When did the attack on Syria begin in earnest?
From: GaryStevenGevisser <garystevengevisser>
Subject: Fwd: When did the attack on Syria begin in earnest?
Date: September 5, 2013 7:18:28 AM PDT
To: Mary Valder – Personal assistant David Rockefeller <trilateral.valder>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <rwrincorp>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Sc” <Kingdelmar>, “Valerie Schulte Esq. – National Association of Broadcasters senior lawyer – former 15 year lover of Ted Turner.” <vschulte>, “sternshow” <sternshow>
Cc: rest; author and founder Dream Change Change John Perkins – former CIA Economic Hit Man <info>, Amanda Lopez – US ARMY recruiter <talena119>, Alan Conrad <bacteriafarmer>, “Gilbert Takam – brother of magnificent heavyweight World Boxing Federation Champion Carlos Takam who defeated The Thief Michael Grant in Paris back on May 24, 2013” <gimacellin>, “Michael \”The Big Lie Thief\” Grant” <mageph520>, “Alex Davis – female marketing friend of Michael The Thief Grant.” <delotchdavis>, “alexis.dizon.9” <alexis.dizon.9>, Laura Malter – ex CIA <lauramalter>, “gilhoffman” <gilhoffman>, “fydad” <fydad>, “Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011” <cl.dreams>, Vice President Dan Quayle <danqal8y>, “terrysamples1” <terrysamples1>, “South African Professor of Economics Mark Darrock – \”De Beers bring order to the diamond marketplace that would otherwise be chaotic\” [July 1, 2006 – China]. [July 1″ <Darrockm>, Dominik Kościelny <dominik.koscielny.7>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <dersh>, “novacuringlight” <novacuringlight>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky>, LaVern Whitt – Agent of Asher Gevisser ℅ Whitt’s agent Neil Bragg of Don Buchwald & Associates Associates <info>, Ed Bertolas <bertolas>, Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder <amy>, Catherine Robson <lrobson1972>, “cambridge” <cambridge>, Embassy of Sweden – Washington DC <ambassaden.washington>, Guy Ellestad <guy>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <ressakow>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall Solana Beach, California” <jessakow>, “thetonightshow” <thetonightshow>, “thaipoliticalprisoners” <thaipoliticalprisoners>, Tumi Makgabo <yourevent>, “Sunday” <Sunday>, Sandie Lampe – Celebrity TV Dog Show Host – San Diego <slampe1>, “Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author END OF POVERTY.” <sachs>, Stedman – Oprah lover <lstraughter>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <cbenn>, “stephen” <stephen>, “martinbean49” <martinbean49>, Martin Rapaport – Rapaport Report <rap>, “Deborah Sturman Esq. – well compensated lead counsel in $4 billion Holocaust slave labor settlement that was cheered by virulent anti-Semite De Beers. De Beers.” <info>, “smith” <smith>
Subject: When did the attack on Syria begin in earnest?
Date: September 5, 2013 7:11:05 AM PDT
To: “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <devinstandard>
Cc: rest; Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy, Washington DC.” <att-sec2>, “tonyleonsa” <tonyleonsa>, “Jann Turner – daughter of Richard Turner murdered in Durban, South African on January 8, 1978, 119 days after his co-founder of The Durban Movement, Steve Biko was tortured to death, beginning on September 11, 1977. 8” <jann>, “Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko, now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio. 11” <ali.ayala>, Lisa Fugard – Daughter of South African playwrite and actor Athol Fugard who played Jan Smuts in Ghandi <lfugard>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <jbeare>, “Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare. Jonathan Beare.” <PR>, “Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of the David Gevisser [1926-2009] the male heir of American-German mineral monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] whose 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture-murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, ANC military wing member Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook friend of Mark Gevisser who while publishing the biography of US-De Beers-Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on either whether or not he and/or his father David snitched on members of the ANC’s military wing that contributed to the torture-death of Sandy or the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the Armed Struggle of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them are so quiet about David Gevisser being the male heir of Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18 THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who along with his German-South African partners, the Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, Harry and Nick O. clan were the greatest beneficiaries of The WW II Holocaust and the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division-The National Party which quickly took root in South Africa, none of which was lost on the long memory Mossad who assassinated Engelhard Jr on March 2 1971 and having him leave an extraordinary paper trail starting right before when he named David Gevisser Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa in 1970 which is the year prior to Engelhard’s death which David Gevisser gets twice wrong in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER. Engelhard Jr. was buried not in a Jewish cemetery because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey” <mark>, “derrick.beare” <derrick.beare>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration. Andile first contacted me because he was curious about multi-billioinaire Jonathan Beare who hung out in gay bars in Johannesburg; and no one seemed to know much about him. It was my email postings on The Internet which first caught his eye, and Andile was impressed that I did not fear J. Beare.” <mad11a>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <adamhochschild>, “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <jrk>, Jorbinski – Head Honcho Doctors Without Borders <jorbinski>, Stedman – Oprah lover <lstraughter>, Dominik Kościelny <dominik.koscielny.7>, “adrian.ash2” <adrian.ash2>, akernzer, LaVern Whitt – Agent of Asher Gevisser ℅ Whitt’s agent Neil Bragg of Don Buchwald & Associates Associates <info>, Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University <amiram>, Amanda Lopez – US ARMY recruiter <talena119>, “aujoulat” <aujoulat>, “ari.boyd” <ari.boyd>, Alexanders On 30th <admin>, “ahendrie” <ahendrie>, Samantha Ash <samantha.ash.589>, “binderow” <binderow>, “beverly.stracey” <beverly.stracey>, “bentley55” <bentley55>, Ed Bertolas <bertolas>, “berko20” <berko20>, “kerrymolfesis” <kerrymolfesis>, “kstandard” <kstandard>, Marcia Kramer – CBS TV New York City <mgkramer>, “katejaros” <katejaros>, “ken.phillips” <ken.phillips>, “khunt” <khunt>, “k.anderson” <k.anderson>, “cambridge” <cambridge>, Catherine Robson <lrobson1972>, “DrLauraFamily” <DrLauraFamily>, Mary Valder – Personal assistant David Rockefeller <trilateral.valder>, “james.carroll43” <james.carroll43>, “novacuringlight” <novacuringlight>, “nitzadrew” <nitzadrew>, “Nyatanga” <Nyatanga>, “Newell The Big Lie Starks – Citicorp Venture Corporation officer.” <newell>, “Olivier.caron2” <Olivier.caron2>, “lwinokur” <lwinokur>, “lbagley” <lbagley>, Sandie Lampe – Celebrity TV Dog Show Host – San Diego <slampe1>, “lynnebentel” <lynnebentel>, “liba” <liba>, Levi Lee <llee>, Lynne Zimet <lynnebz>, “lmw” <lmw>, “liujiestacy” <liujiestacy>, “livingontheveg” <livingontheveg>, “letters” <letters>, “thetonightshow” <thetonightshow>, “david.altman” <david.altman>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <rwrincorp>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Sc” <Kingdelmar>, “mary.campbell” <mary.campbell>, “EDITOR” <EDITOR>, “evans_sharon” <evans_sharon>, “edepstein” <edepstein>, Jeffrey Fall <jeffreyefall>, “garyfirer” <garyfirer>, “gwen.anderson95” <gwen.anderson95>, “hartj” <hartj>, Geoff Harris <harrisg1>, author and founder Dream Change Change John Perkins – former CIA Economic Hit Man <info>, “thaipoliticalprisoners” <thaipoliticalprisoners>, “Sunday” <Sunday>, “jpostcolumns” <jpostcolumns>, “smith” <smith>, Susan Edelman – New York Post – Gmail account <susan.edelman>, “sternshow” <sternshow>, “South African Professor of Economics Mark Darrock – De Beers bring order to the diamond marketplace that would otherwise be chaotic [July 1, 2006 – China].” <Darrockm>, “Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author END OF POVERTY.” <sachs>, “warfieldfineart” <warfieldfineart>, Monkey 1 <monkeyboy264>, charles ivie <charles.ivie8>, Michael TORDU Awerbuch <michael>, “Geoffrey Rothwell – Principal Economist at OECD Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – Professor Stanford University – World authority on the pricing of uranium.” <geoffreyrothwell>
While waiting here in Los Angeles for a meeting to begin in about 28 minutes, I posted up a follow up response to my initial comments on September 3 to your speech earlier in the evening at 7:20 AM where you called for my reaction as well as another nobody. [Can you give your opinion on what a reasonable person would conclude once checking me out thoroughly on The Internet.]
Standard Surveillance
September 3 at 7:20pm ·
I am not convinced that my tax dollars should be paying to kill some Syrians because we don’t like the way in which they killed other Syrians. Where does it stop? What is the policy?
There are lots of Nigerians (Islamic terrorists called Boko Haram) who are murdering Christian Nigerians by slitting their throats and gouging out their eyes at this very moment. Nigeria has lots of oil as well, so does our Peace Prize winning President want to to kill the bad Syrians now, and the bad Nigerians later? Or, does he forget the innocent Nigerians because their deaths don’t count?
What about the North Koreans? Their Dictator is murdering and torturing far more people than in Syria. If we really wanted to risk our blood and treasure to make a significant reduction in misery and death of innocents, North Korea would be the place to start. But, that’s only if we want to save innocents?
President Obama, are you really just attacking Syria because you are embarrassed about you and Hilary screwing up in Benghazi and now you want to attack a little country which can’t strike back so people will forget about our dead ambassador and Navy Seals?
Why should we spend one penny or risk one person’s life?
What would winning look like?
What would losing look like?
What could go wrong?
Where does it say in the US Constitution that when the President double dares some idiot to cross an imaginary red line that the US Military has to start killing people?
What do Cindy Sheehan and Gary Gevisser have to say about this?
What else, which consumed the world, started in August almost 100 years ago?
Will bombing another country create,reduce, or have no effect on the number of actual, or potential terrorists?
What will our largest creditor, China, say about this?
If China doesn’t like it, what could they do to our economy?
What does Russia think? Iran? Saudi, Israel?
Why do we think the British have voted no?
MR. President (Peace Prize Winner),
If there is a case for risking our blood and treasure, I would really like to hear it.
Feel free, convince me.
Otherwise, to me, it looks like all the drone killing has given you a kind of power madness, and you are looking like the weak little kid who starts fights because you know your big brother(The US Military) will protect you.
You don’t need to kill all kinds of people to be great. Maybe just introduce some good policies which lead to more economic freedom and individual liberty. That economic freedom and individual would likely result in a reduction of the 50 million people on food stamps. Get it down to 5 million, that would be a nice achievement.
Reintroduce concepts of duty, honor, family, dignity, obligation, and decency, into American discourse instead of celebrating the coarse and the vulgar. You could become known as a great man for that.
You do not have my consent to use my tax dollars to kill Syrians without an explanation and a plan. DO THE RIGHT THING!
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Ellen Stein Nice thoughts. My sentiments exactly. Its funny. I am not a full on RP supporter; but believe in a healthy debate and rational policies which seem to be missing from the dems and gop these days. Hope you are well!
September 3 at 8:29pm via mobile · LikeGary Gevisser What action are you taking? Are you saying that you are not going to pay taxes?
Once I get a clearer understanding of how you are positioning yourself personally then I will provide you with a more in depth analysis of this most important point.
BTW, what happened of significance almost a hundred years ago in August?
September 3 at 8:42pm · LikeJacki Muir I don’t agree with your stand on guns but I agree with your comments here!
September 3 at 9:23pm · Like · 2Steve J. Gomez I don’t like my tax dollars to pay Halliburton to pay for missiles and arms either.
September 3 at 9:36pm via mobile · Like · 2Dwight Pries You have to wonder if he’s not using a tactic from Kim Jong Un’s book of foreign policy and saber rattling. If this situation dissolves in two weeks without another word I guess we’ll know the answer. Either way it’s sad and wrong.
Yesterday at 5:14am via mobile · LikeErik Forman Team America: World Police (when it suits us)
14 hours ago · Edited · LikeGary Gevisser Devin, you haven’t answered my straightforward question, and nor have the other commentators been put off by your non-response.
The war against Syria began the moment the US Government, representing exclusively the mineral monopolists led by South African based De Beers felt that the US Dollar was under attack.
It is the back room negotiations that count most although President Nixon when announcing on Aug 15, 1971 that a war was being waged against the US Dollar by “international money speculators” which resulted in the US going officially off the Gold Standard, Nixon never explained who wrote his incomprehensible, totally illogical speech other than of course the top operatives of De Beers who wrote the speech and when their “common herd” never reacted they didn’t exactly go out and shoot themselves.
Would you like to hear more and at the same time tee up more who don’t quite know as much as you?
How are Charlotte and the kids doing? What do you tell them about me?
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