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Asleep at the wheel

Gary Gevisser’s Post on Fb wall.

August 4 at 4:29 PM Calif. time

Vladimir Kara-Murza, what do you think of Putin and Nicholas Oppenheimer?

Does it change your perspective on the communists, capitalists, the politics, the wars, dictators and democrats-democracy?


Gary Gevisser

The following were tagged in the Putin-Oppenheimer photo on Twitter:


Evgenia Kara-Murza – Vladimir’s wife

Paul McCartney

Stella McCartney, McCartney’s designer daughter

Roger Waters

Jesse Watters – Fox

Judge Jeanine Pirro – Fox

Megyn Kelly

Erin Burnett – CNN

Tony Leon – former head of the South African Democratic Alliance Party who said back in 1995, “Harry Oppenheimer is the biggest problem in South Africa”.

Kimbal Musk – born and raised in the SA Oppeheimers’ Apartheid Regime.

Aug 4, 4:33 PM


Andreas Thaler

Gary Gevisser Interesting. Are they all hiding in the flowers?

Aug 13, 8:33 AM


Gary Gevisser

Andreas Thaler, the short answer is “Yes”.

Still on point, the organizers of the “Flower Power” Woodstock that began the day after you were born, August 15, 1969, were fully compromised well in advance.

Here is a link

to chapter 19 of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book, The Diamond Invention, titled, THE WAR AGAINST COMPETITORS.

Scroll down to the end:

“De Beers will run the entire polished diamond show, just as it runs the uncut diamond trade now. It has to, if only to keep the Russians out.”

Andreas, just like you figured out that the top dogs hide behind their elected officials who give the citizens of the world, a false sense of security, no longer can Vladimir Kara-Murza maintain his ignorance, the same with his wife, of course.

Yesterday they were both interviewed by CNN anchor Erin Burnett who you would have expected before deciding to become a journalist to investigate how a mineral monopolist who supplies all sides to war, and therefore cannot possibly lose, other than their minds, manage to escape prosecution for both their treason and war profiteering.

I am now approaching the tail-end of my book that picks up where The D I book leaves off, while filling in the few, but critical gaps, and no surprise that Elon Musk’s 150+ IQ electromechanical engineer father, my fb friend, Errol Graham Musk writes:

Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!

followed by:

Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.

Andreas, while you can’t expect the crooks to turn themselves in when they know the biggest crooks control the rules, regulations and laws through their politicians on both sides of the isle as well as regulators and diplomats, it doesn’t mean you should either play stupid like them or just sit back and enjoy the show.

The great thing about this ingenious “game of life” is that the human Sheep (Subanimal Human Evolutionary Ecological Problem) is not the Final Arbiter.

Should you wish to be added to my email list which includes many of my deafening silent fb friends, as well as past fb friends who would prefer to profit alone from my insights and analysis of the important events of the day, you know how to reach me; and of course reach out to all my fb friends as well as all the world’s “talking heads”.



Chapter Nineteen – THe War Against Competitors

Chapter Nineteen – THe War Against Competitors

Aug 13, 9:23 AM



Neal Barnard, MD

Andrea Lee

Jessica Dollman

Desi Lydic

Stephen Curry

Noam Chomsky

Anthony Baxter

Marina Black

Jan Fredericks

Andrew Brel

Bentzion Chanowitz

Dan Brook

Dara Jones Lavallee

Ana Martins

Catherine Simoni

Alice Jensen

Stella Blackwell Casillas

Diana Merrill

Andy Gerhardt

Peter Barendse

Peter Yankowski

Julia Ioffe

Alan Yudelman

Jeffrey Essakow

Steve Essakow

Linda Essakow Smulowitz

Brad Awerbuch

Shaun Tomson Professional Speaker

Shaun Attwood

Devora Harris Even-Tov

Michael Hancock

Maayan Forman

Aug 13, 9:33 AM



Michael Segal

David Segal

David Schecter

Nadine Krok Segal

Anthony Segal

Ivan Oshry

Joel Cooper

Clifford Benn

Trevor Abramson

Trevor Goldberg

Trevor Noah

Piers Morgan Uncensored

Lesley Stahl

Diane Terreblanche

Nadia Meer, niece of heroic Fatima Meer who also knew better than to trust family and friends who didn’t ask the right questions.

Tomer Tene

Caroline Caro Ter Rabaliatti

Richard Gering

Beth Ashworth Browning

Phillip Langer

Lynne Assin

Lynne Karen Bentel

Len Brenner

Lynne Ziegler

Alan Alhadeff

Alan Bartlett

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Aug 13, 9:42 AM



Catherine Muller

Mark Gevisser

Hedda Gevisser

Peter Gevisser

Jonathan Gevisser

Asne Goodman

Ann Nurock

Wendy Ann Bouman – Gary Gevisser’s beautiful high school history teacher.

Aug 13, 9:46 AM



Andy Cohen

Ira Rapp

Bev Katz

Stephen Berkowitz

Stephen Murcott

Steven Kofsky

Steven Bailey

Irwin Strous

Adele Pick

Lionel Richie

Tosca Musk

Asha Rose Musk

Steve Collins

Rodney Smith

Sara Blecher

Andreas Saul

France Agnew

Alexey Shumeyko

Alex Carlebach

Howard Varney

Larry Hack

Highbury Preparatory School

Stacey Janit

Jeff Johnson

Kevin Jeffers

Paul Blackbeard

Randy Powell

Bon Vegans


Aug 13, 4:07 PM


Yvonne Furniss

Watch Zeitgeist movie and you’ll find who is the Evil one.

Aug 13, 10:15 PM


Gary Gevisser

Yvonne Furniss what is the source of your formal education knowledge that would have you attempt to distract with fully compromised Zeitgeist?

Aug 14, 8:10 AM


Gary Gevisser

To repeat:

It wasn’t Trump’s choice.

He must have been pressured by Musk, Thiel, Sacks and company, “If you want our money, this is our candidate”.

They are all too much contrived money driven.

They don’t care about the people; the same with Zeitgeist, Venus Project, Green Peace, Sierra Club, Sea Shepherd, Doctors Without Borders. They all think the masses are idiots; and they must be, because they believe all the lies of the politician.

The candidates running are not really in control, as we know; perfect example, Biden.…/Inside-Trumps-meltdown-Ex…



Inside Trump’s ‘meltdown’: How he’s ‘p*ssed’ at picking JD Vance as VP

Inside Trump’s ‘meltdown’: How he’s ‘p*ssed’ at picking JD Vance as VP


Aug 14, 8:28 AM


Yvonne Furniss

Gary Gevisser Watch the movie documentary then comment!


Aug 14, 1:41 PM


Gary Gevisser

Yvonne Furniss stupid!

Aug 15, 9:22 AM

Gary Gevisser

Yvonne Furniss, why would my mind change knowing that Zeitgeist is no less bought than the founders of PayPal, Google, and the such?

“People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid!” ~ MDG

You must have heard of brainwashing, “The masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small” ~ Hitler-Goebbels

The fool, embarrassed by their foolishness, keeps doubling down.

You can see that you get no support from any of those I have tagged, which doesn’t mean any of them can be trusted.

They have got to the point where they are reluctant to untag themselves which is very easy.

There is a shift taking place in this universe that is superbly organized.

It has been long in the making.

The reason the leadership are so disunited in their war and economic policies which are intricately linked is because this information which you can’t find elsewhere cannot be refuted.

You simply need to see how the rich celebrities of old such as William The Conqueror have been replaced by Hollywood actors such as Tom Cruise who just provide entertainment but never lead the troops into battle.

Of course you are not alone in being poorly schooled in the history of the world which is all about war and when a military powerful leader doesn’t get the Pope to go along with crowning themself King, then they go to war and the winner is King and passes on their loot to their heirs who are most of the time their children who then have to fight to the death to hold on to their stolen lands and the slaves that come along with victory.

I’m not here to convince fools who are those who have made up their minds, rather to expose all of you to each other with the likelihood that you will turn on each other before killing off the poor who you count on to do your dirty work on the domestic front such as gardening, housecleaning, cooking and such as well as on the battlefield before the full arrival of AI controlled robots which could have long occurred other than it takes time for the penny to drop with fools.

Let’s now bring in our 17 odd mutual fb friends and for each of them to decide their future fate; bearing in mind not every lizard that gets caught in a mouse sticky enjoys its slow, tortuous death.

Aug 15, 9:46 AM


Gary Gevisser

To repeat:

Posting, waiting approval, on Team Robert F. Kennedy, Jr 2024:

How come when you launched your run for President on Twitter-X, your grandfather’s schooling of you, and his children, including President John F Kennedy and your father, Robert Kennedy, didn’t kick in, and first speaking, asked the logical question;

“Elon, what made you think when stepping, with PayPal, on the turf of the banks, who are the favorite clients

of the anti-competition South African Oppenheimers who have controlled the mining sector of the world economy that drives everything else, including the contrived wars on the poor, since the turn of the last century, that you caught the banks flatfooted?”



Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

Aug 15, 9:07 AM


Gary Gevisser

Yvonne Furniss decided to “abandon ship” soon after I announced at 9:46 AM Calif. time, “Let’s now bring in our 17 odd mutual fb friends and for each of them to decide their future fate; bearing in mind not every lizard that gets caught in a mouse sticky enjoys its slow, tortuous death.”

She wanted to see if there were others willing to give her “moral support” but no one did.

Before bringing in her and my our 17 odd mutual fb friends, I will share with you what I just communicated to my fb friend Errol Graham Musk who if you don’t remember, check your mind for dementia, previously wrote to me:

Gary, You need to write a big hard-cover book on the history of the past 100 years and on how humans interacted in this period and still do!

followed by:

Gary, you should definitely write a book because of your extensive true knowledge of the 20th century, even up to now. I’ve ‘read’ a book on the ‘Origins of Mankind’, written by a USA professor, given to me for my birthday. that was lauded as “amazing”. What a load of crap. A matric pupil could have written it! It should be easy (but hard work). You just start from the beginning.

My writings to Elon Musk’s father 10 minutes ago:

Team Kennedy rejected my post.

What won’t be forgotten in a 100 years from now, and into the rest of this eternal universe’s existence is the fool that this human species is, because it is the making of the Lord, with few exceptions.

All the religious are as much a joke as the comedians who quickly run out of material when they realize that they have been had as the homeless who have lost their minds.

All my detractors quickly run out of steam.

They all have their excuses to be unkind but it doesn’t matter because each of us was placed here to bring beauty to this world and when you fail that task the future is dark.

All ants live underground.

You don’t want to lose your mind in this deterministic world even if your choice is to eat yourself to death.

That Yvonne Furniss who began her trip to hell, “Watch Zeitgeist movie and you’ll find who is the Evil one” has now abandoned ship and taken down the rest who are visibly silent as well as the rest who I haven’t yet tagged, with her.

There is no escape the deep depression of having done wrong to the one messenger who has explained the rottenness of the non meritorious capitalist system that all it took was common sense to figure.

You at least took the bold step in giving me credit and then you went off your rocker.

Will Elon and Kimbal do the same?



Listen to this podcast carefully.

Listen to this podcast carefully.

Aug 15, 5:32 PM


Gary Gevisser

The 17 mutual fb friends of Yvonne Furniss prior to Furniss unfriending me:


Melissa Brown

35 mutual friends

Ruth Mariben Arbis

189 mutual friends

Chris Grant

113 mutual friends

Marlene Narrow

141 mutual friends

Dian Hardy

81 mutual friends

Shaun Figueiredo

89 mutual friends

William Rendle

15 mutual friends

David Martin

33 mutual friends

Mary Finelli

215 mutual friends

Anita Gowda

2 mutual friends

Chad ZT

204 mutual friends

Srdjan Jovicic

162 mutual friends

Herman Kruger

90 mutual friends

Heike Voigt

134 mutual friends

Sue Shearing

42 mutual friends

Sarvanan Muniandy

218 mutual friends

Aug 15, 5:45 PM


Gary Gevisser

It is 5:45 PM Calif. time, Thursday, August 15, 2025, the 53rd anniversary of Republican President Richard Nixon announcing the official end of the Gold Standard which was the last vestige of keeping some measure of control on corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle as well as “do gooder”, non-profit institutions like Goodwill, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders etc etc, who had yet to be infiltrated; and we know this because in the course of the past more than 5 decades when human overpopulation has exploded and the wildlife decimated as meat-dairy consumption has gone through the roof, the same with hot air gasses, and the human crap talk no less so, not a single individual other than me has brought attention to Nixon’s obnoxious, totally incomprehensible speech, not even JD Vance or Kamala Harris and her “laughing mate” Tim Walz.

There is great personal film footage that I recently had digitized which I will shortly be sharing, and it will do more than stop the heartbeat of my shameless 3 elder siblings and lifelong friends who thought they knew my amazing parents, which of course for those of you who didn’t have great parents , it is most telling of what are the incredible odds of turning out good in this dog eat a dog [dead] world of the selfish who would rather die, see further destruction of the planet, than let go of their egos.

Now for the remaining mutual fb friends with this eager to distract Yvonne Furniss, before deciding to make your future fate a dark place, why not explain to all of us how the stock markets around the world function, beginning with where is both the logic and the morals which should go hand in hand with a civilized society, when a corporation replaces its human Sheep [Subanimal Human Evolutionary Ecological Problem] workforce with either AI and/or AI moving robots, that increases profits, the value of the corporation’s shares skyrockets and the government has the choice of providing the unemployed bare minimum subsistence level to keep them quiet, while affordable housing with lots of green open space is left to the imagination amplified by digitized zoos and no less imaginary outdoors or creating the necessary wars to cull?

So, you must ask have all the philosophers and other academics who have the title Professor before their name, been asleep at the wheel?

Aug 15, 6:09 PM
