Watch the price of facebook’s shares – VII
Part VI – Watch the price of facebook’s shares – CLICK HERE
Screenshot: 10:05 AM Calif. time, Sat 9 Sept 2023
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3/19/22, 11:16 AM
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Video footage of my beautiful, stylish and cameragenic mother Zena, to follow.
March 19, 2022
3/19/22, 11:50 AM
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March 19, 2022
3/19/22, 3:48 PM
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March 24, 2022
3/24/22, 8:20 PM
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The latter isn’t going to happen.
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Like dirt
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You added Jill O’hara to the group.
You added Ayi Kwei Armah to the group.
March 25, 2022
3/25/22, 5:48 PM
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You added Jill O’hara to the group.
You added Ayi Kwei Armah to the group.
A contact left the group.
Brett Archibald left the group.
A contact left the group.
March 26, 2022
3/26/22, 2:56 PM
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Jan Turner, SA Chartered Accountant Brett Archibald and Leo Gevisser, grandson of traitor David Gevisser and his widow @Hedda Gevisser left.
You added a participant to the group.
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Added back @Jann Turner who at 13 cradled her bleeding to death, heroic father Professor Richard Turner in her arms, January 8, 1978, 119 days after the start of the 2 day torture, 11 September 1977, of Steve Biko, Turner’s partner in the Durban Movement.
Again, filmmaker Jann Turner, I ask:
Are you aware of how they quieten the opposition who are not killed like your father?
Have you done a film about your father?
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@Jann Turner , do you have a question for me?
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It is now 3:03 PM Calif. time, Saturday 26 March 2022.
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Why do you think it is that all humans believe strongly that Destiny, interwoven with Karma exists and is as real as coincidences which are totally unpredictable to the human mind, but the moment they get their head around The Diamond Invention book which is easy to do, no longer do they give a thought to Destiny-Karma.
Reckless people.
March 26, 2022
3/26/22, 10:03 PM
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He is hurting @ZelenskyyUa when taunting Putin without giving Ukraine timely, critical weapon systems, starting with jets long overdue.
Dionne Zulman Sabel left the group.
April 1, 2022
4/1/22, 11:05 AM
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Title: Proof of God gaining momentum
Now because it is low
it is going to go up again; so be ready, get your booster! (this is sarcasm.)
Did you know SARS just disappeared but they want you to anticipate the worst, not that you can do anything about it.
In the meantime human population and the cow business explodes creating more virus at the expense of nature.
Schalk Burger left the group.
A contact left the group.
You added Annette Kemp to the group.
You added Cindy Perling and Lionel Kahn to the group.
You added Gabe Courts to the group.
You added Alan Yudelman to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
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@Yusuf Saifuzzaman let’s talk about everything you learned from me that has blown you away.
You go first.
Gabe Courts left the group.
Richard Friedman left the group.
A contact left the group.
Jill O’hara left the group.
Lori Nichols left the group.
Anne Pollard left the group.
Bobby Jacobs left the group.
September 4, 2022
9/4/22, 7:21 AM
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Gave Courts. Richard Friedman, Yusuf Saifuzzaman, Jill O’Hara, Lori Nichols, Anne Pollard and Bobby Jacobs left the group.
September 4, 2022
9/4/22, 7:48 AM
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High intellect, very nice cardiologist Dr. @Kevin Rapeport MD, it was great to run into you and Angie yesterday.
Amazing to think, the 4 of us haven’t seen each other in 20 years, and we picked up from where we left off as though time had stood still all this time, better yet don’t tell me that you have laughed
September 4, 2022
9/4/22, 8:05 AM
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even once during this period so hard, because I won’t you.
It just hasn’t happened.
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It is in many ways like evolution according to Darwinism, it just didn’t happen.
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Of course one has to know you as well as I know you, and Marie is a quick study if ever there was one.
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Just a single evening with you it is very clear that you represent the epitome of Pinçe sans rire which is much more meaningful when spoken in French, the language of love, but even the least evolved English can get “pinched laugh” or “deadpan”, although barely, when again compared to the French.
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Where the hell would us English be without our French neighbors?
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Can you imagine how many more of us there would be roaming the planet had King Harold and his 2 brothers survived and won 1066 Battle of Hastings?
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Do you think General Smuts and General Botha would have survived a day the Anglo American Boer War (1899-1902) had Norman French William The Conqueror not won Battle of Hastings some 833 odd years before?
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We didn’t even get into the Battle of Hastings but we did cover some of its consequences such as the pure folly Crypto currencies where it is inevitable us Jewish people are going to be blamed by future historians when moving the clock forward say another 1000 years, unless dramatic change takes place this very instant, which I’m certain is already taking place.
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This planet doesn’t have 5 years remaining without taking into account a deranged General or group of deranged generals detonating nuclear bombs in strategic places like the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
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Moreover, by definition false flag operations are much easier to execute.
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Kev, please take a look at the message I sent you last evening on Instagram as I don’t have your or Angie’s email.
You added David Gelernter to the group.
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It doesn’t include reference to mathematician-philosopher Professor David Berlinski and Computer Scientist Professor @David Gelernter’s dispelling of Darwinism Evolution on the Common Knowledge show back on 6 June 2019 in Italy
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Nor is that to suggest that the lack of intellect religious “Worshippers of ink on paper” to borrow Spinoza’s words can find any comfort in the denouncing of Darwinism Evolution, because they cannot, the same of course with all the atheists who are no less stupid or simply after the grant money which is stupid.
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@Kevin Rapeport, pay particular attention to the tail end:
“… what he (@Errol Graham Musk) chooses will decide the fate of this planet.
Either way, it will all turn out good, so I’m not concerned.
There is besides for unimaginable cognitive dissonance going on, and we are all capable of getting the relevant information at the exact same time, this dialogue of Socrates is prescient:
Socrates, the great Greek philosopher, was once stopped by an acquaintance as he passed through the markets.
“I’ve something important to tell you,” he said. “It’s about your friend.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Socrates said. “But, don’t tell me just yet. I run all information through the Three Filters Test to ascertain if I want to know it.”
The man looked somewhat puzzled as Socrates continued, “First is the filter of truth. Whatever you want to tell me, have you seen or witnessed it first-hand?”
“Umm…I actually heard it from someone,” the man said, “and, it is from a trusted source.”
“Alright. But that does not pass my first test,” Socrates added, “since you don’t know whether it’s true.”
“Second is the filter of goodness. Is that a good statement you want to make about my friend?”
“Not really. That’s the reason I wanted—”
Socrates interjected, “So, you want to tell me something bad about someone but don’t know if it’s true.”
“The last is the filter of utility.” He continued, “Your statement about my friend, is that gonna be useful to me?”
“Not really as such. I just wanted to share”
“Well, if the information is not necessarily true, it is not good, and, it is of no use,” Socrates concluded, “please, I don’t want to know about it.”
A contact left the group.
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Kevin, once I have tidied up a few loose ends on my group chats, Name Someone Stupid and Getting to know your friends as you notice my fb friend and former long time client multibillionaire South African Solly Krok moments ago departing, I will return to Watch the price of Facebook shares.
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Btw, I just hit the send button on an email broadcast titled “First in line”. I will send you a link.
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Edit: … because I won’t believe you.
A contact left the group.
Andrey Shumeyko left the group.
September 8, 2022
9/8/22, 6:58 AM
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Title: To face a father who praises evil
South Africa can breed the best and the worst, all in the same family.
Your father revealed himself in his praise of the evil, murderous, racist John Vorster and P W Botha Apartheid Regime.
(Word count 42)
A contact left the group.
You added Len Brenner to the group.
You added a participant to the group.
A contact left the group.
Gary Levinsohn left the group.
February 2
Feb 2, 2023, 7:43 AM
Cynthia forwarded a video
Share the hell out of this
February 2
Feb 2, 2023, 8:11 AM
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@Cynthia Cindy Petit say goodbye
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@Julia Ioffe, I will be returning shortly to Name Someone Stupid (NSS) where you are also member.
First I will be responding to this “Pinned Tweet” of Elon Musk, the eldest offspring of member @Errol Graham Musk who I earlier offered to review my draft.
Not to mention Elon’s Tweet at 12:22 AM Calif time:
Humanity takes up very little of Earth’s surface area – you can fit the entire population of Earth in New York City on one floor (@waitbutwhy)
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To mention little of @Errol Graham Musk writing to me at 8:18 which was 1 minute prior to my post above:
All humans would fit quite easily into NYC. Not very comfortable, a bit like going to a football match.
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His 19 odd words did not include an answer to my question to this very brilliant and articulate man which I sent at 7:23 AM, which reads:
I’m about to respond to Elon ‘s Tweet of all humans fitting into New York City which is a step up from us fitting on to a hilltop.
Let me know if you wish to see the draft
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A minute later, again 8:19 I followed up:
Do you wish to see my draft?
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It is now 8:31 AM and still no response from Errol.
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If there is anyone else, including The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow who would like to join my mother Zena’s first cousin, @Cynthia Cindy Petit who my mother chose wisely not to meet or communicate with, in either being removed by me or voluntarily removing themself, this would be a good time.
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@Kevin Rapeport, how are you doing?
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@Mannie Hirsch, you and I also don’t come close to seeing eye to eye but that doesn’t mean you have forgotten your interest in knowing where my paternal grandparents are buried but then those enquiries were simply to distract.
You can though, given it is your nature to dig dirt examine my sister @Kathy Danziger’s writings to me concerning the changes to my mother Zena’s will which my wicked sister professes were done under duress.
Go ahead and study as you would your nonexistent soul the dialogue with my sister just ahead of my visit to Israel back on 21 September 2016:
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@Mannie Hirsch remember the rules; in the event you attempt to distract, go so far as place a single emoji, you will be removed just like I did when you last spoke on NSS.
You added a participant to the group.
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you want to say anything more to your fb friend @Mannie Hirsch?
Why not explain what about Hirsch makes your skin cringe?
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@Jessica Van Dyk would you like to see my draft Tweet response to Elon Musk?
You added Gary Levinsohn to the group.
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Cousin @Gary Levinsohn, you left Watch the price of Facebook shares right after my post of 8 September last year, titled, “To face a father who praises evil”.
It must have resonated with you as it did the others who also left right after.
Not to mention that was 6 years to the day after I sent my sister and my 2 elder brothers, Neil and @Mel Gevisser the no less articulate “Sitting pretty” email broadcast which had my sister Kathy, the following day, 9 September 2016, writing me her very deflecting email, pointing fingers of estate fraud at member @Deborah Sturman Esq. who was responsible for leading the charge in collecting billions for unpaid slave wages of Holocaust survivors and which the SA Oppenheimers’ German-Swiss bankers were more than happy to fork over.
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So cousin @Gary Levinsohn explain why the fuck do you remain a member of NSS?
@Nick Sternberg, you too have been awfully quiet both here as well as on NSS.
Surely, your anxiety
is also heating up as I inch closer to exposing your father and grandfather’s corruption in the “asset stripping” of our multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) in cahoots of course with @Gary Levinsohn ‘s and my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser (1926-2009) and D. Gevisser’s uncle, Sol “Little King” Moshal which did not go unnoticed by Mossad head, David Ben Gurion and his “D” as in Durban Branch of Mossad.
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Cousin @Gevisser John can you confirm that you are one of David Gevisser and his wife @Hedda Gevisser’s 4 sons?
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@Mark Gevisser how come you is so used to talking are also quiet?
Can you really trust your mother or for that matter your 3 brothers to mention little of your South African Indian lover who surely can’t be attracted to your inheritance monies when he has all your disgusting fat to hang in to for dear life, which you illustrate well in your 2014 autobiography, Lost and Found in Johannesburg; and I might add, proud of your fat while also protesting not exactly humble, that you and your lover are “intellectuals”, my arse.
If you have any expertise it can only be in being intimately acquainted with the smell of rotting fat disease, besides for your previous expertise faking yourself as a “liberal”.
The latter hasn’t worked given how all your family’s wealth is thanks to racist monopolist German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) who Mossad took out on 2 March 1971, the month after Engelhard Jr turned 54, and his wife Jane, no less complicit in this ingenious move by Ben Gurion, of course well advised by D Branch, than Engelhard’s Swiss medical doctors who didn’t need to be bribed because they were honorable World War II Partisans.
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@Mark Gevisser don’t you wish you weren’t so full of yourself and at least read your father’s 2006 autobiography The Unlikely Forester, before it was sent to print?
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@Len Brenner, do you have anything to add?
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@Roy Essakow what about you?
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@Clifford Benn what about you?
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@Alan Yudelman what about you? Doesn’t playing voyeur feel disgustingly ugly or are you simply too numb?
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@Maxie Pohl, playing voyeur is also your specialty, isn’t it?
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@Adele Abramson how are you and @Trevor Abramson getting along?
Do you talk to your family and friends less these days?
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There is a natural anxiety that is ingeniously interwoven in the DNA of all living things and there is no escaping the negative consequences of this anxiety when you knowingly do wrong.
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@Jessica Van Dyk you perfectly understand what I mean when you write “Hi” without addressing more your displeasure with member @Mannie Hirsch?
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It is now well over an hour since very good reader @Errol Graham Musk decided not to answer my question.
@Jessica Van Dyk would you like to see a draft?
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@Jessica Van Dyk do understand
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… do you understand that we are not talking about where to get the best draft beer in Johannesburg?
No person that likes beer will ask where to get it
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@Alexey Shumeyko you also love to talk politic-economics to anyone stupid enough to listen to your bullshit, what are your thoughts about President who along with his mineral and money supplier
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I left this group and im on here now again . Why idk ….but yes i do agree about crypto and yes im also a ambassador for crypto projects
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Uranium King Nicholas Oppenheimer (8 June 1945 – ) will unlikely to have succeeded in fooling Mossad-Kidon.
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you see that your writings above, intersected what I was saying?
Can you explain in your own words what I wrote about Putin, Oppenheimer who are splintering?
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When you say “yes I do agree about crypto”, why don’t you also be clear in saying that you know Cryptos are a gigantic fraud which doesn’t prevent you from being an “ambassador for crypto projects”?
Someone replied to you
It is a big game for the ones whom can play it
Its a fight between whales and people whom wish to gain
Unfortunately i work for the whales
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you understand why very bright South African cardiologist Dr @Kevin Rapeport MD who is incredibly funny because he is so bright feels rather uncomfortable being in the same internet chat room as the Essakow brothers whose company he cannot enjoy as much as with my wife and me, because of course there can be no joy in pretending to like someone who is totally stupid no matter how much wealth they have accumulated in a totally upside economy which has people like you, the smallest fish in a heavily polluted ocean writing gibberish in order to boost yourself.
I get noted for a pump and dump thats a plus
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There is no plus in being stupid.
Someone replied to you
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@Kevin Rapeport , do you have any advice to give @Jessica Van Dyk ?
(single mom) i do what i need to
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@Jessica Van Dyk when you use the word “ambassador” does that make you feel bigger?
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Would you sell your body given that you have no problem in selling your soul?
If i earn 8000 zar im happy cause it provides, with that i have done beta for even flare finance you will see the founders (or co )of most projects aka flaire /xrp follows me
Someone replied to you
I said i want to provide didn’t say im cheap
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How much would @Mannie Hirsch have to pay you to have sex, and would you place a time limit, otherwise there will be surcharges?
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Would you sell your body given that you have no problem in selling your soul?
Im not selling me in selling my knowledge
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You are selling a fraud.
Someone replied to you
Do you really want me to leave the group again?
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That means you are selling your soul.
Someone replied to you
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Would you sell your body given that you have no problem in selling your soul?
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@Andy Cohen are you following?
Someone replied to you
Its the same as a dud wasshing powder buying the cheap hoping it will clean
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@Cynthia Cindy Petit are you following?
I personally hope anyone is following
Someone replied to themself
Washing *
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So you accept you are selling a “dud”?
What is the difference between selling your soul?
Someone replied to you
Good night
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Are you saying that promoting Ponzi scheme Cryptos is legitimate?
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Why is your body so precious but the same cannot be said about your mind?
Someone replied to you
I guess im dumb
Why are you talking to me ?? Then?
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Yes you are dumb.
A person without a conscience is dumb.
Why did YOU ! Add me again ???probably about my body not brains ….pfff
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You are trapping unsuspecting people in a gargantuan fraud and you think yourself smart in playing a word game.
Like i said good night
Let me not forget….you may carry on
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Let’s say you have agreed to have a free dinner with both @Mannie Hirsch and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow, at different times of course, because you want to be most particular about whose sperm swims inside of you, and let’s say Elon Musk is seated at the table next table on both occasions, would you be more interested in making yourself look sexy to Elon?
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Jessica I just read what you sent me on fb messaging, “Ffs block me”.
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Does Ffs mean For Fuck Sake?
As you can see even flare follows me
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you look down on prostitutes who end up spouses or paid girlfriends/boyfriends?
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Can we get something definitive out of you so that our membership, @Jeffrey Essakow , @Mannie Hirsch , @Trevor Abramson , @Trevor Goldberg , @Alexey Shumeyko , @Annette Kemp , @Anne Arenson Winter , @Antony Unruh , @first cousin cardiologist @Barry Molk MD, @Gary Levinsohn, @Michael Sewitz etc know better where they stand with you.
Would you sell your body given that you have no problem in selling your soul?
Someone replied to you
What is your problem with body and prostitution. ??? I think tou need to get laid
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@Jessica Van Dyk take a breather.
Please you do so
Like i said GOOD Night
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I have no problem with prostitution other than most prostitutes, male and female are grossly underpaid when compared say to medical doctors who fail to advocate prevention, eating healthy to exercise the internal atoms to run at peak efficiency because they want sick patients which prevent them from being poor.
You added Marcy Campbell Krinsk to the group.
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Would you like to read the transcript of the very funny conversation we recently had at a nearby coffee shop with @Kevin Rapeport and his beautiful wife Angie who we hadn’t seen since @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq got married to @Marcy Campbell Krinsk back in 2001?
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The above 2 page document sent to me on 1 June 2001 by Mr Krinsk Esq. who is the most trusted member of President Biden and his crack cocaine addict son, Hunter Biden is not the photo of me and my beautiful F-C (Française-Canadienne) wife Marie Dion at the Krinsk’s wedding.
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you want to see the photo? It could take me a few minutes.
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@Clifford Benn you head keeps bopping up on the screen of my iPhone that I’m working from.
You speak with idiots like @Trevor Goldberg, why not speak to a bigger audience and make yourself useful, in other words to the common good?
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you see how very successful the SA Oppenheimers have been in dividing the people?
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Do you understand that their crowning achievement is getting people like you at the bottom of the economic pyramid to not only have unwanted babies but to destroy yourselves both mentally and physically selling their bullshit Cryptos?
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So of course I see selling your body at the right price much healthier.
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The alternative is to see if you can attract your thousands of followers, many in the same desperate boat, to promote you selling my knowledge.
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you think a medical doctor whose goal is money ahead of the health of the population should get more money bailouts than you and your 5 year old son who you knowingly brought into this very unkind world?
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@Jessica Van Dyk are you capable of understanding what very bright Krinsk who didn’t think he was hiring an idiot like the Essakow brothers when engaging my “risk assessment” services meant when attributing the following words to me:
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“It is not class warfare that I am advocating; it is the welfare system, I am questioning; and I am a member of the favored class!”
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@Jessica Van Dyk what do you feel you have to lose trying to get as many people as possible to listen to what I have to say, including my response Tweet to Elon Musk?
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Also, let’s say @Mannie Hirsch and The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow each offer you $10 million to have sex with you for no more than 10 minutes and you will not allow any kissing, at least not on the mouth or private parts, which one, if any, would you choose first?
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Professor of Ethics, @Tony Haverstick we haven’t heard much from you lately.
If you had your life over again would you dump ethics altogether given how it has totally misled you because you weren’t smart enough to realize that the teaching of ethics only serves as yet another cushion
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instead first read Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention or simply improved your chances, by doing good in this lifetime, to be born with common sense?
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@Jessica Van Dyk do you think medical doctors who don’t promote prevention and real estate developers like the idiot Essakow brothers of Durban North who deal in stolen lands and supported by the SA Oppenheimers’ central banks, Bank of England-South African Reserve Bank, should be allowed to look down on you and feel better about themselves when they see you either acting like a clown, better yet taking your life either quickly when inhaling an overdose of pills, simply throwing yourself in front of a fast moving locomotive the same with jumping off a sufficiently high bridge or just eating poorly, better yet also feeding your child cancer junk food meat-dairy?
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The fact that on the surface it may not look like it bothers the Essakows because they are most of all actors, doesn’t mean they are unaware that most all of their close friends speak badly behind their backs.
Of course that includes my very needy middle brother @Mel Gevisser and sister @Kathy Danziger to name but two heavy duty hypocrites, cruel beyond cruel humans void of souls but who of course serve an important purpose just like the once live turtle who ends up in your soup.
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@Jessica Van Dyk what is the time in South Africa?
You added Estelle Malatskey to the group.
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Added @Estelle Malatskey
February 2
Feb 2, 2023, 11:35 AM
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@Jessica Van Dyk are you aware of how significantly few humans have made a positive difference in this world going back to our arrival?
You added Christina Moritsch-Krall to the group.
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Does it dawn on you that most rich people including those who have inherited wealth such Austrian-South African @Christina Moritsch-Krall who prides herself as belonging to Austrian nobility who were spared along with the other nobility of German occupied Europe because Hitler treasured their “neutrality” as they didn’t stand in the way of his annihilation of half of European Jewry, still see nothing wrong with owning land and the improvements?
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In fact most literate humans and we really can’t speak for undiscovered jungle tribes peoples, see rich real estate developers as the most honorable profession.
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They are viewed as smart, shrewd, visionaries, financial geniuses, each and every word they speak should be adhered to as when Moses descended down from Mt. Sinai and had to read the tablets on which the 10 Commandments had been written, and of course the scribe of those 10 were God himself.
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You didn’t matriculate and therefore you wouldn’t have attended a single economics lecture at university unless seeking out potential husband material.
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Neither the lecturers nor the total con text university economics book mention anything about either “stolen land” or “Might is right”.
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The really interesting thing is that these idiot students of economics don’t even question.
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Why do you think that is?
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Let me suggest an answer.
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Most of these idiot students of economics are so full of themselves that they want to aspire to one day, once they are rich to become Professors of economics at prestigious universities like Cambridge and Oxford and in a worse case scenario one of the American Ivy League universities such as Stanford, Yale, MIT, Cornell, Wharton School of business, Rady School of Business management where they are mostly taught to manage their lies.
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They are not so fortunate to have as their next door neighbor my mother Zena’s most trusted financial advisor, Gerald Hackner
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You added Hilary Hackner to the group.
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whose widow, @Hilary Hackner just joined us.
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Hello aunt Hilary.
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Gerald who was real estate business partners with Alan Benn, members @Clifford Benn and @Lee-Anne Dalley (Benn) father shared with me and his two sons, Sam who is currently, unless recently retired head of Private Banking INVESTEC which has been controlled from day one by the SA Oppenheimers, as is every banking and insurance institution worldwide including Lloyds of London who continue to refuse as members American citizens and American residents and this has been going on for more than 3 decades and the media and the politicians deafeningly silent, and Mark who I am in touch with via email, well ahead of us beginning our university studies:
Don’t believe a word coming out of the mouths of economics professors. All they are good for is describing, using colorful charts-diagrams where they went wrong in life!” .
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@Jessica Van Dyk you would agree those are powerful words even if they weren’t spoken by the richest financial engineer in South Africa who was in fact totally clueless, as was his partner Alan Benn about how the monetary-economic system works.
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Now you have a much better idea of how utterly stupid are the Essakow brothers as well as all those who suck up to them.
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The fact that I knew Alan Benn better than both his children didn’t make me a fool when listening as carefully to him as I did the important words of Gerald Hackner.
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Do not confuse knowledge with love.
But you are more likely to love someone if they are bright because you know fools like the Essakows don’t know any better.
You added a participant to the group.
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Let’s say hello very quickly to the idiot, Black Hatter ChaBAD sic, @Torah Gemach aka Benzion Going Around The Bend To Oblivion And Beyond who is walking on egg shells, the egg looking face
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knowing that in the event he places either here or more importantly on my fb group chat-symposium Name Someone Stupid either anything that I consider a distraction and that would include a single emojii he will be banned permanently but he doesn’t want to miss anything either.
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Most important is my explanation of how this most well known of the religious Jewish cult ChaBAD sic go about getting the dirt on secular Jewish people like my former best friend Derrick Beare
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@Jessica Van Dyk of course you haven’t forgotten Derrick or his one $242 million London house
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that Derrick just took a £50 million [50 million English Pounds Sterling] loss.
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Jessica, let me explain the grand significance of Derrick’s disastrous move.
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@Torah Gemach are you paying attention?
Again anything other than “Yes”, or “No” or “Maybe” will result in you being permanently banned .
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One of the first things I brought to Derrick’s attention back in 1989 was for him to stay as far away as possible from these monsters who look and act the exact opposite of what you would expect from someone who is religious and therefore supposedly close to God.
Derrick and I were partners in everything other than our love interests because first of all both of us were smart and understood the attractiveness of looking fit and healthy, the exact opposite of GemACH sic and his no less ugly and fat wife.
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Bear in mind that yesterday, we heard on NSS from GemACH’s sic lips that he and his wife are now “skinny”, which of course is another of his blatant lies which is why he has yet to provide a recent photo of himself and his wife.
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The very first thing a woman does when looking at another woman is to focus on the size of the ankles.
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A woman is vastly more intelligent than the male specie because they are constantly multi-tasking when raising children but the single focus, single dimensional male is naturally inclined to just wanting to have sex constantly.
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Better yet, the male who hasn’t found the perfect sex partner wants to have sex with every attractive woman.
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Most often, ugly looking men like atrocious GemACH sic and the Lipskar brothers have to settle for the crap that God delivers and the same with their wives who are just as unhappy with their husband’s performance in bed that is a direct result of both their hard wired personality and their rotten food intake.
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Yesterday, this unconscious GemACH sic also told us that he is constantly dieting which again tells you how ingeniously God has forsaken the idiots who immerse themselves once their sex life has gone to hell in “Worshipping ink on paper” so well described by the great rabbi Spinoza.
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You would think that when you see you are dying from your poison meat-dairy diet that at a minimum you know to keep your bloody, filthy dirty mouth shut, and then to follow Proverbs:
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It is better to keep quiet and let people think you to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
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When the language of love, French is being spoken, as it is right now between my exotic F-C [Française-Candienne] wife Marie Dion and her mother Rachelle, it is really hard to concentrate on anything else.
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When my mother Zena was 5 years of age she was equally fully conversant in both English, her mother tongue, as well as French.
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Most English speaking people rarely if ever get to hear French and when they visit French speaking countries like France their focus is going from one restaurant to the next.
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I could also understand why an English speaking person would pay just to have a beautiful French woman say a handful of words to them.
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Rachelle Dion will be a 100 in April and it is most unlikely she is going to live to celebrate her century mark.
She has now Covid 19 which she picked up in hospital after being vaxxed and boostered up the kazoo, following a slight injury to her hip.
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One should always feel most fortunate when you have the opportunity to say goodbye and express all that needs to be said.
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When Ivan The Terrible GemACH sic said the other day that if no one is around to say Kaddish for me when I die then he will do so, it is because he, future Camel Mouth is simply a bad loser.
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Of course Rachelle Dion is fully conscious and far more aware of the world her than someone like GemACH sic in part because my wife has a way of lifting up the spirits of everyone, at the same time knowing better than to waste a moment’s thought on a loser like GemACH sic who she leaves to me and the rest of you playing your part.
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The greatest losers are those who wake up too late to realize the consequences of there being no mistakes in this universe.
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The incredible complexity of the human body to simply breath, let alone cough to clear one’s throat in light of the human’s mostly negative impact on the planet and now we are polluting deep space with our nonesence satellites which allows however, Elon Musk to play with his rockets, otherwise he could end up being with another narcissist Amber Heard and who knows how many fatherless children the next Heard will spawn.
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Elon Musk, however, is no Gemach sic.
I never tried to get in touch with your mom, so of cause she never communicated with me
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Elon Musk is super bright and could eat road tar smooched with dead animal carcass as his 3 SAD Standard American Diet meals a day and still outperform someone like atrocious idiot GemACH sic or @Mannie Hirsch.
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This wretched first cousin of my mother Zena, @Cynthia Cindy Petit just spoke.
Let me try and decipher what she is saying.
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Cynthia, did I say that my mother Zena tried to make contact with you?
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@Julia Ioffe, while Cynthia and GemACH sic and of course the prick @Mannie Hirsch decide their next move, it won’t be long before I return to NSS, but first I will reply to Elon Musk’s “Pinned Tweet” which if he has replaced it with another Tweet won’t make any difference.
You sent
Cynthia, all I said as you have displayed above is that my mother Zena chose wisely not to meet or communicate with you.
I was clearly not talking about whether or not you desired to speak with my mother Zena who made it very clear to your father that she, my mother, wanted nothing to do with either your drunk father or his children.
What don’t you understand?
February 2
Feb 2, 2023, 1:38 PM
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At 1:23 PM which was 13 odd minutes ago, the wretched, scoundrel, falling apart GemACH sic sent me on fb messaging a food recipe.
This very nervous character feeling the full weight of the world inside the unsighly stomach of his and his wife, is conscious enough not write anything distracting either here or on NSS, because he knows he will be toast.
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So he pushes it on fb messaging because what else can someone who knows perfectly well that God has long forsaken him.
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I was talking about his wife’s most ugly fat ankles telling of the illhealth of the rest of the body all the way to skull cavity much like a perfect vacuum where no sound can be heard.
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As I was also saying, when you have a very brilliant father like Errol Musk, it is possible to put all poor conditioning aside and focus exclusively on the extraordinary order of the universe at the same time realize the very obvious that there are incredibly few humans who have made a positive difference on this planet and you will not find one of them amongst the illfated ChaBAD sic whose most vocal spokesperson, GemACH sic has enough sense to realize that he is running on empty, the same with the Essakow brothers.
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What in the world are you doing trying to raise money for charities when you know that the price of the money is as price fixed as the minerals which have been under the full control of the SA Oppenheimers since 1917 when Sir Ernest Oppenheimer formed the highly deceptive name corporation, Anglo American Corporation.
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Who remembers the prior name of the German House of Windsor?
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Edit: … what else can someone who knows perfectly well that God has long forsaken him, do to keep himself busy.
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My cautioning of Derrick Beare who shows he is crying out for help when speaking with the female journalist, no matter how beautiful are her legs, and most today look like GemACH’s wife, took place
after I experienced in late fall 1989 the dublicity of a senior ChaBAD sic official, bad breath Chaim Lipskar who is now dead, and very possibly a new tree growth near where a gang of chain saw deforesters are just hacking away, could get absent minded, mistakenly cutting the new growth with lumber for housing and commercial instruction where Chaim Lipskar could remain until all life on planet earth ends, and that could be no later than when our Sun becomes a Red Giant and more likely sooner, and then Chaim will have to work his way up the food chain starting out I would think as a Jelly fish, the spineless character that he is, and of course being eaten repeatedly and exited through the rear blowhole, time and again, the hot air monster.
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GemACH sic, are you ready for how you were trained to learn from your friend Abraham Shemtov who you knew top of your head introduced the Wall Street crook of crooks Ronald Perelman of Revlon to ChaBAD sic?
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Remember, your choices, a) Yes; b) No; c)neither; or d) combination.
You added Bari Weiss to the group.
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Added @Bari Weiss, well-known to Elon Musk.
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@Bari Weiss stay equally focused on NSS, at the same time don’t lose sight of GemACH sic is not the only person who wants to hear about what I have to say about ChaBAD’s sic tactics in serving their virulent anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-fair competition masters, SA Oppenheimers-Putin-IG Farben-Zyclon B.
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Edit: … what are your thoughts about President Putin who along with his mineral …
February 2
Feb 2, 2023, 2:54 PM
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Edit: … Shemtov who you knew off the top of your head …
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At 2:52 PM, which was less than 2 minutes ago I wrote to @Torah Gemach aka Benzion … asking him a very important question:
Would you like me to post this up on both NSS or Watch The Price Of Facebook Shares?
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Those less than 20 words have GemACH sic in a fix.
You removed a participant from the group.
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Membership as of 3:12 PM Calif. time, Wednesday 2 February 23:
Adams Avenue Bicycles
Adele Abramson
Alan Morton Dershowitz
Alan Yudelman
Alexey Shumeyko
Allan Zulberg
Amina Abdulbaki
Andrea Kerzner
Andrea Lee
Andy Cohen
Anna Zaikin
Anne Arenson Winter
Annette Kemp
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Maister
Antony Unruh
April Gottlieb
Ava Gevisser
Aydee Mogrovejo Aquise
Ayi Kwei Armah
Ayli Vera Rosales
Ayul Acuña Cardenas
Babz Zbab
Bari Weiss
Barry Molk
Barry Pepper
Barry Solomon
Betho Rojas Coyla
Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti
Celia Levy
Christina Moritsch-Krall
Cindy Perling
Clifford Benn
Cynthia Cindy Petit
Daniel Ammann
David Azzini
David Gelernter
David Julian Danziger
David Levy
David Schmahmann
David Zulman
Debbie Patton Kingsriter
Deborah Sturman
Dennis Mulligan
Elria Wessels
Errol Graham Musk
Esmond Jacobson
Estelle Malatskey
Foster Gamble
Garry Kasparov
Garry Kasparov
Garry Kasparov
Gary Berman
Gary Cooper
Gary Gevisser
Gary Glass
Gary Levinsohn
Gevisser John
Hedda Gevisser
Hedda Gevisser
Hilary Hackner
Hilton Wolman
Hilton Wolman
Hoffman Theron van Zijl
Howard Schachat
Ivan Oshry
Jacquelyn Berry
Jann Turner
Jared Aufrichtig
Jeffrey Essakow
Jeffrey Robert Krinsk
Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
Jenny Feinstein
Jeremy Perling
Jessica Van Dyk
Jon Shenk
Jonathan Gevisser
Jonathan Marine
Joseph A. Grundfest
Julia Ioffe
Justine Gevisser
Justine Musk
Kathy Danziger
Kathy Niell
Keisha Whitaker
Kevin Rapeport
Kim Goldblatt
Larry Winokur
Lauren Gilman Gaviser
Lee-Anne Dalley
Len Brenner
Leo Gevisser
Linda Macnab
Lindie Botha
Lionel Kahn
Lisa Johnston
Lynne Karen Bentel
M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine
Mannie Hirsch
Marcia Kramer
Marcy Campbell Krinsk
Mark Gevisser
Mark Kromer
Marta Rubau Carreras
Matt Imber
Maxie Pohl
Mel Gevisser
Mervyn Brivik
Micha-el Frame
Michael Gaviser
Michael Sewitz
Michele Yudelowitz-Manushewitz
Mike Tannenbaum
Monique Shevel
Nadine Boyer Lazarus
Nadine Cohen
Neal H. Hurwitz
Nick Sternberg
Nina Senčar
Noreen Kane Steingold
Norman Lazarus
Olga Zabludoff
Patrick N. Mcguire
Patti Abrahams Barlin
Penny Griffiths
Penny Rey
Penny Rey
Peter Chait
Peter Gevisser
Peter Gevisser
Robert Lobel
Rodney Smith
Ronlynne Botha Benn
Roy Essakow
Roz Norris
Sam Schaffer
Sandy Evan Hanes
Sati Leonne Faulks
Sean Ferrari
Shani Weltsman Moran
Shaun Marsh
Sidney Lazarus
Sofiaan Fraval
Stephen Schaffer
Steven Bailey
Steven David Sobol
Steven Kofsky
Susan Munro
Teri Lawton
Terry Gevisser
Terry Orman Gevisser
Terry Oshry
Thinzar Shunlei Yi
Tomer Tene
Toni Taylor
Tony Haverstick
Tony Leon
Torah Gemach
Tosca Musk
Tracy Tomson
Trevor Abramson
Trevor Goldberg
Valerie Heck
Vicky Schiff
Vladimir Golstein
Wanja Njagi
Warfield Fine Art
Wendy Ann Bouman
Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen
You sent
Swiss Author-journalist @Daniel Ammann, while we give GemACH sic all the time in the world to respond, why don’t you tell us in your own words what you got wrong in your best seller 2009 book, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich.
You sent
@Vicky Schiff, you have blocked me from adding you to NSS, but you remain a member of Watch the price of facebook’s shares.
Is it that you feel that with your whole life tied up in money-stocks you need to keep your foot, even if it is your big toe in the door?
You sent
@Vicky Schiff, I am looking to see if your Stanford Law School friend William H. Jackson Esq.
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is a member of facebook.
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So far the list fb provide don’t appear to be him.
But you would know.
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@Vicky Schiff if you look carefully at the cover of the Facsimile Transmittal Form, just above the words, “Release Agreement” is the date 3 April 2002.
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You would also understand better than most Mr. Krinsk Esq.’s 2 page, actually just a little more than 1 page memo he sent me on 1 June 2001 by which time, you and I knew each other pretty well.
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Im currently looking at the original RELEASE AGREEMENT that has 8 yellow background stickies with the words,
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Neither Jackson nor you received back the original signed document because I still have them and they remain unsigned.
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You too must be asking, “Gary how in the world could you leave $3 million on the table?”
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But that isn’t the right question, wouldn’t you agree The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow who just stuck his head in.
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The right question is, “Gary how in the world could you leave $3 million on the table when it is obvious that the world doesn’t care about right or wrong, only if you have, or dont have money?”
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@Jeffrey Essakow would you agree with @Vicky Schiff‘s modified thinking?
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You sign one agreement with a crook, you might as well throw in the towel and expect the worse.
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There is obviously something far worse than being strung up alive and letting say a flock of ravens eat you alive starting with your eyes.
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To have ingeniously created a single lion with such monster teeth and a jaw that leaves nothing to the imagination is stupendously brilliant.
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To have humans fighting over land when common sense says the land must belong equally to everyone since man didn’t create the land or the minerals below, and willing to die and be injured on top of it, when everyone knows it makes no sense is in my mind even more ingenious.
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That is not to say I see the creation of a single lion or ant utterly fantastic given how science cannot possibly explain this transformation from nothing into something had neither the time nor do mutations turn out positive because they turn out negative.
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Edit: … or ant as anything less than utterly fantastic …
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To be clear, it is simply unimaginable the origination of all forms of life beginning with the first hydrogen atom.
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But nothing takes the cake quite like the world going along with the gross misallocation of resources because it is too traumatic for their little brains to accept that they have been so easily duped by bullshitted realtors like the Essakow brothers and anyone who thinks that trading in stolen land is honorable.
You sent
Even an idiot like GemACH sic sees that all of ChaBAD sic, every religious and government institution is totally screwed and why he is not alone to lie about Torah teachings.
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The fact that this schmuck deluxe, defamer, intimidator, liar, treacherous bastard was the first makes him signficant, just like that first hydrogen atom soon after, 300,000 years or so after the Big Bang expansion began some 14 billion years ago and it shows no signs of slowing down.
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Nor did very savvy litigator @Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. think for a moment that I wouldn’t know how best to spend the easist possible $3 million.
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Of course had Krinsk Esq. come up with a much more realistic number like $100 million, I would have countered, “Why not $2 billion?” before going on to say, “Don’t you also want your own fighter bomber escort constantly when cruising the Mediterranean Sea?”
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Quite frankly it wouldn’t have been enough for Krinsk Esq. and me to share one super yacht and then possibly fight over which side of the yacht to have the fighter escort when we were separated.
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@Vicky Schiff you know that there is not single business school case study that comes close to 2 page trash letter Jackson Esq. wrote to me on 3 April 2002.
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It wouldn’t matter if he claimed you and Dan Weinstein, co-managing director of the Wetherly Capital Group had grabbed hold GemACH’s sic
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bullied chicken that he says he gave to a poor Jewish family, but of course he would have eaten it himself or part of it, or its cousin, or brother, or sister, or mother, or father, or stepson or step daughter, and stuffed it live down his throat and using the snot in his nose to drive the typewriter keys.
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Remember Jackson Esq. is an elementary and high school graduate.
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How he got into Stanford Law School is telling of how incredibly low is the standard.
You added Karen Krok to the group.
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New member @Karen Krok, the ex-daughter in law of my former long time client, Solly Krok recently told me that she has a very brilliant son who attended Yale.
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Of course Solly Krok’s Yale graduate grandson is not the only idiot grandchild of Solly Krok.
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I bring up Yale, because there really isn’t much of a difference between the low standard of the Ivy League schools, the same with Oxford, Cambridge and the biggest joke of them all, London School of Economics where I believe Mick Jagger attended.
My father repented and God forgave him, so who are you to judge others?
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Even in his most sober state, at the peak of his mental faculties would Mick Jaggar consider himself bright for failing to understand the insanity of the GDP economic index that everyone should have mastered unless their interests were far removed from the money-economics.
You sent
Hello Cynthia.
You seem very stupid to me.
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You simply don’t like that I demonstrated you don’t know how to read, but that didn’t stop you from writing nonsense because you felt that you would go mad if you didn’t speak.
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So you can understand perfectly what is happening to GemACH sic and many others but GemACH sic is most important because he has said that he speaks to God and God has also forgiven him.
You sent
Did this forgiveness of your father by God, also appear in a dream?
Please give us all the precious details.
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Cynthia do you think that if God exists then God would give us all the tools not to be stupid?
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Why would you bring up your father repenting and God forgiving him when the conversation began with me saying “my mother chose wisely not to communicate with you”?
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To invoke God with such nonsense demonstrates that you are like GemACH sic using religion as a crutch and/or to intimidate others.
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For good reason I trust my mother Zena’s good judgment.
She is the best mother and it comes through clearly in The Lady’s Speech.
Why don’t you write any comments you have about me or my mother in the comment section of The Lady’s Speech.
Here is a link.
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You sent
Cynthia, can we move on to another subject?
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Have you heard of terrorist financier Marc Rich or the Hollywood blockbuster actor Matt Damon who was set to star alongside his pal, John Krazinski in the movie adaptation of Ammann’s book, The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich?
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Cynthia, should we go back to what it would mean to my credibility had I signed that RELEASE AGREEMENT document?
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You have seen how the GemACH sic has made a big deal about taking the $1 from the thief, sneering Rebbe Schneerson.
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I had the Wetherly Capital Group in a vice from which there was no possible escape, outside of killing me.
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I also had a lot of people aware of the goods had on them, beyond Mr. Krinsk Esq.
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Today, a great many more people are away of the fraud of Wall Street which includes that son of yours who produces video games that you say are not as violent as most; bullshit.
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@Cynthia Cindy Petit don’t you just love it when @Julia Ioffe announces, slowly, pauses, then says, “bullshit”.
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It is the climax of a great performance, perhaps the very best in all of Television.
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Of course if you are member of NSS, you would understand perfectly.
You sent
@Cynthia Cindy Petit are you a member of NSS?
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@Cynthia Cindy Petit while you figure out whether you are coming or going, but try not to forget your name, did the thought occur to you that in 2001 I wasn’t around and that I skipped from the day I was born until this very moment?
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Cynthia, have you noticed that GemACH sic is fully caught between the rock and a hard plate and it doesn’t get easier for him with the passage of time.
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You sent
It was a simple question, “Would you like me to post this up on both NSS or Watch The Price Of Facebook Shares?”.
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When a religious person knows they have lost God it is much worse than a non-religious person and that too is horrific when they are all about the money that they don’t know the first thing about, and their thinking was that the religious rabbis, Pope and Mullahs must have long mulled over the question of private ownership of land, but obviously they haven’t or they are bought by the real estate developers who are in bed with warmongers who back all sides to war.
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When you cannot get anyone to support you telling the most important truths of our time, all the while hundreds if not thousands of young kids die every day on the battlefields of Ukraine all because we didn’t provide Zelenskyy initially with an adequate air defense which would have stopped Putin dead in his tracks but then what would people like @Julia Ioffe be doing with her time?
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What it is says is this human society has gone totally mad.
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It is also a society that keeps telling the next person how stupid they are, just so long as the person they are talking with isn’t an important money connection.
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I also happen to think that very serious person @Julia Ioffe has better things to do with her time than be GemACH’s sic and his wife’s marriage counselor, although Julia would be great.
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Her psychological assessment of our psychopathic liar world leaders is totally brilliant; and why in the world would I want to have a such a beautiful woman anywhere close to such physical and mental ugliness?
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Someone is going to crack.
You sent
It is stupid to bet an absolute certainty.
You sent
The temperature is fast dropping and I also want to begin my evening hike while it is still light so that when Im halfway, heading back the sunset is still high enough over the mountains to glisten of the fast running creek and leaves, branches and trunks of the trees beginning to blast out the oxygen.
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Edit: It is stupid to bet against an absolute certainty.
February 3
Feb 3, 2023, 8:35 AM
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It is 8:34 AM Calif time, Friday 4 Jan 23
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More important than Elon Musk having been dealt the winning hand to place this no mistake, rotten human specie on the right track which is not to make alcoholics of the poor while those who can afford to poison their insides, drink same as eating animal flesh and end up starting the next life as ugly egg face GemACH sic, go to fancy restaurants to indulge where they are surrounded by fellow alcoholics, notice how very quiet is GemACH sic.
You sent
GemACH sic, I’m going to open the window ever so slightly.
You sent
Tell us in your own words this Sabbath’s Torah readings.
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Make sure that For Fuck Sake @Jessica Van Dyk can understand your dribble, so no Yiddish words or urban slang such as Pffff
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Again GemACH sic, you are on a very short leash.
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This extension does not allow for you to place up a pitiful rendering such as what you sent me earlier
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which only exposed that much more your shameful behavior.
You sent
Again, you are to stick exclusively to this Sabbath’s teaching that comes directly out of Torah and for you to make your personal commentary, not what someone else has to say.
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You can leave it to me to explain to the world the importance of ChaBAD sic embracing Perelman without asking questions.
You sent
Everyone should watch the clock, and that includes The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow whose head kept popping in and out yesterday, seemingly more important than expanding his real estate empire to Crimea.
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With GemACH sic, of course very much online, and that is much more important to him than filling prescriptions for sick people who are not getting either healthier or younger, and we remember how few old sick self-indulgent farts care for the slaughtering of Ukrainian young soldiers on the frontlines of a war that is as contrived as Cryptos, let’s turn our attention to Elon Musk who would greatly benefit from understanding the relationship of Perelman and ChaBAD sic.
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It is now 9:01
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@Monique Shevel please now explain the emoji you just placed, and make sure a lost soul such as GemACH sic perfectly understands all that was in your head, otherwise I will remove you; of course you can leave voluntarily.
You have no more than 5 minutes as I prepare to replace a flat inner tube on the front wheel of my mountain bike before heading out on the most perfect cloudy day, the temperature outside right now 44 F
February 3
Feb 3, 2023, 9:39 AM
It is very obvious that you can’t remember what you write LOL
remove my name
You removed Monique Shevel from the group.
You sent
We can expect @Cynthia Cindy Petit to remove herself shortly
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You sent
Sun – hydrogen – oxygen
They don’t want to mention trees anymore because they are cutting them down so fast – might not be politically correct, you don’t want to raise any issue with what we are doing to nature while cramming everyone in toxic cities, to mention of the paper wood CONSTRUCTION industry which would suffer
Fools Names Fools Faces in Public Places
You sent
Edit: … mention little …
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You added Shneur Reti-Waks to the group.
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Added ChaBAD sic Melbourne rape victim, @Shneur Reti-Waks.
You sent
@Shneur Reti-Waks is there anything you would like to say to ChaBAD sic GemACH sic who is working on sharing with us this Sabbath’s Torah readings?
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@Shneur Reti-Waks at 9:06 AM New York time GemACH sic who was preparing for his day at work filling prescriptions for mostly sick people like himself who abuse their bodies with poison meat-dairy until they are hooked on pain killers and then they can’t wait for God to take them away, sent me that graphic of a rabbi with 2 kids cuddled up close which can’t bring you good memories.
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I responded at 10:35 his time with the following:
That’s why you get to be pigs
You pray too much, don’t do enough
You think it absolves you from doing anything
You are finished
You have been caught telling the worst lies and everyone knows it
You have brought down ChaBAD sic, protector of rapist pedophiles.
You were hardwired ugly from the beginning
You hate yourself which is not reason to love God
You are punished. You know it. Everyone knows it. God has told you many times, you just don’t listen. Instead you are constantly on diet because you were born with lack of willpower
All you can do is keep lying to yourself as your health continues to deteriorate you ugly egg face
You sent
@Torah Gemach has just let us know he can’t take it any more.
You removed a participant from the group.
February 3
Feb 3, 2023, 11:47 AM
You sent
If I can get GemACH sic to go quiet ….
He is such a scoundrel.
He lies to avoid.
He is such a plotter.
Yes, I am sharing the secret strength of us Jewish people.
You sent
@Cynthia Cindy Petit you are not Jewish. You certainly don’t care for me and my mother Zena; why don’t you and everyone else like you, leave of your accord rather than me having to do it.
Are you stupid or what?
You sent
@Cynthia Cindy Petit would you like to be added to Name Someone Stupid?
You sent
What are you waiting for?
How important is it for you to know the full extent of the secret strength of us Jewish people?
You sent
If you get excess iron in your body from say meat, it is not eliminated; at least that is my understanding.
February 4
Feb 4, 2023, 5:17 AM
You sure are not a good example for Jewish people
Cynthia Cindy Petit left the group.
February 5
Feb 5, 2023, 10:05 PM
You sent
Just question [Word count 42]
Does anyone recall who said that all scripture of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is the “word of God”?
Why have the atheists been quiet for 2500 years?
Is everyone remiss, proof of God?
Mass Psychosis Of Stupidity?
February 9
Feb 9, 2023, 12:51 PM
Remove me here aswell please
You removed a participant from the group.
February 9
Feb 9, 2023, 1:13 PM
You sent
moved Jessica Van Dyk from the group.
February 12
Feb 12, 2023, 12:08 PM
You sent
You sent
Winter snow storm fast approaching
February 13
Feb 13, 2023, 10:28 AM
You sent
@elonmusk Why would Aliens need to contact us, how to get along?
Why the need to talk is the biggest question, not whether Aliens …
Distracting from what?
May 23
May 23, 2023, 12:58 PM
You sent
Title: Unimpossible dream (Word count 279)
What are the chances after watching this YouTube
of these women caring for bats
being awoken by a bat at 4 this morning flying inside our cabin in the forest?
And yes, using logic and the artificial light we moved the bat to an open window.
Moreover, at around 7:39 PM last evening after wishing the bats and birds well and coming inside, I commented on YouTube documentary, Geoffrey Hinton: Reasons why AI will kill us all – see above – titling the post, Birds, bats and buzz,
a total of 54 words, including the title.
It is not quite the impossible chances as the people sticking to my facebook symposiums when they don’t hear what they want to hear and stop listening.
Wouldn’t you agree with that, pro German, complacent, indifferent filmmaker Frank Jacob?
Wait until you see Jacob’s antics that are so different to his public portrayal. Yes, it is his ego; but again its more than one person; and each in denial have their own ego as well as financial agenda which are intertwined. Plus you are all dependent upon each other to keep the “money-war-lie“ alive.
Let me also share that we have had this cabin for 21 years and while bats fly around often in the evening circling for their natural food, finding a bat inside has never happened.
Coincidences too cannot be predicted; the same with man’s self-destructive ugliness towards truth-logic; their deafening silences, however, speak volumes.
Nothing to fear from man’s techno semi-God$, who are all about the price fixed monies.
May 26
May 26, 2023, 3:43 PM
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Man killed by car after saving ducks crossing street
May 26
May 26, 2023, 4:35 PM
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Title: What a way to go!
Subtitle: How important is life, the universe and everything
Let’s look at the positive.
Everyone contributes to building a better, more conscious society from ground zero, starting with learning sooner rather than later, that the money, which is never questioned because of the indoctrination, IN GOD WE TRUST synonymous with BLIND FAITH and the legal doctrine IN GOOD FAITH, is as price fixed as the minerals market, that for the past 120 years has been controlled by monopolist Nicholas Oppenheimer’s immediate family whose doctrine is no loyalty to race, country or religion, only to their loyal subjects who are counted on to diffuse-confuse.
To mention little of 120 years is not a long time in the 13.8 billion lifespan of the universe which is extraordinarily orderly and nor is the “no mistake” human at odds with beauty of the universe whose stars which we are all made of inspire us to greatness without us confusing the merits of “esprit de corps” as secondary to competition in the “workforce”.
It is the one exception that proves the rule.
It is humankind, the oxymoron of all time, responsible for mass extinction that has taken place alongside the exponential human population growth where the economic index GDP rewards consumerism-advertisers when our philosophers all supposedly about truth-logic, economists, politicians and religious should be focused on doing no harm to the planet which has us coexisting with the other animals and insects who are being sacrificed.
What happened to human common sense which has man thinking it is the most intelligent?
Yes, intelligent at making man sick with poison foods and killing machines that pollute the soil that grows the food.
Of course the richest of the humanities academics and their corporate partners know all this because they are given the “playbook” of the SA Oppenheimers as soon as they reach an income level where they can play, and with academics it is usually no later than when being adjudicated for tenure.
Yes, it is ugly but we can do something about it, if we care enough about the children which is who everyone should be thinking about even if you don’t have children of your own.
To mention in passing, when those at the top of the pyramid have stolen all the mineral resources, the notion of work surely cannot be applied to those who are simply fooled into believing the bullshit.
The top of the pyramid SA Oppenheimers are no less eager to promulgate the inheritance laws that insulate them that much more.
Their only work is to fool everyone else less “fortunate” including the soldiers who are brainwashed with “protecting from the dangers to our way life; uphold the principles of freedom and sovereignty” by men in suits sounding so honorable, and their education, notably their university “gift of the gab”, that the less formerly educated do their best to emulate.
Not to mention, the following websites are in the process of a facelift geared to empower the kids to parent the parents who need the most help, as the parents mostly know from their parents who were also ill-equipped, and many think that homeschooling by, at best, full of themselves parents, resentful of the working spouse, is better than public schools where at least the kids interact with other kids who are in the same boat and can empathize with one another, play team sports, grow strong and fearless as their all about talk parents-grandparents get that much more hunched over and bossy, without fear of their formal education interfering with their learning:
(1) 2facetruth dot com – Exposing to the light the mineral monopoly of Nicholas Oppenheimer, the most organized crime family;
(2) Nextraterrestrial dot com;
(3), www.EMANandDOG dot com in reverse, in compliance with Quantum Mechanics what goes forward must work in reverse, moc GODdnaNAME.www;
(4) Fotsak dot com.
Our protagonist, this kind man, probably didn’t suffer.
It may have been the best thing he ever did in his life, plus he had the kids clapping him, what a way to go!
There are those who seem genuinely happy about the next life, at least the initial transition, such as this one male orthopedic surgeon we find on YouTube, “Doctor Struck By Lightning; Learns The Secret Of Creation And Consciousness (NDE)” who experienced his greatest joy, and was disappointed, visibly shaken, to hear that he hadn’t died, and was coming back to the same drudgery life.
Granted, a cynic might argue they are looking for eyeballs to monetize and/or needing attention as most everyone on social media as well as those who work who don’t “need the money”, but nor do they want to be stuck at home with a boring spouse and kids just waiting for them to die, eager for the day when they won’t need to pretend with all the politeness that sucks life’s energy out of them;; and surely have no difficulty with the extra time to live it up vacationing around the world with the biggest yacht within their inheritance and/or free Wall Street corrupt monies can afford.
But let’s also not forget that our common atoms are inspired, happy and we see it in kids until they are abused by the over controlling parent-s/grandparent-s.
Bear in mind the human creates garbage, mostly; and nor are there that many inspiring Einsteins and Spinozas.
Let’s not forget this most inspiring story. He helped the ducks; he got a clap from the kids.
Maybe outside of that he was schmuck, who knows?
Bottom line, it showed the kids how important life is.
To save the life of the duck is as important as the bees, the birds the trees. They sustain us, including our one of a kind imaginations; whereas the gross in the extreme, Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economics index, spends the earth; boosted by the no less debauchery Cryptos which have no backing; and nor are there barriers to entry; worse yet, those at the top of the pyramid have not only the politicians-media in their back pocket, they have the most amount of unlimited in supply price fixed monies whose value is sucked out of air; without forgetting mining of valueless Cryptos consumes huge amounts of energy.
A completely upside world that went on steroids in the upside year of 1961 when the SA Oppenheimer empire established the OECD [Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development] for the specific purpose of promoting the insanely illogical and morally reprehensible GDP which came alive in 1934 at the height of the contrived Great Depression.
To understand the money-GDP you have to know its modern day history which is also conspicuously absent in the educational curriculum which is responsible for highly opinionated fools being pumped out of the schools and universities.
One of the things you will notice in Tucker Carlson’s latest rant, “The old system is collapsing. You can’t claim you’ve got a democracy if all the information voters receive before a presidential election has been curated by the people already in charge” is that he is especially light on naming names; of course his name would be at the top of the list.
My response on Twitter; “Tell us something we don’t know. Not deep enough, dig a little more. Why don’t you give names? So easy to talk in general terms.”
It doesn’t mean because Carlson and others profiting from “divide and conquer” don’t respond with anything more than deafening silences that speak volumes that they have a competing argument.
It is no less important that the OECD houses the Nuclear Energy Agency [NEA] who by 25 June 2013, had wiped out all opposition to nuclear weapons development.
There was no opposition to the OECD promoting the ugly of uglies GDP that cannot simply be either disbanded or modified without reversing all the wealth it has accumulated in the wrong hands.
Remember, we are only talking about the herd mentality human and each human thinking they are so different.
Such precise programming of the exact opposite of what we should be doing to sustain harmony is totally unpredictable, the same with man unwilling to accept that it has been so easily misguided.
There is a piece I wrote the other day titled, “Unimpossible dream”; it spells it out rather well.
The human can only handle the truth in small doses.
It is a monumental task for the big ego getting over the fact that the atrocity GDP has been on the books for 89 years and there isn’t so much as a whimper, plus the fact that the OECD has been promoting it for 62 years and not one of their abundant PhDs has spoken out of school; and forget sticking to this most important subject as the truth obsoletes not only the study of economics but every economics Nobel Laureate should turn in their medal and prize money, the same with their inheritors.
The OECD-NEA, with its headquarters in Paris, France are again heavily Phd infestered, and the only thing cooperative is their conspiracy to keep the world’s best kept secret to themselves and their evil sponsors.
Yes, this human creation looks more and more like God’s Game; and Cryptos, a contraption, a contradiction of epic ugly proportions, has everyone quiet.
Not to mention the latest presidential entry, Florida Governor “DeSantos” [sic] was quick to insert in his Twitter-Musk announcement that he would not get rid of Cryptos, but would also not support the Central Banks issuing their own digital Cryptos, how honorable.
How horrible there is no digging by the common herd who for the past 5 generations have been brainwashed not to question, but to be focused from the age of 3 when getting their first handheld alongside their video game controller stick to think about the job they will do to afford the car, the wife, the house, the toys and the boat – and yes I know, a boat is a toy, but worth emphasizing that the bigger the yacht, the easier to escape the mobs and have parties with the same people.
A starting point in your own journey to enlightenment is Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention which is free on the internet and serves as a “big stick”, leaving the reader feeling helpless, that much eager to grab the monies and maintain the status quo; namely war on the poor.
Talking out of both sides of the mouth is quickly ended as we get everyone into one big internet tent room which every platform, every podcaster, every individual internet troller is capable of doing.
Those profiting the most from backing all sides to war as they do all the political candidates of the multitude of political parties, and believing they can’t lose, are not united with the people they are attempting to fool, for not everyone is sharing equally in the “spoils of war”.
Brainwashing has its limits in this digital equalizer world; and the warmongers want to have you fearful of AI which is what is increasingly common place in war.
AI logic will stop the money lie and the wars where it is mostly the poor who are the victims, and they do have the universal right to vote their conscience and not to die or be injured on carefully orchestrated battlefields, just to keep the rich warmongers-Wall Street in the pound seats.
The truth-logic sets you free.
Next my response to Elon Musk’s new Twitter CEO hire Ms. Linda “Yak-Uk” Yaccarino who 2 days ago, 24 May, Tweeted, “Tonight’s reflection — we just heard a rare and unscripted conversation, on a range of important topics, with a Presidential candidate — all launched on Twitter. That’s historical. Let’s do more. Freedom of speech is priceless.”
Next Tribe of Achievers. Next 2 nature. Next 2 love.
To my mother & wife Marie Dion.
About the author Gary Steven Gevisser:
I’m 66, born and raised in mineral rich South Africa by enlightened Jewish parents and grandparents, in particular my mother Zena “Wise beyond her years she listened to the problems of the world relayed in her presence [my mother’s pogrom orphaned paternal grandmother] and the solutions to many of these problems.”
In early 1978, not yet 21, and just beginning university post-graduate economics-business studies where I also tutored first year economics-law-business students, I was recruited by Nicholas Oppenheimer’s father Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2-00], no relation to Manhattan Project physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Being a “Late talker”, only speaking my first words at age 3, didn’t mean I failed to listen well during both my year long orientation before joining in early spring 1979 banking-mineral monopolist E. Oppenheimer and Son-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation-Bank of England as well as my university studies where the unbridled gun-money power of the SA Oppenheimers’ global empire, is glossed over.
[Word count 2141]
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Mervyn Brivik left the group.
May 27
May 27, 2023, 10:32 AM
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Mervyn Brivik left
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Replying to Elon Musk:
Title: VPD-BC
Will Neurolink fix voluntary personality disorder [VPD] and bad conditioning [BC]?
May 28
May 28, 2023, 1:57 PM
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2 hrs ago Linda Sante Human beings on planet earth, why? 1 hour ago James Quirk Linda Sante it’s a colossal accident, and accidents generally come with plenty of pain. Of course, images such as this do not convey the whole picture of human life, because there are sunsets and flowers and all of that good stuff, and all of that is equally real. Sometimes this colossal accident is a happy one, and other times there’s nothing to do but just wonder why people must fight over such ephemeral and whimsically foolish nonsense as gods, religions, “final solutions,” bigotry, ignorance, and hate. Who can possibly imagine that it means anything in the face of a universe so impossibly vast that our entire planet does not even constitute a single dust mote? And yet we are willing to kill not only ourselves and our planet over such things, but also the innocent children and even the ‘gods’ themselves. It has to be a colossal accident. Nothing else could produce such a tragically beautiful mess, in which what should rationally be an opportunity for paradise so very often becomes a living hell. 12 minutes ago Gary Gevisser James Quirk no accident, no mistake. Everything very orderly including the human so disorderly and at the top of the unique disorder not found in any other specie or the precision logic physical laws of nature is the human voluntary personality disorder [VPD] and bad conditioning [BC], both easy to fix; the best part is that we are getting there. Be patient. [Word count 72]
A bloodied young boy screams out in the ruins of his neighborhood after it was bombed, Germany, 1945
Human beings on planet earth, why?
June 18
Jun 18, 2023, 4:57 PM
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Cutting and pasting: Forgetfullness Share:
Jun 5, 2023, 7:54 AM Calif. time
Malcolm Steele
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Today, 18 June 23, at 4:03 PM
4:03 PM
Malcolm Steele, Im going to give you more than the 60 seconds I gave to Vincent Kenyani to explain your Poverty of Thought back on June 5.
That is because I am now going to first share with you all my last writings on my facebook symposium, A Test Of Humanity [ATOH]:
Wed, 14 June 23, 12:47 PM
Vincent Kenyani posted up:
Make extra cash online 100% legit, no subscription free
Seen by Mike Gibel at Saturday 9:29am
Seen by Shani Weltsman Moran at Wednesday 10:58pm
Seen by Errol Graham Musk at Wednesday 1:03pm
1:54 PM, Sunday, 18 June 23
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@Vincent Kenyani you have 60 seconds to explain your poverty of thought to the current membership as well as our 41 odd mutual fb friends:
Andrew Gilberds
82 mutual friends
Andy Erlam
26 mutual friends
Bonota Abemama Taruaeaki
90 mutual friends
Bret Alan Warshawsky
21 mutual friends
Christopher Allen Breidinger
68 mutual friends
Claude Bartlett
63 mutual friends
Emmanuel Sindikubwabo
48 mutual friends
Evans Mangwende
42 mutual friends
Heidi Snhth
24 mutual friends
Howard P Mock
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Hung Lieu
79 mutual friends
Ikswoke Joe
5 mutual friends
Jaff Stevenson
81 mutual friends
Joanne Kopp
83 mutual friends
Joel Bach
6 mutual friends
Josephine Corden
91 mutual friends
Joyce Misoi
16 mutual friends
Julius Iulian C. Barbu
89 mutual friends
June Eriksen
75 mutual friends
Kay Baxter
55 mutual friends
Kolbjorn Borseth
46 mutual friends
Leonardo Vannucchi
102 mutual friends
Mahesh Chookolingo
72 mutual friends
Mats Rickard Lagnevall
65 mutual friends
Musa Joe
36 mutual friends
Nelson Guedes
25 mutual friends
Princito Kitumaini Kamundala
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Richard Arthur
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Rock Ridgeway
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Rolando Reset
113 mutual friends
Ryan Christopher Reeves
76 mutual friends
Steve Saylor
110 mutual friends
Tee Russell
39 mutual friends
Tobias Ojijo
34 mutual friends
Trowa Daryon
91 mutual friends
Valerie Green
35 mutual friends
Vanessa Gerlich
21 mutual friends
Vishwanath Vr Patil
8 mutual friends
Wael Sobhy Sobhy
96 mutual friends
I will start the 60 second clock once uploading the current membership of A Test of Humanity:
Abner Weiss
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Володимир Зеленський
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Note how the voyeur membership have stuck since the last time we heard from your friend GemACH sic aka Benzion Going Around The Bend aka @Torah Gemach, the wretched snitch.
That was 14 February; to repeat his filthy mouth to match perfectly his ugly looks which God imposed on him from the start along with his lack of intelligence:
Go find a real JOB and get me out of your fantasy
@Torah Gemach aka GemACH sic, isn’t it time for you to go to shul and pretend as you have always done to God that you are righteous and smart?
In the course of the past 124 days, how many of you say that both your mental and physical health has improved?
How do you find comfort in a group whose God is the money?
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To think that each of you is at one with GemACH sic, isn’t it enough to make you sick to your stomach?
Let’s now move on to a much higher level of intelligence without forgetting that all the so-called “religious” are either dumb or trying to con you out of your money.
You must remember that it wasn’t that long ago that the President of Turkey, Erdoğan was caught on camera immediately following his reelection handing out money to the poor.
The difference between what Erdoğan was doing and the faker Schneerson
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is that Schneerson hands out $1 bills to the rich, all the while snitching.
Not to be depressed if you are a good Jewish person because Schneerson-ChaBAD sic who gravitate towards the worst of Wall Street such as Ronald “The Finagle King” Perelman who sings the praises of ChaBAD sic-Schneerson, are not Jewish.
They have simply hijacked the ingenious teachings of Judaism.
What in the world would have you believe that the corrupt Jewish priests during Roman times who morphed into the Roman Catholic Church who has yet to return all the stolen artifacts following their brutal invasions, changed for the better?
@Lital Zilberstein Revivo, don’t you have something to say to member, malice ridden @Ayala Weisel Esq.?
@Володимир Зеленський, let’s assume you are in fact President Zelenskyy, how long are you going to wait before asking anti-Semite Nicholas Oppenheimer to provide the necessary funding to your Allied partners to get the weapons to win the war with Russia which requires decapitating the Kremlin so that you don’t have to get a daily toll of the young Ukrainian lives lost?
@Sergii Marchenko, isn’t it time to stop thinking about your future real estate holdings, not only on the shoreline of Crimea but when a spot opens up on Malibu beach, California?
@Dmytro Kuleba, the same with you of course.
I see that I have a new member request.
Does anyone else wish to suggest I consider someone else for membership?
Who here feels their math-logic is good enough to figure all your silence during the past 124 days?
Moving on.
At 1:49 PM Calif. time today, Sunday 18 June 23, and it is now 2:29 PM, I began broadcasting via email what I first Tweeted at 1:18 PM:
Title: Simply beautiful intelligence
Slime mold shows amazing adaptability for survival.
It is in touch with its environment, to say the least.
It is beautiful; however, humans think poorly that intelligence is using artificial money to steal the land.…/status/1670526516877459456…
Bear in mind that when you click on the youtube video, The Insane Biology of: Slime Mold, you might first encounter an ad for a new bra that the advertiser insists you first have to try.
GemACH sic, that doesn’t mean you should try on the bra the way you would either a pair of trousers or your tefilin.
In fact I do not support that bra in any way, shape or form.
I don’t support any advertising given that we all know that the price mechanism is kaput.
Of course I don’t think the Schneerson was anything close to bright but I am absolutely certain he knew as did George Soros when he first began making huge bucks that the price mechanism is kaput.
You expect a smart Jewish person to be the first to figure out that the price mechanism is kaput unless they are stupid or bought.
[Seen by Tommy Simpson at 2:37 PM]
Who remembers during the Spanish-Portuguese Inquistion which had the corrupt rabbis of Amsterdam excommunicating the greatest rabbi of all time, Spinoza, how many Jewish people owned land in places like Rancho Sante Fe, southern California, London, Great Britain, Amsterdam, Holland, Durban, South Africa, Brooklyn New York City and also had the monies left over from stealing the land to make slaves of their fellow Jewish brothers and sisters?
Not many.
In fact there was only one Jewish family, the Rothschilds who had any wealth to speak of.
To recap:
This wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish family, led by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812) established their banking business in the 1760s, at the height of The Inquisition where Jewish people were given the option of death or converting to Roman Catholicism.
Those who converted, but continued to practice their Jewish belief system underground, and mostly living in the Iberian Peninsula, were called Marrano Jews.
To the best of my knowledge the duplitious and rather powerless Rothschilds never claimed to be Marranos otherwise they would have been flat broke.
So why hasn’t the Jewish secular and religious leadership of the world since the 1760s pointed out that the anti-Semites who keep bringing up the bad Jewish people Rothschilds were and remain simply turncoats?
Let’s also bear in mind the great Spinoza.
Baruch (de) Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677), a philosopher of Portuguese-Jewish origin, born in Amsterdam, the Dutch Republic, and mostly known under the Latinized pen name Benedictus de Spinoza, was excommunicated by The Inquisition’s corrupt Jewish Rabbis of Amsterdam on 27 July 1656.
If you do the math you will see that Spinoza was not yet 24 on 27 July 1656.
Wretched snitch @GemACH sic, do you concur with the math?
Are you on any opiods that are affecting your ability to think other than to feed your hunger pains with more fried chicken wings?
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Without forgetting the turncoat Rothschilds, who do you think were the turncoat Jewish people buttering the bread of the turned Jewish rabbis of Amsterdam back on 27 July 1[6]56?
How much intelligence does it take to figure out good Jewish people today?
@Steven David Sobol would you say that you are a good Jewish person?
@Alexey Shumeyko would you say that you are a good Jewish person?
@Julia Ioffe would you say that you are both a good Jewish person as well as intelligent?
@Neal H. Hurwitz what about you?
@Neil Resnick what about you?
You added @Bess Magid Resnick to the group.
What about you @Bess Magid Resnick?
@Clifford Benn what about you?
@Cliff Friedman what about you?
@Deborah Sturman what about you?
@Mel Gevisser what about you?
@Kathy Danziger what about you?
@Jeffrey Essakow aka The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor Jeffrey Essakow what about you?
@Roy Essakow what about you?
@Trevor Abramson what about you?
You added Adele Abramson to the group.
@Adele Abramson, wife of @Trevor Abramson, what about you?
@Trevor Goldberg what about you?
Currently I have 3251 odd fb friends as well as 17 odd other facebook symposiums where the deafening silence is no less than here.
@Alan Cline, while you were a rather poor university economics student, are you able to figure out the extent of the toxicity of the modern city dweller?
If you need to take a big swig of the whiskey
You sent
You sent
[You added David Julian Danziger to the group.
You added Barry Molk to the group.
You added Andrea Kerzner to the group.
You added Antony Unruh to the group.
You added Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti to the group.
You added Binyamin Shifra Glickman to the group.
You added Abner Weiss to the group.
You added Glenda Werbel to the group.
You added David Levy to the group.
You added David Masinter to the group.
You added David Zulman to the group.
You added Gary Levinsohn to the group.
You added Ivan Oshry to the group.
You added Mark Gevisser to the group.
You added Martin Goldblatt to the group.
You added Martin Krok to the group.
You added Solly Krok to the group.
You added Karen Krok to the group.
You added Douglas Behr to the group.
You added David Wolpe to the group.
You added Tracy Tomson to the group.
You added Teri Lawton to the group.
You added Steven Kofsky to the group.
You added Stephen Ross to the group.
You added Vera Dubin to the group.]
bottle, feel free to do so?
@Anne Arenson Winter, are you continuing to keep your mother Pearl Arenson up to speed on my sinister sister @Kathy Danziger?
Make sure your mother has read what my sister Kathy married to the idiot @David Julian Danziger had to say about the tampering of my mother Zena’s will.
@Bari Weiss are you following along?
What about you duplicitious first cousin, cardiologist Dr @Barry Molk MD?
@Andrea Kerzner are you still with us?
@Antony Unruh, tell us what you know about the Rothschilds and their impact on how you make money on stolen real estate?
@Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti are you giving serious consideration to writing your own Paris live show?
Do you feel you need an introduction to Elon Musk in order to get his financial-money backing?
@Binyamin Shifra Glickman, formerly Shifra Weiss, married to girl crazy rabbi, Professor @Abner Weiss, what trusted party told you that my mother Zena had lost her mind well before my filming The Lady’s Speech on the morning of 22 September 2016?
Do you have no shame?
@Glenda Werbel, when did you lose all your shame?
@David Levy, now that you have moved to Israel, according to Durbanite Lionel Kahn, do you no longer talk badly about your benefactors, the Essakows?
ChaBAD sic rabbi @David Masinter, how is it possible for you to face up to God every time you brush your teeth or are you just happy to have a beard thinking that will be enough to fool God?
@David Zulman, why don’t you give us your firsthand account of your and your father’s dispute with INVESTEC which captured headline news and in the process helped greatly spread anti-Semitism?
Cousin @Gary Levinsohn, tell us how you went from swindling our cousin, my first cousin Nigel Gevisser out of $50K in a pyramid scheme to co-producing with duplicitious, weak, bullied, Steven Spielberg, Saving Private Ryan?
@Ivan Oshry Esq. how come you are still here when you could be making money?
@Jenny Arenstein – Friedman … Ugh is all I can say.
@Lee-Anne Dalley, you look like your hips have more than doubled in size.
Cousin @Mark Gevisser tell us how you would describe your and your immediate family’s benefactor, monopolist, anti-Semite, American Charles W. Engelhard Jr?
@Errol Graham Musk would you agree that I am making significant progress in improving upon that piece of crap “Origins of Mankind” that you received as a gift on your last birthday?
@Martin Goldblatt I strongly recommend that you don’t take your cricket bat to the fly flying across your reading glasses.
@Martin Krok, are you still sleeping on your father’s couch?
@Solly Krok has your daughter in law, @Karen Krok, married to @Martin Krok, shared with you all the highly negative things she has to say about you and Martin?
@Tracy Tomson when you embrace The Coupon Clipper …. @Jeffrey Essakow, how genuine is it really?
@Tokyo Sexwale why don’t you tell us what is going on between President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa and President Putin?
@Tony Leon why don’t you give us now your insight and analysis of the bleeding of Ukraine’s youth, the same of course with the impoverished young Russians all to hide the price fixing of the monies, led by the highest intellectual depravity Cryptos?
Who remembers that Crypto-Judaism is the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as “crypto-Jews”?
Surely there is a good Jewish person amongst this membership who can explain why they and the world’s religious and secular Jewish leadership are not incensed by the diabolical Cryptos which are 100% inflationary; a full on attack on the world’s poor?
Maybe not?
If you didn’t have the intelligence to figure out the duplicity of the Gross Domestic Product [GDP] economic index then it stands to reason you would think that the Rothschilds are good with money.
What is most important is the fact that if you don’t accept that there is no free will which is the foundation of deterministic universe and which all the scientific evidence points to, then you have to believe that everything is random and the only reason to have morals is for rural dwellers like cavedwellers and their descendents for hundreds of thousands of years where there was very little change in their violent lives to survive amongst the wild beasts, to work together in order to survive.
Why would you care for your mother, father, brothers and sisters if you are no longer dependent on each other for survival?
What makes you think that it is smart to trust each other when the money is so blatantly price fixed?
@Teri Lawton, why don’t you have your two lawyer children join us now?
@Steven Kofsky, do you talk to your wife about me?
@Stephen Ross should we talk about Quickwheel?
@Vera Dubin should we talk about the over and under invoicing monies that your husband Abe Dubin with the assistance of Alan Benn stole from my mother Zena’s second husband, Alan Zulman?
You sent
July 21
Jul 21, 2023, 1:07 PM
You sent
A contact left the group.
July 22
Jul 22, 2023, 4:25 PM
You sent
Title: Greatest discovery
There is no competition when the minerals market is a monopoly. What does that tell you about rules and regulations of sea mining?
Greatest discovery of mankind, the oxymoron of all time, is man’s stupidity.
The positive, this a deterministic universe.
You sent
Yesterday 20 July
@Linda Sante
The language of the Universe is to raise your frequency to highest possible. And in by doing so you allow your antennae, so to speak, to attract what’s the best service for you and the planet as well as the cosmos.
You sent
You sent
Yesterday 11:44 AM calif time
@Linda Sante
Think of Energy as the Language of the Universe and frequency as the “data” that drives its evolution
Yesterday 12:29 PM
Gary Gevisser
Linda Sante why didn’t it work with you?
Yesterday 7:31 PM
@Linda Sante
You need need to worry about what’s all not working with you,,, good luck.
Yesterday 9:28 PM
Gary Gevisser
Linda Sante my math-logic is good.
What are your credentials in understanding the relationship between the money that controls the resources and the destruction of the planet?
You are just a talker who picks up on physics to impress others.
Many an opposition is bought.
Today, 21 July
Gary Gevisser
Title: Realtors pumping
Linda Sante it is now 12:54 PM Calif time, Friday, 21 July 23.
It was at 9:28 PM last evening when you received my response “… impress others. Many an opposition is bought.”
Why would you think a mineral monopolist wouldn’t control its opposition?
It is true that the human is consistently nasty, and age doesn’t improve either its wisdom or positive disposition, as it only resents the youth.
How can you not be alarmed by the sight of obese children and teenagers who only have misery to look forward to?
Once you have reached the tipping point there is no turning back.
More than 75% of the population around the world is overweight.
Normal, healthy people will be a rarity.
The planet is dying and the old farts are sticking to political correctness, not to speak out against the poison fat SOS salt oil sugar.
Could you see Emperor Julius Caesar putting up with this?
Of course not. It would be catastrophic for his empire.
His soldiers would be freaked out by the brain numbing, fat building video games.
Why are us humans so much slower to react to catastrophe?
It can’t just be blinded by the contrived money that is plowed into real estate whose price keeps rising and they even have TV shows applauding knucklehead realtors pumping.
It wasn’t that long ago that you only acquired land by brute force.
Now you only need access to the people and their banks who have stolen the most and put the trust in their government to entertain the plebes with wars, blood and guts.
Too too funny.
Continuing …
You sent
P2 Realtors pumping
Lazy people are more likely to be jealous, and the more out of shape, their true nature reveals itself.
Then there are the few like cackling Tucker Carlson who are in somewhat decent shape but inevitably speak their weak mind.
If you consider yourself good you have to speak out against Cryptos.
Why do you think not a single leader of a country with a military to speak of has spoken out against Bitcoin-dogecoin?
Do you really think Elon doesn’t have sufficient university economics schooling to understand how diabolical, grotesque are the Cryptos?
Why do you persist in not providing your money credentials?
Just earlier 150+ IQ Errol Graham Musk, who is avoiding answering a very important question, and with whom I share 51 odd fb friends, gave a
in response to the backup of this page which I sent him, you and others, some you might know and others you wouldn’t.
You are just a taker of information.
My opinion does count because I have both the logic and knowledge.
You don’t tell your audience that, includes 21 odd mutual fb friends with me, what you have “leaned” (sic) on my 2 fb symposiums, Getting to know your friends and Name Someone Stupid, where you have been deafeningly silent.
We are getting very close to the entire world going silent and their violence, which they mask with intellectualism that is rather weak and transparent, is no match against the forces of light-truth.
You would only need whatever little imagination remains in your mind that doesn’t entirely belong to you, to know that Errol’s eldest child Elon would not ignore my writings because he doesn’t want to appear foolish to himself.
Intelligent people are more aware.
Why do you think politicians like ugly looking, fat, Henry Kissinger get chosen for the mass killing jobs?
It is easy to understand that Elon would get a kick out of fooling the foolish people like yourself and Lynda Free to name just one other FOOLS NAMES FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES but he doesn’t want to fool himself.
Again you can fool yourself but you cannot fool me.
There is a major contradiction in buying a corporate advertising platform like Twitter and Facebook-Instagram-Threads and being an advocate for Freedom of Speech.
Nor is that Elon Musk’s biggest lie.
What you should now contemplate very carefully, and the time is 12:14 PM is that not one of Elon Musk’s biggest name critics such as writer Stephen King and possibly even greater intellectual midget, former Clinton Labour Secretary, fellow De Beers-Rhodes Scholar Class of ‘68, Robert Reich Esq., have spoken about this great contradiction, and also let’s not forget Mark Zuckerberg.
What if they simply haven’t previously thought about it?
Is that worse than if they have, and decided to be quiet?
Do these hypocrites really care about a “just society, the common good”?
You should be able to see the Hand of God in everything, not only unpredictable coincidences.
Don’t panic – Life, the universe and everything (The hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy).
The link below takes you to video I filmed recently of a moth, possibly a newborn who hitched a ride on my mountain bike shoe and stayed with me, possibly drying its wings through the twists, turns and bumps deep into the Cleveland National Forest, sticking around throughout my Egosque stretch-strength exercises that lasted a good 10 minutes, and nor was it that easy to film while crouching low enough on one leg this wondrous Act of God; moreover, only once I had finished and preparing to get back on my bicycle did the moth depart.
You may have experienced many one-off events, but it doesn’t seem to have rubbed off on to you.
Here are happy birds I filmed right after.
Bear in mind the positive feedback from yesterday’s “Bot – Economics studies” email broadcasts blows away every marketing-advertising focus group in the past, present and future.
Not to mention, Elon’s Alma Mater, Pretoria University is now silent.
Did you receive your copy?
@Jeffrey Essakow
Neal Barnard, MD
@Lynne Karen Bentel
@Stephanie Marine
@Sofiaan Fraval
Rosie Rose
@Rodney Smith
Louis Kemp
@Rip Esselstyn
Michael Musk
William Shatner
Dean Ornish, MD
Debbie Patton Kingsriter
Lizette Watson
Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Bryan Smith
@Gabriela Riley
@Gabriella Zambon
@Tomer Tene
[Word count 999]
Micha-el Frame left the group.
September 3 at 4:37 PM
Sun 4:37 PM
You sent
You sent
Title: Right question
It is tabloid type put downs. Xs are Elon’s call.
Is @errol_musk driving a TESLA yet?
September 4 at 5:41 PM
Mon 5:41 PM
You sent
Look at this beach photo from the 60’s. Not one fat body. I think the food industry is killing us. 🙈
September 5 at 4:40 PM
Tue 4:40 PM
Aydee forwarded a link
Look at this beach photo from the 60’s. Not one fat body. I think the food industry is killing us. 🙈
You sent
@Aydee Mogrovejo Aquise are you plain stupid or needing attention that you repost the photo?
You sent
Do you exercise enough?
You sent
@Aydee Mogrovejo Aquise, I will assume you have more time on your hands than you know what to do with.
Please contact Black Hatter Torah Gemach aka Gomorrah and share the following:
Gomorrah what is your gut response?
You sent
The following are the words of master bicycle mechanic and formerly US Navy aviator and Captain of US Navy frigates and destroyers before heading the construction and delivery of this mammoth dry dock to San Diego Navy base on behalf of BAE
You sent
You sent
“Got it, haven’t seen anything quite so catastrophic before. WTF?? Anyway, to replace with similar quality components you need a new rear derailleur $95, new derailleur hanger $25, new cable $5, and not essential but recommended, new chain $30. I can put it all together for $20 so you’d be looking at $175 for a rear end rebuild. The cassette looks ok and it looks like the derailleur hanger did its job and bent before the frame. The spokes on the rear wheel look ok except for 2 with slight nicks, have tightened them up and will fine tune once back together. Parts I have listed are about a week or so out. Let me know what you want me to do. Cheers”
You sent
His follow up including photo of disassembled back-wheel parts:
It looks like the rear tire is holding pressure well, will keep an eye on it. Also, will see if I can do anything about that rear wheel rumble we noted earlier. Think it is coming from the freehub body, will try to disassemble and get some grease in there. Hope you have the front wheel at home
You sent
You sent
All for $20 labor including the time disassembling and procuring the parts.
September 5 at 5:25 PM
Tue 5:25 PM
You sent
Just received word:
You sent
Brand new derailleur and chain. This is what the derailleur is supposed to look like before you run it through the rocks and spokes. Derailleur hanger is due on Wed. Bike should be ready by Thursday. Keep you posted. Cheers.
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You added Stephanie Marine and Malcolm Steele Steele to the group.
You added Douglas Behr to the group.
You added Micha-el Frame to the group.
You added Rip Esselstyn to the group.
You added Alan Woolf to the group.
You added Larry Shain to the group.
You added Gabriella Zambon to the group.
You added Shannon Walker and Brien Emard to the group.
You added Norm Zwail to the group.
You added Frank Jacob to the group.
You added Lital Zilberstein Revivo to the group.
You added Paul Blackbeard to the group.
You added Peter Barendse to the group.
You added Naas Uys to the group.
You added Tommy Simpson to the group.
You added Andrew Gilberds to the group.
You added Barbara Follett to the group.
You added Beth Isaacs to the group.
You added David Glinn and David Mandelbaum to the group.
You added Olga Zabludoff to the group.
You added Warren Saks to the group.
You added Lynette Machray and Marilyn Smith Woolf to the group.
You added Lisa Essakow and Jill Essakow to the group.
You added Carole Essakow Janks to the group.
You added Steve Essakow to the group.
You added Claire Berlinski to the group.
You added Alexis Apperson Hearst and Alexis Hearst to the group.
You added Ivan Glasenberg and Ivan Glasenberg to the group.
You sent
Membership of Watch the price of facebook’s shares as of 8:11 AM Sat Sept 9 2023:
Adams Avenue Bicycles
Adele Abramson
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Alan Morton Dershowitz
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Alan Woolf
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Alexis Hearst
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Allan Zulberg
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Annette Kemp
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Ava Gevisser
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Ayi Kwei Armah
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Ayli Vera Rosales
Ayul Acuña Cardenas
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Debbie Patton Kingsriter
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Garry Kasparov
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Garry Kasparov
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Gary Cooper
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Gevisser John
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Hedda Gevisser
Hedda Gevisser
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Hilary Hackner
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Hilton Wolman
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Hilton Wolman
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Hoffman Theron van Zijl
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Howard Schachat
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Ivan Glasenberg
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Ivan Glasenberg
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Ivan Oshry
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Jacquelyn Berry
Jann Turner
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Jared Aufrichtig
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Jeffrey Essakow
Jeffrey Robert Krinsk
Jenny Arenstein – Friedman
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Jenny Feinstein
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Jeremy Perling
Jill Essakow
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Jon Shenk
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Jonathan Gevisser
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Jonathan Marine
Joseph A. Grundfest
Julia Ioffe
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Justine Gevisser
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Kathy Niell
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Lee-Anne Dalley
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Len Brenner
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Leo Gevisser
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Linda Macnab
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Lindie Botha
Lionel Kahn
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Lital Zilberstein Revivo
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Lynette Machray
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Lynne Karen Bentel
M’Poyo Kasa-Vubu Justine
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Malcolm Steele Steele
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Marcia Kramer
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Marcy Campbell Krinsk
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Marilyn Smith Woolf
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Mark Gevisser
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Mark Kromer
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Marta Rubau Carreras
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Matt Imber
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Maxie Pohl
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Mel Gevisser
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Micha-el Frame
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Michael Gaviser
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Michele Yudelowitz-Manushewitz
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Mike Tannenbaum
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Nadine Boyer Lazarus
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Nick Sternberg
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Nina Senčar
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Norman Lazarus
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Olga Zabludoff
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Patrick N. Mcguire
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Penny Rey
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Peter Barendse
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Peter Chait
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Peter Gevisser
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Peter Gevisser
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Ronlynne Botha Benn
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Roy Essakow
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Sam Schaffer
Sandy Evan Hanes
Sati Leonne Faulks
Sean Ferrari
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Shani Weltsman Moran
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Shannon Walker
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Shaun Marsh
Shneur Reti-Waks
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Sidney Lazarus
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Sofiaan Fraval
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Steven David Sobol
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Susan Munro
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Terry Orman Gevisser
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Terry Oshry
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Thinzar Shunlei Yi
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Tommy Simpson
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Warfield Fine Art
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Wendy Berkowitz-Henriksen
You sent
@Ivan Glasenberg @Ivan Glasenberg this is a weird photo, isn’t it?
You sent
Today at 8:37 AM
8:37 AM
You sent
Shortly, and hopefully, well before the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 which will also be the 21st anniversary of the Essakow brothers, The Coupon Clipper is Jack The Ripper realtor @Jeffrey Essakow and terrorist financier Marc Rich benefactor, @Roy Essakow purchasing the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall on the corner of Rancho Sante Fe, Solana Beach and Del Mar, southern California, I will be uploading my and not exactly household name countrywestern (ugh) singer @Tommy Simpson‘s facebook messaging dialogue following Simpson’s desparture from symposium ATOH [A Test of Humanity] this past Thursday, 7 September at approximately 1:14 PM Calif. time.
Not to mention how great it is that people from all walks of life can be in the same tent watching each other, and everyone else also knowing what is going through everyone’s mind.
To mention little of bean counter, glorified bookkeeper @Ivan Glasenberg @Ivan Glasenberg stepping into the shoes of Marc Rich around the same time that Harry Oppenheimer’s puppet Mandela
You sent
You sent
becomes the first black South African President and white real estate rich South Africans go apeshit in celebration, and those celebrations continue as Ukrainian youth get slaughtered on the frontlines of a war which has Elon Musk getting most of the flak.
To mention in passing, where are all the voices of white Jewish South Africans exposing this heinous miscarriage of justice?
The old saying, once you get rid of the Jews who will be there for the rest?
You sent
No rest for the wicked.
Sent 1h ago
Write to Watch the price of facebook’s shares