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Who’s behind the war?

Screenshot 11:57 AM, Sunday March 13, 2022


Gary Gevisser




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Who’s behind the war?



Gary Gevisser on Twitter

“Who’s behind the war?”






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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: NaturallyIf you are a mineral king like Oppenheimer, who has a monopoly of the minerals, wouldn’t you want war to be an ongoing event as you naturally control all the leaders and big industry?

    Check out for further insight and analysis of the important events of the day.











    • Jill O’hara
      Gary Gevisser what you on aboutmate it says who’s behind the war I said. USA U.K. and Ukraine have been bombing each other ok 



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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: Cutting through the noiseJill O’hara, you like everyone else knows that I have made the most important point; and “Naturally” provides all the explanation a normal, common sense person, can perfectly understand.

      Were it not for my writing that began at 10:47 AM Calif. time, “Who is behind the war?”, in a month the war would be old news.

      People get used to everything and it becomes old news fast.

      They no longer get shocked.

      But that was true under 3 hours ago.

      It is now 1:36 PM.

      Do you want to talk about your dinner?

      While you never responded, you saw that I very politely introduced myself to you back on 29 June last year.

      Where did you get your Charm School teaching?

      I will post up shortly on The Internet that time prescient information I shared with you 255 odd days ago.

      Your response today was to distract, make yourself feel important, and in the process undermine the critically important knowledge I had just shared, and which you can’t found elsewhere.

      Guess how many people have accumulated great wealth from speaking the biggest load of nonsense, and passed it on to their heirs?

      Do you think Rupert Murdoch would have been able to bag model Jerry Hall if he was broke and feeding himself from city street dumpsters?

      Elon Musk thinks his solution to population control is to support poor surrogate women.

      It’s like buying a baby, much akin to buying a pair of pants, wouldn’t you agree?

      Does that make them good parents?

      “Being a sperm donor or sperm recipient doesn’t make you a good parent” ~ MDG

      Do they take care of the surrogate during the pregnancy, after, before, for how long?

      I don’t think you should interfere with nature.

      Would you agree that it runs into very large numbers those reading the news, engaging as tv and radio talk show hosts, university professors and lecturers in economics, finance, accounting, philosophy, law, political science etc along with all the politicians who would be out of work once this information becomes widespread?

      How many humans do you think it would take to achieve critical mass and to end this nonsense?

      What is your goal in life?

      You like to talk, right?

      Is it more important that you be liked than liking yourself?

      Have ever taken a course in personality development by a professional?

      I’m not talking about taking golf lessons with a golf pro.

      I think you know what I mean.

      What would you suggest becomes of Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace when the Royal Family leave and quit doing the bidding of the SA Oppenheimers?

      Do you think humanity and all the animals who have been killed to fill the guts of the increasingly less sensitive, less logically thinking, less rational human, has been served by Ernest Oppenheimer being Knighted?

      My mother Zena wrote the booklet THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN that was light years ahead of its time.

      You have to work on your insecurities.

      That does not mean trading stocks and bonds because you are bored with life.

      Note, I did not say your wife because that would be gender bias.

      When the price mechanism is interfered with it means there is no fairness in the price of all items starting with the value assigned to the monies which are used to acquire wealth such as castles, corporations and lawmakers.

      Low self esteem manifests itself by you always feeling the need to be the center of attention by first making yourself interesting.

      That means you have to read, not the newspapers or watch TV or subscribe to Vogue magazine unless your interest is fashion as the articles are like The New York Times…/status/1502366592562130946…

      total nonsense, but from reliable sources who first have to know history before becoming expert in “military economics”.

      Do you feel that I’m repeating myself?

      Once equipped with the knowledge of how civilization has destroyed the planet, to then make a beeline to the people most capable of changing the world for the better, such as Pandit Nehru and when they fail, to never lose hope because remember the goal here is to gain confidence so that you don’t feel the need to be the center of attention.

      So tell me are you happy with how your brain has treated the rest of your body, beginning with its shape?

      Do you feel it is attractive to yourself as well as to others who you would like to have sex with?

      Do you think it is smart to neglect the health of your internal organs?

      In other words do you do more for the health of your brain than simply being vegan?

      How much of what I write are you able absorb in one sitting?

      Do you live in Leeds, England and have you noticed that there are not as many trees as there were in 1066, when the Battle of Hastings took place and King Harold first lost an eye before his life?

      Have you thought if there is one instrument of the SA Oppenheimers’ governments that is singularly responsible for the destruction of the planet?

      Can you name it?




    • Jill O’hara
      Gary Gevisser fuck off






    • ” [sic] yesterday at 4:23 AM Calif. time were after my “Being the first” posted on Friday at 5:09 PM.To allow an easier following of the chronology, I will repost this right below “Being the first” while continuing to do backups, just in case you decide to start removing your writings because they are proving too embarrassing.

      Note that I placed the Latin Adverb SIC after your writings to denote your misspelling of “already”.




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    Write a reply…


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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, I was working off my cell phone when typing “Cutting through the noise” and misread the date of my first communications to you.It was June 29 of last year, not June 21. I have since made the edits including changing the elapse of time from 263 to 255 odd days.




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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, the link below takes you to our writings on fb messaging which should clear up anything left unsaid.




    Jill O’hara – Please don’t go awayJill O’hara – Please don’t go away


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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, I’m now making a backup of this wall, just in case.Also remember to scroll down and see my response to Kathy Niell posting up, “The rabbis and Jewish people of Israel are praying for their Ukrainian brothers.”

    “Worshipping ink on paper …” has a word count of 99.




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    Gary Gevisser
    It is now 2:19 PM Calif. time

    and we should not forget not only who is behind the war, a very small South African family who I was intimately aware of from a very young age, given their business dealings with my immediate family’s 60 year old multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970], but this war on the Ukraine whose President is Jewish and reflects the greatest aspects of us Jewish people, was planned well in advance to make sure that Ukraine didn’t have a sufficient air force in place to enforce a “No Fly Zone”.

    For those wanting to hold on and not be led astray by the detractors which of course include all the media including Israel’s bought media, may I suggest you read my Perspective One

    a “gift” to my amazing Jewish Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser




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    Gary Gevisser




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    Gary Gevisser
    on his 77th birthday, 18 October 2000. 



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    Gary Gevisser
    Not to mention, there was little doubt in the years following the end of World War II where my father flew a miraculous 71 dive-bombing missions against the Nazi bastards over the rugged terrain of northern Italy, that the Nazis won World War II.Again, one just has to follow the minerals trail leading back to the German-South African Oppenheimer family who should have been the first prosecuted at Nuremberg for their war crimes against us Jewish people.

    Bear also in mind, my father along with Syd Cohen




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    Gary Gevisser



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    Gary Gevisser
    were the only Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilots of most enlightened Christian, General Jan Christiaan Smuts’ [24 May 1870 – 11 September 1950] most elite Fighter Bomber Squadron 11.Syd Cohen went on to command the Israel Air Force’s only fighter squadron, Squadron 101 during Israeli’s War of Independence [1947-1949].

    There is also good reason why my father answered 13 odd years ago, 11 March 2009, “Suggest that you ask my youngst son Gary” [sic] when asked by a stranger why he and my highly secretive British-English mother Zena didn’t leave South Africa when the Third Reich’s Southern Division aka Apartheid Regime came to power in the rigged 26 May 1948 South African General Election.

    Note my father’s misspelling of “youngest”; hence use of the Latin “SIC” denoting the spelling error.




    Ask my youngst son, GaryAsk my youngst son, Gary


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    Gary Gevisser
    To mention little of, back on 19 March 1945, my father flew 2 combat missions in support of the Jewish Brigades first offensive action during WW2.The Jewish Brigades performance on that day did not go unnoticed by General Smuts, the greatest friend us Jewish people have had in modern day times, if not of all time.

    Ask the good question, why are the Jewish people so quiet right now?

    South African Rabbi Larry Shain, why don’t you go first?




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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara, it is now 3:29 PM Calif. time.…/status/1502424397956763655…

    You know that you, Steve Dinkelspiel + our 10 mutual fb friends are not the only subscribers to facebook-meta who are following along.

    My last Tweet, to Ukraine President Zelenskyy will also have been read by his top advisors; and if not, then you know that Zelenskyy is not being well served.

    Let me repeat the Tweet also at 3:21 PM:

    @ZelenskyyUa when next speaking with @IsraeliPM Bennett ask, with all the intelligence, why Ukraine didn’t already have in place a sufficiently strong Air Force to immediately enforce a “no fly zone” and cut out all this noise?

    Who’s behind the war?




    Gary Gevisser on TwitterGary Gevisser on Twitter


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    Gary Gevisser
    Title: Being the first [Word count 101]Jill O’hara, you can see that South African rabbi Larry Shain, whose first language is English, and he comes from the same hometown as me, Durban, South Africa, has not responded.

    That doesn’t mean he hasn’t read everything.

    You have to stick with reality, and given how none of us can foresee the future perfectly, we have to think in terms of predicting the future, and that has us thinking “probabilities” and you only know the correct answer when it happens.

    As soon as one begins to think about predicting the future one enters the foray of Quantum Mechanics that the best mathematicians cannot explain other than the mathematics are utterly fantastic.

    In a nutshell Quantum Mechanics is designed to keep us on our toes; and that entails first and foremost, being most humble.

    That does not mean we should be stupid by playing stupid; and the same token not let bad people push us around.

    A lot of people have picked up that Putin’s face is much more rounded. That is a sign of a very sick person.

    Yes there are a lot of them around.

    Thinking of nuts, not even President Putin can automatically assume his order for a biological or nuclear attack will be carried out, including if it is on Russian soil, in other words a “false flag”.

    Mossad-Israeli Military Intelligence [MIMI] should have long taken out Putin knowing that Putin was calling great Jewish person Zelenskyy a “Nazi” and the primary goal was to kill Zelenskyy and his family.

    Yes, only Prime Minister Bennett would know the answer for such a delay.

    “Before you talk” – click link below – provides a most important piece of history and logic.

    It is all of 99 words and if it is all too long then just focus on the last sentence; “Before you talk economics-religion-politics, you should be expert in ‘military economics'”.

    If you have difficulty getting your head around Quantum Mechanics then you just need to listen to Richard Feynman who explains it all rather well, and that only takes focus and common sense.

    Given how Rabbi Shane has a history of not responding to issues that he is uncomfortable with, you can safely assume that he is at a loss for words.

    Plausible deniability can only go so far.

    It is most troubling that it looks increasingly like the west wanted Zelenskyy out in a quick decapitation, hence why he wasn’t provided with a sufficiently good air defense system to wipe out the Russian army the moment the war began.

    War is a good business for those who profit from backing all sides to war when they cannot possibly lose.

    President Putin has the goods on most all the world leaders.

    They simply didn’t expect a Jewish comedian to show such bravery and courage let alone rally the Ukrainian people to put up the greatest resistance since the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Jewish heroism at its greatest, and the Russians didn’t lift a finger..

    Not to mention how certain they were he would take the “lift” offered to himself and his family; and then lived the rest of his life in the lap of luxury.

    If you are walking from the center of Kyiv to the center of Warsaw it would take you approximately 152 hours.

    Commercial aircraft travel faster.

    A supersonic fighter bomber is probably the quickest way unless you attach yourself to a hypersonic missile.

    Now if you are traveling by passenger car, taking into account normal traffic you could cut the time down to 10 hours.

    Im just giving you perspective.

    It would take a modern day fighter bomber jet about 15 minutes to reach the center of Kyiv from the center of Warsaw.

    Do you understand why we still have borders when the money-me-minerals people care nothing about borders, ethnicity, colour of skin and religion, let alone all the anti-Trust/Monopolies laws that they thumb their noses at, only who serves their pocket books?

    This war is opening up a whole new, unforeseen can of worms that the warmongers who camouflage themselves in all sorts of distracting garments while hiding behind their charities and foundations, thought this would be the end of all their hard work and they could start celebrating.

    Do you pick up any smirks on the faces of the politician actors and no less performers media people?

    The Third World countries, the hardest hit by the unfathomable, illogical in the extreme, morally reprehensible Gross Domestic Product economic index have long got used to hyperinflation which breeds both poverty and corruption, the two going hand in hand.

    Now the citizens of the First World countries are getting used to it, and the rich are celebrating quietly, because they feel better off than the dirt poor who are always slowly killed off by inflation.

    Soon you can imagine a world without borders, poor or for that matter corrupt clergy.

    John Lennon’s words will ring true, “A world without religion, animosity and the such” [sic].

    Remember this is a journey that us humans don’t know its beginning or when it actually ends.

    We only know what we know.

    What we do know is that we as a specie, are despicable.

    Doesn’t GAS [Gomorrah & Sodom] ring true?

    Yes we also seem to believe that we should make this journey count more than we end up as compost being our highest and best use.

    Now you know the game-plan of the people behind the war in the Ukraine.

    What do you plan to do about it?

    Robert Sprenger, what about you?

    Vanessa Katz Fine Art, what about you?

    Vanessa Meintjes, what about you?

    Controlling all the minerals, the money, the land, the banks etc doesn’t prevent mineral monopolist Oppenheimers and their shills from moving their monies wherever they please and the most “fertile ground” to exploit is where sits highly contrived hyperinflation.

    Why not think of apologizing for your “fuck off”. There is always something to be said for being the first.




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    Gary Gevisser
    Jill O’hara your writings above, “Gary I deleted you from messenger not fb let it go move on now enough aready


  • ” [sic] yesterday at 4:23 AM Calif. time were after my “Being the first” posted on Friday at 5:09 PM.To allow an easier following of the chronology, I will repost this right below “Being the first” while continuing to do backups, just in case you decide to start removing your writings because they are proving too embarrassing.

    Note that I placed the Latin Adverb SIC after your writings to denote your misspelling of “already”.

    So, in essence you are not backing off from your “fuck off”.

    You must be in two minds.

    You know that you have done wrong, because a normal person would be thanking me for my bravery as well as sharing the information that makes a better understanding of how the real “Dog Eat A Dog” [DEAD] world works.

    Nor is there reason to be depressed, because all knowledge is designed to be uplifting.

    One can always choose to opt out at any time which I am not suggesting that is the only reason to contruct high bridges.




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      Gary Gevisser
      Title: No longer talk [Word count 620]

      Jill O’hara, my post above at 11:15 AM Calif. time was 2 minutes after I first replied and again it is to make following the chronology that much easier.

      I also, as you will have noticed gone further in denouncing your poverty of thought.

      Note as well, our 10 mutual friends have not untagged themselves or unfriended me on facebook.

      I had previously misspelled Stephanie Wesley’s last name, and that has been corrected.

      Rabbi Larry Shain with whom I share 54 fb friends, has not responded with words and nor has he unfriended me.

      I have however lost a handful or so fb friends from the high of 2289 odd, and it is holding steady at 2,284.

      I also do more with my time than write on this thread which began with a very important piece of information that was immediately spelled out for the hard of thinking with “Naturally”.

      There is a most terrible war that has been waged on this planet and it is simply culminating with Putin’s bloody, reckless invasion of the Ukraine.

      The “powers that be” led by the German-South African Oppenheimer family saw every aspect of it coming because it is all very carefully planned but they don’t know, as do none of us, how it is all going to end.

      I am also working on the Epilogue to my book which as you would know picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention leaves off while filling in the few, but critical gaps that only someone such as myself is capable of doing.

      It is most important that our Jewish rabbis are so very quiet in exploring as I am doing the “money angle” because it is very much a “can of worms” that brings into question both their mental competency as well as connection to their God who they cannot possibly see as being anything close to virtuous because they are not blessed with either intelligence or morality which is the cornerstone of being a religious person.

      These are are very important writings as are the reasons why the rabbis either lie about what is written in our Torah or they refuse to answer the question, “Where is the private ownership of land supported in the written words of Torah, when it is crystal clear that the Land of Israel was given to all the Jewish people?”.

      It is time to take a break which doesn’t mean Jill O’hara you should talk about the plight of the downtrodden non-Jewish Palestinian people who are as poorly schooled in their history as our Jewish people everywhere.

      The rules of war remain steadfast. Who wins, keeps.

      The problem everyone faces is how to roll back the calamity of the Gross Domestic Product economic index and that is simply not possible but that doesn’t mean the biggest thieves should be allowed to have their way on the poor until such time as the poor have been removed from the face of the planet.

      The “Powers that be Oppenheimers” have decided that Cryptos are the way to go and that simply entails numbing the people completely and they will come away with patting themselves on the back that Cryptos are not in any way, shape or form connected to the GDP or government currencies.

      Jill O’hara, when you are in the dentist chair and you are about to having a filling, does your dentist ask, “Are you sufficiently numb, can you feel your tongue and let me know when you can no longer talk!”?

      BTW, are you able to access, “Asking for a few fight” [sic]?…/



