What you need is a woman like this
From: “gary@2facetruth.com” <gary@2facetruth.com>Subject: Otherwise, how is your health? [Word count 557] – What you need is a woman like this [Word count 3173] — Re: Żagiew and how effective they were after our Jewish HolocaustDate: June 26, 2019 at 12:52:34 AM PDTTo: Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>Cc: rest; Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <j.al-khalili@surrey.ac.uk>, “Jennifer Wiseman – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery c/o of Biologos.org” <info@biologos.org>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <closedcaption@viacom.com>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <matthewmargo@aol.com>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <contact@annapurnainteractive.com>, 60 Minutes <60m@cbsnews.com>, Glenn Spindell <glennspindell@gmail.com>, Lisa Lieberman Ross – FB friend <lisal@thegrid.net>, Ernest Rady <erady@americanassets.com>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith@stratwater.com>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, Davide Azzini – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <sales@alternativedvd.com>, susie.munro1@gmail.com, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <MMacias@cambridgeloans.com>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <drmcdougall@drmcdougall.com>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <EssyProgram@ccf.org>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <Tandis@pmri.org>, “Dr. Lim MD” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, Neal – Forks Over Knives <neal@rice.edu>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <kbabies1@aol.com>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <akerzner@mac.com>, “Amanda Byrd – Penthouse, Director, Global Licensing” <abyrd@ffn.com>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <jg@jesangil.com>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <NHgoldendragon@gmail.com>, “Beth It’s not all about me you know!! [sic] Isaacs – Still FB friend of GG.” <dbisaacs@bezeqint.net>, “Desiree Pure Evil Levin – No longer FB friend of GG. That ended on Aug. 20, 2018 following GG’s comments on group chat, A test of humanity.” <desilevin8@gmail.com>, “Dr. Teri Lawton” <tlawton@pathtoreading.com>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <jeremysharon@gmail.com>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec@israelemb.org>, “Theodore Bevry Olson Esq. [September 11, 1940 – ] . Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September 11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser’s first heavily broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of 9/11, Israeli Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first passenger aircraft to hit the Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached to the email sent to Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU.” <media@dcaclu.org>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>, Oprah <membership@oprah.com>, “Dr. Laura Family” <DrLauraFamily@drlaura.com>
You joined them.
On Jun 25, 2019, at 11:36 PM, Neal H. Hurwitz <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com> wrote:Żagiew— what happened to those guys????terrible story eh?
Neal H. Hurwitz212-666-6217 Verizon646-884-0594 BlackBerryNew York, NY 10025
On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 1:12 PM gary@2facetruth.com<gary@2facetruth.com> wrote:Screenshot 9:26 AM Calif.Victor, I just added the following to my group chat YOU HAVE A POINT, GET TO IT:
After I added @Alan Cline another silent one who has yet to leave my group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane and please let me know if you would like to be added and it will just mean removing someone like Alan Cline and Jeffrey Essakow has already been removed, the following left this group:
David Pickman
Michael Rodda self help guru to the pretty South African swimmer wife of the old, ugly Prince of Monaco
Jeff Jacobson
Janine Grunberg-Ingrid Grunberg-Pollak
Victor Silverwho was on Ulpan-Gadna training with me in ’72 and remains one of my 1107 odd fb friends.
Let’s look quickly to my postings today that got your atoms jiggling that much more:
8:16 AM
The fact that none of you including those who have yet to leave this group chat as well as those I have yet to add, did not think of these important words, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer secret” does not mean you are not talkers.It is also does not mean that I am either stupid or insane the fact that I was 15 years of age when thinking those very important words which of course gets everyone’s attention.
The fact that I also knew when first sharing those words with Mossad head David Ben Gurion at the tail end of my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training
<566%iNjJS6+%FzCbWBPr5A_thumb_206f.jpg>at his midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert, Israel, that Chartered Accountants were totally full of shit, is also most important.Timing, we can also all agree is most important and that would include who is added to this group chat and who leaves.
Before making note of who leaves and we must not forget all that we have recently learned about Żagiew and how effective they were after our Jewish Holocaust
particularly amongst the Jewish communities of mineral rich South Africa and they served to expose all us Jewish South African genuinely opposed to the Apartheid Regime aka The Third Reich’s Southern Division with very few exceptions, and the exceptions were all known to my Jewish British-English mother Zena even before she and her parents first arrived in Cape Town, South Africa as both my mother and her father Al Ash [1899-1965]
who you can see from the photo above was not someone to mess with, were fully briefed by South African General Jan Christiaan Smuts who maintained a suite at the 5 star Mt Nelson Hotel still nestled in the foothills of Table Mountain, were my mother and her parents stayed for two weeks, I am going to be adding to this group Sharon Hammerschlag and immediately following that I am going to be sharing with all of you and the world of course, her and my dialogue on fb messaging.
That is not to say that our dialogue is more important than my dialogue with South African Chartered Accountant Jonathan Davis, because it isn’t.
Both are equally important, but the difference is that Jonathan Davis like all SA Chartered Accountants pride themselves not on having a great personality but on their quantitative skills whereas someone like Sharon Hammerschlag doesn’t know the right questions to ask such professionals and assumes because they don’t work very hard that they must know what they are talking because they tend to earn more money than any of her dishwashers.
So you may conclude that my dialogue with Davis is that much more important, and you will be entitled to your opinion.
Given what I know which also comes from all that I learned about the weak human spirit during my year long orientation into the mafia of mafia DAAC-Barclays Bank, I still maintain that both are equally important especially when you consider the timing of Sharon Hammerschlag deciding to block me on FB messaging before unfriending me.
It may be that I am not able to add Sharon Hammerschlag to this group but we have just shy of 50 mutual facebook friends including many who are still with us and so why wouldn’t her other fb friends including all those two-faced not want to let her know, just in case?
Bear in mind that Jonathan Davis and I still share 86 mutual fb friends and one can easily imagine most people who are addicted to facebook which Sharon Hammerschlag admits to, being interested in this conversation even though those suffering from Poverty of Thought which alcohol abuse does not help, would like to convince their feeble minds, “Gary Gevisser you are insane, you need help.”
In that regard let me make slight mention of my follow up with Abraham Cahan a little earlier on fb messaging:
Do you make it your business to threaten people, “Gary Gevisser Never add people to groups without permision i will report you now to facebook hopefully they will block u” when you can’t mount a logical counterargument?
Are you insane and need help?
Have you heard of Żagiew and how effective they were after our Jewish Holocaust?
Begin forwarded message:From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: What you need is a woman like this [Word count 3173] – Re: C&D – You have a point, get to it – Do you have any comment on the Zagiew email broadcast I sent out earlier?Date: June 25, 2019 at 6:57:02 PM PDTTo: Glenn SCc: rest; Lisa Lieberman Ross – FB friend <lisal@thegrid.net>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND Think Tank – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <rsmith@stratwater.com>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <tene@arava.co.il>, Davide Azzini – FB friend of Gary Gevisser <sales@alternativedvd.com>,susie.munro1@gmail.com, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <matthewmargo@aol.com>, 60 Minutes <60m@cbsnews.com>, “Clint Eastwood – Chairman of Monetery Peninsula Foundation c/o Morgan Matthews – Executive Director, Player Relations” <MMacias@cambridgeloans.com>, “Dr. John McDougall MD” <drmcdougall@drmcdougall.com>, “Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD Cardiologist surgean – Forks Over Knives” <EssyProgram@ccf.org>, Dr Dean Ornish MD <Tandis@pmri.org>, “Dr. Lim MD” <office@truenorthhealth.com>, Neal – Forks Over Knives <neal@rice.edu>, Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <neal.hurwitz@gmail.com>, “Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <kbabies1@aol.com>, Andrea Gambling Money Charity Giver Kerzner <akerzner@mac.com>, “Amanda Byrd – Penthouse, Director, Global Licensing” <abyrd@ffn.com>, “Jeffrey Gilbert – Senior international slot machine executive; worked directly with Donald Trump and South African Gambling Czar Sol Kerzner and his deceased son, Butch.” <jg@jesangil.com>, Devin Standard – Gunrunner <NHgoldendragon@gmail.com>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <jeremysharon@gmail.com>, Vegetarian Tzipora Malka Tzipi Livni <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec@israelemb.org>, “Theodore Bevry Olson Esq. [September 11, 1940 – ] . Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September 11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser’s first heavily broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of 9/11, Israeli Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first passenger aircraft to hit the Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached to the email sent to Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU.” <media@dcaclu.org>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <jrk@classactionlaw.com>
Glenn, you are obviously speaking to others even if it is your different personalities; and so if anything happens to me and my wife and Mango or our property here, which personality should be looked at first?The fact that after 3 email communications from you, I have yet to see what it is that you say has your cousin Lisa Lieberman Ross so bothered that she needs for you to intervene on her behalf.That is bizarre.She is all over the board on Facebook and clearly has a problem refuting what I have to say in response to her writings. Nor have I yet commented on her announcement this past Sunday at 11:35am:“I write best when I’m half asleep”You told me that she writes agriculture pieces.With that sort of talent she should be easily able with your intimidation techniques get a top writing job on Saturday Night Live.Maybe my friend Matthew Margo Esq., senior attorney for CBS-60 MINUTES knows how you can best get past the receptionist at NBC who I assume still is the official owner of SNL.I realize that you both have a lot of time on your hands and what do you have to lose but time?Testing me, you also realize delays me reaching that many more individuals who might be more receptive to change because they have chosen to make their health a priority, and that takes initially more effort.When Dr. John McDougall MD responded so positively, “You couldn’t have said it more clearly”
and I sent you a copy, clearly you understood what he was referring to, since he was responding to what I wrote you, and which you didn’t show the courtesy of responding positively.“Coronary heart disease never need exist and it if it does….” ~ Esselstyn MDGlenn, I said I would never discuss food-diet with you again but there has to be a catalyst and this is my attempt. People play victim all the time and their health problems give them something to talk about.It is an old story and it gives a lot of work to the psychologist community including those parents who talk philosophy, health of the mind, blah blah and they can’t get enough of their co-dependent children growing up just as ignorant.Esselstyn is now in his mid-80s but you should not wait for him to die or the rest of the handful medical doctors who happen to have a conscience over making money…
Is that why you so quickly embraced wanting to be Lisa’s bulldog?Glenn, what I think you need is a woman like thiswhich my fb friend Davide Azzinibrought to one of our many neighborhood parties on 27th street, Del Mar where my wife Marie Dion and I rented two houses side by side before moving to the Tree House on 15th Streetand finally ending up on 11th street as close to ocean as it gets.This lifestyle I wouldn’t swop for anything in the world.Nor would I want to change a single item in the past including my parents’decision to have me and my decision to turn down managing my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser’s portfolio because then in good conscience I couldn’t explain how we ended up owning the coastline of California, and why stop there?Once you read The Diamond Invention book and realized who is the “male heir” of American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. referenced in chapter 18, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY then you would know that every real estate speculator as well as home owner would have to give my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser a “piece of the action” or he would simply use his banking connections to force you out.How much thought do you think Professor Edward J. Epstein and Harry Oppenheimer put in to the words you see in chapter 16, WARRING WITH ISRAEL, “De Beers’favored clients, the bankers”who were not extending credit to the last pocket of Jewish resistance on the globe, they were wiping them out?Once you declaw the Israel Defense Force, anything goes including the most elite Special Forces commandos murdering defenseless prisoners of war.Of course President Trump can feel fully justified in giving a pardon to this one US Navy SEAL commander who murdered a teenage ISIS member.War is murder.There should be no rules of civility when the business is kill or be killed.It is only brainwashing that has us thinking we are less brutal than any other lifeforms.One can even make the argument that trees only collaborate with one another up to the point that their offspring survive.But we no longer have to fight with one another other than we don’t want to deal with our past and how we became so much more violent with death factories such as Auschwitz only because a very select group of people wanted to control the money and the mineral resources which they knew they did not have a legitimate right because they failed simply to pay the solders including the IDF soldiers the lion’s share of the spoils of war.David Gevisser knew that I was all that stood in the way of he and Harry Oppenheimer and all their banking and politician-lawmaker stooges throughout the globe celebrating one grand victory.He also knew that I was not stupid because I was smart and realized I was expected to carry out his wishes; and the first transaction might not have meant squeezing someone out literally because we would be coming in with simply a competitive bid that no one could compete against.So in fact we would be squeezing out first the poor because they have the least amount of resources.The fact that most people would have jumped at such an opportunity is obvious just by the lameness we all see vividly on my facebook group chats.Moreover, you can see if Lisa is granting you access to her facebook settings that on my group chat, You have point, get to it, significant change is in the air.They are not only quiet but the stampede for the exit signs has completely ended.Will it start up again? Maybe, maybe not.What is important is the logical arguments I have given while not pulling any punches.At 1:01 PM I wrote:Pamela Anne Goldkornhow come it is taking you so long to figure out how to leave?It is now 6:26 PM and if you haven’t noticed I am still alive.Pamela Anne Goldkorn remains a member of, You have a point, get to it.She is also one of my 1109 odd fb friends.I can easily convince Mark Zuckerberg of the merits for him taking over the United States Federal Reserve with only accountability to the people, not to the US Congress.Remember we are talking about who has the legitimate right to charge for water.We are also talking about that so far not everyone on the planet is a real estate mogul or has an uncle or a father who is a real estate mogul.Owning water and real estate go hand in hand.So you see that Donald Trump is by no means the worst out there. Even his cutting off the water of going on 90 year old Molly Forbes makes him far more human than those in charge, unless you imagine Trump fully in charge.Molly, by the way, is now 93 and still driving, not on his Trump’s golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland but her automobile; and yes the water is back, and her neighbor Susan Munro is my fb friend and you see her in the cc section.Where would you stop if you were in charge as was my “lucky uncle” Dave and Harry Oppenheimer when they were alive?I know that my 3 elder siblings based on their treatment of my mother Zena would have gladly managed David Gevisser’s investment portfolio but still they would have needed my guidance to keep themselves out of harms way by finding people like J. Essakow who loves playing peacock to the crowd, dishing out free Starbucks coffee at his Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall which you must have frequented or driven by on your regular trips to Orange Country unless you road vehicle has learned to fly on its own.It is not only you but the entire world with eyes who can see that my mother Zena was more sane than yourself or anyone you know after they placed a guardian in charge of her on the fraudulent charge that my mother was suffering from “advanced dementia” which is why they went behind my and my mother’s back when placing a corrupt Israeli lawyer as my mother’s guardian.How can a 100% of you be so vilely indifferent. You are no less monsters and cruel than my 3 elder siblings and their direct collaborators.So I know exactly what is at stake right now and so does everyone who knows the first thing about me.When you explain that you can’t read The D I book because you don’t have enough bandwidth on your cellphone which is bullshit because you can go to a library if you are using your cellphone to download photos of women not as pretty as the Penthouse centerfold model in blue above, it would be wrong for me dismiss the bullshit.The richest people in the world all shut down the moment they start reading the book.It also doesn’t escape me that I can’t get a straight answer from you or your cousin Lisa why the book is provided free and what extraordinary power is vested in the hands of that one advertiser with the closest ties to branded newspaper Washington Post and Kaplan-Purdue University.That is 100% success from the standpoint of De Beers-Barclays Bank.The fact that I refuse to be owned by them does not make them good or their supporters good.I simply think differently to the rest of you.I am well aware of how quickly my life and my freedom can be cut short.My mother Zena’s plight has not escaped me.So don’t ever again try intimidating me. Am I very clear on that point?If you notice, David Azzini has two other beautiful women in arms; and yes he arrived with the 3 of them close to midnight; and the party which had about 50 people attending started mid-afternoon. It was a blast.Would I do it again?Why not?In fact a bunch of the neighbors are in the blind copy section.It seems to me that you may be as much a manipulator as your profess Lisa to be?While I understand your game, it is important for the sake of posterity that I also try my best to diffuse the situation.Why add stress to your lives; don’t you both have enough, or is your goal to stress me out because I have the perfect soul mate and who can’t get enough of Mango?First though we have to get through all your cryptic comments which are clearly childish and threatening considering all that you have had to say, and not say.I did not realize at first that C&D meant “Cease and Desist”; in fact I thought it was related to music. Nor can I be certain that “Cease & Desist” has not been written by your attorney personality. Is that really where you want to go?You speak a language that I don’t know. You must have heard that song.“That will do for now” leaves me cold and of course a little disappointed considering not only the value of the knowledge I have been imparting but your eagerness to soak it up.No doubt your intention was designed to be both unpleasant and threatening.That is shameful considering my more than reciprocal hospitality.Please when driving the increasingly racetrack dirt road, go easy on the accelerator. There are toads that need to be protected. You may have heard that I ran into a biologist for the US Forest Service the other day. She was rightfully concerned with their welfare. I’m sure you will understand.Then there is our peace and quiet and which your closest neighbor Brad is most respectful.Lisa, please send me these comments that Glenn refers to of a “personal nature” that bothered you to the point that you, who speaks a lot, and has got like Glenn very good information out of me, left it to him to shoot your poison tipped arrows which he seems to do with joy, but it could just be his medication. Why don’t you advance the monies for Glenn to seek an audience with Dr. Esselstyn MD or Dr. John McDougall MD?When you see all that I have received from Glenn and my responses which he has a habit of removing the chronology the two of you will have a meeting of the minds.Just in case you didn’t send Glenn the tail end of my last posting on group chat, You have a point, get to it:[After adding in Andrea Kerzner, the eldest of Sol Kerzner at approx. 1:01 PM which was 18 minutes before your, “…defense, not at her behest” ]Going forward are you really going to get your sibling, your cousin, your business partner to do your dirty work without offering to share your current wealth and all future wealth with those you are pushing to shoot your poison tipped arrows?Andrea Kerzner, you remember now more the last time we met in an apartment on Clifton beach Cape Town on the other side of the Clifton Hotel and my mother Zena’s apartments on the other side more so than our much more recent conversations about the ugly economics?Don’t you want to turn back the clock to before your first arguments with your father Sol?It is a beautiful day today.Everyday is a beautiful day when you know the human is a hopeless case.Of course planet earth is not doomed in terms of it ever being destroyed within our lifetimes.It is only the human who is being horribly punished for its selfishness.The magnitude of the destructive forces in deep space that surround us and for so long it is hard to imagine and yet there is this thing called love which you couldn’t see more clearly than between my mother Zena and me.And you can’t find one of you showing the slightest genuine concern.How ugly must your souls be at their core.Could you imagine your parents thinking this is how you would all turn out?So hard to imagineSo hard to imagine that out of the Big Bang there would such a talkative but baffled human and it is across the board.The lazy rich who you can see are really not all that smart need an audience to cater to them for their spiritual well being as well which isn’t really spiritual because it is all wrapped up in the money which is all they know.People won’t cater so much will inevitably shut them all up.I’m using Siri on the cellphone which took one hell of a fast moving fall without a single scratch on the glass but the cover got the most beautiful patina, and I cannot see who if any have left the group and what additional comments have emerged from the peanut gallery.In a matter of only less than a handful of hours I will have access to my laptop but that shouldn’t prevent any of you with good questions to ask me.I am also happy to answer any questions about science assuming I know the answer and sure tell me what you think you hope to return as and why?Glenn, nor does your lawyer talk scare me in the least.Remember I am familiar with the thinking of Żagiew.How could you, a Jewish person, not comment on what I first wrote to you, “Do you have any comment on the Zagiew email broadcast I sent out earlier?”?It is so much more pleasant as well as productive being good neighbors, especially since all 3 of us are Jewish, and you feel strongly that the US Forest Service based on your personal experience is very anti-Semitic.Yet you felt it was okay while you had a girlfriend who you got pregnant to sleep with your boss’ wife.Did you really think it would have your boss and your colleagues liking Jewish people that much more?What sort of reaction did you expect out of me?One should not forget that besides for this being a very short life the evidence keeps pointing to everything having its purpose, including our horrific Jewish Holocaust which was in fact much worse than what the history books and our Holocaust Memorials Museums including Yad Vashem in Israel depict, and where the centerpiece at the entrance should be the teachings of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book, or at a minimum a blown up replica of Chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER and of course cast in bronze, followed by a very lengthy insight and analysis of Żagiew.
Of course I would have no objection were the second bronze cast to read exactly as Wikipedia describes:Żagiew (“The Torch”, Die Fackel), also known as Żydowska Gwardia Wolności (the “Jewish Freedom Guard”), was a Nazi-collaborationistJewish agent-provocateurgroup in German-occupied Poland, founded and sponsored by the Germans and led by Abraham Gancwajch.[1]
Many Żagiewmembers were related to the collaborationist Jewish organization Group 13, which was also led by Gancwajch. The organization operated primarily within the Warsaw Ghetto. Żagiew was established in late 1940 and existed until the Ghetto’s elimination during the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Żagiew had over a thousand Jewish secret agents[2]and some were permitted by their Gestapohandlers to possess firearms.[3]
Żagiew’s prime goal was to infiltrate the Jewish resistancenetwork and reveal its connections with the Polish undergroundthat aided and hid Jews in the General Government. The organization was able to inflict considerable damage on both fronts.[4]Żagiew agents were also instrumental in organizing the Hotel Polskiaffair, in Warsaw, a German scheme to lure thousands of wealthy Jews, under false promises of evacuation to South America, into a trap and extort their money and valuables before killing most of them.[2]
The design of the system from the start was totally perfect, not an atom out of place, and it will end no less perfectly.What goes forward must work in reverse.E=mc2 ~ To c mE [Mother Earth].[Word count 3173]
On Jun 25, 2019, at 3:39 PM, Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:You are too cryptic.
I will take it up with Lisa. She must know what you are talking about.
On Jun 25, 2019, at 3:36 PM, Glenn S> wrote:
That will do for now.
Prior message:From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: Re:Date: June 25, 2019 at 1:41:10 PM PDTTo: Glenn S
Speak up
Why so vague
Did she share with you what moments ago I posted up on You have a point get to it?
Have her send you a copy quickly
I will be home shortly
Btw have you ever thought she is two-faced?
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 25, 2019, at 1:19 PM, Glenn S wrote:
There were some personalized remarks.
The previous communique was of my own volition; what I meant by ‘on
her behalf’ was in her defense, not at her behest.
Glenn S.
Previous messaging:From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: You have a point, get to it – Re: Do you have any comment on the Zagiew email broadcast I sent out earlier?Date: June 24, 2019 at 11:14:49 AM PDTTo: Glenn S
What are those concerns that you wish to express on your cousin’s behalfWhat is wrong with her writing skills and why would you take it upon yourself? She certainly has a mouth and is far from underage.Are you saying that you want to get together? Should I send her a copy of this?
Below is what I just posted up on my facebook group chat You have a point, get to it, before adding Lisa:They have yet to provide scientific evidence that meat eaters are more aggressive, but the science is overwhelming that meat causes cancer and heart disease which can be eliminated by a low fat whole food plant based diet.Would you think the possibility exists that disease also makes you stupid since it is dying cells that feed the brain?[I detailed 2 members who left the group]Is everyone ready for me to move to the dialogue with Sharon Hammerschlag before picking up on the introduction to the messaging with South African Chartered Accountant Jonathan Davis?If anyone would like to be added to my email list please write to me gary@2facetruth.comYou added Jenny Arenstein – Friedman.Note, that I just added Jenny Arenstein-Friedman who was a classmate of my sister Kathy at our Jewish day school in Durban where my mother and her parents settled after their visit in Cape Town with Jan Christiaan Smuts who passed away peacefully on September 11, 1950, 51 years to the day prior to 9/11 which was a huge bonanza not only for weapon systems developers but all those well financed in the real estate speculation game, which you are all finding out is entirely about where to go for; one, the lowest cost of money including untraceable diamond currency which is as unlimited in supply as the atoms we breath; and second, the most reliable funding source and that happens to be the one and the same group De Beers-Barclays.Common sense as well as when reading Epstein’s The D I book tells you exactly who they are, and why pretty much everyone shuts down the moment they begin reading the book.They battle to keep their politeness.Not to mention, the first beneficiary of the Marc Rich pardon was DAAC terrorist financier Rich and his top lieutenants, including Roy Essakow, the younger brother of The Coupon Clipper is Jack the Ripper Jeffrey Essakow who closed on the Marc Rich-Essakow Flower Hill Mall on the corner of the 3 real estate rich territories, Del Mar, Solana Beach and Rancho Sante Fe on September 11, 2002, the first anniversary of 9/11, just in case you forgotten.J. Essakow has yet to say if that was just coincidence or did he time it perfectly?The thought must occur even to the least spiritual humans that a most powerful Higher Energy Reaction [HER] exists and is watching each and every one of our moves.Even if that thought is the furtherest thought from your mind, because you don’t believe it for a moment, it does not mean you are right.Still HER you would expect to be smart and require that us mere earthlings have to follow logic-truth which most of you seem to be having the most difficult time.That could be your punishment.How can it help to curse someone giving good, accurate information on the money which is what stupid, non-spiritual people are all about as much as they protest otherwise and they point to all their charity work, other than that is a terrible curse to carry with you the remainder of your life?Of course when choosing to distract it is not only rude but most telling; and so why not once reading the most interesting non-fiction book ever written keep quiet and let the venom you feel sink in?Jenny Arenstein’s parents, Rowley and Jackie ran a communist newspaper, The Daily Worker in Durban.My mother Zena immediately, not waiting another week, and still 18 years of age, began working for both Jenny’s parents, even though my mother absolutely did not need a job, but my mother knew what was the right thing to do, and today my mother is paying with her life; and the Żagiew peoples couldn’t be happier.If you have the time read my mother Zena’s carefully crafted memoirs, LIFE STORY OF ZENA which details her close relationship with attorney Rowley and Jackie Arenstein:Within a week of her arrival in Durban not knowing what to do with herself as training models took up very little of time, initially, she took a job with a lawyer, Rowley Arenstein. His wife Jackie ran a communist newspaper The Daily Worker and Zena found herself involved in all kinds of politics as she typed out the different stories and eventually met Africans, Indians and Whites who were against the Apartheid Government.
On Jun 24, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Glenn S wrote:There are several communiques I am about to read on my laptop when I get to OC. At this juncture, however, I’m compelled to express concern on my cousins behalf as to some of the content.
On Jun 24, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com> wrote:
From: Gary Gevisser <garystevengevisser@gmail.com>Subject: Do you have any comment on the Zagiew email broadcast I sent out earlier?Date: June 24, 2019 at 10:35:27 AM PDTTo: Glenn S