Unpredictable Nature – Elon Musk [Screenshot of Musk’s FB wall 23:21 Calif. time; Saturday, October 6, 2018
Yesterday October 5, 2018 at 11:46AM
Subject: Unpredictable Nature [Word count 2736]
Dear Elon Musk,
We have more in common than both of us born and raised in Apartheid South Africa; and where our beautiful mothers played a most important role.
At 12:02pm Calif. time yesterday, I posted the following on my FB group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane:
Elon Musk remains the only person I know who is currently capable of stopping the House of Saud and their backers dead in their tracks and he can accomplish that in the very next instant.
Those 35 words were no less important than the House of Saud writings I posted up on your mother Maye’s FB wall on Tuesday [Oct. 2].
Then total shock as the day drew to an end and I had yet to “wrestle with nature” in this forest where my Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and our world traveler dog Mango spend a lot of time when not traveling abroad, and mostly viewing the ongoing sad state of the world with so much destroyed, all because of the insanely illogical and morally indefensible way the health of the economies of the world are judged; namely the gross Gross Domestic Product index which took strong root in 1934, the year after Hitler came to power, but this Grand Deception Plan [GDP] stems back to the turn of the century when the world’s biggest mineral thieves, my former employer, mostly South Africa based, De Beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] took total control of the world’s mineral resources once securing their drilling monopolist number 1 position, with no equal, no one else even close, thanks to their exclusive diamond tipped drilling bit.
I checked your mother’s FB wall and the House of Saud posting along with the previous posting from the day before, Pretense of Justice, had been removed.
Like all my important writings I had made a backup
Your mother has allowed me to post up on her FB wall since March of this year, a month before our last trip to Europe in mid-April which was only for 3 months but not less dramatic, especially our interactions with the owners of Chateau de la Barre, Menigoute, France, the Dutch van Leeuwen family whose youngest son, Geoffrey van Leeuwen is the outgoing Dutch Ambassador to opium rich Afghanistan who is about to become the Director of north Africa and the Middle East for Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs.
This late spring, early summer trip was unusually short compared to when we started this one of a kind exploration of humanity back in mid-2012, a year after my 3 hour lunch meeting on June 3, 2011 with the financially richest and most powerful American shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esquire who is on several of my FB group chats including my most recent, Review of DDML which began after the administrators of DDML just days ago decided to ban me, and remove all my writings which prove too controversial for those suffering from Poverty of Thought [POT].
The House of Saud writings couldn’t be more precise as well as on point to what you are experiencing.
It smacks of big egos to ignore such important truths which your advisors such as this Mark Cuban have either ignored or they are simply ignorant.
The same, however, cannot be said of your shrewd mother or for that matter anyone who read or will read in the future those time relevant and materially important writings.
The chances of you and your mother not first conversing with one another must be rather low without either of you necessarily figuring in the incredible trail it leaves.
I have read many, if not most of the newspaper reports detailing how the SEC had got you by the balls and that you were left with no choice. I also know that none of them are coming close to revealing the truth; namely, that you were being threatened with total annihilation because the DAAC controlled oil companies including of course the House of Saud would destroy you because you have previously stated articulately that the oil companies are your enemy but fell short in explaining their closeness with the military industry complex of the world and which explains why also the media along with the SEC have not pointed out that the oil companies are getting the most favorable treatment when not having to pay their fair share of the military cost of protecting their oil fleets.
It is in fact only me who has been hammering away at the coziness between the oil companies-weapons developers, both nuclear and conventional, and all the contrived terrorist groups like Al Quaida who perfectly understand how vulnerable is a sitting duck oil supertanker, let alone the fact that at any moment in time there are about 280 of them floating atop the seas; and just one ancient exocet missile could bring great chaos to those profiting from backing all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose.
Nor was it me who designed the ingenious Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad [IMIM] report of the summer of 2007; namely, “Following the Beijing Olympic Games, Al Quaida will launch a series of attacks against the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar” which was shared with me by a top notch Israeli special forces commando from Flotilla 13, Israel’s most secretive and fierce behind enemy lines unit; the same force who a decade before, September 5, 1997 experienced a catastrophic loss with 13 of the 16 commandos killed, mostly the result of a big bomb they were carrying detonating prematurely.
IMIM did not go on to explain that an oil supertanker is no less in size than an oil field which is much easier to protect and nor can an oil field cause as much devastation to the sea life as a supertanker gushing out its belly.
The fact that IMIM at the Office for the Israeli Defense Attache at the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC confirmed with me on November 23, 2007 in the most clever way that this report was indeed theirs, does not diminish the importance of either the report or my pivotal role in getting it out.
Those actions of mine did not win me points with my former DAAC employer.
The fact that the human is increasingly a coward and fearful and at the same time more of a talker than ever, does not have me eager to emulate the spineless.
You on the other hand have been most outspoken in calling upon the citizens of the world to do the right thing; and now you look like, “Another one bites the dust”.
No matter how many more billions and trillions which they will undoubtedly send your way so long as you behave, and Tweeting the world that you are the same person as when you said last Friday that you were going to be defiant and stand your ground, you will only manage to fool the fools who want to be fooled. The rest will know what you know.
Only you know who you are when you look each day in the mirror; and if it is only once a day then you will in all likelihood watch your physical health that determines your mental health have you soon looking like the rest of them; and nor does Bill Gates Jr. look all that great.
The chances are slim to none of you also not being aware of what I have to say about you being set up by the House of Saud who are like any of the DAAC’s puppets including the Apartheid Regime, who you lived under for the first 17 years of your life before first immigrating to Canada, the birth country of your mother who was 2 when she immigrated along with her parents to mineral rich South Africa back in 1950, the same year that the great South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts [1870-1970] passed way; September 11, 1950, exactly 51 years prior to 9/11.
When you “wrestle with Nature-God” nothing is predictable but that doesn’t mean you should have a moment’s fear.
The system of government that the DAAC instituted around the world to hold on to their stolen fortunes while distracting the masses with endless and meaningless debate amongst its politicians who sit on both sides of the isle, of course mocking their constituents to high heaven, was to keep the poor in a constant state of hunger and fear that at any moment they could lose their basic earthly possessions such as housing.
Your decision a week ago today to fight the SEC was the right decision. They don’t have a leg to stand on once you present my irrefutable facts and of course if you can find someone else who has all the critical historical knowledge then still it will be best to have me at your side.
Perhaps your only problem is that you have never really been out in the wild where there are truly ferocious wild beasts like puma who share the exact same trails which we take on a daily basis, coming across the so obvious droppings as well as distinctive large paw tracks of the puma who may be the most cunning and fearless of the large predatory cats.
When you see their very fresh dung full of fur standing there right in front of you, your mind wakes up quickly.
The digestive tract of prey animals is far different, much shorter to that of us humans whose long intestines are only suited for a plant based diet which eliminates all heart disease and of course cancer, and that causes the wild animal predators to not have to wait long before resuming their hunt.
Nor do they simply wait on the trail after doing their business, and nor do they forget what has been fertile hunting grounds.
We have a close neighbor, a most skilled and experienced hunter who only hunts with a bow, and at 30 meters he is deadly accurate as well as super fast when unleashing one arrow after the next, and I have yet to see him miss the bull’s eye.
He is 66, about 6 foot 6 inches, the broadest shoulders, and he has been honing his bow and arrow skills each and every day since he was 13. Of course there have been days when he has been sick but you know that even then he is constantly running through his mind all that he needs to do in order to stay perfectly on top of his game.
Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game ~ Marie Dion Gevisser
He has all sorts of handmade bows and one design dating back to cavemen times; and this long bow, all parts handmade, would be later used by the Romans as well as those who would eventually defeat the Romans with better tactics as well as advances in weaponry.
He only hunts with a bow and arrow. He is going after deer which is also the prized target of the puma.
That brings him into direct competition with the puma who are less easily fooled than the deer who also don’t make themselves an easy target for a hunter who has to be within 30 meters in order for the arrow to pierce its lung, and nor is the danger over.
About 3 months ago, this hunter became the hunted. While in full camouflage fatigue and being motionless for extended periods of time, his only movement his eyes and barely moving his head, he caught the gaze of 220 pound puma, crouched in the bushes 30 meters away and ready to pounce. The human hunter gave out a solid call to ward off the puma who was not about to give up his next meal easily; and the next instant sprang into full attack mode and now only 20 meters that separated this hunter from certain death.
He leapt only slightly forward but this time his huge body frame joined his loud shouts; and it stopped the puma dead in its tracks, turned its head once from side to side and then retreated back into the bushes.
Such drama would have been experienced by a great many humans since we began eating meat but only after first defending ourselves, but surely not something that you think about on a daily basis.
Were I to write all this on Review DDML, you know that there would be some jokster feeling the need to express themselves in some pitiful manner.
The cowards that we see on our travels throughout the world are the exact same as those not only at Review DDML but all my FB group chats including, Reason for being here, which I have neglected for a while given my focus on getting you to stand tall.
Pumas are not scared of man and they can jump 20 feet vertically from a dead start with their prey in their mouths, and while devouring their meal out on a tree limb they continue to get a bird’s eye view of the lay of the land.
So when you next decide to visit a very much open game reserve like the Cleveland National Forest just east of San Diego, don’t be fearful but never forgetting two things; first, the reason there are poor in the world is because poverty is contrived by the biggest gangsters who have names and are the same people who escaped prosecution at Nuremberg; and yes us Jewish people should be the most ashamed given how we were the primary target of both WW1 and its continuation, World War II; and second, the puma doesn’t wait long after its last meal, usually deer which of course are also common here, the same with the coyote who are constantly trying to entice Mango who has been involved with a pissing and poo contest with the coyote, foxes, and the pumas for the past 9 years ever since this most blessed creature came into our lives.
All that I believe is missing from the House of Saud-Pretense of Poverty speech is the great fear that the SEC have of someone like yourself and me raising in a public forum, like a live US Senate investigating committee the question, why would a public corporation have a higher valuation; i.e. multiple of earnings, than a private company run by its owners who are less likely to be bribed, and who are focused on improving efficiencies, rather than a professional manager constantly looking for the greener grass elsewhere, much like a professional soccer coach who takes their trade secrets to the next gig and why you see increasingly soccer matches looking like the players are robots.
The greatest strengths of us humans in defeating those who want lame defeatists who quickly turn to bullies and whose opinions all come off the tv is our irrefutable knowledge that nature is marvelously efficient, super logical and totally unpredictable at both the subatomic level with electrons flying all which ways but the one you would choose if you could, but you know better, as well in the heavens where the expansion of the universe continues at an accelerating pace in defiance of the most fundamental physical law of nature; namely the forces of gravity which cannot be seen but its impact fully observed and the large heavenly bodies parading in front of us like an amusement park merry-go-round, the horses going up and down, but we know where it is all going to end up as the children can’t get enough enjoyment of this ingenious and safe pleasure preparing them so well to one day riding a horse in full gallop for which nothing, not even being in a Formula one race car comes even close – at least that is my opinion from having driven, not a Formula 1 vehicle but something even more exhilarating, a precision engineered Ducati ST4S crouch rocket, and still not close because the rhythm of the horse gallop is almost too beautiful to behold until you see the damage on the racetrack which brings one down to earth with a thud.
Why wait for part 2 when you already have enough in motion to dazzle them spellbound.