The unconscious cannot claim ignorance
Screenshot 6:59 PM, Sunday, February 27, 2022
Believing that a god fully formed, all knowing without benefit of any sort of learning, all wise without benefit of experience to learn wisdom, all loving with no experience to draw from to know what love is, all perfect with nothing imperfect to compare to to know what perfect is, just by random chance happens to exist made by no thing and no one, consisting of nothing, existing in and surrounded by nothing that then makes everything else from that nothing it exists in and is comprised of is as nonsensical as it gets.
Chris Batten, Brian Foster and 3 others
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ActiveGary Gevisser
What’s infinity?Like
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ActiveChristine Cline
Gary Gevisser your question is irrelevant to my post.Like
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline really? It is perpetual which seems to answer the question of creation.
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ActiveGary Gevisser
If you watch Feynman and examine double split experiment, I think it opens up a new insight. It is a dimension that we don’t understand, will never be able to understand or explain, BUT IT EXISTS.Like
ActiveGary Gevisser
AND they proved it. Watch Feynman.Like
ActiveChristine Cline
Gary Gevisser I have seen it numerous times. It does nothing to show a god to exist. Calling the universe a creation without first showing a “creator” to exist is dishonest. right now the only honest answer is “I do not know”. I prefer honesty to pretending to know.all you did was completely sidestep the things I addressed in my post.
how does a god just happen to exist?
How could a god have known anything before anything existed to gain experience or learn from?
Why would it exist with no intention or mind behind it (for those that insist the universe could not exist without intention, without a mind behind it)?
How would it be able to determine what love is with no teaching?
All the questions people have when it comes to the universe they do not ask of their own god. The rules they demand the universe follow the exempt their own god from. that is special pleading.
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline obviously you didn’t get it. It is a good thing that Feynman didn’t go on about the sun or the photons or electrons trying to prove there is genius at work driving the atoms and making all of naturre that we keep destroying, totally unpredictable.How do you explain the existence of such genius at the core of all life, and yet the mass stupidity of the human?You pride yourself on your high IQ, how come you didn’t figure out on your own the utter stupidity of the GDP economic index, and write about it, instead trying to show that you are an intellectual?
ActiveChristine Cline
Gary Gevisser It is not that I did not get it. It is that you used it for confirmation bias. Trying to put me down does nothing to answer the questions I asked. And it is inane to equate IQ with education. I never claimed to have a phd, a masters, a doctorate or any other college degrees. Science is not my specialty and I never said it was. But I am honest enough to not slap a “god did it” label on what I can not explain BEFORE a god is shown to exist.
As for the GDP not only is it irrelevant to this it also does not reflect a healthy economy. Too low and people are not producing well. But over a certain number what it reflects is not people thriving but people desperate and struggling to survive as they work longer hours and extra jobs just to pay the bills.Like
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Explained ! The Double Slit ExperimentExplained ! The Double Slit Experiment
The super bizarre quantum eraser experimentThe super bizarre quantum eraser experiment
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, furthermore, this is how frustrated people express themselves. It is an outlet for their aggression.Given how obviously General Relativity-Quantum Mechanics is above your pay-scale, why not devote your efforts, full attention, to addressing how you missed entirely the catastrophic GDP index, responsible for the poverty you and a great many others find yourselves; and of course, it is going to get a whole lot worse with the success of the very distracting invasion of the Ukraine.You will do experiment after experiment to prove something that you are not going to be able to prove; namely that the observation by humans using the most sophisticated detectors influences the results; and so why don’t you accept this is the way it is, and use your imagination instead, which is a lot more productive for your wellbeing.
People lack imagination. They want it spoon-fed and they never ask questions.
Moreover, when we have all the tools to stop destroying nature that we are part of, end all the warring, control human overpopulation, end also the mistreatment of the animals we eat who before being killed experience the most horrific life while polluting the air, fresh water, streams and oceans, the people’s ego is simply too big to deal with having been fooled by the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible GDP.
I don’t expect you, Christine Cline to change your ways, but others watching could be all that is needed to start a chain reaction that results in great good; and they would include Elon Musk’s brilliant engineer father, my fb friend, Errol Graham Musk, my fb friend and former client, multi-billionaire South African, Solly Krok, my distant relation Janet Kaplan who I have been having an interesting conversation with today, and let’s not also forget author Marcia Bartusiak, the author of “Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony” and Ms. Bartusiak does now acknowledge that Einstein should have got a Nobel Prize for General Relativity.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline I got the Richard Feynman’s explanation of the double split experiment why other than to distract would you “paper to death” sending me links when you have the clearest thinking physcist Feynman doing such a magnifiscent job?
The complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard FeynmanThe complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline like I said, there is no point trying to prove to someone who is so contradictory.You finally admit that you don’t have the science-math skills to comprehend what Feynman is explaining so well.Without knowledge you cannot build the imagination.
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline on the subject of the GDP, which I am most expert.You write, “As for the GDP not only is it irrelevant to this it also does not reflect a healthy economy. Too low and people are not producing well. But over a certain number what it reflects is not people thriving but people desperate and struggling to survive as they work longer hours and extra jobs just to pay the bills.”Your writings do not show that you know the first thing about the GDP.
Why not start now explaining in simple English that you understand the GDP has nothing to do with whether it is “high” or “low” or anywhere in between, given how it is a totally ridiculous measurement that punishes twice the poor of the world, especially in mineral rich countries like South Africa and the Congo and at the same time confuses all the psueudo intellectuals as well as those bribed to distract who fall into the category of psuedo intellectuals and then some.
ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, it is now 8:25 PM Calif. time, 26 February 2022.I have been providing you a continuous screenshot of our dialogue here on fb messaging, just in case; and of course there are other backups.Your focus on “Prove to me a God exists” is again, clearly a frustration on your part.
You must have thought even though you don’t have a strong science-math-logic background that your being, your atoms cannot possibly come from nothing and yet have such ingenious qualities which no one expresses it seems as well as Feynman, and which you obviously don’t understand otherwise you wouldn’t be so obstinate.
Are you now able to lower your desire to prove that “God does not exist” by focusing on the GDP and how one small South African family, the Oppenheimers and their shills in government managed to fool everyone and when the people get the information they act so irrationally to the detriment of nature that we are a part of?
ActiveGary Gevisser
Let me end this evening’s discourse, at least on my part, by sharing these important words which would be well understood by Einstein and Feynman, both “late talkers” and which I share this wonderful accoutrement:”People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid!” – MDG“Lack of Knowledge-Information-Light-Imagination-Energy, power to change the world, stems from people being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth” – Marie Dion Gevisser
ActiveGary Gevisser
Something to sleep on.Until you have the education you shouldn’t be talking.You have to be in search of the truth.
Observing is a better way of learning. While you are thinking about what question to ask you are not listening; (but then you don’t ask questions, you are thinking of your “comeback”.)
Man makes plans and God laughs.
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ActiveChristine Cline
Gary Gevisser I do not have to prove a god does not exist, just as you do not have to prove that I do not in fact have 4 lizards, a snake a dog and two cats. It is on the one making a claim of existence to prove it.
I write and so have no problem with imagination. Just do not state as fact the existence of something I cannot show to exist.
that you attack so as to ignore what I asked above shows that it is you who does not want to think or focus on facts. You think a universe from nothing ridiculous. I think a god from nothing ridiculous.
As for the GDP I am not a government person, I am not a rich person and I am not a person with power so it is beyond me. I survive for now and that is as good as it gets. Hopes, dreams, goals, ambitions, needs, likes and especially wants are a no go. so ranting at me is useless.
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Christine Cline, pointless discussion.The unconscious cannot claim ignorance.Well done @elonmusk!!…/status/1497945747379081227…
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Gary Gevisser on TwitterGary Gevisser on Twitter
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Title: Enjoying every moment of sexChristine Cline, it is now 8:46 AM Calif. time, Sunday February 27, 2022.1 month and 27 days ago, or 58 days if you prefer, logical thinker Elon Musk made a public announcement, again December 21, 2021, Winter Solstice, “Like Einstein, my God is the God of Spinoza”.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand the genius of either Spinoza or Einstein who knew that applauding Spinoza would piss off both the full of themselves idiot atheists as well as the no less idiot religious who subscribe to scripture like it is the Holy Grail.
It was pure Spinozaesque what Musk did.
You would surely also agree that Musk is more intelligent than you.
He also reads a lot and that is something you clearly haven’t done a lot of because you admit to not being educated, but that doesn’t stop you from talking a lot of nonsense.
So put in the back of your mind that you have the one and only person in the world who has singlehandedly given Big Oil; namely, the governments, the biggest black eye in support of the greatest Jewish rabbi of all time Spinoza, without forgetting that the first Jewish rabbi, Moses supposedly, shared the greatest thought which he attributed to God, “I am …”.
And of course Spinoza was excommunicated by the shills of the Spanish-Portuguese Inquisition which has not ended.
Can you at least praise Elon Musk and/or his father for ensuring that Elon is no anti-Semite and that he can think very clearly on the subject of the most unimaginable order to this universe?
Have you ever thought of training one of your lizards or snakes to play marbles and imagine at the same time that there was no force of gravity, would you see yourself losing weight or eating worse, gaining weight making exercise which is all about staying in the moment that much more of a chore and being that much more a pain in the arse?
Wherever there is “order” there is a cause for that order. The more genius the order such as the forces of nature so well articulated in General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, so your imagination should spark something fantastically supernatural well beyond your imagination that immediately has you humble.
Can you imagine the world as we know it without the discovery of mathematics?
Let me throw out again:
Until you have the education you shouldn’t be talking.
You have to be in search of the truth.
Observing is a better way of learning. While you are thinking about what question to ask you are not listening; (but then you don’t ask questions, you are thinking of your “comeback”.)
Man makes plans and God laughs.
You first began by writing at 6:37 PM last evening “I have seen it numerous times. It does nothing to show a god to exist.”
You were talking about Professor Feynman speaking eloquently on the double slit experiment which if you understood its implications it would drive the hell out of those who don’t want to believe there is “order” to this universe.
You didn’t understand what Feynman had to say, so how in the world can you write, “It does nothing to show a god to exist”?
Such utter stupidity on your part adds weight to the mass stupidity we see vividly having perfect order to it; meaning that all the nonsense is possible to end in the next instant were people to let go of their bad ego all caused by having little knowledge.
For there to be order, it cannot be a random event.
For there to be such mass chaos, mass psychosis of the highest order, it cannot be a random event.
Just in case you have got it wrong, don’t you want your next biological parents even if they are rats to be the most beautiful and the strongest, and to do everything in your power now to make sure that happens by doing the right thing?
Your last comments from last night, “I do not have … me is useless” at 9:03 PM, show clearly that besides for you being boring you get your kicks out of conflict.
“Know their game!” is the short version for my beautiful and super smart wife’s “Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!”; and the short version, which you probably have trouble with, is also her rendition of the human condition.
A physically attractive person, just like any animal provides an edge over an ugly looking person.
Ugly looking people tend to compensate by focusing on the money and the last thing they want to hear is that they have been horribly fooled by the money and in the interim they have let their bodies-minds turn to rot.
You skirted around the GDP by throwing out in your bullshit rant that it is a government thing when that is not the case; and I had already told you that I am an expert in the GDP, originating from my formal economic university studies where I paid very careful attention to what was written in the text books written by Nobel Laureates and the lectures given by the economic professors, without feeling the need to raise my hand and question all the bullshit.
I did look around at the other students who all seemed to be sucking in all the bullshit like it was the sweetest candy.
The Meek With Teeth Shall Inherit The Earth.
Most of those people I will assume today are fat and sick.
It is you who is aggressive, not me.
I tell it the way it is, and let the cards fall where they may.
Nature has total genius written all over it; and most all humans, including you, show the exact opposite.
A beautiful painting begins with negative space as does an ugly bullshit abstract piece of art where the artist is either on drugs like Pollock and/or just into the money that is dished out to the least accomplished in order to further fuck up the minds of the masses.
Right now it is anyone’s call what President Putin is going to be doing next because it is highly unlikely he is going to sit down at a peace table unless he gets the total surrender of the Ukraine, and all its officials either imprisoned to rot in jail forever or killed, more likely killed.
Will he go nuclear or will he be the target of a nuclear false flag attack, is also anyone’s guess.
Again, one should never talk money or politics, and to be clear that would include real estate talk unless you are expert in military economics which is not taught at university or for that matter at the best military academies in the world because then there would be nothing to teach other than getting humans to eat a healthy diet, stop destroying nature and enjoying every moment of sex.
Granted, we all know it is going in one ear and out the next, at least that is the impression you want everyone to have; but it might stick just as it does with everyone else who is quiet.
It will come down to the youth who want to hold on to their looks as long as possible in order to enjoy the greatest sex which is the greatest joy a human can achieve so long as they are healthy.
Will they get the message depends on nothing less than a miracle.
Given how it took a miracle to get us here and an even greater miracle for us to screw everything up when there are solutions to all the problems but those now holding on to their real estate assets like their life depends on it don’t want to have anything to do with being part of the solution, it is simply going to take a miracle.
Im comfortable with that, are you?
The unconscious cannot claim ignoranceThe unconscious cannot claim ignorance
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ActiveGary Gevisser
Brad Awerbuch, Sofiaan Fraval, Lynne Karen Bentel, Alexey Shumeyko, Keisha Whitaker.Like
Aaronn Calhoun
Christine Cline pretty sure this “Gary” dude is a troll. He sure communicates like one. He belittles you, your station, your education, your intellect, and basically everything else about you, all while claiming some sort of moral / or scientific superiority that is all a cover for being what seems to be a completely self-righteous, ego-driven, name-dropping shmuck.Anyway, I liked your post, and it’s too bad it had to be sullied by this yahoo’s nonsensical and immaterial double-speak.Like
ActiveGary Gevisser
Title: Jiggling of atomsAaronn Calhoun your reply some 3 hours ago, “… double-speak” shows that you are most uncomfortable.Missing substance, just calling me bad names “troll… schmuck”, in an effort to diminish my contribution in exposing the ugly of uglies GDP economic index is as telling as deafening silences.
Nothing in political and economics talk is as important as the GDP which governs the pricing of the minerals and the money that President Putin and his oligarchs, in both the east and the west, could have bought up all of Ukraine that they don’t already own, without firing a single bullet.
So why did Putin feel the need to invade?
No less important why didn’t you, in your infinite wisdom, ask that question before vomiting your hatred with yourself on to these airwaves?
Note that not one of those tagged, including the father of Elon Musk, Errol Musk, a very successful South African businessman who hobnobs with the elite of Africa and concentrated in South Africa or Elon’s intimate, Sofiaan Fravel have untagged themselves, and just as easily they could have long unfriended me on fb.
Again given the unmatched in importance GDP, you would have expected the most spiritual of humans to have been the first blessed in recognizing the GDP’s grand scale deplorability versus the money mad hungry who you expect to dismiss out of hand the GDP given how their material wealth assets override all consciousness.
Of course one has to therefore question the authenticity of all those defining themselves as “spiritual”.
Give more thought to how HER would view each of our reaction this very moment.
Think about it. If you couldn’t figure out on your own the moral depravity of the GDP, such across the board blockage demonstrates no less ingenuity as the jiggling of the atoms.
What is your excuse?
You have to have quite the faith in humanity if you believe that a higher power does not exist, and mankind, the oxymoron of all time has proved to be quite the disaster
You knew when writing your drivel that you were not only covering up your double talk with easy to see transparency, but you weren’t doing this Christina Cline any favors.
It is all about you.
My business ever since completing my university economic studies has been “risk assessment” versus what your profile says is your expertise in holistic medicine where most rational people would agree there are as many con-artists as there are in modern medicine.
Most of you are not immersed in nature which would explain why you are so out of touch as you need to be in the cities where the money is concentrated and nature is decimated to make way for real estate development.
What else can explain your poverty of thought?
No doubt you are wanting to make a name for yourself as you attempt to ride my coattails with your ugly writings which speak volumes.
Now if this God, Higher Power or as I prefer Higher Energy Reaction (HER) exists, then you as well as Christina Cline would already be punished.
Her health seems a total disaster.
Her writings also show that she is arrogant, and her quietness made you uneasy; hence you chose to crap all over yourself and her.
What sort of friend pulls off this sort of shit?
What can you say about your own health?
Where do we find your CV?
What specifically have you done to help out this intimate of yours and have you assisted Ms. Cline until it really hurts your pocket book.
Why aren’t you already alongside her getting her healthy food and preparing it?
Show us how really devoted you are to her.
My “risk assessment” skills are geared to helping the poor, defenseless youth not get forced into army boots which leaves those profiting from the plight of the poor with few to no options, but to fall on the sword.
What if it turns out that this is the most unpredictable of times in the history of the human specie as all eyes are on Putin who surely cannot back down?
What skills do you have going forward that you would like for me to help you promote?
Surely you had methodically evaluated all the potential outcomes as you jumped in headfirst?
Aaronn Calhoun
Gary Gevisser I haven’t read your comment because 1) we are not friends, and I don’t owe you any of my time2) I spent plenty of my time reading your response to Christine and I have found your comments to be ultimately trivial due to their consistently pseudo-intellectually superior tone.Good day to you.