To be with me -: Just in Case – Out of the picture -: Beautiful forms – : False history – : Why write? -: Slow coffee – cucumber?
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: To be with me -: Just in Case – Out of the picture -: Beautiful forms – : False history – : Why write? -: Slow coffee – cucumber?
Date: March 26, 2019 at 1:18:16 PM PDT
To: “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – service in the brutal South African Apartheid Regime-3rd Reich’s Southern Division’s military.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>
Cc: rest;Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>, Fritz & Georgette van Leeuwen <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – \”Learned discipline and duty\” in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Kerry Traitor Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>, “Bryan Howe – Parish Clerk, Wiveliscombe” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “” <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – former principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD.” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>
Subject: To be with me -: Just in Case – Out of the picture -: Beautiful forms – : False history – : Why write? -: Slow coffee – cucumber?
Date: March 26, 2019 at 1:18:16 PM PDT
To: “Neil Gevisser – Resident of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England where my mother Zena has her primary residence for the past 4 decades. Neil, now a British citizen, without disclosing his criminal past [1985] in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, petitioned for corrupt Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel to be my mother’s guardian which was approved on Sept. 15, 2016, 6 days ahead of my arrival in Israel. Also author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] following his voluntary – since he had the choice of immigrating to Israel – service in the brutal South African Apartheid Regime-3rd Reich’s Southern Division’s military.” <>, “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <>, Kathy Gevisser Danziger – replaced co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on his death bed – c/o PR Dept of Albi Australia <>, “Melvin Gevisser – Officer in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army.” <>
Cc: rest;Isaac Herzog – Monster Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>, Fritz & Georgette van Leeuwen <>, “David Danziger – former owner of Albi – \”Learned discipline and duty\” in the South African Apartheid Regime’s-Third Reich’s Southern Division military.” <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Kerry Traitor Molfesis – long time resident of Wiveliscombe <>, “Bryan Howe – Parish Clerk, Wiveliscombe” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, Binyamin and weak Shifra Weiss Glickman <>, Glenda & Harvey Werbel – fair weather friends of my mother Zena <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “” <>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – former principal economist for Nuclear Energy Agency housed within the OECD.” <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>
Kathy, Neil, and Melvin – later, today most probably, I will be writing again to Isaac Herzog, head of Jewish Agency Israel who you see in the cc section, along with only a few others, less than usual, but word spreads very fast when you have important things to say; and it is increasingly tougher to argue that you are too busy to open your email or read what is being said on Facebook.
I will be jumping quickly into the corruption of his organization which the 3 of you already know, but then just as quickly I will be exposing your corruption and whose detail will not be lost on anyone, including all those who feign their disinterest.
I’m expecting a call any minute now from an economist who responded positively to my writing to him yesterday:
Do you see what is wrong with this Vistage business model?Every moment that ticks by and they don’t respond with, “No, Gevisser you are wrong. There is fierce competition for money and you are also wrong about the GDP, and the proof is that you cannot get a single economist to back you up” they are digging a bigger hole and sucking in all the university establishments.
I was last with this very well respected economist at Chapman University’s Experimental Economics department back in May 2015, and their head who was seated next me, 2002 Nobel Laurette, Vernon Smith is still alive, but not for very much longer, even if he lives to 124; and the same of course for all of us whose lives are very temporary and there is no mistaken that while at birth our organs including the brain have aways to go before maturing, we are already dying.
Maybe if you figured all that out much earlier in life, your lives would be very different than what they are right now and what you have to look forward to in the future.
Maybe if you figured all that out much earlier in life, your lives would be very different than what they are right now and what you have to look forward to in the future.
I in fact know the 3 of you better than you know yourselves because I was always far less of talker than the 3 of you, and that made me a much better observer.
The 3 of you had extraordinarily few friends growing up and your real only friends were the 4 of us and our two parents.
Melvin of course is the odd ball, because unlike you Kathy and Neil he so wanted to be liked and so overbearing and yet he managed to hold on to one wife Terry for so many years, but she never forgot the money which is why she married him who she felt was too old to begin with, and why she remained for so many years while constantly looking for his replacement; not to mention, the money took too long to arrive because no one expected our mother to live this long.
The 3 of you had extraordinarily few friends growing up and your real only friends were the 4 of us and our two parents.
Melvin of course is the odd ball, because unlike you Kathy and Neil he so wanted to be liked and so overbearing and yet he managed to hold on to one wife Terry for so many years, but she never forgot the money which is why she married him who she felt was too old to begin with, and why she remained for so many years while constantly looking for his replacement; not to mention, the money took too long to arrive because no one expected our mother to live this long.
Blame it on him when a young kid falling onto solid concrete from a dizzy height above the garage at our first home in Durban North, Highwinds and landing on his eye.
You can then say with the same level of certainty that his fate is sealed going forward, no different to each of us.
Now if you don’t believe you make your fate just like you make your own luck then lets talk about the two of you who were not so inclined to work so hard in making fair weather friends.
Now if you don’t believe you make your fate just like you make your own luck then lets talk about the two of you who were not so inclined to work so hard in making fair weather friends.
So you have now less friends to stab you in the back, but just one, call it a husband or wife or daughter or local priest at say a place like Wiveliscombe just having the hell in with you for brining such disgrace to a quiet community in the English west countryside, is enough to give you nightmares.
There is zero, as in nil possibility that you have either trust amongst the 3 of you, your spouses and fair weather friends just waiting for their handouts and nor can you possibly enjoy for a single moment the wonders that coincidences bring.
Even when a stranger wishes you, “God bless you” when you sneeze you will wonder if they know?
Even if the world doesn’t know, you each know you have done wrong, and the wrong done is to the best human who has possibly ever lived and that comes through in each and every one of the 29 odd videos I filmed of our mother from the evening of September 21, 2016 when I arrived in Israel to get the guardianship which you perfectly understood and why you went behind my and mother’s back on September 15, 6 days earlier to have the evil in the extreme Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel appointed as my mother’s guardian to the videos I took the morning of Sunday, September 25th, right after you all organized the first Israeli police invasion, and of course you all knew that the videos I had taken should have immediately resulted in warrants for the arrest of the 3 of you and Ayala Weisel locked up in jail with no possibility of bail.
There is zero, as in nil possibility that you have either trust amongst the 3 of you, your spouses and fair weather friends just waiting for their handouts and nor can you possibly enjoy for a single moment the wonders that coincidences bring.
Even when a stranger wishes you, “God bless you” when you sneeze you will wonder if they know?
Even if the world doesn’t know, you each know you have done wrong, and the wrong done is to the best human who has possibly ever lived and that comes through in each and every one of the 29 odd videos I filmed of our mother from the evening of September 21, 2016 when I arrived in Israel to get the guardianship which you perfectly understood and why you went behind my and mother’s back on September 15, 6 days earlier to have the evil in the extreme Israeli lawyer Ayala Weisel appointed as my mother’s guardian to the videos I took the morning of Sunday, September 25th, right after you all organized the first Israeli police invasion, and of course you all knew that the videos I had taken should have immediately resulted in warrants for the arrest of the 3 of you and Ayala Weisel locked up in jail with no possibility of bail.
This economist, Rod Smith Phd, wasted no time in responding to my precise 68 words with, “Let’s schedule a call to discuss”.
It is now 2 hours and 12 minutes after the time I said that I would be available to talk.
As I told on my birthday 2 days ago, 9:09:08 PM, the lawyer Jay Hait, I want to see my mother – CLICK HERE.
Suffice to say at this time as well, Hait, what a name, did a terrible job in court on October 5, 2016 because his discussions outside court with your liar-lawyer Weisel was not the only thing that told him there was great hidden treasure to be had, and to drag things out only meant more in his pocket; and why not someone like himself with probably also a fat wife, his own mouth as well as 5 equally undernourished children to feed, and donning a “yamikakh” [sic] only adding weight to the heavy burden carried on his shoulders, to be entitled like the rest of you.
I wish to see with my own eyes how well you have taken care of my mother, and that she is doing as well as when I last saw her, even if you would prefer I don’t now dig into why you don’t show videos up on Youtube or on your Facebook walls of my mother Zena as happy, if not happier in your company as she was in mine.
If you fell into the trap Peter van Leeuwen – CLICK HERE– unwittingly created for himself on February 1st, the 18th anniversary of the publishing of my first of four articles in the Jerusalem Post – CLICK HERE– which I knew ahead of time that if published by such a hugely read newspaper would shake up the world, but the 3 of you were already too numb, then you can only blame Peter, yourselves or God taking Her vengeance.
Peter van Leeuwen could only explain his stupidity, his recklessly on simply having lost his mind. He was following the same course of distraction which you had tried when first writing to me on September 9, 2016 and blaming Deborah Sturman Esq. for everything while insisting that my mother Zena had “no memory… advanced dementia” which was not possible when listening to her and my taped phone conversations which I had sent on to you; and all you could logically come back with was that I had doctored the recordings, which you was not the case, and why you so very ugly chose to ignore along with the substance of my writings of the day before, September 8 which made no mention of Deborah Sturman Esq. other than she was one of the many who also got to perfectly understand every last word of “Sitting pretty” – CLICK HERE.
Yes, just in case you hadn’t figured, I take very seriously the life’s work of my mother Zena and her so cruel, premeditated murder.
I will, should I not hear back from you promptly dig deep into Peter van Leeuwen’s psyche and you should already be able to easily imagine him arguing that all the years of bullshit wisdom he acquired being a university law tutor had him believing that he could outfox me, and that is not because I am cunning fox but he is a chicken which is not the smartest animal in the world but every chicken plays its role as does each and every atom that was first created.
So his brain collapse can’t be all his fault as he can’t explain the most fundamental aspects of this great and wondrous universe, and therefore given how the human mind is receding, and we can’t expect to get any smarter, therefore there must be another hand at play for we can explain purpose to pretty much everything that we can understand including our irrational behavior in trusting the money that has been thrust upon us by the world’s biggest criminals who did little to hide their central role in the murder of 6 million Jewish people, and so why not purpose to each of our existence?
No doubt Peter van Leeuwen along with many others will be happy when Im done with him, concluding the word that fits best is fate, and fate would also have it that his chicanery would highlight that much more your murderous behavior.
So his brain collapse can’t be all his fault as he can’t explain the most fundamental aspects of this great and wondrous universe, and therefore given how the human mind is receding, and we can’t expect to get any smarter, therefore there must be another hand at play for we can explain purpose to pretty much everything that we can understand including our irrational behavior in trusting the money that has been thrust upon us by the world’s biggest criminals who did little to hide their central role in the murder of 6 million Jewish people, and so why not purpose to each of our existence?
No doubt Peter van Leeuwen along with many others will be happy when Im done with him, concluding the word that fits best is fate, and fate would also have it that his chicanery would highlight that much more your murderous behavior.
Nor is this the time to dwell on how many other greater options you could have chosen rather than to mercilessly punish my mother Zena for her undivided, never ceasing because it only grew from strength to strength support of not only my positive nature which it is clear was from birth, but the important work I am doing in exposing the corruption of the greatest profiteers of our Jewish Holocaust, quite the opposite words which my mother has towards you 3 ingrates who are much like, if not identical to the rest of the world’s humans, at least those currently alive.
Suffice to say again, just at this time, and there will be much more later if you don’t comply with my request promptly, depriving my mother of healthy food, healthy company such as mine and my wife Marie Dion and of course our dog Mango who so lighted up and all the time my mother’s great dark piercing eyes, you knew could only cause her stress which was clearly your goal.
Stress kills the strongest of us humans and that too is ingeniously designed.
The 3 of you started an unprecedented, impossible to imagine avalanche that rather than covering up everything in its path reveals the rawness of the human for what it really is, and it is not pretty.
But such a contrast, much like to know the light there first needs to be the backdrop of totally darkness, reveals something even more beautiful than my mother Zena, if there is such a thing which there is, you just need the intelligence to see it.
The fact that I explain it all rather simply and no less interestingly reaches out to everyone.
Economist, water expert Dr. Rod Smith Phd is different to almost all other economists and therefore of course the rest of the working world who haven’t had up until now an understanding of what a job actually means because the economic index is so incredibly flawed.
He has self-respect, something felt to extraordinary few people, and increasingly less so when you see the dress of the human and so few dressing well, and it is not because they are all dressing down those who have the money but they simply don’t have class which is pretty much the same as having taste, and having no taste does not mean you fail to appreciate the luxuries of a beautiful home or fancy sports car or pretty girlfriend on the side, but that is not what this world is all about.
It is about monster storms wherever one looks in the universe, and the best of the astrophysicists are not only getting older and uglier but they are grappling to deal with the simple stuff like how our sun was created all alone, and not next to a competing one that would heat things up for that much more, or how the earth and Venus were formed; and the best they can come up, and they have no scientific data to back it up because none exists, that huge objects like earth bashed into one another and the fallout left everything else pretty much barren, or soon to be barren and here is needle in a haystack ocean blue, wonderfully blue blue sky
mother Earth where the people simply cannot stop fighting, bickering, and killing one another as the news they hear on the TV is all negative, and yet going out of their way to be pleasant to one another as if all the negative doesn’t rub off on to them.
The funniest, sickest part is that it is only a relatively few number of you who know that the newspeople, the same with the bought politicians are not telling the most important truths of the day and which is far uglier than what they portray on the TV as they know once the people are armed with the truth, and decide collectively their futures, all the ugliness they are delivered into their living rooms and bedrooms instantly disappears.
And this is the world you want for yourselves, your children and the rest of humanity.
Do you see how very different the 3 of you are to me, my mother Zena and my father Bernie who you also must have long stopped thinking about, other than him looking down sternly at the 3 of you and shaking his finger right at your faces like nothing you have ever seen before from our most astute observer father.
Another economist is Geoffrey Rothwell Phd who you also see in the cc section. Rothwell is weird.
No, he is totally weird. He didn’t have to choose joining the enemy OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency who he knew everything there was to know about before choosing the money option that would bring him the largest amount of cash in the shortest time, but his current wife Genevieve threw in the towel in her fight against the nuclear weapons lobby which civilian use nuclear plants are just the front, because her best friend, she believed was murdered by these same people who were now paying her husband’s way; and so of course Genevieve was also heavily influenced by the money Rothwell would bring home that would give them both that much better lifestyle, otherwise she would have thrown him out on his ear.
Moreover, it showed all over her face when we all finally met up for dinner in Paris on September 16, 2013, 2 months and 22 days after he delivered the punch that should have immediately knocked all the hot air out of every politician, lawyer, judge and diplomat on the planet.
You will have noticed that there is still no opposition to nuclear weapons development, and nor is Rothwell speaking, but you do know that he is reading not only this but his presence on my Facebook group chats remains; and so easy like the rest of you to remove yourselves.
That does not mean Rothwell is less traumatized than the rest in seeing that Vistage International have yet to take down my smart, precision bombing from yesterday; and of course word has long reached their new owner, the richest resident of Rhode Island, a place I am most familiar with which does not mean if you took me there blindfolded I would be able to find my way around.
Do you ever take a break from your handhelds to just breath and look up at the sky and not think about what a fucking disaster you have created for yourselves and all those silent who you know are not close to applauding you?
They resent you far more than they hate me.
They would never have got to see what an incredible human being is my mother Zena.
They never thought that much of their mother but to have now compare my mother Zena to their mother when their mother was in her prime is like very slowly sticking a danger in their stomach and twisting it even slower.
Go ahead, first ask Geoffrey van Leeuwen.
Do you have any idea how many people will lose permanently their cushy jobs if Vistage International folds?
That isn’t likely to happen because the DAAC governments would save it just like they did AIG, and the rest of the DAAC affiliates, and this has been going on for some 119 odd years, which is less than a lifetime if you live to 124.
But remember, it is only mother nature who is totally unpredictable. That is an absolute fact of life which Quantum Mechanics has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It is also totally impossible to predict that man would react so unconsciously to the truth about the theft of the world’s mineral resources and how these thieves had no difficulty then taking over the banks who were hamstrung by the single entry accounting when creating worthless money out of thin air.
You know how people like to mock economists but for all them to look so foolish to the rest of you who simply thought that you weren’t smart enough to understand what they were saying is tantamount to a blacksmith constantly bashing you over the head with the heaviest of iron hammers.
While you leave to me solving the problems of the world which are all centered around the corrupt GDP economic index which the 3 of you know it was not you or your whore liar-lawyers who figured it out, you must focus in the next few hours, no more, on remembering your subsequent deplorable actions depriving our mother of her wishes as you went from bad to worse openly thieving her estate and simply thinking, “She is going to be dead soon, so why leave anything for Gary to come back later and claim as rightfully his?”
if you are not smart then you can’t expect to be rewarded with the highest levels of spirituality that go beyond the physical world. You are in the same boat as the very ugly religious of all faiths who can’t explain how they have only given lip service to helping the poor, which is what they are supposed to be all about, and that is all religion teaches, and that’s common sense.
I am also happy to take over even if you have managed to completely kill my mother’s one of a kind mind which you know perfectly well was so looking forward to spending the reminder of her life with me the only one with common sense and love for her that none of you ever came close to showing; and I will explain all that if need be.
Sad also that your actions corrupted what was really a pretty decent guy, Peter van Leeuwen.
Just remember you have to live with your conscience and me still being around to remind you of your misdeeds, which is where I will pick up should I not hear back from you promptly.
[Word count 3237]
Begin forwarded message:From: Remo Vitale <>Subject: Re: Just in Case – Out of the picture – Re: Beautiful forms – Re: False history – Re: Why write? – Re: Slow coffee – cucumber?Date: February 4, 2019 at 8:41:18 AM GMT+1
thank you gary again,I’m going to dive deeply into the book as you suggesthave a nice day
Il giorno dom 3 feb 2019 alle ore 11:12 <> ha scritto:Good morning Remo from Livorno where clear blue skies are mixed in with spotted cloudiness and mushroomclusters threatening the seas making sea travel questionable in terms of its enjoyment.I did notice that you had a smiley face following your “very anxious and bit depressed lately” intended Im assuming to send me conflicting signals.It is also hard for me not to assuming that you are saying that the Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] report of the summer of 2007 and which MIMI asked me several months later, November 19 – CLICK HERE– to be precise to send them, was designed to kill Catholics?You sound like a skinhead with hair.Do you think the name skinhead comes from Catholics who are not “circumsized” [sic]?I don’t think of looking when at the public urinal, and maybe that is something only homosexuals do and I don’t want to go there with you because that is far too close, and more importantly it is not something I want to even think about.There are a lot of things one can discuss in long car journeys if you are with a highly intelligent as well as most beautiful sensuous and elegant woman who my mother Zena is not the only conscious person who recognizes that the greatest F-C [Française-Canadienne] Marie Dion has defied the aging process – CLICK HERE& CLICK HERE.You have so far not suggested that MIMI is stupid, only that they are merciless towards the Catholics, and therefore their request from me had to have another purpose or purposes with MIMI knowing exactly what I would be sending them 4 days later, November 23, 2007, since it was their report which had been shared with me by a top-notch Israeli special forces commando from Israel’s most elite maritime special forces unit, Flotilla 13.The Corsica Ferries cargo and passenger ship is now leaving port which reminds me of the phallic symbol uncovered in the Pompei ruins directing the sailors to nearby brothels.A heterosexual man, you would know is first attracted, assuming that is what their eyes capture, to the face and the woman’s eyes most telling of their interest or lack of interest, but very quickly the male’s primate instincts kick in and zero in on the legs which if they are not absolutely perfect, straight and long which is every woman’s wish, the male’s imagination has to take over with increasingly fewer options to get overly excited about because you know perfectly well if there are “gargantuun” [sic] thick thighs they are unlikely to be attached to the most perfect buns.Nor should everything on a long, most wonderful journey from Rome need to be shared with anyone and Im certainly not going to do that with you.In preparation for when we next reach land and I have an internet connection as well as the disposable time, please study as carefully as you have Epstein’s The Diamond Invention which sends all unconscious humans into a tailspin, the latest BLOG posting on, and of course if you send me your insight and analysis as well as any questions, it won’t be the end of the world if they have to wait.Not to mention this Peter van Leeuwen has set the cat amongst the pigeons, and for that he deserves some credit although all the credit must inevitably rest with HER [Higher Energy Reaction] who must understand perfectly well that the rich human has no conscience and doesn’t think about God or the possibility of God existing and like the ancient Romans embraces all religions as well as superstitions, “just in case”.You can also see that I have increased the number of those in the carbon copy section who would understand that outside of HER’s involvement someone such as Mark Zuckerberg has to realize that whoever made the decision to place a 24 hour ban on my postings not only helped to greatly increase my footprint; i.e. visibility on The Internet and with that comes my consistent credibility, but they risked Zuckerberg’s entire media enterprise which does not in any way, shape or form minimize my decision to loop in Vistage officials to the decision by De beers-Barclays Bank’s Lloyd’s of London to ban us Americans from investing in Lloyds at the same time De beers-Lloyd’s of London were able to force every State within the United States of America to allow Lloyd’s for the past more than a quarter of a century, to continue selling their insurance products to Americans and American corporations given how insurance is State regulated which is also not lost on the Securities Exchange Commission who are in a similar bind with their decision to come down hard on Elon Musk who caved, but we should not count very bright Musk out.[Word count 806]
On Jan 30, 2019, at 9:35 AM, Remo Vitale <> wrote:
morning Gary,don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-semitic at all, but most of them are anti-catholics instead -moreover my dad’s family should be jew, according to the global jewish database-nor I’m a conspiracy fan, so I don’ t get delight about knowing how the truth is far from being revealed. I see you are a passionate scholar so I hope one day you’ ll find docs about the actual causes of the WW1 and 2, the first mostly to break down the ottoman empire and prepare the settlement of Israel, the second to purify the race and accomplish a new world order.I would be very glad if you persuade me of the contrary and get me aware of the fact I’m living in a distorted reality, very anxious and a bit depressed lately ☺
Il giorno mer 30 gen 2019 alle ore 03:13<> ha scritto:Remo, you have to be kidding. You are grabbing stuff that you want to believe because it suits your belief system that is clearly virulently anti-Semitic.
Don’t you question your sources?Who profited from the Jewish Holocaust that wiped out half of European Jewry is what you have to look at, and why I pointed you in the direction of the very credible, The Diamond Invention book, which you repeatedly choose to ignore.Are you saying that Hitler was Jewish because of some blood connection?Hitler never claimed to be Jewish which is what you should be focused on.And certainly the people who financed that war were not Jewish.Yes, our views are very different as far as the facts are concerned.
On the subject of Jesus.It is really hard to get the facts on Jesus because he was “out of the picture” for 400 years after his death; and it seems like religion is often used to subdue – not SubJew – population; and everything is left to interpretation of the bible, usually by the rulers.On the subject of Satan.A friend of mine, Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq writes, “I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority; i.e. evil does not come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.”Marie is now under the covers and Im watching the goal replays following the Milan-Napoli game which ended moments ago; Milan the winner, 2-0.
On Jan 29, 2019, at 10:36 PM, Remo Vitale <> wrote:
forgot to reply on holocaust and such:I’ve been collecting data from 1998 grabbed from the web and, guess what, the holocaust was an ethnic cleansing, made by few jews against many other poor jewswhen did Israelites rule the world? now the kabal rules the world, they decided to chose the golden calf, they realized that was easier to worship the devil and deny the Christian God and church
Il giorno mar 29 gen 2019 alle ore 22:16 Remo Vitale <> ha scritto:-not books but magazines no more published, italian and french mostly, and archives from US newspapaers-I know Putin owns 7 palaces very similar to castles, and he’s one of the top rich all over russia,nevertheless I think he’s against russian mafia that is under the control of mossad and hebrew mafia-JP Morgan, Rotschild, Oppenheimer… are all subservient of their master, they worship the devilnow one question Gary: do you think Jesus the favorite son of God, and Satan, the prince of this world, are realor not? I’m asking because as Michaelist and consecrated to blessed Mary I see the history of the world in a different way than yours.We catholics have a Lord at the centre of our existence, whereas jews have a people and muslims a book of revelationThat’s a huge difference in perceiving reality
Il giorno mar 29 gen 2019 alle ore<> ha scritto:What to say!
Can you be specific about the books?Do any of them talk about the Rothschild family’s involvement with the financing, and/or $20,000 bonus paid to US Admiral Perry, following his cowardly intimidation of the defenseless, and unarmed Japanese merchant fleet back in the early 1850s?Is there any review in this research you did of Google bookshop reviews about other bankers, besides for the Rothschilds, who financed the American led 8 Allied invasion of China in 1900 with assistance from the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain?Look at the 8 Allied Nations including Russia and then consider how much influence the Rothschilds played in this most important invasion which began with the carefully orchestrated Boxer Rebellion that started in 1899, the same year as the Anglo “American” Boer War.JapanDo you think that because President Putin is not on the Forbes list of billionaires it is because if he was then he would be at the top of list, and therefore to make him conspicuously absent?Do you think President Putin works for the Rothschilds?Do you think Nicholas Oppenheimer<UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_2fd8.jpg>works for the Rothschilds?Even without Google search you must have previously heard of the non-Jewish banker JP Morgan.Do you think JP Morgan and the rest of the non-Jewish bankers around the world are subservient to the Rothschilds?Why is the focus predominantly on the Rothschilds and not on the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] which is so well and interestingly presented in Epstein’s book?When you arrived at Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER, you surely noticed that within the British Ministry of Economic Warfare the Diamond Committee was established, and that De Beers officials quickly dominated this most important committee. Is your thinking that even if the Rothschilds had a seat on that committee and/or filled all the seats, they were willing participants in the eventual extermination of half of European Jewry?Are you questioning the information that Epstein obtained from the United States Department of Justice under the Freedom of Information Act?I assume you are not, otherwise you would have said so.When President Franklin D. Roosevelt saw that Sir Ernest Oppenheimer who for good reason had been long ostracized by the leadership of the Jewish South African community who stood shoulder to shoulder in refusing to be bought by this vile monopolist, refused his direct order to stockpile 6.5 million carats of industrial diamonds on US soil, why do you think Roosevelt didn’t order the OSS, the forerunner to the CIA, to assassinate both Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry?When in history have the Israelites ruled the world?Are you saying that the Pharaohs of Egypt were Jewish and allowed their non-Jewish slaves to eventually leave because the Pharaohs wanted the jewish people to prosper and help spread anti-Semitism?Do you doubt whether there was a Jewish Holocaust during World War II?I know that none of your very general research which you say stopped in 1940 addresses the facts of The Diamond Invention book which is not written by a conspiracy theorist. Edward J. Epstein is someone you should try writing to at the same time following through on my other suggestion that you write the Rothschilds and ask them why they are so quiet about people like you spreading such nonsense and at the same time why Jacob Rothschilds helps cement your brainwashing when bragging publicly of how he and his family made a huge killing in anticipation of the 2008 financial banking crisis.In fact if you get me his email address I will write to him myself, and copy you.BTW, what did you think of what I forwarded you as promised, “Misled – Tongues out – Fwd: Mind what you say”?By now you should have come across my, and so I will continue our conversation using that email address.GaryPS – don’t you find it an interesting coincidence that the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius – which allows us today to see how advanced were the Romans including their extraordinary “Renaissance period like” paintings – the perspective that they got, the use of shadows, and 3D<UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_5abf.jpeg>plus their knowledge of large objects in outer space being round and orbited,<UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_5ac1.jpeg>a good 1500 years before Copernicus, took place in the same year as the destruction of the 2nd Jewish Temple.What else do you think us humans lost?On Jan 29, 2019, at 6:50 PM, Remo Vitale <> wrote:
Hi Garyyes that one, I googled “diamond invention pdf” and the first result was your link so I guess it was in pdf formatabout Rothschilds and the hebrew mafia, there are on google bookshop reviews and magazines from 1850 to 1940, that talk about their will to restore the reign of Israel and the creation of mafias to have an invisible army in each country; it looks like an hollywood blockbuster indeed, but connecting the dots it works enough for me
Il giorno mar 29 gen 2019 alle ore 16:22 Gary Gevisser <> ha scritto:Remo- i didn’t understand the “pdf”
The Diamond Invention book is not in a pdf format on the internet.The hyperlink above takes you to it.Is that what you read?Did you read the entire book?I also suggest you follow my writings on the fb wall of Hollywood director/producer Marshall Curry who has just been nominated for an Oscar for his 7 minute documentary
Curry will have read The D I book at least once and would prefer that this most unique story did not exist as it makes all his prior work miss the mark entirely.While I warm up alongside Marie having got caught in the rain here in Pompei and Mango right up against my torso and legs and I carried him in his carrybag for the entire mile and he barely got wet, Mr Curry is suffering great anxiety deciding whether or not to keep my postings up which he knows bothers all his many followers but he also knows that my postings from yesterday are attracting a great many more people than his going on 5000 fb friends including the very top members of society who will not think highly of him if he decides to cave in even though the top echelon of our fake economic system would prefer he does.Btw today is the 74th anniversary of my father Bernie’s close friend “Jock” Lithgow being killed when his American built Kittyhawk fighter bomber went straight into the ground and my father noted in his logbook that he observed “no parachute”.I will forward you an email broadcast I began sending out on the 27th, the 74th anniversary of the Russian Red Army not American GIs liberating the death factory Auschwitz which if your story is true about the Rothschilds then it would mean that the richest Jewish family in the world were the principal financiers of the Jewish Holocaust which in addition to it not making sense is contradicted by the historical record of anti-Jewish De beers-Anglo American Corporation (DAAC) with the knowledge of President Franklin D Roosevelt, openly supplying Nazi Germany with industrial diamonds out of the Allied protectorate Belgian Congo using top officials of the Red Cross as their couriers.So I have to ask you, where do you get your knowledge about the Rothschilds and the “Hebrew mafia” other than from the propaganda media?One other point I would like to make is that the smartest leaders who all had to prove themselves as leaders on the battlefield even when inheriting great wealth from their parents, recognized that there was something very special about Jewish people in terms of their unique trustworthiness which went well beyond anything in Jewish scripture which speaks clearly to jealousy and greed existing in Jewish society as it does in the rest of society, and putting Jewish people in charge of the money proved repeatedly a wise decision by the Kings of Old including the Crusader King Richard The Lionheart who when he heard of the pogrom taking place in York quickly put an end to that massacreSo you shouldn’t be surprised that there remain trustworthy Jewish people in the precious mineral business but they are certainly not the “kingpins” because the top bankers today do not want people with morals anywhere close to the top.Were it not for the media creating all the hysterics it would be very easy to topple this false economy which breeds both consumerism and overpopulation, the two going hand in hand, and to do so peacefully without the rich having to give up any of their wealth.Again the internet, through email and social media like facebook allows for the clearest, most logical arguments to prevail, something totally unique to this day and age and something worth celebratingThe sun is now back out