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Watch the price of facebook’s shares – IV

Part III – Watch the price of facebook’s shares – CLICK HERE

Screenshot 8:49 AM Calif. time, 16 March 2022

4 Watch the price of facebook’s shares

 Tue 6:27 PM

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@Kevin Rapeport, you look bored with life.


You sent

@Steven Bailey, it is 9:28 PM your time in Florida; don’t get distracted from the task at hand, even if you feel the urge to tell us about surfing conditions.

Any distraction will have you removed.






You added Sue Kasab to the group.

You sent

You added back Sue Kasib to the group.


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Now is a good time while @Steven Bailey continues to ponder how best to explain the “order of things” to all 8 year olds and up including VP Kamala Harris, for Sue Kasib to express herself more clearly than when she left yesterday in silence.


You sent

Go ahead @Sue Kasab, you have the floor.


You sent

Those without remorse for what they have done wrong cannot think clearly as much as they might protest they are rational thinkers and the safety net they have surrounded themselves with including bought family members and friends will always be there for them, right to the bitter end.


You sent

The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow , you would agree with that assessment, not so?



You added Tosca Musk to the group.

You added Wendy Ann Bouman to the group.

You added Penny Rey to the group.

You sent

My mother Zena’s one model, @Penny Rey (Coelen) who won Miss World 1958 and is one of 3 names I just added, was “good friends” with very successful engineer-entrepreneur and might I add, good looking @Errol Graham Musk and for those who haven’t heard of his eldest, Elon they surely have heard of the spectacular TESLA electric car or driven by one and wondered why it looks different; not to mention twice now a TESLA has saved our lives the result of poor weather conditions and poor driving by other vehicles on the road.


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Long by now TESLA should have captured the entire world car and truck market by virtue of its unimaginable engineering and the chutzpah of Elon Musk.


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When one considers the magnitude of the forces opposed to Elon Musk including those within his inner circle right from the beginning, the only logical conclusion that he and TESLA are still alive is because of predetermined destiny.


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Those forces, to be clear, are not only the darkest of dark forces, but they are the same waging war against Zelenskyy and his brave people.


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Should Russian forces all surrender or be decimated, no doubt you will all applaud Zelenskyy unless you don’t feel financially richer.


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The world is not ugly.

It is only humans who are ugly.


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That rendition of the SS (Sick Specie) is perfectly accurate.


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You are looking at it now in real time.

It is 8 am Calif time.


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More to follow.




Sanctions is a magic word so that everyone has to pay more for everything.


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@Steven Bailey do you think an 8 year old would understand what you wrote?

I don’t understand and I’m older than 8 and nor am I stupid.

Try harder.

Read the question and go back and read the text, the best way to learn math.


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… assuming you are not as gifted as Einstein and Feynman.



You sent

The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper @Jeffrey Essakow, you are up early, did you finish your swim?

Why not have a bash yourself. You and Steven Bailey have about the same mental capacity although a good case could be made that Bailey is actually smarter, as difficult as that may be to believe.


You sent

@Sue Kasab, just to let you know, I have not forgotten you and all that you wrote to me after leaving this very important symposium “in a huff”.



You added Trevor Abramson to the group.

You added Adele Abramson to the group.

You added Anthony Baxter to the group.

You added Bobby Jacobs to the group.

You added Larry Winokur to the group.

You added Hilton Wolman and Hilton Wolman to the group.

You added Andrea Kerzner to the group.

You added Terry Oshry to the group.

You added Julia Ioffe to the group.

Today at 8:36 AM

8:36 AM

You sent

You added Tosca Musk to the group.

You added High School history teacher, Wendy Ann Bouman to the group.

You added Trevor Abramson to the group.

You added Adele Abramson to the group.

You added filmmaker “You’ve Been Trumped” Anthony Baxter to the group.

You added Bobby Jacobs to the group.

You added Larry Winokur to the group.

You added Hilton Wolman and Hilton Wolman to the group.

You added eldest daughter, heir of Sol “Gambling Czar” Kerzner, Andrea Kerzner to the group.

You added Terry Oshry to the group.

You added Russian-American-Putin specialist but weak in “military economics” Julia Ioffe to the group.
