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Unsure what I can do with the information

I saw the movie Green Prince, what makes you think Israeli military intelligence internal security, Shin Bet, were unaware of the torture by Palestinians on Palestinians held in Israeli prisons?
  • Gary Gevisser Mr. Hassan Yousef, one of the people posting on your wall in support of you is Digger Paul Bernstein who apparently didn’t see my question to you but I shared it with DPB over FB messaging.

    His reply, “How could they possibly know?” did not show up on
    your wall because again it was only on FB messaging.

    I quickly asked Mr. Bernstein, “Did you not realize it was an Israeli prison?”

    What I believe is important, is not what else Mr. Bernstein had to say but his first response, “How could they possibly know?”

    Mr. Bernstein, like most only know what they are told to believe on the TV.

    But you are different. 

    How could you not be aware that this prison which had Palestinian inmates torturing other Palestinian inmates was an Israeli prison housing Palestinian inmates?

    Did I miss something in the documentary?

    I really don’t think so.

    What if in fact I did not miss anything but everyone else interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict missed it just like Mr. Bernstein?

    Would you conclude that everyone is just as bright as Mr. Bernstein?

    If it turns out that I am right and you were wrong in asserting that the loud radios of the Palestinians torturing other Palestinians using burning plastic dripping on to their skins which is a most unpleasant thought I think you would agree which is why you make such big mention of this torture device, fooled Israel’s Shin Bet, what else could be catastrophically wrong with your thinking or do you think there simply cannot be anything worse than you thinking that the torturing fooled the Israelis?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser how dare you try to put me down for respecting a man who puts himself in danger, I’d like to believe it’s true that there are good people out there, not everybody has to believe you just because your well-educated, it doesn’t make your theory right, you said to me that Hitler did some good I asked you what good he did and you replied Art, I think that just about sums you up,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, you know that you are already in the big shit you dug for yourself just because you let your ego get in the way.
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    • Gary Gevisser Einstein’s writings may not be totally accurate, unlike 2c ME in reverse is well beyond most humans imagination and it also happens to be true.

      But for those such as yourself who concede that you don’t have much knowledge because that is what educatio
      n provides and yes there is a lot of bad education but I have been giving you a good education and you are simply resentful, it is important to note that the less knowledge you have the bigger your ego.

      Now let’s come back to my earlier posting that was another response of mine to your attempts to distract from you feelings of totally stupid just like Billy Jacobs and many others.

      This hyperlink

      should take you to AMAZING TOOL [Word count 42]
      Gary Gevisser
      Gary Gevisser

      Gary Gevisser

    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, can you explain why you asked me earlier today the question, “? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation”?

      What was your thinking behind it, and what did you think of my answer?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Why don’t you fuck off an spew your hate elsewhere,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, let me repeat for the 3rd time today what I first sent you via FB messaging this morning at 8:59 Calif. time:

      How do you explain to your fellow workers what got into your mind that you would even attempt to twist the Hitler exam

      Other than you hate yourself terribly for “How could they possibly know…” when in fact you had so bought into Mosab’s bullshit story that you considered it totally impossible for Israel’s Shin Bet to know what was going on in their maximum security prisons.

      Let’s try this on all the people you hold in higher regard than me, such as those who work below you at R[olls] R[oyce] which is pretty elitist and Im sure all their owners would follow this.

      You are Golan Ben Itzhak who I have spoken with previously on other matters, and you hear the radio turned up load [sic] and all your cameras as well as other spies amongst the Palestinians have shut down for the siesta or another religious festival, and because you are reading Penthouse Magazine just for the photos of nude women you are totally distracted but then the next day when you find either the tortured victim now in hospital and possibly not going to be able to survive his burns [or dead], you recall the loud music played from a radio.

      But still you are so taken by the photos you put both incidents in the back of your mind and you continue reading Penthouse again just for the photos.

      After a week of jerking off around the clock 12 burned bodies show up; and something inside your brain says, “We should investigate why our spies and cameras are not working and see if there is any connection with the loud noise coming from the radio which is not always played at such a high volume because the people could end up dead?”

      And you are now saying that I just have a “theory” that Shin Bet knew what was going on and the rest of you geniuses have the right story because you heard Mosab saying it in the movie and no one else in the media who you trust so much has picked up on it.

      One of the ways not to hate yourself so much is to admit they fucked heavily with not only your brain but all the rest who watched the documentary and came away thinking the impossible.

      Do you really need the wrong crowd to support you; doesn’t it make you feel even worse that there are so many of you?

      In order to fully put this very important subject to bed, have you figured the right answer to your subsequent question which you hate because you have the answer, ” ? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation”?
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    • Gary Gevisser I see Pierre Menard has given approval.

      Is there anyone else?
    • Gary Gevisser Diana MerrillEwelina KałużnaRoma RevillHedimi Islam IslamMichelle B Dagan daughter of very brave 37 year old Meir Max Bineth who committed suicide on December 21, 1954 in an Egyptian cell rather than give the Egyptians the pleasure of hanging him in public; and no less important, Bineth was turned by an Israeli military intelligence officer responsible for setting up the false-flag operation and this turncoat simply did it for the money.
    • Gary Gevisser Who amongst you wouldn’t sell out your mother, father, brother, sister, first cousin, second cousin, third cousin, fourth cousin, sixth cousin, 20th cousin, 10,000th cousin, etc etc for the money?
    • Shawn West Gary Gevisser I agree Gary that humanity has sunken to a pitiful state. I will stand and say I would sell no one out for money. Life has been commodified by the predator class, but I know the truth. Life is priceless and every soul has the right of self determination in my eyes.
    • Gary Gevisser Shawn West, in which case, let me put the hypothetical to you.

      If you are faced with spying on the enemy and if you don’t you entire family will be killed, will you spy on the enemy even if there is no money bonus for you?

      Another hypothetical.

      If you know that one banking-mining institution who has controlled the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century, not only controls the pricing of the money each of us barters with mostly, but they also back all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose, what would you say to the person who comes calling “If you don’t spy on the enemy or get one your family members to spy, your entire family will be killed”?

      Mr. West, you must have noticed how very deafeningly silent are the rest of the talkers and you know that Mosab Hassan Yousef has to be following this intensely and knowing that if he removes these posts, it would at a minimum reflect horrifically on him.

      Had you previously seen the documentary?

      Are you going to get other FB friends of yours to join this conversation by tagging them?
    • Gary Gevisser All those people I just tagged, just like those previous, were online at the time.
    • Shawn West Gary Gevisser most of my friends don’t have this interests. I haven’t seen the documentary. 🤔 maybe I should. Pretty pitiful that some people resort to such measures though.
    • Gary Gevisser Note that Lisa Stewart untagged herself at the same time unfriended me. 

      Harold Kravat untagged himself but he remains a fb friend.
    • Johan Rabie Gary Gevisser I dont understand your post are you for israel or against israel.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Johan Rabie he calls himself Jewish but tells me Hitler did some good!!! When I asked him what good did he do, his reply was ART, he’s no better than a radical spewing his hate, I can guarantee you that if we was face to face and I said stop now I’ve heard enough, he would stop for sure, I can promise you that, he’s a sad lonely over educated bully who needs to be removed, how dare you brag about people removing there post and name people who think differently to your twisted self, you should be ashamed of yourself for even mentioning its name with he did some good,
    • Gary Gevisser Johan Rabie, all my posts as well as my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post beginning on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich are in pursuit of the truth.

      It is not enough to say you either support
       or don’t support Israel because there are a great many people who say they support Israel but they profit from war and see peace as war on their profits; and that includes a great many Jewish people both in Israel and those living elsewhere.

      The desire to keep the conversation to a simple “For” or “Against” plays right into the hands of the warmongers who know perfectly well that we could have peace throughout the globe were it not for the fact that war and other contrived chaos hide the dirty tracks of the manipulation of the money which the people have never questioned, at least not seriously.

      This I know not only from my university studies but when first beginning my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia De Beers-Barclays

      who are much more than anti-Semitic, for they are the primary cause of all the heartache in the world, their head Harry Oppenheimer confirmed that the people don’t question without me then feeling the need to respond, “So you must be mighty proud of yourself for being so wildly successful”.

      Mr. Rabie, have I answered your question sufficiently well? Do you have other questions?
      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

    • Gary Gevisser I am now reposting Billy Jacobs’ posts which he removed here as well as on Gavin Ferrier‘s wall:

      At 4:38 PM, Sunday March 31, Billy Jacobs responded right after I posted up, “Note that Lisa Stewart untagged herself at the same time unfriended me. Haro
      ld Kravat untagged himself but he remains a fb friend.”

      Billy Jacobs round and about 80 words:

      With a tribe 14 million strong , 7 million in Israel ,swimming in a sea of 7.4 billion people of which 1.5 billion are Muslim perhaps one ought to focus entirely on the peace safety and security of the citizens of Israel first second third and fourth.Until that situation has occurred who gives a flying fuck about a bunch of terrorists who seek nothing more than the conquest of the State of Israel and the extermination of all it’s people?

      My response followed at 5:14PM [scroll down]:

      Billy Jacobs, you are hiding and intentionally distracting. This is not the first time…
    • Johan Rabie Gary Gevisser I dont read your post,s you talking comments on this is closed.
    • Gary Gevisser Johan Rabie how can you not have read my response to your question?

      Was it too lucid for you?

      Whoever is in control of this website has started to remove my postings but just enough to confuse a new viewer.

      That tells me my message is getting through clearly, just like your response.

      Where would you like me to post this or would you like for me to email you a backup?

      You are all hiding from the same very important truth.

      Given the importance of my response to you “For or against Israel”, I have now posted it up on the BLOG.

      and you will see how quickly it is updated.
    • Gary Gevisser Johan Rabie in preparing the backup for posting on my BLOG I noticed that you went to the trouble of editing your response to my reply to your question and my reply at least as good as the first sentence in my first article published in the Jerusalem Post which not only the editor/s perfectly understood but so would any reasonable person, albeit what I wrote was the most controversial writings in the history of the Jerusalem Post and which I know for a fact because I personally spoke with the most knowledgeable people both inside and outside of Israel who were alive at the JP’s beginnings.

      Your original post reads, “Gary Gevisser I dont read your post,s you talking commentson this is closed.”

      So all you did was provide a space between “comments” and “on”, as if you want to demonstrate your attention to detail and accuracy which does not compensate for your nonsense.

      Just like you didn’t find fault with my 4 very precise articles which I knew, as did my parents, would bring out the knives from all quarters including my 3 elder siblings and great many cousins, fair weather friends etc, you couldn’t find a counterargument to my “For or against Israel”.

      You all, and that includes all those I have tagged and are just silent voyeurs don’t like most of all that you have missed entirely the source of the Arab-Israel conflict.

      Should it turn out that not a single other human soul is different to the rest of you, it really cannot be all that comforting.

      Moreover, and not to diminish the importance of the previous paragraph, if it turns out that there is a Higher Energy Reaction [HER] that created this almost unimaginable game, then if you expect to be rewarded when it ends or for that matter in the interim you have to be mad.
    • John Scott Don’t go mad yet, please not before we have finished this discourse, for that would be madness without even considering what madness is all about!
      Get a grip on yourself brother, you are no more mad than I; just a bit crazier than you probably ‘imagin
      e’ yourself to be
      I read most of your comments and it appears to me that you are no more a separate part of the smile gazing down; perfect teeth; eyes wandering around in perfect harmony, than all the visions that I dreamed of,since a little boy
      Remember, we all have a long way to go
      You too
      Take it easy
    • Gary Gevisser John Scott why do you feel the need to talk without contributing anything other than confusion to the discussion?

      It is you who is going mad, not me.

      So lets keep it civil. Have you seen the documentary?
    • John Scott Only Your documentary !
      it sucks!
    • Gary Gevisser John Scott, I saw that when you first posted up on this wall you simply placed a question mark, is that correct?

      Are you really in need of that much attention?

      What was so difficult for you to figure out what this is all about?

      I have never produced a documentary. 

      I certainly didn’t produce The Green Prince.

      What if it turns out that you are an excellent representative that the scoundrel officials have produced, wouldn’t you still want to break out of the mold?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser What is it that you clearly don’t see ?  
      We don’t have to agree with you ffs, please feel free to call me if you want to carry this on any longer on the number I gave a couple of days ago, don’t be afraid to speak me like a proper man would, I could understand you not wanting to face me like a proper man would, your nothing more than a keyboard worrier, a cyber bully coward,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein as you can see by scrolling down I have updated on this wall our FB messaging dialogue which ended with me writing to you at 4:22 PM Calif. time which was 4 minutes ago the following:

      You have my word, I will not listen to what y
      ou sent me for at least another week, 7 days. To be clear, there is no possibility I will willingly hear your voice before then.

      So you understand. I can see that your message is 29 seconds long. But the thought of actually hearing your voice is a pain that I will not let my brain endure.
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein Those 67 odd very precise words were 35 odd words more than the first sentence of my first of four articles published in the Jerusalem Post on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the treason pardon of Jewish American-Belgian terrorist financier Marc Rich:

      The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

      The 32 words above were not praising either outgoing President Bill “De beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton or Marc Rich or all those who had hand in this major fucking disaster, which did however end up shining the brightest of spotlights on Marc Rich, all thanks again to both my writings…/

      and the decision by the Jerusalem Post’s editor/s who most likely first consulted with MIMI [Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence] ahead of the decision to publish unless MIMI got to the editor/s first and told them emphatically; “What next comes through from Gary Gevisser you are to publish immediately.”
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, after you just sent me your last repetitive crying smiley face, I decided to block you permanently on FB messaging.

      You can, and should continue to post up here if you feel that will help you with your anger, hatred of yourself 
      which again I perfectly understand and I have also tried my best to help you out of your misery, or you can email me directly, and I will then send you a backup of everything.
    • GIPHY
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein who can I write to at Rolls Royce to share the 5 Stages of Grief?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser please everyone,😂please let us all no how you get on 😂 why are all your so called FB friend’s responding to all of the tags ffs, wake up an smell the fuckin coffee knobhead, there laughing at you FFS,😂 let me give you a little advice you over confident little knobhead, trying to bully people who you obviously think are below yourself will only come back at you one day fella, some say its sometimes with a bit of a bite, by fuck would I like to be a fly on the wall to see it happen!!! NOT fella, WHEN !!! You’re nothing but a little wanker and believe me when karma bites it’s going to bite you fuckin hard, really really hard,  😘
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein I see that you are now into Karma and I agree it is real

      Just because you use the word and wish to feel that you have the power of a Witch Doctor, you must try hard not to forget that whoever powers the karma the same with the r
      est of the universe and let’s just call it HER (Higher Energy Reaction) it must be HER who had you so stupid as to think that it was not possible for the Israelis to know that Palestinians were torturing their fellow Palestinian inmates in Israeli prisons.

      Such level of stupidity may very well exist amongst all your supporters.

      Do you know of anyone other than me who disagrees with your assessment?

      Do you think someone who lies generates good karma?

      Do you see what a wonderful job you are doing in drawing attention to Mosab being either very unintelligent or he was purposefully lying?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser stop it now FFS knobhead,  😂 our Mosab yousef is and always will be our hero,  🇮🇱👍
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  • Gary Gevisser Billy Jacobs, you are hiding and intentionally distracting. This is not the first time.

    You would also agree that when you were in my sister Kathy’s high school class you were not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    It is important that we now look at what could have possibly caused you to come out of shell now that you were tagged earlier in the conversation I was having with Gavin Ferrier on his wall which began with Gavin sharing a quote from Ayn Rand whose books you may have read but I’m quite certain you didnt understand them as well as me or for that matter her backers.

    The hyperlink above takes you to those important writings which are no less important than this.

    Bear in mind, Mr. Jacobs it was not you, because it was me, who had all 4 of my articles relating to the expansion of terrorism following the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich, published in the Jerusalem Post beginning on Feb. 1, 2001, 12 days following Bill “Rhodes-De beers Scholar” Clinton on his final day in office granting the Rich pardon.

    You also have no business distracting from the importance of this conversation which is about Mosab Hassan Yousef being either mistaken or he is lying when leaving his audience with the impression that Palestinians held inside Israeli prisons and tortured by other Palestinians went unnoticed by members of Israel’s Shin Bet.

    In the posting of Gavin Ferrier’s wall you were specifically identified as one of my 19 odd FB friends who are FB friends with Sidney Lazarus whose parents, the most visible Jewish Kapos-sellouts in our Durban Jewish Community [South Africa] were only friendly with fellow Jewish South African Kapos and the rest of us knew to keep our distance.

    As best I recall your parents were one of the many best friends of Gunter “The Pig” Lazarus who taught all his children beginning with his only son Sidney what is expected of a Jewish Kapo.

    It is also my understanding, and I could be wrong, that you used to work for The Pig Lazarus. I have also previously asked you that question, and you have not responded.

    What if it turns out that there are a great many of us who profit from war on the poor and the idea of making it all a religious thing is only a distraction, then could you see yourself doing everything within your power to distract?

    The Lazarus clan of Durban North and their closest friends were all filthy rich because they served loyally the Apartheid Regime.

    Another of the Lazarus clans’ closest friends were the Essakow family and you are best friends with both Roy and Jeffrey Essakow?

    Do you wonder why I get such uphill from the friends of Roy Essakow who because of his immediate family’s loyalty to the Jewish Kapo Gunter The Pig Lazarus got a very cushy job in Zug, Switzerland working for Marc Rich.

    Granted you were having great difficulty getting through your school homework which doesn’t mean you are incapable of watching a game of professional soccer while no less glued to your handheld computing device whereas when I figured out before I was 12 that if you want to make sense of how the real dog eat dog world worked, you simply had to follow the mineral resource trail which quickly led to the money trail.

    By the time I was 15 years of age and on Ulpan-Gadna training at Mossad head David Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker, it also made logic to me to examine all the holdings of the richest and most powerful person on the planet, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who was not only correctly labeled by TIME MAGAZINE in their January 27, 1961 edition, SOUTH AFRICAN INVADER…/article/0,9171,826828,00.html

    but in 1956, 5 years earlier, Engelhard Jr. who was the “muscle” behind equally virulent anti-Semite and racist German-South African Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000], squeezed out the extraordinarily weak Rothschild family in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which my immediate family started while holding on to technical and administrative control.
    Gary Gevisser
    Gary Gevisser

    Gary Gevisser

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  • Gary Gevisser 11 odd years later, 1967, Engelhard Jr. through his Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation purchased Philip Bros. where Marc Rich worked.

    Do you have any more questions for me Mr. Jacobs?

    I see that you have just responded on Gavin Ferrier‘s wall. 

    Nice if you can stay longer with us.
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  • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser how dare you try to put me down for respecting a man who puts himself in danger, I’d like to believe it’s true that there are good people out there, not everybody has to believe you just because your well-educated, it doesn’t make your theory right, you said to me that Hitler did some good I asked you what good did he do, His reply was Art,  
    I think that just about sums you up you annoying over educated little ****, a proper keyboard warrior
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, I’ll repeat what I wrote a minute ago, “Can you explain why you asked me earlier today the question, “? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation”?

      What was your thinking behind it, and what did you think of my answer?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser I don’t give a flying fuck what you think trying to bully because your obviously very well educated, you come on here spreading your spew on your belief without evidence you condemn the people who respect him for his none selfish brave actions, ? 

      Why don’t you make your own video and tell it your way ffs, 
      Let people make their own mind up you horrible sad little twat,  
      Now for the last time Gary, your far to clever to bother with someone like myself ok,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein let’s first come back to what I wrote you last evening on FB messaging at approx 9:51pm Calif. time and then we will focus on what has you and a great many others so disturbed, all the while Mosab is very quiet:

      The Hitler conver
      sation began with you stating “Why can’t you just see the good in him [Musab].

      It not enough to just look at the good, especially if the reason Musaf gives to working with the Israelis is a bunch of bullshit. That means he is a liar.

      So I came back to make the point that one could even look at Hitler and find some good. It is not the whole picture though.

      Again, the record is very clear.

      I am very proud of my position and so I repeat again for you who has trouble clearly with keeping track of your thoughts in a logical manner hence “How could they possibly know”/

      What if Mosab was lying in order to fool you and most others, would you still say “Why can’t you just see the good in him?”
    • Gary Gevisser Title: The wrong crowd

      Digger Paul Bernstein, those 140 words had you eating your words about Hitler directed at me and at 9:52pm you responded after I repeatedly reminded you of your initial words, “How could they have possibly know”; again your words:

      Who did you say posted your post jpost? Like I said cyber bullying isn’t something the media take kind to,  🤪 see ya,

      Your 23 odd words had you changing the subject to my 4 articles published in the Jerusalem Post, and all about those who promote and profit from terrorism as they focused on the treason pardon of terrorist financier Marc Rich:

      Articles, not posts.…/letters-published-by-the…/

      Then at 9:55 PM I followed up:

      Will you at least admit that you feel foolish for having written:

      How could they possibly know

      How could they possibly know

      How could they possibly know

      How could they possibly know

      At 10:08 PM you responded without you forgetting that your defensive posture was to go on the attack and label me, “cyber bully”:

      07976708441 UK, my mobile please feel free to at least talk instead of being an annoying keyboard warrior, how could they possibly know!!! I stand by 100%, it’s a game of cat & mouse in every jail in every country, as hard as the system tries to deal with illegal activities the drugs phones beatings murders will continue unless they are all put on lockdown, sorry for the delay I’m dyslexic remember, oh and by the way I have 14 man under me 11 items of plant and I’m 24/7 in Rolls Royce, so i’ve not done that bad either Gary,

      At 10:11 PM I replied to your 101 odd words:

      So you are saying that in every jail/prison the authorities know what is going on?

      I understand you are trying to distract with the “lockdown” going off on a tangent.

      So then why did you act so surprised when writing “How could they possibly know?”

      At 10:14 PM you responded:
      Absolutely impossible for them to know everything that’s happening unfortunately so again, how could they possibly know everything, it’s a fact kill their own, what does it matter where they do it to you ?

      At 10:19 PM I replied to your 34 words:

      So you are saying that the world’s best intelligence network would be fooled by a loud radio in their highest security prisons?

      What if I told you that I have personally spoken with the most senior Mossad-Israeli military intelligence [MIMI] and they all say that is impossible.

      Now if you want to argue that during these torture of Palestinians by Palestinians in Israeli prisons, all the Shin Bet officials [like] Gonen Ben Itzhak all do heroin and then sober up immediately once the torture ends, I can understand that.

      Why do you go to the movies?

      Let’s say you make a couple of hundred million pounds a year, have you ever considered yourself stupid?

      If [you] could, would you like to take back your words, “How could they possibly know… “Why can’t you just see the good in him [Musab]… ? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation”

      Do you think before you write?

      Dont you have to get up soon for work?

      As far as Im aware dyslexia has nothing to do with thinking?

      At 10:26 PM you replied:

      Until I see otherwise I’ll stick to how I see it thanks, torture unfortunately goes on all around the world fella, greed power and religion, and then there is Israel in the middle of countries that want nothing more than the complete destruction,  
      I’m already up it’s nearly 6.30,

      At 10:27 PM I responded:

      So you are saying that the world’s best intelligence network would be fooled by a loud radio in their highest security prisons?

      At 10:29 PM you replied:
      So everyone believe in how Gary says ok 😂 brilliant 😂👌👍

      At 10:29~10:35 PM I responded:
      Do you not understand that Mosab’s whole argument for ratting out his father has to do with his belief that the most savvy, of Israel’s military intelligence officers were fooled by the loud radios?

      You forget you[r] customary lol that you use to try laugh off your stupidity.

      Yes, your dyslexia does not get in the way of you perfectly understanding that Mosab’s whole argument is total bullshit, and because it only takes the least amount of common sense you feel the most horribly stupid.

      Hope your day improves.

      At 10:41 PM you wrote:
      I’m glad I’ve been here for you, try not to think about it to much fella, hate is a horrible thing, sweet dreams

      Less than half an hour ago, at 8:59 AM today, April 2, I replied:

      How do you explain to your fellow workers what got into your mind that you would even attempt to twist the Hitler example?

      Other than you hate yourself terribly for “How could they possibly know…” when in fact you had so bought into Mosab’s bullshit story that you considered it totally impossible for Israel’s Shin Bet to know what was going on in their maximum security prisons.

      Let’s try this on all the people you hold in higher regard than me, such as those who work below you at RR which is pretty elitist and Im sure all their owners would follow this.

      You are Golan Ben Itzhak who I have spoken with previously on other matters, and you hear the radio turned up lo[u]d and all your cameras as well as other spies amongst the Palestinians have shut down for the siesta or another religious festival, and because you are reading Penthouse Magazine just for the photos of nude women you are totally distracted but then the next day when you find either the tortured victim now in hospital and possibly not going to be able to survive his burns [or dead], you recall the loud music played from a radio.

      But still you are so taken by the photos you put both incidents in the back of your mind and you continue reading Penthouse again just for the photos.

      After a week of jerking off around the clock 12 burned bodies show up; and something inside your brain says, “We should investigate why our spies and cameras are not working and see if there is any connection with the loud noise coming from the radio which is not always played at such a high volume because the people could end up dead?”

      And you are now saying that I just have a “theory” that Shin Bet knew what was going on and the rest of you geniuses have the right story because you heard Mosab saying it in the movie and no one else in the media who you trust so much has picked up on it.

      One of the ways not to hate yourself so much is to admit they fucked heavily with not only your brain but all the rest who watched the documentary and came away thinking the impossible.

      Do you really need the wrong crowd to support you; doesn’t it make you feel even worse that there are so many of you?

      In order to fully put this very important subject to bed, have you figured the right answer to your subsequent question which you hate because you have the answer, ” ? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation”?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Give me facts or fuck off,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein you asked me the same question on FB messaging. So my question is, “Facts behind my “theory”?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein What fuckin part of i’m not interested in your theory twat don’t you understand, ,, stop trying to force your views on others ok, just because you’re well-educated doesn’t mean you can bully others who think differently from your twisted theory, now stop trying to be a master of propaganda you cowardly little twat,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, you will have read my response to Johan Rabie just a minute ago and which is now posted up on my BLOG

      along with the others covering this very important subject…/

      Like many, you don’t want to deal with the truth that you were horribly fooled by Mosab Hassan Yousef and/or the screenwriter for The Green Prince who led you all to believe that by turning up the sound coming out of the radios in Israeli high security prisons holding Israel’s most dangerous Palestinian terrorists as well as informers, the Palestinians torturing to death using burning plastic other Palestinians they considered collaborators with Israel’s Shin Bet who created the entire prison structure to gather intelligence on their most trusted informers, managed to fool people like The Green Prince’s handler Gonen Ben Itzhak as well as his superiors.

      You are so troubled that you have stopped calling on your dyslexia as an excuse and have resorted to incomprehensible foul language.

      That does not deter me from remaining calm and collective as much as it might disappoint you and possibly the great majority of the current human race.

      Never forget however that it is very difficult unless you are offering bribes to convince others of your bullshit.

      Ever since you first wrote me on FB messaging, “How could they possibly know” and I simply reminded you that all the Palestinians that Mosab Hassan Yousef was referring to in his movie/documentary The Green Peace were being held in an Israeli prison you have been going increasingly nuts.

      Now you are calling him Sir Mosab Hassan Youself in your writings to me on FB messaging.

      Nor have you forgotten that you provided a glimpse of light when you correctly questioned, “? Tell me Gary! why would he turn against his own fathers organisation” 

      There is this thing called money, and once you take it as bribe and it is a bribe when you are asked to do something that you and the person bribing you know to be wrong, you inevitably make mistakes and the mistakes compound themselves and before long you reveal the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

      Cutting and pasting Wikipedia – Mosab Hassan Youself:

      In May 2016, talking to a Jerusalem Post conference in New York, Yousef made a claim that at one time, he was working for, and being paid by, Israel, the United States, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas, all at the same time.

      The fact that you don’t need to be a senior Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] officer to know that all sides, including the United States, want the information on the other side including the terrorists each of them create both individually as well as collectively, does not mean Mosab didn’t turn on his own family for the money.

      My “theory” that Mosab was talking shit when he led the audience of his documentary believe as you did that the Israelis could NOT have possibly known that Palestinians were torturing Palestinians is what every member of MIMI would tell you unless their goal was to fool you.

      So I make it easy; find me one Israeli who would support your theory which is Mosab’s theory that the Israelis were fooled.

      Let me add right now a few Israelis including South African-Israeli fb friends of mine:

      Tomer Tene, Lt. Colonel Israel Air Force, Jeremy Perling, head of Moshav Habonim, Beth Isaacs, official at Israel Ministry of Education, Michelle B Dagan, daughter of 37 year old MIMI officer, Meir Max Bineth who committed suicide in an Egyptian prison on December 21, 1954 rather than be humiliated in a public hanging which was his expected fate after the most brutal torture, all brought about because the most senior Israeli Military Intelligence officer responsible for coordinating the logistics in Alexandra, Egypt in this most important false-flag/covert operation, turned and Avri Elad of course did it for the money while leaving a clear trail that he was the “turncoat” as he escaped the net he helped the Egyptians create around the other heroic figures who didn’t stand a chance.

      Nor did MIMI decide to be heavily vindictive to Elad who MIMI-Aman continued to use for intelligence gathering operations until 1956 when he was caught trying to sell Israeli documents to the Egyptians.

      Isn’t it amazing how the human, including us Jewish people who choose as our God the money, go from bad to worse?

      You can see Hitler/Goebells and many others smiling right now, but still each of us must do what little we can to expose the truth to the light.

      Surely all you talkers can find someone within your ranks to get Musaf to debate me here right now, and let the rest of you move on with your important lives.

      What goes around, comes around with a vengeance.

      Do you think ants who can carry as much as ten times their weight if not more eat as much as us humans, pound for pound?
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, as you know our conversation has continued on FB messaging.

      As you scroll back up, the backup I provided ended with my response to you yesterday, April 2, 2019 at 8:59 AM Calif. Time.

      Below is its continuation:

      TUE 2:00 PM

      Digger Paul Bernstein
      Tell me Gary tell me Gary,  😂 listen and listen good ok,  
      show me facts or fuck off you annoying little prick,

      TUES 2:17 PM
      Facts behind my “theory”?

      TUES 2:25 PM
      Digger Paul Bernstein
      Stick your fuckin Theory where the sun don’t shine ya rat faced little bastard, I much prefer Sir mosab yousif

      TUES 2:49 PM
      You asked me “show me facts..” and so Im politely wanting to enquire, what facts or are so you so falling apart that you can’t make up your mind one moment to the next?

      But I do notice that you refer to him as “Sir”.

      Let’s stick to the more public boards shall we?

      TUE 8:01 PM
      if we could prove that each successive generation was progressively more stupid would it be interesting to see everyone’s reaction?

      How would you react?

      2:56 AM
      Digger Paul Bernstein
      Sir Mosab is 10 of you now go away, you’ll not bully me with your hateful views, just because you’re extremely clever doesn’t mean people will like you, now once again fuck off knobhead

      10:07 AM
      O, so now you are into to people liking you even if you are totally stupid!

      You must be proud being part of the common herd.

      Still we have to go back to what caused you to go off the handle; namely the realization that you have to be totally stupid, which is not an attribute, to conclude, “How could they possibly know”.

      Remember the chronology of your degenerate behavior began soon after you announced your mindset this past Saturday at 11:01 AM Calif. time; again, “How could they possibly know.”

      Right after you told me that you had seen the movie, you attempted to distract me with the most stupid question which I figured was the result of you feeling utterly stupid for having been so emphatic that Israel’s best and brightest intelligence gathering officers, namely Shin Bet, were fooled by the loud radios.

      Let me remind you again of what I wrote to you at 12:18 PM on Saturday; “Do you remember the conversation that Mosaf was having about how the Palestinian prisoners would burn plastic on the skins of fellow Palestinian prisoners who were being tortured for working with Shin Bet and how to mask the sounds of the cries of agony, the the Palestinian leadership turned up the radios?”

      At 12:34 PM, 16 minutes later, you responded, “yes” followed by a question mark, so it read, “Yes ?”

      The point you were wanting to make to me was, “So what is the big deal?”

      You of course had the intelligence to realize that your brain had not served you well in being so absolutely certain that Shin Bet were fooled by the loud radios. So then you hit me with the huge distraction that moved you that much more into the dark.

      A minute later, 12:35 PM, you ask the dumbest, but most telling question, “How do you know my interest in this ?”

      You have dug your heels in so deep that now you want to applaud Mosab with, “Sir Mosab is 10 of you…”

      Why don’t you say that he is your moral guiding light? There is no need for you to compare him to me.

      My God, since you think I am dirt, if not worse, then to say “Sir Mosab is 10 of you” is really not saying much about Mosab.

      You of course are talking to talk because your ego is too big to admit that you have been just like the overwhelming majority of the people who saw the documentary and you also realize, and it is not a comforting thought for you, that the overwhelming majority of the human literate population would also be fooled.

      So do you really like yourself more knowing that all these people will like you more than they like me?

      Let me get this up on to the boards.
    • Gary Gevisser Paul Digger Bernstein, I see that you have posted up again here, approximately 42 minutes ago and where you write, “Gary Gevisser. What is it that you don’t see clearly…” I will respond to that in due course if I see fit.

      In the meantime I will cont
      inue to post here as well as elsewhere on the Internet our ongoing FB messaging dialogue:

      10:17 AM
      Quick edit: You of course had the intelligence to realize that your brain had not served you well…

      1:34 PM
      Digger Paul Bernstein
      [An alien looking smile face and a crying smile face]

      1:38 PM
      Digger Paul Bernstein
      I’ve had enough of you now so go away 🙉🙊🙈 I’ll not be relying to you again ok👋

      1:39 PM

      1:40 PM
      Do you need me to send you a backup of all this including your postings on Sir Mosab’s FB wall? What email address?

      1:42 PM
      I could send them to prospective mutual friends. Is there anyone in particular who you don’t particularly like?

      1:59 PM
      Digger Paul Bernstein
      I know I said I wouldn’t reply anymore I’ve just got to reply this last time, you ask me if there’s only one that I don’t particularly like my reply to that is YOU 😂

      4:05 PM
      For the life of me, and you have told me that I am “extremely clever”, but I can’t understand what you last wrote.

      I also assume that is because either you are stupid which is very different to “extremely clever” and education means nothing if you are an educated idiot which is what most universities pump out, but still at university you learn how to think which is something you could benefit from, or you thought it was smart of you to write me something that I would have an impossible time figuring it out.

      So now you find yourself going that much more nuts.

      If you use more than one cartoon to express your hatred of yourself I will perfectly understand.

      Remember though, before you and I got to know each other so well you were very cocksure of yourself that it was not possible for Shin Bet to know that Palestinians were torturing their fellow Palestinians in their own high security prisons where there are no blind spots, and should anyone mess with the cameras the other cameras will pick it up and in comes the inmate for interrogation.

      How was your day at work today? Did you bring out a mat along with a cross and Torah and pray to your Sir Mosab?

      If so did any of your co-workers think you a little weird?

      4:17 PM
      Digger Paul Bernstein 
      [Sends me a 29 second voice message over FB messaging]

      You have my word, I will not listen to what you sent me for at least another week, 7 days. To be clear, there is no possibility I will willingly hear your voice before then.

      So you understand. I can see that your message is 29 seconds long. But the thought of actually hearing your voice is a pain that I will not let my brain endure.
      Five Stages of Grief by Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler

      Five Stages of Grief by Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler

    Write a reply…
  • Gary Gevisser All of you including Mosab Hassan Yousef, can see that Billy Jacobs removed his writings from yesterday.

    I have a backup which I will repost here. If you want a copy sooner just email me;
  • Digger Paul Bernstein Hmmm what type of party is this Gary Gevisser 🤔
  • Hide 40 Replies
    • Gary Gevisser Subject: Wake up a lot of people

      Digger Paul Bernstein, one of the ways you can help yourself and others you care about, assuming you and they are open to reason, is to figure out if you are overly agitated because you are constantly hungry. 

      People who are constantly hungry are either as thin as a rake because they are dying as you would find in WW2 concentration camps where they are purposely being starved to death or out in the plans of Africa where again they are being purposefully starved to death in order for mining houses to gain easier access to the mineral resources, or they are lacking in nutrition, the result of eating an overabundance of junk food.

      I thought I would first get that out of the way.

      However, if you are as fit as fiddle, what are you doing here behaving so stupidly?

      Like each of us, it is smart when in doubt to always question what you are doing here, and surely it can’t be all about taking up space, eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping, going to the bathroom and then fertilizer being your single largest contribution?

      You are doing a lot of wonderful digging into my video library and you should have recognized from the rooftops that it is being filmed in the streets of Amsterdam as the people celebrated the Dutch clown king’s 50th birthday.

      “How would I know?” which is the first words of the song that my cellphone camera/audio picked up, has a lot to do with me not only listening carefully, but going with the flow of things, which are not only the atoms which make up our bodies-minds, but all the atoms that surround each of us 24/7 and each atom as spectacularly different to the next, and one no less ingeniously designed and operated as the entire construction of the universe, making everything, including shit-heads like you, no less important than the last particles of feces that became airborne after exiting your anus.

      This digging deep into my video library – and please feel free to comment on The Lady’s Speech

      now numbering 1116 independent views – took a great amount of your time, but I know it is not enough to distract from the huge headache you created for yourself when you shot from the hip when most people just shoot themselves in the foot, but it appears that your foot was already in your mouth possibly biting your dirty toenails when nail clippers would have been a better choice all around.

      Furthermore, you were going against the grain of the trillions of atoms both within you and the surrounding universe which is a “good universe” working so hard to steer you in the right direction.

      Instead the “Devil Within You” also took you away from your job at Rolls Royce which you say you are devoted to 24/7 and where according to your writings this past Monday at 10:08 PM, “I have 14 man under me 11 items of plant and I’m 24/7 in Rolls Royce, so i’ve not done that bad either Gary”.

      Anyone who works with their hands and creates beauty is to be applauded; but at the same time your common sense, which you are born with, and a good parent when recognizing such a critically important attribute should do everything within their power to sustain, and why a good parent, which of course is hard to come by, allows such a child to grow free and high from an early age, would tell you that there is not a large corporation on the planet, including Rolls Royce, which has stood the test of time; in other words, who fails to promote people beyond their level competency; i.e. the Peter Principle which is why we have the expression, THE FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD DOWN.

      Now if you are just “barking orders” and using your arms, hands and fingers to simply gesture, I am not suggesting you change jobs immediately to become a bricklayer because the foreman on the construction sight, if he is being sustained by the Peter Principle, would soon have you living above Donald Trump in his Trump Tower New York City penthouse.

      When you are the boss, including the boss of President Trump your underling will do as you tell him.

      What I am suggesting is that anyone who works under you can only benefit from reading our discourse.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Wake up a lot of people

      You are more than likely to empathize, in other words, in all great probability, with all those silent who fail to comment in the comment section of THE LADY’S SPEECH where it helps greatly to read the background I pro
      vide as these arseholes only wish they have a mother like my highly secretive, most wonderful British-English mother Zena who was the most accomplished woman of her generation, and that is rather easy to tell not only from The Lady’s Speech but each one of the 29 odd videos you see of my mother on Youtube.

      That shot in the foot, you achieved at 11:01 AM Calif. time this past Saturday, “How could they possibly know?” we should never stop studying until we are all dead even if world peace and prosperity arrives for everyone.

      Was it just a coincidence how well your 5 odd words rhymed with the song’s words, “How would I know?” or have you been laboring 24/7 to find on the Internet the perfect match?

      Now if it is just a coincidence, and I would agree the match couldn’t be more perfect which is what you would expect with an ingeniously, perfect designed “good universe” which is horrific if you don’t play the game straight, then this joyful moment won’t only last eternally with the two of us, but every living creature, and that includes each and every atom that exists in the universe and that number does not change and it is the same number which was first created some 300,000 years after the start of the expansion of the universe, commonly known as The Big Bang some 13.5 billion years ago, must inevitably feel its good vibes.

      The absolute fact is also that what you were brainwashed to believe, “How could they possibly know?” is what pretty much the entire audience gathered from the documentary, The Green Prince in the most critical section of the documentary which was designed to fool people such as you.

      My question to you earlier on Saturday, at 9:56 AM which precipitated your absolute certainty of mind was of course very clear, “I saw the movie Green Prince, what makes you think Israeli military intelligence internal security, Shin Bet, were unaware of the torture by Palestinians on Palestinians held in Israeli prisons?”

      You have accused me of being “very clever” and your two word comment was not designed to applaud me, but to achieve quite the opposite.

      Your poor, Poverty of Thought [POT] thinking was that I would fail to pick up on your “backhanded slap” that you hoped would get me to back off from all your slyness that followed.

      I never said that Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Idi Amin and the rest of the carefully picked puppets were nice or honorable or anything along those lines because anyone who is a puppet of very evil people cannot do good, even if in the course of their lifetime they are not murdering good, innocent people 24/7.

      Try not to forget my point, if “Sir Mosab” lied and he tells you in the documentary as well as the rest of the world when he gives his speeches which afford him a better lifestyle than those Palestinians burned to death with burning plastic dripping on to their naked bodies including eyes, testicles and nipples, that it was this most violent torture on their own flesh and blood that drove him to get paid by “Israel, the United States, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas, all at the same time” ~ Wikipedia, then what is “Sir Mosab” attempting to hide?

      Again, “Sir Mosab” is either lying or totally stupid.

      I know it would be easy for me to determine if he is hiding.

      I think you already know how easy it would be for you to ask him directly if you have his direct communication or someone who does, but you fear that?

      You would also know that Shin Bet top officials know the truth, the whole truth, and the fact that they are not talking does not mean they disagree with my findings.

      Remember, it is not me who has a bad memory.

      A good memory allows you to think better than those who do not have good minds.

      You are not going to find in the history of the Jerusalem Post more controversial, more accurate writings than my 4 articles condemning the release from prosecution of Jewish American-Belgium terrorist financier Marc Rich on January 20, 2001, by outgoing President Bill “De beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton who in 1968, and a Rhodes-De beers Scholar over at Oxford was provided with the “playbook” of mining-banking monopolist De beers-Barclays, which is again not only common sense, but I was provided with the identical “playbook” soon after beginning my year long orientation into this mafia of mafia.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 3 – Wake up a lot of people

      It should not come as a big surprise the fact that I, not my 3 elder siblings who were raised in the same very good Jewish household which was overseen not only by our one of a kind great parents, but our grandparents as well, and who were the most trust
      ed members of Ben Gurion’s Mossad’s “D” Branch as in “Durban”, South Africa, made it my business to learn everything I could about the “muscle” behind the South African Apartheid Regime; namely German-American, virulent racist and anti-Semite, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] once I learned directly from Ben Gurion that his Mossad decided that there was nothing to be gained by keeping increasingly obese, virulent anti-Semite, anti-Israel, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. alive, given the pivotal role Engelhard Jr. played in the demise of our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970], which I will explain shortly in great detail.

      The most prominent, richest and most powerful person on the planet was Engelhard Jr. and his Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation with ties to mineral rich South Africa going back to when his father of the same name established the giant M & C Corporation in 1902, the same year the Anglo “American” Boer War ended with victory to De Beers and its primary American banker J.P. Morgan, which was also the same year Dunkelsbuhler & Company, a diamond brokerage in London sent future head of De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to South Africa to represent the company as a buyer in Kimberley, where he eventually rose to the position of mayor.

      The acquisition in 1967 by Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation of Philip Brothers, founded in 1901,

      was not kept secret either by Philip Brothers/Phibro or Engelhard Jr., and to this day both entities thrive…/company-news-engelhard-to……/Engelhard…

      Today Simon Greenshields, former co-head of the “plagued” Morgan Stanley, strong ties to JP Morgan, “runs the show”.

      Remember while it is people, men and women who wear monkey suits when playing their role on house of cards Wall Street which is counted on to keep pumping fast talking students of economics out of the top universities, it is a military operation 24/7, no different to when cavemen fought with their neighbors over who had the better accommodation, unobstructed view and prettier wife, and so they just kept piling on the numbers of their respective harems; and today it is no different, you have the President of the United States, no different to the Merkle, May and Macron other than Trump is more of a show off when happy to pay his prostitutes and have them leave rather than having to bother with catfights that could last all night with his wife caught in the middle and the raucous keeping him awake when he has busy things the next day to attend to, such as future talks with the President of China to work out the tariff disagreements which are only about confusing you all that much more.

      An operation like MIMI [Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence] does not have to worry itself with its officials getting caught in downtown Manhattan traffic, plus now having to pay another toll to get into the downtown area, which holds up a meeting behind closed doors of DAAC groups like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley whose puppet principals are singularly focused on presenting an image to the likes of you that they are fierce competitors, when not openly working together to make the most amount of money, and most of all promoting the DAAC’s government currencies and their crypto currencies without ever giving up their unlimited supply of untraceable, never regulated diamond currency.

      But the DAAC do want you to give up your cash purchases and only trust the digital currencies.

      MIMI understand it is all war.

      Economics is all military and nothing to do with how well schooled an economist is at talk.

      So in essence you could easily be coached to become the next Nobel Laurette in economics.

      From the time Ben Gurion left for the second time the offices of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Israel, June 26, 1963 which was the same day DAAC puppet President John Kennedy made his infamous, most disgusting “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech which was not lost for a moment on Ben Gurion-MIMI, he was that much more focused on those Nazis who escaped prosecution at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunals [1946-47].

      It did not require Ben Gurion summoning past sages of the Torah and/or meeting with the Pope seeking his counsel or for that matter any other puppet who controlled a large audience.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 4 – Wake up a lot of people

      Ben Gurion was not running for office when he retired from public office on June 26, 1963, 4 months and 27 days before Kennedy was assassinated, he was singularly focused on preserving the fledgling State of Israel whi
      ch had yet to develop its own nuclear weapons arsenal needed in order to play a decisive hand in anything but “fair trade agreements” with other nations rather than simply invading and raping the country of its mineral resources while allowing the soldiers to run rampant raping the women and children and most of all to achieve the goal of fucking with their heads from which there is no possibility of recovering, barring an Act of God, and then why would God intervene with man behaving increasingly worse when it is so easy to bring peace and prosperity to the entire planet without destroying the planet even more?

      Common sense, which Ben Gurion had in abundance, and which he demanded from all his emissaries who he was able to weed out when they would stop by with a check representing all the money donations they had accumulated from Jewish people throughout the globe, which only showed Ben Gurion that they and those making the money donations were totally stupid, and so Ben Gurion would quickly turn the conversation to finding out from them when they planned on making Aliyah and settling with their families in Israel, and the main purpose of that was when the person with the big check returned to their country and started to tell the strange conversation they had with Ben Gurion then the possibility existed that whoever heard the story would question more and realize for themselves that Ben Gurion was saying something very important which would be picked up by those with common sense.

      If you know that a steel cog is needed in an automobile and that it is that much more important if that automobile plant is being geared up to produce armored tanks for the upcoming war, then instead of talking to your banker such as JP Morgan you speak first with the people who are providing the steel who make the cogs and many other components including the guns, cases for housing the shells and bullets for the tank’s machine guns as well as the high explosive cannon shells.

      When you then determine that these same mining houses; namely DAAC were the principal raw war material suppliers of Nazi Germany as well as Hitler’s principal financiers which is easy to do since your Mossad-Hagannah agents have been positioned throughout the globe beginning well before the official start of WW2, you simply focus your attention and that of your emissaries on the DAAC.

      It would be foolish to go up to either Sir Ernest Oppenheimer or his son Harry or for that matter Harry’s son Nicholas who was only 22 in 1967 and say, “If you don’t stop supplying Israel’s enemies such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait with both weapons of war as well as financing we will have you prosecuted by the World Court in the Hague, Netherlands” because they would either laugh at you or kill you.

      MIMI also know better than to attack ghosts.

    • Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and beard
    • Gary Gevisser Page 5 – Wake up a lot of people

      Remember in 1967 all Israel had at the start was the Russian MiG 007, captured in Operation Diamond which ended on August 16, 1966, and that was not a nuclear weapon and nor had Israel yet built up a sufficiently strong army to then forge a
      n everlasting peace with its Arab and non-Arab neighbors such as Iran.

      But Israel did have very smart General of Generals 4 feet 11 inches Ben Gurion who was not hamstrung by his rather small body size but a very active mind.

      The acquisition by Engelhard Jr. of Philbro in 1967 was a long time in the works and because Ben Gurion-MIMI were not “jumping the gun”, Engelhard Jr. and his junior partner Harry Oppenheimer…/harry-oppenheimer-s-empire…

      were beginning to get a little complacent, and their egos had them increasingly becoming the peacocks they were rearing with the likes of Marc Rich, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Simon Greenshields, and Marc Rich’s successor Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore, to name but a few of the tens of thousands of similar Wall Street “icons”, but puppets nevertheless.

      Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer also had their thoroughbred racing stables to distract themselves with, whereas Ben Gurion did not spend his time in kibbutz Sde Boker’s kitchens learning how to make curry and rice or having to tidy up around the clock his very small abode which was surrounded by Israel’s most formidable special forces commandos and sensors which were not in plain view of those wanting to assassinate Ben Gurion.

      In other words when Ben Gurion-MIMI saw that the prosecutors at Nuremberg were letting the principal perpetrators of our Jewish Holocaust off the hook; namely Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, his son Harry as well as the Rockefeller family who unashamedly placed their IG Farben Zyklon B gas pellet production facility in the dead center of the notorious death factory Auschwitz, they just had to watch the richest and most powerful of them; namely the German-South African Oppenheimers and see who came calling offering them protection from future prosecution.

      All Engelhard Jr. had to offer was his military-industrial-complex connections which were not unknown to Ben Gurion-MIMI who again do not hire the most stupid who have the big ego and who demonstrate it so well by their need to talk and keep talking.

      Do you see any reason why I shouldn’t start now publishing my book or do you think I should wait until I’m dead and rely on the likes of you to teach future generations?

      It was inevitable that Engelhard Jr. would come calling at our Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies which included the huge ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which controlled the South African timber market which was crucial to both the mining sector as well as residential and commercial real estate and of course ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES’ influence over the South African banking sector was no less substantial, but still we were ants compared to the DAAC who showed by forcing the hand of the Nuremberg prosecutors to put on a grand show for the plebes, that they were not in the business of taking prisoners.

      Nor were the DAAC’s puppets eager to see the DAAC become less vigilant in protecting their diamond studded iron fist control of the world’s mineral resources.

      So following their escape from Nuremberg prosecution, the DAAC’s sphere of influence only increased exponentially and when Engelhard Jr. came calling starting in the late 1940s he had to show Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry that they should put all their eggs into one basket even if the masses were easily fooled into believing that there were market forces at play in determining the price of the different monies as well as mineral resources.

      For both groups to compete with one another would destroy themselves in the next instant.

      Remember no one appeared to be going after the German-South African Oppenheimers or their American partners Rockefeller-J.P Morgan-Chase-Morgan Stanley-David Rockefeller and the same with the Jewish Rothschild family who were of course also complicit in our Jewish Holocaust, but minor players when compared to the Rockefellers and Oppenheimers.

      You didn’t hear the likes of George Soros, no less “talker” Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, Jewish South African politician Helen Suzman and vocal opponent of the DAAC’s Apartheid Regime ever mentioning the names Sir Ernest and Harry Oppenheimer in their public speeches or great many books, other than in the most positive way because either they were stupid which is why Ben Gurion didn’t trust them or they were bought which was still not good enough reason for Ben Gurion to trust them.

      You know how it is when people feel stupid they respond viciously; and you are again a most excellent example.

      The goal was to neutralize, but only when the time was right, the Jewish people’s most dangerous enemies who had proven themselves to be bad with the murder of 6 million Jewish people and another 100 million just because they wanted to be King of the Hill.

      If you took your eye off either Engelhard Jr. who arrived in the late 40’s in mineral rich South Africa with his “guns blazing” or the Oppenheimers you were a fool.

      Not having to make pubic speeches which require a great deal of preparation especially if your goal is to deceive, and Mossad’s motto remains, “By way of deception we wage war”, Ben Gurion-MIMI watched Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer like hawks.

      Ben Gurion also knew that they were also in a race against time.

      They wanted Israel to have the nuclear weapons arsenal second to none, again not to destroy Israel’s neighbors who were not the problem and nor did the Arabs even participate in the construction of either IG Farben or Auschwitz’s crematoria, but to improve Israel’s chances at the military rigged trade negotiations without Israel having to repeatedly go to war.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 6 – Wake up a lot people

      With Israel’s spies increasingly making progress in the weapons developers’ facilities both in the engineering design as well as manufacturing but more so in the engineering as logic would dictate, where it was easy for I
      srael win over the intelligent engineers because intelligent people cannot be anti-Semitic unless they have been horribly schooled and therefore their intelligence level is dramatically reduced, so were Israel’s enemies making great progress in turning us Jewish people.

      Deciding when was the right time to eliminate Engelhard Jr. and begin focusing the world’s attention on the biggest hypocrite of them all, my future boss Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] and letting Oppenheimer live as long as possible and we get to now see the huge net that he cast over the weakest of us Jewish people, was helped by the decision of Engelhard Jr. and Oppenheimer to destroy our Moshal Gevisser when allowing in 1969 a “nobody”, totally under-financed, but heavy duty ego maniac, Jewish Natie Kirsh to waltz in and “asset strip” Moshal Gevisser; not to mention, Kirsh still at this moment #365 on the Forbes list with a net worth of $4.9 billion, first made a name for himself by bribing the King of Swaziland to grant him the maize concession which the King of Swaziland first sought permission from Messrs Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer.

      Are you following all that?

      It is very important that you do. 

      Now I’m mostly talking about that last “not to mention”.

      What I am writing here today is not so much for your brain which I believe it can only help but for the introduction to the “Open Letter” I will be writing next to Nicholas Oppenheimer.


It was a very stupid move on their part to wipe Moshal Gevisser off the map, but Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer were pretty full of themself and they simply couldn’t resist the great joy of watching neophyte, 37 year old Jewish Natie Kirsh stick out like a sore thumb and in the process open the floodgates for other weak Jewish people seeking an audience with the joint Kings.

      Minerals is what you follow which then makes it easy to follow the money trail which you don’t have to give that much thought to because he who controls the mineral resources owns the money, the bank, the insurance, the world economy.

      Clearly the winners are not all the Jewish people living in Israel who still have to wake up each morning and go to work.

      Not all the Jewish people living in Israel are as rich as Ivan Glasenberg whose organization Glencore has been receiving my heavily broadcasted email communications similar to this for several months which is not as long as Nicholas Oppenheimer’s officials knowing everything that is going on.

      But they can only react to the past and their past is not good.

      Being silent does not mean you can defend your poor actions.

      Talking nonsense as you do is no better than being silent.

      They, like all bad people, have great difficulty in predicting the future when they have to keep telling the people such as yourself to ignore the truth.


Obviously if you are in bed with these fellows or hope to curry favor with them then you might think that by giving me a hard time it is the smart thing to do.

      I consider myself no more than average intelligence which does not mean everyone else who is corrupt which includes all those in denial have held on to all their intelligence in the process of choosing denial.

      Why not invite other FB friends of yours to join us and help you figure out if you are in denial and this way you will help me get the information out that much quicker.


Ben Gurion-MIMI saw it as nothing less than a miracle that Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer would play such a dumb card and thinking that they would be able to contain Natie Kirsh’s ego once he hit the jackpot of his life.

      Kirsh was in fact “small potatoes” because Kirsh knew absolutely nothing about either the mineral resource business or the banking sector which required that you know everything there is to know about the mining sector.

      Knowing that Natie Kirsh was a “loose cannon” who could only be expected to expose more enemies of us Jewish people as he would inevitably branch into the security-weapons development industry but that would take time and during which Kirsh would be assisting the DAAC in their ongoing and most determined efforts to co-opt Jewish people everywhere including the 4 corners of the earth, Ben Gurion-MIMI decided to act and take out the one pillar of the DAAC Engelhard Jr. which in turn would have Harry Oppenheimer who remember should have been prosecuted at Nuremberg along with his father at Nuremberg a decade and half before, exposing himself that much more for the war criminal that he was without however Ben Gurion-MIMI upsetting the applecart.

      The DAAC had created so many rotten apples and none of them friends of us Jewish people including the Jewish Kapos-sellouts who could only be expected to keep stabbing good Jewish people in the back.

      By 1970 Israel had not only its nuclear weaponry but Israel had made that many more friends amongst the best of the weapons developer engineers who could only control the projects they were working on, but not the flow of either the raw war materials or the monies to fund the expanding terrorism needed to justify the weapons development to the ever increasingly brainwashed Digger Paul Bernsteins of the world.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 7 – Wake up the people

      The biggest ego Jewish person in the world in the mineral resource business was not difficult to locate because, as I explained before, there is no such thing as a bad business, only bad business people who promote those mo
      re incompetent than themselves to assure an easy ride for their families and friends as well.

      It is quite the eyeopener to view Marc Rich’s success story.

      They are now making an action movie starring a big Hollywood name out of Swiss Citizen, Daniel Ammann’s garbage, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich

      Of course not all of the book is garbage only the bullshit which is most of it.

      The history that Ammann presents of Marc Rich is most accurate, and when you get your head around it, and Im going to make it very easy for you as I explain it so well, you are surely going to be laughing your head off or crying assuming you still can’t get over “How would they possibly have known?”

      First let me share with you that Marc Rich joined Philipp Brothers in 1954 when he was 20 and like all new hires he started out in the mailroom.

      Cutting and pasting page 44:

      Following his success in Bolivia, Philipp Brothers sent its rising star to South Africa for the first time in 1958. At that point the country was still in the Commonwealth, and the trade boycott against the apartheid regime had not yet begun. It was a journey to his first defeat. Rich thrashed out the details of the sale of a manganese ore mine for months on end, and he remembers the negotiations as being “very tedious, very long.” In the end, after six months of negotiating, “I couldn’t conclude the purchase. I had to come home with empty hands.” He did not hear a single word of criticism from his mentors Rothschild and Jesselson. They both knew that Rich would profit from the experience.

      Digger Paul Bernstein, I would now like you to take those 124 words and stick them up on the mirror of every public bathroom you visit in the future.

      Try, as difficult as it may be to read those 124 words again and slow down and stop when you get to, “He did not hear a single word of criticism from his mentors.”

      Let me now tell you about the year 1958 in South Africa.

      My mother’s one 18 year old model Penny Coelen who is an expert pistol shot and non-Jewish, won the Miss World.

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    • Gary Gevisser Page 8 – Wake up the people

      My mother Zena was as famous in South Africa as Penny Coelen because showing Penny how to win the Miss World with just her natural beauty, little to no makeup, was not all that mother Zena was busy with. My mother was also 
      nursing me and that would continue for a couple of years which no doubt helped me being a “late talker” which is an attribute shared with others such as Einstein who achieved a great deal.

      Every top executive in South Africa wanted to hear what my mother Zena had to say because word spreads fast amongst those at the very top who while puppets themselves they are not as inferior in the brain department as their subordinates.

      My mother Zena was very pregnant with me when she and my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie were the only guests for two weeks at the private residence in New Delhi of Prime Minister Pandit Nehru and their chaperone throughout their travels was none other than his daughter, future Prime Minister of the world’s second most populace peoples, Indira Ghandi.

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    • Gary Gevisser Page 9 – Wake up the people

      My mother Zena was not there learning how to make curry and rice and how to pick tea leaves off a tree without damaging the leaves.

      In 1958 Engelhard Jr. controlled the land, sea and air over mineral rich South Africa and as far north as Saudi Arabia. 

      That did not prevent him from also getting a private audience with the Pope.

      Marc Rich was not deaf, dumb and blind when he spent 6 months failing in Engelhard Jr.’s and Harry Oppenheimer’s mineral rich South Africa. 

      That would be the only excuse.

      The fact that a bell did not go off in his head that he should investigate with his superiors at Philbro to find out if Engelhard Jr. and/or Harry Oppenheimer had anything to do with Rich coming away empty handed, doesn’t that inspire you to become now an oil trader?

      What details and with who was Marc Rich thrashing out?

      Let’s look again:

      “First defeat. Rich thrashed out the details of the sale of a manganese ore mine for months on end, and he remembers the negotiations as being ‘very tedious, very long. In the end, after six months of negotiating, ‘I couldn’t conclude the purchase. I had to come home with empty hands.’”

      You succeed by failing.

      Rich is the type of person the DAAC love.

      When you only have people looking at you from the sky and only the most trusted emissaries such as receptionists and private secretaries reporting back to their bosses Ben Gurion-MIMI, people like Rich and the DAAC who were most happy for Rich to grab the limelight think they are the only players and their media-Hollywood-Madison Avenue know no different.

      Let’s now jump to page 196, and remember it is Swiss journalist Daniel Ammann who starts out speaking.

      Cutting and pasting: The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich

      In the cyclical business of the commodities trade, successful traders always have to look far ahead into the future. “The key to success—and to real wealth—is long-term thinking,” Rich says. Six months in South Africa in order to negotiate the purchase of a mine? Six months in Cuba in order to ensure a loan is paid back? Advance financing of a smelter that will not be completed for years to come? Such actions are nearly unthinkable for listed companies obsessed with quarterly returns. In some businesses, long-term thinking has been virtually forgotten. On the other hand, it is the traditional virtue of family businesses in which one generation always has its children in mind. 

      The book does not end with those 118 words, but I stop there because I want you focus on how the mainstream and non-mainstream media which is one and the same as you would expect in a competition free economy, go about teaching you how to question poorly.

      The first thing that Ammann brings up is Rich’s horror story in South Africa which Ammann doesn’t demonstrate the common sense to question more, such as “I wonder if there were any other players in South Africa at the time who could have easily thrown a monkey wrench into Rich’s elaborate plans to acquire a manganese ore mine?”

      Surely you have your own questions for Ammann?

      I want you to imagine how the rest of the book would have turned out had Ammann simply gone through that logical thought process?


In all likelihood there would not be a book and therefore no movie and Marc Rich would be lost to history.

      What I am about to share with you is no less important.

      The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich was published in 2009.

      You will surely remember that 8 years before, February 1, 2001 the Jerusalem Post published my first of four articles; and the first not your regular article as it was an “Open Letter” addressed to American-Soviet-Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard who was now serving already 16 years in solitary confinement:

      Dear Jonathan Pollard

      The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.

      The first 32 word sentence does not have you forgetting who the “open letter” is addressed to, right?

      When you are writing in Israel’s most widely read international newspaper and it is addressed to a spy that the top American authorities, including US Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberg considers the “evil incarnate” you are attracting a great many smart eyeballs.

      The good throughout the world, including those in the American intelligence institutes applauded my actions and knowing that I had hit a home run, and all of them also thinking, “I wish I had figured it out, but then would I have the courage to get it published?”

      All the “good” also knew that they would have needed to be me in order to figure that one out.

      In other words, there was no one, not even MIMI who was capable of putting it all together, let alone so succinctly.

      All the “bad” brought out their knives and that included members of my immediate family and all my Jewish relatives.

      To be clear, it was only my mother Zena and my father Bernie who applauded my efforts to expose very bad person Marc Rich and his DAAC handlers.

      How could Daniel Ammann with all his international banking and mining connections not have come across my writings in the Jerusalem Post?…/letters-published-by-the…/

      Can you understand why Mr. Ammann no longer talks to me?

      Here is Mr. Ammann’s email address:

    • Gary Gevisser Page 10 – Wake up the people

      The last I heard from Mr. Ammann was on July 4, last year:

      Jul 4, 2018, at 2:19 PM, Daniel Ammann <> wrote:
      I don’t have time for extended conversations, I’m afraid. 
      All the best, Daniel 

      He was responding to what I sent him earlier in the day:

      Am 04.07.2018 um 23:16 schrieb <>:
      So are you saying that he never mentioned Engelhard in your conversations, and nor did anyone else you spoke with think it important to focus on Engelhard Jr.?

      I just did a search on “platinum” to see if it comes up in your book, and didn’t find anything. Did Rich or anyone else mention this commodity where 80% of the world’s supply is from South Africa?

      Did Rich ever explain to you why he thought “nothing could come right” when he first travelled to South Africa in 1958 and which you correctly point out the trade boycott had not yet begun?

      Why do you think it got easier to deal with the Apartheid Regime as the years went by?

      Just prior to that Ammann had written me the following:

      Jul 4, 2018, at 2:06 PM, Daniel Ammann <> wrote:
      Rich left Phillip Brothers (and Engelhard) in 1974 to build his own company. No mention of Engelhard jr. 

      His response was after I wrote to him:
      Am 04.07.2018 um 22:50 schrieb <>:
      I was only up to page 53 [purchased a Kinder copy last evening]:

      He first began thinking of openly trading oil during the Six-Day War in June 1967. Egypt’s President Nasser had disrupted Israeli shipping when he ordered the blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba in May 1967.

      I jumped to p73.

      So from 1967 until it was spun off in 1981, Rich worked for Charles W. Engelhard Jr.

      Other than his corporation, did you come across any other research on Engelhard Jr.? Did Rich ever mention his name?

      Digger Paul Bernstein, you hear it from the horse’s mouth, “No mention of Engelhard jr.”

      There is no doubt in my mind that Marc Rich never gave a thought to Engelhard Jr. even though Engelhard Jr. decided his compensation, his lifestyle etc etc from even before Engelhard Jr.-Harry Oppenheimer-DAAC bought Philip Brothers in 1967 while previous to that Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer controlled every trade which was put through Philip Brothers.

      Let’s get back to Mr. Ammann. 

      Ammann shows that he had heard the name Engelhard because he makes mention in his book of Engelhard owning Philipp Brothers.

      The previous email communication with Ammann:

      From: Daniel Ammann <>
      Subject: Re: Marc Rich
      Date: July 4, 2018 at 1:41:14 PM PDT
      To: GaryStevenGevisser <>

      p73 in my book: 

      Nevertheless, Philipp Brothers
      profited from Rich’s dealings with Israel, Spain, and Iran. The company,
      which by then was a division of Engelhard Mineral & Chemicals, posted
      record profits in 1973. This was mainly due to the trade in crude oil.
      Thanks to Marc Rich and Pinky Green, Philipp Brothers would soon be
      one of the largest oil traders in the world.

      Digger Paul Bernstein, you know that once you stop working with your hands creating beautiful things or fixing things that are broken, then the knowledge you have in your head about the world around you takes on that much more greater significance and should be your focus.

      So you are still in a huge information hunt just like the vast majority of the literate human population who either have yet to be replaced by robots in factories and have to stay focused on the job or they could lose both their job or a finger if not a limb or they are still working in the fields sowing and collecting the harvest.

      There is obviously a huge problem developing with the human becoming increasingly more sedentary.

      Ammann’s response was in answer to my earlier question:

      Am 04.07.2018 um 22:37 schrieb GaryStevenGevisser <>:
      What about Engelhard Minerals & Chemical Corporation?

      Ammann’s previous response:

      On Jul 4, 2018, at 1:24 PM, Daniel Ammann <> wrote:
      Hi Gary

      No, I didn’t. 

      Best, Daniel

      It was in answer to my first very important question:

      Am 04.07.2018 um 19:47 schrieb <>: Marc Rich
      Attention: Daniel Ammann

      Dear Mr. Ammann,

      During your investigation of Marc Rich did you encounter the De Beers mining house?

      Thank you,


      Digger Paul Bernstein, If you are talking minerals and writing a New York Times best selling book that people like Matt Damon are going to be all Gung-ho to act in your future blockbuster Hollywood movie, maybe all you are thinking about is the money, and who cares what De Beers mining house is thinking?

      But that would be amateur thinking.

      Even when I bring up De Beers, Ammann doesn’t think of writing me back, “You seem to suggest that De Beers may be important to this story, can you tell me why?”

    • Gary Gevisser Page 11 – Wake up the people

      At your leisure click on the 2 hyperlinks below to bring you more up to speed with my communications to no longer wanting to talk Ammann and Matt Damon’s Hollywood lawyer, Sam Fischer Esq.

      One of the great advantages for the DAAC as they again back all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose and that means it is hard to make the argument which side is just and which is unjust which is a very important point I am making when questioning both the integrity and competency of your “Sir Mosaf”, is that warfare is increasingly mechanical and no less so driven by artificial intelligence.

      So whose side do you want to be on?

      Can you really see me as the enemy?

      The focus of Ben Gurion-MIMI was on Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer and everything they touched.

      That does not mean when either of them stepped on an ant either wittingly or unwittingly, Ben Gurion-MIMI decided to concentrate all of Israel’s nuclear arsenal on wiping out the next ant closest to the one stepped on that is now dead in order to make Engelhard Jr. and Oppenheimer’s lives easier; i.e. less hurdles to overcome.

      Ben Gurion-MIMI understood that the last thing Israel needed was a nuclear war; better Israel surrender as her forces did on the Suez Canal in the early stages of the 1973 Yom Kippur when they were overrun by Egyptian special forces all the result of the most incompetent Israeli General, Eli Zeira [1928 – ], head of Israeli Military Intelligence not following orders, including those coming from the Mossad’s most competent Major General Zvi Zamir [3 March 1925 – ] who the day before had met in London with Israel’s greatest spy, Ashraf Marwan aka “The Angel”, former Egyptian President Nasser’s son-in-law, and at the time of meeting with Zamir, “The Angel” was President Sadat’s close adviser, and told Zamir that war was going to break out the following day.

      BTW, Uri Bar-Joseph’s The Angel, first published in Hebrew in 2010 and in English 2016, is an excellent read, assuming you have the time.

      Knowing that when Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer wanted to take the flak off themselves which was a constant preoccupation they would delight in buying companies such as Philip Brothers that serve no other purpose than to cushion themselves as they constantly trade amongst their affiliates to keep pushing the growth of global commerce where the DAAC’s insanely illogical and morally reprehensible, Gross Domestic Product index is totally dominant.

      Every Dollar of Revenue and every Dollar of Expense passed through the books of Philip Brothers was already all thanks to Engelhard Jr. and Oppenheimer; the same with all the bribes.

      Both Engelhard Jr. and Oppenheimer loved the fact that not only did Marc Rich marvel at how good he was at bribing the right people which wasn’t difficult because the DAAC had those officials long in place, but all the DAAC’s government regulators investigating Marc Rich for his bribing foreign government officials and messing with the domestic politics of mineral rich countries and making them increasingly corrupt, also promoted Marc Rich, rather than them, as the “evil incarnate”.

      So which government officials throughout the world were either stupid or corrupt in thinking that Marc Rich was his own man?

      So you are now thinking about the raw materials that go into Rolls Royce automobiles which we can all also agree are not for the poverty stricken of Africa and places like Brazil where the poor walk the dump sights just to survive another day.

      Ben Gurion-MIMI were not focused on saving the world.

      To save the world one just has to neutralize the two puppeteers, Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer and their closest hanger-ons.

      Engelhard Jr. was not the worst of the two because Engelhard Jr. while no doubt a mass murderer, he was simply an opportunist who saw Harry Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest as being very easy to extort.

      The more evil of the two was of course Harry Oppenheimer and by eliminating them both Ben Gurion-MIMI would then have to begin eliminating one by one all those they had coopted, and before long all us humans would be walking around with eyes gouged out.

      By 1970 with the demise of our 60 year old conglomerate The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies which took less than a year the DAAC were now spread far and wide and impossible to contain without a net such as The Internet which back then wasn’t even a pipedream.

      Marc Rich was Engelhard Jr.-Oppenheimer-Philip Brothers raging superstar, and he had yet to fully surround himself with a full contingent of incompetents. 

      That would come later when he hired my classmate and best friend from high school Roy Essakow whose great intelligence was not due to him being held back a year.

      You have heard of people skipping a year of high school because they are too bright for their class; and in the case of my great F-C [Française-Canadienne] wife Marie Dion two classes.

      Ask yourself why would Marc Rich hire someone stupid?

      Marc Rich talked so much he didn’t have time to figure out who buttered his bread.

      Right now, do you respect your bosses at RR more or less than you did before just learning how the real dog eat dog world works?

      Are the 14 people who work under you less or more talkative than you?

      I couldn’t think of anyone more stupid than Roy Essakow who Marc Rich could have chosen as his top South African lieutenant to join him in Zug, Switzerland.

      That does not mean that I chose Roy Essakow to work for Marc Rich. As far as I know Marc Rich hired Roy Essakow.

      Roy Essakow has a FB account, you can ask him directly.

      Remember me mentioning, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret”?

      Your research will tell you that no one else has thought through those words because they belong to me, and which I expressed first to Ben Gurion in December 1972 when I was preparing to return to South Africa after my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training at his kibbutz Sde Boker, Negev Desert which remains part of Israel, and his simple question which preceded my answer, “What did you most learn in Gadna training?”

      Not only did he like my answer but he went on to say, “If I ever share your words with anyone else, I will first let you or your mother Zena know.”

      11 months later the General of Generals Ben Gurion was dead, and Israel plunged into the DAAC ages which is where we are right now.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 12 – Wake up the people

      No reason to be depressed because not only is there always greater light, no matter the darkness, but knowledge is light and you now have the knowledge to defeat the DAAC without having to fight another bloody war or anyone firing a bull
      et in anger or for that matter at all, because shooting anything is first of all cruel and second, it destroys the peace and quiet.

      There was no way for Ben Gurion-MIMI to know how many others besides for Marc Rich and Ivan Glasenberg were out there because even if approached by DAAC officials to spy on your family, friends and neighbors, it would be wrong to assume that every human is a rat.

      It was now a waiting game for Ben Gurion who was not getting any younger and Israel’s true enemies who knew that Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal was only to improve Israel’s negotiating position at the bullshit “fair trade agreement” talks, realized that the desire for the money was so consuming that they could simply deprive the kibbutzim of Israel of funds, flood the polluting cities like Tel-Aviv with Wall Street’s free money along with De Beers’ exclusive, untraceable and unlimited in supply diamond currency, an easy choice with the increasingly sedentary, TV-handhelds addicted Israeli kids who couldn’t wait to leave home after serving in the IDF which is no fun when beating up and shooting defenseless Palestinian villagers whose rich are only rich because they are also taking bribes from one or both sides, leaving the Israeli farmers forced to import Thai slaves made easy by DAAC operatives such as George Soros shorting their currency.

      It would not surprise me if you have never visited Israel and if you have you probably didn’t spend much time talking to either Israeli soldiers who patrolled Arab villages and/or those senior Israeli military officers observing these sick kids looking for normality in their lives.

      We also know from our Jewish Holocaust that some Jewish family members when approached to become Kapos, it was often times the mother who spoke out, “Take my sons to the death camps and do with them as you please, but while I am their mother and I have a say in the matter, they will not be rats.”

      Such mothers, however few, made more polite conversation with the Jewish Kapos who approached them but when the sick conversation ended the Jewish mother then told their sons to run; and yes most got caught and ended up in the death factories; but I happen to know of two who survived.

      By eliminating Engelhard Jr. who died on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, the focus of attention turned exclusively to Harry Oppenheimer and Engelhard Jr.’s “male heir”

      my father Bernie’s first cousin, my most evil “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009] who Engelhard Jr. appointed as his Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa in 1970 after my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser played a crucial role in the destruction of my grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser [c. 1890- Feb. 24, 1970] and my father Bernie’s, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970].

      All that David Gevisser needed to do to earn his $6 million bonus when agreeing to be Engelhard’s third executor was to execute the transfer of all of Engelhard’s priceless South African mineral assets, including control of the world supply of platinum to Harry Oppenheimer who couldn’t refuse this “gift horse in the mouth” because David Gevisser didn’t give Oppenheimer the option of doing it more clandestine.

      That does not mean David Gevisser redeemed himself, only that David Gevisser was simply “put to work” and he knew better than to open his mouth other than to the redoubtable person who messengered over Ben Gurion’s instructions.

      With increasing numbers of humans getting used to being pigs at the trough it was simply a matter of observing who of the DAAC’s witting as well as unwitting stooges were the biggest peacocks.

      So you can easily understand when the corrupt media began reporting the Marc Rich pardon which they all got dead wrong because the media has always followed the DAAC script, I felt I needed to speak.

      Ben Gurion had been dead 27 years, 1 month and 19 days, and there was no telling when he would be back to assist.

      My redoubtable mother Zena…/CH02_MY_FAMILY_GROWING_UP…

      was fast approaching 72 and she had already outlived both her parents as well as the only grandmother she knew, Nechie Bardash [1874-1943] who was born in the same tiny village of Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as Ben Gurion and in 1888, Nechie witnessed the murder of her entire immediate family by a gang of Cossacks on a night out on the town having fun killing poor and defenseless Jewish people.

      That experience did not make Nechie anti-Semitic, and by the time she rejoined Ben Gurion in Israel 37 odd years later, 1925, all her 7 children were out of the house, and when she settled in Tel-Aviv where Mossad remain headquartered, Ben Gurion did not consider her a security risk with Nechie’s siblings, parents and grandparents all murdered in the 1888 pogrom, but well aware was Ben Gurion that Nechie’s favorite son, my grandad Al Ash was already showing that he was fully equipped to follow in his mother’s footsteps.

      In September 1941, with Nechie already back in England 12 years having returned in 1929 when my “Born To Perform” mother Zena was born, my grandad Al made application to change his Hebrew sounding name, Alef Bardash to the more Gentile Al Ash.

      Chapter Eighteen – The American Conspiracy

      Chapter Eighteen – The American Conspiracy

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    • Gary Gevisser Page 13 – Wake up the people

      The name change was not of much use to Nechie who while setting up “safe houses” for Ben Gurion and his Haganah members to meet with trusted Allied officials, such as South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts, was run ove
      r by a hit and run driver which didn’t kill her, but while recuperating at a boarding house she fell down a flight of stairs which killed her.

      Ben Gurion was not the only person who felt both incidents were no accident.

      It has been 18 years, 2 months and 3 days since the publication in the Jerusalem Post of my first article, and so far not one politician or member of the media-Hollywood has approached me to learn more.

      Are you looking forward to seeing Matt Damon play Marc Rich?

      Do not forget that you wrote telling me that you work for RR 24/7 and that must be something you share with those at RR who promote badly which again is their goal because those getting fat sucking off the hind tit don’t want competition which is the hallmark of a monopolist run society, much the same as how communist bosses run their regimes, and the people brainwashed to believe that there are differences in one form of government versus the others.

      This contrived confusion; i.e. brainwashing is reinforced by the people seeing the different religions, including atheism that there must be differences in the different political-economic systems as the religious leadership all dress differently and despite their ascension to the highest levels of spirituality, they fail to point out that the differences in the political-economic systems are nothing but an illusion.

      One has to look carefully at not only what all the brutal dictators which included Netherlands born, Prime Minister of South Africa, and considered the “architect” of Apartheid South Africa, assassinated Hendrik Verwoed [8 September 1901 – 6 September 1966], called by his assassin Dimitri Tsafendas [14 January 1918 – 7 October 1999] “Hitler’s best student”, and the defenders of the Apartheid Regime refer to Verwoed in glowing terms, “Cedar of Lebanon”, had to say but their very vocal opposition, and in the case of the monster Verwoed, his staunchest opponent in South Africa was fellow Jewish South African, Helen Suzman who was a member of the Apartheid Regime’s South African Houses of Parliament from 1953 to 1989.

      So I provide a “big picture” to your attempts to deceive.

      All the puppets are no less violent than the ones who stand out such as Hitler, Stalin and Idi Amin because each of them play their role in supporting violent anarchy, which is the business of those who have zero tolerance in enforcing the economic principal of no competition which again is the hallmark of a monopolist who can’t get enough promoting their stringent, sacrosanct anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies laws, which of course do not apply to them, because they see to it that those enforcing on behalf of their puppet states these very distracting laws go extraordinarily light on the world’s most successful monopolist, my former employer De Beers-Barclays

      who have never meant us Jewish people well because, to be clear, they are no friend of the Jewish people.

      Therefore it is very important to those of us Jewish people who do not want to be slaves to a merciless gang of thugs that we not fall victim to those like yourself attempting to distract.

      The Producers-Directors of The Green Prince as well as those more hidden behind the scenes were hell bent on brainwashing the audience, and given their great many years of experience going back even further than Hitler-Goebels, “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small lie” they knew how you, Digger Paul Bernstein and those equally gullible because your formal schooling as well as home schooling which is mostly TV failed to have you properly questioning, would react as you are so vividly demonstrating, so childish.

      Nor are you in a position right now to distract as much as you would like, because I have blocked you on FB messaging and soon I will be placing our entire dialogue there throughout the internet starting with my BLOG on, all the while what I have already cut and pasted on to this FB wall spells out clearly that you are a man not to be trusted.

      That, along with a big ego which I have previously explained comes from having little knowledge which is very different from intelligence which stems from first acquiring knowledge which begins with knowing the right questions to ask and also finding the right teacher, is all that the mineral-banking monopolists look for.

      You see it in all the dictators who don’t get on a saddle and lead the troops into battle; and the last of them was probably Napoleon who was smart on the battlefield until he started to put on weight and the fat a strong indicator of a lack of willpower which does not mean you have a strong mind, and that came from also being smart in preparing for war and Napoleon willing to take on the anti-Semitic establishment as he embraced Jewish people who could be trusted with the money because they were restricted from other ways to make a living, and if they fucked up and cheated with the money it would have been off with their heads.

      So you have to ask yourself as you keep insisting how great is “Sir Mosab”, could you be bought, and become no less violent than a Little Corporal Hitler who just needed to motivate his Brown Shirts to take out a bunch of Jewish people without Hitler having to get blood on his hands?

      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

    • Gary Gevisser Page 14 – Wake up the people

      You are applauding “Sir Mosab” with each passing moment even though you know in your heart that he either intentionally deceived you and pretty much everyone else or he was so stupid to be deceived by Israel’s Shin Bet?

      In either event it shows that Mosab Hassan Yousef is not intelligent.

      If he is not intelligent then he can only be counted on to make poor decisions which again is what those who control the puppets want to achieve most in their goal of world dominance which is simply population control and differences in the color of skin, ethnic backgrounds, religions, gender, sexual preferences, nationality etc etc just tools to facilitate the divide and conquer without forgetting the main purpose is to distract you all from who prices the money.

      If in fact “Sir Mosaf” was intentionally fooling you when explaining in excruciating detail in the documentary how the Palestinian authorities in the Israeli prisons harboring the most violent Palestinian terrorists including his Mosaf’s father Sheikh Hassan Yousef [1955 – ], torture their own without the Israeli authorities being aware, then he is someone you want to stay away from.

      So how can you be so stubborn to keep embracing him?

      Why aren’t you encouraging him to speak up?

      Surely the answer to that is because you are deathly afraid that it is impossible for him to convince even you?

      The chances of Mosab Hassan Yousef [May 5, 1978 – ] unaware of all our writings here are about zero, and that is because I have been keeping his Shin Bet “handler” Gonen Ben Yitzhak fully aware via email.

      Just in case you don’t already have Gonen’s email here it is:

      Suffice to say Gonen blocked me on FB messaging right after I sent him the following message on July 30, 2018, 3:47 PM:

      7/30/18, 3:47 PM
      When you are most effective in torture, or threatening someone with torture which of course is a last resort as you mostly use blackmail to get people to rat on their fellow man and then to top it off you find out that the richest of us Jewish people are the ones responsible for creating the terrorists who go after innocent civilians as well as innocent Israeli soldiers who should be the most protected, your entire thinking is about how to grab the most amount of money.

      Again, as much as you cannot possibly genuinely believe that God exists, you must be thinking more now than ever, what if you are wrong, how would a smart God punish someone such as yourself.

      Would you like to see what I just sent my fb friend, filmmaker Noemi Weis?

      Those 137 odd words should wake up a lot of people.

      [Word count 10771]
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser Do you swing both ways
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein thank you for increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events.

      Just moments ago in an effort to reach those 14 subordinates of yours as well as the 11 items of machinery which you sup
      ervise and which you are clearly very proud of your achievements, I contacted the Rolls Royce Helicopter Team with the following 5 word message:

      Do you provide helicopter rescue?

      It would not surprise me if you are thinking that much more seriously about early retirement although you are probably not a spring chicken, and then to immediately begin working on updating your resume to assume the position, as CEO and chairman of RR, replacing both Ian Davis (Chairman) and 
      Warren East (CEO) but asking for double their pay package given how much more efficient you will be when removing the Peter Principle found in the blank pages of the Employee Manual.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Why can’t you just answer that simple question!!!
    • Digger Paul Bernstein You have bombarded me with your cyberbullying even though I asked you nicely nicely not to bother me anymore,
    • Digger Paul Bernstein I’ve tried to tell you not everybody has to agree with your theory Gary Gevisser, why can’t you just let people make their own mind up instead of you naming everybody that has posted on mosab page, you post that people have removed their posts but the truth in the matter is that they haven’t removed their post they have removed you so you can’t see their posts, you’re a maniac who thinks your theory is correct, its a shame really because if you wasn’t such an aggressive blogger people might actually read what you have to put without ramming it down their throats, for the last time let me explain a theory isn’t a fact I’m sure you’re aware of that,  
      If you was to post 1 or 2 posts on his page people might question you about the how you see it fella, I can only advise people to be aware he’s/you Gary Gevisser is an aggressive knob head who threatens to post all of your posts all over the net,
    • Gary Gevisser “How could they possibly know”, “I want to know”.

      Right now Im crafting a follow up to the lady who penned this September 2010 article…/25-modern-humans-smart…

      Kathleen McAuliffe has yet to see what I last wrote, “In ‘Wake up the people’ you will come across the writings of a 55 year old Rolls Royce manager, Digger Paul Bernstein who has hung his hat on the words he first used with me, “How would they possibly know” in response to my earlier question which was to everyone including Mosab Hassan Yousef who I expect to monitoring this Facebook page very closely, ‘I saw the movie Green Prince, what makes you think Israeli military intelligence internal security, Shin Bet, were unaware of the torture by Palestinians on Palestinians held in Israeli prisons?’ and what I think is most pertinent to this discussion centered around ‘If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking?’ is how after going through my rather huge video library on The Internet, Digger found the song, “I want to know” which the huge crowd, crossing several canals in Amsterdam, were inspired by when celebrating their clown King’s 50th birthday back on April 28, 2017.

      That is because it is still a draft, but likely to go out in the next 10 minutes, so hang if you would; and of course share with me your email if you would like to join my email list.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Removing my post Gary? Oh dear oh dear,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein that was very quick; I thought you had dyslexia?

      You read 244 words in well under a minute.

      Let me quickly ask you while I think of it. Do you now who Rebbe Schneerson is, and if so do you recognize him in any of the photos I have uploaded here?
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, I see that you removed your earlier response which triggered my question above.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein I don’t bother reading your extreme propaganda, have you not got anything better to do like go to a party and dress up again
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser, Nothing whatsoever has been removed by myself as I have nothing to lie about as I stand by all I have said,
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser you posting Digger Paul Bernstein that was very quick; I thought you had dyslexia?

      You read 244 words in well under a minute.

      Let me quickly ask you while I think of it. Do you now who Rebbe Schneerson is, and if so do you recognize him in any of the photos I have uploaded here? Here as in where???
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser I was a sub contactor at RR you silly man, now once again stop with your over thinking you annoying little cross-dresser
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein the “X” which I assume is your email, came back on my screen. Good that you keep the record clear.

      We are making excellent progress.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser I’ll just repost this post that you sent me earlier, oh an just for the record RR don’t and I repeat DON’T own any Diggers 360s nor 180s, they belong to CONTRACTORS,🤪
      I’ll give you this fella, your funny but very very annoying, anyway he
      ‘s your post, 

      Digger Paul Bernstein thank you for increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events.

      Just moments ago in an effort to reach those 14 subordinates of yours as well as the 11 items of machinery which you supervise and which you are clearly very proud of your achievements, I contacted the Rolls Royce Helicopter Team with the following message:

      Do you provide helicopter rescue?

      It would not surprise me if you are thinking that much more seriously about early retirement although you are probably not a spring chicken, and then to immediately begin working on updating your resume to assume the position, as CEO and chairman of RR, replacing both Ian Davis (Chairman) and 
      Warren East (CEO) but asking for double their pay package given how much more efficient you will be when removing the Peter Principle found in the blank pages of the Employee Manual.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Wow all of that just for me 🤩
      Excuse the French but you’re fucking priceless fella 😂surly this must open even your own eyes about some sort of help fella, Now if your already taking medication I’d get a review because you either need more and stronger or less,  
      take care, ps 
      uck off an leave me alone ya crazy little annoying knobhead,
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, two hours ago you wrote, “I was a sub contactor at RR” [sic].

      Back on Monday you left me with the impression that you and RR were joined at the hip, “oh and by the way I have 14 man under me 11 items of plant and I’m 24/7 in Rolls Royce, so i’ve not done that bad either Gary”.

      Not that it makes much difference, other than if you are in RR 24/7 what do you do with the rest of time?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser 😂 I’ve actually worked in RR for 25 odd years but for the last 16 year’s I was on 365 a day call out 24 hours a day, up to now I’ve only been in charge of little jobs though, the most expensive one being three quarters of a million GBP. I’m not in your League though Gary Gevisser, 
      That meaning I’ve still done ok for myself ? That meaning we don’t all have to be so successful as yourgoodself fella, I’m proud of all of my children and I’m more than happy in what I’ve achieved ? 
      One thing for sure fella is I’d rather walk the streets than an live rough for the rest of my life than be a little annoying knobhead like yourself, they say karma can be a bitch, I sincerely hope you have no help whatsoever when karma eventually catches up with you.
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser dressing up in girlie frills really really suits you🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️😂, it just about sums you up FFS  😂 obviously you play the part as the taker 🤢🤑😷🤫
    Write a reply…
  • Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
  • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser I’ll just repost this post that you sent me earlier, oh an just for the record RR don’t and I repeat DON’T own any Diggers 360s nor 180s, they belong to CONTRACTORS,🤪
    I’ll give you this fella, your funny but very very annoying, anyway he
    ‘s your post, 

    Digger Paul Bernstein thank you for increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events.

    Just moments ago in an effort to reach those 14 subordinates of yours as well as the 11 items of machinery which you supervise and which you are clearly very proud of your achievements, I contacted the Rolls Royce Helicopter Team with the following message:

    Do you provide helicopter rescue?

    It would not surprise me if you are thinking that much more seriously about early retirement although you are probably not a spring chicken, and then to immediately begin working on updating your resume to assume the position, as CEO and chairman of RR, replacing both Ian Davis (Chairman) and 
    Warren East (CEO) but asking for double their pay package given how much more efficient you will be when removing the Peter Principle found in the blank pages of the Employee Manual.
  • Digger Paul Bernstein Posted by Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, two hours ago you wrote, “I was a sub contactor at RR” [sic].

    Back on Monday you left me with the impression that you and RR were joined at the hip, “oh and by the way I have 14 man under me 11 items of p
    lant and I’m 24/7 in Rolls Royce, so i’ve not done that bad either Gary”.

    Not that it makes much difference, other than if you are in RR 24/7 what do you do with the rest of time?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser 😂 I’ve actually worked in RR for 25 odd years but for the last 16 year’s I was on 365 call out 24 hours a day, up to now I’ve only been in charge of little jobs though, the most expensive one being three quarters of a million GBP. I’m not in your League though Gary Gevisser, 
      That meaning I’ve still done ok for myself ? That meaning we don’t all have to be so successful as yourgoodself fella, I’m proud of all of my children and I’m more than happy in what I’ve achieved ? 
      One thing for sure fella I’d rather walk the streets la live rough for the rest of my life than be an little annoying knobhead like yourself, they say karma can be a bitch, I sincerely hope you have no help whatsoever when karma eventually catches up with you.
    Write a reply…
  • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, yesterday morning I came across this post of yours:

    Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser I think you might of been cleared but I was just wondering if it was yourself that was charged with sex offense ? If so was it against woman
     or men or both? How hard it must of been is not worth thinking about but if it was you could you please just to clarify fella, I’m sorry for the question but i think many like myself would like you to answer without one of your essays or repost, so just 1 straightforward Direct answer without copying old posts blah blah blah, I’m sorry if it hurts or causes any type discomfort but I’m sure you’re used to it,

    Are those 113 odd words of yours still up?

    My response at around 8:30 AM Calif. Time also appears to have been removed.

    Again Title: What is the fair price to pay the soldiers? [Word count 1399]

    Digger Paul Bernstein is trying most of all to convince himself and the rest about a couple of things.

    First, that he couldn’t possibly be so gullible as to have believed the total impossible; namely, that Israel’s most sharp Shin Bet officials, who build prisons with cameras, hidden as well, listening devices and most of all spies within the prisons such as Mosab Hassan Yousef, would be oblivious to the torture of Palestinian prisoners by other Palestinian prisoners suspected of collaborating with the Israel’s Shin Bet who are also more than capable of framing prisoners who are not cooperating to have them targeted for corporal punishment.


    Digger Paul Bernstein also knows that it is not rocket science to figure out the correct answer. I provided him and the rest of you, who I will get to in a moment with the email address of Mosab’s celebrated Shin Bet handler, Gonan Ben Itzhak whose father was a top Israeli general, meaning that GBI was not raised in a naive household.

    Here again is GBI’s personal email:

    GBI also is active on FB.

    Moreover, I have had many conversations with GBI on the telephone, FB messaging and What’s App. He is very responsive and very knowledgeable.

    We must not forget that this discourse with Digger P B began with him being flabbergasted with my question which kick-started my presence on this FB wall which most would agree Mosab H Y has to be following; and if not, then it begs many questions which is not as important as listening to your common sense which tells you, “If there is any doubt, we should ask someone like Gonen Ben Itzhak”.

    But Digger P B like the rest of you know that it is only your brainwashing by the media that had most of you thinking the same as poor thinker Digger P B, “How could they possibly know”.


    Second, like the rest of you quiet, including my FB friends which number some 881 odd which is not close to the numbers of individuals/groups who have read my 4 articles in the Jerusalem Post which explain better, more precisely than anything you will find anywhere why we had the 9/11 attack, Digger Paul Bernstein [DPB] wants to believe that there is nothing we can do with the information, and that is depressing, not uplifting.

    But that is not true.

    Good information is powerful.

    Good information stops the people cold who are putting out false propaganda.

    DBP has joined the enemy when he accuses me of the things he is now an accomplice to.

    That is standard operating procedure of a coward.

    No one likes to be called a coward, but if it is true, then the label should stick until the coward decides to be different.

    Again, DPB has been on a mission ever since I responded to his stupid thinking by reminding him that the Palestinians being tortured and the Palestinians doing the torturing were being held in an Israeli high security prison manned by Israel’s most elite Special Forces commandos.

    You don’t get into Shin Bet by proving during your compulsory military service with the IDF [Israel Defense Force] that you are a reliable thinker when unraveling a toilet roll and then rolling it back and suggesting, “See I did something innovative!”

    You can all empathize with DPB because if you saw the documentary The Green Prince you most likely would have been just as convinced as DPB by Mosab Hassan Youself’s “acting”.

    Again, if he was not acting than Mosab Hassan Yousef is as gullible as DPB and the rest of you.

    So lets talk about some of the rest of you.

    Let’s start with another “talker”.

    Unlike DPB, Stacey Dalton is a FB friend of mine and boy can she see talk on FB messaging, just like DPB.

    Here is another, Beth Isaacs, who like me is a former alumni of our high school in Durban, South Africa, Carmel College. Beth Isaacs is an official of Israel’s Ministry of Education.

    Beth Isaacs can read and write a perfect English if she puts her mind to it.

    Beth Isaacs and another one, Jeremy Perling, head of a Moshav in Israel know many more Israelis than me and they are not jumping in here to assist poor thinker DPB thrashing about like never before.

    In other words Beth IsaacsJeremy PerlingStacey Dalton, and lets now add other FB friends of mine who are currently online, Michelle B DaganPierre MenardBissan MohammedDirk KotzeJim BrowneDebbie Bolleurs EnglishBarry PittmanSuman GhoshDiana MerrillJameo CalvertLior SternfeldVadim Xomenko, Russian lawyer, investment analysis, are not all that keen to share the information.

    They would prefer it either dribbles out allowing them to capitalize on the information that much easier or better yet that it doesn get out at all.

    So you all see the weakness in DPB’s first line of faulty reasoning.
    You can do something about it.

    Let’s bring in my best buddy from high school and university British-South African solicitor Ray Oshry Esq. and our high school history teacher , Wendy Ann Bouman. Hello to both of you.

    Last evening I began broadcasting FLYING RABBI comprised of 4242 words once I threw in “Leaving a clear trail when” prior to “sanitizing the legacy of Joseph P. Kennedy.”

    The rebroadcast will contain the addition. 

    Following the rebroadcast which will be sent to my entire email list of 10,000+ individuals/groups, I will be writing for the first time to Nicholas Oppenheimer, head of drilling-banking cartel De Beers-Barclays who like me was working for De Beers at the time De Beers-Barclays defeated the fledgling State of Israel in the late 1970s,

    but I was closer to the “action” because I was stationed on 47th Street New York City and both he and his father Harry Oppenheimer were still reticent to visit the United States.

    That of course all changed once De Beers-Barclays began pacing their retail flagship operations not only on US soil but on the most valuable pieces of real estate, a most incredible eyesore to the officials tasked with enforcing the important anti-Trust laws.

    Gonen Ben Itzhak
    Gonen Ben Itzhak

    Gonen Ben Itzhak

  • Gary Gevisser Page 2 – What is the fair price to pay the soldiers?

    What I last sent Stacey Dalton at 7:39 AM, an hour ago, should fire you all up:

    7:39 AM
    Yes, you are quiet and maybe you are ready to take back your words, “No wonder people block you”.

    Just because most people are cowards, liars, cheats and thieves does not mean a good person would be choosing smart when joining the bad crowd.

    You have only sought to attack me, rather than praise me for trying to teach you all what is going on.

    Your arrogance continues to come through clearly, “I know about about the elite club etc”.

    You have also bought hook, line and sinker into the news headlines, “I believe 911 was an American attack.”

    You are so incredibly superficial you have to be surely right now standing in front of the mirror and laughing at yourself or are you still crying?

    You of course have the option of both blocking me and unfriending me, but both choices are not going to have you liking yourself unless you like the idea of hating yourself so that you can hate that much more good people, however few of us there are.

    By the time you get to read this I will have already moved to share this important teaching lesson with the world and maybe your children one day will wake up before you.

    How could you not answer my questions; 

    1) Did you know that the price of the money is decided by who has the strongest military?

    2) Did they teach you that in church? If not, why not?

    3) So what happens when you own all the despots in the world like Idi Amin, Gaddafi, Mandela, Hitler, Putin, Merkel, Macron, Trump etc and all the military is now one, who should be the richest peoples?

    Watch for my next response to Digger Paul Bernstein.

    Harold Kravat, Rich RemsbergAnn KroeberCarl Carr-JohnsonCarleton SpinnerRoma RevillDennis MulliganNina SenčarPatrick N. McguireKelly DayanandIan SandersonJonathan Goodman LevittMandi MaynardYuhi AmuliMicha-el FrameYaron FrameGidon FrameNadine Fels FrameDenise WardDiane FukushimaEitan AshLisa FinkelsteinLisa StureLisa DaviesHilton GreenbaumLee Hochschild GreenblattLouise Nicola MacdonaldJed StamasRoch Chouinard
  • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser oh dear oh dear oh dear 🤔 your never asking for help are you FFS 😂 could somebody please help out an take this little weasel a large box of tissues,, 
    Now before anyone starts to feel sorry for this horrible little specimen of a man I’d o
    nly ask to check his abusive bullying on anyone who dares to not agree with his theory, I asked him nicely time and time again yet he bombarded me with with post after post, I kept asking him to leave me alone but to no avail, I even told him that I was far to uneducated to get into a dispute as I wasn’t worthy as he is clearly a very very educated person,  
    Yet still he started with the threatening me by reposting all of my replys all over the net, all because I have a free mind and I’ll believe in what I want to believe in not what he wants me to, I asked him nicely for facts time and time again yet all I got was post after post after post, I’ll not bow down to you in a million years, you might be very clever but I’ll be a splinter that you’d wished you’d removed when I asked you nicely, my only defence against you is to annoy you whenever I can, that I can promise you,
    Write a reply…
  • Digger Paul Bernstein Bernice Bernstein Gary Bernstein Darren Bernstein, Don’t go into anything with this aggressive crazy over educated nutcase cyber bullying weasel as you’ll be all over the net lol just like me and all because I salute mosab Yousef and give him respect for his fantastic speech at the UNITED NATIONS, I’ll repost the video once I’ve posted this, warning!!!! Don’t exact any posts through Messenger either as I was hammered on there as well
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Honestly Darren I’ve ask him that many times to leave me alone, he goads you into replying and then threatens to post all of the conversation all over the web, I even told him I wasn’t worthy of his time as I was for two uneducated to have a debate on his radical theory, yet he hammered me more and more and more 
      He looks lovely in bright orange don’t you think, I hate to think why he’s dressed his dog up though 😳🤔😳🤔😬🤢🤫😂
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  • Write a reply…
  • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein, I see that you are still at it.

    Notice that Im no longer hitting “reply” after your writings because you are prone to remove everything when it gets that much more difficult for your brain to cope with.

    You must have heard that when people get mad at something which usually caused by something stupid they have done they just start flying off the handle.

    Remember “How could they have possibly known?” and the wonderful choice of songs you chose from all the songs ever written, “I want to know”.

    How come you and Stacey Dalton and more of my quiet FB friends are not yet the best of your FB friends?

    Standby for my next posting on this wall:…/videos/2217277398366277/…
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser they should call you the fuckin Riddler, 😂
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein why don’t you show more of your body in your FB profile?

      Do you think if you eat badly and it shows not only in your thinking but your body that you are creating good or bad Karma?

      Are you going to continue any longer on your Karma schtick as you think through the logic I have just provided you, or are you going to do whatever it takes to get your mind off that amazing piece of karma coming from your words, “How could they possibly know?” to the lyrics on the video I filmed on the canals of Amsterdam, “I want to know”?
    • Gary Gevisser DP Bernstein, given how I have seen how you react badly to my logical replies, I will cut and paste this last piece of dialogue we just had before moving on to share my last posting 

      April 8; 1:39 PM

      Digger Paul Bernstein 
      Gary Gevisser they should call you the fuckin Riddler, 😂

      3:20 PM
      Gary Gevisser 
      Digger Paul Bernstein why don’t you show more of your body in your FB profile?

      Do you think if you eat badly and it shows not only in your thinking but your body that you are creating good or bad Karma?

      Are you going to continue any longer on your Karma schtick as you think through the logic I have just provided you, or are you going to do whatever it takes to get your mind off that amazing piece of karma coming from your words, “How could they possibly know?” to the lyrics on the video I filmed on the canals of Amsterdam, “I want to know”?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser 😳🙄😳🙄😳🙄😳🙄😳🤔🤔 didn’t I tell you that I’n the beginning of you annoying me,, your nothing more than a unreal little knobhead, WOW have you made yourself look silly fella or not 2😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
    Write a reply…
  • Gary Gevisser Let’s now move on to To Light-Knowledge-Truth posting on to the Canadians For Liberty FB wall:…/videos/2217277398366277/…
  • Hide 40 Replies
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Don’t bite people he’s around the fuckin bend 😂🤣😂🤣
    • Gary Gevisser Digger Paul Bernstein How come with your karma and powers of persuasion you are having such difficulty in explaining your reasoning behind your initial conclusion, “How could they possibly know” which you are sticking to like there is nothing more important in the world?
    • Andrews Peter I’m pro-Palestinian, the Israeli fascists and right-wing are committing genocide and stealing property and land. Please don’t tag me.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter you obviously wanted to be heard. So you have said your piece.

      Now I will say it is important that you look at the people who control the mineral resources who have no loyalty to country, race or religion and who back all sides to war wh
      en they cannot possibly lose.

      That is logical.

      The fact that you, like this Digger Paul Bernstein may not have been the first to think through that logic, I understand that it makes you angry and you just want to stick to what you have been brainwashed to believe.

      Anything else you want to say?
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Andrews Peter don’t give him your time of day fella, he’s nothing more than a radical spewing nutcase
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Gary Gevisser stop with your bullying tactics knobhead, none of the friends you tagged are giving you the support you obviously wanted FFS, leave us alone WEASEL, what part of fuck off don’t you understand lmfho
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, do you really want to find yourself in the same boat as Digger P Bernstein?
    • Andrews Peter The Crapitalists controlling resources, military and spending in Israel are right-wing thieves, war-mongers and racists. I support the non-expansionist, non-racist, moderate, left-wing and peace loving Israeli and Palestinian people.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter do you think because you come up with words, “The Capitalists” that it excuses you avoiding my logical response?

      It is important to know both your career experience as well as educational background.

      If you have extensive military intelligence experience you would either be silent, knowing that I speak very good common sense-logic, and you are profiting from the corruption or you would speak out in support of my logic.

      If you have extensive formal economics education, the same thing.

      If your only knowledge is from the mainstream, the same thing.

      So what is your background?
    • Gary Gevisser Digger P Bernstein, are you taking notes?
    • Gary Gevisser Stacey Dalton and others, are you all taking notes?
    • Andrews Peter Gary Gevisser, I’m still understanding your position and logic. Do you support the current Israeli government’s policies and military stance regarding Palestine?
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, your communication is not clear. Can you do better with the first sentence above?
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, let me try and help you. You wrote, “I’m still understanding your position and logic”; did you mean to write, “I’m still TRYING to understand your position and logic”?
    • Andrews Peter I’m not a grammar expert Gary Gevisser. So if you can’t understand my question, then don’t bother.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter it is about being clear, not grammar or spelling. Nor should you be defensive about me trying to help make your writings clearer. 

      How can I begin to answer your question when your first sentence is so unclear?

      It tells me that your thinking is not clear.
    • Andrews Peter That will suffice.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, let’s not assume that your thinking on the whole Israeli-Palestinian issue is totally misguided and that you are still trying to understand my position-logic.

      You would therefore agree that there are some Israelis and some Palestinians,
       and some South Africans, and some Russians etc etc who profit from war.

      You would also agree on two other points that I make consistently in my very clear writings.

      First, those who profit from war see peace as war on their profits.

      Second, these warmongers are unlikely to call themselves warmongers.

      So I lead you back to what I wrote earlier, exactly 29 odd minutes ago:

      Now I will say it is important that you look at the people who control the mineral resources who have no loyalty to country, race or religion and who back all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose.

      That is logical.

      Therefore it makes no sense looking at the current government puppets within the Israeli government or the Palestinian Authority or for that matter which puppet is running Uganda, Congo, Namibia etc etc at the current moment.

      You have to look at those who control the drilling industry which in turn controls the mineral resources.

      These people do not cry out aloud that they rig not only all the elections but all their opposition groups who talk exactly like you.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, so how did you and everyone else do with To Light-Knowledge-Truth posting on to the Canadians For Liberty FB wall?
    • Andrews Peter Ruthless capitalists, indoctrinated religious groups, patriots and nationalists all cause problems for healthy society. The elite capitalists that exploit resources, own real-estate, run media empires and manipulate governments are a real problem.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter what is the source of your knowledge base?

      Are you like my FB friend Tomer Tene both an organic produce farmer as well as Lt. Colonel in the Israel Air Force who speaks Hebrew? [Tomer, also speaks a perfect English.]

      Andrews Peter you sound like you are someone who has been hearing stuff from a bunch of sources where you don’t really know anything about the people behind it?

      Do you know who are the people behind Zeitgeist?

      Would you expect the mineral-banking monopolists who have real names and so do their officials beginning with Nicholas Oppenheimer, not to bother with controlling all the distracting groups who have people like you questioning so little?
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, I don’t suspect for a moment that you are currently a Professor of English at either Oxford or Cambridge University, and therefore you might not know that those very poor grammar email solicitations we all receive from places like Nigeria are written by the most skilled English writers wanting the reader to think how poorly educated is the writer and then there are a good many of the elderly who are lonely and just looking for something to distract them and feel an emotional connection with another human and it is isn’t long before they send out a bunch of money.
    • Andrews Peter Gary Gevisser, yes that may occur, of which you speak. But I’m not interested in that discussion. So could you please untag me from this post. Pease
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter but you have been spewing anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli rhetoric all over the Internet and it turns out that you are no better than a poorly trained parrot.

      So now you just want out?
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    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, lets talk to our 5 mutual FB friends without any of us forgetting that we have Digger P Bernstein and his “How could they possibly know” to thank for us all being here together today.
    • Gary Gevisser Brian CampbellChris PrattDenise WardJodda Mitchell and Trowa Daryon who touts Zeitgeist.

      Welcome to the 5 of you.
    • Andrews Peter Gary Gevisser , I haven’t been “spewing anti-Semitic rhetoric”, unless I’ve been hacked and am unaware of it. I love and support Jewish and Palestinian people and their reasonable human right to a home. I don’t support Crapitalists, racists, colonialists, warmongering and other oppressive activity.
    • Andrews Peter Gary Gevisser, I hold some differing and similar perspectives to the group of people you mention. I debate with Denise Ward etc …but I DO NOT agree or support some of their positions and perspectives!
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter do you think the possibility exists that you have been fooled by the money?
    • Gary Gevisser BTW, I’ve just sent Mosab’s handler Gonen along with a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population, a backup of this which does not include your last comment “I hold…” and obviously my response above.

      Again you can email Gonen yo

      And that includes everyone unless all your fear is that you will all finally wake up to the truth and prefer everything left in the hands of the acting politicians.
    • Gary Gevisser Andrews Peter, let me ask it a different way. do you think you may have been fooled by the money and the people who have rigged the money have also controlled your knowledge to date, outside of what I have shared with you?
    • Chris Pratt Gary Gevisser I’ve not heard anything about this so I couldn’t really say . Guess I’ll have to dive in and get back to you when I get the chance .
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    • Chris Pratt Calling for an end to cronyism, to empower the people and to push towards sustainability to these big money interests we face and the puppets in our establishment they own is nothing less than a declaration of war on their profits. It’s why they’ve spent trillions of dollars and decades infiltrating and hijacking our establishment’s around the world. Even gone so far as to destroy our rights and every critical pillar of what a free society depends upon in their quest to expand their empires . Hijack , render the peoples voices powerless , exploit, privatize, monopolize , rinse and repeat . 

      Those profiting from this live too high on the hog to waist their time thinking on the morality of their deeds . Nobody wants to think of themselves as “the bad guy” . 

      Also most people don’t want to even attempt at digging into these issues. Definitely not far enough to identify the rotten roots of it all. We find ourselves working our fingers to the bone . Struggling to keep our heads above water trying to make ends meet , too busy to put much thought into why our quality of life continues to deteriorate regardless of technological advancements that are supposed to make our lives better. Ignorance is bliss .. until it comes to bite them in the ass sadly. If they even consider themselves mildly informed because they read the news papers , watch the mainstream media and are causally politically active . They’re lulled into thinking that’s enough. The extent of our jobs are fulfilled at the ballot box and they can go home with their heads held high , get on the internet or wherever and stand firm in their belief they’re making some kind of a difference . Even though our elections are 100% rigged. It’s either that or they’ve been so alienated and disenfranchised they’ve been convinced that they’re voice means little to nothing. They feel completely powerless and that’s the intent .

      This explains why when something happens that affects them . They lash out at the branches of the issue instead of the roots . It’s a knee jerk reactionary response that’s by and large completely ineffective and misses the mark by miles if they actually intended on resolving anything to begin with.  

      These interests have us all exactly where they want us . Funding all sides of the war, they’re dominating us so badly . They’ve manipulated our history, control the curriculum. Control everything our mass media cranks out , they control the optics of the problems they create. Even when we catch them or they fuck us so badly it hurts they control our judicial system so they never see anything remotely resembling true justice come down on them 

      The problem is glaringly obvious and it’s been staring us all in the face for a long time now . 

      Here in the U.S there’s only one way to deal with it peacefully and effectively. Our founding fathers left us the convention of states in order to get our government under control if it ever became bought , corrupted and completely unresponsive. Which it has 

      We must get behind anti-corruption amendments to completely cut off multinational corporations, big banks, foreign, religious and private big money interests from our government so that it serves the people as intended and we must restore our inalienable rights to empower the people and get this under control. 

      Something like this

      The other way is sloppy and will entail violence and death . The outcome will be anyone’s guess . They gave us the right and duty to dismantle our government if it ever became tyrannical. Which it is . 

      I really hope we manage to pull each other out of this manufactured hyper-partisanship, ignorance and hate. So long as it remains this way we will continue to decline into complete chaos and collapse. Exploitation and insane profits at the expense of everything we hold dear to our hearts. All for a few greedy interests who have no allegiance to any country , no regard for life or humanity outside their own bubbles . They don’t care and in saying that we need to ready ourselves.  

      We need to be more determined in every regard than they are or God help us all .
    • Digger Paul Bernstein Chris Pratt unfortunately Chris we’re not aloud to think for ourselves or should I say that’s what this horrible little man seems to think, he puts everybody and anybody down naming them all and then threatens to post all of the conversation all over the net, please be aware, fella,
    • Gary Gevisser Title: Unsure what I can do with the information [Word count 3202]

      Chris Pratt, the important part for you to remember is that once you have your source of capital, and it also happens to be the lowest cost of capital, you leave it to the source of ca
      pital who has the most power, and that you would surely agree is an irrefutable truth, to find you the best management team.

      Therefore all the MBAs produced at the universities since the turn of the last century, and you would agree that there are tens if not hundreds of millions of them, don’t have much to do other than look busy.

      The money people are only interested in the safety and return on their investment, and when you are a banking-mining empire like De Beers-Barclays who you can get your biggest adversary, the fledgling State of Israel to become your friend and wipe out your last remaining Jewish existence on the planet and which took place in the late ‘70s when I was working for De Beers-Barclays, you not only have an unlimited supply of money but the last thing on your mind is maximizing the return on your investment.

      All you are interested in is keeping the illusion of the money being the most scarce resource by having the people fight tooth and nail to grab the money and each time there is a bank holdup, especially if there is a police shootout and better yet have someone like rich kid Patty Hearst be one of the gunmen, the people will buy into it hook, line and sinker that much more.

      Do you think I kept my mouth shut for 24 years after leaving De Beers-Barclays employment because I knew the moment I began speaking out that I would have that many more friends on Wall Street?

      In other words, if you are Barclays-De Beers

      the last thing you want is competent management who would question.

      Again, the Bell Shaped [BullShit] curve educational curriculum explains well that the most average rise to the top and the math still gets it right when having the curious observer focus their attention on the extreme ends of the distribution curve where the most important information resides.

      The good MBA is one who when advising the inventor of a particular item which might have value should it be brought to market, makes the inventor, usually an engineer, aware that not only is De Beers-Barclays the lowest cost of capital provider but if they like you they will find you the best people managers in the world, otherwise they will destroy you by simply backing a less competent enterprise as their focus remains unchanged; namely, to remain as the banker of bankers, and comforted that all the other household named banks, National Westminster, Bank of America, Societe Generale, BNP, Wells Fargo, Chase etc etc only let their richest and most private banking customers know how to get in the door of Barclays-De Beers, and once in they know better than to breath a word to anyone.

      It is only the most poorly schooled real estate speculators who talk non-stop to their tenants and unsophisticated outside investors that money doesn’t grow on trees

      while never explaining what would be the purpose of De Beers-Barclays allowing such wretched “slum landlords” to intimidate the crap out of their small business tenants other than De Beers-Barclays along with their bought politicians and government regulators want the plebes who are not stupid, just horribly brainwashed to believe that there is serious competition in the real estate market.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 2 – Unsure what I can do with the information

      Remember, De Beers-Barclays demonstrate each and every day since the turn of the last century that they only tolerate competition that they control from start to finish.

      So you can see that it would be difficult to find an MBA graduate or a professor of an MBA program whether it be Harvard, Wharton, Princeton, Yale, London School of Economics, etc etc who would be happy with me at this moment.

      They might not all say as Stacey Dalton wrote me this past Saturday at 3:31 PM Calif. time, “By the way I never wanted to make money from your information” and earlier in the day at 3:07 PM, “Unsure what I can do with the information.”

      You also wouldn’t expect all the world’s philanthropist-industrialists to be applauding me either.

      But what about the rest of you who would prefer not to be on the team advocating violence and ongoing theft of the downtrodden who when forced to leave their ancestral lands to seek employment because their corrupt government is only doing what they are paid to do which is to help create chaos and social unrest and so the lands they leave behind are that much easier for people like real estate speculator Donald Trump to grab for less than peanuts once he is in bed with De Beers-Barclays.

      So you also understand that Trump who was not averse to using illegal foreign workers to build his high rises in Manhattan is not so desperately keen to build an impenetrable wall between Mexico and the United States.

      Moreover, if you think all of Trump’s political adversaries are on the level, you would be mistaken.

      Do you see how nice, polite and patient I am?

      When has a trusted friend or family member provided you with such a wealth of knowledge?

      You wrote what you felt you needed to say at 9:20 PM Calif. time last evening which was going on 4 hours after I first wrote Andrews Peter, “do you think the possibility exists that you have been fooled by the money?”

      Did you see it?

      Do you have a problem with the words spoken by Digger Paul Bernstein that our conversations are being posted all over the Internet?

      Do you better understand how easy it was for the Nazis once they got to a place like Vilnius, Lithuania where the Jewish people and Gentiles lived in peace and harmony for hundreds of years, to get the local collaborators to be enthusiastic when herding their Jewish neighbors to the nearby forest, having them dig their mass graves and only shooting a few of them in the back of the head to save bullets and then kicking the rest of them in who were unwilling to jump before covering up the pit with the dugout sand and the muffled sounds lasting for a lot more than a great many hours?

      Could you see Jewish people jealous of their richer Jewish neighbor doing everything they could to curry favor with the Nazis?

    • Gary Gevisser Page 3 – Unsure what I can do with the information

      A great piece of wording came from Jewish South African Billy Jacobs the other day when justifying the actions of Durban, South Africa’s most disgusting Jewish Kapo-sellout, collaborator Gunter “The P
      ig” Lazarus during the Apartheid Regime, “How can you blame them for wanting to keep their doors open” [sic]

      What conclusion would you arrive at if every literate person on the planet is so distressed by the question, “What if the money is rigged?” because they know the right answer which of course is much more than a possibility, that they cannot speak any common sense but that won’t stop them from writing a book and in your case 704 words just to show that they can compose a word and it not all that important if not a single sentence makes sense?

      What if the money is rigged, wouldn’t that make the world’s terrorists, our media, no less contrived?

      I will go further to say that literate would cover someone who is not confused between a fairy tale and a true story, and that is generally anyone over the age of around 12, and that would include Andrews Peter and Digger Paul Bernstein who has a theory about why Mosab Hassan Yousef “turned” against his own father, his own family, his own tribe, his own people, and his theory doesn’t pass mustard and Bernstein knows it, and is in his death throes, but we want to encourage him to remain with us and help expose that much more the hypocrites.

      You will see those caught in the biggest mind cluster screwup of their lives feeling that the only way out of their head trauma is to talk about me being better educated than them when in fact my advantage is simply that I never allowed my formal education, starting with my elementary and high schooling, to interfere with my learning.

      I have tagged a very broad range of people from the most highly educated in the social sciences, such as my long time economist friend, Dr. Rod Smith Phd who Digger P Bernstein has not been able to convince of anything other than Bernstein is a fool which explains his big ego and that of the rest of the fools, and my high school history teacher Wendy Ann Bouman who first started teaching our class when she was still a student at my alma mater University of Natal-Kwazulu where we were not taught in Zulu because few of us white students who were 99% of the student body wouldn’t have understood more than a handful of words.

      The fact that Wendy Ann Earl Bouman was one of the Rag Queen finalists and totally beautiful from head to toe, the most beautiful face, the sexiest slim, strong body had a lot to do with maintaining my interest in history which has to be one of the most boring subjects, other than it is purposefully taught to turn off the brightest students and why it is that with the exception of perhaps only Wendy, the world’s western historians are incredibly stupid.

      When you search through my BLOG on 2facetruth.comyou will easily find my dialogues with several of Britain’s most esteemed historians who I first came across when they were engaged in a public debate with the one side arguing that Great Britain should have entered WW1, and the other side arguing the opposite.

      Since they were talking wars I began a conversation with all the panel members whose email addresses I was able to obtain, including the moderator Mr. Edward Lucas, a graduate of Oxford and considered one of the great debaters; and my question was simple, logical and very much on point because again we were talking wars and you know that the history of the world is the history of warfare.

      My question, “How was Germany able to rearm after WW1 in such flagrant violation of the Versailles Peace Treaty?” and I did not not need to go and explain more about the peace treaty that followed WW1 because these people are historians and make a ton of money giving speeches, writing books and doing big time special BBC broadcasts and the such.

      Suffice to say each and every one of them fell apart. They couldn’t answer the question without talking the biggest bunch of nonsense such as what we see from Digger P Bernstein and of course the others talking nonsense as well as those silent are not much better.

      My point is if the world’s best known historians who pride themselves on their debating skills have World War II all wrong, then what about the rest of you?

      These British and one English Canadian historian, Margaret MacMillan of course were as clueless as the rest of you about the money being rigged which does not mean you all got it right when allowing your formal education to interfere with your learning.

      Naturally you would feel the same about people like great actress May, prime minister of Great Britain, neophyte Macron of France, fat Merkel of Germany, equally fat Trump of the United States, crooked mouth Bill and ugly fat Hillary Clinton of the United States and the biggest liar of them all Obama of the United States unless like very prominent Nobel prize for economics recipients, Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915 – 2009) and Milton Friedman 1912 – 2006), the two “pillars” of the economics establishment with Samuelson being the first economist to win a Nobel prize and for that reason I assume he is considered the “Father of Modern Economics”, they were bought for very little, in most cases nothing more than a job; and so you don’t have to wonder why all of them are mostly smiling away from the camera including Mr. Obama.

      I am now up to nearly 3 times more words than your 704 word speech which sounds to me a lot if not exactly how Alan Greenspan began speaking the moment he took office on August 11, 1987 as the 13th Chairman of the US Federal Reserve which lasted a whopping going on 19 odd years during which time no one with common sense could make head or tail of what he was saying; he was that good an actor, and it probably helped him being married to a White House reporter.

    • Gary Gevisser Page 4 – Unsure what I can do with the information

      Greenspan, not Greenspam, began speaking exactly the way President Nixon spoke on August 15, 1971 some 191 months and 27 days before getting this most important figurehead post, which has the “mass thinkers” holding 
      on to every word like it was St Peter himself speaking from the balcony of St. Peters Church, Vatican which I have visited often, not so much to pray but to observe the dwindling enthusiasm of the guides increasingly taking Chinese nationals to this spectacular demonstration of opulence of the highest order.

      Not to mention, just earlier in the year we spent a bunch of days in our most favorite city on the planet, Rome and ran into a crowd of Chinese being guided by one of their own; a most beautiful, elegant, slender and strong Chinese woman who of course spoke the most perfect English without forgetting that China’s history predates our western civilization by at least 8,000 years as most of our ancestors were still cave dwellers; and if you want to argue that point with me please bring in a celebrated anthropologist or paleoanthropologist.

      Noticing how different were these Chinese tourists who were most certainly not as in good shape as the Chinese nationals we spent 24 days with back in June-July 2006 on our “24 day fact finding mission” to “Communist China” which I first visited for several weeks in early spring 1989 and returning to the United States just before the Tiananmen Square massacring which I could tell was brewing from my vantage point when staying at the Beijing Hotel overlooking the square, I asked the guide, “Wouldn’t it be the end of the world if the Chinese got as fat as us?”, and she quickly answered, “Yes”, thought about it a little longer before commenting with a smile, “But we must be positive.”

      During that spring 1989 visit I also got to speak to a group of young Chinese kids who were no more than 10 years of age, because my private guide, a Chinese student who had been “loaned” to me by a group of Israeli and Italian businessmen, and the Israelis in the hotel were significantly disproportionate in number to all the other foreign tourists felt that what I had to say should be shared with these youngsters and their parents who were undoubtedly the best educated of the Chinese; and it wouldn’t surprise me if today one or more of these kids, now around 40 are senior members of the Chinese government who pick carefully, as do our western monopolists, their industrialists-philanthropists.

      You may recall yesterday in my To Light-Knowledge-Truth

      me mentioning that this is the equivalent of one university lecture which should have you at a minimum questioning everything that is taught in school and university.

      So let me bring you back to August 11, 1987 when I was still in London but having decided shortly before that I was going to turn down Lloyd’s of London’s invitation to join the world’s oldest and most exclusive Old Boys Club and such refusal is extraordinarily rare.

      Following the news that this sellout Greenspan was now joining the very distracting US Federal Reserve which like the London Exchequer and the rest of the world’s Central Banks, including the South African Reserve Bank violate the basic tenets of “double entry bookkeeping” which is to tell you what total nonsense Chartered Accountants/CPAs publish in the financial statements of corporations like all those listed on the world’s stock exchanges, I knew that I had made the right decision and that it was just going to be a matter of time before Lloyd’s of London, an affiliate of De Beers-Barclays found the pretext to institute a ban prohibiting Americans from investing in Lloyds and which I covered in sufficient detail yesterday.

      69 days later, October 19, I cannot tell you if Greenspan was having sex with his wife because I was not privy to his schedule but I do know that Black Monday did not come as as surprise to him or Lloyds-De Beers who make it their business to let their puppets – who are counted on never to discuss De Beers’ exclusive “diamond currency” which is the only way for the central banks to balance their books – know what to expect in order for them to practice their speeches and how they look in front of the mirror, just how Hitler perfected his look, although I think rather than the limp wrist salute it could have been more manly, what do you think?

      BTW, with the company I was running, Insurance Marketing Services Inc. whose founder, George Nordhaus was the biggest American “name” in Lloyd’s of London, now completely out of the stock market for several weeks prior to Black Monday, I was enjoying drinks with two very beautiful female friends at a popular watering hole in Los Angeles, Chaya Braiserie which has since closed it doors and we were joined by the agent of Charlie’s Angels’ best known actress, Farah Fawcett, Jay Bernstein who I had previously met a couple of times at Hollywood parties, both in the same house, but he didn’t recognize me because he was already sloshed but that didn’t prevent his eyes from focusing in on these two beauties and as he chatted away I wrote, The loneliness of the long distance runner on a white linen serviette which I still have along with his increasing fading signature.…/

      So on August 11, 1987 with the collapse in the stock market all but date certain, I headed to Spain’s Costa Del Sol, and hung out with a bunch of comedians in Marbella for most of the time before heading to the green Greek island Samos where I joined my Greek-American girlfriend.

      Note the coincidence of the card my new friends gave me, “Welcome anytime”, September 11, 1987, 14 years to the day before 9/11.…/

      And the address of where to write them containing the numbers 12-14

      It must make you think!
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    • Gary Gevisser Peter Malbin, why can’t you go quietly?
    • Gary Gevisser Tomer Tene, Lt. Colonel IAF.
    • Gary Gevisser Micha-el FrameMichael DitzJeremy Perling, runs a Moshav in Israel and this talker is also quiet, Beth Isaacs an official with the Israeli Ministry of Health, another talker and she is quiet.
    • Gary Gevisser How come another big talker Roch Chouinard is so quiet?
    • Gary Gevisser To all of you talkers, how come you are all so fearful of encouraging Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Shin Bet “handler” Gonen Ben Yitzhak to join this conversation and begin by answering the question whether he thinks Mosab Hassan Youself is as big an idiot as Digger Paul Bernstein or MH Yousef was simply lying to us in the documentary The Green Prince because he had to find one reason for turning in his father?
    • Gary Gevisser Who would argue that at least 50% of the world’s literate population are either stupid and/or corrupt?

      That would be a rather large number of people and therefore we really shouldn’t be disappointed in our puppet elected officials who don’t yet all kn
      ow that the price of the money is as rigged as price fixed diamond currency which it is not possible to either quantify or to figure out the corruption it has bought after the past more than a century.

      Let’s now look a little deeper into those numbers.

      Having a FB account makes you literate as well as being a member of around one-third of the human population and perhaps as many as 50% of all literate humans placing the literate human count at around 5 billion, leaving about 3 billion illiterate people, mostly in places like India and China.

      In other words FB users would be considered a sufficiently large group to make accurate conclusions if the data is correct.

      Who feels, when you look at yourself and your other FB friends and family members, that the number of either stupid and/or corrupt humans is higher than 50%?

      Who thinks Digger Paul Bernstein and Andrews Peter are the people who could do a better job than the officials of De Beers-Barclays whose job is to distract you from questioning the GDP economic index?

      What if it turns out that 99% of literate humans prefer not to know that De Beers-Barclays along with their institutions like the OECD and World Bank and IMF and United Nations have you all fooled with the GDP index?

      Would you consider those humans any better than the officials of De Beers-Barclays?

      How can you all be so quiet when you are only here on FB to make money connections and find someone more attractive than your current lover without having to go either to a strip joint or join an Internet dating service.
    • Gary Gevisser Jean Edelstein Gaylis, on Ulpan-Gadna training with me in ’72, same with British-South African solicitor Ray Oshry Esq, Gail ReedLionel H. Phillips, South African-Israeli, Bruce Ashkenas, author, Jennifer Bruyns Neethling
    • Gary Gevisser Jennifer Bruyns Neethling thank you for reaching out to me. Is there anything else that you want to contribute to the conversation?
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  • Gary Gevisser These conversations along with the feedback I received from “To Light-Knowledge-Truth” while delaying my communication to Nicholas Oppenheimer will prove helpful.
  • Gary Gevisser Who remembers the kid in the school playground who tries to laugh off their stupidity?
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  • Digger Paul Bernstein Andrew Raymond Bradbeer, don’t get into a debate, he’ll try to suckers you into one, he’ll post all the conversation all over the net dude
