6 hours ago my response: Title: Barak’s call to Clinton induces the wrong call-to-arms. Steven Bailey another example of your lame, treachery. Aren’t you getting bored, hence brain-body sick with your old games or is it only important that you get attention? You would agree there is evil in this world. Would you say that during your lifetime you have noticed it getting increasingly worse, the same, or less of it? Can you feel it in your bones that today is a very important day? We are 4 days from the 20th anniversary of the publication of my 2nd article in the Jerusalem Post.
https://www.2facetruth.com/category/letters-published-by-the-jerusalem-post/ We are just 6 days away from the 20th anniversary of the publishing of my 3rd article in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon on January 20, 2001, 234 days prior to 9/11 of terrorist financier Marc Rich by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar from Class of ‘68, President Bill Clinton.
https://www.2facetruth.com/baraks-call-to-clinton-induces-the-wrong-call-to-arms-published-3132001/ Didn’t you find it interesting that an Israeli newspaper which happens to be the most widely read Israeli newspaper globally would publish 4 articles sufficiently well spaced to get everyone’s attention on the same subject but updated to reflect current events and clearly they are highly derogatory of not only a sitting Israeli Prime Minister but Ehud Barak remains Israel’s most decorated Special Forces commander whose quick thinking and bravery on the battlefield is exemplary? Do you think I was stupid not to notice how all the corrupt around me went silent and that much treacherous once they couldn’t find any articles or TV news item that explains who supports the breeding of terrorists and terrorist nations such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait who feature prominently in the ingenious Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence (MIMI) report of the summer of 2007?
https://www.2facetruth.com/israeli-military-intelligence-report-analysis/ What does it all tell you about yourself? Does it bother you more looking yourself in the mirror than to have me in a room with all the talkers? BTW do you think if you eat badly which you can first tell from the excess weight you carry which has your brian and stomach neurons the little that remain having to work that much harder to keep you upright that it automatically means you must be more intelligent in figuring out your purpose? Why don’t you make the most use of your Sunday while never forgetting most all worship the money god 24/7, to speak online with a Bitcoin salesperson. Do you know the right questions to ask? Are you aware that it is easy to identify deceptive people by how they break the thread? That happens a lot between you and me. I just had a conversation with one of them. Were it to go viral, it would scare the hell out of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Venus Project, Green Peace, Klu Klux Klan, Sierra Club, INVESTEC, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, JP Morgan-Chase, Peabody Foundation, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates Jr., every Wall Street investor, religious people asking for money, corrupt medical doctors who are easy to identify, everyone who makes their living in the financial services sector other than bookkeepers who keep track of the things. Do you still feel that sperming children is your greatest contribution to the planet or your lameness that highlights the ingenious order of the universe which we should celebrate at all times even when staring death in the face? Do you visit my website 2facetruth.com often even though you hate it as much as your own presence? Who do you rank as the most evil person/s currently living and who would you rank as the best?
https://www.drmcdougall.com Solly Krok Linda Rothbart Shein Debbie Patton Kingsriter Brad Awerbuch Jenny Feinstein Jenn Jenn Jenny Arenstein – Friedman Janice Lipman Micha-el Frame Michael Clark Austin Michael Faure Alan Davidoff Alan Yudelman Alan Gold Wendy Ann Bouman Ann Nurock Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt Colonel, Tomer Tene