3:33 AM
Lewis sent Today at 8:24 AM
Lewis sent Today at 8:43 AM
Seen by Jenny at 9:41 AMSeen by Lewis
You sent Today at 10:18 AM
Lewis Mocker, before we get back to the great importance of Spinoza illustrated in not only his thoughts but why someone like Ben Gurion would so ingeniously applaud him, the same with Einstein, do you think, even if you are in fact Elon Musk, your actions are going to unravel Bitcoin and all the great positives that will create as we peel away the coverups?
You sent Today at 10:20 AM
BTW, @Lewis Mocker, there are others now questioning your game.
You sent Today at 10:22 AM
LM, do you think that if you repeat enough times the distraction, “Hello Where are you from” it will inevitably get traction with the automatons?
Seen by Ivor at 10:22 AMSeen by Mark at 12:01 PMSeen by Geniv at 11:22 AMSeen by Steven at 11:20 AMSeen by Torah at 6:19 PM
You added Wade Anderson to the group.
You sent Today at 9:30 PM
Just added @Wade Anderson who told me earlier today, 8:45 AM, Calif time, “Wait, I just found him (Lewis Mocker). He friended me on march 7 and I just saw he sent me a message. I hadn’t responded yet.” At 5:46 PM Wade writes: “At Hey, that guy disappeared The account is gone”. As everyone can see @Lewis Mocker remains a member and nor has he removed his posts on TBH as he has done on his fb messaging with me. @Lewis Mocker as well as his colleague Bitcoin trader @Jane William have hit now the block button on fb messaging. @Jane William however has yet to remove his-her posts. Let’s also not forget all members with MBA degrees now understand how true it is that Schools of Management manage lies.
Seen by Beverly-Anne at 9:30 PM
You sent Today at 9:32 PM
Much still to cover with the remaining few loose ends including the important question, what if MonKeyING MOCK decides to sell his Bitcoin position or tells Nick Oppenheimer he has had enough playing stooge?
Seen by Shani at 9:37 PM
You sent Today at 9:39 PM
Note: The “At” was inadvertently added when I cut and pasted @Wade Anderson’s: Hey, that guy disappeared The account is gone
You sent Today at 9:41 PM
Also, it was not 5:46 PM. It was 10 minutes earlier.
You sent Today at 9:51 PM
@Lewis Mocker why did you cut out member @Wade Anderson? Also what did you hope to gain by removing everything you wrote to me on fb messaging? Would it help if we simply looked at my writings and seeing how easy it is to fill in the blank spaces? @Jane William are you coordinating with @Lewis Mocker or anyone else such as TESLA THIRD ROW administrator member @Sofiaan Fraval? What if there are besides for SA Oppenheimer-Deutsche Bank-@Peter Thiel a million human day traders of Bitcoin who may not yet have realized that in the event of a dispute foe example your account is hacked and your Bitcoins stolen there is no one in administration to offer more consolation than, “Access denied. Sorry, try later”?
You sent Today at 9:56 PM
Below are my last messages on fb messaging to @Wade Anderson starting at 9:10 PM which was 45 minutes ago: Remember this human behavioral study I was talking about earlier. Btw, I have more than a dozen group chats going on right now on Facebook and most have reached the 250 max. They include very poor people who are increasingly getting behind with the stimulus money packages to multi-billionaires. Given how well I know my audience I am 100% certain they would all not only be very interested in this conversation which has you distracting but knowing that with every passing moment the odds get better that Musk is going to cave. How can you keep putting on an act when everyone knows it is all one big con?
You sent Today at 10:04 PM
Title: Absent the appearance of an overreaching injustice
You sent Today at 10:04 PM

You sent Today at 10:06 PM
Sidenote to Jeffrey: Jeff, did you need to explain to Kathleen the importance of “… absent the appearance of an overreaching injustice”? I still love, “I live up the hill”.
Tomorrow, all being well, I plan to cycle back to the ingenious move, clever beyond word description, the words by the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion to not only boost his standing amongst the quiet intelligensia of the Muslim and Christian world with his 1953 edict in support of Spinoza when he could have simply kept quiet, or picked a name out of a hat

of another Jewish person to talk about if “filler material” needed, but to use the occasion to infuse logic-beauty.

You sent Sunday at 12:03 AM
To be convincing, the requirement is not that you be ugly looking and smell like you hadn’t bathed in a month. You catch more beauty with beauty who know that the fat pastries don’t slim you down and show off the best features.

When judging a beauty contest why talk at all?
Explaining the silencing of us Jewish people didn’t mean that we remained independent thinkers speaking out against the injustice of genociding the poor of the world, and that handing out money as restitution for past wrongs that doesn’t keep up [with] the rising cost of their stolen lands and mineral deposits, is not the same as a barrel wave surfing contest where the best performance is within the barrel which can, with modern technology, be captured throughout, but that can interfere with the surfer if there are camera lenses under each armpit pointed in every direction, and the primary goal is to sell advertising space.
Winning over smart people only requires that the smart people are convinced that Ben Gurion was fully on top of the situation because again smart people could figure out that something was fundamentally wrong that the world was up in arms that 6 million innocent Jewish people had got slaughtered and now the concentration of the strongest survivors were about to get their noses bloodied in their first war of survival intended to wipe all Jewish people off the face of the earth.
It is important that it wasn’t a German Field Marshal, but the most renowned British Field Marshal Montgomery who announced on the eve of the official start of Israel’s War of Independence, May 15, 1948, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun.”
Seen by Shani at Saturday 9:37pm
You sent Sunday at 12:13 AM
Who better the emissary in Apartheid South Africa aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division of Ben Gurion than the British-English granddaughter of his “kinsman”, Nechie Becker Bardash-Ash, orphaned in a pogrom in her and Ben Gurion’s tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland in 1888 when Nechie was 14 and Ben Gurion 2?
Much more impossible than finding a needle in a haystack.
Who feels Jewish people living outside of Israel would be safer if there was not an Israel Defense Force, considering the hatred towards us from the very beginning, given our distrust of the rulers wanting to kill us off, one nation after the next closing their doors to us?
In all probability, not everyone is aware that our first presence in Great Britain-England was only after that important 1066 Battle of Hastings which was not only short-lived but all possessions confiscated when in 1290 all the Jews were expelled, and only allowed to return nearly 600 years later, and still the Jewish people never got to reclaim their stolen possessions or bring back to life all those murdered before the final expulsion.
You sent Sunday at 12:14 AM
Some of you must be either psychologists or psychiatrists or know of someone who is, or know of someone who knows of someone who is, and to first ask them, “Are you Jewish?”
You sent Sunday at 12:15 AM
Next question, “Are you mentally as well as sufficiently financially stable to assess my mental health condition, and then recommend treatment that doesn’t make me a patient for life so that you don’t go out and massacre Christians, Buddhists and Muslims as you did our Lord Jesus Christ?”
You sent Today at 12:15 AM
A lot of head traumas, both physical and mental can occur over 6 centuries when wondering how you are going to eat your next meal with your head chopped off.
Seen by Geniv at Saturday 11:22amSeen by Linda at Friday 4:10pm
You sent Today at 12:16 AM
No less important, my mother Zena is not your typical stereotype Nazi caricature of a Jewish person with the hooked nose, ugly, fat, sweating like their armpits are the source the Ganges, breath of the most rotten teeth camel and hands clawlike holding on to the money.
You sent Today at 12:17 AM
Quite the contrary in fact, in case you hadn’t noticed.
You sent Today at 12:18 AM

You sent Today at 12:19 AM
You could scout the globe and you wouldn’t find a more attractive, smarter, most worldly woman, now 24 years of age, married to the best looking Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot who didn’t need to talk up a storm of his miraculous accomplishments on the most vicious battlefields of World War II in order to impress the other surviving South African Fighter Pilots who had flown alongside him in scouting the Egyptian terrain in June-July 1944 before moving on to northern Italy and take the pressure off the Russian Red Army who lost 20 million of their citizens all because the west had appeased the puppet Hitler.
You sent Today at 12:19 AM
I agree that probably went on a little too long, but it has been a long day, and this is way past my bed time.
You sent Today at 12:20 AM
Suffice to say, in 1953 my “redoubtable” mother Zena was already the “talk” of mineral rich South Africa under the oppression of the small but virulent anti-Semitic South African Oppenheimer family who engineered the farce Nuremberg-IG Farben Trials [Nov 20, 1945 – July 30, 1948], a clear reminder to Ben Gurion that the war to eliminate us Jewish people will continue until it had run its course.
You sent Today at 12:21 AM
