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To be honest – through May 10, 2021
Posted by Gary Gevisser | Comments Off on To be honest – through May 10, 2021
CLICK HERE – Prior to March 22, 2021, 8:38 AM Calif. time
Mar 22, 2021, 8:38 AM
Karene Fisher left the group.
March 23
Mar 23, 2021, 8:22 AM
You sent March 23
You sent March 23
You sent March 23
You sent March 23
Sugar man – False friend
March 23
Mar 23, 2021, 11:36 AM
You sent March 23
You all have no soul, as you will soon find out.
You added Karen Dodo to the group.
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
March 24
Mar 24, 2021, 4:48 AM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent March 24
How are u
March 27
Mar 27, 2021, 10:04 AM
Rodney Smith forwarded a link
Rodney Smith sent March 27
March 29
Mar 29, 2021, 4:22 PM
Paulette Vidergauz Kam left the group.
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
You added Gordon Torr to the group.
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You added Paulette Vidergauz Kam to the group.
You sent March 29
4:22 PM
Paulette Vidergauz Kam left the group.
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
You added Gordon Torr, Nigel Gevisser and Paulette Vidergauz Kam to the group.
You sent March 29
A week ago this coming Wednesday we heard from Greefswald inmate @Alan Mark Zeligson asking, “How are u” [sic]?
Zeligson and I are not friends and only genuine friends ask such a question.
You sent March 29
So he was of course talking to the rest of you and he has yet to receive a response, and so that has to be very disappointing.
You sent March 29
@Jenny Feinstein, since you decided to unfriend me because your lack of knowledge about our modern day Jewish South African history starting at the turn of the last century, didn’t sit well with you because either your common sense didn’t kick in or you had poor parents as teachers who failed to encourage you to look more closely at the history of South Africa’s richest family, the German-South African Oppenheimers who everyone knew controlled during the height of their Apartheid Regime 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the remaining 15% also knowing exactly who buttered their bread, why wouldn’t you be interested in dating Jewish South African plumber @Alan Mark Zeligson?
You sent March 29
At least be willing to give him a tryout?
You sent March 29
Let me share with you what I know about Zeligson and why it is not just you @Jenny Feinstein who would be presently surprised that you have a lot in common with.
You sent March 29
First, he would know not to pick his nose at the table of your cottage on 4th Beach, Clifton, Cape Town where I believe Elon Musk also has a residence, because I’ve just reminded Zeligson.
You sent March 29
Second, like most all of you, Zeligson would prefer that the SA Oppenheimers remain in control of the mineral resources as well as the money that flows from the minerals gathered off stolen lands than anyone else, and hence his and your silence.
You sent March 29
Third, Zeligson would make for an initial good conversation, again by candlelight for the obvious reasons that the wrinkles, botoz treatments and general facial scar tissue from plastic surgery on top of the plastic souls are less visible under such lighting conditions, unless your hidden cameras require more artificial light.
You sent March 29
Fourth, Zeligson has not forgotten how well former Global Creative Director of JWT (J Walter Thomson) and author of Managing Creative People, writes about his stay at Greefswald, “They’re psychopaths, violent offenders, drug addicts, sexual deviants and social misfits. And these are the good guys”, but to hear it from the horse’s mouth, and Zeligson try not to spit when sharing, is something you might even consider as an addendum to your Final Will.
You sent March 29
How do Jewish South Africans go about explaining their position on the small German-South African Oppenheimer family who were once Jewish before the uncorrupted Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe such as my paternal grandparents Katie and Israel Issy Gevisser ostracized the Oppenheimers for their vulgar, anti-Jewish, monopolistic trade practices which were not in keeping with the doctrines of the Jewish faith; namely don’t be stupid and treat thy neighbor as you would want thy neighbor to treat you.
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
When the Oppenheimers converted to Christianity it didn’t mean they had forgotten why they fell into disfavor with the good Jewish people of South Africa and nor did they change their Jewish sounding name to something more appropriate such as “OpenlyhostiletowardsJews”.
You sent March 29
The consquences of this deep hatred was of course our Jewish Holocaust which got rid of a bunch of us, but still 6 million was not close to the Final Solution but it most certainly made a dent.
You sent March 29
@Nigel Gevisser, please don’t be in any rush to leave again because we are soon going to be talking about our Durban, South Africa Moshal family who control all of e-gaming.
You sent March 29
@Paulette Vidergauz Kam, the same with you given how were it not for me securing Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner as a client for your employer @Larry Winokur and his partner, also my close friend, Paul Baker there wouldn’t have been necessarily enough in the petty cash box to pay you for your secretarial job.
You sent March 29
Currently, I am in the process of reading previous posts of mine on TBH to determine what if any edits are needed, and you can see that TBH has been posted up on my 2facetruth.com BLOG through Saterday, March 22nd of this year; in addition, Im up to Page 11 of my Tweet to King Co(i)n Musk, titled, “They are hiding”.
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
Moreover, just because I’m 14 years older than Musk doesn’t mean I only started acquiring knowledge of who and how the monetary and fiscal policies of the world’s governments were controlled from Johannesburg in close alliance with the City of London whose principal bank, Bank of England would take no time to play second fiddle to the SA Oppenheimers.
You sent March 29
Just because someone is poor in history doesn’t mean that their reasoning skills are that much more in tune.
You sent March 29
Remember at the heart of things we are talking about Cognitive Dissonance.
You sent March 29
For example if a fart sounds wrong and you are not on the toilet and plumber @Alan Mark Zeligson is your only person you have in bed with you, I would be hesitant to call in another plumber even if it is only to get a second opinion.
You sent March 29
As you examine Page 11, They are hiding, the second sentence trails off, “There is a reason why you didn’t learn in your SA schooling or at Wharton about this most important City of London …”
You sent March 29
Remember, I am talking to Elon Musk who if he hasn’t heard of me it is because Cognitive Dissonance, first described by Jewish athiest Leon Festinger back in 1957, the year I was born, the same with my classmate and cousin, murdered Sandy (Moshal) Jacobson [1957-1997), in A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance argued that some people would inevitably resolve dissonance by blindly believing whatever they wanted to believe.
You sent March 29
I am also of the firm belief that I can turn EM around on the basis that he doesn’t want to end his life in the company of fools who are guaranteed to be treacherous.
You sent March 29
Should I turn out to be wrong, it is only because Elon Musk is hesitant because he is confused, but not by my logic which is totally sound.
You sent March 29
Remember when he celebrated his 48th day of birth on August 15, 1971 I was no longer 2 and 1/2 years of age.
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
There I am on the grounds alongside my 30 year old, highly secretive British-English, Zen mother Zena at my first and only boarding school Highbury, which I attended for less than a year back in 1967.
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
There you can see that I was just as happy as in the photo taken earlier, Passover 1967
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
and standing right behind me is Janie Moshal Gevisser
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
who did more than think the world of both my parents, Bernie and Zena
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
for Janie worshipped the ground they walked on.
You sent March 29
Again, a most important message the widow of the co-founder of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] was sending all her 4 children including her youngest, David Gevisser, the “male heir” of virulent anti-Semite German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
when attending our Passover 1967.
You sent March 29
Also on August 15, 1971, the day President Nixon read a 15 minute speech prepared by David Gevisser and Harry Oppenheimer which would implicate the 3 Branches of the US Government as well as the British Crown in their support of the Apartheid Regime when announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and the coverup has now resulted in the extreme insult to human intelligence; namely the Bitcoin and who better to be selling it than the man who took on Big Oil; namely the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank and thinking he had won, until they told him who was boss.
You sent March 29
… I was far more comfortable with handling Israeli Special Forces weaponry than the photo below
You sent March 29
You sent March 29
taken near the Golan Heights in January 1968 depicts.
You sent March 29
You only use fire to burn out a bigger fire if you know for example which way the wind is blowing.
You sent March 29
Once you know that the world’s weapon developers are only interested in preserving their lifestyle which is dependent upon pleasing their money capital providers who also control the minerals, then choosing any form of violence or destruction of property is foolish.
You sent March 29
How is everyone doing at the present time?
You sent March 29
Should I move on to Page 12 , They are hiding or should I continue here talking about a far better theory of our Exodus of Egypt than what scripture describes and which our rabbis and Jewish scholars have followed blindly?
April 1
Apr 1, 2021, 7:50 AM
Paulette Vidergauz Kam left the group.
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 10:08 AM
You sent April 6
Title: Positive serves to remind.
Would anyone here give up the illusion of competition to stop the wars, the equally contrived poverty and the continued destruction of the planet which is already destroyed?
The answer is yes.
The human ego is simply too big to let go of.
Most of you have university degrees, or married to someone who does; and yet you recall never once having a discussion with anyone about how catastrophic is the GDP economic index to the planet as it drives consumerism that in turns promotes overpopulation which is only good for profit, and profit is all that is taught at university and on the TV news which is your Bible.
It is a very sad specimen this human creation who has since its existence never brought anything good to this planet.
You can’t argue with any of the facts I have just presented and why you sit there numb.
It is not that you are too dumb to eat and have other unintelligent conversations with others you are trying to deceive because that is continuing; but, you are watching your words more closely, and that is slowing you down to consider how small you are in the scheme of this grandiose in the extreme universe.
Nothing is as cataclysmic for the mind to know that you never once had a conversation with your date, long time mate, current spouse or soon to be ex spouse or bloodline family members including your grandparents, if you had any, about how insane is the Gross Domestic Product index.
I don’t need to be told that I am not a good teacher because the evidence, the facts, bear out the truth.
I am a good teacher. Your attendance provides absolute proof.
Everyone has been free to go from the beginning.
For the remainder of your lives you are going to remember this total GDP void discussion that spanned the lifetime of generations of humans when the most wars were fought and the most damage done to the planet, and it continues because of each of your big egos.
The ego you can perfectly understand because it is so clear you can almost touch it.
What you can’t deal with is the infinitesimally small because your ego tells you it is zero, chances that it is all random.
That to me sounds like monumental punishment you would expect from arrogance; namely, big ego which is little knowledge.
How stupid to have missed the so obvious GDP which your combined efforts attest to the great importance of the GDP that you are pulling out all stops to defend, even willing to embrace the totally ludicrous crypto currencies whose lack of regulation is only comparable to the non-regulation of diamonds since the turn of the last century when a lot of really really really bad things started to happen.
Don’t forget we are not talking morals here, only the stupidity of the disastrous GDP and the distrust it has caused because the people at the top have the rest below thinking, thanks to university and media, they have to compete.
So is this mind experiment working for any of you?
Don’t you want to wake up every morning to beauty in your life, a beautiful spouse, a beautiful doggy, your body feeling like it has never been stronger and all that positive serves to remind you that it is unimaginable programming that goes into all emotion which is fucking up this world?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 6
I talk about how bad making money is and how we are taught that money is a gd but I don’t see u as living in a tent without any money like those who do in Venice beach.
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 6
And as for trying to fix me up on a date with jenny, if she is the woman in the photo at the top ?ill def be up for a date with her. And if we get married u can be my best man
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 6
By the way ,I like the way u talk about greefswald a place I never went to.However I did meet Aubrey Levine
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 1:23 PM
You sent April 6
@Alan Mark Zeligson, you have compounding your brain
fracture of never encountering in the shit work you do or in all your outside shit talk the great deficiencies of the GDP having served proudly as you have previously described in the murderous military of The Third Reich’s Southern Division which you also said turned you into man which is what you would expect someone to say who feels shitloads of guilt.
You distract when you suggest I should be homeless and lonely like you cruising the Internet looking for a beautiful date just once in your lifetime that isn’t going to happen.
I made the introduction of you and @Jenny Feinstein, what more do you want me to do?
Do I need to suggest you slim down by eating healthy or that you should have also taken better care of your breath by looking after your teeth better.
Notice I haven’t brought up the German-South African Oppenheimers who have taken great delight in the disproportionate number of Jewish lawyers, accountants, politicians, and Wall Street investment bankers who didn’t dig into the GDP before becoming such peacocks.
So Zeligson you don’t look up to me. Do you look up to anyone else other than yourself and filthy dirty Jewish South African psychiatrist in charge at Greefswald, Aubrey Levine?
You have made this about yourself so we should stick with you sharing more about the occasion/s you visited with Levine.
For example did you wash your hands right after because there was something fishy as in human sperm smelling about him?
You told me that you were in Ward 6. Did Levine have anything to do with Ward 6?
Is Ward 6 where the super performer infantry recruits were sent before moving on to Special Forces?
I believe you said you were a cook. Did you prepare any meals involving human parts for Levine?
When you heard that he had been arrested, convicted and sent to prison in Canada, did you recall that much more with pleasantness your meeting/s with this sexual deviant?
Did you notice that author, former head of Global Advertising for JWT ,the world’s biggest advertising-PR firm, @Gordon Torr became a fb friend of mine yesterday?
Would you like to talk now to Torr about your personal knowledge of sexual deviant Aubrey Levine?
BTW Torr, author of Kill Yourself and count to 10 and I first began talking in 2014.
Zeligson, should we now come back to another of your made up stories; namely, your contention that British officer Wingate supported the German-SA Oppenheimers who were supplying Hitler with his diamonds out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross as couriers?
When you wrote that you wanted me as your best man were you to marry @Jenny Feinstein it must have made you feel better about yourself trying to trick me.
Do you think this trait which is clearly common to many if not most humans is from birth and there is nothing you can do to change it?
Presently, I’m assisting with interior rock-work being designed as well as laid in concrete by the most beautiful bodied woman you can ever imagine who is also baking the healthiest of breads whose grains have all been perfectly sprouted, and you must have a sense of the ingenious programming that goes not only into the creating of such beauty but we can each have the consciousness to appreciate such beauty plus how important a role healthy food makes in the preservation of such a wonder to the eyes-mind; and that doesn’t mean I would suggest the next time you see a stink bug you assist it to move its business.
Do you see yourself ever coming clean?
If you had your life over again, would you want God to grant you more common sense to figure out on your own the ridiculous, in the extreme, nature of the GDP or to remove entirely your stubborn streak?
I take it that you believe in God. What is your basis for that belief?
You sent April 6
Zeilgson, do you now want to learn how to make a healthy vegan Frittata, and in return, come up with a title to what I previously sent you in response to your vomit?
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 2:38 PM
You sent April 6
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 4:03 PM
You sent April 6
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 6:15 PM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 6
U are so funny . Do u know Anthony Moshal
April 6
Apr 6, 2021, 8:11 PM
You sent April 6
What I can tell you is that I think I know Anthony as well as you.
Let’s assume you thought of Anthony, not because you look up to him because you have drawn a blank in deciding who you look up to other than the SA Oppenheimers, rather because you are still mortified by the implications that this level of stupidity is an Act of God.
Do you think Anthony is either going to work with you, 1) in preparing Dr Neal Barnard MD’s Power Foods For The Brain Frittata recipe; and/or 2) he will be able to help you decide whether you are from birth stubborn; i.e. lacking common sense or positive in your outlook; and/or 3) he is as baffled as you about the across the board void GDP discussion that has been ongoing since its inception in 1934 and once the discussion achieves critical mass then Anthony and his cousin Martin Moshal’s Egaming businesses are up for grabs, which of course they are now.
Do you want to get in on the ground floor of that implosion?
I’ve given you more to think about.
How about in return you tell us everything you know about sexual predator-deviant Aubrey Levine including why he received such protection by the corrupt Jewish leadership of South Africa?
Again, if Aubrey Levine didn’t give you a fair shake is it because you weren’t good looking enough because from what I understand he was not very particular?
Didn’t you find it odd that of all South Africa’s abundant sexual deviants they found one Jewish member to head up Greefswald and your Ward 6?
April 7
Apr 7, 2021, 6:43 AM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
I just read some of ur work. I told u already go step on the feet of individuals like Lev leviev .ot Abromowitch and co. Garry the only diff is ,they won’t take anything being said about them
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
Go into ther private affairs but understand that u are only as safe as the stuff u put on line.
Neville Shotland left the group.
You sent April 7
@Alan Mark Zeligson is that all you have to say about Ward 6 and Aubrey Levine?
Do you know if Aubrey Levine practiced safe sex on those sedated in their hospital beds?
Your writings appear more sinister than “U are so funny”.
What’s going on?
Should we move on to the erroneous, totally illogical story put forth in the Haggadah and Torah describing the Exodus from Egypt or do you prefer to talk about the leg of lamb still festering in your gut and colon adding to your distemper?
Do you know Neville Shotland?
Why did you ask me about Anthony Moshal before moving on to other names your mind was drawn to?
You added Neville Shotland to the group.
You sent April 7
@Neville Shotland, you have yet to say whether you are agree with your ex-wife Arleen Shotland that the Jewish community of Durban South Africa are two faced towards the Lazarus clan of Durban North who they don’t like?
What makes you think they are still so powerful and influential that you have to continue kowtowing even though the National Party of South Africa hasn’t been in power since 1994?
You sent April 7
@Gordon Torr, you can see that we still have quite the audience of automatons here on TBH who probably shouldn’t be too quick to get rid of their masks as it is unlikely the human diet is going to change much over the next months when a more powerful strain of Covid could appear out of the blue.
And if it comes later before the people have woken up from their slumber dating back to that ominous year 1934 when the GDP was introduced and not a murmur then or since, the calamity of the GDP will not disappear.
Don’t forget we are not talking morals here, only the stupidity of the disastrous GDP and the distrust this disgusting piece of insanity has caused because the people at the top, the SA Oppenheimers-Deutsche Bank-Fritz ter Meer have the rest below thinking they have to compete.
Why don’t you explain what you think the architects of their Apartheid Regime hoped to achieve with Greefswald-Ward 6?
You sent April 7
@Gordon Torr notice how one military commander says we are putting boots on the ground and his no less puppet replacement says we are pulling out and the scorched earth policy that separates the two breeds future enemies that have to be fought until everyone is kept entertained at constantly updated casino resorts and a few palm trees as a token to Mother Nature.
You sent April 7
@Gordon Torr are you going to get around to explaining why you not only maintain your presence here but decided now to be my fb friend?
You added Mary Ann Nocella to the group.
You added Asne Goodman to the group.
You added Antony Unruh to the group.
You sent April 7
April 7
Apr 7, 2021, 10:18 AM
You sent April 7
Just ended a discourse with dogwalker @Mary Ann Nocella.
Mary Ann Nocella left the group.
You sent April 7
Next a message to member @Sidney Lazarus, the current head of the Durban North Lazarus clan who spearheaded Durban’s Tolerance-Holocaust Memorial Museum established after the resigning of the South African National Nazi Party which ruled for an uninterrupted 46 years, and the Lazarus clan most vocal in their support; and just because the Lazarus’ were less hypocritical than the liberals with their forked tongues, doesn’t lesson their crime, and to establish a Tolerance Museum in honor of their victims must take the cake, wouldn’t you think?
You added Yassar Cassim to the group.
You sent April 7
Before writing publicly to member @Sidney Lazarus, I will be sharing my email response just sent to member @Yassar Cassim titled, “Make room”.
You sent April 7
From: Gary <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: April 7, 2021 at 11:03:13 AM PDT
To: Yassar Cassim <cassimyassar@gmail.com>
Cc: rest; Jonathan Investec <jbeare@iafrica.com>, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, terry@oakbrook.co.za, NHgoldendragon@gmail.com, Torahgemach@aol.com, Paul Kreiter <pkreiter@apbspeakers.com>, T.C.Russ@ed.ac.uk, info@tonyleon.com, Att-sec@israelemb.org
Subject: Make room – Re: What is fair? – Re: Ridding the world of Jewish people -: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides
You lie. You don’t think is your problem. It is you who is bored with yourself. You don’t think smart is your problem.
It is not what you say but what you don’t say that counts most.
When and where did you learn about the deplorable GDP which escaped the minds of the religious as much as the irreligious.
Have you spoken to your favorite Mullah about this inescapable deficiency of the brain that has lasted 5 generations?
What have you been doing that it took you so long to expose your infantility, child issues?
The only thing to respect of Jonathan Beare is that the truth means nothing to him.
You seek to ingratiate yourself with a lead Jewish Kapo of The Third Reich’s Southern Division who were financially well rewarded; but remember for the living this journey is not yet over, and whatever your belief is in the afterlife it cannot be pleasant, if you have knowingly done wrong.
Shame on you!
PS – You forget that you remain an active member of my fb symposium To be honest. When can I expect you to leave to make room for others?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 7, 2021, at 10:11 AM, Yassar Cassim <cassimyassar@gmail.com> wrote:
Gary, I think you bored with too much time on your hands.
You also try desperately to embarrass people by getting your point across.
Yes I did ask you that question. Mr Beare was an old school boy of the school I attended. He is well respected by old boys from his generation and my generation.
I was simply curious. You seem to have fantastic ideas…. I’m not Jewish nor am I white, heck I don’t even know many Jewish people in Durban! I’m just a gentile Muslim from SA….
I don’t care about the Oppenheimers, The Third Reich, Diamond conspiracies etc…..
Can I ask you to please remove me of this mailing list?
Good and evil will exist in this world till the day you die.
On Fri, 02 Apr 2021, 19:22 Gary, <gary@2facetruth.com> wrote:
You are not curious.
You are lying.
You are like most a taker …
You sent April 7
On Nov 30, 2020, at 7:08 AM, Yassar Cassim <cassimyassar@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Gary
The whole thing
Im a muslim guy 33 years old so much younger…. I’m also an ex DHS old boy Jonathan Beare etc were all ex DHS old boys.
I know of Rosenberg being always a front for MR Beare I just could never figure what the purpose of a front.
You sent April 7
@Sidney Lazarus before we get started, could you or anyone else assist member @Yassar Cassim with his concern about “the purpose of a front” all the while quick to point the ugly finger @Yassar Cassim acknowledging Terry “Rosenberg being always a front for” Jonathan Beare?
Bear in mind that grossly incompetent Rosenberg following doing Beare’s dirty work which didn’t make J Beare poverty stricken, went on to the board of Anglo American Corporation’s Uranium One which President Putin used to acquire 20% of the United States’ strategic uranium reserves which didn’t phase President Barack Obama or his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton or for that matter the top secret Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, whose membership includes the attorney general, the secretaries of the Treasury, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy, and the secretary of state.
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
There was no ward 6 it was ward 22 Lol
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
What I fail to understand is .
U come from a family who are classed as being the ones in the financial elite who are on the top of the economic and social ladder.
They were a group who already achieved this by the start of ww2.
U were 2nd generation to be born with a silver spoon from your grandads money .
ur mom zena let’s be honest also came from old money.
She did not get her elegance and class growing up in the working class part of the city .
Yet u scream and shout about the very people that put food into ur mouth.
April 7
Apr 7, 2021, 3:25 PM
You sent April 7
Title: Let’s have sex in the jungle
@Alan Mark Zeligson, assuming there is no God, as in “Creator of this universe as well as others we have yet to set eyes on” then it would mean there is no order to anything in this universe, only be guided by random thoughts which have no beginning or end to them.
Do you agree or disagree with the previous statement?
I also mention that you have yet to answer what if anything is your basis for believing in God?
When did it dawn on you that there might be something wonderfully uplifting by virtue of the fact that the human has contributed nothing good to the planet, and now we are soaking up space with trash?
Why is it so important that us humans present ourselves with a happy, smiling face, that often doesn’t match up with the internal organs desperate to be freed?
When I look at your facebook profile photo with the large butcher knife as close as it gets to that enormous protusion does it make you think you have a lot of time to kill before visiting Japan and learning the finer points of Harakiri?
Too funny.
No, not funny.
I take very seriously not only the limited time I have remaining but the ugliness shown towards my Zen mother Zena only because no one has ever witnessed previously such love by a mother towards their favorite child but my mother’s undying support of me.
If you can’t provide proof of God what in heaven’s name are you doing praying, let alone wearing religious ornamentation, to get laid and/or make a money connection and/or your good work is a decoy?
Let’s now take the very recent announcment that Tesla and Toyota have a “New Partnership”. Does that mean you shouldn’t journey to Peru, digest Ayahuasca and like the rest thinking, “lets have sex in the jungle.”
@Alan Mark Zeligson, Im in the process of loading up on to my 2facetruth.com website our entire dialogue on facebook messaging going back to the beginning when we became aquainted back on November 28, 2017 which you initiated at 8:45 AM California time, and it wasn’t long before you explained, “Im dying to hear from you because I loved your articles …”
BTW, do my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post immediately following the treason pardon of Jewish American-Belgian terrorist financier Marc Rich still resonate with you; and if so in what way?
Do you think advertising still makes sense if the supply chain of minerals-parts is systemically corrupted by the German-South African Oppenheimers, dating back to the turn of the last century?
Do you think it is funny to be toyed with by people who derive great satisfaction in tricking others, especially those positively inclined, wanting to do good?
Is this a ping pong game you simply don’t want to let die?
You are not very brilliant right now.
Why can’t you bring yourself to say thank you for my ongoing efforts to empower all the world’s disenfranchised who didn’t have the choices available to you upon finishing high school, which was to travel free of charge to Israel, provided upon arrival food if you didn’t fully stuff yourself on the plane, transportation to kibbutz where everything is provided including clothing if you were naked after stripping to show your greatest attributes in order to celebrate your freedom from Nazi enslavement with multiple sex partners rather than knowing once you put on a SA National Nazi Party army uniform and given a gun, you would be expected to follow orders without question or end up in Ward 22?
Nor am I suggesting that the journey from Johannesburg to Tel-Aviv with multiple sex partners was quantity rather than quality driven.
What drives you at the present time?
In reviewing our dialogue over the past 3 years, 4 months and 10 days, I came across mention of yours from December 12, 2017:
i was IN WARD 22 not as a guard as a patient. Ward 22 in 1981 was the med center that collaborated with greefswald.”
At the time of your writing I was not thinking of Nazi Chairman of the Board of Bayer AG, a spinoff of IG Farben-Auschwitz, Fritz ter Meer who you recall prior to his slap on the wrist prison sentence at the farcical Nuremberg-IG War Crimes Tribunal sharing, “They were prisoners thus no particular harm was inflicted, as they would have been killed anyway”.
Why has it been so difficult for you to explain to TBH membership including @Gordon Torr who understands that the entire mission of JWT including its acquisitions like member @Larry Winokur‘s Hollywood PR firm, is one gigantic manipulation, Ward 22’s relationsip with sexual deviant, Jewish South African psychiatrist in charge of your bedding arrangements in Ward 22?
Would you know of him or an aid sticking a foreign object into your mouth that you are only now just recalling?
Have you given up on your marriage proposal to member @Jenny Feinstein?
Is there anyone else, either a member or non-member you would like me to approach on your behalf?
You sent April 7
If you can’t predict nature, which you can’t, it is not random.
April 7
Apr 7, 2021, 5:55 PM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
Garry u know what I think
1.u miss having gone to the army in sa,
2.U never answerd me when I asked how is it ,u come from an elite group of South African financiers. Moshal gervisser did not only have the cash and carry in Newcastle but through their connections they were prob one of the big suppliers to the Sadf of food .
I was a chef in the army kitchen and I remember going to the main warehouse where every week we picked up supplies.
I remember the crates (pallets ) that had just been delivered by train from the warehouse in Newcastle.
Or trucked in by the “Cargo “transport company based in isando. Cargo later became a subsidsury of Tiger brands.
As did most of the MG non grain brands.
Garry ,M/G were in partnership with Joffee from rand cold storage and later empire kosher food brands before being baught out by tiger brands.
What I’m saying is ,when it came to the distribution of food ur family were at the top of the pirymid. How are u living now Garry .
U were only allowed to go to work for de beers Cos of ur family connections.
What I still cannot understand is that u come from sa equivalent of royalty yet u shit on it all while enjoying a good education that came frm it.
Cry ,scream ,criticise all u want. But u cannot get away from ur past,
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
If ur that ashamed ,do me a favour . Let’s see how committed u are. Beauith all ur assets and money to me. I know where it comes from and unlike u I’m not ashamed.
When was the last time u worked I mean in a job that u managed to get urself not via family connections, prob never.
U grew up in a home that people only dream about, I bet ur parents earned a month salary equiv to 10 years what Nanny was paid, yet u can’t deal with it. Shame really.
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
U keep going over stuff I wrote 5 years ago who cares.
U have so much potential why not write a book like Howard fast did called the immigrants.
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 7
By the way did u hear about Barry Tannenbaum’s ponzi Scheme ?
I just finished reading the book. Take care I’m off to bed
You sent April 7
Tell us about Ward 22 and that first handshake of sexual deviant, Jewish South African psychiatrist Dr. Aubrey Levine MD.
How did you get to Ward 22?
When did you become aware that Ward 22 was connected to Greefswald?
Do you think there was anything negative to your mind having served in the Oppenheimers’ Third Reich’s Southern Division’s military?
Why didn’t you tell your parents about Levine and if you did, what steps did the Jewish leadership of South Africa take against Levine?
Do you think Gordon Torr’s depiction of life for the victims of Levine is accurate, “They’re psychopaths, violent offenders, drug addicts, sexual deviants and social misfits. And these are the good guys”?
Do you have any other evidence that the Jewish leadership of South Africa was bought going back to at least February 1948, 3 months before the outbreak of Israel’s first war of survival?
What do you like about the German-South African Oppenheimer family other than they don’t remind you of the mental-physical-soul calamity of never yourself or those around you since you were born giving thought to the mindless in the extreme GDP economic index, that the only way to try get it out of your head is to go stark raving crazy and that is increasingly difficult to control.
You sent April 7
@Alan Mark Zeligson, when you get up and perhaps by then I will have uploaded our entire dialogue on facebook messaging and you really don’t come across as cool not even when you state clearly you are proud of your service in the sickest organized military which has ever existed, should we talk about the words most often spoken by Jewish people including all the Jewish hypocrites worshipping ink on paper?
Those words of course, translated into English, “Hear Israel, I am the Lord, your God, God is One”.
BTW, @Alan Mark Zeligson you and @Torah Gemach sound and look very similar. Are you cousins?
April 7
Apr 7, 2021, 7:36 PM
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
Would you please bring me up to speed here @Gary Gevisser What is this chat about and are there members of the IDF diaper brigade here?
You sent April 7
@Tommie Jayne Wasserberg, I hadnt heard of the Israel Defense Force having a “diaper brigade” but you can ask Israel Air Force Pilot, Lt. Colonel @Tomer Tene if he knows and how best to put you in touch with them.
I see that you define yourself as “Transgender Intersex person dedicated to the struggle for peace with economic & ecological justice” and if it is you in your profile that you play a trumpet of sorts.
Are you looking for a friend?
You and I don’t have any fb friends in common, is there any way to confirm without calling on @Allen Walker to determine if you are a fake account?
“Transgender intersex” is a knew one on me and so I looked it up.
It doesn’t say anything about such individuals feeling the need to talk and in particular about a desire to chat with the IDF “diaper brigade”.
What would you talk about?
You do realize that with nature totally unpredictable, it makes it no less important how impossible it is to predict this quantum leap Cognative Dissonance, wouldn’t you agree?
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
I don’t know yet. i’ve been wondering why we were friends for a while and today i decided to look at this chat and though you never said the word zionist, you appeared to be talking negatively about the zionist state to somebody in the
IDF. That they wear nappies is easily verified at google or you tube.
i’m a biochemist/zoologist. nature is not at all unpredictable. it’s doing exactly what the climate scientists have said it was going to do for the past 50 years.
i’m not looking to collect phony facebook friends at all . i’m looking for open minded kindred spirit to cause good trouble with or make money in the arts, preferably both at the same time.
i only lack a lawyer and a lover in my life and your plumbing is probably all wrong for me. That’s what transgender intersex is about. i’
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
i’m a woman with a penis seeking a man with a vagina or a very butch lesbian.
You sent April 7
So you need a friend, which is what I thought.
Why didn’t you say so, and leave it at that?
What about your 503 odd fb friends?
Have they not been of any help?
Why are diaper wearing Israeli soldiers of particular interest to you?
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
so you seem to have a language comprehension difficulty. i have plenty of friends. i need a lover or i need a real loyal following that showers me with gifts.
i am a direct descendent of moses and aaron and was educated by a prominent anti-zionist rabbi. why do you think i have an interest in the thugs of the Zionist Occupation Army. I do not recognize the Zionist state as legitimate and refuse to sully the name of my revered ancestor by calling that brutal, apartheid disgrace to everything Jewish by his name.
You sent April 7
Can I speak with this rabbi?
Would he know why it is that your genes, which let’s just agree are superior in every respect to mine, plus you are a dedicated biologist and again I didn’t even take biology at school or university, but I know a little about the money system and the people behind it who prey on weak Jewish people, didn’t prepare you well for predicting the dramatic impact on the environement such as the air, the water and the soil and all that grows on the soil or needs air also to breath as well as exhale which is rather fantastic when you consider that the trees and bushes were here long before any other lifeforms came to fruition, caused by human overpopulation driven by the GDP economic index?
Would you only consider that prominent anti-zionist rabbi a specialist in anti-zionism assuming he didn’t get the catastrophe of the GDP?
BTW, assuming that people like @Alan Mark Zeligson cannot find a straight sex partner, should his type be interested in you?
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
he’s been dead for at least forty years. he was one of the founders of www.acjna.org, the anti-zionist voice of the reform hebrew union.
nothing about me is significantly superior to any other human with the exception of my decision to suffer for righteousness sake and in that, i would claim some superiority for myself and my peers as Jesus told the masses in the Sermon on the Mount.
We will save humanity from itself and be richly rewarded in eternity for our sacrifices.
as a life partner, i have no interest in cisgender men and for casual sex , it would only work if he can live without penetrative sex. no peckers in my pooper, pal. I’m a two spirit. you should probably google that too if you really want to get to understand me. i’m not really very male or female. try to picture a nerdy hippie chick and butch lesbian in one person.
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
one other thing, it’s a saxophone of the soprano sort.
You sent April 7
@Tommie Jayne Wasserberg, I think your rabbi was either a figment of your imagination or nutcase but still I don’t understand why he didn’t educate you on the GDP and its dire strait impact on the climate that you say is as dear to your heart as finding a lover to put up with you.
I see, where this is all headed and I sure don’t want to be grossed out; I don’t want to be part of it.
Is there one of your fb friends that I could pass you over to who is better able to understand your needs?
BTW, had you previously heard of the GDP?
Facebook User
Facebook User sent April 7
lol. you are one really skeevy wing nut, man. i’m out of here. you sent me a friend request some time ago. i don’t remember why i accepted it, but i’m regretting it now. ciao.
Tommie Jayne Wasserberg left the group.
April 8
Apr 8, 2021, 5:25 AM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
It’s too long story but the first thing Levine said to me when choccy chocks shook my hand was “where is Garry g.
u see he thaught about u Garry he told me that u two had met in Israel years before and he was in love with u.
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
He told me about the trysts that u and Nickie and ur uncle harry had
April 8
Apr 8, 2021, 9:25 AM
You sent April 8
Title: Destroying the Jewish people from within
@Alan Mark Zeligson you wrote, telling me on fb messaging that you suffer from a form of autism, not depression.
Wasn’t that condition enough for your parents to keep you out of the army, that you knew, because you read the newspapers, was accustomed to shooting defenseless black South African children in the back?
Were you aware that in the 42,500 slave camps that fed the death factories of IG Farben-Auschwitz-Treblinka, the inmates to keep their sanity which was made that much more difficult because they had their Jewish brothers and sisters, known as Kapos, helping the Nazi SS guards keep order, they would try their best to keep a sense of humor?
Is that what you have been trying to do ever since getting out of Ward 22?
Have you heard of depressed people doing things like eating themselves to death as a form of punishment?
Are you really as happy inside that stomach as your face tries to portray on your fb profile photo?
Isn’t the first thing you do when seeing someone putting on a smile to hide what is going on in their mind to look at the rest of the mess?
Do you see the unpredictability of coincidences applying also to the perfect order of the universe, everything having a cause, with the human being the only one out of place, and it is the most destructive force?
You have yet to tell me what is your basis for believing in God?
Does atheism sound increasingly a retarded thought process?
If God exists there must also be a reason for fools.
I thought that people with autism have great difficulty in lying.
Is it because you have a mild form of autism?
What if it turns out that what disturbs everyone the most, and autism has been spreading, is not realizing that the money which everyone is trying to grab, is driven by the GDP which you never paid attention to because you heard it mentioned so often by the experts your mind registered that it had to be good otherwise there would be at least one voice in opposition.
Let’s also agree that if you had money then you could join a website like sugardaddy.com, get a date with a young gold digger, and bother trying to get @Jenny Feinstein to marry you, wake up each morning the two of you hating the sight that awaits.
When did it occur to you that prior to Nazi chemist Fritz ter Meer being rewarded with the chairmanship of Bayer AG, and all the luxuries that came with it, the principal backers, money providers as well as mineral diamonds to fashion precision tooling for weapons of mass destruction which was illegal under the 1919 Versailles Treaty, the German-South African Oppenheimers, whose first generation in South Africa, Harry Oppenheimer, spoke with Oxford University English accents, had not only scaled up their success with the Jewish Kapos inside the camps along with the armed Jewish brigade of the Gestapo, known as Zagiew who hunted down fellow Jews with a vengeance, but refined their tactics in achieving their ultimate goal, destroying the Jewish people from within.
What can be so powerful to cause such ugliness and each of us with the power to choose good, choose negative?
It takes just one of you to break the herd mentality.
Karene Fisher left the group.
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
My first cousin Karene Gevisser Fisher has once again left the symposium because it is getting a little too close to home not only with all the God talk which is getting less and less freeing up that much more dead space in religious structures including academia, the new corrupt church, but this Newcastle talk by Zeligson speaks to how deeply rooted is the corruption of Jewish religious and secular leadership in South Africa going back prior to the outbreak of Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1949) a matter which had Ben Gurion taking countermeasures.
Bear in mind we have yet to talk about the most profound, groundbreaking Jewish words and that speaks to everything having its purpose, including Zeligson who only manages to keep track of his lies by continuously repeating the lies; and the insanely illogical GDP none of you competing with each other can ever forget; and that is a ton of burden to carry on one’s shoulders, especially if allowing the rest, starting with the stomach profusion to serve to rest the 10 fingers.
Hang Ten
So don’t blame me for you repeating to yourself and knowing the next person is increasingly likely to be thinking the same thing, “How did I miss the GDP and its catastrophic results, the worst being that I have been toyed with from the start, the same with everyone who is all about the money and yet we don’t know the first thing about the money and wish we had never heard anything about the money”.
You sent April 8
Title: Hang Ten (previous passage)
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
U never once answerd one question . Only to break a person down. U know I feel sorry for u, I don’t have to pick people apart every person is not short of issues lol but u take those issues and make it personal . Look at ur adress in Durban. I bet in ur childhood that was one of the the most wealthy roads in sa.
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
Ur own family ur home ur food ur education. Was provided by profit and exploitation . It’s pathetic .
You sent April 8
Hang 10
You sent April 8
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
it’s like that royal couple who had the best of everything shitting on grandma.
Mark Krok .He is a billionaire ,yet he had to pay 250 mill rand to tax, he didn’t bad mouth and shit on his family, he got on with it.
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson, is this your way of saying that you can’t get the GDP and its relationship with God, out of your mind?
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
Title: Time
@Alan Mark Zeligson, how much time do you need to answer the question before I talk more about my upbringing which is clearly foreign to you?
You sent April 8
Also remember to write publicly to our mutual Facebook @Solly Krok asking Solly who I tried reaching earlier, why he not only hired me twice but each assignment kept expanding?
I take it that passage “Destroying the Jewish people from within” brings home why they had Jewish sexual deviant Levine in charge of you Jewish patients at Ward 22-Greefswald which you spell differently on your profile, “Gresswold”.
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
Can you explain what was so great about Ward 22-Greefswald that you can’t get out of your head and you want people to know that you are crying out?
You sent April 8
Was there anything about the smell of the hand lotion that Levine used which you can’t get out of your nostrils?
You sent April 8
You must be aware that the SA Oppenheimers’ Nazi business partners such as chemist Fritz ter Meer
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
made no attempt to hide the smell of burning human flesh coming out of the chimney stacks at IG Farben-Auschwitz-Treblinka.
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson, what do you do in your spare to me to keep in shape physically and mentally?
You sent April 8
11 minutes has elapsed since requesting how much more time you need to fully analyze, God Despises stuPidity.
You sent April 8
Bear in mind two things.
The first is more important than the second.
The first is that Elon Musk who also had a devilish upbringing which he is not afraid to share with the world which he knows gives him the appearance of having consciousness which he also talks a lot about, at least prior to taking on the role as Captain of the money machine, is not totally stupid.
Musk has been watching the reaction of the common herd to my GDP announcements that you won’t find anywhere, other than small distracting pieces like Mark Zuckerberg’s speech at Harvard Business School of Management that like all MBA programs teach how to manage lies.
You see how preposterous it is that not one, but everyone is so in denial, you think to yourself;
“Why not come up with something such as Bitcoin which is beyond belief in its stupidity, but if you advertise it enough even the people who know it is total bullshit won’t dare to speak out because of their fear that the world’s best kept secret, the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index which gives all economists, lawyers, medical doctors, Chartered Accountants, in fact the entire financial services sector of the world economy their jobs, will no longer be the world’s best kept secret.”
Yes, Elon Musk is mocking everyone, but can you blame him?
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
You are full of shit and I’m this thread with musk
You sent April 8
Zelingson are you still there and noting that exactly 60 Minutes has elapsed since realizing how difficult it is to get the GDP and its relationship with God out of your mind?
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, could you calm down and write clearly what you are trying to say?
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
I’m saying what you wrote here about Elon Musk is garbage and I’m sending it to him. That’s all
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
U are out of ur mind Garry all u want to do is talon crap to feel important
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
His attorney’s can explain to you that it’s all lies about Elon … and that’s slanderous..
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 8
Linda I have told Garry for years to go taking about putin and the Russians. They love publicity .
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, do you have a direct line of communication with Musk that is better than member @Peter Thiel, how is that possible?
Linda, you also know that truth is the best defense against a defamation charge.
So why not start by explaining what I have got wrong?
Let me know how much time you need.
In the meantime I will continue with point two.
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
You sent April 8
That was quick.
How is it better than @Peter Thiel, and have you already sent it to Musk covering all my points?
Would you be willing to make your communication public?
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, are you still here?
I’m talking about participating in this discussion that began with you not clearly articulating your discombobulated thoughts which quickly spread to @Alan Mark Zeligson who is singularly focused on getting himself a gorgeous date before he goes kaput as well as the thought God Despises stuPidity.
I have seen that not only do you consider yourself a writer but most prominent on your wall are the words, “I’m a bridge between two realities. And I don’t belong in either one .. I’m fine with it”
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, what makes you so sure that Elon Musk will take you seriously?
Are you as intimate with his ex-wife, member @Justine Musk and his sister, member @Tosca Musk as you are with him?
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, when do you expect a reply from King Co(i)n?
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
Is there anyone else in class who wishes to be heard?
You sent April 8
How about you @Geniv Wulz whose big head keeps popping up on my screen? Could you change your profile photo to something more pleasing?
You sent April 8
Look how pleasant and attractive is member @Shani Weltsman Moran’s face that has now popped up.
@Geniv Wulz couldn’t you learn something from @Shani Weltsman Moran?
You sent April 8
@Geniv Wulz, while I have you, how are you doing in buying that cricket field from Nicholas Oppenheimer which you tried to get me to help with?
You sent April 8
I see that @Jenny Arenstein – Friedman, another South African lawyer like @Geniv Wulz has just presented herself without saying anything, but wanting to learn as much as she can about each member of the symposium before making up her mind to leave or continue.
You sent April 8
It was and remains a very sick South African society which the world is only now beginning to learn about.
You sent April 8
In places like the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, Singapore, Belgian, Netherlands etc etc where the worthless financial services is the most dominant and Hollywood of course is part of the financial services because the movies and the paid actor celebrities promote the financial services sector when not also providing distractions such as Mickey Mouse cartoons, there are tons of different name big corporations and their puppet chief executives make out like they are willing to kill each other to make a single dollar or euro or shekel profit.
You sent April 8
One penny more in the bank than your closest competitor allows you to bid higher.
You sent April 8
Every armored truck carrying cash from one retail or wholesale establishment reinforces the toughness of competition for every penny.
You sent April 8
People rob and kill for money.
You sent April 8
Even celebrity journalist Glenn Edward Greenwald who has long been on my email list was the target of a recent, brutal home invasion and the attackers were just after money.
You sent April 8
What are real estate speculators doing at this time in poverty stricken Rio de Janeiro, knowing the crime rate, but willing to risk life and limb to be on the ground floor, securing the land high up on the hill where the poor who are the most affected by Covid continue to die like flies?
You sent April 8
Why haven’t they already cleaned up all the shanty towns of Africa including Khayelitsha?
The same of course in the tent towns just outside Tel-Aviv.
You sent April 8
What makes mineral rich South Africa totally different to any democracy elsewhere on the planet is that the most outspoken critics of the Apartheid Regime throughout its 46 year interrupted brutal rule which had 80% of the population who happened to be black and the colour of their skin tells you they were there first before the white man arrived and made them slaves by pointing the barrel of the gun at their heads and most of the time squeezing the trigger which lowered their numbers while taming more those remaining, is that the SA Oppenheimers with the closest of business ties to Nazi Germany controlled the entire South African economy during those 46 years and nor has it stopped.
You sent April 8
You don’t hear anything close to one family controlling 85% of the capitalization of the New York Stock Exchange but it didn’t phase the privileged white skin South Africans that the SA Oppenheimers never tried to hide they controlled directly 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and their wealth and power kept increasing over the years and yet Harry Oppenheimer and his son Nicholas couldn’t get enough lambasting their Apartheid Regime for their immoral labor laws and that the Apartheid Regime was not good for business.
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
I can’t believe ppl listen to you.. you’re pathetic in your lies.
You sent April 8
This level of denial-stupidity might be okay in an elementary school class when the kids are going through puberty and are having a hard time focusing.
You sent April 8
Hello @Linda Sante, welcome back.
You sent April 8
How did Elon react?
Linda Sante
Linda Sante sent April 8
You’re the pathetic stupid one
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, do you find fault with the precise wording, “People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!”?
Linda, why are you still here?
You sent April 8
@Linda Sante, do you have an economics degree from a reputable universe?
You sent April 8
Would you say that member, billionaire @Solly Krok had to have been out of his mind engaging my “risk assessment” services?
You sent April 8
Were Solly to make you an offer right now to write his biography would you turn him down because you are thinking that when the SA Oppenheimers’ white boy, member @Tony Leon decided he had enough playing hypocrite and decided he might as well join puppet Mandela’s ANC government, take the post South African Ambassador to Argentina, Tony had his sights set on a luxury penthouse in Rio de Janeiro’s hill that will have a plaque, perhaps no more than a foot square remembering the untold poor who lost their lives to Covid.
Cant you just smell how clean the air now rising off the ocean and not a hint of those garbage dumps that sustained so many generations of Brazil’s dirt poor?
Title: Making out
@Linda Sante could you see yourself and @Alan Mark Zeligson soon making out?
You sent April 8
Is the class ready to move on to less important point 2?
You sent April 8
I’m in no hurry.
You sent April 8
I’m setting partly in the shade in the forest that won’t be here in 50 years unless there is a major shake out of the shitheads, and nor could one think of more perfect weather.
You sent April 8
The constant but ever changing breeze also doesn’t have me wanting to move to Mars even if I get to play with the Opportunity rover or its improvement.
You sent April 8
It is impossible for a crook to stay in the moment and that is the ingenious wording of the one of a kind “’Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.”
You sent April 8
No less remarkable there is no argument amongst the religious as to any changes because there haven’t been any to speak of.
You sent April 8
But we are not quite there because we are still waiting upon @Linda Sante to provide us her feedback from Elon Musk and @Alan Mark Zeligson telling us why the GDP and God makes perfect sense to him as well as what it was about sexual deviant Aubrey Levine that was so attractive.
You sent April 8
Okay, the class is all quiet, let’s then proceed.
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
Btw, who can recall a photo of themself with their most beautiful mother saying, “You are my prize!”?
You sent April 8
No one can argue that everything happens for a reason, even when we don’t understand it perfectly such as the amazing Quantum Mechanics which has established beyond question that nature is unpredictable.
You sent April 8
So you have to accept as difficult as it may be that our parents are chosen for each of us, the same with our partners, and if you die without ever knowing true love of a mother as well as a lover, then you must put it down to your bad luck.
You sent April 8
You sent April 8
That doesn’t negate the existence of God for it only strengthens such a perfect power which is actually made quite simple to grasp by all the attempts to distract from the calamity of the GDP.
You sent April 8
While waiting for Elon Musk to show up because he is not stupid even if @Linda Sante is making up her closeness to him who can therefore follow everything I’m saying just like the rest of you who know for sure that you are not all that bright to have missed the GDP calamity but your egos too big to admit it, let’s kick back.
You sent April 8
Second, multibillionaire @Solly Krok who had good reason not to question my competency or integrity and nor was he put off by my very good upbringing that began with a mother choosing most carefully the best looking and most accomplished Jewish man of his generation as the father of her children and so eager to have one with common sense that my spectacular Zen mother Zena was willing to go through 8 miscarriages after my middle brother @Mel Gevisser until I eventually arrived is probably not be so close to his nephew Mark Krok; and that also speaks to most family members only getting along because of the money bond, which Bond Street London, German-South African Oppenheimers own, and that is not comforting to anyone in denial.
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson while it is getting close to your bedtime and you probably haven’t made a dent in that stomach protrusion which prevents you from ever getting close to a restful night’s sleep, clearly your poor in every respect upbringing had you making the money decision to sign up for service in a militia whose unspeakable crimes few are willing to talk about.
You sent April 8
Not even @member @Gordon Torr has found resolution in his writings Kill Yourself & Count to 10.
@Alan Mark Zeligson, for your own piece of mind, and try not to forget it is already too late being first in line to grab the best spot on Rio’s famous hilltop, don’t you at least want to talk to Gordon?
He probably won’t charge you a penny?
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson, btw, have you ever wondered why it is that it is mostly ugly people who are religious and yet you don’t have them blaming God?
Wouldn’t that be your first question to God assuming you didn’t have the intelligence to figure out how the SA Oppenheimers and their shills pulled off the GDP?
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson, do you think if the Jewish leadership of South Africa weren’t in the pocket of Ernest and Harry Oppenheimer then there wouldn’t have been conscription into their macabre militia, and therefore no need for Aubrey Levine to assist in destroying the Jewish people from within?
You sent April 8
@Alan Mark Zeligson, there must be a rabbi you trust.
Put them to the test at the same time you recall what was being done to you when conscious in your Ward 22 hospital bed.
April 8
Apr 8, 2021, 4:26 PM
You sent April 8
Title: Don’t say I didn’t warn you
Sounds like a repeat of the Nixon speech, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
April 9
Apr 9, 2021, 9:23 AM
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, it is going on 22 hours since you saw, “is this your way of saying that you can’t get the GDP and its relationship with God, out of your mind?”.
Another Jewish Sabbath arises and you are not comforted by your actions to avoid.
You are also not getting help from any of our 74 mutual fb friends, here is à sampling:
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
or this @Linda Sante whose fb profile lead writings lead me to believe that she too is a very needy person.
You sent April 9
It is also my experience and I’m neither a psychologist or philosopher as both disciplines have been amplified sufficiently going back to ancient Roman and Greek time, and of course the most original thinking came from us Jewish people who logically, since we couldn’t be defeated in our strong minds that translated into strong feeding wonderfully in this symbiotic relationship had to be destroyed from within, hence the placement of us in Ghettos, the perfect breeding ground for the disastrous inbreeding that is transparent even to those looking at themselves in the mirror as well as their actions.
You sent April 9
So who would you if you were the Romans or the leadership of the Inquisition which remember has not ended until the last of us independent minded Jewish people are eradicated, turn to within the Jewish communities spread throughout the world?
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
On either side of the two best looking Jewish couples in South Africa, if not the entire planet, is this inferiority complex ridden turncoat.
You sent April 9
As my father Bernie’s first cousin David Gevisser (1926-2009)
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
got older and that thing on the left side of his left nostril didn’t get more pleasant to look at, his looks didn’t improve.
You sent April 9
Nor did his writing-editing skills
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
improve unless his 2006 autobiography, THE UNLIKELY FORESTER had either my Zen mother Zena’s or God’s hand in this extraordinarily incriminating document which of course extends to the culpability of the entire South African Jewish community who were by this time fully in support of the virulent anti-Semitic and anti-Israel German-South African Oppenheimers whose hatred towards us Jewish people only intensified with every bribe delivered, either in favors within the borders of mineral rich South Africa and/or through offshore banking transactions such as those executed on the Isle of Man and/or through untraceable diamond currency transactions.
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson in your misguided attempts to distract you of course chose poorly to attack both sides of my immediate family, the Gevissers and the Ashes who were both Ben Gurion’s most trusted operatives in South Africa going back to the turn of the last century.
You sent April 9
The question @Alan Mark Zeligson you fail to ask when deriding my parents and grandparents while also steering clear of my 3 turncoat elder siblings and cousins and you know how far back this destruction of the Jewish people from within extends, is the most important one; namely, what were Jewish people doing in South Africa once the SA Oppenheimers’ Apartheid Regime came to power on May 26, 1948?
You sent April 9
On May 26, 1948, the IG Farben-Fritz ter Meer-Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals had not fully run their course and nor were their new indictments covering the German-South African Oppenheimers for their pivotal role in arming Nazi Germany.
You sent April 9
Israel was also only 12 days old and 11 days into her very bloody first war of survival and there were already enemy spies within the Israel Air Force.
You sent April 9
The fact that there are exceptions amongst us Jewish people who couldn’t be corrupted by the easily identifiable powers that be, must have all credit going to God, unless you can think of something else?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, it is a very important answer, “Suggest thst you ask my youngst son Gary” that my Jewish World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser gave on 11 March 2009 to the question all Jewish South Africans should have been asked once May 27, 1948 came around and the South African National “Nazi” Party were still in power and now their major funder and protector, upcoming head of the mafia of mafia Harry Oppenheimer was now leading the opposition political party, United Party, General Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870-1950) who lost his seat in the South African Parliament.
You sent April 9
The question of course is why didn’t all the Jews of South Africa leave?
You sent April 9
If you are bought you come up with all sorts of distracting excuses.
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, you brought up very small player Anthony Moshal out of the blue.
Why is that?
I answered your question fully and still you refuse to explain the purpose of that distracting talk; again why is that?
You sent April 9
Given how there are no coincidences in life and nor are coincidences predictable and man’s incredibly stupid behavior in destroying the planet impossible to imagine and even more impossible is its stubbornness that instantly gets nasty, sinister, macabre, there is your fb profile photo showing you with a large kitchen knife which perhaps you thought would distract from that eyesore profusion that the knife, despite its size cannot fully cover.
You sent April 9
Let’s look at that knife more closely.
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
Once I have completed more of my daily exercises which as is customary spending at least an hour breathing the fresh crisp air of the forest and enjoying each and every interaction with nature which is helped greatly by the presence of our “scout”, world traveler doggy Mango, what a blessing, as well as enjoyed a no less healthy, delicious tasting breakfast with my most beautiful shape, exotic, Française-Canadienne wife Marie whose 31/32 French ancestry doesn’t mean she lacks taste or to make our mouthwatering daily bread from the oldest grains we can find and our deep water well one cannot find better quality anywhere in the world as far as I know, I will be explaining the kitchen knife attack that greeted my father Bernie by a deranged uncle Louis Sher who @Alan Mark Zeligson says he is related to.
You sent April 9
Title: Save my soul
The question Elon Musk must be asking himself, “How do I save my soul and become Caesar?” or “How do I become Caesar and save my soul?”?
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, let’s assume that Friday night and Saturday services as well as “laying tefillin” is no longer appealing even if the likes of Lubavitcher @Torah Gemach and rabbi @David Masinter followers of the very poor thinker Schneerson have offered to open the door to the next batch of marriage material coming out of ChaBAD sic.
You sent April 9
Even if I’m wrong and you are willing to bend over backwards to have sex with anyone so long as they have two legs even if they have no teeth
due to rot and old age, you will not have forgotten 2 additional items:
You sent April 9
First, it was not either your bravery or intellect that got you into Ward 22.
Second, you were very careful in threatening me that I better watch out for both Oppenheimer stooges Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich.
You sent April 9
Why is that?
You sent April 9
Is there a reason you avoid mentioning that I didn’t waste time going after stooges once I broke my 24 year silence with the SA Oppenheimers on 11.11.2004?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson are you still there?
You sent April 9
Both these Russian mafia figures have close ties to Israel, was that to scare me?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson how can you be so selective in choosing people so agreeable to doing the SA Oppenheimers’ “dirty work”?
You sent April 9
Recently, very recently in fact, you said that you have been looking over my work as if you had forgotten what you first wrote when opening a dialogue with me, sending me flowers, saying how impressed you were with my articles, and let’s not forget why it is that all the “sinners” don’t mention my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon by the 42nd Commander In Chief Bill Clinton of Jewish Belgian-American terrorist financier Marc Rich at the 11th hour of Clinton’s presidency.
Clearly you wanted something out of me which didn’t mean your lack of articulation as well as getting wrong an important date escaped my attention.
You wrote “1970” rather than 1971, March 2nd, when the most carefully orchestrated assassination of German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) took place in Florida, and his anything but quack Swiss medical doctors delivering the lethal dose as they had every treatment to exacerbate Engelhard’s obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease while leaving it to other Mossad operates to land heavy duty, tough blows on all of Engelhard’s inner circle, none of whom were friends of us Jewish people including President Richard Nixon and his side kick Henry Kissinger, both second fiddle of course to Harry Oppenheimer and my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser for their role in the “asset stripping” of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) whose most important founder is my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c 1890 – 24 February 1970).
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson is there a reason why you don’t applaud me for approaching the German-SA Oppenheimers’ South African Sunday Times to run my De Beers INFORMERS WANTED ad, seeking truth seekers within their vast empire which has zero tolerance of competition?
You sent April 9
When no one speaks out, it doesn’t mean those who saw the Oppenheimers’ response to my request which arrived via email 4 months and 11 days after I broke my 24 year deafening silence on November 11, 2004 and my beginning also to be remembered, “Remember me?” fail to realize the importance of the Oppenheimers’ threatening actions.
You sent April 9
One of the great virtues of always seeking knowledge which is impossible for a liar to achieve is to learn new things.
You sent April 9
While I was like most healthy kids I didn’t like to wear shoes, especially when playing.
You sent April 9
One of the great benefits of living close by the campus of the University of Natal-Kwazulu in Glenwood, Durban was access to the rugby training grounds.
You sent April 9
While we were all fit enough to walk great distances or ride our bicycles every moment away from playing touch rugby after school or university lectures defeated the purpose.
You sent April 9
It was only recently we heard about the easy to accomplish and no cost “grounding”.
You sent April 9
It also helps take me back to my roots in Africa.
You sent April 9
There is purpose to all our lives which we know because there is a cause and effect to everything.
You sent April 9
We have yet to get fully into the profound Jewish words “Hear O Israel, I am …” which are the most important words of that statement, other than what follows, but we are inching closer.
You sent April 9
The attack on my father by his close relative, the brother of my father’s dying 50 year old mother Katie Sher Gevisser (c 1895 – June 8, 1945) and who took her last breath on the same day Nick Oppenheimer
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
took place just a half hour after my father had sat for the first time after arriving back in South Africa on April 23, 1945 on the side of her death bed and holding the hand of his mother who was only semi-conscious and her doctors had expected Katie to have succumbed to stomach cancer months before but she was driven to hold on.
You sent April 9
My father hadn’t lost any of his muscle, agility or nerves and was not only able to avoid the knife thrusts and in doing so he handed Louis Sher, the grandfather of my fb friend, Ira Rapp a body blow that the prick Louis Sher never forgot, and nor did any member of the family who was present including my father’s father Issy and General Smuts’ most trusted medical doctor Dr Barney Moshal MD who didn’t wait for orders from anyone before notifying Ben Gurion “The daggers are out”.
You sent April 9
Ira Rapp prevents me from adding him to this symposium but he has yet to unfriend me on fb or block me sending him messages on Facebook messaging.
I repeated just moments ago what I sent him last September 3, “Why don’t you let me add you to my group chats?”.
I last heard from Ira who got caught up in the Barry Tannenbaum Ponzi scheme without it affecting his or his billionaire father Michael Tapp’s pocket book back on April 12 of last year.
You sent April 9
Title: Knocking yourself out
@Alan Mark Zeligson, you make out that you are close enough to Ira, who you suggest is also a relative of yours, to find out what is going through his head, so why not give it a try, without knocking yourself out?
You sent April 9
My father’s departure back to South Africa began immediately after landing following his 71st dive bombing mission on April 15, 1945, 3 days after the death of the terrible President Franklin D Roosevelt who was also one of the idiot promoters of damming rivers which never made sense even before modern day researchers figured that water has memory.
You sent April 9
Only when he had finished filling out his logbook was my father made aware that his mother was gravely ill, and in his haste my father left behind his oxygen mask and leather helmet.
You sent April 9
The Dakota flying him back was only contained my father and the pilot whose orders were to get my father back safely as quickly as possible.
You sent April 9
Well ahead of his arrival in South Africa my father began receiving the warm welcome of black Africans who greeted them at every refueling stop.
Nor was it unexpected given how black South African engineers and cooks assigned to Smuts SAAF Squadron 11 greeted my father enthusiastically upon his return of every mission.
You sent April 9
Just because the majority blacks of Africa have been deprived of their rights, does not mean they are stupid.
You sent April 9
The British nor the French were the worst colonial powers because the Germans win that undistinguished award hands down.
You sent April 9
You get rid of the Jews then you go after the next strongest people, the blacks of Africa whose behavior is remarkably Jewish.
You sent April 9
When you are the best in everything, it is expected that you be treated as inferior.
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, I’m not suggesting you are the best plumber that has ever lived.
Just to be perfectly clear, none including @Solly Krok has told me that he keeps referring you clients.
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, since you believe that the only thing I have going for me are my healthy looks, backed up by a strong body-mind and my parents’ great love of me, all of which disturbs you so, along with why it is that no one else picked up the deplorable GDP, why haven’t you vomited out that @Solly Krok must have overpaid me for my “risk assessment” services?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson have you also felt it would be like having open heart surgery to write to America’s richest and most powerful litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who along with God holds the future of President Chairman Big Guy Biden and his crack cocaine addict son Hunter Biden, why he would write me such nice letters without mentioning your name?
You sent April 9
With the blacks of Africa paying more attention to the war theatre in Europe than most whites fearful of losing their wealth with a Nazi victory versus the blacks who knew from Germany’s history in Africa where it was previously nothing less than total genocide, their fate was death and therefore most delighted to have brave, skilled, fearless and so accomplished people such as my father returning in one piece, how did the cry, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM” throughout the South African Jewish communities?
You sent April 9
@Tony Leon would you give it a try to help out @Alan Mark Zeligson with that important question?
You sent April 9
@Alan Davidoff how about you?
You sent April 9
@Alan Cline how about you?
You sent April 9
Who thinks Ira Rapp also has something most important to hide?
You sent April 9
@Abner Weiss, rabbi how about you?
You sent April 9
@Merrick Wolman, I see you are wearing glasses since we last spoke. How do you feel right now?
You sent April 9
@Hilton Wolman, are you and Merrick still as close as you have ever been?
You sent April 9
@Andrea Kerzner, do your first cousins @Hilton Wolman and @Merrick Wolman visit with you as often?
You sent April 9
Most all of you have previously read my father’s “Suggest that you ask my youngst son Gary” (sic), and your previous silence is because you perfectly understand that it is not one of your backstabbing, unaccomplished fathers choosing to defer to me on a question that if you had a soul would have immediately had chills running up your spine.
You sent April 9
There is nothing wrong with arranged marriages to begin with, assuming both are mature adults.
You sent April 9
Good parents also know that good genes also come through with the looks.
You sent April 9
Nor is every arranged marriage of mature adults result in the children hating their parents and grandparents for bringing the couple together.
You sent April 9
What job can be more important for a parent than helping their child find the best possible mate?
You sent April 9
Who else here besides for @Alan Mark Zeligson feels their parents let them down?
You sent April 9
Maybe I have got it wrong.
@Alan Mark Zeligson do you feel your parents did a great job for the survival of this planet by not having you raise children or do you prefer not to think?
You sent April 9
My parents’ engagement on March 20, 1948 was no less arranged than their first meeting which took place well after Ben Gurion and Smuts organized for Irgun spy Boris Senior, whose allegiance was not fully with Ben Gurion but getting there with each step Senior took in pleasing Mossad head Ben Gurion, to purchase the 50 Kittyhawk-P40 American built fighter bombers, lined up on a South African runway, all in perfect working order with RAF engineers like my mother’s only brother Joe Ash as well as South African Air Force engineers at the ready and knowing they only had to remove the mothballs and the aircraft were good to go, for the extraordinary sum of 6 English Pounds Sterling each, making the 300 English Pounds Sterling the greatest military weapons purchase of all time.
You sent April 9
Still it is cheaper if military weapons such as Stinger missiles are given away, even if it is to future enemies such as the Taliban.
You sent April 9
Who still thinks we need to have wars because there are so many weapon systems stockpiled?
You sent April 9
Who thinks Elon Musk has yet to see my earlier posting here as well as on my Facebook wall?
You sent April 9
@Linda Sante are you continuing to feed Elon?
Have you discussed with him the benefits of cutting meat and dairy along with all the oils such as Olive oil out of his diet and using the look of @Alan Mark Zeligson as an example of what he has to look forward to unless you have a better example such as heavyweight in the stupid department as well, member @Torah Gemach?
You sent April 9
Should we all now take a break?
You sent April 9
Edit: It is also my experience that needy people will suck you dry of energy and when also stealing your time get their biggest kicks; and I’m not …
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
U know what Garry u remind me of a person in a mental hosp. They talk gibberish only they can understand,
You sent April 9
Edit: … strong minds that translated into strong bodies feeding wonderfully…
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
U play one person against the other trying to humiliate us all meanwhile one day mark my words u will have a date with a hot iron, The Russians Obviosly know ur a nutcase but be warned .one day u are going to pick on the wrong person And u will reap a wirlwjnd of hell
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson who would you if you were the Romans or the leadership of the Inquisition which remember has not ended until the last of us independent minded Jewish people are eradicated, turn to within the Jewish communities spread throughout the world?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, would you think Oppenheimer
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
is the equivalent of taking on you?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
It’s pathetic u go on spouting this drivel mind u ,it’s called care in the community,few months ago in Uk a journalist talked about putin . Nothing happened but few wks later he drank tea lased with organic radiated poison.
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
Ur heroes. So sad for u that Nickie rejected ur sexual advances,
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson have you already lectured @Solly Krok that he was a nutcase and instead of hiring me he should have hired you to cut out the liver a chicken?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
U know ol chocky drops is coming out of prison soon, u fancy being his sponser ?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson have you considered that your interaction with sexual deviant Aubrey Levine and the lack of parental guidance has you without woman?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
No gary I’m not obsessed by him like u are.
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
he is all u talk about u show ur photos to any fool u meet before telling them how great y are. It’s pathetic
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, are you aware of how important regular, great sex is to a healthy woman?
Let’s assume you don’t.
Do you think it is healthy for the mind of an unhealthy male to be deprived of sex, period?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
U are seeking approval from every person. And u insult them, meanwhile I don’t think u even have one friend apart from mango and his fleas lol
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, you can’t stop lying.
You sent April 9
Why would I seek approval from turncoats?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
It’s not my fault the women are so damn lazy
You sent April 9
Do you realize you have a problem with women?
Do your parents and/or Levine have possibly anything to do with you down on women?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
The women I like are not in the Uk and the ones here are too lazy to reply so I’ll rather be on my own
You sent April 9
What interests you about @Jenny Feinstein?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
I don’t have any prob the women I meet here are like men they are very lazy too
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
She never got back to me
You sent April 9
Have you thought that your looks and poverty of thought play a role in you getting the cold shoulder?
How long has this been going on?
You sent April 9
Would you like to date my cousin Karene Gevisser Fisher?
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
You sent April 9
Added @Karene Fisher
You sent April 9
@Tony Leon, can you help @Alan Mark Zeligson out?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
She is in a relationship
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, do you recall the question surrounding the cry of the turncoat Jewish South Africans?
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, can you explain that, calling upon your experiences in Ward 22?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, how much time do you need?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson is this silence your way of saying that you can’t get the GDP and its relationship with God, out of your mind?
You sent April 9
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
That’s my knife
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
I use it for brisses too
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson do you recall the question surrounding the cry of the turncoat Jewish South Africans?
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
U telling me mango turned into the snake . ?lol
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 9
Yes I do
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, do you feel any resentment for your present circumstances, fat, deprived for only God knows how long of a respectable lover towards either God of the SA Oppenheimers?
You sent April 9
Are you still proud of managing to get through Ward 22?
You sent April 9
Do you think of the Jewish leadership of South Africa were not corrupt, there would never have been the deplorable thinking, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM”?
You sent April 9
Do you think the fact that the majority population of South Africa was black, that constituted a problem for Jewish people?
You sent April 9
@Alan Mark Zeligson, place gently the knife down.
You sent April 9
Don’t want to injure any of your toes even if their numbness is a sign of gangrene caused by diabetes and the such stemming from that stomach which bothers healthy women rather than the poor excuse they are lazy.
You sent April 9
Let’s try it again.
Do you think the fact that the majority population of South Africa was black, that constituted a problem for Jewish people?
You sent April 9
@Tony Leon, you can see that even someone as demented as @Alan Mark Zeligson is able to get his head around this insurmountable problem for Jewish South Africans throughout the globe which doesn’t mean the rest of the world isn’t also being punished.
You sent April 9
How do you have disproportionate numbers of Jewish South Africans becoming filthy rich buying and selling real estate in South Africa on the basis that IF THERE WASN’T A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM”?
You sent April 9
Rabbi @David Masinter, you are in big with rich Jewish South African real estate people, how have you managed to dismiss in all your praying to God and speeches for money the taking of lands from the indigenous black South Africans who remain the majority is grounded in the belief “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM”?
You sent April 9
April 9
Apr 9, 2021, 4:41 PM
You sent April 9
You sent April 9
Edit: “… not bother trying to get @Jenny Feinstein to marry you …
April 10
Apr 10, 2021, 9:50 AM
Asne Goodman left the group.
April 10
Apr 10, 2021, 11:57 AM
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
April 10
Apr 10, 2021, 3:01 PM
You sent April 10
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, it has been 24 and a half hours since we last heard from the Speaker of the House @Alan Mark Zeligson:
You sent April 10
“Yes I do”
You sent April 10
Anyone and that includes Zeligson who shows that his mental handicaps don’t prevent him from following along at every waking moment, looking for the opportunity to ambush, who attempts to distract from “… rich Jewish South African real estate people … taking of lands from the indigenous black South Africans … is grounded in the belief “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM” will be permanently removed from TBH.
This will make way for others to join.
It will also not prevent such Poverty of Thought to continue keeping up, by going to my 2facetruth.com BLOG and/or seeking comfort from their “lazy” friends.
We will also be dissecting this “lazy” reference to our better halves who have been smart enough to never let go of their femininity which suffers greatly from flappy skin under the upper arms, stomach, ass and thighs to name not all body parts which suffer from weight fluctuations beginning with heavy weight gain that the ingenious skin, the largest organ does not forget.
You sent April 10
You unsent a message
You sent April 10
Why speak the remainder of this symposium to the world’s cash and land richest American litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq now running the domestic and foreign policy of the Biden Administration who already knew never keep the company of little shits like @Alan Mark Zeligson or anyone other than those who attract the most beautiful women in the world based on their looks, the best indicator of intelligence, before running into me seated next to the most exotic, beautiful, comfortable in her own skin, woman to have stepped foot on the shores of California,
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
at the classy Matre D restaurant in the flats of La Jolla, Southern California in early 1999 without your law partner, former United States Attorney, Howard Finkelstein Esq. who was not present at this intimate gathering of 4 couples including the two richest cardiologists both Durban South African Kevin Rapaport, no relation to stooge Martin Rapaport of the Rapaport Report who I knew everything there was know about him before our face-to-face meetings beginning in early spring 1979, Bozo The Clown Tierstein MD, because the homosexual owners of Matre D, which has since permanently closed its doors, did not care for Howard’s “verbal assault” which had nothing to do with their sexual orientation or for that matter any enquiry of a sexual nature, but his opinion of their food preparation, without these boys who were most polite throughout our meal realizing who they were fucking with?
You sent April 10
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, I am not about to get into what Kevin who along with Bozo The Clown were at your wedding in 2001 to former member Marcy Campbell Krinsk thought of Bozo’s angioplasty device that Johnson & Johnson paid cardiologist Dr Paul Bozo The Clown Tierstein MD $30 million bonus that according to Kevin spewed out fatal doses of radiation.
You sent April 10
That is all water
over a duck’s back.
You sent April 10
Instead, while waiting patiently for feedback and most eager to tell the likes of Jewish South African butcher-plumber @Alan Mark Zeligson who should at least have clean fingernails when posing for his fb profile photo, “totsiens” which is “vamoos” in slang Afrikaans-Yiddish or “good riddance” in appropriate English, I will answer my question, why you?
You sent April 10
It is not only because both my parents would have liked your looks and behavior which has everything to do with being happy with your good looks
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
or that you went out of your way to make Marie and me
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
feel most welcome at your wedding or you being the only person in the world to applaud me for the obituary
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
I placed in the South African newspapers where you can still see 2facetruth.com at the end, following the passing of my one of a kind father Bernie on 27 August 2012.
Of course, my mother Zena who never stopped loving my wonderful father when marrying her second husband Alan Zulman in the early 80s after more than 30 years of marriage to my father, also applauded the obituary while frowning on my 3 elder siblings who “simply couldn’t be bothered”.
You sent April 10
You happen to know what it means to be Jewish without being religious because following any religious ritual blindly means you are stupid.
You sent April 10
Still that isn’t enough to sufficiently explain to people the importance of choosing smart company at all times unless the “Good Lord” has other plans such as today’s internet social media that allows someone like bottom of the barrel @Alan Mark Zeligson and South African-American real estate financier The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow to be in the same room with someone such as yourself.
You sent April 10
250 members of TBH also doesn’t translate into 8 billion, any number pick one.
You sent April 10
Title: Who cares?
Should Harry and Meghan show up at the funeral will Charles and William say, “You can sit in the back, so long as I don’t see you, and pay your respects”?
You sent April 10
Or will Harry and Meghan say, “We are not going, just send the money” and watch the pomp and ceremony designed to fool the plebes, the same with Bitcoin, on TV like everyone else?
Who cares what these high performance actors decide to do?
You sent April 10
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., within moments of our first meeting you realized, despite all the admonishments of the likes of The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, Torah “I need to work on myself” Gemach and Alan “Yes I do” Zeligson, I had a decent grasp of numbers, not because I told you so, rather I mentioned that another of your close colleagues, Kirk Huelett Esq, a partner of the 2000 pound gorilla law firm, Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach had reviewed my “work product” pertaining to well-known public corporation and without charge, drafted a letter which resulted in an immediate resolution; and Huelett’s introduction is all thanks to member @Deborah Sturman Esq. who my mother’s second husband Alan Zulman had replace my wicked witch sister, member @Kathy Danziger on Zulman’s death bed.
You sent April 10
.. as the co-executor of Zulman’s estate whose major beneficiary, of course is my mother Zena who also perfectly understood that the most monetary item kept out of Zulman’s official estate were monies held in trust by Deborah Sturman Esq. related to a London real estate transaction owned by my mother Zena’s most trusted lifetime friend, homosexual Leslie Shagam, a World War II fighter pilot and founder of the Israel Force.
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
You sent April 10
Apr 11, 2021, 7:41 AM
Neville Shotland left the group.
April 11 at 11:50 AM
Apr 11, 2021, 11:50 AM
You sent April 11 at 11:50 AM
Title: Perfect platform
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, there is of course more that you knew about life before that fateful low light – conversations like none other with the 2 top cardiologists, and now they are closer collaborators – night at Matre D, than to make a conscious effort to avoid the company of time stealers and energy vampires like knife wielding @Alan Mark Zeligson and Torah “Liquified Meat” Gemach-Benzion; and lets’s not forget The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, the protégée of Durban’s most threatening Jewish Kapo-sellout, Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus, the father of pisser member, Sidney Lazarus who also has this perfect platform to express his opposition to the corrupt Jewish religious and secular leadership in their violent, putrid, morbid, disgusting, macabre, racist-money provocation, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM” as well as condemn his father, and all the Jews of South Africa, beginning with the sick Durban Jewish community now spread throughout the globe, and well represented here in TBH, who didn’t speak out against the abomination of The Pig and his brother Bernard Lazarus as they so arrogantly, hypocrisy in the extreme, so sick, beyond human imagination, launched their Tolerance Museum within the Durban Jewish Club.
You sent April 11 at 11:55 AM
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk, I’m so sickened by having to write that, I must take a break to commune more with GoDNature here in our backyard where I have grounding for about 2 hours, paying attention to the trees, feeling the cool breeze of the wind on the back of my neck, and now all around surround sound and breeze like a full blown orchestra and Mango just growled like a trumpet just warming up.
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 11 at 11:58 AM
You sent April 11 at 12:45 PM
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk when I return we will commence with the never to forget title, Paratrooper; followed by quickly mentioning departed, Durbanite Neville Shotland, and @Alan Mark Zeligson’s light touch heart
placement following the photo of me, my 2 eldest siblings and girlfriend with most important, I didn’t say the best, only very important “cover”, Israel Air Force fighter pilot, Leslie Shagam who as I have mentioned previous, played a pivotal role back in March 1945 in saving the life of downed fighter bomber pilot, Boris Senior, my highly secretive British-English Zen mother Zena’s other extraordinarily close friend, when Boris was shot down in his Kittyhawk fighter bomber 800 meters offshore of Venice harbor, after scoring a direct hit on large German vessel Leonhardt, but equally spot on German anti aircraft fatally damaged the beloved American built Kittyhawk which managed to climb Boris to a suffient height to parachute out safely but remain in the freezing cold waters for 4 hours all the while holding on to his AMGOT (Allied Military Government in Occupied Territories) and quite different to Bitcoin propping up fake competition.
No less close to my mother was another founder of the IAF, American fighter pilot and trainer, George Lichter who like my mother Zena and her parents “bowed”to my father Bernie each time he entered the room, limiting applause to their sparkling eyes.
My father really knew how to love, the same of course with my mother.
A fighter pilot knows everything about the strengths and weaknesses of fellow fighter pilots they go into battle alongside.
They have no weaknesses by the time they graduate top out of flight school and that impresses greatly legends such as South African Air Force Captain Syd Cohen who not only get assigned the best graduating cadets, but by my father’s 3rd dive-bombing mission in SAAF Squadron 11, Captain Cohen who went on to lead the IAF’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence (1947-1949), always picked my father first as his wingman.
My father who remember deferred to me to answer the question what we were still doing in South Africa after the fall of General Smuts 11 days into Israel’s bloody war designed to end the “Jewish problem” once and for all, was always happy not to be in the photograph if it meant there wouldn’t be a visual record; a good trait I picked up.
You sent April 11 at 12:47 PM
April 11 at 1:58 PM
Apr 11, 2021, 1:58 PM
You sent April 11 at 1:58 PM
Alan Mark Zeligson
Alan Mark Zeligson sent April 11 at 2:42 PM
Garry what was the book u wrote I hope to read it this wk.
April 11 at 5:46 PM
Apr 11, 2021, 5:46 PM
You sent April 11 at 5:46 PM
Title: Paratrooper
@Alan Mark Zeligson note that Ward 22-Greefswald inmate and correspondent, knife wielding @Alan Mark Zeligson couldn’t maintain his “soft touch”, will be permanently leaving TBH; and so he will be delayed in learning more about his and his family’s role in the genocide of Africa, all because they couldn’t figure out what the bought Jewish leadership, rich Kapos of South Africa had to gain in joining the theft of lands and mineral resources below of the majority black population of SA as they parroted, “IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM.”
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you can see that something is not working well in @Alan Mark Zeligson’s head but that doesn’t mean he has forgotten why he is so mean-spirited, one ambush after the next, looking forward to hearing that I have been done in, rather than waking up to his everlasting shame.
How does someone so poorly educated and clearly done in at Ward 22, get to be consistently mischievous?
What is the correct diagnosis of a liar?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk, don’t forget as we look forward to tomorrow, an important event in President Franklin D Roosevelt’s life, our Jewish scholars got several important things wrong in our Torah which talk to the Torah’s one true genius.
First, “God” exposing from the beginning the religious Jewish hypocrites who couldn’t follow logic, starting with the story of Exodus out of Egypt which defies the most basic logic; and lacking common sense, what in God’s name are you speaking for God and sounding so stupid.
Second, that 6 word statement in Hebrew which I believe and I could be wrong, translates into 12 words of much more wordy English, which ends “… 1”, should have ended it for us Jewish people right there.
You sent April 11 at 5:48 PM
Edit: @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq note that Ward 22-Greefswald inmat…
You removed Alan Mark Zeligson from the group.
You sent April 11 at 6:25 PM
P2 Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. there are far fewer wild turkeys this year.
You sent April 11 at 6:41 PM
You sent April 11 at 6:46 PM
Inbreeding is not good for the survival of the species.
April 11 at 8:13 PM
Apr 11, 2021, 8:13 PM
You sent April 11 at 8:13 PM
P3 – Paratrooper
Eat your heart out.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, when you hear that do you think of fatty foods and your friends, the heart doctors?
April 12 at 12:40 PM
Apr 12, 2021, 12:40 PM
You sent April 12 at 12:40 PM
P4 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq on this 76th anniversary of the passing of Roosevelt who didn’t wish the passengers of the SS St Louis safe journey, “bon voyage” when turning them back to Nazi Germany and most of their fate sealed, do you think people who own land, either inherited or purchased during their lifetime, see themselves as better than those who don’t?
Try to put out of your mind the corrupt rich Jewish people of South Africa stealing the land of the indigenous black South Africans who are the overwhelming majority, even after tens of millions of them have been systematically exterminated on the falsehood, “IF THERE WASN’T A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM” and from there, they would expand the crime of genocide against the poor globally until slowing things down as there is less resistance thanks to extermination reducing the opposition numbers.
The fact that the human who cannot find any good us humans have done for the planet since our arrival comes up with all sorts of convenient excuses, should also be blocked out of your mind for this one mind experiment.
If the human thinks of too many things at the same time, including how to tile open space and when the first tile falls to the ground and platters into pieces just sits around waiting for gravity to loosen its grip, one of the things that suffers is its brain not able to remember things, like watering a new tree I planted the other day and which requires a gallon or so of water every other day, just in case you pass by and then you should first check to see if it is damp because I may have moments before just watered it.
If you have trouble remembering then you automatically have brain problems.
A problem mind is not a healthy attribute.
I’m not sponsoring sex dolls, but I can see their appeal.
You sent April 12 at 12:44 PM
P5 – Paratrooper
Surely renters don’t have as much rights as owners; and we have experienced that, as have most all renters.
So is it fair to say land owners see themselves as more intelligent, and those who don’t, less intelligent?
I’m going to try make the best case possible to bring back Jewish South African plumber-chef, Ward 22-Greefswald inmate-correspondent Alan Mark Zeligson, but in the end it must come down to a vote and Zeligson always has the option to refuse being readmitted.
You added Alan Mark Zeligson to the group.
You sent April 12 at 1:06 PM
P6 – Paratrooper
Added back entertainer @Alan Mark Zeligson pending the vote.
In putting aside the mind fuck clusters doesn’t mean we should forget all the reasoning that goes into our minds figuring out probability, essential in predicting future events, and second, how obvious it is that us Jewish people should have been exterminated at the very beginning of our existence which dates back to Founding Father Abraham, who I assume came before King David which is said to be around a 1000 years before Christ.
Let’s also not pay any attention to names or dates even those which say that Abraham came about in the late 6th Century before Christ.
Let’s also say I got wrong that King David was Jewish, and that his belief system was different because historians have got a lot of things wrong beginning with their weak logic stemming from the first ever statement of human consciousness and morality.
Instead let’s just concentrate on the repeated verbiage in the Bible of God getting mad, upset, super angry with his creation man.
When you see an engineer cursing his robot that is producing TESLA motor vehicles, at what point do you call his nurse or do you think the robot should sense the chemical imbalance and strap on super fast a straight jacket?
If the intention is to teach moral virtues then what explains the incredible audacity of the GDP economics index that has been tearing up the earth with reckless abandon since its introduction in 1934, a year after two super sick leaders of the United States and Germany with the worst record of exterminating southern African native tribes and not a murmur from anyone including those Jewish and non-Jewish groups profiting from the discourse of both our Jewish Holocaust and different economic theories geared supposedly to bring out the best in humanity as well as what is best for the health of the planet?
So what was God doing getting mad at people who can’t be blamed for their incredibly poor software programming managing the most complex muscular-skeletal hardware and who demonstrate a progressive weakening brain along with a smaller brain size?
All that we are questioning having eliminated all possible distractions other than what nature which is unpredictable provides, are all those teaching moral virtues.
If they got it wrong from the beginning which I know they did, how enormous must be the brain size of the creator of this universe to have fooled all of us over this lengthy period where it is the planet that has been destroyed, and the human couldn’t figure it out; worse, catastrophically worse, when given the facts tries their best to laugh off this gross stupidity with lols?
How have the stupid religious managed to fool everyone, including the atheists who have focused their attention on the stupid religious instead of the glaringly wrong economic thinking?
Who would think that if the SA Oppenheimers are able sway politicians and elections they would take a hands off approach to folks like THRIVE-member @Foster Gamble, Zeitgeist, Info WARS, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd member @Paul Watson?
If Abraham didn’t exist then something no less remarkable planted this amazing story which defies human intelligence in each of our minds and it has furthermore escaped the attention of us too busy making money humans for 3000 years.
Those first words “… I am God … God is 1” how could they have managed to survive all these years when they should have been destroyed the moment they were first uttered?
You sent April 12 at 1:23 PM
P7 – Paratrooper
Then there is the inconceivable, totally nonsense story of the Exodus that us Jewish people have been telling our children since the escape a long time after Abraham was dead.
Alongside me is Boris Senior’s 2004 autobiography NEW HEAVENS, subtitle, My Life as a Fighter Pilot and a Founder of the Israel Air Force which Senior never lived to see published.
It destroys a lot of myths including the Spielberg’s Above and Beyond 2014 documentary about the birth of the Israel Air Force where missing most is the truth.
You miss the essence you are spreading a lie.
If you are American and you have a Hollywood name like Spielberg, it automatically means that you can read and write.
That requires an inaccessible amount of logic if you can’t reason the basics.
So why should we go there?
Because someone has to.
How do you get involved in anything Jewish without first asking what forces were in play as to why Israel needed its own Air Force after the leaders of the free world argued they were appalled at the slaughter of the 6 million?
First, logic would point you in the direction of rich Jewish people who might have been bought off with things like real estate, stock options, speaking engagements, book and movie deals which steers bought Hollywood from asking the logical questions.
Would logic suggest that because the richest people in the world, the German-South African Oppenheimers who have been based since the turn of the 20th Century in South Africa that we should lose our focus on rich Jewish South Africans because rich Jewish puppets appear to be in control of Hollywood-Madison Avenue?
The concept of cause and effect follow a path of logical reasoning.
When something seems disjointed, it usually is if you can logically thought process.
So you know to enquire more and that effort also stimulates the brain muscle not to be singularly focused on sex and deception which is not good when you know you are attempting to deceive someone just trying to do good.
A puppet knows they are a puppet and they deceive people into thinking they are the decision maker.
What if in fact there are leaders out there who don’t know they are puppets?
Should they be taken more or less seriously than those who know they are puppets?
A puppet can easily be determined by reading Professor Edward J Epstein’s 1978 classic non fiction book The Diamond invention.
So it really doesn’t matter if the puppet is witting or unwitting.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq you are very close to the Biden family, you must know whether Chairman Biden thinks he is a puppet and simply doesn’t care.
Maybe I should start at the top for slower members to get caught up.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk could you see the virulent anti-Semitic, anti Israel, German-SA Oppenheimers taking their hands off Hollywood because they and their friends escaped serious injury at the farcical Nuremberg-IG Farben War Crimes Tribunals (1946-1948)?
Could you see them letting go of anything based on the evidence?
When you advised me on October 1, 2003 over lunch at Rainwater’s, “You are going to have to chop off all the heads of De Beers, and remember at the end to quarter the body” to make sure it never rises again, your thinking wasn’t that I should be kind and gentle towards those eager to ingratiate themselves with the Oppenheimers, or that they would go down without a fight.
You sent April 12 at 1:31 PM
You unsent a message
You sent April 12 at 1:33 PM
P8 – Paratrooper
Would Israel feel secure to trust the rest of the world to defend Israel in the event of a nuclear threat from an enemy country should israel not have fast enough delivery of a nuclear tipped warhead ahead of an imminent launch by an enemy?
We would have to assume that Ben Gurion was dumb not to be thinking about either Nuremberg-IG Farben trials or US Ambassador to Great Britain Joseph Kennedy who advocated the British surrender during the Battle of Britain when visiting with Senator John F Kennedy back in 1951, a decade before Kennedy became President.
You sent April 12 at 1:34 PM
You sent April 12 at 1:52 PM
P9 – Paratrooper
The man seated to Kennedy’s right has the last name Roosevelt.
Ben Gurion knew Roosevelt was a puppet but that didn’t mean Ben Gurion approved of President Franklin D Roosevelt turning back the SS St Louis and helping Hitler please his puppeteers.
When you have the world against you all because you have logical beliefs that don’t please the rulers, does not mean you have to be stupid.
You have to listen to what they have to say otherwise there is no way to determine what they are saying.
That makes sense, right?
You sent April 12 at 2:18 PM
P10 – Paratrooper
It is of course hard to dismiss how Jewish South Africans still attend religious services other than to make real estate connections as close as it gets to the SA Oppenheimers; and the closer you move up the chain of command so you are more likely to get a dumb ass like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow making a spectacle of himself as the front person, general partner of the excessive real estate development, Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall before telling the world you are a genius financier with plenty of time to hand out free Starbucks coffee while chatting up the wives equally bored with their rich husbands while sucking down all of his bullshit.
That did not mean Ben Gurion was clueless as to the tactics of the SA Oppenheimers of destroying us Jewish people from within as they focused on Jewish peacock real estate developers.
A human who feels the need to be the center of attention cannot be expected to be the greatest truth seeker.
Anyone who hung out with the Durban North Lazarus could not be expected to have one iota of morals.
Void of morals you can be easily influenced by someone giving you money to buy real estate.
Most real estate developers don’t think that if they buy enough real estate then not only do they have less concern of noisy neighbors but they could inevitably own all the real estate.
That is because they don’t think.
The thing a Jewish South African should question before getting involved in real estate development in South Africa is what prevents the SA Oppenheimers from leveraging their control of the world’s mining sector to own the residential and commercial real estate market from one end of the earth to the other using idiot front people like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow and different name corporations that they control?
Ben Gurion would have needed to be very dumb to have missed the arming of Nazi Germany by the west’s richest capitalists who have no loyalty to country, race or religion.
April 12 at 3:46 PM
Apr 12, 2021, 3:46 PM
You sent April 12 at 3:46 PM
P11 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, with today again being the 76th anniversary of the death of Roosevelt, so beloved to the ignorant masses and even more loved by rich real estate acquirers of stolen lands such as Donald Trump, his father and Chairman-President Biden whose remaining son Hunter you watch over, do you think the finer points of a beautiful woman, body-face-mind well represented in the words, “Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient doesn’t make you a good parent” ever enters the the mind of the religious such as member @Torah Gemach who you noticed also treaded very lightly with the
emblem; and God knows there is no love in Gemach’s stomach, but hatred of himself that he wishes to reflect on the healthy who are more conscious of what they eat, but he hangs because he wants the scoop first on the role played the most senior members of ChaBAD sic depriving member @Solly Krok not simply of his prime properties in Amsterdam worth $50 million some 3 decades ago, but hitting the Royalty of the world beginning with the Royalty of the Netherlands where it hurts most, their pocketbook?
Not to mention, if you can get enough people to believe something, they will follow those pointing them in the wrong direction blindly.
Let me give you an example; you are cruising on the freeway and suddenly all the traffic comes to a standstill; and as far as the eye can see cars are turning around, heading back towards the closest on ramp; and there are cars turned around as well as reversing up the ramp, because it is a downhill facing ramp, just in case you needed that additional explanation, you never know.
You are faced with two common sense options; follow the herd who are going to be taking a very long detour and you can see the detour traffic stretches as far as the eye can see, not wanting to turn on the radio to listen to another talker selling advertising or wait for whatever has stopped traffic to be cleared during which time you can just relax, better yet find a car in front that is electric.
In your mind it could be 50/50, and if you make the wrong choice you can rationally explain the reasoning behind making up your mind; if it is the wrong choice and you are further delayed you are simply disappointed and looking at the positives such as less pollution if you chose the route of the herd and that diminished pollution held back the growth of your stomach cancer cells spreading and killing you that much quicker.
But that is not the same as having been horribly fooled from the start when first hearing the words, “… I am … God is One” followed by the preposterous story out of Egypt which freed us as slaves.
In what way can you see our Jewish real estate developers having helped restore the planet to health?
Did you hear of Hitler condemning Jewish real estate developers or for that matter non-Jewish real estate developers trading in stolen lands?
What if Hitler understood the con of real estate development which affords the Queen of England Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle and other massive chunks of land with improvements built with slave labour, but knew better than to bite the hands that feed him?
It would mean he was either psychotic or an incredible actor like all the rest of the leadership ignoring the duplicity of the German-SA Oppenheimers who have felt they have God’s blessing to rule over the fools so impressed with their schooling and wealth accumulation.
Bear in mind that Queen Elizabeth bred with her third cousin Philip Dimwit Charles and pedophile Andrew has yet to open up their multitude of sparse occupied residences to house the poor of the world.
We are only talking about reading and making moral decisions based on the information you gather from reading and listening.
Bear in mind Andrew is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but that doesn’t mean Andrew should be left alone with underage girls.
What if one of the Queen’s advisors has read either my notes and/ or The D I book, and told her “Just carry on” “, would you despise the Queen or feel sorry for having to act so ugly?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. would you be able to give a speech from Buckingham Palace mourning the death of Philip without the help of a teleprompter?
At a minimum you can’t be as impressed with the Queen at this moment.
It is only this moment that counts because you can’t change the past and you must at least commiserate with the Queen before she was informed who guarantees her family’s lifestyle.
The pomp and ceremony of the Royals looks like it was all invented in Hollywood, doesn’t it?
Therefore doesn’t it make sense that Prince Harry who couldn’t even help out his Hollywood B actress wife Meghan get hold of his bank of family psychologists to address her desire to get rich quick and leave the inbred firm, decide to join Hollywood officially and cut out all the middlemen and having to share with his brother William, while being assured he will get everything coming to him from the estate of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth?
Could you see Harry playing the fool on all of them, including Meghan?
So in fact Harry may not be as dumb as he looks and acts.
He might also have noticed that Meghan’s backside is starting to show signs of inevitably looking like this:
You sent April 12 at 3:49 PM
April 12 at 4:53 PM
Apr 12, 2021, 4:53 PM
You sent April 12 at 4:53 PM
P12 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, in all probability Hunter Biden listens more carefully to you than anyone else, including his Jewish wife, assuming they are still married and why not believe this Jewish South African girl fell in love with Hunter so quickly because she imagined him aging well and/or dying sooner and collecting; and/or very possibly, something else such as Hunter not having bad breath.
Again the important thing is that we are all still here and realizing only very recently that not only is real estate development a rather seedy business to begin with and none of us had to work for its creation but the first words spoken on morality, “God is One”, well ahead of the conflicting 10 Commandments that include “Do not kill” which hasn’t stopped the killing, and nor is there anything about caring for the planet, are very clear, do not trust the rulers.
What is it about Amsterdam real estate that attracts rich Jewish South Africans such as @Solly Krok and Jonathan Beare who with just a small fraction of the billion US Dollar profit he made over a very short period in Amsterdam real estate bought the huge, standout Century City Shopping Center in LA, making a ton there before heading back to South Africa to make more real estate killings and finding the time to invest in the huge crane business where your only potential competition are the German-South African Oppenheimers who have never tolerated competition ever since taking control of the drilling industry more than a century ago?
Could you see emissaries of the SA Oppenheimers steering people who don’t question sufficiently to make killings in previous Nazi occupied Amsterdam?
You sent April 12 at 4:54 PM
You sent April 12 at 5:00 PM
P13 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, having you focus on that 1951 photo of future Oppenheimer-Engelhard Jr. President John F Kennedy is not to suggest to you that when Ben Gurion visited with Senator John F Kennedy, Ben Gurion had forgotten the back up plan were his Haganah forces to be overrun which was expected by nightfall May 15, 1948.
April 12 at 8:20 PM
Apr 12, 2021, 8:20 PM
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:20 PM
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:20 PM
Torah Gemach unsent a message
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:21 PM
Torah Gemach unsent a message
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:21 PM
Torah Gemach unsent a message
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:23 PM
Gary this video was filmed by me and showing what Yiddish heads can think up.
Torah Gemach sent April 12 at 8:23 PM
It’s my wife’s Friend
April 12 at 10:22 PM
Apr 12, 2021, 10:22 PM
You sent April 12 at 10:22 PM
@Torah Gemach when you wrote to me, “I have to work on myself” on March 15, in what way do you consider yourself a failure?
Is it something you have discussed wtih your wife?
Does she understand why you would write me that, rather than work with your family therapist?
Were you hoping that when you decided to speak out, it would automatically result in me removing you from TBH rather than remove yourself before I explained the role of senior ChaBAD SIC members tasked with helping spread anti-Semitism?
Again, why would you choose now to interrupt the flow?
Is there any personal knowledge you have about Ben Gurion which had him so distrusting the religious such as yourself who use your good work as a decoy?
Do you recall what Ben Gurion had to say in 1953 about Spinoza which was a direct attack on the small minded religious?
Are you ready to hear how you got completely wrong the story of the Exodus or how impossible it is that some Jewish people managed to survive the past 3000 years as our enemies worked to destroy the Jewish people from within?
How is your community dealing with your poor health as you account for 50% of the hospitalizations in Israel and yet you are only 10% of the population?
Do you feel that God has forsaken you or that despite all your prayers, all your bending back and forth, which doesn’t open up the pathways blocked by your meat and liquified meat addictions, you lack willpower and intelligence to eat healthy and your illhealth has you spewing filth?
Do you have your eye out for pedophiles and how to spot one?
You sent April 12 at 10:22 PM
You sent April 12 at 10:25 PM
You sent April 12 at 10:26 PM
You sent April 12 at 10:28 PM
@Torah Gemach do you see a correlation between a sick looking body such as yourself, and the mind which feeds off it?
April 13 at 12:56 AM
Apr 13, 2021, 12:56 AM
Karen Dodo left the group.
April 13 at 6:26 PM
Apr 13, 2021, 6:26 PM
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 13 at 6:26 PM
Sure, me!
April 13 at 7:36 PM
Apr 13, 2021, 7:36 PM
Alan Mark Zeligson left the group.
April 14 at 7:44 AM
Apr 14, 2021, 7:44 AM
Alan Davidoff left the group.
April 14 at 1:13 PM
Apr 14, 2021, 1:13 PM
A contact left the group.
You sent April 14 at 1:14 PM
P14 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, “Before you enjoy … Keep you, your & ours healthy.”
You know where I’m going with this
You sent April 14 at 1:15 PM
You sent April 14 at 1:23 PM
without forgetting 2 things; first, what value could be assigned to the Haifa harbor properties of my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c. 1890 – 24 February, 1970) co-founder of The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) at sunset 15 May, 1948 had the predictions of the experts, led by British Field Marshal Montgomery, “When the British flag is lowered for the last time in Palestine, the Jews will be overrun” come true.
You sent April 14 at 1:32 PM
Second, yesterday I did not die.
While observing the performance of the actors here which was minimal but so telling and Zeligson couldn’t wait to leave as hypocrite religious Gemach fell on the sword, piercing the heart of the heartless and everyone remains as is, with the help of a Durban, South African-American who was actually born in Chicago back in 1978 when I was living there, I developed courseware for elementary school kids which only requires packaging.
You sent April 14 at 1:34 PM
April 15 at 3:09 PM
Apr 15, 2021, 3:09 PM
You sent April 15 at 3:09 PM
P15 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, elementary school kids are not warned in class they are being deceived.
I will email you that courseware and you can decide for yourself if there is room for improvement, and then how best to package it giving everyone the opportunity to provide their input, including the kids.
Small businesses are closing shop like never before; they are dying like flies, replaced by realtors from all over the world lining up to make their killings, and the well healed never having to worry about running out of cash or real estate; but who cares about the planet and the air their children have to breath before getting to zero pollution, which we could have long achieved, other than the coverup still has aways to go.
Remember the flowchart you drew for me.
And that is all ego because the egotistical human is really not in the least bit a curious animal other than in its desire to make money and trick others.
Even at your age approaching 73, and no guarantee you are going to make it even if you have changed your diet, it is possible by enlarging the photo for you to read the tail-end of that 1964 article in a Durban, South African English speaking newspaper about my Zen mother Zena, a packaging consultant and other things which we can get into if you prefer, on her way to the World’s Fair in New York City without having to be concerned for what my two elder siblings, Neil and Kathy would overhear, or thinking how to keep them entertained as they only accompanied my mother on the European leg, a trip most kids would give their eyeteeth.
How is it possible for negatively charged, unappreciative humans to become money hungry monsters, vultures that make hyenas look benign?
How is it possible given we have identical cell structures for everyone to get their greatest kicks from tricking others?
We know not only from looking at the elaborate, out of this world beautiful in its complexity shape as well as performance that the engineering is totally spectacular and without doubt all geared towards doing good, unless shit happens.
But the shit is what comes after.
How does that shit take a foothold when it all starts out so perfect?
A newborn human gives no indication that they are a ticking time bomb like Hitler just waiting for opportunity to arise, and the people numb.
That same cell engineering is at work with a Blue Jay 20 meters away as the crow flies trying to pull out a piece of string from Mango’s straw bed to help make its nest.
Shortly I will send you a photo of their latest failure which is a repeat of last year.
When will they ever learn?
What if us humans are simply students?
Would you give us an F?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, if you thought I was wrong, and no less important, that my information wouldn’t get out to sufficient numbers that would end the legacies of all the stupid who are wanting to ignore the critical role crypto currencies intermixed with the ongoing wars, plus fear tactics from every conceivable corner of the universe are playing in the coverup of stolen real estate you would have long left, the same with everyone else wishing for the worst.
Doing good brings more than a positive feeling.
You automatically want to continue doing good.
Now I’m only talking about precision engineering and that should be enough to end all the ugliness unless it is part of the overall design and each of us has to play the cards we are dealt.
You sent April 15 at 3:24 PM
April 15 at 5:33 PM
Apr 15, 2021, 5:33 PM
You sent April 15 at 5:33 PM
P16 – Paratroopertrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. let me end off the day remembering 76 years ago to the day
You sent April 15 at 5:34 PM
You sent April 15 at 5:48 PM
my father Bernie’s 71st and final dive-bombing-strafing mission which began at 12:25 PM Pontedera, Italy time and ended exactly 1 hour later as well as one other item.
First, the ingenious cell structure of just one organ, the skin, again common knowledge it is the biggest organ by far, begins healing itself immediately upon any “infraction”.
So well designed that when there is the slightest scratch the healing process is not only immediate but painless versus say using either a sledgehammer or guilotine to squeeze a pimple on the side of the nose.
Could you see man having the imagination to put all of that to work?
Yet it has worked perfectly for so long and yet you don’t notice any real sensitivity to the planet once the green has disappeared in favor of concrete and steel structures and to pave everything in sight.
Do you automatically go from just getting the slightest scratch on your forearm to being totally insensitive to the internal organs such as the brain which we know feels pain when it is lied to by the houser of the brain that doesnt do well even with a botched frontal lobotomy.
Nor should we forget how unconscious must the human be not to see that all competition apart from the human being attracted to the opposite sex’s beauty unless you are gay or lesbian and then it must be the exact same feeling, is an illusion that has been pulled off to perfection going back to the turn of the last century.
Nor is that length of time enough to be a determining factor in the human’s poverty of thought (pot) because 120 years is a pinprick in the 30,000 years that the human brain has been shrinking.
Jeffrey, this is not an excuse to invest in yet to be discovered tribes of cannibals who if we watch them close enough might in fact teach us something more about ourselves than if we continue with the same bullshit educational curriculum.
What I am saying is that obviously another much more powerful force capable of such incredible human cell design that can change perfect software and hardware to have the human acting so irrationally must be at play.
You sent April 15 at 6:02 PM
P17 – Paratrooper
Jeffrey, I had said one item, but immediately began thereafter, “First…”
I made a mistake.
I apologize.
Second, if you scroll back to my father’s 70th operation on April 12, the anti-Jewish, pro-Eugenics President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death, pick up on the word “BLIGHTERS”.
Most polite was my father even in the heat of battle; and yes my father had a great sense of humor, but you also needed to know how to tap into it.
If you didn’t know what goes through the mind of one of the best, most calm Fighter Bomber Pilots of World War II that would be most difficult.
So let’s look at the entire entry into his logbook on that day which Roosevelt took his last breath without redeeming himself and calling up King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia and saying, “Tear up my Letter of Friendship of April 5. I will soon be dead and Im giving instructions to my replacement Harry Truman not to go light on you folks if you so much as light a firecracker in the direction of future Israel.”
Operation 70:
You sent April 15 at 6:18 PM
Third, while not forgetting how well each sensitive skin cell teaches us the finer point, singular, of unimaginable engineering, and stupid man so quick to kill in order to secure all the minerals ahead of everyone having their luxury penthouse apartment assuming there is sufficient oxygen remaining, it is quite extraordinary how clear is my father back on March 11, 2009 when writing, “Suggest that you ask my youngst son Gary” [sic] in answer to the question why he and my mother Zena didn’t leave South Africa following the defeat of General Smuts in the rigged May 26, 1948 South African General Election, 11 days after President Truman failed to wake up the morning of May 15, 1948, and knowing to do so early because the sun rises first in the east, call Clement Richard Attlee who replaced Churchill who was thrown out of office within 2 months of Victory Day Europe, and say, “If you don’t call off all the Arab armies, I will issue the order to obliterate them and blame you”.
You sent April 15 at 6:25 PM
Fourth, Jeffrey, do you think it is just the air circulating the whole earth which prevents everyone from asking me, following my 4 precision bombing articles in the Jerusalem Post beginning 12 days after the terason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich by De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Class ’68 Bill Clinton; “Gary, how did you know so much about Marc Rich?”
Jeffrey, we are talking about everyone with the exception of a handful.
Nor obviously did my insight and analysis cross the mind of anynone, not a single journalist, not a single politician, no philosopher, no civil rights group, none of the people investigating genocides all over the world.
It can’t be that they are all only concerned with making money because they still read and write and appear out in public including here on social media.
Its amazing that they can still remember to feed themselves and go to the toilet when nature calls.
Jeffrey, you see that when there is no competition then you have to simply look at who is making the most amount of money making out like there is heavy duty comnpetition.
First there is the Wall Street names, like Blackstone and that is easy to figure out, and then there are the oil traders and knowing that 80% of the cost of war is oil and they dont lose money or sleep when a diesel engine truck spews filth.
Jeffrey, of course it goes deeper than that but now we are talking about common sense, the previous is all intuitive.
Just in case; intuition doesnt require reasoning.
You sent April 15 at 7:10 PM
Edit: … “well healed” (sic) …
April 16 at 12:35 PM
Apr 16, 2021, 12:35 PM
You sent April 16 at 12:35 PM
You unsent a message
April 16 at 3:01 PM
Apr 16, 2021, 3:01 PM
You sent April 16 at 3:01 PM
You sent April 16 at 3:02 PM
You sent April 16 at 3:11 PM
You unsent a message
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 16 at 3:40 PM
Gut Shabbos to all
April 16 at 7:48 PM
Apr 16, 2021, 7:48 PM
You sent April 16 at 7:48 PM
P18 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as the cell ages, exacerbated by being fed unhealthy life forms such as member, @Torah Gemach’s favorite slaughtered Turkey slop, it needs to sleep more, go into hibernation to extend life, a good sign that it won’t live forever.
@Torah Gemach’s gut is a strong indicator that you have to question when he wishes the passerby “Have a good day” that whatever smile crosses his face that he hides behind a beard for good reason, you have to question his sincerity.
Torah Gemach-Benzion’s stomach protrusion might already be as hard as rock, an ingenious incubator of disease that doesn’t need much common sense to figure out.
When a religious person can no longer speak to God because only God can be blamed for lack of common sense that is gifted at birth; moreover, not even a healthy diet can induce common sense, where do they turn to for inspiration?
Btw, did you notice how blue is the sky this beautiful sunshine evening on your walk to the nearby cemetery where rests my friend Anne Miller who died on Christmas Day 2001, the day after I returned from a trip to visit with my mother Zena which ended with me purchasing for her a safe house on the waters edge of Minehead, a resort town just a short distance from her principal residence in Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England?
What if their only inspiration is getting kicks tricking others?
City life is not a blessing.
Besides for the constant noise of cars, police sirens, screaming neighbors, the stench of restaurants making burnt offerings of animal flesh that overwhelm the nostril hairs filtering out filth is the mental anguish of having wasted so much time swaying back and forth.
I estimate in the case of 66 year old Gemach since he started, probably around age 3, is 166 million sways all the while watching this disease incubator grow and harden.
Adding to the head trauma besides for seeing how there is no reduction in this audience size and therefore easy to extrapolate the high level of interest in the rest of the human population were Zuckerberg to lift the restriction of 250 members, is the fact the religious along with their critics have missed the greatest lesson of Judaism that comes from those 12 English words translated from the 6 Hebrew words “… I am … God is One”.
I know with a high degree of certainty that Gemach still hasn’t figured it out, and he is also too afraid to ask.
It would also be wrong to view the visual of a hard shell disease incubator gassing its surroundings well beyond social distancing of 6 feet as a positive by a beautiful woman passing by, only wanting to get the hell away from also the smell of the sweat percolating under the black attire which has yet to carry its own solar powered refrigeration pack.
Nor is Gemach a happier person since writing “I need to work on myself”.
How can a severely repressed-depressed human be going around wishing people he doesn’t even know “Gut shabbos”?
His only route out of the hell he has created for himself and all those who give him a free pass, is to distract.
It may have been a Freudian Slip the first time he used “Gut Shabbos” but now he is determined to challenge God.
Certainly he is no match against me debating the logic-truth that keeps my adversaries close, and against God he can only expect worse in the years ahead.
There is nothing good that comes from his lips and he should stop looking at his stomach as a platform to rest his hands when they are tired from the pull of gravity compounded by both clogged up pathways and all the wasted times praying when he could have been reading up on nutrition.
Who would want right now to change spots with @Torah Gemach who when he sees the name Ben Gurion he must just want to vomit?
We are all students.
Everyone has a purpose.
The likes of @Torah Gemach are transparently unhappy so when they wish the next person well, you have to take what they say with a pinch of salt.
Why bother eating healthy, getting into shape, when you know you have been purposely deceived by an object you have been praying to all your life to make yourself a better human being as well do what is best for the health of the planet, such a very small component of the universe.
Really, how far have we come when looking at the destruction of this planet and man’s indifference followed by monster behavior?
Modern technology is still having problems getting a robot on Mars which is rather close considering, to not fall apart completely from sand storms on Mars which they either didn’t plan for or knew that there was the risk and felt getting the $800 million mechanical device to Mars sooner rather later could have their funding drying up?
So by the time humans arrive before we go extinct here, what are the chances of managing those sand storms?
Mars exploration is to distract from Bitcoin, a Hail Mary that everyone seems to be holding on to for dear life, all the while MonKeyING MOCK keeps laughing at everyone.
Let us also not forget that lack of competition for money and the minerals that produce and make up the systemically corrupt parts supply chain, also extends to all the different religious sects, each one trying to make out that they have the right path to God.
You sent April 16 at 7:49 PM
April 17 at 4:42 AM
Apr 17, 2021, 4:42 AM
Karene Fisher left the group.
April 17 at 8:48 AM
Apr 17, 2021, 8:48 AM
Hilton Greenbaum left the group.
April 18 at 8:03 AM
Apr 18, 2021, 8:03 AM
You sent April 18 at 8:03 AM
P19 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you would know, it is most likely that Musk and Oppenheimer, also not getting younger, have met.
Let’s surmise the conversation went as follows:
N. Oppenheimer:
You can have it all, the minerals and the power, or you go down to zero!
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
You added Hilton Greenbaum to the group.
You sent April 18 at 8:06 AM
(added back first cousin Karene Gevisser Fisher and South African Chartered Accountant @Hilton Greenbaum)
You sent April 18 at 8:10 AM
P20 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it may have been less complicated than that.
Nick Oppenheimer:
You would also need to be “King Con” (sic).
Bitcoin is digital, non physical, better than diamonds. You can carry it on your phone, at your fingertips.
You sent April 18 at 8:29 AM
P21 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., we have this instant; 8:24 AM California time moved away completely from the unsightly bulges of fat people wearing tight outfits showing every dimple of the disgusting cellulite, to each of our legacy starting now with the passing of Prince Philip, a virulent anti-Semite, who as the years progressed softened, drama classes possibly helped, his public rhetorical hatred of us Jewish people, but it remains, got passed down to his grandson, Harry who not all that long ago went ballistic about the racist firm he was born into, so mixed up in his head, he couldn’t find his Rolodex to help his wife get treatment for her mental illnesses exacerbated by all the wealth she had just married into.
Nor should we forget how institutions like Holocaust Memorial Museums led by Yad Vashem in Israel give recognition, special award to Philip’s Greek mother for helping save Jews during the Holocaust, but no mention about how the German-South African Oppenheimers escaped prosecution at the farcical Nuremberg-IG Farben trials; and no less shamefully their top executives went on to great financial success and status amongst the leadership of post War Germany.
Did I mention they were the leadership of Germany who choose the current leadership?
You sent April 18 at 8:30 AM
P22 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., we shouldn’t expect Yad Vashem to change their tune anytime soon.
But one never knows.
You sent April 18 at 8:44 AM
P23 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. while we have a lot more to talk about Prince Philip as well as King Co(i)n, we must not forget that fat plays a part in the ultra orthodox Jewish of Israel consuming 50% of hospital resources during Covid and representing only 10% of the population; and it is not because they are healthy.
While our Torah does not spell out that there is a correlation between fat and disease you might expect it in all the commentaries just to make the people more aware.
Interesting that religious people may be less aware?
Either way, it should be something they work at fixing.
This fat problem affects all society, not only people like ultra orthodox Jewish religious @Torah Gemach who I estimate has swayed back and forth 166 million times over his lifetime worshipping ink on paper, and yet not having the first clue, like all the rabbis about the genius of Judaism that the world rejected from the start; and yet it lives certainly with my mother and me who knew to steer clear of anyone using their good work as a decoy which explains the proliferation of charities that mask the grand theft of lands that belong to everyone; not one human being any better than the next no matter how poor financially.
Is what makes the ultra orthodox Jewish people special, that they are are the same as everyone else, but just dress differently?
You sent April 18 at 9:24 AM
P24 – Paratrooper
So was it inbreeding on Prince Philip’s part that had this very handsome, dashing man, so utterly stupid or his environment?
Looks can be deceiving.
The firm chose carefully his good looks as well as his ancestry; the marriage taking place on November 20, 1947 when it looked to the world that the Jews would be overrun in Palestine, and that would be the end of the Jewish problem.
The wounds of the Holocaust were still wide open.
Germany was on her way back.
His 4 sisters who married 4 Germans and 2 of them prominent Nazi SS were not invited to the wedding.
Nor were any of the 6 million.
Who controls the purse strings of the Royals are the same people who control the purse strings of the Captains of Industry who have no loyalty to country, race or religion only to those who can make them more profit.
It is all quite silly, if you think about it.
The Royals are only there for the pomp and ceremony.
They know it is all about the money and so they don’t say anything.
That doesn’t mean they refrain from laughing their heads off at the rest of us.
If only they could keep their thoughts to themselves then it wouldn’t be so ugly.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. couldn’t you see with Oppenheimer help Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace turned into apartments to house the poor?
Those castles were built on the backs of the poor.
What do you expect Prince Philip to say when a camera is put before his face and he is asked the most stupid questions which frustrate him and then he lets out a nuclear bomb, “The Germans treated their prisoners of war well. They had no forced labor. Remember, Hitler had the trains running on time” and no one says anything.
How is that possible?
What makes us all act stupid, and yet we can still follow logic, but do nothing about it, other than look on and see everything as entertainment and/or a money opportunity.
The truth does resonate better and why it is that you are still here.
Musk must be feeling very similar to Prince Philip.
So how much is it interbreeding and how much the environment?
We can get into the same thing with Elon Musk and the rest of us plebes. We are all in the same boat.
Peasants were not stupid. They were simply kept indenture, and to be clear slaves, generation after generation and their rights getting weaker and weaker, so beaten down that they will gladly accept Bitcoin unless there is a better one out there and then they can consolidate their holdings to hold off potential be new threats.
For the life of you Jeffrey don’t you want to see me debate Bill Gates Jr, his father who may be dead, Warren Buffett and George Soros in a round table discussion with you or me being the moderator if that is necessary?
How much talking would they do?
Remember this should be done while I’m still alive.
P 25 – Paratrooper
Nor will we need to come to back why the fattest ones always feel the need to expose themselves, or how Gemach and his types having lost the cerebral battle which they tell us in their disrespect towards God that the body is unimportant other than somehow it connects badly to the head so ingeniously designed to show the beauty of the brain and face all in one place.
Nor will we need to talk much about Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen who I mentioned at the start of my second article published in the Jerusalem Post following the treason pardon of rather unsophisticated, very stupid, oil trader-terrorist financier Marc Rich by outgoing Class of ‘68 Rhodes-De Beers Scholar President Bill Clinton.
Nor to speak that much more about why Prime Minister Clement Attlee didn’t need anyone to read him the riot act in order to do the right thing the morning of May 15, 1948.
Jeffrey, I’m hoping that you are doing your morning exercises today because I want you in the best shape of your life.
We are that close.
You sent April 18 at 9:32 AM
You sent April 18 at 9:51 AM
You sent April 18 at 10:15 AM
P26 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, let’s talk a little more about Prince Philip’s disappointment in his inbred children, Charles transparently stupid, without forgetting Prince Andrew who hasn’t been cooperating with investigators investigating his pedophile relationship with human trafficker, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had Wall Street by the shorthairs and so that too is not going anywhere on this day of rest from worshipping ink on paper for religious Jewish people like @Torah Gemach.
Bear in mind that Prince Philip, the Queen who had to agree with Prince Philip’s anti-Semitism otherwise she would have long shut him up, is like Elon Musk and all the hypocrite religious, exclusively about the money.
If you are religious and all about the money, you cannot be about God and that would explain your stupidity, ongoing arrogance, constantly seeking vengeance.
Gemach is not repeating “Gut Shabbos” to our non-Jewish guests and I would guess increasingly distanced from God, all the while thinking the years he has taken off the life of huge ChaBAD sic money contributor, Member @Solly Krok when writing that Krok made his wealth trying to get South African blacks to change the color of their skin while creaming it to the poor with gambling-casino activities.
Again, why isn’t it spelled out in the 10 Commandments for the religious hypocrites “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, unless you have a richer source pinning the problems of the world on the Jews who didn’t have a country for many years and we have Sodom & Gomorrah to thank for that”.
You sent April 18 at 10:17 AM
P27 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., isn’t it what everybody does?
You sent April 18 at 10:21 AM
P28 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., remember don’t forget your exercises on a flat surface in the shade.
Remember we only had the ingenious words to begin with and nothing else.
Then we developed the cities to make ugly nature that got taken away to build the ugly cities that kept expanding over unconquered real estate where the nature is increasing hard to see because we have removed it in the name of progress.
You sent April 18 at 10:25 AM
P29 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. by the time Sidom & Gomorrah come around not only is the brain shrinking but we are getting increasingly stupid in our building upwards as if that will do away with the human overpopulation.
G & A disappear and we are back to the same cycle of stupidity that showed no sign of improving when we introduced the crazy GDP in 1934 and remember all the hell that immediately began being released.
You sent April 18 at 10:27 AM
You sent April 18 at 10:28 AM
You sent April 18 at 10:28 AM
You sent April 18 at 10:33 AM
P30 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., these are happy people.
You sent April 18 at 10:37 AM
P30 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., us Jewish people had only one backup plan, and that was General Smuts and his best World War II fighter bomber pilots and an infantry in support, and that was it.
Nothing else made since and it was also suicidal.
Our opposition had multiple back up plans.
I never once said our opposition leadership were stupid.
They controlled our education, our food, where we lived and who we fought.
They still do.
You sent April 18 at 10:40 AM
P31 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., so they have teamed up with King Co(i)n aka MonKeyING MOCK aka Elon, and he too can change his mind once he is done mocking us.
You sent April 18 at 10:43 AM
P33 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., how long can Musk keep this up and each of you playing your part?
Unless it’s a ruse, by Musk, and then he will establish World Order.
You sent April 18 at 10:44 AM
You sent April 18 at 10:48 AM
P34 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., so do you think everyone else other than you, me and the lamppost has yet to figure why doesn’t Musk just say it?
He has to trick the top players.
You sent April 18 at 10:53 AM
P35 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, we have member @Peter Thiel and others watching what is going on.
Interesting chess game going on; beating the next person to the top.
You sent April 18 at 10:57 AM
P36 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., those were combatants who Prince Philip said were treated peacefully, respectfully and afforded all the protections under the Geneva Convention.
The 6 million were innocent civilians just wanting to live with their One God.
How could they be such a threat?
You sent April 18 at 11:00 AM
P37 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., if you can confuse civilians and soldiers trained and armed to kill and come away thinking 6 million innocent Jewish people should get worse treatment, then there is something Mighty Wrong with the wiring of each of our cells or we are just not smart enough to figure it out, yet.
You sent April 18 at 11:10 AM
P38 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. I have finished grounding this morning which lasted a couple of hours, but now the sun is too hot, and also I’m going to change the scenery.
I will send you some leg exercises that reach up into the upper torso without having to worry about bashing your head against the wall because you will see that is not part of the strength-body-mind exercise.
I caution everyone use the photos only as a guide to getting a physical trainer who is totally expert in Egosque.
If that means you feel the need to chew on the paper to release your anger do so under the guidelines set by your personal physician and have them sign off, filmed and copies sent to your heirs, worshippers, lawyers, research specialists etc and to get it all done before we convene again.
The beautiful wind has just picked up.
You sent April 18 at 11:38 AM
You unsent a message
You sent April 18 at 11:38 AM
P39 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it looks like Musk has allowed the SA Oppenheimers to get off the hook, once again.
The other option, the ruse, is not very interesting.
He must know that as well as you, me and the lamppost.
You can’t feel on top of things when you know increasing numbers of people know you are not the top dog, you are just allowed to think you are the top dog unless people find out.
We know there are not many trustworthy people here to keep it a secret to themselves.
You sent April 18 at 11:41 AM
P40 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., everybody here knows it is all a real estate play and so it would make sense that right before taking the “King Con” (sic) mantle, Musk said that he is selling all his real estate.
You sent April 18 at 12:37 PM
P41 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. only Musk knows for sure his next move because the game is clear.
A world order with the leader designated from the previous World Order who did very bad for the planet and indigenous peoples seems decisively stupid considering we are going to keep repeating the same mistakes except that on the way to the moon we will shoot by Mars, repair Opportunity to withstand the next dust storm.
The SA Oppenheimers were the biggest real estate players in South Africa.
Why stop there when borders are only to contain the poor?
They would be foolish to have their shills, pushing everyone to become real estate moguls and philanthropists, declaring at huge rallies with singers like Dylan and Mick Jaguar and in slick tongue, “We represent the South African Oppenheimers eager to buy up your real estate”.
Who is protecting the SA Oppenheimers?
The disproportionate number of Jewish real estate and casino moguls is not coincidental.
For 46 uninterrupted years the rich Jewish people of South Africa who escaped the Holocaust got rich by stealing the land from the “no rights to the best land” majority black South Africans under the most evil cry, IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM which didn’t prevent them when moving abroad to move profits while also being particular loud in voicing their support of the humanities, the arts, culture, opposition to racism as well as stealing from the poor.
Who would ever have thought that the biggest theft item would be land, and yet no one talks about it?
Is that because the laws make real estate ownership affordable if you have the money, and the money is cool because it affords you the real estate.
At some point you have to be intellectually honest with yourself, asking what purpose do you serve and just hoping everyone will keep a lid on the world’s best kept secrets?
I’m not saying when Nancy Reagan said “Say no to drugs” she saw it might spark more drug use.
The time could be now when Musk questions when and who started infiltrating into his mind, knowing the power of suggestion, to take on political leadership of the world without knowing the finer points of how to wage war successfully.
How do you lead a balanced life when you are in bed with us Americans and you are also in bed with China and wanting a friendly chat with Putin over the public airwaves, and your PayPal-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben partner-bosom buddy-mentor is member @Peter Thiel saying we have to be weary of China; 2) Lack of regulation in Bitcoin trading; 3) “Competition is for Losers” and 4) “Successful Businesses are Based on Secrets”?
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
You sent April 18 at 12:47 PM
(Added @Alan Davidoff back to the group, just in case his finger slipped when previously removing himself, like the others added back who try to get caught up really fast and then deciding if they should leave first or wait for someone like @Karene Fisher (Gevisser) to lead and then follow like @Hilton Greenbaum and mask wearer @Hilton Wolman.)
You sent April 18 at 1:05 PM
You added Yoko Grandsagne to the group.
You sent April 18 at 2:06 PM
(Added recent widow of Hubert Astier , former Director of Versailles and France Vice Minister of Culture)
April 18 at 4:33 PM
Apr 18, 2021, 4:33 PM
You sent April 18 at 4:33 PM
P42 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. as you and I once discussed at length, I would not make a good spy and would expect the same with you which would explain why you and Marcy would turn down the Ambassadorship to Great Britain even though it would mean shaking the hand of the Queen, before she dies, and getting the overall Royal Treatment, possibly even a knighthood.
I am not suggesting that you send Hunter Biden to visit with me now because first of all I know that whatever input he gives you on real estate acquistions your reply will go in one ear and out the next instantly, and you will feel only exacerbated and that much more anxious about what he is going to say next or write down on his laptop hardrive and forget it at his next mistress.
True, all I know about Hunter Biden is what I have read in the tabloids and what US Navy Commander Tony Bobulinski had to say before the camera and he was extraordinarily convincing and Mr. Bobulinski didn’t mention anything about Hunter Biden getting a woman pregnant and not remembering that he had slept with her.
I have however been involved with people who only smoke pot and their level of consentration is severely hampered to the point of not including them in any area requiring critical thinking unless you have nothing better to do.
Bare in mind that I have always find better things to do than get involved in Wall Street transactions knowing that whatever the outcome it changes nothing about the supply chain being corrupted and the only way to fix that is to get Nicholas Oppenheimer or someone like President Putin to come clean or failing that Elon Musk or member @Peter Thiel assuming they are available.
Given how I have never engaged in critical thinking with a crack cocaine addict, it doesn’t mean I have failed to do the research.
In one ear and out the next next is not something that I have left to intuition. Experts have told me that they have, like regular cocaine addicts permanent holes in their brain which tell you that they are a train wreck just waiting to happen.
Nor do I think you would learn more about business and money connections being the Ambassador to Great Britain and you could easily end up being toyed with because lets face the spy business is getting hugely crowded, and how much fun is that even when shaking the hand of the Queen.
What if she also wants you to shake Andew’
You sent April 18 at 4:35 PM
P 42 – Paratrooper
s hand, is that going to be easy?
I doubt it very much.
See you could arrive at the right decision to stay put and see how it all unravels without my input.
So Im not the worst the coach in the world.
You sent April 18 at 4:57 PM
P44 – Paratrooper
The previous page was 43. The shakiness of writing Andrew’s name resulted in me hitting the return key prematurely.
I apologize.
Just because neighter of us would make good spies, doesn’t mean Im incapable of thinking what it would be like to spy on the different sides who each want to protect their country from enemies foreign and domestic.
I would find it most difficult for you as well.
When you shared with me that President Abraham Lincoln introduced the Lincoln Laws to prevent war business people from overcharging the government it didnt mean I was convinced that lawyer Abraham Lincoln wasn’t thinking that appearance of doing a good deed would destract from either the printing of money to pay for weapons and soldiers to defeat the opposing armies or that his friend future powerhouse monopolist JP Morgan would make a handsome profit modifying guns in the armory of Lincoln’s Union soldiers which had investigator Gustavus Myers – History of the Great American Fortunes articulating succinctly, “the rifles were more likely to blow the rifleman’s thumb off than they were to cause any damage to the enemy” and let’s not put totally aside that JP Morgan paid a substitute $300 so that he didn’t have to serve in Lincoln’s army.
As you know one of the first things a Commander In Chief does is get acquainted with past and present generals to seek their advice on how to choose the weapon developers and if their favorite weapons developers have ever attempted to bribe them.
Most Commanders In Chief don’t have those sort of frank conversations for fear that it will leak back to the contractors who are in a life and death situation to be profitable because they have their and their spouses mouths to feed as well as make sure their children have a pair of shoes to walk in to school even if they get dropped off.
The Commander In Chiefs who led their troops into battle were the only one’s in the spy business, at least on their own side.
It was too important to leave to individuals motivated by profit because then it would come down to which side could afford to pay for the loyalty.
It gets very tricky once the Commander In Chief is not leading the troops into battle.
As far as Im aware President Lincoln never led any troops into battle, in which case it is likely that the weapon developers had more influence on the outcome of the battles.
That is just my common sense deduction.
When did private individuals become in vogue?
By that I mean when did they start doing the most critical thinking job of the Commander In Chief leading the troops, like George Washington and General Napoleon into battle?
Let’s just put aside that question for the moment, since neighter of us are spies and nor would we want to be in this climate when there are cameras destined for everywhere to give us plebes the illusion there is competition.
You sent April 18 at 5:14 PM
P45 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., member @Peter Thiel is a big player today in collecting secrets for paying customers on all sides and his Palantair while yet to show a profit has a valuation of just shy of $41 billion, and that buys a lot of taco stands even if they stand empty helping spread fear and despair.
Would you know what sort of governance is in place that someone in the organization wouldn’t be motivated to do something out of profit?
I cannot speak for President Putin but I would like to know how he handles private individuals profiting from gathering intelligence on people they would like to have killed and pin the blame on Putin?
Let’s assume that President Putin keeps a tight grip on all his intelligence services, would you think he has to fear non-government employees trying to profit by messing with his intelligence gathering?
I haven’t even visited Russia, but I can see where it fits on the map, and so I would think President Putin is familiar with the map of Russia and that it might be better to give up huge chunks of Russian real estate containing valuable minerals and chemicals, let them live the Life of Riley and be always in his debt without letting him down in sharing accurate intelligence that would be easier to verify than by first going to Palantir?
Now Im not saying that Palantir aren’t good at what they do which they must be to have $41 billion to throw around, Im just a simple guy with some 250 followers wanting to understand what it is that everyone is thinking and that if we put all our heads together, maybe we could make sense of things, like why sort out intelligence gathering when the government has the right to grab all state of the art survellance technology and not pay a dime more than it has to.
I also think all the generals would agree with that assessment.
So here we have the makings of new Constitution that is signed off by all the Generals and the Commander In Chief so long as they and/or their children are fit for service on the frontlines.
Once we establish that, next we have to decide who is worth conquering and so we have a conference call just like Trump did the leaders of Sudan and Yemen wanting peace and not risk going up in a cloud of dust.
Could you see President Macron or President Merkle cutting class on this one?
You sent April 18 at 5:39 PM
P46 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., would you agree that the way President Putin deals with Navalny will send a clear message to Putin’s future opposition?
Could you see this as more important than whether Prince William and Prince Harry discussed money the Queen has set aside to get them to work on reconciliation which will be a source of gossip for years to come and their great, great, great grandchildren can write about and give speeches which has the onlookers nodding their heads and going side to side like watching a tennis game of pong?
You sent April 18 at 5:41 PM
P47 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. should we get back to each of our legacy?
April 19 at 12:25 PM
Apr 19, 2021, 12:25 PM
You sent April 19 at 12:25 PM
P48 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., moments ago I followed up with the University of Pennsylvania:
“… doesn’t mean I’m a neophyte in things like those bizarre money solicitation emails from places as far (away) as Nigeria and to most all literate persons they appear totally hokey which the writers, most often highly educated Cambridge and Oxford University post graduates, intend.
Far from it, as I developed an interest in ‘military economics’ long before beginning my university economic studies when first questioning why we have all these wars when if you have enough money you can simply buy the real estate in far off places and generally that is far cheaper than the cost of launching a full scale war.
Of course with those truths tucked under your belt you would arrive at the right conclusion that the wars, all the poverty, all the staged political debates are to cover up the theft of land and minerals during relative peace and quiet.
Were you to have an economist or politician read what I wrote above their blank look eyes would be an instant indicator that they just experienced a stroke…”
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the audience here which is far larger at the present time than those at the U of Pennsylvania who first read my writings, are spying.
There is no manual for how to effectively deal with the brain lying to itself because it is different for each human.
A common characteristic is that the spy stops thinking after a while and looks for the reaction around them.
That elementary school courseware I mentioned the other day, which I have yet to share with you, describes this aerial combat that is going on here very graphically; the difference between aerial dog fights and what is happening here is that most often the enemy is clearly identifiable by the make of aircraft and signage.
The SA Oppenheimers have created a society of humans around the planet who are all out for themselves, which is self evident on TBH as well as my dozen or so other fb group chats/symposiums.
When you look at the news today, you know it is that much more boring than yesterday’s news, when compared to this.
Someone like Tucker Carlson who I haven’t watch in weeks would be glued, were it not for his fear that his superiors at Fox or prospective employers will find out, if they don’t already know.
Why would you bother spending money on advertising your product or service once you know there is no competition?
Again, it is highly informative information the spies are picking up.
No one sticks around for very long on fb group chats where they are as quiet as a mouse.
You connect one dot to another such as this silence with the vulgarity of watching my mother Zena’s The Lady Speech and the silence there you can hear a pin drop, you don’t have to look any further to see the cruelty that lurks right below the skin of the human being.
You sent April 19 at 12:31 PM
You sent April 19 at 12:35 PM
P48 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., below is a fb message I sent to former member Alan Mark Zeligson a moment ago:
Do you want to come back to TBH?
Have you recovered from Torah Gemach sending you into a tailspin?
April 20 at 10:50 AM
Apr 20, 2021, 10:50 AM
You added Alan Mark Zeligson to the group.
April 20 at 12:04 PM
Apr 20, 2021, 12:04 PM
You sent April 20 at 12:04 PM
P49 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I would like to begin today’s class remembering 4 things:
First the circumstances which led to resurrected @Alan Mark Zeligson departing, and now let’s see how long he lasts deafeningly silent alongside bedeviled lost soul religious Jewish orthodox @Torah Gemach who can never be consoled, the same with all those who blindly followed the ridiculous in the extreme teachings of the Schneerson, which of course would include singer Bob Dylan and his lifetime best friend, Louis Kemp whose father in law, Maurice Arenson as well as Maurice’s lifetime wife, elegant Pearl Arenson had good reason to trust implicitly my judgment.
Second, how very different the world would be had you and I not met on that fateful night in early 1999 at the Matre D restaurant given how neither financially rich cardiologists, South African Kevin Rapaport and American Paul Bozo The Clown Tierstein would have ever figured out on their own that I had skill-sets perfectly suited to have you today in perfect position to be the first Jewish President of the United States of America; and with no more than a 3 minute consultation with me, you would declare the end of all wars and poverty and for us all to celebrate at President Putin’s new castle with everyone acknowledging he has earned his lifestyle given how he has overcome the forces of fascism directed against the Russian people, the same forces directed against us Jewish people from the very beginning of our existence which should have resulted in our extermination at the very moment those first words were uttered “Hear O Israel, I am the Lord your God, God is One”; and second, Putin being the only leader of a nuclear superpower to be delving into the history of the rise of Nazi Germany.
The fact that no other leader is willing to open up that can of worms
would make it impossible to designate Putin as the “evil incarnate”.
You kill enough opposition it is possible to make Prince Philip and the rest of the British Royals look totally benign.
BTW, isn’t it nice that Harry and William broke the ice between them by both agreeing that the music at the church with none of the singers particularly beautiful looking, was beautiful?
How do they all manage to pull the wool over our eyes that they are not as much as the next person caught up in all this bulkshit pomp and ceremony, all about the money?
I bet everyone here could easily imagine both Harry and William as filthy dirty street people rummaging through city trash canisters were it not for their inheritance, all on the backs of the poor.
Third, the Royal burials at Windsor Castle of the two Nazis, Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor and her husband Duke of Windsor whose previous titles included Prince of Wales, now held by Prince Philip’s eldest son, the rather pathetic idiot, Prince Charles who was fortunate enough to mix his sperm with two of Princess Diane’s collection from birth eggs, otherwise can you imagine how utterly stupid would both William and Harry be at this time.
I understand that the words “illegal aliens” which I agree are totally disgusting, and no longer allowed by the Biden Administration have yet to be extended to use of the word “stupid” when pertaining to humans.
Please let me know if that is still the case and if “stupid” is placed on the ban list what alternative will we be given.
Of course, for all I know the Queen has died, Charles is the new King and Meghan and Harry have been welcomed back into the firm having paved the way for future Royals to become titans of industry.
You could easily imagine Prince Harry as ceo of Goldman Sachs at the same time honorary chairman of the Blackstone Group and Disney Productions with little to none coaching.
Anything is possible to imagine when considering not only the powerhouse thinking of General Relativity which didn’t even earn Einstein a Nobel Prize as well as how easily us plebes have been fooled into believing that competition exists because of the SA Oppenheimers’ success marketing capitalism and competition as synonymous.
Fourth, were you to be advising Chairman Biden how much wealth would you suggest he and Hunter set aside to keep Tony Bobulinski quiet the remainder of his life?
So with those thoughts in mind – and not forgetting how implausible it is that Elon Musk has yet to have a private meeting with Nicholas Oppenheimer with or without member @Peter Thiel present as well as when so arrogant Nazi Duke of Windsor-Prince of Wales-His Majesty The King took his last breath on 28 May, 1972, the 43rd birthday of member @Solly Krok, the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion known to his inner circle as “BG” the same initials as my father Bernie, had not forgotten the calamity of the farcical Nuremberg-IG Farben War Crimes Tribunals which should have had in the dock not only Wallis Simpson and the Duke but all the other officials of the Red Cross who the SA Oppenheimers used to courier their diamonds to Nazi Germany out of Allied protectorate Belgian Congo – let’s move on.
You sent April 20 at 12:10 PM
P50 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., one of us is right.
I’m not so dumb.
You all know that.
That is why you are here.
You can say different, but that would be a lie.
Knowing what I know I wouldn’t want to be in any of your shoes.
The rest also agree with us that they wouldn’t want to be in their shoes and the confirm that by bring here, because again, I’m not so dumb.
How do you laugh when in such deep denial?
They can only get so ugly if it happens to be the ugly truth.
“Ugly Truth” we can all agree means, you get nothing for nothing. If you want something, you have to pay for it one way or another.
There must be something you see as so ugly that you would go along with the torture murder of my Zen mother Zena.
You sent April 20 at 12:22 PM
Edit: The rest also agree with us that they wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. They confirm this by being here, because again, I’m not so dumb.
April 21 at 5:19 AM
Apr 21, 2021, 5:19 AM
Karene Fisher left the group.
April 21 at 7:39 AM
Apr 21, 2021, 7:39 AM
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You sent April 21 at 7:41 AM
P52 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it is a cloudy day today. Winter all over again.
For the life of her, my first cousin Karene Gevisser Fisher, also one of my mother Zena’s top models but not quite good enough to make it on the international stage, keeps up this revolving door, making a conscious effort to be most conspicuous, very similar to her younger brother, member @Nigel Gevisser; their poor human traits most visible from when they were youngsters.
Note, the page numbering has been corrected.
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
You sent April 21 at 8:25 AM
P53 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the sun
is starting to come out.
It is very pretty.
I think it is going to turn out pretty warm.
The weather is very interesting.
Are you having strawberries
for breakfast this morning?
How about home baked, sprouted grain bread?
The main thing is that it is sprouted, and that takes a fair amount of rinsing. If you or your staff are using fluoridated city water, forget about it; might as well stick with the poisons, saving yourself the time and bother.
On the other hand, the merits will help with those Core Abdominal exercises leading to the most positive things that not only stimulate your mind but that of your lover.
Why deprive your lover of not getting the most out of the greatest gift; and nothing beats out of this world sex.
You added Marcy Campbell Krinsk to the group.
You sent April 21 at 8:34 AM
P54 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., “What a question! Everything is perfect” ~ Zena Ash Gevisser – September 24, 2016; 12:35 PM Israel time.
You sent April 21 at 8:45 AM
P55 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., again there are 2 items Jewish people should know like the back of their hands before engaging in any political-economic talk; namely, the extraordinary meaning of the Shemah, “Hear O Israel, I am the Lord your God. God is One” and the spring of 1954 Operation Susannah debacle which took the life of member @Michelle B Dagan’s father, Israeli Military Intelligence officer, Lieutenant Colonel Meir Max Bineth (27 June, 1917 – 21 December, 1954).
You sent April 21 at 9:15 AM
You sent April 21 at 9:42 AM
You sent April 21 at 9:48 AM
P56 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. Lt. Colonel Bineth didn’t age well after his decision on December 21, 1954 to commit suicide in his Egyptian cell rather than suffer the humiliation of a public hanging.
Those released in February 1968 in a secret prisoner of war exchange following the 1967 6 Day War when my highly secretive British-English mother Zena
You sent April 21 at 9:51 AM
You sent April 21 at 9:56 AM
was the first “civilian” in the captured area of the Sinai, looked better
You sent April 21 at 9:57 AM
than when first captured
You sent April 21 at 9:58 AM
You sent April 21 at 9:58 AM
You sent April 21 at 9:59 AM
thanks to either naive or corrupted senior Israeli government officials who failed to understand both the power of money to corrupt and the motivation of the enemies of us Jewish people to destroy us from within, increasingly so following Israel surviving its first war of survival.
You sent April 21 at 10:02 AM
Again, if you are going to be the incoming Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces or the Russian Red Army or the Belgian Congo where again I believe the Biden family have investments in mineral resources, you have to keep up with the evolution of the spying business which took a dramatic turn following the “come from behind victory” of the French over the English at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
You sent April 21 at 10:08 AM
P57 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., when Ben Gurion met with Albert Einstein on the 3rd anniversary of the establishment of the fledgling State of Israeli, May 14, 1951
the same year that Ben Gurion met with Senator John F. Kennedy
You sent April 21 at 10:10 AM
You sent April 21 at 10:35 AM
the son of virulent anti-Semite, inaugural chairman of the Securities Exchange Commission, Joseph P Kennedy Senior [1888-1969], neither Ben Gurion nor Einstein were homeless, malnourished or forgetful of the steps taken by the United Nations to deprive Israel of a nuclear weapon following her expected defeat in Israel’s War of Independence [1947-1949].
When Ben Gurion met in Jerusalem some 5 months later, early October 1951 future President John F. Kennedy alongside Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. [1914-1988], the fifth of six children born to Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882–1945) and Eleanor Roosevelt (1884–1962) and President Franklin D. Roosevelt continuing to do more harm to us Jewish people following turning back the SS St. Louis in July 1939, Ben Gurion knew everything that Einstein understood about how to weaponize nuclear energy and the logistics that go with it.
Bear in mind, clearly Attorney General, Senator Robert Kennedy Esq. wising up quicker than his elder brother about the real dog eat dog world works, but still unwilling was Robert Kennedy to rock the boat and join the homeless, hence neither son publicly ridiculed their father who remember advocated surrender during the Battle of Britain when it was “touch and go” as to the fate of the free world and Nazi Germany and her allies including the most senior officials of the western alliance, the odds on winner.
Who can forget Joseph P Kennedy Snr. sitting mute in his wheelchair watching the assassination of both his sons.
You sent April 21 at 10:46 AM
P58 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., history is important because it is what got us here.
Ben Gurion could not be blamed for the deaths and imprisonment of very brave Israelis and operatives like Egyptian Marcelle Ninio, born to a Jewish Bulgairan father and Turkish mother and who went to both Jewish and Catholic schools, because Ben Gurion’s term as first Prime Minister of Israel ended on 26 January 1954.
Nor did Ben Gurion have anything to do with such an ill-conceived plan which Wikipedia has right, “to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers to sour relations between Egypt and the Western countries.”
You sent April 21 at 10:59 AM
P59 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. how can one come down too hard on Israeli traitor, senior Israeli Military Intelligence [Aman] Avri Elad who was eventually caught in 1956 trying to sell Israeli secrets to the Egyptians, tried in Israel and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment; and by 1976 living the “Life of Riley” in Los Angeles which didn’t prevent Elad from gloating as he publicly identified himself as the “Third Man” from the Lavon Affair.
No less important in 1980 Isser Harel, the second Mossad head from January 1, 1952 until January 5, 1963, publicly revealed evidence that Elad had been turned by the Egyptians even before Operation Susannah.
You sent April 21 at 11:02 AM
P60 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., to get the history right when it has been wrong for 3000 years and each successive generation demonstrating a shrinking brain, cannot be achieved in 7 days bearing in mind that shrinking brain while it cannot be the only cause of this mass Poverty of Thought [POT] does affect the human attention span.
You sent April 21 at 11:14 AM
P61 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. let us now, as both Mango and I still feel fully satisfied after our healthy, delicious breakfeast that was topped off by devouring the one piece of delicious, nutritious bread closet to the camera eye on the tray overhanging the fireplace, the iron holding back the forces of gravity pulling down, go back to 2 and 1/2 years prior to these 2 photos taken in Arosa, Switzerland back on New Years Eve 1970,
You sent April 21 at 11:14 AM
You sent April 21 at 11:25 AM
61 days prior to Mossad operatives, including Jane Engelhard delivering the lethal dose of poison on the SA Oppenheimer’s partner, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who the month before had turned just 54.
At the beginning of June 1967, the wounds of the Holocaust along with the disaster of Operation Susannah were still fresh, as they are today.
When the Sinai had been taken by Israeli forces and the area secured, there could be no greater honor than what was afforded my mother Zena.
The fact that my mother Zena only spoke about it in her carefully crafted memoirs, Life Story of Zena
first broadcasted via email on September 25, 2001, 14 days after 9/11, simply shows my mother Zena never felt the need to toot her own horn.
Most all social media participants including facebook users and celebrity talk show hosts like Tucker Carlson need to be the “center of attention” because of the brainwashing, “eyeballs is all that counts”.
So let’s look at the one section again of Life Story of Zena:
“Reporting on the many wars when Israel was attacked she was the first civilian in the captured area of the Sinai and in later years at her own expense twinned Durban with Eilat. In 1978 she left Durban eventually making her home in Netanya [Israel] and England.”
You sent April 21 at 11:55 AM
P62 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., leading into those rather remarkable words which had the reaction of my 3 elder siblings, cousins and close family friends, like water over a duck’s back were the following:
“From the earliest days of 1949 she visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for different publications. Her paternal grandmother had been an early resident of Tel Aviv only returning to England when Zena was born. The Gevissers (she married Bernie Gevisser when she was 19 after only a few months in Durban) owned land in Haifa harbour and Zichron Yscov and she rapidly felt at home in Israel.”
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. you have seen previous writings of mine addressing the important matters that my mother Zena has to say, but now it should sink in real deep.
When bringing our first cousin Karene Gevisser on this skiing trip to Arosa where my mother Zena met regularly with Ben Gurion’s trusted Israel Air Force Colonel, South African-Israeli Boris Senior [1924-2004]
You sent April 21 at 11:55 AM
You sent April 21 at 12:14 PM
You sent April 21 at 12:15 PM
my mother Zena was testing the curiosity of her only daughter Kathy and my father’s very good looking niece Karene.
You sent April 21 at 12:36 PM
Neither questioned why my mother chose Arosa or what my mother was doing when we were skiing on the slopes, and not once did my mother put on a pair of skis, never.
Let us now move further up, towards the start of this most carefully thought through, Life Story of Zena:
“The war was over and her dreams of being a foreign correspondent and dropping behind enemy lines in Europe came to an abrupt end. Life was a ball. Dancing Partying – Summer days at the poolside – Attending live theatre at least once a week and much more. Suddenly in 1947 it came, abruptly, to an end. Her father had decided to emigrate to South Africa!!!”
The entire continent of Africa separates South Africa from Israel.
South Africa is the homebase of the principal perpetrators of our Holocaust, the German-SA Oppenheimers who not only understand the magnitude of their crimes but eager to see us Jewish people destroyed by our own.
It comes down to how best to identify the jealous.
Looks are always first.
Once you see the 3 best raised Jewish children behaving like their cousins, aunts and uncles, you have little choice but to support the one who is different, even if they are the black sheep of the family.
So @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I came well prepared for this battle, which doesn’t mean I am going to live to see each and every one of my and my mother Zena’s adversaries imagining their future.
It certainly cannot be expected to be good or as we say, “A bed of roses”.
You sent April 21 at 12:54 PM
P63 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., Boris Senior has his “lucky stars” to thank for not ending his life and that of future President of Israel Ezer Weitzman when first flying to Arosa soon after WW2 from England where he was a student at the LSE [London School of Economics].
Only learning when landed, “Don’t you know that cloud covers a mountain? This field has a mandatory right-hand pattern”.
Senior ends top paragraph, page 82, NEW HEAVENS, “We must have used up about three lives on that reckless flight”.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you recall plotter member, @Alan Mark Zeligson mentioning that he was setting aside time to read my book which, like everyone, Zeligson knows is right here, and he too continues to contribute.
Why wait for Zeligson or no less plotter @Torah Gemach to give their review of NEW HEAVENS?
It is also far better than listening to TV news or intelligence briefing you may be receiving from the Biden administration who have yet to say how impossible it is to regulate crypto currencies or prevent future competition.
You sent April 21 at 1:16 PM
P64 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., while it remains doubtful that even you who is “most in tune” have yet to figure out why I choose the title “Paratrooper” which of course are in my notes and you could easily have access to, more important is that we can easily imagine intelligence and ESP [Extra Sensory Perception] going “hand in hand”, and neither can be attributed to breeding even though both intelligence and ESP can logically be enhanced by having healthy internal organs which the largest organ the skin cannot hide with all its blotches
You sent April 21 at 1:16 PM
You sent April 21 at 1:18 PM
Clearly the source of our expanded intelligence begins with curiosity which is what the dogs try to teach us; and the sniffing of other dogs and the deposits they leave behind is obviously something we think is only important to dogs and for those of us watching, hoping those awkward moments will end sooner rather than later because again time is money and recreation limited to either ratting or tricking others.
You sent April 21 at 1:32 PM
P65 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., Im experiencing incredibly slow satellite internet speed all thanks to the pitiful Viasat, the employer of member @Allen Walker who couldn’t explain why he is my only facebook friend who is fb friends with you and your wife, member @Marcy Campbell Krinsk who I added back earlier just in the event it wasn’t Marie’s great hairdo which bothered her, possibly a fly flew across her keyboard which caused her to hit the “remove” button and is now seated comfortably.
Moreover member @Allen Walker who is hugely active on facebook but only voyeuring here, doesn’t know either you or Marcy from a bar of soap.
To top it off, member @Allen Walker who keeps his fb membership right below the 5000 threshhold didn’t have any mutual fb friends with me.
To show that it is no coincidence and he has hundreds of fb friends in common with you and neither you nor Marcy had that many fb friends, and Allen spent quite a bit of time doing the research because it is that interesting, he quickly went and asked a couple of my fb friends to be his fb, as if that would explain the strangeness.
Maybe the two of you can provide a better explanation than member @Allen Walker?
Im quite happy that it is totally bizarre.
You sent April 21 at 1:46 PM
P66 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you can see that our audience is holding steady.
Where else in history do we come across such trickery as the murderous behavior of my 3 elder siblings, and everyone else no less ugly in their silence?
Bear in mind “neutral” Switzerland, like neighboring Luxemburg has never been neutral when it comes to who butters their bread.
The very moment Elon Musk threw his hat in the ring to be crowned King Co(i)n or if you prfer “King Con” [sic], all municipalities under the command and control of the City of London should have resigned their King.
Nor is that to suggest for one moment the Swiss partisan resistance movement in the 70s was as strong as it was during World War II.
Of course, in the course of 50 years there have been major changes in how we have spent the earth and all those fighting for the survival of the planet have collectively, while competing for funding from government and private citizens missed entirely the planet destroying GDP.
So @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. why are we all congregated here when ugliness is our strongest motivator?
You sent April 21 at 1:48 PM
P67 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. before taking a break to stretch our legs, let us remember the message from Nicholas Oppenheimer to Elon Musk aka MonKeING MOCK:
“You can have it all, the minerals and the power, or you go down to zero!”
You sent April 21 at 1:51 PM
P68 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., BTW the next generation of Blue Jays continue to persevere at building their nest, but it is simply not working.
You sent April 21 at 1:52 PM
You sent April 21 at 2:14 PM
P69 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., 2 1/2 years prior to the Arosa ski trip over the Christmas-New Year Holidays when my sister Kathy had completed her matric examinations
You sent April 21 at 2:15 PM
You sent April 21 at 2:22 PM
takes us to beginning of July 1968, less than 4 months before the wedding on October 20, 1968 of former First Lady Jackie Kennedy to Aristotle Onassis who made certain that my mother was the only other woman in the room when Jackie Kennedy-Onassis signed the marriage -prenuptial agreement which greatly limited the wealth she would receive upon Onassis’ death, leaving her staggering wealth accumulation in the hands of Oppenheimer operative Maurice Tempelsman who spearheaded the slaughter in the Belgian Congo; and perhaps you have already met with Tempelsman?
In late December 1967
You sent April 21 at 2:23 PM
You sent April 21 at 2:23 PM
early 1968
You sent April 21 at 2:23 PM
You sent April 21 at 2:25 PM
my father Bernie joined us in a skiing holiday in Kitzbuhel when again my mother Zena never once hit the slopes.
You sent April 21 at 2:34 PM
P70 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. I purposely distorted the Core Abdominal Eqoscue exercises because I really do not want you or Marcy or for that matter Bozo The Clown Tierstein taking your lives into your own hands without professional guidance.
Once however you master it, and again it has to be done perfectly to get the best results and remember nutrition like poison foods works from the inside out, you will find yourself standing straighter and just feeling better about life in general.
Let me also point out that taking member @Alan Mark Zeligson‘s butcher knife to the belly button is not a helpful alternative to controlling one’s appetite.
A very good indicator of not having a healthy gut is always feeling hungry.
Hungry people are more likely self-centered, egostical, selfish, resentful, vicious, plotting and vengeful, wouldn’t you agree @Torah Gemach?
April 22 at 12:49 PM
Apr 22, 2021, 12:49 PM
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
April 22 at 2:41 PM
Apr 22, 2021, 2:41 PM
You added Ayala Weisel to the group.
April 23 at 11:21 AM
Apr 23, 2021, 11:21 AM
You sent April 23 at 11:21 AM
P71 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, “blue skies, nothin’ but blue skies …” and going just a few words more, “do I see Bluebirds singin’ a song, and your listening brain so wanting to hear more, at the same time happy, really really happy to hear as much as it did, then that one of a kind smile
You sent April 23 at 11:22 AM
You sent April 23 at 11:23 AM
You sent April 23 at 11:28 AM
You sent April 23 at 11:31 AM
to top it off.
You sent April 23 at 12:13 PM
P72 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it’s a fascinating thing this brain us humans take for granted, until it has problems remembering.
Then its no fun to be around, especially if you have done wrong, and you can’t illicit a response that you can use to refute the mounting, overwhelming evidence of premeditated, malicious murder; moreover, you liar-lawyer member @Ayala Weisel Esq. who like her lead co-conspirator
You sent April 23 at 12:14 PM
You sent April 23 at 12:24 PM
provide only a close up headshot on their facebook profile, have had their victim, my mother Zena in their exclusive control for the past 54 months and 15 days, although for the 11 odd days after they had Israeli police enter my mother’s Natanya, Israel apartment at 1:30 AM, September 27, 2016 until the morning of October 8, 2016 when I last saw and spoke with my mother, the entire band of murderous thieves were pulling out all stops to get my mother to refute all the damaging information my mother Zena helped me collect.
Not only did these grotesque humans fail to get my mother to deliver, each and every one of you present as well as those who have left and/or who have gathered the information from my website 2facetruth.com connected to my email broadcasts, understand perfectly what has been going on.
You sent April 23 at 12:42 PM
P73 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. note as well my first cousins, Karen Gevisser Fisher and Nigel Gevisser have yet, like the rest, to pull the ejection lever.
December 31, 1970 was 1 month and 24 days before the first anniversary of the death of our mutual paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890 – 24 February, 1970] which like the rest of his 7 other grandchildren, including my 3 elder siblings, all knew that he died of a broken heart.
Surely when first hearing of such sadness befalling an otherwise very healthy 80 year old man who arrived penniless in South Africa at the turn of the last century, no more than 14 years of age and immediately begins developing a mutual trust relationship with the poorest of the poor, enlsaved black South Africans who didn’t need their history books to tell them they were there first but simply lacked the weaponry to defend themselves against the settlers, you want to enquire more?
With your matric exams out of the way, and in a world that most kids cannot even dream of experiencing, no familiar faces at the Arosa Hotel to distract, the waiters putting on quite the New Years show and not a black face amongst them because they are white skinned like all of the other guests, that wouldn’t be the time to bring up with my mother Zena matters of life and death.
You sent April 23 at 12:55 PM
P74 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you know that if you and Marcy were to go on skiing trip to a much more upscale ski resort like Davos, it might not be a big deal if you don’t hit the slopes because in fact a great many people who go to ski resorts dont ski and visit only to conduct business in a beautiful setting.
Holidaying with my mother Zena was always great fun because putting a smile on people’s faces is something my mother recognized early in life brings out the best of them.
Even the most mediocre business person knows that if you want to get something approved whether it be to rebuild Windsor Castle after the fire, which I believe was in 1992, or get clearance from the California Coastal Commission to approve your excessive redevelopment of the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, the first thing you do schmooze all your potential critics by having them and/or their emissaries be involved in the decision making.
When they see the home you are living in and it is much better than theirs you start telling them how you got to be successful.
You start out, “Back in the mid-90s, I wasn’t worth shit. Then I got into real estate investing.”
Who wouldn’t want to get into real estate investing when real estate is the most preferred collateral of banks other than when the South African Oppenheimers come calling and they insist you accept price fixed diamond currency as collateral to support loans granted to real estate speculators to acquire land followed by construction loans.
Neither Karene nor Kathy were at the time South African Chartered Accountants like member @Hilton Greenbaum who also has yet to explain why he remains not quite a potted plant because he too is speaking in his silence, but they did know that if in fact money grew on trees
You sent April 23 at 12:56 PM
You sent April 23 at 12:57 PM
then if you were able to keep reproducing those trees you would be able to own everything, the people and the resources.
P75 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., December 31, 1970 was 7 months and 15 days prior to our corrupt uncle David Gevisser [1926-2009] the “male heir” of Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [15 February 1917 – 2 March 1971] contributing along with Harry Oppenheimer to the speech President Nixon gave on August 15, 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and that going forward we were reverting back to the gun exclusively in conducting foreign policy, which at the turn of the last century was known throughout the globe as “Gunboat Diplomacy”, especially those on the receiving end of the big stick.
Neither Karene, Kathy or me had any idea of what Nixon would be speaking that no one else in the world would understand because nothing he had to say made any sense which of course Nixon knew but he delivered it any way and were a colleague to ask, Nixon would have responded like Chairman Biden to the question of whether he has spoken with President Xi about the Covid, “No”.
It is also highly possible that no one ever asked Nixon to explain his lunacy for fear of being told “No”.
People like Biden and his handlers such as yourself @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. learn from events of the past which is why history is very important even though it is a subject that is boringly taught.
You get the most active body-mind kids to be bored to death, you are left with poor questioning nerds coming top of the class.
My mother Zena was smarter than all her teachers because my mother was dumb.
Remember it is only me who is dumb and the rest of you constantly able to outsmart me.
We will get into that more, a little later.
Everyone who had material wealth following the death of Engelhard Jr. knew all power rested with Harry Oppenheimer who also could have stopped Natie Kirsch dead in his tracks, other than Oppenheimer and Engelhard Jr. wanted a South African Jewish person whose only previous clame to fame was bribing the King of Swaziland to get the maize concession which first had to be approved by both Engelhard Jr. and H. Oppenheimer.
The Moshal and Gevisser families of South Africa were the last obstacle in global dominance and once they were squooshed or brought under control then going right into Israel itself to defeat the remaining Jewish resistance would be simple, which it was.
In 1969 when the misdeed began, Ben Gurion
You sent April 23 at 1:48 PM
You unsent a message
You sent April 23 at 1:49 PM
You sent April 23 at 2:04 PM
did not feel the same as when he was 21, and he also realized that he wasn’t going to live forever.
While Israel was securing its nuclear weapon arsenal the FINAL SOLUTION was ongoing and there was nothing that Ben Gurion could do about that.
His common sense told him that if there was any virtue in this world then long before the last of us Jewish people were eliminated it would have long happened.
How can you be spending the earth with money plucked out of thin air and given to the biggest creeps like The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Essakow?
It is a relative of The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow to the right of Ben Gurion on 16 May, 1969 who handed Ben Gurion both the pen and paper.
When my mother Zena married Alan Zulman, South Africa’s most successful fund raiser for Israel, my mother knew everything there was to know about Zulman’s immediate family and his cousins such as The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow’s mother Norma who like most Jewish South Africans who supported the Apartheid Regime are most liberal in their politics here in the United States.
Those like the Lazarus clan of Durban North can’t quite get away with that level of hypocrisy and confine their talk to the corruption of the African National Congress following the death of Nelson Mandela.
My mother Zena came away from that trip to Arosa learning a great deal about what to expect from the rest of our family as well as the extraordinarily gossipy Durban Jewish community, a perfect microcosm of small minded thinkers.
When you predict accurately, and your intentions are good, you cannot be disappointed.
It is simply wise to play the cards you are dealt.
Everything will turn out good in the end because we do all die.
You sent April 23 at 2:14 PM
P76 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I am not suggesting that stupid people who don’t ask the most well connected woman in the world, my mother Zena, the right questions when given the perfect opportunity like when sitting quietly with my mother on an afternoon sipping tea in the lounge of the Arosa Hotel, such as “How are our fathers Bernie and Julius” the father of Karene and Nigel and their younger brother Mark who has the same first name as the miserable beast eldest son of David Gevisser and his widow, member @Hedda Gevisser, “going to make a living?” are bright.
Besides for all 4 of her children being told as soon as they could understand instruction, “Loose Lips Sink Ships” and Battle of Hastings 1066 was the simple but important mind experiment, “Who do you want to be in business with, an honest fool or clever crook”.
The fact that most money hungry vultures would answer, “Clever crook” told my mother Zena rather than explain the importance of morality to simply wait for the next smart cards to be dealt her way.
Every day after skiing my mother Zena was seated in the same area of the lounge waiting our arrival before afternoon tea was served.
Each and every day, the conversation never changed from Karene and Kathy talking about themselves.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. have you ever experienced people like them?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., BTW, how do you today deal with people who only want to talk about themselves other than when learning everything they can about you to use to their advantage at some point in the future?
Financing of real estate took a dramatic turn on August 15, 1971 because Harry Oppenheimer had succeeded in making it look like it was only corrupt senior government officials including members of the California Coastal Commission who had to sign off on The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper Jeffrey Essakow’s excessi e redevelopment plans of the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, whose bread you needed to butter in order to get ahead.
Naturally, Harry Oppenheimer was not going to allow with the death of his partner Engelhard Jr. the focus to be on him even though it was crystal clear that he alone now controlled the world’s entire drilling industry making the parts supply chain irreversibly corrupt.
It was a bold move that Oppenheimer took, but he had no choice.
Ben Gurion and his most trusted advisors beginning with my mother Zena knew that Oppenheimer had no choice.
Had Nixon refused to kowtow then Oppenheimer would have released all the documentation of bribes paid to government officials as well as how right is President Putin that it is the west who was responsible for the rise of Nazi Germany.
The fact that President Putin has yet to talk about the farcical Nuremberg-IG War Crimes Tribunals [1946-1948] doesnt mean he is oblivious to these most important facts.
Predicting the future is like predicting nature which is impossible.
That is something those of us clear headed can figure out using common sense.
Once Quantum Mechanics came around and provided the mathematics that were also supported by direct observations during the double-slit experiments, it took on extraordinary meaning.
Again, it’s a fascinating thing this brain us humans take for granted until it has problems remembering.
You sent April 23 at 2:35 PM
P77 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., let’s assume that you also never got the opportunity to sit down with Einstein, before he died when you would have been around 7 years of age, and yet to master QM or for that matter the no less mind-boggling General Relativity, Einstein if he felt you were bright would have told you that when he was questioning QM which he pioneered, it wasn’t because he believed QM to be untrue, rather it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that mathematics was totally mystical and had got the smartest physcists and mathematicians to go very quiet and say the most extraordinary words, “Shut up and compute” because in fact that is all one do.
That is to tell you how amazing is Quantum Mechanics which remember is very much common sense because all the time we are faced with mother nature surprising us including man’s so ugly self-destructiveness which it refuses to change because it is just too much trouble accepting you have been horribly fooled by people who lie, steal and cheat for a living and have the rest of us working when not trying to kill each other.
If you think that either Einstein or Ben Gurion were blindsided by the gross GDP economic index then you must think God is that much smarter.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., if you have ever dealt with someone suffering from epilepsy which can hit anyone at any age, it is like dealing with a stroke victim.
That is because it is a stroke.
It takes a little observation to realize, unless you are familiar with the research, again Google-Oppenheimer, they only remember up to the previous stroke.
So if they haven’t had a stroke in years then for those with short attention span, weak quantitative skills, they are good to go.
But on the other hand, if it was just days ago they had their last stroke, they remember nothing before, other than their long term memory which they keep repeating in order to not appear totally out of it.
As you can imagine, living with someone enduring multiple strokes, and no one knowing when the next one will happen, and just slight but most unnerving chills indicating the calamity ahead, and with no knowledge of the severity, it can be very very very frustrating, challenging and how interesting can it be having any conversation knowing that it is in one ear and out the other?
You can’t trust that person either.
Are they tricking you in order to hold on to their sanity, or are they actually in the moment with you laughing when making a funny joke that they may have prepared long in advance?
On a lighter note, let’s get back to what can be better than waking up to those words softly sung by the most beautiful woman in the world lying really really close, facing you, kissing you at the perfect times, and naked?
If that dreamlike state isn’t enough, she also reveals her deep inner beauty mirroring through her light pinkish skin when first mouthing clearly audible words, “blue skies, nothin’ but blue skies …” by Willie Nelson – just in case – the English words accented in French, the language of love; a dream come true, having died and gone to heaven.
Were God to descend upon earth, riding a chariot, going from village to village, town to town, city to city, orbiting platform to orbiting platform, speakers bureau to speakers bureau, military command center to military command center, identifying like at Auschwitz, good and bad and the bad told to just imagine their worst nightmare, there would be doubters.
“O he must be an animated hologram created by Elon Musk’s team of satirists with too much time on their hands, wanting to get the biggest laugh fooling all the people all the time.”
Then will those satirists really be laughing with the audience stone cold?
You sent April 23 at 2:38 PM
P78 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., what if just one person gives a quick laugh, HAH, a half laugh is probably as accurate a description as any, leaving an awkward moment for everyone else all waiting for a quip to release the tension, who’s kidding who.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. given how you are of an age like me where Latin comes much easier than those deprived of this great teaching tool which amongst many of its attributes takes us back a long time ago when people were really curious about our existence and how we fitted into the universe, but without the mechanical sensors to come close to what we see today with more questions than we have answers, you would appreciate me saving you time and trouble, assuming you didn’t already know, to look up on Google who is also playing their part to perpetuate the myth that there is competition, an illusion from the beginning of the monarchs uniting and breeding nationalism, civil unrest amongst the plebes:
You sent April 23 at 2:48 PM
P79 – Paratrooper
Quip is an abbreviation of “quippy,” a noun that is no longer in use.
Etymologists believe that “quippy” derived from the Latin quippe, a word meaning “indeed” or “to be sure” that was often used ironically. The earliest sense of “quip,” referring to a cutting or sarcastic remark, was common for approximately a century after it first appeared in print in 1532. It then fell out of use until the beginning of the 19th century, when it underwent a revival that continues to the present day.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., while noticing the audience remaining seated all this time, that most important debate would be endless; and for God to kill everyone would seem a total waste unless we were reading it wrong simply because we weren’t intelligent enough.
Even if God said that we had all been told well in advance the fate of the citizens of Sodom and Gomorra, and there would be no mercy this time around, we would have dismissed those stories including Lot’s wife wanting to turn back and die in the fiery hell, as totally ridiculous.
Maybe God has decided to let things be with nature continuing to guide, even the indifferent.
The Blue Jay is still trying to build his nest on the ridge between the eaves and is being told in the same French accent, “You should be building your nest in a tree.”
The next instant the Blue Jay dropped its twig being carried in its mouth.
What if instead of in English those words directed at the Blue Jay were in French?
No difference because these are wild animals and they show no interest in learning our spoken languages.
What if it wasn’t a coincidence and the Blue Jay, like the squirrels, wild turkeys
just there to remind us that there is something much bigger and more powerful than us?
This Blue Jay is also trying all sorts of different material.
Now the couple, flying back and forth in front of the window just feet from the 3 of us are working in tandem, “You hold on to the twig, and I will try this”.
The chances of them succeeding are incredibly slim, but wouldn’t it be great if they complete the work?
In the meantime there is this no less beautiful woodpecker doing its rounds and thinking similar thoughts, “If they succeed, I won’t have to fly far to get my next meal”.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., how do you enter lightly the darkest hour of our human species that we are all capable of seeing with our imaginations, each previously wired before birth and each independent of the next person?
You sent April 23 at 2:59 PM
P80 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the only person on the planet, in my opinion, emotionally capable of pulling the plug on the rest of the Captains-Titans of Industry, is fellow South African born and raised Elon Musk.
His greatest achievement as a father, which is the true test of a man, was getting his ex wife member @Justine Musk excited, no strike that, to commit that she would never allow their 6 children together, to visit with Elon’s father, Errol Musk who Elon says is so evil he cannot bring himself to talk about his biological father.
No less important Elon Musk does not appear to have had a mentor which hasn’t prevented his enemies from that much easier infiltrating his inner circle.
Of course he has been infiltrated from the start and he has put up one most remarkable battle.
In the next instant were he to get unanimous approval, he could fix everything that is wrong with no one going without; no less important, no one having to give up any of their earthly possessions.
Time is short to begin with.
Why waste time?
We haven’t forgotten how well trained are dogs to teach us how to gauge people by how they smell internally based on what we eat, and remember dogs can smell at least a thousand times better than humans.
Moreover, us easily fooled humans do have the language, “You are what you eat and the company you keep” even if your mind still says that there is no connection between nutrition and health because food and nutrition don’t go together otherwise they would ryhme better.
Common sense also says choose your company well because they might be the last person you are with.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq have you thought of trying to get Elon Musk to meet with me?
The fact that EM has to defend his turf and sees how flakey is everyone and why not take the offer or go to zero, does not make him a serial killer or a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.
Anyone who had anything to do with Jeffrey Epstein is totally damaged goods unless they were conned.
Musk got conned by the House of Saud.
That tells you he was not consciously doing the bidding of Big Oil-SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben-Fritz ter Meer at the time.
We know the rest are actors.
More important it is only me who is dumb, Musk is bright enough to see like everyone else the rest are actors.
You wouldn’t be here ever so quiet were you not in agreement, seeing it the same as everyone else; and you are poor, rich and in between all together here!
For what reason exactly?
You should all right now be thinking about being Musk and how he would view the truth which you know to be true which is why you are here.
Are you waiting for everyone to leave ahead of you?
Not even that will change the fact that you have been here this inordinate amount of time gathering the truths and making out like you are not really interested and every so often passing by just to take look.
You sent April 23 at 3:04 PM
P81 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., just because I couldn’t imagine my father Bernie either lifting a hand or being unkind towards me doesn’t mean I’m incapable of imagining the effect on the psyche of someone as smart as Elon Musk having a father such as his.
BTW, in the course of the more than 64 years I have been around on this very sick planet, I have never met a father close to my dad in every category, starting with kindness which comes from his unsurpassed competency as an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot, and leader of people which is a major criteria investigated during the mental and physical examination prior to beginning fighter-pilot training.
It is also fair to say I have been a conscious competent since age 13, March 24, 1970, the same year when the unthinkable at the time took place when a neophyte, totally undercapitalized nerd of nerds, totally evil looking Natie Kirsch
You sent April 23 at 3:06 PM
You sent April 23 at 3:11 PM
grabbed hold of our 60 year old multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) and summarily began dismantling it, while leaving for the crooks who helped facilitate the unprecedented in peaceful times “asset stripping” hugely valuable assets that propelled each of them into spectacular wealth, while Kirsch himself walked away a multi-billionaire as he held on to the key trading assets and most importantly his “favored nation” designation with the puppet masters Harry Oppenheimer and Charles W Engelhard Jr.
Again, this “favored nation” designation extends to Harry’s uncle Andrew, as well as Ghislane, all 3 household names without first having the Town Cryer such as new arrival member @Beth Isaacs, alumnus of the Poverty of Thought (POT) stricken Durban, South Africa Jewish day school, Carmel College which funneled Jewish boys into the sexual deviant Apartheid Regime-Oppenheimers’ military like gravy, announcing their title.
In Andrew’s case, Lord Admiral of the British fleet along with Marshal of the Royal Air Force, and why not make it really not all that ridiculous considering how easily influenced is the human since the ingenious arrival of the first evidence of Jewish-God existence, “Hear … I am … God is One” with long title, Protector of Underage (POU) Girl’s Trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane.
You sent April 23 at 3:13 PM
P82 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., there is nothing here that EM wouldn’t perfectly understand, including what it means to never truly laugh again because let’s face it, even if you have the most beautiful body in the world making love to another most beautiful body in the world, there is the need to smile and laugh right after, better yet if neither of you feel the need to mouth a word.
That is also to tell you the awesome power of great sex which intrigues Elon Musk, showing that he is really trying to delve into human consciousness beyond selling services and products to produce an endless supply of income streams.
Income streams mean nothing of course to the master puppeteers of all the Captains of Industry which include one level up from Andrew, William, Harry and now Meghan, the so-called “strongmen” who quickly become dictators tolerating zero dissension.
The SA Oppenheimers figured out everything other than the possibility that a Higher Energy Reaction (HER) actually exists and that automatically, assuming it is true, changes the ballgame entirely.
You sent April 23 at 3:24 PM
P83 – Paratrooper
Bear in mind that my mind right now is more than 50% focused on the French speaking phone conversation where both parties are laughing after every pause, and the female voice you would recognize were you to have ever heard Marie speak her native most beautiful tongue.
Her youngest brother Jean just retired from Commander of the Canadian SWAT team providing round the clock Secret Service protection of Prime Minister Traudeau, following Jean Dion’s second completion of the Norseman, the King of the Ironman competitions which had him completing 17 over as many years, which is not to suggest that her extremely good looking brother whose very busy Montreal anesthesiologist wife, 42 years of age who never contracted the Covid and is herself a 2 time Ironman finisher, Texas and Lake Placid, has never fired Canada’s most top secret high powered sniper rifle while training his commandos.
You sent April 23 at 3:26 PM
P84 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., just this moment a large coyote, very healthy just appeared in the back.
You sent April 23 at 3:28 PM
You sent April 23 at 3:29 PM
Marie, in French explaining:
You sent April 23 at 3:32 PM
You sent April 23 at 3:42 PM
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any in full daylight”; and the way Marie says those words are very much Québécois.
That is not to say when Marie visits Paris or we run into as we often do Parisians on the beautiful island Corse, Corsica to us English, that they pick up her Québécois accent because of how well she pronounces the words given her good ear which doesn’t mean the rest of mental faculties suffer from being gifted a one of a kind brain like my mother Zena.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., with your attention to detail it is probably unnecessary to mention, but just in case, the last time we heard from anyone was 6 days ago, last Saturday when both Karene Gevisser Fisher and Hilton Greenbaum, who both know each other, left, within 4 hours of one another; and the last person to actually mouth words was the atrocious member @Torah Gemach last Friday this almost exact same time, 3:40 PM Calif. time, “Gut Shabbos to all”; and prior to that was again, ugly ink on paper worshipper Gemach 3 days earlier, April 13 at 6:26 PM, “Sure, me!” which had 3, including member @Alan Mark Zeligson and @Alan Davidoff catapaulting off.
You sent April 23 at 3:46 PM
P85 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., did you notice how my mother Zena points her finger while circling her arm and hand when sizing up perfect picture, clotheshorse Marie Dion on September 24, 2016, my poor dresser, bad makeup sister @Kathy Danziger’s 63rd birthday, and that great happiness of my mother that had been going on since the evening of September 21st when arriving in Israel and to fulfill my mother’s clear wishes that I be her guardian, propelled my sister, and my two elder brothers Neil and member @Mel Gevisser who is also not the person he portrays on social member, much the same as everyone else, from encouraging their insanely evil Israeli liar-lawyer member @Ayala Weisel to proceed with 2 Israeli police invasions of my mother’s privacy, the first the following morning, Sunday, September 25, 2016 followed by the 1:30 AM graveyard shift invasion on the 27th.
You sent April 23 at 3:54 PM
P86 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. imagine if you hadn’t suggested at our lunch on October 1, 2003 that I make myself busy and take down the SA Oppenheimers-De Beers which led to me discovering Professor Edward J Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which shuts everyone up, then it is most unlikely malice ridden Israeli liar-lawyer, member @Ayala Weisel Esq., a graduate of Bar-Ilan which also cultivated the cold blooded murderer of Yitzhak Rabin who you recall celebrated with Boris Senior Boris’s 70th birthday in 1994, the year before Rabin’s assassination, again by an ultra-orthodox, brainwashed lunatic, would have got a foothold of my mother Zena.
So of course, each of us must play the cards we are dealt.
You sent April 23 at 4:02 PM
Torah Gemach
Torah Gemach sent April 23 at 4:12 PM
You sent April 23 at 4:18 PM
Edit: … smarter than all her teachers, not because my mother was dumb.
You sent April 23 at 4:20 PM
April 24 at 8:25 AM
Apr 24, 2021, 8:25 AM
You added Joseph A. Grundfest to the group.
You sent April 24 at 8:26 AM
P87 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. , before talking about the beautiful Israeli military intelligence officer, Litel Zilberstein
You sent April 24 at 8:26 AM
You sent April 24 at 8:33 AM
who at time of contacting me to let me know of her horrific experiences dealing with murderer, thief, Israeli estate lawyer, member @Ayala Weisel Esq. was working in the Office of Prime Minister Netanyahu, I want to first talk money, big, big money with today being the day after the 19th anniversary of the short, but telling email conversation with the SEC’s most legendary member, Stanford Securities Law professor Joseph A Grundfest Esq.
who I just added to our membership.
Professor Grundfest knew from prior direct dealings he and New York Times’ most senior business reporter, Diana Henriques had with me on the eraider.com affair which of course had your handprint all over, that I was no novice to the ruling corporate underworld led by the white shoes German-South African Oppenheimer family since the end of the Anglo “American” Boer War (1899-1902); and therefore when I wrote early morning April 23, 2002 that I had the “smoking gun” evidence of voter fraud in the upcoming November 2002 California Gubernatorial elections which had the richest lobbyist firm backing both contenders, the Republican and Democratic household names with foreign influence peddling up the kazoo, as my client Wetherly Capital Group had also looped in the Oppenheimers’ most strategic water asset, Paris, France headquartered, Violia-Vivendi who own the water space globally, he could take it to the bank.
In fact the modern day lack of accountability, Emperor Without Clothes, despots of despots rule began in earnest half century before Ernest Oppenheimer arrived in mineral rich South Africa back in 1902, when the world’s most renowned, revered banker, JP Morgan got away in the American Civil War with treason, aiding and abetting the enemy as well as war profiteering that at any time before or since would result in this spy of spies being shot in the back of the head and his ashes spread alongside Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höss (25 November 1901 – 16 April 1947).
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. of course you know not only Professor Grundfest Esq. but no less important, I have the facts, the chronology perfect, and therefore the big big money “question” must be shared with him as well.
How much money would it take for someone such as yourself or less money connected to be paid or profited from to step up to the plate and launch a competitor to Spotify or Fox or Amazon or in fact all media advertisers combined?
I can give you my answer, but let’s give everyone time to think about it.
Btw, @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., not only have the pair of Blue Jays continued to work feverishly, energetically building their nest and this third attempt on the ledge holding for about 15 minutes but when I moved the fallen twigs for fire kindling and place it by the back door,
You sent April 24 at 8:35 AM
You sent April 24 at 8:35 AM
You sent April 24 at 8:36 AM
they come and take from my inventory.
So what do you think they are teaching all of us, other than I took from them?
Also, is any progress being made with the Core Abdominal exercises?
Come to think of it I had a long phone conversation yesterday with Kathleen Waters, the owner of Old Venice who generously gave her brother half the successful business and he was not so kind and generous.
It was interesting and you would have been as surprised as me, maybe not?
You sent April 24 at 9:13 AM
April 24 at 12:29 PM
Apr 24, 2021, 12:29 PM
You sent April 24 at 12:29 PM
P88 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., Power of Thought (POT)
You sent April 24 at 12:40 PM
You sent April 24 at 12:58 PM
P89 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. hold the line – San Jacunto, Peter Gabriel
You sent April 24 at 12:58 PM
You sent April 24 at 12:59 PM
Marie Dion Gevisser, born 13 February, 1958
You sent April 24 at 1:00 PM
You sent April 24 at 1:01 PM
You sent April 24 at 1:01 PM
You sent April 24 at 1:01 PM
You sent April 24 at 1:03 PM
Zena Ash Gevisser, “Her name is Penny Coelen”
April 24 at 11:24 PM
Apr 24, 2021, 11:24 PM
Karene Fisher left the group.
Beth Isaacs left the group.
April 25 at 8:53 AM
Apr 25, 2021, 8:53 AM
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
April 25 at 10:07 AM
Apr 25, 2021, 10:07 AM
You sent April 25 at 10:07 AM
P90 – Paratrooper
“Life’s deadline” is what we think this Blue Jay couple are teaching us, what do you think @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq.?
The babies are on the way, and they are now on their 4th attempt.
You sent April 25 at 10:15 AM
91 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the male has a big interest because we don’t know if they are having sex until the nest is built.
Jeffrey, I don’t even know how it works with birds, do you?
Do you see the coordination demonstrated to our 250 eyeballs between my first cousins, brother and sister, Karene and Nigel Gevisser?
It’s a more important audience than what SNL is going to get when MonKeyING MOCK hosts on May 8 which is 1 week after the 20th anniversary of my 4th and final article condemning the treason pardon by Jeffrey Epstein friend Bill Clinton of terrorist financier Marc Rich.
You sent April 25 at 10:24 AM
P92 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the woodpecker just flew an arc over the Blue Jay.
You are missing the action.
Just moments before this pitched battle between the Blue Jay couple and the woodpecker and the clock is ticking but it makes no difference to the universe in which we occupy, I responded to Elon Musk’s “Lies can be beautiful”.
You sent April 25 at 10:24 AM
You sent April 25 at 10:25 AM
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You added Karene Fisher to the group.
You sent April 25 at 10:26 AM
(Added back @Nigel Gevisser and @Karene Fisher Gevisser)
You sent April 25 at 10:36 AM
P93 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., until that moment of death, and a branch just fell meaning the 4th attempt could go the way of the 3 previous, we don’t know the extent of the family unity.
Most people are not fortunate to have the clearest record on film of their mother as I have.
That alone brings jealousy as most mothers are not that nice to begin with and no one can imagine anyone nicer to gave as their mother my mother Zena.
Should I go on or get back to a much easier exercise so long as you don’t already have flappy underarms which is possibly what bothers my fb friend Beth Isaacs more than anything else?
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You sent April 25 at 10:36 AM
(Added @Beth Isaacs)
You sent April 25 at 10:38 AM
Edit: … nicer to have …
April 25 at 11:52 AM
Apr 25, 2021, 11:52 AM
You sent April 25 at 11:52 AM
P95 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., let’s get back to the new exercise that doesn’t require the same level of safety as the Core Abdominals, without anyone forgetting what possibly caused everyone to be so fooled by the money which is how they judge the next person, life, the universe and everything, and in the same traumatic thought realize to their horror all else they must have no knowledge of to have missed something as basic as the money; and that would immediately have them questioning, not only a Higher Energy Reaction’s (HER) presence but the job-profession they might have chosen totally different.
What can be worse than having an Israeli health-education government job like @Beth Isaacs who doesn’t show particular attention to what she eats in my opinion based on how she looks, pretty much the mirror image of everyone her age, and the poor children and grandchildren having to look at it and perhaps why disaster parents can’t wait to fatten their kids and have them slowed way down before they reach the terrible twos and terrible teens,and having to suck up to a higher up government official who has to do the same ugliness until it reaches the very top Nick Oppenheimer glad to have Elon Musk at this time take centerstage.
I will send you a photo of Arm Circles that is not distorted. Nor does AC require you first execute a frontal lobotomy without anesthesia.
Still you could do it terribly wrong and should you get airborne and after buzzing your neighbors, get carried away, head dive to the submarine base and start a nuclear war before you know it given not that the sound wave explosion is slower than the shrapnel because it isn’t, but the brain
penetration will kill you before it registers the sound.
But I don’t know these things and you might want to check yourself.
It would be nice to know what birds actually think, wouldn’t it?
Imagine if you come back as a fly then you will know for sure what every other fly thinks.
I just saw, and tried to photograph but too slow getting to the camera on the iPhone, the Blue Jay sitting on the manzanita tree branch carrying in its beak a long white daffodil; first time I’ve ever seen it.
They might have been checking on us while the other took back the branches I had taken; the conversation going as follows, “I’m checking them out, it’s safe; go take back the branches!”.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. maybe not.
Your mental telepathy may be better with all that naval submarine chatter going on right below you.
BTW, I picked up off the newsfeed that back in July last year you resigned your seat on the Trusteeship of a university here in California that must have been prestigious otherwise why bother, and therefore you have more time to devote to this.
Thank you for that.
Also the backup documentation I sent you on the Wetherly Capital Group having already taken steps to own both candidates running for California Governorship in the November 2002 elections, would have included my communications with member @Joseph A. Grundfest Esq. on April 23, 2002 some 2 and a 1/2 months after the February 8th board meeting of the WCG which both member Dr @Rodney Smith Phd and I attended.
I’m sure you hadn’t forgotten when getting rid of the backup material prior to our 3 hour lunch meeting on June 3, 2011 where I handed you the smoking gun proof of treason by senior government officials on both sides of the pond, I still held on to the originals which wouldn’t be so valuable had I given you the green light to have WCG settle me $63 million which they would have gladly done, just so long as they could silence me.
You removed Leo Gevisser from the group.
You added Vicky Schiff to the group.
You sent April 25 at 11:59 AM
(In order to add @Vicky Schiff, co-managing director of Wetherly Capital Group, I had to remove one @Leo Gevisser’s listings because of the 250 ceiling.)
You sent April 25 at 12:02 PM
P96 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I am pretty sure the photo @Vicky Schiff uses as her profile is the same one she had of herself and her father in her office.
That was 2 decades which is a long time to remember one photograph.
April 25 at 4:35 PM
Apr 25, 2021, 4:35 PM
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You sent April 25 at 4:42 PM
(Added back my first cousin @Nigel Gevisser, a South African Chartered Accountant who has yet to provide his input – why be on social media putting on a facade unless it is to sell sunglasses and/or your body?)
You sent April 25 at 4:49 PM
P97 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq, I cannot stress enough; happy mind, happy health, healthy food stimulating healthy exercise, great sex, happy mind, all geared, to care for each organ.
Just imagine say the fatty liver surrounded by suffocating fat cells on a mission to kill everything in its path.
The fat diseased talkative cells gaining more of a stronghold with every square centimeter of destruction.
The ugly fat has to eventually go somewhere but it isn’t instantaneous the eating up of the whole brain because the brain is able to detect what the stomach neurons are up to and to take corrective action with the mouth given its closer proximity.
The resilience of the body to injury is teaching us a lot and we should take note.
The design of the human body, so very similar to other animals and insects, makes it no less spectacular.
Then there are the eyes to do research, and if blind the ears are also located in close proximity to the brain to listen to reason.
Again, the brain within the skull has great powers that should not be overlooked.
That is not to say the dying stomach neurons replaced with deadweight are unaware of the ugly thoughts brewing in the brain because the neurons are placed in the stomach and brain to communicate for a reason.
In other words, don’t be fooled by a fake smile.
A well tuned mind observing the disconnects intuitively figures this, but now they have this as a visual guide.
Is it fair to say that eating healthy is more likely to bring positive results than eating yourself to death and in the process a pain in the arse to be around?
Not to mention skinny people simply live longer but what good do they really do for the planet?
Amazing isn’t it that the human is the one object that has done nothing good for the planet and as our brain size has shrunk over the past 30,000 years, an indicator to us that we really must try harder, so we have been that much more destructive with everyone calling the next person stupid.
If this were only the planet of the apes could you think they would be this stupid?
No, we are the first, and clearly we will be the last because it couldn’t possibly get more stupid.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. I focus on fat which disproportionates the body with obesity a massive global epidemic making the COVID-19 a pinprick but a most important wake up call that has gone unheeded.
No one is really incentivized to fix it because the money, plucked out of thin air, destroys the earth while sending the Gross Domestic Product economic index, the exclusive measurement system for the health of the economy for the past 87 odd years, skyrocketing.
Nothing gets more nuts than that.
What do we now do with all the comedians about to be out of work?
Jonny Carson were he around would be limited to cracking jokes with Dean Martin about their relative alcoholism and how many laughs would the two of them get before drowning their sorrows in booze?
It is not for me to assign a job for everyone when the people at the top do no work other than fervent chaos and genocide of the poor no longer needed for factory and farming work unless they are small family run operations on a fast track to doom.
You sent April 25 at 4:52 PM
P98 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., no one is here to learn about fat or healthy living because the only people who talk about this sensitive subject are selling diet – again note die in diet – and vitamin supplements and now garments which make you look like you are ripping; all right out of a video game.
Why are we selling anything when there is no competition at the top for the money that drives everything?
It is obvious from the teachings of all the other animals that as a species we do much better sharing and finding solutions to problems before they appear.
If we had smarter parents we would eat right from the start.
Every teenager with few exceptions thinks their parents are stupid, because they are stupid.
Where is their evidence that other species have got dumber over time?
But how does a healthy kid tell their fat parent who embarrasses them that they have no business telling their kid what to do because the parent/s holds the purse strings?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., that is where people like you and me step in.
You sent April 25 at 4:53 PM
You sent April 25 at 4:56 PM
P99 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., can you imagine what both parents are going to look like by the time the 4th child arrives?
All we have is a fundamental, but vicious problem with the GDP that cannot be either wished away or dealt with by Bitcoin or any of the other nonsense Cryptos which are designed by the banks to cover their arses and they are relying on the world’s real estate owners to keep towing the line.
Isn’t it always best to level with the next person?
Once you have a meeting of the minds about how the world is run then you have a basis for meaningful dialogue.
We all know how the world is run thanks to Professor Edward Epstein’s non fiction book, The Diamond Invention which does such a perfect job, it shuts up everyone.
The D I’s release designed to have everyone protecting their turf that much more beginning with the real estate lawyers and real estate speculators which one becomes the instant one owns real estate or is in a superior financial position to someone who is homeless.
It has nothing to do Machiavellianism as much as it is people being misled with total garbage.
How can you expect a positive outcome when the input device, the GDP is a can of worms from start to finish?
How can you possibly think with man being so innately survival competitive that all these important truths won’t eventually get out?
How can you be comforted that it won’t get out with the passage of time and increasing numbers of us getting the information and acting so two-faced when not revealing what they have learned?
This also goes against what social media is all about.
Everybody wanting to make out like they are different.
You sent April 25 at 4:57 PM
You sent April 25 at 5:09 PM
P100 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the top echelon don’t pay for money or any of their advertising, so why should you?
The massive waste of having different name corporations producing and selling the same shit is all to maintain the illusion of competition.
It is not that I don’t understand people’s negative reaction.
I perfectly understand it.
Should I keep quiet because everyone is wrong and their viciousness most palpable towards my mother Zena who can’t be faulted for her logical support of me, preferring instead to keep quiet and encourage her thieving murderers?
It would be one thing if it was only my sick relatives.
This is a far better story than the biblical Sodom & Gomorrah.
It has you almost wanting to go back and read the Torah’s account other than you know the Torah is a crutch for those worshipping ink on paper; still someone had to dream up something so preposterous and yet we see it vividly today and they are no less numb.
It is natural for the human to want to know where it stands with everyone, starting with those closest.
Let me give one example.
If you look unhealthy and the person closest to you turns a blind eye, should you trust them as much as Engelhard Jr.’s Swiss medical doctors who were doing exactly what Ben Gurion ordered?
Why didn’t the Gevisser and Moshal families all come together once Natie Kirsch “closed shop” and the following day begin a directly competing business, wiping the floor with the idiot Kirsch who of course had nothing to lose because all he had to fall back on was his Swaziland maze concession which depended upon pleasing Messrs. Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer as well as his fraudulent purchase of Moshal Gevisser at a price significantly below its market value.
Moreover, leading the revitalized firm that would no longer have to deal with gross incompetency of its corrupt, most ugly looking chairman, Sol “Little King” Moshal whose wife Gretchen remember was being serviced by Sidney Fobb, the father of Jeff Fobb the boyfriend of member, @Karene Fisher (Gevisser) would be the natural heir, the most competent and trusted of them all by the majority black South Africans who could see how well both my father and his father Issy operated the conglomerate as well as how non-ostentatious was our lifestyles.
That year end 1970 skiing trip to Arosa, Switzerland went a long way in sealing the fate of Engelhard Jr.
But it didn’t end there.
All our parents and close family friends perfectly understood not only were their rats in our families but exactly who they were.
A trading company is only as good as its good name.
Kirsch had only thief going for him amongst the honest members of our families or those who didn’t collect bribes like the Sternberg family of Durban but who were filled with the same jealousy towards my father Bernie as the smuck South African Chartered Accountant, Little King who had no male children and he chose as his favorite nephew the heavily complexed David Gevisser whose ugly looks were a dead giveaway.
No one approached my father with the obvious and it wasn’t up to my father to ask, “Couldn’t David Gevisser get Engelhard Jr. to step up to the plate and smoosh Kirsch?”
You sent April 25 at 5:12 PM
P101 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., 5 decades has passed and the same jealous, corrupt people still don’t ask the obvious question.
Even with a bad diet one can staple one’s lips not eat and at a minimum it would wake you up to your problem having to do with controlling what you put in your mouth.
Jealousy is an emotion that is so pervasive throughout the body-mind that it is beyond reach.
Maybe it is not meant to be that we figure out a solution and to leave this earth only knowing how small minded is the human and for that to be the case it is something hugely powerful which directs all man to act irrational.
Jeffrey, have you thought with your additional spare time to author a how to raise children book for young adults?
The goal must be to remove out of human consciousness the word, the thought, “competition”.
Competition only existed in war.
The War Lord decided everything and everyone below used common sense to hold on to their head.
If you became obese, unless you were king, you lost your head because your standing now was at the back of line waiting to be fed, and the person ahead seeing the food about to “go to waist” (sic) grabbing your share.
Only frontline soldiers and long bowmen ate like the King and they all stayed away from the meat when going into battle.
The fact that not a single person figured there had to be something seriously wrong when City of London official, J P Morgan didn’t get shot for his treason and clearly when paying someone to fight for him in the Civil War showed he was more ambitious than he was a patriot, is beyond remarkable.
I didn’t get my history schooling in the United States because like Elon Musk I got it back in South Africa where it seemed obvious to me it was totally trash as you can imagine.
Imagine the white South African school teacher announcing to her 6th graders, “Let me start out teaching you the history of South Africa. Because us white Europeans had the gun, we didn’t need to use money to steal the land”.
The children in that class when they got onto the playground would tell the rest of the kids, “We just learned that this land we are playing on was stolen from the people who were here first and they didn’t put a value on it because the land was not something they made, it was here to begin with and for any tribe member to think the land could belong to one particular person would have that individual committed to a mental institution.”
You sent April 25 at 5:15 PM
P102 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., could it be that us humans have been assigned to a mental institution from birth and that the game is to figure a way to get out without blowing up the world with bombs and poison foods?
Doesn’t it feel wrong to fool the children?
That’s an amazing discovery.
Can you imagine either of these two incredibly hard working Blue Jays misleading their young?
Imagine if I was able to communicate with them using sign language and told them to only tell their children the truth.
Maybe there is good reason we have a different language to them?
Why don’t we learn from them?
They are really good teachers.
Do we not pay attention to them because there is increasingly less of them and more of us?
On a lighter note, how could you have got aggravated with those imbeciles over nothing?
Is it because this way you know everything that might come your way and you are prepared?
Are you up for a game of snooker? If so, you are going to have to remind me of the rules.
You sent April 25 at 5:46 PM
Edit: … 4th and final article in the Jerusalem Post condemning the treason pardon by …
Alan Mark Zeligson left the group.
You sent April 25 at 6:00 PM
(Alan Mark Zeligson has left without commenting whether he likes the book, but contributes anyway)
You added Alan Mark Zeligson to the group.
You sent April 25 at 6:05 PM
@Alan Mark Zeligson, it is 3 AM in South Africa, why couldn’t you wait until you get up before trying to get a restful night sleep?
Previously, you have said a lot.
Is there more you would like to add before turning off your handheld?
Btw, do you turn off your WiFi at night in consideration of the neighbors being zapped unless you think they too don’t care?
April 25 at 8:03 PM
Apr 25, 2021, 8:03 PM
You sent April 25 at 8:03 PM
P104 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., all this competition over nothing only brings out the worst.
April 25 at 9:04 PM
Apr 25, 2021, 9:04 PM
Beth Isaacs left the group.
April 25 at 10:17 PM
Apr 25, 2021, 10:17 PM
You sent April 25 at 10:17 PM
April 26 at 10:38 AM
Apr 26, 2021, 10:38 AM
You sent April 26 at 10:38 AM
You sent April 26 at 10:47 AM
(Beth Isaacs, alumnus of Carmel College, Durban South Africa and little official of Israeli Government Department of Health-Human Services-Education having to suck up to Higher little officials who all embrace the Peter Principle so as to secure tenure and the next generation of children that much more deprived of their human rights, good reasoning, healthy food and having to suffer looking at their elders increasingly deformed and expected to pay attention, has once again removed herself from TBH but chooses to remain my fb friend, adding further to her and everyone else’s conflicted thoughts.)
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You sent April 26 at 10:48 AM
(Added back member @Beth Isaacs)
You sent April 26 at 10:53 AM
P106 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., let us assume that member @Vicky Schiff is the same @Vicky Schiff who invited me to attend my third successive board meeting of the Wetherly Capital Group on 8 February 2002 soon after Pypeetoe and I returned from our first trip to Machu Picchu, Peru where before heading to the mountain top
You sent April 26 at 11:02 AM
You sent April 26 at 11:04 AM
we attended a little ceremony
Beth Isaacs left the group.
April 26 at 12:29 PM
Apr 26, 2021, 12:29 PM
You sent April 26 at 12:29 PM
You sent April 26 at 12:42 PM
celebrating the launch of the book, A Field Guide to the Birds of Peru
You sent April 26 at 12:43 PM
You sent April 26 at 12:44 PM
You sent April 26 at 12:57 PM
where present was the Israeli Ambassador and his entourage.
Also along on that trip was member @Sam Haim and his best friend, fellow Israeli Noam Shany, the co-author of the book which I have yet to consult on how best to encourage the two Blue Jays to succeed in building their nest, now on their 5th try.
BTW, would you know if the male takes turns with the mother in keeping the eggs and when they hatch the chicks warm; the mother has to eat and expending energy to gather food might prove difficult?
The thing to remember is that wildlife along with the trees which have been here hundreds of millions of years before man began to walk upright are clearly smarter than us humans so keen to look smart, but clearly there is a disconnect between the brain and people’s looks until you start appreciating how transparently dumb is the human.
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You sent April 26 at 12:58 PM
(Added back @Beth Isaacs)
You sent April 26 at 1:12 PM
P107 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., if South African-Israeli Government educator @Beth Isaacs is confused why she remains my fb friend and doesn’t simply block me from adding her back, would you still expect Israelis to continue setting the scholastic standards or do you think those days are long over and Israelis are no different to anyone else and simply live to eat themselves to death?
We understand that South African school teachers could have done a better job preparing elementary school kids for a future of ugliness but how could Israelis be so negligent towards the next generation unless they are no less corrupt.
We simply have to look at who profits from poor educators?
One wouldn’t expect those hell bent on destroying us Jewish people from within to have the smartest of us leading the way out of this abyss.
In fact you would expect our leadership to be totally rotten by now, wouldn’t you agree?
It is in fact thanks to member @Sam Haim who remember is also your fb friend, same with member @Allen Walker who is now donning a beard like pipsqueak member @Sidney Lazarus
You sent April 26 at 1:13 PM
You sent April 26 at 1:16 PM
above on the left, wearing glasses which is not to suggest @Sidney Lazarus has a huge intellect, quite the opposite in fact, just like his Nazi, racist father Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus that I went on the trip to Peru as very single at the time @Sam Haim was living above my office digs in the Tree House
You sent April 26 at 1:17 PM
You sent April 26 at 1:22 PM
which Marie and I lived in for a short while when party animal Sammy moved out.
Sammy and I got along great which is why all 3 of us including Noam Shany flew to Peru together but I stayed on a couple weeks longer finishing my book Manager Minute One a take off of One Minute Manager which Pypeetoe helped destroy when knocking a glass of water onto my laptop, wiping out the hard drive which hadn’t been backed up.
You sent April 26 at 1:23 PM
Here are a couple more photos from that evening with the Israeli Ambassador.
You sent April 26 at 1:24 PM
You sent April 26 at 1:24 PM
You sent April 26 at 1:31 PM
The above photo with the photo of the Ambassador in the middle, Sammy to his right and me and Pypeetoe to the far right was taken just before Pypeetoe decided to yawn.
At the time I hadn’t thought about telling the airline officials that I was Pypeetoe’s emotional support because they were much smarter then and it probably still wouldn’t fly unless someone as stupid as @Sidney Lazarus was in charge checking also when lining up to enter the aircraft if they have visited his and his family’s Tolerance Museum housed within the Durban Jewish Club.
You sent April 26 at 1:32 PM
You sent April 26 at 1:39 PM
At the time it seemed right, and it also worked, to simply tell the airline officials the truth in order to have Pypeetoe sit with us in the cabin of the aircraft, “Beautiful Pypeetoe is a sight hound. How can I deprive him of seeing the sights of Machu Picchu”.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you know that when you tell the same joke twice, it is never quite as funny.
Back to the teachings of epilepsy.
You can tell them the same thing repeatedly and it is just like they are hearing it for the first time should they have since experienced a stroke which is immediately preceded by chills.
You sent April 26 at 1:50 PM
P108 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it was at 8:03 PM last evening California time when I made mention, “all this competition over nothing only brings out the worst.”
To reinforce its great importance, and not a word out of place or one word too many, I devoted all of page 107.
Let’s assume member @Vicky Schiff remembers it as well as her kicking me under the table with her brand new high heeled shoes as I went about cutting her co-managing director of Wetherly Capital Group, Dan Weinstein who was also an alternate member of the heavily powerful California Coastal Commission who gave member The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow his break in the excessive redevelopment of the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall, down to size.
That would mean Ms. Vicky “Sticky” Schiff couldn’t possibly have experienced the stroke severity that confined Nazi Joseph P Kennedy to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life.
You sent April 26 at 1:55 PM
P109 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as you know my highly secretive British-English mother Zena wrote all my English essays at high school and university where English was obligatory in first year, so I don’t pride myself on my writing skills.
The writers are people like member @Torah Gemach and @Alan Mark Zeligson even though it is all trash just like their weak minds.
BTw Jeffrey, do you think these genius thinkers are able to follow your Gold Flow Chart identifying themselves?
You sent April 26 at 1:56 PM
You sent April 26 at 2:08 PM
P110 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., earlier I had a 38 minute phone conversation with a guy who had responded to my enquiry how to repair the back of a mid-century Hermann Miller chair.
It turns out that this fellow is also a California Appellate attorney and he says that he knows both you and Howard your partner whose last name is Finkelstein, hence your law firm Finkelstein & Krinsk LLP.
We didn’t spend all 38 minutes him giving me the name and number to call to have the back repaired because that would mean every 10 to 15 seconds at least one of us had an epilepsy stroke which is possible according to the spectacular teachings of Quantum Mechanics.
Instead we spoke about the fabricated CIA Knuff lawsuit and its connection to Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The D I book.
After lunch, early dinner I will share with you all my follow up communique and I would expect members @Joseph A. Grundfest Esq. , @Peter Thiel, @Tosca Musk, @Justine Musk, my entire immediate as well as extended family, in fact everyone here to be glued to their screen.
You sent April 26 at 2:19 PM
You sent April 26 at 2:20 PM
You sent April 26 at 2:24 PM
You sent April 26 at 2:29 PM
You sent April 26 at 2:30 PM
You sent April 26 at 3:27 PM
April 26 at 9:23 PM
Apr 26, 2021, 9:23 PM
Beth Isaacs left the group.
April 27 at 7:17 AM
Apr 27, 2021, 7:17 AM
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
Alan Davidoff left the group.
April 27 at 12:41 PM
Apr 27, 2021, 12:41 PM
You sent April 27 at 12:41 PM
P113 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., logic has to be the final weapon.
For those sick in the head it will be more crushing than the entire house of cards tumbling.
Not to get ahead of myself.
One should do one’s best not to interfere with nature, and this also applies to facelifts which only look great to the ugly looking people feeling great that their fake friend has joined the club, as well as those with botched cosmetic surgery requiring more surgeries and simply imagine it as a vicious sword
fight between adjourning skin particles.
You lose your brain, the rest of your body has to fight it out to the death.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., could you see a time soon when people will be more careful in the company they keep?
Imagine if all the people woke up to the fact that all the money is rigged.
Wouldn’t it be great if all the violence ended and people concentrated on looks alone, like a beauty contest?
Then you start working on character without anyone feeling the need to lie, steal and cheat.
In other words it is well within the realm of possibilities that “character” will join “competition” no longer being used in the English language, the same with all other human languages.
Bear in mind us humans were given a huge boost to our fast diminishing mental faculties with the awesome discovery of Quantum Mechanics which provides ample proof that anything is possible, other than changing the past.
Remember, even prior to QM there was no evidence of the human species having done any good for the planet.
Human overpopulation has continued to skyrocket keeping pace with the rise of human stupidity.
How can we make out that every life is precious and that safety must come first in everything we do, but even with such a boost as Quantum Physics-Mechanics we have continued to get decisively more stupid?
BTW, would it not be great if Elon Musk begins his SNL monologue, “Just to let you know my involvement with Bitcoin was to get back at the Securities Exchange Commission”?
Jeffrey, have you noticed that not all SNL members are joyful to have EM on the show, but then again it could all be advertising, more controversy more eyeballs more advertising.
It’s all about advertising, isn’t it?
The messed up human cannot change until we admit our errors and the first thing we have to do is renounce the GDP but that is unlikely to happen because in the next instant all the wealth accumulation disappears.
Elon Musk understands this perfectly and why he continues to talk up the GDP.
This is also not the first time EM aka King Co(i)n aka MonKeyING MOCK has lied through his teeth.
He is also up against the biggest liars.
What would you do in his position?
It was not all that long ago that he began giving Wikipedia hell because they said he was an “investor” which offended him so, to the point that EM went on Twitter seeking help in having the designation “investor” removed, which did occur.
I have not checked since he became the lead promoter of Bitcoin that “investor” has been added back.
Moreover EM later went on member @Sofiaan Fraval’s THIRD ROW TESLA repeating that he is not an investor and you can see “Sofiasn” (sic) who remains one of my fb friends and others nodding their head in agreement with their patron EM before going on to also make the point that he is not hoarding resources.
Of course when your supply chain is corrupt from the head down, it is all about hoarding resources as a benevolent dictator or joining the merciless, vicious dictatorship of the SA Oppenheimers-BASF-IG Farben-Third Reich’s Southern Division.
That amazing THIRD ROW TESLA segment ends with EM talking at length, and totally out of the blue, about the monopoly business, and that centerpiece is all about the government being the “perfect monopolist”.
It is the government behind Bitcoin and why they have been so hands-off.
Again Musk is not stupid, he understands this all perfectly even if it is above the pay scale of
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
You sent April 27 at 12:42 PM
added back members @Beth Isaacs, @Nigel Gevisser and @Alan Davidoff.
A contact left the group.
You sent April 27 at 12:54 PM
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., a strong argument can be made that ugly people do get ahead on the backs of the poor.
Can you think of anything beautiful about JP Morgan the most revered in the Management Schools teaching the managing of lies, other than his personal wealth accumulation?
He arrived bringing City of London worthless money to the table and he died bringing worthless money to the table while spending the earth and driving out his competitors.
I see that Columbia University business school graduate Neal H Hurwitz, just let us know that he has been paying attention all this time.
You added a participant to the group.
You sent April 27 at 12:55 PM
@Neal H. Hurwitz, why leave now when there is more to come?
Has your physical health been improving?
You sent April 27 at 1:05 PM
P117 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it is always good in maintaining perspective to constantly keep in view the big picture even when diving into the minutia.
If two identical top grades female law school graduates from your Alma mater, Boston university were applying for your receptionist job, and the one was a 10 looking, putting a smile on your and Howard’s face each time you walked into the offices, and the other so ugly it results in your competitors feeling sorry for you that you couldn’t afford better, because beauty does sell, would you choose the ugly?
Ugly people are discriminated from birth but that doesn’t stop people like ugly in every respect JP Morgan succeeding as a financier.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., can you figure out why we have been so distracted by the money we make laws that make no sense other than they help cover up the greatest injustice?
I’m just as certain @Neal H. Hurwitz who loves talking politics which you would expect coming from Columbia University who refused admission to Quantum Mechanics legend Richard Feynman because Feynman was Jewish, can contribute to why no one wants to touch the Gross Domestic Product index with a 100 foot pole?
I have of course more than a hunch of not only how this freak of nature occurred, but it’s purpose.
The conclusion of my observations is that all of non-human life is teaching us constantly.
We decided to help the Blue Jay couple build their nest before it is too late.
She’s into soft.
You sent April 27 at 1:22 PM
You unsent a message
April 27 at 2:25 PM
Apr 27, 2021, 2:25 PM
You sent April 27 at 2:25 PM
You sent April 27 at 2:31 PM
You sent April 27 at 2:33 PM
He’s into long term investment.
April 27 at 4:45 PM
Apr 27, 2021, 4:45 PM
You sent April 27 at 4:45 PM
P119 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., long term investment doesn’t mean there should be a money incentive.
The other animals and those more evolved who don’t have eyes that we recognize such as each tree who remains in the same spot throughout its life caring for its offspring and the rest of the wildlife habitation exuding like itself life giving oxygen while sucking the carbon dioxide out of the air, seem to be much smarter, if we give it a little thought.
And the many living tens of thousands of years have failed to keep us in the moment and consider for a nanosecond why we are chasing the money of the most deranged of us humans who are considered stupid by our brainwashers because we have been so easily brainwashed.
Jeffrey, there is a high probability that not a single member here or in the past would raise their hand and keep it up, wanting to see the SA Oppenheimer clan who have had a 120 years to spread their wings, deposed.
Btw, I couldn’t think of anyone better than you to conduct a deposition of Nick Oppenheimer.
Jeffrey, you told me to think big which is why I went after them.
I’m giving you the same advice and the main work is done; you just need to get Nick Oppenheimer to agree.
I understand that you might right now be busy with more important matters conducted in the War Room of the White House trying to get Chairman Biden to be definitive of a desire to follow the lead of President Xi and get all the rich Americans like himself and Hunter into a hotel room and to write a big check; although the Chinese seem to prefer to do this exchange in a prison cell.
Nor am I suggesting that when Crown Prince Mr Bone Saw conducted his violent interrogations of Saudi Arabia’s richest, Mr Bone Saw has the excuse of being preoccupied thinking what steps he would have to take with the Executive Branch of the United States should the CIA discover he had Mr. Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi dismembered while still alive and feeling every inch of pain.
The SA Oppenheimers would have conducted exhaustive focus groups throughout the planet before getting their Simon & Schuster, about to be officially owned by the Germans, to publish The Diamond Invention book in print back in 1982, and no less effort when making it available free online.
The fact that they and those who have been coopted didn’t expect me to extend their human behavioral studies doesn’t mean I am wrong to share the truth when everyone else lacks courage.
Nor does it mean that my insights are wrong when everyone is either quiet or distracting.
You just have to read The D I book to see the insanity of man who is obliged to seek reason at all times when conducting themselves.
Monetary investment makes no sense once you read The D I book when most all respond seeking alliances with those who may already have alliances with SA Oppenheimers-Auschwitz-IG Farben-BASF-Fritz ter Meer or directly with Nick Oppenheimer and his son Jonathan.
No less amazing considering all else that is going on in this universe with heavy duty explosions and the galactic center of our Milky Way only 26,000 light years away as the crow flies just gobbling up billions of other stars in its eating frenzy, some trees still remain as a reminder, do not use money.
Nor are they as violent or wasteful as the human.
Violence and waste go hand in hand even if their combination has yet to turn into the biggest hit song of all time.
Jeffrey, let me remind the others who don’t have good memories which selective memory can do it, you have not forgotten less than a handful of items:
First, the multitude of frauds which went into this malice ridden @Ayala Weisel Esq. getting guardianship of my mother Zena which I will be exploring in more detail than ever before, shortly.
Second, what Office of the Israel Prime Minister, unusually beautiful Israeli Litel Zilberstein first wrote to me on 7 July, 2019, “… I think we have something in common with her (@Ayala Weisel) … hope you will answer me …” and within 24 hours after our long discussion Litel left me a voice message that she was leaving for Paris to start a new life.
Moreover, accompanying her many words, 4 messages in total were a lot of “I am very sorry. I’m sorry. I’m very sorry” and she wasn’t talking about how a new life had suddenly opened up for her; and @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk you would know that Paris isn’t the worst place for an Israeli to spend the rest of their life, so long as they have a villa way out in the countryside to visit every other day just to get a breath of fresh air.
Third, my email communication to this California Appellate attorney following our lengthy conversation centered around two things; first, the pricing of money that is not taught at university at any level which is most disturbing to business-management graduates like member @Neal H. Hurwitz who couldn’t wait to tell me that his American Jewish family helped Belgian Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba with money and other things; without, however, this Hurwitz articulating the details of this other help which had to be colossal otherwise why would Hurwitz keep it a secret?
Moreover, we know for a fact the money didn’t help or getting him a safe house which is all Lumumba needed.
Let’s explore this a little more.
Did the Hurwitz family send him socks that he could otherwise have bought with the money they gave him?
Most unlikely.
Did they offer Lumumba refuge in their home in America, but he refused because it wouldn’t make sense for him to escape to the United States or an allied nation where he would be safe or in equal mortal danger.
The only logical explanation is that at best they got involved unwittingly in Lumumba’s demise, but until Hurwitz provides us with the details we will never know if they were witting or unwitting participants in his murder execution.
To the best of my knowledge all those actively supporting Lumumba were executed.
Taking care of that business was the murderous puppet Mobutu Sese Seko who finally succeeded Lumumba after proving to Oppenheimer-Engelhard Jr’s senior operative Maurice Tempelsman that he was the strongman for the job
The only help Lumumba needed was help in not being assassinated.
Only ignoramus ordinary citizens of the United States or any country that is a member of the United Nations would assist the leader of a mineral rich and strategically located country escape execution other than to write to their President a registered letter, also sent to all the major media outlets requesting not to kill Lumumba.
Btw, no efforts prevented Lumumba’s torture assassination, much the same as my classmate and cousin Sandy Jacobson (1957-1997) within 3 years of the start of the joyous celebrations welcoming the “Mandela Miracle” which was only good for the profiteers of the previous Apartheid Regime.
Sandy, a granddaughter of the Little King, Sol Moshal
You sent April 27 at 4:46 PM
You sent April 27 at 5:29 PM
whose house in Durban I visited for tea in early 1980, is now occupied by member @Sidney Lazarus, was a member of Mandela’s fully infiltrated Umkhonto, the armed wing of the African National Congress.
Were Sandy alive today and remembering all her closest comrades who along with their family members were shot to pieces by the South African Secret Police-Malan Death Squad back on the evening of December 19, 1985 thanks to an informer tipping off the Apartheid Regime of the safe house which Sandy had organized, how do you think she would react to all this ugliness?
Sandy was not the informer.
Mandela ordered her execution because that is how things operate in a well organized military.
One could argue that Mandela had no choice just like fans of the Durban North Lazarus clan argue that the Lazarus’ needed to openly support the Apartheid Regime in order to keep the doors of their Non-Ferrous Metals business open.
Could you see Sandy (Moshal) Jacobson siding against me?
That possibility must exist because a lot of you present would try pressuring her.
Better, however, to simply get rid of her and know for sure she will stay quiet.
How sick to kill such a brave 40 year old white Jewish South African woman whose hand Mandela should have grabbed first when leaving prison after 27 years in protective custody as his enemies within the black communities of South Africa were systematically eliminated.
Jeffrey, remember to tell both Chairman Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry that it has always been the victors of war who write the history, but they certainly cannot be faulted for the ingenious, well beyond rational thought, “… I am … God is One”.
Nor did end there as the Story of Exodus out of Egypt also makes no sense and yet it too has so fooled all our Jewish rabbis and scholars.
Notice how quiet is the congratulation of Sandy’s very close cousin, hypocrite, Yale graduate, intellectual midget, member @Mark Gevisser whose 2014 non-fiction book Lost & Found in Johannesburg makes no mention, while detailing his home invasion by thugs and rapists in 2011, of Sandy’s meticulously executed assassination where her half naked and tortured body was found in Johannesburg in the trunk of her Toyota automobile in early November 1997 and then nearly 9 years later, March 2006, 16 months after I break my 24 year silence with Oppenheimer-DecBeers on 11.11.2004, one month before Mandela is officially placed on De Beers’ payroll just months ahead of the release of Blood Diamonds starring neophyte environmentalist actor Di Caprio, the South African police reopen the investigation of Sandy’s murder and while spreading more fear, conveniently find someone who died in 2003 to blame; and this report is made public on September 5, 2006 the same day President Putin meets Mineral Resource King Nick Oppenheimer.
You sent April 27 at 5:30 PM
You sent April 27 at 5:38 PM
P120 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., just as there is order to this universe from the very beginning and why Spinoza didn’t feel the need to explore beyond “it is” there is a history prior to shutting up Sandy who you can see is not mourned by members of the disgusting Durban Jewish community.
Her torture death came less than 36 years after American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and his partner German-South African Harry Oppenheimer and their operatives orchestrated Lumumba’s brutal execution which sent chills up and down the African continent, amplified by President Einsenhower’s “Beware Military Industrial Complex” speech of 17 January 1961, perfectly coordinated on the exact same day Lumumba was loaded on to a truck, forced to eat his words as the written speech was stuffed into his mouth, before the brutality began in earnest.
You sent April 27 at 5:39 PM
You sent April 27 at 5:43 PM
Second, and everyone should remember the first by simply scrolling up, how impossible it is that Hitler didn’t have to compete with anyone to get either his money or minerals out of Allied protectorate Belgian Congo
when Germany was broke, her people starving and no less important restricted by Versailles Peace Treaty to ever come close to mounting a threat.
You sent April 27 at 5:54 PM
P121 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., probably I should have used the words “scar tissue” in the sword fight by the mindless.
You previously provided me with great edits when we were telling the George W Bush Administration to suspend indefinitely, in other words permanently end the trading of shares in public corporations,
the first step in exposing the illusion of competition which places people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos in the same boat, other than because Bezos has no skills other than his worthless Wall Street money connections, naturally Musk would be at the helm unless he dies which is the same as getting very sick.
You would agree, living a long time sick he might prefer to be dead were Musk to end up like most unhealthy and over 50 having a hard time getting it up.
Of course even if you are super bright like @Steven Bailey, @Alan Mark Zeligson, @Alan Cline, @Alan Davidoff, @Nigel Gevisser, @Jonathan Gevisser and most religious @Torah Gemach who has been so quiet, if you have a hard time getting it up and you are the breadwinner your partner might still stay with you and take their retribution by getting fat, and those poor kids and grandkids.
So with more rather than less seeing cleverness from the start which in the case of us Jewish people are those 12 words “… I am … God is One”, and to be expected all the religious Jewish people have missed now for 3000 years, and our opponents for good reason wanting to get rid of us, have also missed entirely, how wrong can it be that you were slow in not at least sending me mental telepathy that I should have used “scar tissue”!
April 27 at 7:55 PM
Apr 27, 2021, 7:55 PM
Beth Isaacs left the group.
April 30 at 3:15 AM
Apr 30, 2021, 3:15 AM
Alan Davidoff left the group.
April 30 at 12:46 PM
Apr 30, 2021, 12:46 PM
You added Alexey Gromov to the group.
April 30 at 2:33 PM
Apr 30, 2021, 2:33 PM
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You removed a participant from the group.
You added Alan Davidoff to the group.
You sent April 30 at 2:38 PM
P122 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., if you are going to learn religion you first need to know how to read and understand the first words ever given to us Jewish people “… I am … God is One” and if you miss the very easy to understand meaning you end up all messed up like the Schneerson and his hoarded of idiot supporters, well represented by very ugly inside and out, members rabbi @David Masinter and @Torah Gemach who is now putting up videos of himself doing push-ups.
The only thing most human males bring to the table is their deadly sperm that exerts force to enter the female egg.
So it is logically up to the woman to control the inherent violence within man.
Let’s assume it is the wife who stays home looking after the children while the husband goes off to work making money on money that comes free to the slave masters who are the SA Oppenheimers and their shills who have been operating globally since the turn of the last century, approximately 1900 and so we are only talking about 120 years ago when the population was under 2 billion and it is now 8 billion with Covid 19 having negligible impact.
However, Dr John McDougall MD has yet to own the diet market and that is not the only reason for great optimism.
If the woman is also the one preparing dinner for the all about money imbecile male and rightfully only concerned that he can satisfy her sexually and then looking forward to his early departure to the office if he is a poor lover that can be easily established by the stomach protrusion which ingeniously translates into major backache giving the woman reprieve, would you expect the dinner that is served to be healthy leading to better performance?
Yes, if the previous meal contained too much fat and oil and the previous sexual encounter was totally out of this world.
If sex has got progressively worse then you might expect the woman now fat as a house to say, “Darling, you know this vegan craze is for the birds. You need animal protein to make up for your weak dik” and the stupid male would lap up the meat like it was cheesecake.
In other words, you know if your partner would prefer someone different if they are poisoning you with either meat or dairy-liquified meat.
On the other hand if you are a great lover then you can’t wait to join your partner in the kitchen preparing the healthiest of meals, and where of course foreplay begins.
Is anyone here considering divorce more than before?
@Beth Isaacs how about you?
@Alan Davidoff are you already divorced?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., Im now doing a “sound check” with members, American biologist @Mark Kromer and Russian economist, member @Alexey Shumeyko who happens to have far better excellence, or should I say taste in clothing and that translates into how well he dresses than he does in understanding basic economics; and clearly all his advanced schooling in economics in Paris, France has only weakened what was once a genius mind at birth, like most all humans until such poorly trained parents-teachers interfere with the learning process and by the time they are finished elementary school the mindless child is ready to join the Hitler Youth Movement or similar activity like the military and police forces of the Third Reich’s Southern Division aka Apartheid Regime who grabbed power 12 days after Ben Gurion announced Jewish Statehood, and calling her Israel which translates into “Wrestle-Struggle with God” which was within 3 years after the Nazis were supposedly defeated in World War II.
You removed a participant from the group.
You added Kati Fiskaali to the group.
You sent April 30 at 3:04 PM
(Added @Alexey Shumeyko’s girlfriend @Kati Fiskaali which Alexey asked me to do. To make room I had to remove a member Ally Gold)
Kati Fiskaali
Kati Fiskaali sent April 30 at 3:05 PM
You sent April 30 at 3:07 PM
@Kati Fiskaali, is Alexey with you now?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:08 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:08 PM
Found how to access it
You sent April 30 at 3:13 PM
Is @Alexey Shumeyko able to access TBH from his fb account?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:14 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:14 PM
It’s me
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:14 PM
I will read your posts
You sent April 30 at 3:15 PM
Is @Kati Fiskaali with you at the present time?
Are both of you in Paris where the time is joyful 12:14 AM Oct 1?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:15 PM
You sent April 30 at 3:19 PM
Have we met @Kati Fiskaali?
When we last passed by your shop in Paris, it was closed.
Do you have an online
business that we can promote until MonKeyING MOCK has finished mocking the people with Bitcoin and now dogecoin?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:21 PM
I am now selling books now. If I switch to something where promotion is useful I will let you know.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:21 PM
I don’t think you’ve met. But not sure.
You sent April 30 at 3:23 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, I need to get back to my Paratrooper conversion with member @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. who has more control of the world economy than President Biden which really doesn’t say much because with someone like Biden who has a memory problem, it is in one ear and out the next.
Quickly tell me if you follow what I had to say about all your knowledge of economics you should flush down the toilet?
Kati Fiskaali left the group.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:25 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:25 PM
Most points I could grasp from your posts are pretty straight forward.
You sent April 30 at 3:26 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, why did Kati leave the group?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:26 PM
Obviously GDP is not a very useful metric.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:27 PM. Original message:
@Alexey Shumeyko, why did Kati leave the group?
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
She is not at this point interested in politics.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:27 PM
Or economy
You sent April 30 at 3:28 PM
Alexey, does she care if she has money to feed herself?
You sent April 30 at 3:28 PM
How old is she?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:29 PM
We live as a real family, as such we have a common budget.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:29 PM. Original message:
How old is she?
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
You sent April 30 at 3:29 PM
How old are you?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:29 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:29 PM
A few days ago
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:29 PM
She is 26 in a few days.
You sent April 30 at 3:30 PM
Is Kati reading alongside you still?
You sent April 30 at 3:30 PM
Is her English as good as yours?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:31 PM
She is from Finland
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:31 PM
So yes , she is fluent in several languages including English.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:31 PM
She is not reading
You sent April 30 at 3:34 PM
Sorry about that.
She looks beautiful so I assumed she was Russian.
I see she has 412 fb friends which as previously mentioned are good numbers.
Numbers-mathematics helps keep us in the moment, the same with totally unpredictable coincidences which in turns leads to totally spectacular Quantum Mechanics which provides the mathematical computations to support that nature is unpredictable.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:37 PM
Wouldn’t it be easier to explain those coincidences by God plan, rather then by quantum randomness?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:37 PM
Probably God has a plan for this universe which is difficult for us to grasp.
You sent April 30 at 3:39 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko what is also totally unpredictable is man’s stupidity in never investigating a number of things beginning with the GDP.
You are wrong in saying “Obviously GDP is not a very useful metric.”
Those are words of the “sly English” or “sly Russian” or “sly South African” or “sly Israeli” etc etc.
Can you think of anything positive about the GDP other than it demonstrates that the human is a vicious imbecile?
You sent April 30 at 3:40 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, you didn’t answer if Kati cares if she has money to feed herself?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:40 PM
It’s a very useful term which facilities communication of elites with people they govern.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:41 PM. Original message:
@Alexey Shumeyko, you didn’t answer if Kati cares if she has money to fe…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I think she cares, we work to make money.
You sent April 30 at 3:45 PM
Alexye, you and Kati are confused.
You are a decade and a half older than her and you know better because when we first met going on a decade ago, I explained perfectly how the money system works.
Obviously you are not a good teacher or she is a poor student.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:47 PM. Original message:
Alexye, you and Kati are confused. …
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
You sent April 30 at 3:47 PM
You first learned that the people at the top have a name which is very well known in South Africa to all the different races.
Their name is Oppenheimer.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:47 PM. Original message:
You first learned that the people at the top have a name which is very w…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
Yes I remember.
You sent April 30 at 3:47 PM
Sorry, what is possible?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:48 PM. Original message:
Sorry, what is possible?
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
That I misunderstand something.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:49 PM
Oppenheimer is De beers owner
You sent April 30 at 3:49 PM
Alexey, is Kati able to see that your words “It’s a very useful term which facilities communication of elites with people they govern” only make sense if you were trained at university to speak like a politician who only makes sense to idiots?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:50 PM
She is not reading.
You sent April 30 at 3:51 PM
What is she doing?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:52 PM
But, GDP is a metric. Though simplistic and not very useful to develop cohesive economic policies is very useful in communication
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:52 PM. Original message:
What is she doing?
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
She reads some medical articles.
You sent April 30 at 3:53 PM
Can you show her this photo?
You sent April 30 at 3:53 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:54 PM
I know that Putin met with him.
You sent April 30 at 3:54 PM
Do you remember me showing you the photo when you were 26?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:55 PM
He has parts in Alrossa
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:55 PM
Russian Yakutan Diamond company
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 3:55 PM
I think 30 to 50 percents.
You sent April 30 at 3:55 PM
Have you shown Kati the photo that makes all South Africans tremble, especially Jewish South Africans?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:55 PM. Original message:
Do you remember me showing you the photo when you were 26?
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
We met when I was 34, in Paris.
You sent April 30 at 3:56 PM
Alexey, have you noticed that you haven’t changed in all this time, other than you have got worse with your nonsense economic talk?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 3:58 PM. Original message:
Alexey, have you noticed that you haven’t changed in all this time, othe…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
Probably. Still a lot of work to do.
You sent April 30 at 3:59 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, that was the second time we met when we passed by with the world heavyweight boxing Federation champion Michael Grant who lost his championship bout to a much better prepared opponent who wasn’t carrying the guilt of Grant.
You sent April 30 at 4:01 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, how can you get Kati’s attention to look at the computer screen?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:02 PM. Original message:
@Alexey Shumeyko, how can you get Kati’s attention to look at the comput…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
It’s late here she is sleeping. Will try tomorrow.
You sent April 30 at 4:08 PM
Alexey, it is very difficult to communicate with an old 40 year old unless they have a young, beautiful and bright girlfriend.
Would you say Kati is as bright as she is beautiful or is she stupid and only interested in your body, which might mean she is very bright and doesn’t want you to fill up her head with nonsense such as your first total garbage, “It’s a very useful term which facilities communication of elites with people they govern” before getting much worse?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:08 PM
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:09 PM. Original message:
Alexey, it is very difficult to communicate with an old 40 year old unle…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
You sent April 30 at 4:11 PM
Alexey, let’s assume you know perfectly well that you are playing stupid but hoping to impress Kati that there is more to you than her sex object who could have trouble getting it up after your next stroke.
Btw, have you ever felt stupid and equated that feeling to a stroke?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:13 PM. Original message:
Alexey, let’s assume you know perfectly well that you are playing stupid…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
First of all, she is not reading.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:14 PM
Second , we have been together long enough for all “impress” becoming inefficient.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:14 PM
And no I haven’t experienced stroke or anything like it yet.
You sent April 30 at 4:15 PM
Alexey, let’s also assume Kati is smart enough to ask when she gets up and sees the photo of Putin and Oppenheimer to ask, “When do you think Putin became aware of Oppenheimer?”
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:16 PM. Original message:
Alexey, let’s also assume Kati is smart enough to ask when she gets up a…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
Let’s assume
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:22 PM
“Behind every great fortune there is a crime”
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:22 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:22 PM
How surprising can be that politicians are corrupt?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:22 PM
The question is not denounce, but to be able to develop clear plan of action to take power for clear goals and be able to take that power.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:22 PM
If you have a clear plan of action to achieve this, I am very interested.
You sent April 30 at 4:28 PM
Alexey, isn’t it reasonable to ask such a question when you see a photo of someone you don’t recognize with a very powerful leader of a nuclear powerhouse who not only got hold of the Manhattan Project secrets but the Soviets got their hands on the United Sates’ most advanced fighter-bomber aircraft following the Unites States’ poorly executed departure from South Vietnam back in 1975 when the US left 800 of its top secret fighter aircraft along with bombs, spare parts and all the manuals how to fly and maintain the aircraft which the Vietnamese gladly handed over to the Soviet Union in thanks for the Soviet Union’s support in supposedly defeating the west?
Alexey, in all your expensive but comical economics schooling which would have cost your rich Russian father an arm and a leg, do you recall any of the professors mentioning the military component in the pricing of things like the cost of a nail file or opening a nail salon or buying a restaurant or purchasing a luxury yacht and the staff so that you only need to go into the kitchen to make sure the dishwashers are not poisoning the well?
You sent April 30 at 4:29 PM
Alexey, there is a nervous energy which precedes any stroke, such as “How surprising can be that politicians are corrupt?”
You sent April 30 at 4:30 PM
Alexey, would Kati or you need another example?
You sent April 30 at 4:32 PM
Alexey, I recall vividly you didn’t recognize Nick Oppenheimer in the photo from September 5, 2006 which Putin held on to for 759 days before having the Kremlin release it.
October 3, 2008, was the month before puppet Senator Barack Obama became President elect.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:32 PM
No I didn’t
You sent April 30 at 4:33 PM
Alexey, it is an important question I ask, “When do you think Putin became aware of Oppenheimer?”
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:35 PM
How would you compare the degree of his international influence to that of Peter Theil
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:35 PM
Or Rothschild family
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:35 PM
Or bin Saud family
You sent April 30 at 4:36 PM
Alexey, since you had to know how to read before beginning your university comical economics studies, do you think Putin only heard of Oppenheimer when Putin had the Kremlin release the photo on October 3, 2008?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:36 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:36 PM
De beers is big
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:39 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:40 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:41 PM
The guy is famous rapist star
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:41 PM
10s of complaints against him from abused women
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:41 PM
Obama is happy to pose with him
You sent April 30 at 4:42 PM
Alexey, let me give you and Kati as well as our other 248 members more examples of nervous energy preceding a stroke:
“How would you compare the degree of his international influence to that of Peter Theil”
“Or Rothschild family”
“Or bin Saud family”
“He has parts in Alrossa”
“Russian Yakutan Diamond company”
“I think 30 to 50 percents”
“And no I haven’t experienced stroke or anything like it yet.”
Alexey, when you were around 3 and starting to play with toy soldiers did you ever think you might end up stupid without realizing it?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:44 PM
How do you define stupid? Where on bell curve of iq should one’s abilities be?
You sent April 30 at 4:46 PM
Alexey, when reading economics since finishing university and right now for the life of you it is difficult for you to remember any of the crap they filled your head with, has there been anything that describes the use of violence in the gathering of real estate and minerals such as cobalt used to produce battery packs?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:46 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:46 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:46 PM
Just read Marx for example.
You sent April 30 at 4:47 PM
Alexey, another example of nervous energy, “How do you define stupid? Where on bell curve of iq should one’s abilities be?”
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:48 PM
First thing you learn in history class. The state is an apparatus of oppression with internal monopoly for violence.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:48 PM
Monopoly for internal violence.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:48 PM
Than you learn in political science many theories of state formation.
You sent April 30 at 4:49 PM
Alexey since you say that you have always known that the gun decides wealth, what was your reason in studying economics at university and knowing ahead of time the university text books are designed to make you more stupid than when you finished high school?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:49 PM
Which explain to you that power of the state is proportional to its ability to exercise persuasion and ultimately violence.
You sent April 30 at 4:50 PM
Repeat, since you say that you have always known that the gun decides wealth, what was your reason in studying economics at university and knowing ahead of time the university text books are designed to make you more stupid than when you finished high school?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:50 PM. Original message:
Alexey since you say that you have always known that the gun decides wea…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I wanted to study computer science (which I later did) , but my farther forced me to.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:52 PM
Economy studies are next to useless.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:52 PM
The main role they have is to reproduce clerics of those dogmas in exchange for social privileges.
You sent April 30 at 4:53 PM
Alexey, are you blaming your father for your stupidity?
Why didn’t you explain that you would only be wasting your time and his money because you knew that everything the text books had to say and what the professors repeated was bulkshit?
You sent April 30 at 4:53 PM
(Sic) after the misspelling of “bullshit”.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:54 PM. Original message:
Alexey, are you blaming your father for your stupidity? …
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I can only blame myself for believing I can learn something from someone who’s only argument is insult.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:55 PM. Original message:
Alexey, are you blaming your father for your stupidity? …
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I was interested in privilégiés this education entitled.
You sent April 30 at 4:55 PM
Alexey, are you aware that you repeat the dogma of the SA Oppenheimers, “The main role they have is to reproduce clerics of those dogmas in exchange for social privileges”?
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:57 PM. Original message:
Alexey, are you aware that you repeat the dogma of the SA Oppenheimers, …
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I am not that familiar with their ideas. But seems like pretty obvious thing, not exclusive to oppenheimers.
You sent April 30 at 4:57 PM
Alexey, why didn’t you begin saying “Economy studies are next to useless” followed by “it is only the gun and a willingness to use the gun that decides wealth”?
Wouldn’t that have allowed you to go to sleep earlier minus additional strokes?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 4:57 PM
There is a need for reproduction of ideologies in society.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 4:58 PM. Original message:
Alexey, why didn’t you begin saying “Economy studies are next to useless…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I hoped to learn some new information.
You sent April 30 at 5:00 PM
Alexey, there is no need for anything other than to neutralize stupid people like you.
You are not familiar with the ideas of the SA Oppenheimers either because you have forgotten and that makes you stupid or you are lying which makes you stupid.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 5:00 PM. Original message:
Alexey, there is no need for anything other than to neutralize stupid pe…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
I just don’t remember.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:01 PM
Try to make an effort to be polite.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:02 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:05 PM
Is it oppenheimer who is behind the scheme of bringing to power pedophiles and perverts?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:05 PM
How is he connected to Obama meeting with all kind of pimps?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:05 PM
Was it him behind Epstein strangling?
You sent April 30 at 5:05 PM
Alexey before the Oppenheimers released the first hard copy of The D I book through their Simon & Schuster branch in 1982, the same year that my intimate Roger W Robinson an expert on “Soviet Economics” joined the top secret National Security Council (NSC) that was housed in the basement of the White House, they would have conducted exhaustive focus groups which would have revealed the same results you and everyone else have produced.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:07 PM
War in Syria?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:07 PM
What is the name of the book?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:07 PM
I am interested in reading it.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:08 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:10 PM
I recommend you this one.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:10 PM
Pretty revealing.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:10 PM
On how power functions anywhere, everywhere.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:10 PM
With a pinch of american liberal propaganda.
You sent April 30 at 5:11 PM
Alexey, a decade ago you did much better.
You were less talkative but still it was very easy for me to detect that you had great difficulty dealing both with the photo and The D I book which has an interesting chapter, chapter 17, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING.
What do you recall of that chapter without reading it again?
Did your father ever have connections with the Russian mafia?
Wasn’t your father looking to make a big score with the Russian mafia and you hoped that he would continue to be generous with you?
Is there any amount of money that would have you turning into a spy?
You added Kati Fiskaali to the group.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:15 PM
Can you give me a link to this book?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:15 PM
I am not that interested in money.
You sent April 30 at 5:15 PM
P122 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., please note that I didn’t allow the distraction of Alexey’s frontal nude to interfere with the educational light journey he and rest needed.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:16 PM
I already had periods of making 80 000 a month and periods of living for 2 euors a week.
Alexey replied to you
April 30 at 5:17 PM. Original message:
P122 – Paratrooper …
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
It’s not me on a picture, it’s Terry Richardson
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:19 PM
One of the pocket rapists of American elites.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:19 PM
Have to admit, Putin is on much higher level compared to Obama.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:19 PM
Is oppenheimer a rapist too?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:22 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:22 PM
Vitaliy Grechin
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:22 PM
Ukrainan Top Pimp
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:23 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:23 PM
Wired or not?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:23 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:24 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:25 PM
Jeffrey Epstein
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:25 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:26 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:26 PM
500 000 dead children worth it
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:27 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:28 PM
Just a day ago
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:28 PM
In White House, be careful of cancer and HIV cure.
You sent April 30 at 5:49 PM
P123 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., let’s give old 40 year old Alexey time to get caught up on his sleep.
Tomorrow, May 1st, marks the 20th anniversary of the Jerusalem Post, Israel’s most widely read international newspaper, publishing my 4th article condemning the treason pardon of Jewish Belgian-American terrorist financier Marc Rich, an unwitting stooge of the SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben-BASF-Monsanto by outgoing Class of ‘68, not ‘69, as I once previously wrote, De Beers-Rhodes Scholar, Bill Clinton.
Like the previous 3, this final article was the most hard-hitting, controversial in the 89 year history of the Jerusalem Post.
Nor did the deafening silence resounding from my 3 elder siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends spread throughout the globe go unnoticed by my parents, Bernie and Zena Gevisser.
They were appalled as you would expect from any reasonable human beings.
When the human behaves atrociously there is always a cause just like when they do good.
When everyone behaves like the puppet Hitler and censors all media, it is wrong to assume they are either good or that democracy is alive and well.
The foundation of democratic principles is very simple.
If there is not fair competition you have a dictatorship which is only good for the people pulling the strings of the corrupt politicians who are not God but corrupt business people who are simply actors.
More and more we see today talk of Hitler practicing his speech gestures in front of the mirror.
Hitler is long dead, but not my words published in the Jerusalem Post or those before or since.
We also know that Hitler was picked out of a crowd of actors, some better than others and some worse.
When all you have to do is read from a script the only thing you have to be careful of is improvising from what your teleprompter displays and end up sounding like @Alexey Shumeyko.
A reasonable person wanting to get funding from Facebook who have set aside $5 million for new journalists to develop a following and add advertising monies to Facebook income streams is to follow the money trail when @Alexey Shumeyko’s father wanted to dumb him down by sending him to an expensive Paris economics school.
We must not forget Hitler was an actor.
Alexey has to be totally stupid to have first forgotten that The D I book explains perfectly Hitler was a puppet of the SA Oppenheimers, not the Rothschilds, not JP Morgan Bank, not anyone other than the SA Oppenheimers who have all the rest kowtowing.
Let’s assume logically that he was stupid since his father sent him to university to get stupid.
How long does this stupidity go on before it finally comes to a stop?
You sent April 30 at 5:52 PM
P124 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., what if member @Alexey Shumeyko is not so stupid but after the money since what else would people want out me because he also sees I have few friends.
Doesn’t just the thought that you could all be easily bought off as spies send the coldest chill up your spines?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:54 PM
I got full excellence scholarship in my expensive school.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:54 PM
I always assumed Hitler was a puppet.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:54 PM
Hitler is a very popular Ashkenazi family name. As you probably know his body was never found.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:54 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:57 PM
Holocaust is term denoting ritual sacrifice by fire.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:57 PM
It’s obvious that someone most probably organization similar to Chabad planned it.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:57 PM
They are obsessed with sacrifices.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 5:57 PM
You sent April 30 at 5:57 PM
P125 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it is going on 3AM in Paris and 41 year old bookseller with 25 year old multilingual Finnish girlfriend is still going at it.
The importance of the 4th article cannot be overstated.
I will cut and paste it below without forgetting that @Alexey Shumeyko is going kamikaze:
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:02 PM
They openly admit on their website that 3rd temple main goal is sacrific6
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:02 PM
Let’s now recall that Chabad considers not Jews to be animals who are purely made of evil klepots.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:02 PM
Btw Bal O Mer is Chabad holiday
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:02 PM
Where we celebrate the day of end of epidemy killing Rabi pupils
You sent April 30 at 6:02 PM
Kerrey’s versus Pollard’s heroism – Jerusalem Post – May 1, 2001
There has been only one Holocaust, but what the Nazi Holocaust demonstrated so well is that human deprivation occurs incrementally. It starts with simple massacres; you shoot the first innocent person and then you shoot the next set of people and after you realize that you cannot shoot enough people you look to more efficient methods such as gas chambers.
This is why weapons of mass destruction are developed and why chemical warfare is so frightening. Saddam Hussein understands this. Bob Kerrey, former U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful, took the first step down this frightening path while a U.S. Naval Seal and stopped.
On the other hand, Jonathan Pollard, the convicted spy, did not need to kill anyone to understand the consequences of weapons of mass destruction before he blew the whistle on what he saw cross over his desk at Naval Intelligence.
The rewards in America for covering up your sins or revealing the truth are indeed ironic.
In this instance Kerrey received the nation’s highest award of valor while Pollard’s reward is going on sixteen years of hard time.
In war both sides commit atrocities, which is the whole point of peacemakers in attempting to prevent future atrocities.
It is in the gray area of corrupt secret policies such as the ill-conceived CIA support of Iraq in supporting Saddam’s chemical warfare production that was ultimately aimed against Israel – a policy that is so incomprehensible to anyone who has relatives that lived through the Holocaust.
Were there only one witness to Kerrey’s atrocity, this cover-up would have remained with those who elected to follow their leader [which led directly to Kerrey’s Bronze Star that stated that twenty-one Vietcong were killed in this incident, a clear lie which could have been refuted at any time including the moment at which President Nixon personally awarded him the Congressional Medal of Honor]. What was going through his mind at that moment when the President of the United States was reading the commendation for heroism to him personally?
Is this public persecution of the whistle blower by the political elite and the press in America any different than that they imposed on Jonathan Pollard?
The only difference is there was no corroborating witness and Pollard stands alone in revealing the conspiracy of the misguided CIA policy aimed at the Jewish State which ironically was probably used against U.S. soldiers during the Gulf War.
Whose sin is greater; Pollard’s for violating an American secrecy law that could have lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens to prevent another Holocaust or Kerrey’s sin, which clearly led to the murder of at least thirteen innocent people?
Pollard has already spent 15 years, one-third of his life, in an American prison while Kerrey spent the same time in two of America’s most exalted political offices; knowing full well that he had lied while serving his country.
Where is the justice in the American judicial system? Where is the forgiveness in Bob Kerrey’s heart?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
I grew up in Kolima, Magadan
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
I visited Dachau and Auswitz
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Cut it all off.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
West killed 30 000 000 in USSR
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
More than half prisoners in those camps were Soviet POWs
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
That is a price Soviet people payed for all those crazy apocalyptic Messianic ideas of both some Christian’s and some crazy Jews
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
In 1941-42 3 000 000 Soviet POWs were starved to death
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Just because crazy Sionistes wanted there ritual of Holocaust
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Wake up already
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Jews are normal people
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Some are poisoned by ideas of superiority.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Same as in every people.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Same as most of security in Nazi prison were Jews, many Jews lead us today to their prophetic apocalypse
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
Zelenski is one example
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
We should prevent wars and educate people.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
To eradicate those crazy ideas from people minds.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:12 PM
We do not need new Holocaust
You sent April 30 at 6:36 PM
@Alexey Shumeyko, are you saying we need a new Holocaust to kill more Jewish people?
Or are you working hard on your English to make it all suddenly unintelligible?
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
I am saying the opposite.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
We need to stop a part of Jewish fanatics from organising new Holocaust.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
I agree with your Idea that Hitler was an actor. Who was playing along with some apocalyptic sect.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
Are you familiar with Chabad?
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
It’s a huge racist sect in Jewish community obsessed with supremacists ideas and sacrifices.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
They believe in a concept of soul liberations.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
According to teachings of this sect only Jews have divine souls which can be purified. Where all other living beings have only evil klepots which can not be cleaned, but should be liberated through destruction to reunite with a soul of the creator.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
I am surprised you haven’t heard of it.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:48 PM
Bal O Mer is there holiday.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:49 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:50 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:51 PM
Ber Lazar
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:51 PM
Russian Chabad leader
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:51 PM
Very close to Putin
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:51 PM
Alexey Shumeyko unsent a message
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
Is the Oligarch who brought Zelenski to power
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
It’s all a game
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
They are all actors like Hitler
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
With some crazy ideas about sacrifices in order for mashiah to come
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
There are also some evangelical Christians who believe same crazy ideas
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
Like Pompeo
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
Just some really crazy people who used Judaism as a base for development of their evil sect.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:57 PM
It’s strange we talk about it tonight when tonight is there holiday and unfortunately a tragedy with 44 people dead.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 6:59 PM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:10 PM
One of the things celebrated on this day is supposed end of epidemy killing Rabi Akiva’s students.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:10 PM
Countries like France in 2020 or Ukraine in 2021 made (without any scientific reasons) confinement end dates to coincide with this holiday.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:10 PM
Can be a coincidence of course, but troubling one.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:10 PM
No one should make any conclusions about all Jews based on believes or practices of those fanatics.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:11 PM
Alexey Shumeyko unsent a message
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:11 PM
Alexey Shumeyko unsent a message
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:25 PM
I was raised in USSR and always hated racism. It might be hard to believe but neither Russians not Jews are immune to racism.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:34 PM
Most of Jewish people I met were good people. But any kind of fanatics can be dangerous when empowered.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:34 PM
Some Chabad leaders as well as some Salafits and some Evangelical Christian’s are such fanatics which represent danger for survival of a humankind.
Alexey Shumeyko sent April 30 at 7:34 PM
Just remember what ISIS did to bring apocalypse. Apocalypse never came, they lost in Dabiq but killed thousands.
Alexey replied to a removed message
April 30 at 7:42 PM. Original message:
Message removed
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
About Hitler it’s very difficult for me to say which ocult group was behind him. But judging by destruction he caused it might be some apocalyptic cult.
Ivor Segall left the group.
You replied to Alexey
April 30 at 8:58 PM. Original message:
I always assumed Hitler was a puppet.
Your reply:
@Alexey Shumeyko, it was approximately 4:42 AM your time – Paris, France when you wrote you last piece which I assume was not done in some apocolyptic dream and that in fact you were awake.
How much sleep do you need before letting me know the difficulty you are having since first learning about the SA Oppenheimers?
When did you first come across them in your schooling?
Do you think the SA Oppenheimers, Sir Ernest and his son Harry Oppenheimer dressed up as ChaBAD sic people, did the same with officials of the Red Cross who couriered diamonds from the Belgian Congo to Germany to finance as well as build weapsons of mass destruction such as the crematoria of Auschwitz and Treblenka, tanks, air force and the such and then to strenthen their disguise and blame Chabad upon their return raced off to the closest telephone booth, changed into their superman outfits and that we should now blame all comic strips for the mess we are in?
In other words do you see Chabad as in the pocket of the SA Oppenheimers or the SA Oppenheimers in the pocket of Chabad or do you simply think you are stupid and you don’t know how to get out the mess you are in?
What makes you think the SA Oppenheimers work Chabad?
Wouldn’t we all by now be wearing the same outfits?
Are you saying with this latest look of your that you are transitioning?
You sent April 30 at 9:01 PM
You sent April 30 at 9:06 PM
Edit:.. latest look of yours …
Beth Isaacs left the group.
You sent April 30 at 10:16 PM
Edit: What makes you think the SA Oppenheimers work for Chabad?
May 1 at 2:18 AM
May 1, 2021, 2:18 AM
Alexey replied to you
May 1 at 2:18 AM. Original message:
@Alexey Shumeyko, it was approximately 4:42 AM your time – Paris, France…
Reply by Alexey Shumeyko:
No we wouldn’t, as you might now, Chabad leaders are only concerned with education of Jews and even make a big difference between pure Jews and those who come from sin of mixed mariages.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
I think that Jewish diamond businessmen including oppenheimer who was a Jew and Chabad are forming very tight net.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
And as any other criminal network with a lot of power are potential capable of terrible crimes.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Do not forget that it took a lot of time and tight media control for Jewish elites to become the only victims of Holocaust.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
With erasing all other untermenschen from the list.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Including Gypsied and Slavs.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Which were always considered to be as such in Europe.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
I hope I don’t need to remind you the origin of word slave and role of Jews which they played through history in selling of millions of Slavic slave women and little boys to Muslims from 10th to 18th century.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Chabad and many other fanatics( ex: ISIS) were actively looking to bring apocalypse to earth.. So most probably they organized this ritual burning of 10s of millions.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Called it for what it is , sacrifice by fire
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Why would Jews do it, if Jews themselves suffer?
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
Don’t forget what the term sacrifice means.
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:34 AM
And wide spread theories of eugenics popularised by Jews. Who now openly claim that Holocaust cleaned there race and made them most intelligent people among all, true Brahmans.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:40 AM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:41 AM
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 2:50 AM
Jewish religion sands from it’s followers constant flow of sacrifice. Circumcision is nothing , but a symbolic sacrifice of human flesh to God.
Alexey Shumeyko
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 3:12 AM
How one would call a German person talking about Germans as chosen people?
Alexey Shumeyko sent May 1 at 3:12 AM
How Chabad is any different?
May 1 at 5:02 AM
May 1, 2021, 5:02 AM
Yoko Grandsagne left the group.
May 1 at 6:51 AM
May 1, 2021, 6:51 AM
You sent May 1 at 6:51 AM
You unsent a message
You sent May 1 at 6:52 AM
@Alexey Shumeyko, what does @Kati Fiskaali do? What medical articles interest her?
How much sleep did you get?
May 1 at 9:12 AM
May 1, 2021, 9:12 AM
Shani Weltsman Moran left the group.
May 1 at 10:51 AM
May 1, 2021, 10:51 AM
Nigel Gevisser left the group.
May 3 at 9:12 AM
May 3, 2021, 9:12 AM
You sent May 3 at 9:12 AM
P127 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., nothing stops the unconscious.
You added Shani Weltsman Moran to the group.
You added Nigel Gevisser to the group.
You sent May 3 at 9:14 AM
(Added back @Shani Weltsman Moran and my first cousin @Nigel Gevisser)
You sent May 3 at 9:28 AM
P128 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., according to a Google Search, “Twenty-five percent of all unconscious patients can hear, understand, and emotionally respond to what is happening in their external environment. However, because of their medical condition, they are incapable of moving or communicating their awareness.”
Jeffrey, the sound of nature is hard to hear in a city with lots of noise and smells that are mostly unpleasant.
Those who leave TBH don’t change the statistics when they offer no alternative to the truth that so bothers everyone.
In fact they confirm the truth but want to hide from it.
At the same time they hope their departure will create a chain reaction and inevitably everyone will leave.
They are counting on the negative which keeps them going, as their denial has them forgetting that they cannot change the truth of the economic gauge, GDP being systemically corrupt and therefore all that has resulted from this monumental travesty is no less flawed.
You sent May 3 at 9:37 AM
P129 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., people like member @Alexey Shumeyko couldn’t imagine in a million years meeting up in a chat room with someone such as yourself and another multibillionaire former client, @Solly Krok and that like all the rest of the world’s household name billionaires were clueless of how idiotic is the GDP.
The dumbest of humans would be able to recognize that if anyone figured out the total absurdity of the GDP ahead of beginning their university studies all geared to make money and to do so quickly while still healthy and to have more play time rather than sitting on a couch getting fat watching TV, they would only attend university to get a top job with the SA Oppenheimers and go about helping to recruit people like the Schneerson
You sent May 3 at 9:38 AM
You added David Friedman to the group.
You sent May 3 at 9:48 AM
You unsent a message
You sent May 3 at 9:57 AM
members @Peter Thiel, @Mark Gevisser, @Mark Kromer, @Nigel Gevisser, @Jonathan Marine, @Jonathan Gevisser, terrorist financier Marc Rich, @Roy Essakow, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, @Solly Krok, @Alexey Shumeyko, rabbi @David Masinter, rabbi, @Abner Weiss, @Richard Friedman, Richard’s father, Apartheid Regime Supreme Court Judge, @David Friedman who went on to become the right hand man of South Africa’s most renowned real estate mogul, Durbanite Jonathan Beare who was given a free pass to collect $1 billion profit in Amsterdam blue chip real estate as the SA Oppenheimers laughed their heads off at this clown of clowns who only found out at our breakfast meeting on January 13, 2005 that he was no less a fool than a homeless person.
Nor is the list endless because there is in fact a finite number of us humans.
You sent May 3 at 10:01 AM
P130 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., everyone who can read and write English including @Alexey Shumeyko realizes this the very moment they get through the Prologue of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention whose internet edition has not been updated because it is timeless which makes it no less nerve-racking to the full of itself idiot.
You sent May 3 at 10:27 AM
P131 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., had you been with Marie, Mango and me as we were guests of Kathleen Waters at her 40 year old Old Venice restaurant just down the hill from you and member @Marcy Campbell Krinsk, not only would you have enjoyed yourself immensely, but you would have seen vividly that the world is a stage of the Creator.
Once realizing it is a stage, all the ugly negatives disappear instantly, allowing one to stay that much easier in the moment, assuming you have played the cards you are dealt in the best way possible given the information available, and you are left with the physical beauty of the great outdoor patio which like every seating area was chockablock full, even the alleyway to the left side of the main entrance had a huge party as far as the eye could see.
To top it off as Kathleen walked us to our car and we were the first to arrive a little before 4:30 PM, and it was now well after 8, her 15 year on the job, healthy barman grabbed hold of Kathleen in the mist loving and respectful manner and presented her in a short but meaningful speech to the very joyless crowd, “This is Kathleen, the owner of this great restaurant!”.
Jesus – what sort of parent names their child Jesus
– has been there half the time of several others which doesn’t mean there isn’t always new blood as the very hands on manager has only been on the job a couple of years and seems to be doing a great job, the same with his tall lean daughter who clearly isn’t eating tall, lean, straight walking Kathleen who is in great shape thanks to her hour a day Pilates when she doesn’t exercise for 2 hours a day, out of house and home.
You sent May 3 at 10:40 AM
P132 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I think you and Marcy should drop by of an evening and lunch and make sure that Kathleen is there ahead of time as she is doing more traveling and only stops by occasionally, spending approximately 16 hours a week and that is only to say hello to the staff and the regular customers in this perfect location spot, assuming Kathleen is in town and not visiting her favorite places, Santa Barbara where the people are all nice because they are rich and have plenty of playtime and Berlin.
Her one son Alexander who is 42 and owns Alexander’s on 30th Street in very yuppie, gentrified North Park has it even easier.
He lives in Holland with his Dutch girlfriend thanks to the Internet allowing Alexander to keep his pulse on the business 24/7; and of course once knowing the numbers and the vendors also helping you to prevent theft along with customers who serve a dual purpose watching if there are any free drinks given away where all the big profit is, one can play with peace of mind versus the fear of being stabbed in the back.
You sent May 3 at 10:44 AM
P133 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as well know everything in this upside world economy is a real estate play, and once able to survive COVID-19 it is a continuous home run assuming nothing is going to change and we can see from everyone’s reaction here as well as my other human behavioral studies fb group chats-symposiums nothing outside of an Act of God is going to change the status quo.
You added Naomi Larbi to the group.
You sent May 3 at 10:51 AM
P134 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as you can see, thanks to @Alexey Shumeyko’s international ramp model girlfriend @Kati Fiskaali, I have more beautiful faces and bodies amongst my fb friends including new add-on member @Naomi Larbi.
For those of you not born surrounded by beautiful woman and again, straight long legs, small ankles not bloated indicating huge, ginormous circulation problems, and small but well defined calf muscles
You sent May 3 at 10:53 AM
You sent May 3 at 10:54 AM
also good posture a must
You sent May 3 at 10:54 AM
You sent May 3 at 10:55 AM
I cannot begin to tell you what you have missed.
You sent May 3 at 11:02 AM
P135 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq,. of course if you are homosexual like a disproportionate number of my cousins, that spark of physical beauty which ignites the brain to develop that much quicker might be found elsewhere, but I wouldn’t know.
I do know however that my homosexual cousins are no less stupid than my heterosexual cousins and 3 elder siblings who would swear on a stack of both Jewish and Christian bibles that they are heterosexual.
So we have established that sexual preference which one is clearly born is no indicator of common sense.
Beautiful people who are born beautiful have no doubt more pride in their looks making ugly people like my father’s first cousin David Gevisser and his equally disgusting looking eldest son, member @Mark Gevisser more susceptible to bribes.
You sent May 3 at 11:18 AM
P136 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., you wouldn’t need to be America’s richest and most powerful litigator to know that something has to be behind member international author, investigative journalist @Mark Gevisser failing to expose his father’s benefactor, racist, anti-Semitic, monopolist, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. who grave misdeeds which includes turning David Gevisser resulted in Mossad head, David Ben Gurion ordering his execution once our Gevisser and Moshal families failed to unite following the “asset stripping” of our multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) by another ugly looking opportunist Natie Kirsch.
Being an opportunist in a rigged economic system which is unfavorable to those eager to be as beautiful in the inside as their outward appearance, doesn’t make you intelligent.
It only means you are stupid not to enquire more about the GDP.
If you have beautiful thoughts stemming from beautiful looks you automatically assume that the ugly business people including Hollywood moguls must know everything there is to know about the money.
Jeffrey, I’m taking a break for breakfast and when I return, I will dig into how the conditioning of “Might is Right” failed to take root amongst the fools happy to have their FOOLS NAMES, FOOL FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES in bright lights.
You sent May 3 at 11:22 AM
May 3 at 12:50 PM
May 3, 2021, 12:50 PM
Elana Janit left the group.
May 3 at 3:18 PM
May 3, 2021, 3:18 PM
You sent May 3 at 3:18 PM
May 3 at 5:50 PM
May 3, 2021, 5:50 PM
You sent May 3 at 5:50 PM
P137 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as you know, it is not lost on me the notion of staying on point, and why I stay on top of the true cost, human life as well as destruction of the planet, of stolen real estate globally, and why this most important subject is required reading at Oxford University for all students; in particular Rhodes-De Beers Scholars, such as President Clinton from the class of ‘68; and to constantly think, that if ever questioned in the future, to use drug taking as the excuse for not remembering, “I was inhaling regularly a combination high cocktail of pot and cocaine.”
Moreover, Clinton’s Class of 1968 was a most important year for 2 reasons:
First, Patrice Lumumba was dead now 7 years, and the guardians of the the regimes in places like the Congo, Uganda, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and South Africa, were in full swing following TIME MAGAZINE endorsing in their January 27, 1961 edition, 10 days after the brutal assassination of Lumumba, the arrival of King Engelhard Jr.
Corporations: South African Invader is menacing from start to finish.
Nor are Rhodes-De Beers Scholars prohibited from reading articles delivered to their doorstep and their Professors later ask, “Do you have any questions about who is sponsoring your stay, and what is required of you to get ahead, assuming you are ambitious”?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., perhaps not everyone yet on the planet who is literate and who has also not read The D I book can perfectly understand that there is nothing ambiguous about Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic The Diamond Invention which shuts everyone up at the same time it brings out their daggers.
Once they read the book then they might only be happy when everyone is dead and there is no one left to kill.
On the other hand, since nature is unpredictable as are treacherous humans whose loyalty runs thin in most all families once the money factor is introduced, we must be optimistic about a more positive result.
Second, Class of ‘68, Bill Clinton was sworn in as the 42nd President of the United States without Clinton mentioning in his speech after being sworn in on January 20, 1993, “To clear my conscience, I am turning in the South African Oppenheimer family whose name should have been mentioned in President Richard Nixon’s 15 minute speech of August 15, 1971 when announcing the official end of the Gold Standard”.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., correct me if I am wrong but shouldn’t everyone here still remember what Clinton did 8 years later, January 20, 2001; and just 234 days after this insane pardon we experienced 9/11 which was a bonanza for weapons developers and their agents such as Marc Rich?
Jeffrey, is it wrong of me that I am not able to clone more of myself so that it is not only me who linked the pardon of Marc Rich with increased terrorism?
It is good that future generations should not forget that Marc Rich officially began working for virulent anti-Semite monopolist German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) in 1967 when Engelhard acquired Philip Bros. which Rich joined in 1954; and in 1958 he journeyed to South Africa for the first time, spent 6 months working on a deal with emissaries of Harry Oppenheimer and Charles W Engelhard Jr to acquire a manganese mine but left empty handed and his bosses at Philip Bros. back in New York rewarded Rich for his gallant effort.
How stupid not to know that Engelhard Jr and Harry Oppenheimer ran the entire show.
Logic says the SA Oppenheimers, who have controlled the world’s purse strings entirely since Engelhard Jr’s death on 2 March 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, can’t get enough of showmen like Rich, Warren Buffett, and his sidekick Monster Munster now telling us that Cryptos are going to be the death of civilization without mentioning what GDP driven consumerism and overpopulation has done to the death of the planet while we continue to breed and raise imbeciles.
To mention little of nothing prevents members @Roy Essakow or @Peter Thiel or @Mark Gevisser or @Alan Morton Dershowitz or for that matter any of our members from explaining that Marc Rich was a brilliant businessman and took no orders from anyone.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., what in heavens name is my father Bernie’s turncoat first cousin, David Gevisser deciding in mid-2004, once I have begun telling the world they should read Professor Epstein’s riveting The D I book that provides a horrific, but accurate account of the despicable Engelhard Jr. – chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY – to head to Oxford University, spend a year in dorms, and in July 2005 get capped, age 78, just months away from his 79th birthday, with a Masters of Studies in Historical Research Studies which should have been titled, A Masters in Rewriting History
You sent May 3 at 5:50 PM
You sent May 3 at 6:01 PM
P138 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., let me also assure everyone how well my World War II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Lt. Bernie Gevisser understood what real estate meant to the victor of war as well as the loser, and why following World War II when my father flew to the many branches as well as depots of Moshal Gevisser where all the roads as well as runways were dirt, with bumpy takeoffs and landings taking nerves of steel and so you didn’t want to make enemies of your friends, greeting my father as well as saying goodbye are the same faces you see of the black South Africans attached to South African Air Force Squadron 11, as well as their close South African relatives who also worshipped the ground my father walked on, knowing that a Nazi victory meant more of the same genocide that befell the Herero and Namaqua over a period of 4 years, 1904-1908.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., why do you think us Jewish South African kids at our Jewish day schools throughout South Africa following the arrival on 26 May, 1948 of the white racist Apartheid Regime, simply doing the bidding of the German-South African Oppenheimers, understood little of black South Africans overjoyed to see people like my father Bernie returning from a fiery hell battlefield in one piece?
The answer is simple, our corrupt leadership wanted us focused on real estate theft under the guise, IF THERE WAS NOT A BLACK PROBLEM IN SOUTH AFRICA, THERE WOULD BE A JEWISH PROBLEM.”
You create a problem, such as a war which is good for the people who make weapons as well as future real estate developers all connected to one banking-mining network SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Deutsche Bank-Barclays Bank, you and your beneficiaries have it made.
Let me now share with you a Survival Dessert recipe before digging deep into military component in the pricing of money which is the same as the pricing of real estate which is the same as the pricing of price fixed diamonds, and the writing as clear as the first sentence of my first article published in the Jerusalem Post on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the treason pardon by Class of ‘68 Rhodes Scholar, outgoing President Bill “Crooked Mouth” Clinton of terrorist financier Marc Rich, employer of my best friend at Carmel College high school Durban, @Roy Essakow,:
“The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism”.
P139 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., by the way, it’s been a long time since an entire restaurant staff who could see that all the other tables turned over multiple times and there were only 3 of us at a table that sits 6, plus Mango go his own main course of mixed vegetables, made such a big fuss this past Saturday evening; and of course naming your child Jesus might go a long way in keeping them honest; just like my last name Gevisser, close to “Gewissen” which means “conscience” in German; then again the lack of a conscience amongst my close Gevisser relatives suggests we should place more weight on character.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., while I think of it, should you start out your dinner as most do in the bar area of Old Venice, it would be wrong to think the cash register never opens when recording a sale which is not the whole story.
Again, we are going to dig deep into the business of outside auditors once you enjoy this very rich, most tasty chocolate mousse, which I call Survival Dessert because if you are exceptionally healthy, no excess fat, super fit and strong and Kathleen said the most complimentary things about my looks, and remember she was paying – because you can survive on it for several days, versus possibly hasten your next stroke and/or heart attack.
Survival Dessert:
1 avocado
1 teaspoon Maca
3 tablespoons Cacao
Pinch sea salt
Pepper as much as you like but don’t overdo it
Cap-full vanilla
1/3rd cup Maple syrup or less.
May 3 at 8:26 PM
May 3, 2021, 8:26 PM
You sent May 3 at 8:26 PM
May 4 at 2:01 AM
May 4, 2021, 2:01 AM
Wayne Lowenstein left the group.
May 6 at 11:35 AM
Thu 11:35 AM
You sent May 6 at 11:35 AM
P140 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., can you think of a better skit for SNL, so used to mocking the world, have MonKeyING MOCK Elon Musk walking on stage this Saturday Night carrying a real monkey?
To have a woman like Marie and a doggy like Mango
You sent May 6 at 11:35 AM
You sent May 6 at 12:15 PM
You sent May 6 at 12:45 PM
who has been through the wars there must be a God.
My mother Zena was not kidding when writing, “The war was over and her dreams of being a foreign correspondent and dropping behind enemy lines in Europe came to an abrupt end” in her memoirs, Life Story of Zena
published first via email on September 25, 2001, 14 days after 9/11 and 148 days after my 4th and final article condemning the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich appeared in the Jerusalem Post and the extraordinary silence of family and no less fair weather friends resounding after each article beginning on February 1, 2001, 12 days after Class of ‘68 Bill Clinton’s 11th hour pardon which the world has yet to wake up to.
All that happened after WW2 ended was for the backers of clown Hitler to consolidate their forces in mineral rich South Africa which again did not go unnoticed by either Mossad head Ben Gurion or his most trusted Gentile friend South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts (May 24, 1870 – September 11, 1950 who was quickly written out of the history books.
A 12 year old would understand this all perfectly assuming they were fortunate to have reasonable parents or caregivers.
The human mind is mostly dead by the time it’s brain matures which is only in their early 30s which is not to suggest that Alexander The Great was fully in charge of his mental faculties when he died but nor would he be surprised by the increasing short attention span of fast talking human specimen, an experiment each of our minds can imagine dreamed up by a beautiful mind to have us each achieve consciousness in the next instant or collectively or never.
The human animal, however, who does not have truth constantly at its side can only be expected to be less focused on predicting accurately.
For example, a fly drops onto to your hand and starts biting away.
Do you hesitate to flick it away because you think that you are being punished?
How much more often is a human in denial slow to respond?
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., do you see how we keep cycling back to “You are what you eat and the company you keep”?
Most disturbed was my mother Zena to see how sickeningly quiet was everyone following my brave acts to expose the pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich.
Less is more.
You sent May 6 at 12:49 PM
P141 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., we are really not as smart as we think.
For example, it took me being told that oil and water don’t mix to realize that we humans, I can’t say for the rest since I don’t know, are mostly water.
I’m sure everyone smarter than me who must also have been those who took biology at high school, realized that if you combine oils like olive oil, that the commercials can’t get enough of, with the human insides that few seem to care about, and so what the doctors are overpaid making us sick, the same thing is going to happen.
An internal conflict turns a bad person into behaving badly; you are what you eat.
So probably 75% of the diet problems are the oils which most restaurants can’t get enough of delivering because it is made so cheap and affordable.
All the bad things kill, and these bad people are not only in charge but we can collectively get them to answer logical questions.
May 7 at 3:59 PM
Fri 3:59 PM
You sent May 7 at 3:59 PM
P142 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., without forgetting the incredible full attendance record we are experiencing on TBH, let’s make note, the time on the west coast, 3:54 PM, the Europeans even though they are hours ahead of us in the United States, and most other than those at the End of the Earth, Finesterre, Portugal already celebrating the 76th —digits 6 multiplied by 7 = 42, a magic number to many – anniversary of Victory Day Europe as it is still May 7th in Portugal all the way west to the east coast of the United States, it doesn’t mean they are smarter, more evolved than us.
What if most biologists such as member Floridian @Mark Kromer are as stupid as me and didn’t figure out the problems of mixing olive oil with human water also containing salt particles, speaking for myself, I still wouldn’t consider myself bright or any less stupid because I don’t gauge my performance against people I don’t like.
Jeffrey wouldn’t you agree that to like someone you have to trust their judgement as a first principle?
BTW, my mother Zena had a hand to play in me unilaterally reducing my compensation package with you as the evidence kept mounting that my family and friends were treacherous and were something bad to happen to me our original contract on the epic Revlon Corporation class action lawsuit, were it to find its way into the wrong hands could prove harmful to you.
A good person cares about all good people.
A bad person only cares about themself.
To mention little of @Mark Kromer who I had a lengthy conversation with on April 30, shared with me this classic comment, “Well, I’m not a perfect person but I do strive for some sort of harmony with the planet.”
You sent May 7 at 4:32 PM
P143 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., we are all about our money.
That is why we are here on TBH and full attendance way more than 24 hours.
We each want to think what the German-South African Oppenheimers were thinking when not one member of the esteemed intellectual elite produced mostly at their mind corrupting universities, asked who helped Hitler violate Versailles and overcome bankruptcy as Germany had nothing to offer the world apart from making war.
It should not be judged in terms of Dollars and cents and not to be confused by different name currencies having different names because their value assigned is different.
We see a yellow shirt and then we see a red shirt.
They are just different colors.
Once you tweak the top, you can manipulate all cost of components.
How do you put an end to this global conspiracy that no one wants to acknowledge which is they so detest The D I book, me and my mother Zena that they would commit the most foul murder and know ahead of time they would be able to loop in everyone?
Yes, the universities should be immediately, the same with Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace, turned into homes for the homeless and Prince Harry and Meghan who has also profited from her acquaintance with the Royals return to serve the homeless hand and foot, while you and I help Sec. of State John F Kerry and Chairman Biden figure out a just land and mineral rights concession, forget money, for the black Africans shipped out as slaves.
We are all about our money and so we should look hard at who profited the most from World War II to determine who had the most to gain initially from killing off 6 million Jewish people and then after Auschwitz-Treblinka to turn them on each other.
How else would you defeat a people who knew better than to trust bad rulers?
Those profound words, “… God is One” do not sit well with slave owners.
You sent May 7 at 4:34 PM
Edit: … which is why they so detest …
May 7 at 6:31 PM
Fri 6:31 PM
You sent May 7 at 6:31 PM
You sent May 7 at 6:43 PM
P143 – Paratrooper
If people weren’t such dicks
Something to believe in – The Pretenders – We’re a happy family.
“I wish I was someone else I’m confused, I’m afraid, I hate the loneliness
And there’s nowhere to run to nothing makes any sense, but I still try my hardest
Take my hand please help me man ’cause I’m looking for something to believe in
And I don’t know where to start and I don’t know where to begin, to begin
If I was stupid or naive trying to achieve what they all call contentedness
If people weren’t such dicks and I never made mistakes then I could find forgiveness
Take my hand please help me man ’cause I’m looking for something to believe in
And I don’t know where to start and I don’t know where to begin, oh no
I can’t be someone else I don’t feel that it’s hopeless I don’t feel that I’m useless
I can’t throw it all away I need some courage to find my weakness
And with your love, I know with all my heart I can win ’cause I’m looking for something to believe in and I just need something to believe in
I’m looking for something to believe in and I just need something to believe in.”
You sent May 7 at 6:44 PM
P144 – Paratrooper
Mutant genes
May 8 at 1:40 PM
Sat 1:40 PM
You sent May 8 at 1:40 PM
P145 – Slime leaves a trail
May 9 at 5:43 PM
Sun 5:43 PM
You sent May 9 at 5:43 PM
P146 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., H.R.H. The Prince Philip likes the kill.
You sent May 9 at 5:44 PM
You sent May 9 at 5:45 PM
You sent May 9 at 5:46 PM
You sent May 9 at 5:48 PM
May 9 at 10:08 PM
Sun 10:08 PM
You sent May 9 at 10:08 PM
Ramones – I Wanna Be Sedated
Yesterday at 12:16 AM
Mon 12:16 AM
Kati Fiskaali
Kati Fiskaali sent Yesterday at 12:16 AM
Yesterday at 2:20 AM
Mon 2:20 AM
Lynda Egnos left the group.
Yesterday at 8:04 AM
Mon 8:04 AM
You sent Yesterday at 8:04 AM
P146 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., the people can’t be kept stupid forever.
Obviously they can because of their big egos.
It is highly possible, if not most probable that the interjection of an old news item of the New York Times is not Finnish model @Kati Fiskaali but rather her very poorly economics educated old boyfriend @Alexey Shumeyko who has access to @Kati Fiskaali’s fb account and seeks to distract.
No less important the important truths that keep the attendance at full capacity do not change as a result of the departure of member Lynda Egnos who also can’t handle the truth of being fooled by the money, the item people care about more than their looks which is a representation of the health of their internal organs including their brain that drives the entire human apparatus so ingenuously designed and constructed because of being poorly raised by parents who are all about the money without digging into the history of modern money creation which has been entirely in the hands of the bigoted, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-competition German-South African Oppenheimer family and their corrupt international banking network including all the central banks providing jobs to order takers, since the turn of the last century.
You sent Yesterday at 8:24 AM
P147 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., so what does someone such as @Alexey Shumeyko bring to the table in his relationship with @Kati Fiskaali other than his looks, ability to satisfy her as a lover, again tied into his looks and ability to put money on to the table?
It is also very tough for an old 40 year old who has done so much talking on the subject of economics-finance which would impress a young, naive beautiful model to concede they have been talking out of their rear end on the subject they take most pride in.
So they attempt to distract, thinking that the more coarse, disgustingly rude such as the full frontal nude, deceptive @Alexey Shumeyko posted up, hoping to shock and cause a mass exodus or at least dilute the value of the information.
Can @Alexey Shumeyko still grow up? Possible but unlikely unless he is prepared to eat humble pie.
Where do you go to console yourself when you have spent a lifetime talking about money and you also know from all the advertising that the more money you have, the cheaper it is to get your hands on more money to buy up all the farmland, the super yachts and to pay for the world’s top models to come to your spectacular parties on your super yachts where money is no object, and yet it never entered your head because of your big ego to question who exactly has hijacked the world’s military to be in charge of the money?
You sent Yesterday at 8:26 AM
P148 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., even if you are religious and attend regularly religious services and you have your favorite priest-rabbi-mullah to hear your confessions, would you trust them with your deepest trauma?
You sent Yesterday at 8:36 AM
P149 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., it is highly unlikely unless wearing disguise that you have sought out a Roman Catholic priest to hear your confessions.
Just because Jewish people are unlikely to visit a confession booth doesn’t prevent us from using our imaginations and to imagine now walking into a psychologist office and sharing this trauma of being so easily fooled by the masters of disguise SA Oppenheimers.
Will the psychologist-psychiatrist be trusted to keep this world’s best kept secret to themselves?
Of course not.
They not only like to hear that other people have bigger problems than them, but they are just as much in love with the money.
Will they wait to get home before sharing theses truths of truths with their spouse-lover-best friend or fearful that word will spread like wildfire to instantly grab hold of their cellphone?
Who do you speak to first?
Of course you approach cautiously your most trusted banker.
That imagery has you instantly hesitating.
Would you trust your children who you gave helped become foolish?
Or do you just stick here on TBH grabbing as much as you can before the musical chair game ends?
You sent Yesterday at 8:40 AM
Edit: Would you trust your children who you have helped become foolish?
You added Lynda Egnos to the group.
You sent Yesterday at 8:43 AM
(Added back @Lynda Egnos just in case)
Yesterday at 10:19 AM
Mon 10:19 AM
You sent Yesterday at 10:19 AM
Lynda Egnos left the group.
You sent Yesterday at 10:21 AM
Long Muzzle-loaders in Gambia Fire a Salute to the Prince and Britannia (large ship)
Yesterday at 11:48 AM
Mon 11:48 AM
You sent Yesterday at 11:48 AM
You sent Yesterday at 11:49 AM
A beautiful scene to the left of Prince Harry lookalike, H.R.H. The Prince Philip likes the kill.
You sent Yesterday at 11:59 AM
P150 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., I understand from a “good friend” of 76 year old Lynda Egnos who is monitoring her fb account, “around April this year (Lynda) had to have a back operation on her spine and the day after she had a stroke. She is paralyzed down the right hand side of her body and she cannot speak.”
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., without forgetting the important acting role each of the Royals are expected to perform in pursuit of the status that affords them their luxuries such a big boat to frolic
You sent Yesterday at 12:01 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:11 PM
about the high seas – Mayhem at Sea: Hockey Fanatics Gave No Quarter, Received Many a Cracked Shin – how is it possible to a student of economics-finance at university these days and having to contend with the volatility of Cryptos that have no backing other than those who promote them?
Remember with Diamond Currency the knowledge of the game was restricted to an extraordinarily few number of humans as the rest, who we see well represented here on TBH, never even thought to question because it seemed too preposterous to escape the attention of the huge number of government officials and Royals with plenty of time on their hands to ponder the ills of the world and the solutions to these problems.
It is monkey see, monkey do that goes well beyond a computer simulation and enough to give the average full of himself blow Joe a stroke along with initially a mild heart attack for good measure.
You sent Yesterday at 12:25 PM
P151 – Paratrooper
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., as you know it has always been since the Battle of Hastings the Royals putting on a show to earn their keep as they increasingly withdrew from the battlefield frontlines.
With it obvious to the likes of you, then of course to people like brilliant battlefield commander General Jan Christiaan Smuts it is first nature.
I’m not going to ask you what you think HRH Prince Philip was thinking when listening with half an ear to those colorful and well dressed west Africans other than, “I can’t wait to get back to my large boat and have a round of drinks monkeying our slaves which we no longer have to ship over to Liverpool” because we really don’t know and Philip is now dead and buried, but we do know that 25 years after WW2 where he was kept out of action in Europe, he extolled the virtues of his close German brethren treating prisoners of war and not a thought to the 6 million innocent Jewish victims they murdered in order to continue the land grabs.
@Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq., could you see a lot of people including SNL full time cast members saying that they have come down with AS (Aspergers Syndrome) to excuse their bad behavior?
How does someone like MonKeyING MOCK put on a show alongside hypocrites and play to an audience of hypocrites without his mind suffering horribly and irreversibly?
You sent Yesterday at 12:27 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:28 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:32 PM
“The Critics”: Chinnery, Priestley, and Prince Philip contribute commentary as Seago works. Sir Raymond insisted with mock intensity that no landscape detail be omitted for the sake of composition.
You sent Yesterday at 12:32 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:33 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:39 PM
Chained Whale Serves as a Buffer Between Ships
Its flukes cut off, a week-dead sperm whale protects the flank of the catcher moving alongside Britannia to pick up Prince Philip. Each time the royal yacht and catcher squeezed the carcass, an awesome gust arose, enough to stagger the toughest seaman.
Ship’s catwalk at upper right enables the skipper, who is also gunner, to run from bridge to gun deck at the critical moment.
You sent Yesterday at 12:42 PM
The Ship Lurches in an Atlantic Swell
Keeping his camera hand free, the Duke of Edinburgh braces against the catwalk
You sent Yesterday at 12:44 PM
You unsent a message
You sent Yesterday at 12:44 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:45 PM
rail as the catcher and its fender whale
rock against Britannia.
You sent Yesterday at 12:46 PM
You sent Yesterday at 12:49 PM
Mighty Flukes of a Diving Baleen Whale Churn the South Atlantic to Foam
Belching Smoke, the Catcher Drives in for the Kill
You sent Yesterday at 12:50 PM
Yesterday at 2:10 PM
Mon 2:10 PM
You sent Yesterday at 2:10 PM
Edit: How is it possible to be a student of economics-finance these days, having to contend …
You sent Yesterday at 2:12 PM
Edit: … round of drinks mocking our slaves …