Too sick – Fwd: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Fwd: Too sick – Fwd: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
To: “ expose De Beers.” <>
Cc: rest; Paul RETI <>, John Perkins – former CIA Economic Hit Man author and founder Dream Change <>, “” <>, “Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko, now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio. 11” <>, “” <>, “Julia Samaniego – Great-grandaughter of John Tyler of Virginia,10th US President 1841-45, relinquished his US citizenship upon joining the Confederate Congress of 1861.” <>, “Kevin Keenan – Executive Director ACLU – San Diego-Imperial County Chapter.” <>, Cliff Friedman <>, Gary Barber – Co-Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of MGM <>,, “” <>, Editorial <>, Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967 the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation <>, “” <>, Glenn Greenwald <>,, Richard Regis – Wall Street Journal – Editor <>, “Ed Bertolas – Summer is the season for chicken.” <>, “EDITOR@SHANGHAIDAILY.COM” <>, “Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare. Jonathan Beare.” <>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <>, “John Gevisser – son of David and Hedda Gevisser c/o Jonathan Norton, head of operations, Operation Lionheart” <>, Colin Schneiderman <>, “T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “” <>, Alexis Dizon <>, “2012. James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27” <>,, Annabel Linder – South African Radio Show Host <>, Kerry-Ann McCullough <>, Lorine Wright <>, “Zack – Very good looking body and face Il Forniao barman who doesn’t need big tips to treat customers right.” <>, “Jonny Gevisser – Director, The Extra-Mural Education Project, Cape Town, South Africa” <>, Melvin Gevisser <>, Nigel Gevisser <>, Ivan Oshry <>, Norman Finkelstein <>, “Steven Lee Parkinson – Mothercare – Middleast – In the summer of 2006 on a trip down the Yangze River, Mr. Parkinson explained why neither Mothercare or Starbucks, who use the same Kuwaiti Royal Family business partner to ensure Starbucks’ growth rate of 5 new shops per week and Mothercare’s 2 shops per week in the Middle East, have no shops in Israel.” <>, Howard Schultz – Starbucks <>, rossscott1 <>, Martin Rapaport – Rapaport Report <>, “De Beers – Ernest Slotar Inc. who last communicated with Gary S. Gevisser in a taped phone call on March 24, 2008, G.S. Gevisser’s 51st birthday – see – RESOURCES – GARY GEVISSER & DE BEERS” <>, “” <>
From: Gary Gevisser <>
To: “” <>
Cc: rest;>” <>, Jeff Rothwell <>, “” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Laura Malter <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>
From: “Gary Gevisser” <>
Date: Jan 24, 2014 1:30 PM
Subject: Fwd: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
To: “Dave of Gerhard” <>
Dave – How would you label what I just sent this South African Mining trade union official?
Also before I follow up and answer more of your questions I will try sending you a hyperlink showing the world’s most elegant and sexy shoes on the world’s most perfect pair of legs!
From: “Gary Gevisser” <>
Date: Jan 24, 2014 1:19 PM
Subject: RE: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
To: <>
XXX – what I am going to share with you is worth much more than all the money in the world.
Let’s assume for the moment that you are as corrupt as any government official and that you live with yourself because you believe there are far worse, and if you didn’t play the game you and your family would starve.
Most of the very corrupt are also clueless about how the money that is used throughout the world is priced by mostly white South African owned De Beers and their affiliate banks including the South African Reserve Bank, and that means there is nothing close to fair pricing in anything.
My last name must ring a bell with you because most South Africans who read the newspapers have heard of my cousin Mark Gevisser who wrote Mbeki’s biography in 2007 where he does not explain his father’s close relationship with South African Invader, American Charles W. Engelhard JR.
Nor does he explain why it is that I am the only Gevisser to have officially worked for De Beers at their most important site holder on US soil.
I am going to help you short-circuit all the blood draining from your brain by having you go to my Facebook and to read carefully my last post, Describe the feeling of numbness.
Remember I began by assuming that you were like most corrupt and stupid and that may not be the case or you could have children who are not yet corrupt and stupid who would not trust you if you kept the information from them.
With one short speech before COSATU’s membership we would have De Beers on their knees without the standard of living dropping for the mine workers or the overwhelming majority of the world’s population because De Beers can only respond to the truth with violence which means they have to continue fooling the soldiers and policemen who would also benefit from the truth of how De Beers have managed to pull off this money scam without first paying the frontline soldiers who once given their fair cut won’t want to fight.
Bear in mind that you don’t get to work for De Beers at their highest levels by preparing speeches every waking moment which is what Mark Gevisser has been doing in earnest ever since he and I had our first and last conversation in late December 1989 following which he pulled the story that was moments away from being published in the New York Times.
You would expect Nicholas Oppenheimer to predict that it would be just a question of time before I approached COSATU but what is more important than any nonsense he could talk in your ears which wouldn’t be much because he would be mostly very quiet since he knows why his father Harry approved me advancing so rapidly to the most important job on 47th Street which is what I insisted; and equally important, I have the irrefutable truths at my fingertips.
Furthermore, if it is not you who does the right thing then it could be a relative or friend who is tired of being used and having to sit at the same dinner table and feeling sick to their stomach with all the bullshit talk.
The world has yet to know what it is like to live without fear.
That time is now.
All the best,
PS – Don’t assume that because people like my Facebook “friend” Keisha Whitaker is quiet now that she doesn’t have her husband’s ear. Forest Whitaker is not the only international celebrity who could reach the masses in an instant.
On Jan 24, 2014 9:52 AM, “XXX” <> wrote:I will try my best to assist
Lets hear
From: GaryStevenGevisser [mailto:garystevengevisser@]
Sent: 23 January 2014 06:53 PM
Subject: I am an ex-South African who left SA during the Apartheid Regime and I would like to make contribution to your Trade Union.
Who would be the best person to communicate with?Sincerely,
Gary S. Gevisser