To right a wrong – Re: Best memories – When can I escape this prison? – Re: My mother Zena – Ruling by Judge Yocheved Greenwald Rand on October 5, 2016
From: gg <>
Subject: To right a wrong – Re: Best memories – When can I escape this prison? – Re: My mother Zena – Ruling by Judge Yocheved Greenwald Rand on October 5, 2016
Date: September 30, 2017 at 9:53:43 AM PDT
To: Judge Yocheved Greenvald-Rand <>Cc:,,,,, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <>, “Ayala Weisel – Malice ridden Israeli lawyer; as of September 15, 2016 Guardian of Zena Gevisser Zulman” <>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <>, Eli Symon – Co-executor of Alan Zulman’s and Zena Gevisser Zulman’s estates <>, Neil Gevisser <>, Kerry Anderson Molfesis <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, “Major Tuvia Friling – Israel Defense Force, Deputy Commander Golani Brigade, Professor Ben Gurion University, Beersheba, Negev Desert, Israel – Author of ARROWS IN THE DARK” <>, Jay Hait <>, Haneen Zoabi – Muslim Arab member of Israeli Knesset <>, Guy & Muhammad – Israeli pharmacist friends of Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman <>, “Guy Bechor – principal G.Planet Israel” <>, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <>, “Rod Margo Esquire – FB friend of Gary Gevisser. Rod’s father, South African judge Cecil Margo Esq. wrote, at the request of Ben Gurion, the blueprint for what is today the brutally strong Israel Air Force.” <>, Mossad <>, Benjamin Netanyah – Prime Minister of Israel <>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <>Attention: Judge Yocheved Greenwald-Rand.
In compliance that my approach be in Hebrew, I will be using Google Translate; and if it is not as clear as the English please let me know.השופט יוכבד גרינוולד-רנד בהתאם לעובדה שגישתי תהיה בעברית, אני אשתמש ב- Google Translate; ואם זה לא ברור כמו אנגלית בבקשה ליידע אותי.
This is a matter of guardianship of my mother Zena Gevisser Zulman, now 88 years of age.I want to be appointed, this Yom Kippur day, as my mother’s guardian, and to have the phone reconnected in her Netanya apartment as I have not been able to reach her since October 8 of last year; nor have I been informed of any improvement of my mother’s physical and mental health since you recall how “sharp as a tack” – CLICK HERE. – was my mother Zena on September 22, 2016, and me having arrived in Israel the day before.Should my mother Zena’s health, however, have deteriorated given that is what you expect if her lucid wishes were not being granted, then you judge Greenwald-Rand would surely have made it your business to be informed, and then immediately contacted me.This case rests entirely on the failure of Israeli lawyer, Ayala Weisel who you granted guardianship of my mother Zena on September 15, 2016 failing to advise me that she was committing nothing less than a “capital crime” when not informing me, ahead of my arrival in Israel on September 21, that 6 days before she had got the guardianship.You judge Greenwald-Rand also have evidence right out of the mouth of Weisel in your courtroom on October 5 that she had committed the heinous crime of perjury; and for that you simply need to revisit your stipulation which was written in Hebrew.Weisel’s perjury should have ruled her out as “guardian”, as what more would one need than “perjury” to discredit, albeit Weisel is an officer of the law?Nor was Weisel being appointed guardian of my mother ever shared wth me until the Israeli police arrived in the morning of Sunday, September 25 at my mother’s Netanya apartment.It was done in bad faith. It was all calculated ahead of time. They wanted any reason to do the Temporary Restraining Order on me; and of course they came up with the most pitiful nonsense.The whole thing is so disgusting… so disgusting people.There is some video of that first unlawful and so vulgar police invasion on the morning of Sunday, September 25 – CLICK HERE beginning soon after Weisel arrived and she is talking in Hebrew and I pick up that she is saying that I am forcing a vegetarian diet on my mother Zena.In the body of this filing that will follow, I will expand on not only people being arrested for a healthy vegetarian diet but even Prime Minister Netanyahu introduced a vegetarian meal into the Knesset.Soon after the police leave, because Weisel didn’t bring with her, as she had committed, the guardianship papers, Weisel continues her fast and loose talk – CLICK HERE – which has my mother Zena listening very carefully before responding in the end, “I am [trying to throw Mary Lou out]” and then my mother looking at me places her finger to her lips “Shhhh” – CLICK HERE – after I call out, “Did you hear that?”I then proceeded to ask Weisel why she didn’t inform me of the guardianship, “I’m not answering you” – CLICK HERE.It shows that defensive Weisel didn’t want to resolve anything or clarify the situation. It was evil.Weisel is not used to have people speak back to her. When she is caught she becomes mute, otherwise distracting as she was in court on October 5 after you had her watch the 9 minute and 24 second video of my mother Zena, The Lady’s Speech – CLICK HERE.Weisel is behaving like a cute kid getting ugly; call it menopause.Following the “I’m not answering you” and my mother Zena observing all this from the couch, Weisel then rudely lays into my mother while revealing her true colors, “you don’t know it” – CLICK HERE.Let’s take a moment to look at the dialogue between Weisel and my mother Zena soon after the first police invasion:Weisel: Zed you shouldn’t go anywhere without Mary Lou. I am your guardian, you know that; and I care for you, so make sure you are protected not go… you need Mary Lou to be with you okay. Is it good for you?Zena: Yes, but you are not my guardian.Weisel: Yes I am. You don’t know it.Zena: God is my guardianWeisel: And God and here I am, you are right.Zena: Have a good dayThere is also video – CLICK HERE – of the “guardian” appointed caregiver Mary Lou on the morning of September 24, refusing to explain why she was not going to be taking any time off during the month I was going to be visiting with my mother, despite my sister Kathy writing to me on September 11 that her and my two elder brothers’ previous visits had allowed Mary Lou time off – CLICK HERE.Note in Weisel’s complaint against me that she submitted to you on Monday, September 26, she states that she did not know how to get hold of me.Just prior to beginning the NO TIME OFF video, and I make reference to it, Mary Lou had accused me of wanting to change my mother Zena’s diet; and it is an act of caring for someone to help them with their diet.You shouldn’t have too much difficulty with the different accents in this “Milking” video – CLICK HERE – that followed “caregiver” Mary Lou refusing to answer why she was insisting on joining my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and me when telling her that we were taking my mother to Jerusalem for lunch at the King David Hotel.Nor did we “kidnap” my mother while Mary Lou was in the shower as she falsely accused in the TRO complaint. The final conversation of taking my mother Zena to Jerusalem took place in the entrance hall of my mother’s apartment and I asked Mary Lou to give me an adult diaper, which had her returning to the bedroom before handing it to me.True, there were no kisses and hugs for Mary Lou when we departed; and my mother Zena was most happy to leave Mary Lou behind as well.They were breaking the law in not giving a foreign, migrant worker time off, even if Mary Lou doesnt know the basics of nutrition; i.e. you don’t give dairy to someone suffering from a cold.What I first wish to establish is whether you are able to access the videos on Youtube as well as whether I need to translate into Hebrew, Gefilter Fish.
which my mother ordered for lunch
when I was unaware of this extraordinary concoction Weisel-Mary Lou-my elder siblings Neil, Kathy and Melvin were in the midst of preparing to get the unlawful TRO which you judge Greenwald-Rand ordered at the graveyard shift, 1:30AM, Tuesday, September 27; and you must have known that my mother would also be woken up from a dead sleep. How disgusting!Once the translation question and access to the Youtube videos are established I will then proceed.To right a wrong.Grant my mother her wishes.
Gary[Word count 1241]On Aug 26, 2017, at 11:38 PM, Pniyot <> wrote:אני חוזרת על מה כתבתי לך במייל קודם:שלום לךאם הבנתי נכון הינך מעוניין לשלוח מייל זה לשופטת גרינוולד.בכל הכבוד, הרי ששופטים אינם אמורים לקבל מכתבים מהציבור אלא כתבי בי דין במסגרת ההליך המשפטי.לפיכך אם רצונך להגיש מסמך לבית המשפט, עליך לכתוב אותו השפה העברית ובאופן שיבהיר מה אתה מבקש.שיהיה בהצלחה.בכבוד רבעפרה תם רוזנרהמבקרת הפנימית – מערכת בתי המשפט