Town hall meeting – kickoff with Douglas Turnbull
Screenshot: 9:38 PM Calif. time, Monday 25 April 2022
April 23 at 4:45 PM
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As the cruel nightmare of death and destruction drags in Ukraine, I am tempted to make yet another banal comment about the cowardly incompetence of the Russian army, from the Russian General Staff right down to those despicable foot soldiers who only seemed to shine at raping and murdering defenceless civilians, but who seem to melt away when they are faced with brave and properly armed Ukrainians.
But I have decided not to do that. I have decided that I will take a more cerebral approach on this lazy Sunday morning by targeting the proven evil character of President Putin, who is personally responsible for all of the suffering.
Now, I have read many, many reports and summaries of extrajudicial murders carried out by the Russian Government since it commenced its brief flirtation with proper democracy in the early 1990s. Sadly, the attempts at replicating Western democracy in Russia have always fallen foul of rampant and endemic official corruption, the vast economic power of the favoured oligarchs who were allowed to steal immensely valuable assets of the Russian state after the collapse of the old Soviet Union, and the official contempt of Russian governments, including the present de facto autocracy of Putin, for the rule of law.
I might add here that it is beyond dispute that Vladimir Putin was a key figure who facilitated the massive thefts by the Russian oligarchs. It is also beyond dispute that Putin acquired immense personal wealth as a result of these thefts, such wealth being hidden by him behind complicated company structures and nominees, both in Russia and in the scumbag tax havens of the world. I mention this, because Putin not only has a motive to carry out murders to protect his autocratic political power, but he also has a very good motive to carry out murders to protect his personal wealth.
Many extrajudicial murders have taken place inside Russia itself. Some have been brutal murders in public places of brave investigative journalists, uncooperative and uncowed lawyers, and opposition political figures.
I will mention only the two best known extrajudicial murders which were carried out in Russia:
1. The murder of lawyer Siergei Magnitski, who investigated, and then bravely spoke out against massive corruption by Russian political and business figures in Russia. He was imprisoned, cruelly refused medical aid for severe pancreatitis and gallstones, and then eventually beaten to death in custody in a prison cell in Moscow in November 2009. The trail of corruption which he had uncovered led to Vladimir Putin.
2. The murder of charismatic opposition leader Boris Nemtsov right near the Kremlin on the evening of 27 February 2015. Shortly before his death, Boris described Putin as:
“… a totally amoral human being. Totally amoral. He is a
When Boris was shot dead whilst walking across a bridge with his girlfriend, and within the range of vision of security cameras on the Kremlin itself (which, Not surprisingly, were not working at the time), and in a street which was unusually almost totally deserted, Russia lost a chance of democratically replacing Putin with somebody who was not only competent, but also honest. To my amusement, the Russians managed to shift responsibility for Boris’s murder onto some Chechens who were alleged to be offended by Boris making some alleged remark about Islam.
The murders of a more limited number of “Enemies of the Russian State” (read: “Enemies of Putin”), have taken place in foreign countries, presumably because of the extra effort and risk involved in organising a murder in a country where the police forces and the courts are not willing glove puppets of the executive government. There have been quite a number of them, some with bizarre modus operandi, such as injections of a poison, Ricin, by umbrella into the buttocks whilst the victim was in a London street, or the smearing of the deadly poison Novichok on a victim’s front door handle in Salisbury, UK.
Other Russian “Enemies of Putin” fitting the pattern of extra judicial murder or attempted murder by poison include:
– Anna Politkovskaya (investigative journalist, survived being poisoned on an aeroplane, but shot dead at her front door in Moscow 10 years later).
– Vladimir Kara-Murza, (opposition activist and journalist – two poisoning attempts – placed in a medically induced coma in 2017).
-Pyotr Verzilov, (Pussy Riot activist and publisher, 2018, survived).
– Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, (poisoned in Salisbury UK 2018 with Novichok, survived and now in hiding from the long arm of Putin).
– Famously, leading Putin critic, anti-corruption campaigner, and the popular leading opposition politician Alexei Navalny, (poisoned with Novichok in August 2020, survived by the skin of his teeth with treatment in Germany, and still imprisoned afterfurther “kangaroo court” style convictions whilst being held in prison in Siberia).
However, on this lazy Sunday I want to concentrate on the most celebrated case, being the only case which was actually the subject of a well resourced public judicial enquiry conducted by a highly respected British High Court justice, Sir Robert Owen, who not only heard public evidence from witnesses, but also evidence from witnesses who required protection of their identities, coupled with unprecedented and unfettered access by the good Sir Robert to all of the relevant files maintained by the British secret intelligence services.
The case involved the bizarre poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko by two Russian agents linked to the FSB, Lugovoi and Kovtun, who put the deadly radioactive poison Polonium 210 in a pot of green tea which was ingested by the victim during their meeting with him in the Millenium Hotel in London on 1 November 2006.
Alexander Litvinenko subsequently died a protracted and agonising death by Polonium radiation poisoning in the full glare of international publicity. There is an iconic photo of him, taken just before he died, lying in his hospital bed in London with the agony of his condition etched onto his face.
The chosen poison, Polonium 210, was supposed to be undetectable, because Polonium 210 emits alpha radiation which is not detectable by Geiger counters.
Unfortunately for the Russians, British atomic weapons scientists and medical specialists eventually detected the poison and made the correct diagnosis.
I will not bore you with the forensic details of the subsequent meticulous investigation by the London Metropolitan police and the British Security services. The files of the investigation ran to approximately 60,000 pages.
However, on any review of the evidence, anybody other than the most cognitively challenged pro-Putin conspiracy theorist would be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the two Russian agents were provided with the necessary quantity of the very rare Polonium 210 by a security organ of the Russian government, that they were controlled by the Russian security services, that they travelled to Britain tasked with the mission of murdering Mr Litvinenko, and that they administered the poison to Alexander by means of a pot of green tea at the hotel.
What I want to concentrate on is the finding in the report of the enquiry in respect of the responsibility of President Vladimir Putin for this foul and deliberately cruel murder.
Sir Robert concluded in his report:
“The [Russian security service FSB] operation was probably
approved by President Putin.”
I’m not going to go into the detail of the evidence which he relied upon for this finding. The full Owen report is there to be read by anybody who is interested.
Credulous and ill informed dupes of Russian propaganda in the West who fervently express their admiration for Putin on social media, and who support his actions, whether it be his earlier war crimes in Chechnya, Syria, or his more recent war crimes in Ukraine, need to take this finding into account when they judge Putin’s character, motives and credibility.
Personally, my favourite description of President Putin is the one offered in his opening address at Sir Robert Owen’s enquiry by Mr Emmerson QC, who appeared for Mrs Litvinenko:
“Vladimir Putin is nothing more than a common criminal
dressed up as a head of state.”
Geoff Westcott
Brilliant as always Doug.
The two Russian thugs identified in the Salisbury poisoning said in a TV interview that the only visited Salisbury to see the clocks in the cathedral’s spire!!!!!!!!
Douglas Turnbull
Geoff Westcott apparently they were also interested in bats in the belfrey
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Paul Hanson
An accurate assessment of Putin. He did his apprenticeship with the KGB, then moved on to a more capitalist lifestyle, utilising all the most greedy & murderous techniques of the Mafia.
Douglas Turnbull replied·
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John Guy
Well written and illuminating! Thank you, Doug
Douglas Turnbull
John Guy my love to your good lady, and my compliments to you. We must catch up.
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Max Bell
Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with your opinions, I have a more than niggling feeling that China is using Putin as a puppet in all this. Putin is taking the eyes of the World off what China is doing behind the scenes.
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Douglas Turnbull
Max Bell Yes, Putin is being suckered by Red China. As he gets weaker, they get stronger. And they have designs on Siberia …
Robyn Quick
Max Bell Both these totalitarian regimes are taking advantage of the weakness of the USA under Biden.
Darryl Cooper
Max Bell , and it’s time the West woke up to what they’re cuddling up to when they express pro support for either Russia or China. The NWO is a further threat and are in full operation behind this “ brief military action” in Ukraine. The timing of the Solomon island debacle is deliberate and purposely a strategic action. The West is under threat but sadly time will tell that story, it usually always does. We need leadership that are on the toes, that acknowledge we are now living in very threatening times.
Max Bell
I am waiting for China to suddenly start building a port in Timor
Graham Henzell
Max Bell were the Chinese not building a ‘Fishing Port’ in Torres Strait New Guinea where there are not any fishing grounds?
Douglas Turnbull
Graham Henzell sounds fishy to me …
Max Bell
There was media talk of the Chinese building a port but the NG government decided against it (For the time being at least).
Torres Strait does send a lot of live Lobsters to SE Asia.
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Darryl Cooper
So , one could safely say “ a leopard doesn’t change his spots”. Well done on this Doug.
Kenya Lowther
An excellent piece regarding Putin and the Ukrainian war, and evil deeds done nationally and internationally on his orders. He is an evil excuse for humanity, and it amazes me that people on here DEFEND him and his actions. I also would not doubt, for a nanosecond that Russia and China are in collusion over this. On a kinder note, what is Mr Kilmouski’s opinion on this”
Douglas Turnbull replied·
1 Reply
Ken Price
As always Doug, you have a wonderful way of digging deep to find the truth. Ever thought of becoming a barrister ???
Can’t wait for Kilmouski’s incisive views.
Geoff Westcott
Ken Price also agree – what is Colonel Kilmouski thoughts?
Douglas Turnbull
Geoff Westcott Colonel Kilmouski is due back soon from a secret mission in Ukraine. I am hoping that he will permit me to publish his report.
Geoff Westcott
Douglas Turnbull I have top secret clearance from…….my lips are sealed
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Shirley Duncan
It is beyond comprehension that this murderer many times over still is in power Just shows what a sad World we live in I have had to stop watching the news every night on what is happening in the Ukraine All of your articles are so interesting to me though as I know you would have to be putting up the truth.
Douglas Turnbull
Shirley Duncan I suppose I say too much on Facebook, but I cannot sit quietly by when evil is abroad, and we are facing our current trials and tribulations. Hope all is well with you.
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Hugh Forrest
Makes any holiday book reading superfluous Douglas Turnbull! Well researched and most enlightening!
Douglas Turnbull
Hugh Forrest Mr Kilmouski wrote it, I only signed it.
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Paul Frost
Douglas Turnbull. here is a link to Navalny’s doco if you havent already see. It’s very informative. Not only was Putin behind Magnitsy’s torture/murder but Putin also stole about $150m from the Russian State in doing so. This was because the State approved M’s tax deduction claim (Russia’s largest until that time) a day after it was lodged and without any adequate supporting docs. The refund was of course diverted to bank account under control of P. I am reminded that just before his death Yeltsin said that grooming his protoge Putin was the largest mistake of his life. Up until that time Putin had managed to fool everyone including Yeltsin that we was a democracy lover.
Дворец для Путина. История самой большой взяткиДворец для Путина. История самой большой взятки
Lindsay Hensby
As soon as the war started in the Ukraine, the Australian government should have started procedures in making us self sufficient. It could not be a coincidence that China decided to infiltrate the Solomon Islands while Russia was invading Ukraine.
While Ukraine was crying out for help the most powerful countries only stood back and watched. Putin’s threat of using nuclear weaponry was very successful in obtaining his freedom to continue his takeover of Ukraine.
My concern is that China, with its advancement towards Australia may use the same tactics as Putin, and we would not receive any help from our allies.
It would be prudent for the Australian government to go nuclear, and have missiles facing the Solomons. In saying this, I don’t believe our defence force would be capable to handle a full on attack by China and once they build a military base in the Solomons, I would assume the CCP would claim the waters and trade routes as their own, in doing this all they have to do is block supply. This is only one reason as to why we should become a self sufficient country.
China and possibly Russia is looking at Australia as a virtual gold mine with our gas, uranium, and many other recourses. Land that can be cultivated for food, cattle, sheep and dairy, everything that they need to survive.
We should be one of the most powerful and richest nations on the planet!
The CCP would look at Australia as foolish and stupid because we don’t use our resources, we buy food and products from overseas instead of growing and manufacturing here, therefore, if we don’t want to use what we have the Chinese will.
There is an old saying, use it or loose it.
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Douglas Turnbull
Lindsay Hensby agree entirely
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Gary Gevisser
Does anyone here know if Douglas Turnbull has an original thought other than his regurgitation of what he picks up from mainstream media?Why is he so hesitant to provide his professional credentials?…/status/1518747809134096385…
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Douglas Turnbull
Gary Gevisser just a thought: perhaps he isn’t insecure
Gary Gevisser
Douglas Turnbull , I think not.He didn’t suddenly become a talker regurgitating what he picked up from the media without realizing that he, Douglas Turnbull was providing them all with comic relief, and the media top dogs of course having no problem in recognizing Nicholas Oppenheimer, his father Harry and his grandfather Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, not to mention Harry directly supervised beginning in early spring 1978 my year long orientation into Big Oil Monopoly (BOM) Banker SA Oppenheimer-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation who owned Wall Street in 1929 when Wall Street-BOM approved Sir Ernest Oppenheimer as ceo of both De Beers and Anglo American Corporation.
The lesson to take from this is when looking for soul mate to spend the rest of your life with, make sure they haven’t fallen into the trap of talking politics or economics unless well schooled in the history of the SA Oppenheimers, and then figuring out that the best source to discuss how best to fix the problems of the world including human greed, jealousy and the such is to book a conference call with me.
@Douglas Turnbull, if you have young children who still seek the truth, do you think they will have trouble following all this, and if not, figuring out who best to ask?
Douglas Turnbull
Gary Gevisser you are surely the most boring conspiracy theorist I have come across. Leave the poor old Oppenheimers alone, they are probably suffering enough in hell without having to read your posts about them. Oh, hang on, perhaps that one of the punishments Old Nick has thought up for them? The Devil must have a wicked sense of humour.
Gary Gevisser
Douglas Turnbull you know that you are fooling no one with your stages of grief.People with little intelligence have great difficulty in feeling stupid ~ MDG
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Gary Gevisser
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