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What can you do? – Isaac Buzi Herzog – Head of Jewish Agency Israel

From: GaryStevenGevisser <>

Subject: Zena Ash Gevisser Zulman – What can you do? Re: Isaac (Buzi) Herzog
Date: October 8, 2018 at 10:44:47 AM PDT
To: Isaac Herzog – Head of Jewish Agency Israel <>

Mr. Herzog,

I am writing to you on behalf of myself and my British-English mother Zena

whose rights to her body as well as her properties were stripped away in the most glaring fraud, a travesty of justice that has no equals given both its absolute egregiousness as well as the total transparency of the fraud; the culprits leaving a trail of evidence of wrongdoing like none other; and which explains their quietness; they hide because they have no way to defend themselves.

The hyperlink above takes you to The Lady’s Speech which I filmed the morning of September 22, 2016 in my mother Zena’s luxury apartment in Netanya, having arrived in Israel late afternoon the day before and only getting to her apartment when it was already dark.

That is not the only footage I have of the most lucid, beautiful 87 year old woman that most people a third her age could only hope they could come across when reaching almost 90 as they know from their own experience with loved ones who by the time they reach 70 they can barely hold a logical thought, and with many it is much younger.

What is most important is how clear is my mother about her wishes that I be responsible for her future healthcare decisions should my mother need assistance of is incapacitated, following the death on August 6, 2016 of her second husband, South African Alan Zulman

one of the most successful IUA fund raisers.

Moreover, nor would you be surprised when looking my mother Zena’s extraordinary background

that my mother Zena

played a pivotal role in Alan Zulman’s success.

Naturally I don’t need to tell you who is holding the pen and paper; and the date 16 May, 1969 also clearly visible.

Bear in mind, that 6 days before I arrived in Israel, and knowing that something was seriously wrong given the very distracting emails I had received from my 3 elder siblings and no response from the South African-Israeli lawyer, Eli Symon, the co-executor of Alan Zulman’s estate, my siblings had a non-family member, an Israeli lawyer, Ayala Weisel appointed as my mother’s guardian on the basis that no family member was in a position to take care of my mother, and more importantly; that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia”.

Even if you were able to get every medical doctor in Israel to swear on a stack of Torahs reaching to the moon and back that my mother was suffering even from “mild dementia” they would be the laughing stock of the world.

What is important is the fact that my mother is so beautifully lucid and her love and trust of me as clear as daylight – and remember this is only one of the films that so far at least 909 individuals have seen at least once since I put it up on Youtube the following month, October 23, 2016.

Her wishes should have been met instantly. Instead my dirt siblings along with their Israeli lawyers decided that they were going to get rid of me and organized an Israeli police invasion of my mother’s apartment at 1:30am, Tuesday, September 27, 2016, on the basis that my filming was aggravating my mother and that I was a threat to her. I had to leave my mother’s apartment immediately and couldn’t return with a kilometer and half radius; and of course the timing was designed to have the most negative impact on my mother’s mind as my mother was also woken up from a dead sleep.

Can you imagine what a field day the Nazis would have with this?

How about less deprived individuals?

It is most likely that you served in the IDF and you would know therefore that warfare is not always fair and the side that is the most deceptive; i.e. can be the most effective at distracting their enemy can win the day.

That is not how my mother Zena’s wishes should be decided.

In the course of the past more than 2 years I have not been able to see or even speak with my mother on the phone. The Israeli judge, Yocheved Greenwald-Rand who greatly erred when granting the guardianship to Weisel allowed me at my court hearing on October 5, 2016 to fight the TRO to see my mother Zena on 3 future occasions; but not in her apartment; and at the first meeting which took place at October 8, 2016 at a cafe near my mother’s apartment, the person who brought my mother along kept interrupting my mother and me to the point that my mother Zena eventually told her, “Dont you know when to be quiet”. This hired hand had her orders and like all officials didn’t want to bite the hand that was feeding her; namely the false guardian

and my 3 elder siblings.

I have moved through all the appropriate channels in Israel but keep running into roadblocks which are designed to frustrate and also let me know that I should not rock the boat.

I am the kid in my mother’s arms; and my 3 jealous and greed ridden siblings behind in the lifeguard rowing boat on Durban, South Africa’s south beach which at the time black South Africans who still constitute the majority of South Africans were prohibited from stepping foot on.

The young lady on the left is one of my mother’s models Penny Coelen

who just earlier in the year, 1958, had been crowned Miss World, South Africa’s first.

Have you ever known of someone suffering from dementia not knowing their name?

Of course you have. But how could my mother Zena be suffering from dementia and able to even mumble.

You are a politician and know how it is once the fix is in; but maybe, knowing that I am not ever going to sit and will continue to do everything within my power to help my mother Zena at the same expose all those who could be doing much more than being voyeurs.

Suffice to say, I think more like my mother Zena than those singularly focused on improving their lifestyle.

I copy the British authorities who tell me that their hands are tied because my British citizen mother Zena took up residency in Israel once Alan Zulman came to Israel to receive medical treatment for his terminal cancer.

Please let me know immediately what you can do.

Thank you,

Gary S. Gevisser

On Oct 3, 2018, at 6:54 AM, Pniyot Tzibor <> wrote:



Hello Gary,

This is in response to your email to Public inquiries of the Jewish Agency.

Emails can be sent to Mr. Isaac Herzog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive, to:

Emails can also be sent to Sarit Nakash-Elbaz, Office Manager of the Chairman’s Office, at: .





מיכל מנדלבאום

ממונה על פניות הציבור

Michal Mendelbaum

Public Inquiries Officer

Chairman’s Office

The Jewish Agency for Israel

לשכת יו”ר ההנהלה

הסוכנות היהודית


טלפון: 02-6202347

פקס :  02-6204116



From: GaryStevenGevisser <>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 7:13 PM
To: Pniyot Tzibor‏ <>
Subject: Isaac (Buzi) Herzog


How do I reach Buzi Herzog?

Thank you,

