What is fair?
From: Gary <gary@2facetruth.com>
Date: April 2, 2021 at 10:21:09 AM PDT
To: Yassar Cassim <cassimyassar@gmail.com>
Cc: rest; Jonathan Beare – Founder INVESTEC <jbeare@iafrica.com>, derrick.beare@zenprop.co.uk, terry@oakbrook.co.za, mikebehr@mweb.co.za, NHgoldendragon@gmail.com, Charles Ivie <charles.ivie8@gmail.com>, Torahgemach@aol.com, Paul Kreiter <pkreiter@apbspeakers.com>, T.C.Russ@ed.ac.uk, info@tonyleon.com, Att-sec@israelemb.org, cvcstudios@googlemail.com, Solly Krok <sollykrok@gmail.com>, gonenb1@gmail.com, Israel Air Force Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene – Also Israel’s largest organic produce farmer. טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, Kimbal Musk <press@kimbalmusk.com>, Jeffrey Gilbert <jg@jesangil.com>, “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. Krinsk” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>, Paul Teirstein <pteirstein@scrippsclinic.com>
Subject: What is fair? – Re: Ridding the world of Jewish people -: Vladimir Posner ~ Money Genocides
You are not curious.
You are lying.
You are like most a taker who contributes only in advancing how extraordinarily irrational is the human who won’t change even though it looks so foolish, but hoping that the vast numbers will soothe.
But as you can see, and despite completing your high schooling, you are at a loss to understand your irrational behavior, but still you keep pecking away.
Does your lack of courage have you easily imagining returning as a chicken 🐔 inside the stomach of Torah Gemach?
How many coincidences does it take before it is no longer a coincidence?
When you first wrote to me after coming across my unique information website 2facetruth.com “I know of Rosenberg being always a front for MR Beare I just could never figure what the purpose of a front” mindfulness was not one of your strengths.
Really, you sound like everyone else, “I just could never figure what the purpose of a front”?
Let’s say you wanted to embarrass a Jewish, full of himself fool like Jonathan Beare who never thought that anyone would be able to personally influence the Central Banks such as the Reserve Bank of South Africa because that would denote an epic worldwide conspiracy that has never found its way into print or on social media or the network news programs which are a more sophisticated form of social media where the discussions never get into the compensation of the talking head hosts or the expert panelists who are also selling advertising which is a critical component in the ruse that there is competition, you would arrange for someone like Terry Rosenberg to get the top spot in Beare’s South African empire, McCarthy Retail-Prefcor and when this juggernaut crashes and J Beare emerged even richer while orphans, widows, widowers and pensioners took it in the shorts, not only is the SA Oppenheimer-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Bitcoin‘s money promoted more, but the equally important anti-Semitism continues to be spread globally.
You get rid of the Jews who else cares to question?
Can you realistically expect your Muslim Mullahs or someone such as yourself trying to make a buck or a name for yourself, picking up the slack?
Could you see yourself for the right price helping to distract even before you first contacted me?
Surely you could see Nick Oppenheimer and his Brenthurst Advisory Board, including former Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, US General Richard Myers applauding you if you were doing all this “freelance”; trying to place sticks in my spokes just because you feel inadequate having missed all the common sense?
Don’t you just love the word “freelance” as journalists who are looking all the time if they are not already rich to get someone to butter the bread, use their mighty pen to shoot poison tipped arrows for their benefactors?
Who do you think coined the expression “free press” to con the masses into thinking their rights were being preserved?
The impetus right now is to deliver trillions in monies pulled out of thin air to former slaves fails to deliver the stolen lands back to black Africans transported from Africa as slaves, a long history which the Industrial Revolution hastened its end rather than the conscience of man, or the lands taken at the pointed barrel of a gun from all the world’s indigenous peoples as it serves only to fatten the pockets of the rich landowners while continuing to cover up the fraud of the money supply.
These slave reparations which will shortly go global because remember it is one banking system controlled by the biggest thieves, won’t address the lack of fair compensation when the Jews were slaves in Egypt or all those enslaved during the Roman Empire or The Inquisition which has yet to cease.
How does one account for such a global stupidity heaped with treachery?
I note that you don’t name other sources of information you consider more beneficial and credible than me, why is that?
Haven’t you learned anything from people like distracting Devin Standard, Charles Ivie and Torah Gemach to name but 3 constantly thinking they will succeed by doing wrong when that is impossible in such an orderly system?
Btw, can you, a Muslim South African, answer David Berkinski’s question of how so enlightened Muslims for a great many centuries where they led the sciences and so protective of Jewish people, lost their way?
Could it be the rulers who didn’t care for enlightened Muslims deciding on the interpretations of the Koran which set you back and when the actual original text didn’t suit their agenda to change the original text without letting you know?
Are you aware of any publication other than scripture which hasn’t been edited in subsequent editions?
Us Jewish people had nothing to offer other than our hard work, no fanaticism and most of all our good word because amongst the original Jewish peoples God is only in our head, our conscience and that means protecting the environment against human borders encouraging mayhem, pitting brother against brother on either side of the fence which distracts from the upheaval in the major cities’ Halls of Justice where gridlock serves to weaken the spirit of the dwindling small traders burdened with red tape and small officials taking their vengeance while the bigwig bought lawmakers laugh themselves silly.
You must have come across the story of Lot in the Hebrew Bible.
It had to have sounded totally ridiculous even if you are a devout religious person because how could everyone be so corrupt and to top it off Lot’s wife wanted to return to her friends in the cities of Sidom & Gomorrah whose minds were being burned alive.
Consciously choosing mental suicide seems silly unless you feel that your big ego provides no choice.
Remember God is only in the minds-conscience of us Jewish people.
Our Torah was written while we were slaves in Babylon.
Could you see the rulers of Babylon having no influence on the systemic contradictions such as the 4th Commandment that condones slavery?
We don’t need figurines or worshipping ink on paper to remind us of the magnificence of this creation as the figurines serve to keep order amongst the human sheep.
Again what happened to the enlightened Muslims which had them turning their backs on the Jewish people and losing their place as the leaders in the scientific community?
You can’t blame us Jewish people because you can see that we have been decimated from within.
You just need to poison the well or facilitate turning brother on brother.
You lose nature to the enslaving of domesticated animals to kill and eat how long do you expect your moral compass along with rational thought to last?
Of course you sound like Charles Ivie, Devin Standard and Torah Gemach and yet you look visibly different on the outside, but inside you are choking.
What you keep forgetting is that no one has been able to figure out David Berlinski’s question, “What obliges us, what forces us, not what persuades us, what forces us to behave as we should?”
In other words, how do our minds distinguish right from wrong morally?
To survive we don’t need morals only the biggest gun and a willingness to use it, and that hasn’t been difficult since the turn of the last century when the SA Oppenheimers and their German backers BASF-IG Farben-Auschwitz took control of the minerals?
Why do we even bother talking morals when there is lack of demand for morals amongst the “haves” and what are the crazy laws that make them so obnoxious and irrational?
You have to start somewhere in your search for truth.
Where did it begin for you?
There is nothing moral in what compels the electrons to orbit the nucleus of an atom and yet we can conjure up in our minds what is fair.
How does this silent atom machine which never quits, transform into human consciousness and yet we can see today by the reaction of the common herd that there is no conscience, and for the continued destruction of the planet caused by unrestrained real estate development to support more babies raised by conscienceless parents and teachers such as yourself doing wrong but it makes you feel good otherwise you wouldn’t do wrong?
Why not share how it feels to your brain that you never considered the deplorable GDP economic index, or how the SA Oppenheimers-IG Farben managed to get away with arming Nazi Germany and murdering 6 million of us, and yet you resort to ridiculing me?
The last name Rosenberg suggests he is Jewish in all probability, but in fact Rosenberg is a devout Born Again Christian who thought he could fool me because he had fooled easily fooled multi billionaire J Beare whose initial wealth came from his family’s furniture retail stores.
Not to forget that Beare Bros’ pricing was determined by German-South African Harry Oppenheimer and his partner German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr and that favorable pricing which included the rent as well as the purchase price of the real estate they bought to house their stores, could be traced back to the price paid by Hitler for his industrial diamonds supplied by Oppenheimer and his father Sir Ernest O. out of Allied protectorate Belgian Congo using officials of the Red Cross as couriers.
Have you understood Professor Epstein’s epic 1978 nonfiction book The Diamond Invention and why you avoid it like the plague?
You have succeeded in once again getting my attention that takes away from the pleasures in my life such as my wife Marie and our doggy Mango who just moments ago came up to me smiling and is now back asleep on my lap.
Why not in your next response hit reply all and also start a direct dialogue with Terry Rosenberg and the Beare family since that is what first interested you the most.
My God, Durban Boys High-school (DBH) failed to teach you the purpose of having front persons taking the flak.
What if it turns out that you are like most, either single or wishing you were single because the thought of having sex with your
partner is so revolting you just can’t wait for your next serving of dead fish with the ugly head looking at you to pass through your lips.
How can a religious person allow themselves to get so disgraceful, forget God, what about the lack of respect for their spouse, children and cousins?
Do you know the answer as to when a cousin is no longer a relative and it is okay to make them your slave?
Why do you think the obese worldwide epidemic has yet to be addressed by the people determining the narrative at places like Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, Sternshow, Oprah, SABC, PBS, and Saturday Night Live?
You wouldn’t expect economists and Wall Street to take the lead.
What is wrong with all your minds?
It won’t be all that long before we are all dead and then you would expect all our unanswered questions answered, including why bother even making us humans conscious when it shows how unconscious we are in our behavior which stems from thoughts that are seriously conflicted at the start?
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 2, 2021, at 3:24 AM, Yassar Cassim <cassimyassar@gmail.com> wrote:Gary I see you still write incessantly about all things Jewish related.
Do you have any other interests. I’m just curious.
On Fri, 02 Apr 2021, 00:16 gary gevisser, <gary@2facetruth.com> wrote Vladimir Posner c/o Paul Krieter APB Speakers: Subject: Ridding the world of Jewish people
Any luck reaching your colleague Vladimir Posner? [CLICK HERE to continue reading]