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When the wind blows the other way

Screenshot 12:54 PM Calif. time, January 19, 2021

Elon Musk Blames Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg For Capitol Riot

One hundred cardboard cutouts of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stand outside the US Capitol in Washington, DC, April 10, 2018.

Gary Gevisser on Twitter
“@elonmusk @skorusARK Elon Musk Blames Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg For Capitol Riot”
Neil De Gouveia, Devora Harris Even-Tov and 2 others
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  • Jack Dorsey endorses an Totalitarian State.
    Jack Dorsey feels as epic as Superman banning and silencing a sitting President and opponents of the incoming Authoritarian Democrat Party.
    Jack Dorsey @Twitter smirks and laughs at Trump supporters. The same Jack Dorsey who suppressed and derailed the New York Post Probe into Hunter Biden.
    Censorship is the Hallmark of an Authoritarian State.
    The idea of a “guaranteed universal income” is gaining ground in the increasingly Communist Democratic Party. Even if Joe Biden balks at it, Kamala Harris will impose it by executive order, no doubt. Among others, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is in favor it. “Guaranteed income” turns the old fashioned idea of welfare on its head. The premise of government welfare is, “Prove that you’re in need, and we’ll give you help, for the duration of that need.” The idea of welfare benefits or unemployment benefits is a temporary response to a problem that couldn’t have been prevented. I’m not saying the welfare state is right; I maintain that all charity should be voluntary. But that’s still the premise of welfare programs as we knew them.
    Guaranteed income is different. It states that you’re entitled to an income merely by being alive. You are entitled to an income not because of a temporary misfortune you couldn’t have prevented. You’re entitled to income precisely because you DO NOT WORK, AND SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK.
    This is the dead end of the government welfare state that its fiercest opponents (like Ayn Rand, back in the 1950s and 1960s) always predicted would come. And here we are.
    The darkly amusing aspect of the guaranteed income proposal is that it counts on people who ARE able and willing to work to finance the people who will gain this income for doing absolutely nothing … “on principle.” But if SOME are entitled to income, on principle, for doing absolutely nothing, then isn’t everyone entitled to income for doing absolutely nothing? And if everyone is entitled to income for doing absolutely nothing, then who’s to do the work to finance it all?
    Jack Dorsey assumes he and people like him will always be rich enough to finance it all. But he can already finance it without any government coercion. He can give everyone a guaranteed income voluntarily, if he wants. Why doesn’t he? Why does he want the government to mandate it, if it’s really the people who don’t want to work for a living that he cares about? He can already help them.
    The pretext for this new entitlement is, of course … you guessed it: COVID. On our present course, left unaltered, COVID will close absolutely everything down. If the lockdowns continue, human civilization will simply cease, at some point. So if the government is to take care of everyone with funds taken from a society WHERE ABSOLUTELY NOBODY ELSE IS WORKING, then how is this to work out any better than Venezuela, Cuba, Soviet Russia, or any other experiment with Communism?
    The smugness, idiocy, evasion and willful ignorance in all of this is too stunning to contemplate.
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  • Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'Nazis used to call it "control of information." Today, they call it "fact checking."'
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  • Title: When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim Paddaman, I have only managed to take a glance at your two posts below, given the electricity is out due to high winds that have been going on all night long, and I have less than half the battery life remaining on my iPhone and this outage could last all day if the winds don’t subside, but I have taken a screenshot and plan to upload all that you have written on to my website in the Blog section given its importance.
    Not to mention, do you agree that you need intellect to have morals and therefore if you have no morals, blame is entirely with lack of intellect?
    I was looking for keys words in your writings that I didn’t find and doubt I missed it, but in the event, I will apologize; but then it would beg the question why did you have to write so much fluff?
    For the better part of yesterday and starting at 4:03 AM my time here in California, I engaged in conversation with a self-described, senior South African litigator covering a number of subjects, but all centered around what I found conspicuously absent in all your writings.
    Towards the end, 4:22 PM California time which was 2:22 AM in Johannesburg, South Africa, Continent of Africa, and she hadn’t taken much of a break all day, she responded:
    “I hear your regarding fluff .”
    Note the extra space between the last f and the period, also called in the more English “full stop” and her addition of “r” at the end of “you”.
    While again missing from all her comments was the same item missing from your long speech, she and I did get into deep discussion regarding the South Africa Monopolies Act which is central to the laws of all civilized, First World countries who dominate the rest which I’m sure you understand perfectly.
    BTW, with a first name like Chaim, there is every reason to believe that you are not only a Jewish person, but one who follows the religious rituals, and once coming to terms with the inherent lack of common sense amongst the religious Jewish leadership of the world most notable how they so poorly address the poverty of the poor globally, not only in Third World countries, one has to question their spirituality which is supposed to connote wisdom, wouldn’t you agree?
    In which case if you are genuinely religious you have to ask yourself if God has forsaken you, which is most likely the case; and that would surely entail the thought that God has been mocking you all this time, wouldn’t you agree?
    It was 5:28 PM, 3:28 AM her time the last I heard from her who tells the most incredible story of how her grandfather, who could have been anywhere between 13 and 16, a German tank driver during WW 2 was hidden by a Polish Jewish woman from the Russian Red Army now on the offensive and taking their vengeance on the Germans in full retreat; and you would know the Red Army was now greatly assisted by Allied forces ripping away at the German flanks when powering through Italy where the Germans were well dug in.
    Her 3:28 AM writings read exactly:
    “I’m so confused myself now re the above …. Good night ,.. have busy day commencing in exactly 5 hours”.
    Chaim, have you ever heard of Polish Jewish people saving Germans?
    If you heard such a story wouldn’t you move heaven and earth to applaud this Polish Jewish woman or do you think a bigger question is if the Jewish Polish woman had inevitably been turned, seeking her out would place your life and the lives of your family members in grave danger?
    Are you aware of how important it was to Mossad head, David Ben Gurion (1886-1973) to investigate thoroughly all those who survived our Jewish Holocaust, not only those who came out of the camps in Europe?
    You are clearly a writer, albeit poor thinker, and therefore a weak historian, still first and foremost fully conversant with the incredibly bloody Anglo “American” Boer War (1899-1902).
    We know wars make history and the history that follows are all about war; so you have to ask yourself, how do we find time for commerce?
    In an arms race it is a real serious battle for control of the minerals needed to make the most superior weaponry less dependent on human foot soldiers or soldiers at all given how we are at the point that we don’t need to wait for any further advancement in robot foot soldiers because we have long had drones to fire, bullets, missiles and nuclear weapons at very specific targets, even those occasionally purposely hitting the side of the road, so as not to look too perfect.
    You probably know given your expertise in military economics that when the AABW began, 11 October, 1899, the General of Generals Ben Gurion was still 5 days away from his 13 birthday and thinking like most Jewish boys of that age of his upcoming Bartmitvah.
    In 1888 when he was 2 years of age, he and his family escaped the most bloody pogrom in their tiny village of Plonsk-White Russia.
    When the elders of his family escaped with him injury, they hadn’t forgotten that behind in a neighbor’s house which was not so “lucky” was my great paternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash (1874-1943) preparing to leave for “relatives” in England and the cover story for these non-existent relatives was that they were “not very nice to her” and Nechie quickly started out on her own without forgetting the bloody scene that awaited her when exiting the tiny closet where she had been hiding ever since hearing the thunderous roar of the horses’ hooves ending at her family’s front door which was soon broken down and the murder beginning.
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  • P 2 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim, there is really very little reading between the lines if you put your mind to it.
    The advances in weaponry and spy warfare are already here but they don’t want to tell you that until there is a camera on every lamppost and that will speak for itself.
    So we are here today, all fit and well looking forward to a new way of communicating.
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  • Solly Krok
    Dylan Chad Treger
    Geniv Wulz
    IAF Pilot, Lt Colonel,

    Tomer Tene
    Alan Davidoff
    Alan Yudelman
    Alan Levy
    Michael Silver
    Austin Michael Faure
    Sofiaan Fraval
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    Harold Schenk
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    Economist, Dr

    Rodney Smith


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    • Gary Gevisser

      You are welcome to block me, I don’t believe in censorship.

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    • Gary Gevisser

      You give the name of Yiddish’s boys, most of the Lithuania Jews did go to South Africa. Solomon Kerzner’father and Joe Slovo and many others. So what?

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    • Chaim Paddaman

      of course I know I could block you, but my goal is to educate people about those such as yourself who talk a lot but know nothing about the pricing of money which is really all that people care about; assuming you are not a bought shill …

      See More
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    • Why do you think Schneerson didn’t come down hard on Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin who stood aside as the virulent anti-Semitic German-South African Oppenheimer family wiped out the last of the resisting Israeli Diamond merchants back in the late 70s?
      Chaim, have you previously heard of Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet?
      Why do you think chapter 16 WARRING WITH ISRAEL bothers all Jewish “turncoats”?
      During your Jewish history studies on The Holocaust were you too busy thinking of girls or hoping for a way to find a better selection of girls to concentrate on the Gestapo’s hugely successful Zagiew Jewish collaboration network?
      Could you see the German-South African Oppenheimers who converted from Judaism to Christianity when ostracized by the few but courageous Jewish South African traders from Eastern Europe such as Lithuania outraged by their mafia monopolistic trade practices so reminiscent of the Czars, first expanding their diamond studded iron fist grip on South Africa’s Jewish communities following escaping prosecution at Nuremberg for their war crimes?
      Were you totally numb before reaching chapter 9, DIAMONDS FOR HITLER?
      Following our Jewish Holocaust could you think of anything worse than being a Jewish turncoat?
      Can you imagine a Jewish turncoat caught doing everything within their power to distract, including talking nonsense?
      Could you see such a person/s turning very nasty?
      Did it ever cross your mind that the SA Oppenheimers would dominate the leadership of their fake opposition to their ruthless, pro Nazi Germany Apartheid Regime with turncoat Jewish South Africans who never brought up publicly the Oppenheimers’ war crimes and how they escaped prosecution at Nuremberg ?
      Or would you prefer to think that the South African religious and secular Jewish leadership were all simply too stupid?
      Chaim Paddaman, please explain what thoughts were going through your mind when you wrote above “You give…”?
      Which names of Yiddish’s boys are you referring to?
      Was there any other information-knowledge that I provided which you hoped would be swept under the carpet?
      Where do you see that I was making the point that most of the Lithuanian Jews went to South Africa?
      When you know that was not close to the main point because it was not even a point of importance, you also know it is most difficult to answer you weak question “So what?”.
      Why do you think with the great success of the Zagiew as well as the Jewish Kapos in the camps, the bought Jewish people haven’t approached the SA Oppenheimers publicly for compensation pertaining to our Jewish Holocaust and the rest of the world who suffered during WW 2 as well as the majority blacks of Africa following the weak South African Jewish opposition?
      How would you go about fairly redistributing the world’s mineral rights at the same time restoring the rain forests?
      What do you find deplorable about the GDP?
      Do you think our mutual fb friend South African multibillionaire industrialist philanthropist Solly Krok who was given very poor financial advice by one of the Schneerson’s top lieutenants, Chaim Lipskar whose brother Mendel Lipskar is the top Lubavitcher Black Hatter in South Africa, needs you to help explain my writings or would you already know that he and I have a close enough relationship already that he could just pick up the phone and ask me, unless he was now fearful of you folks?
      Chapter Sixteen - Warring With Israel
      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

      Chapter Sixteen – Warring With Israel

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  • P 3 – When the wind blows the other way
    The minerals come from elsewhere of the factories, and that too requires transportation and cost.
    Getting them we know how it has always been done ever since the caveman next door wanted your wife and you launched a preemptive attack, and as your harem grew so did your spy network.
    Next is the critical software labor component increasingly integrated into the hardware that is monitoring the increasingly adaptive and advanced in logical reasoning; namely intellect.
    How to pay both machine and human labor still needed until it is totally obsolete, my guess is now, is not the big question although you may rightly see it is.
    Equal pay is huge.
    Whose hands are in all this?
    The current human software engineer is from all parts of the world and the intelligence services know all this and so why aren’t they telling us?
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  • P 4 – When the wind blows the other way
    Should the engineer feel that there is question about the loyalty of the Commander In Chief then it is reasonable for him to think there could be others in the chain of command who have been compromised and that much more inclined to go with the money; specifically with the person paying the most who could also be a spy?
    The spy business today is not quite what it used to be in the first James Bond movies.
    Anyone could be a spy and what fun is that.
    Wouldn’t it be nicer if there was peace and quiet or do you think people are just too used to noise and won’t want to give it up?
    What about simply giving up being bullshitted to?
    How difficult is it to ask for that?
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    • Gary Gevisser

      I agree , absolute chaos usually only breeds in noise – creating noise is therefore the perfect tool to distract our intellect, especially from the truth.

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  • P 5 – When the wind blows the other way
    Not only royalties to software engineers in Washington DC, Moscow, Tel-Aviv, Beijing, Johannesburg, Sidney, Zurich, Istanbul, Riyadh, Austin Texas etc but all royalties generated from the mineral source would have to come into question.
    But really do we honestly need war to survive as human beings and if so why don’t each of us admit publicly to this innate seemingly desire?
    I guess I could rig up a computer program to manage all future royalties along with commissions paid to future warmongers if that is what the people would like to see continue.
    Right now I simply don’t want my battery to run out before I’m finished.
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  • I am tolerant to your views and you believe I am spewing shit. I accept that.
    I saw a meme saying the following: ” I would believe a sighting of Bigfoot riding the Loch Ness monster on their way to an Elvis concert before I believe that Biden got 80 million legal votes.
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  • P 6 – When the wind blows the other way
    When in 1925 Ben Gurion and Nechie Bardash met up again in Tel-Aviv after moving from England where she gave birth to a bunch of kids including my grandad Albert Bardash-Ash (1899-1965), that was not the first time they talked.
    In 1929 when Nechie moved back to England when my highly intelligent mother Zena was born, Ben Gurion hadn’t forgotten that he didn’t have to worry about family members betraying her because they had all been murdered in the pogrom.
    Being lucky enough to be the only family member surviving a pogrom which was a political assassination as it was stealing whatever the Cossacks got their hands on, including rape, does not mean you live forever.
    My good student mother Zena didn’t need to first meet with Ben Gurion privately on his kibbutz Sde Boker to know that something was very fishy about Nechie being run over by a car while walking the pavement and then no less mysteriously dying after falling down a flight of stairs in a boarding house where she was recuperating from the hit and run.
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  • P 7 – When the wind blows the other way
    Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to avoid war altogether?
    Chaim, I note your response above “I am tolerant…” but I think you know you are jumping the gun and so how do you get yourself out of this mess knowing that digging your heels in by distracting even more is not helpful to your “piece of mind” (sic).
    Do you know what you missed?
    Bear in mind I only responded to this non-Jewish South African litigator at 6:40 PM given how the light was starting to fade and I wanted to get in a mountain bicycle ride before it was dark, not only to mitigate the risk of accident and there are many rocky parts which have previously come out on top which is what you would expect when flying over the handlebars head first, but there are the multitude of mountain lions, the most fierce and cunning predators who think nothing of killing humans; moreover, when a human goes missing and there is no trace remaining, it would be wrong to assume that a pride of puma made their way to Washington DC and deposited the bones at the Smithsonian.
    My response:
    “When do you need to be in your office?
    How many lawyers work for you and how much support staff like janitors, switchboard operators, legal secretaries and other full time staff like investigators who stumble across leads in the course of activity knowing that the research is conclusive the overwhelming majority of CFO and CEOs of public corporations are totally corrupt?
    Another former client Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach and Lerach very close to Krinsk
    At 8:29 PM, again Calif time, and the thoughts of the mountain lions long forgotten, I followed up:
    “How clear is it in your head that throughout this wide ranging single subject as everything comes down to intellect and you understand you need intellect to have morals and why there is no morals to be found anywhere other than what keeps you up here as well as in The Lady’s Speech until 4 in the morning is your lack of expressing yourself convulsion at the gross … that you can’t blame entirely on the Oppenheimers because you thought you had sufficient common sense to figure out such a simple ruse that your children if they weren’t used as an insurance policy when not a ‘playboy’ (sic) would have figured out in an instant if only they had been encouraged to think for themselves which simply meant not screaming at them and encouraging them ‘Ask me your questions’.”
    An Alarming Decline in the Quality of Financial Reporting
    An Alarming Decline in the Quality of Financial Reporting

    An Alarming Decline in the Quality of Financial Reporting

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  • P 8 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim, again you shouldn’t be talking politics or economics unless you are fully grounded in battlefield strategy and tactics.
    BTW, do you have an opinion on how well Ben Gurion and his emissaries waged asymmetrical warfare even though there were casualties?
    You should always before opening your mouth put yourself in the shoes of both the Commander In Chief and upcoming Commander In Chiefs scaring the living daylights out of us with the nuclear option.
    As a talking head Commander in Chief wanting to kick your way around you know the biggest problem is why would you use it?
    When exactly would you press that button?
    “oh no we will press the little button this time, but if you don’t behave we will press the bigger button and wait for the day when the wind blows the other ways.”
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  • Ray Lipner
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      Lynda Jacobson Rabinowitz
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      Hollywood music producer

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  • P 9 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim Paddaman, you have seen my response to your distraction “You are welcome… So what?” which began “Chaim Paddaman of course I know …” and ended “… fearful of you folks” which was 6 minutes ago and it is now 2:01 PM Calif time, January 15, 2021.
    How do you feel about the integrity of elections when minerals rights have not be procured fairly?
    Does Jewish Law put aside in the interest of protecting the biggest thieves the use of the gun in subduing any opposition which get in the way?
    Under what fairness doctrine do you push people out of the way to achieve your aims?
    Where in the 10 Commandments does it say, “The means justify the end”?
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  • P 10 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim Paddaman

    , I just heard back from this non-Jewish South African litigator:

    “Hello hello , I have had an interesting conversation with my mom … I promised to revert to you – my grandfather was born on 15 March 1925 and was indeed a young boy when he went to fight in world war 2 . The missing part that I was unable to explain may be a little more clearer now in so far as my mom told me that it was after the war was lost , that German Nazi Soldiers were generally all taken into custody as prisoners of war and remained as such for several years .. it was apparently then when the kindest Polish family took my [grand]father in and hid him for a period of 5 years initially in their cellar in their home in Warsaw and thereafter somewhere in Germany where they relocated for a while . My grandfather apparently became romantically involved with a certain female family member of that Polish family . Their surname according to my mother’s best recollection thereof was “Schlichte” or something similar in sound. My grandfather only met and/or married my grandmother after his return to Wien upon expiry of those above mentioned 5 years …”
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  • P 11 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim Paddaman

    , let’s assume you are now deep in prayer as the Jewish sabbath began in London around an hour and 20 minutes after you last writings, “… So what?” but then again you could be elsewhere in the world or simply recognizing the ingenious teachings of Spinoza who Einstein gave the greatest accolade, “My God is the God of Spinoza”; and Spinoza you must know deplored hypocrites of all faiths but of course in particular Jewish hypocrites since he was not only Jewish but the most knowledgeable Jewish person of his time, if not of all time.

    My response to this South African non-Jewish litigator took place at 2:15 PM Calif. time which was 15 odd minutes ago:
    “… let me know that you are following along on my fb wall the dialogue I am having with Chaim Paddoman, and to voice your opinion on the wall.
    BTW, your grandfather was just 18 months younger than my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie.
    Still the war was unnecessary other than it was necessary to cover the crime of bringing Hitler to power and then creating after the war a middle class of worthless lawyers, medical doctors and the such.
    Why wasn’t you mother who you say loved her father not eager to chase down the kind Jewish Polish woman or at least notify publicly Yad Vashem of her heroism?
    Note I corrected a spelling error you made when cutting and pasting it into P 10 – When the wind blows the other way.”
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  • Mark McComiskey Gynaecology
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    only daughter of philosopher-mathemetician David

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  • P12 – When the wind blows the other way
    Chaim Paddaman, it is now 9:15 AM Calif time and Facebook notify me that approximately an hour ago both you and Geniv Wulz wrote a comment.
    I haven’t been able to locate yours at this time and I would expect you to diffuse until you have suffered through all the stages of grief.
    Remember to address your nonsense “… So what?” sooner rather than later without forgetting that the Schneerson and the rest of his Lubavitcher Black Hatter followers proselytizing the wrong teachings of Judaism.
    Yes, so disgraceful of Schneerson to voice that there are no innocent victims to a crime so as to cover up the duplicity, the coziness between all the religious Jewish sects to the virulent anti-Semitic, anti democratic, anti-competition mineral-banking monopolist SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-IG Farben-BASF-Monsanto-Deutsche Bank.
    Nor does it mitigate his ugliness that you wont find an honest institution within the non Jewish communities also long corrupted.
    The fact that Geniv Wulz says nothing of consequence, closer to a Hallmark card with bad grammar, does however focus that much more attention on the deplorable GDP that is insanely illogical as well as morally reprehensible, so telling of the systemic rot.
    Lawyer Geniv Wulz knows perfectly well as do the rest of the selfish losing horribly this important game of life that is no dress rehearsal for the next stage, it is not what you say, but what you don’t say that counts most.
    Chaim Paddaman, you would have noticed like all those I have tagged that so far none of them have untagged themselves which is easy to do.
    Nor would it be reasonable to expect that all of them have been too busy to keep up with us.
    When you lie enough times you soon forget and why as a kid you should be encouraged to never tell your first lie.
    It would be naive of me to think all those distracting when not ignoring altogether my writings are people to be trusted.
    Just earlier I posted the following on the fb wall of a fan club which one can tell from the photos is very closely connected to actor Matt Damon:
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    • P13 – When the wind blows the other way
      Title: Turned into a spy
      When is Matt Damon going to come clean on the reason why the much vaunted film project that he was set to co-star with John Krazinski based on the book King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, written by celebrated Swiss journalist Daniel Ammann has been abandoned?
      Obviously, it was the money motivation that got in the way of Damon-Krazinski not doing their homework ahead of touting their roles in the expected Hollywood blockbuster?
      What else could it be?
      Look at all the promotion on the Hollywood tabloids back in early July 2018 with not a hint of the COVID-19 in sight which might explain that all the coughing caused by restricted flow of oxygen through the lungs also affected the brains of their bought PR personnel writing of Damon-Krazinski’s incapacitation to speak for themselves.
      Why the subsequent avalanche on social media pushing the image of the good guy Damon?
      These are all good questions considering all those whose interest is to keep hidden the true story of terrorist financier Marc Rich who was granted a Presidential Pardon on Bill Clinton’s last day in office, January 20, 2001, some 7 months and 22 days prior to 9/11 which took a great deal of planning and the eyes of the counterterrorism intelligence gathering agencies all centered around Osama Bin Laden given his House of Saud close family connections and access to “fabulous wealth”.
      People see money and success going hand in hand.
      That doesn’t mean Hollywood is far removed from those plotting crimes against humanity and the coverups which are no less planned.
      When the average brainwashed human is placed in front of the TV or silver screen they just want to be entertained as they are told what to think but not thinking also their minds are being permanently corroded.
      They feel they have their own independent thoughts when either first catching on to the plot or surprised when it turns out not quite as expected.
      How important is Marc Rich who led quite the glamorous Hollywood lifestyle in Zug, Switzerland while a “fugitive on the run”?
      I say very important because I know his role in fermenting distracting civil wars throughout the world all the while insulating those pulling off the biggest heists.
      How can one explain all the people being fooled all the time and when given the irrefutable truth they behave like islands unto themselves and yet dependent on everyone untrustworthy to keep the secret.
      The human is one anomaly which cannot be by chance.
      Once you grab the minerals that everyone wants for their iPhones, iPads, i this and i that so it is much easier to price them and everything else including what advertisers like Coca Cola pay Hollywood producers for ad placement in blockbuster movies with under the table deals not showing up in movie ticket sales or for that matter anywhere else.
      Who thinks a Hollywood actor couldn’t be bought or turned into a spy.
      You can be forgiven if you didn’t have my knowledge going back to when Marc Rich due to his incompetence failed hopelessly on his first mission to mineral rich South Africa in 1958 the same year my mother Zena’s one model, South African Penny Coelen won the Miss World, and there was no reprimand when after 6 months being laughed at by the Mineral Resources Kings, German-South African Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) and his partner German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971), Rich returned to New York empty handed, no title to a piddly manganese mine.
      On the contrary, this full of himself idiot immediately rose through the ranks at Philip Bros-Philbro without being any the wiser, not even when in 1967 Engelhard Jr., with intimate business connections to my immediate family, acquired Philbro allowing the Mineral Kings to keep even closer tabs on their “self made man” success story.
      Long before I read Ammann’s book, accurate in many details but a whitewash if ever there was one, I wrote 4 articles
      covering the treason pardon of Rich, the first published in Israel’s widely read Jerusalem Post on February 1, 2001, 12 days after the deed that set in motion the mess we have today in the people being so divided and missing the boat entirely.
      You will see how my first 32 word sentence of the first article, an “open letter” to convicted Israeli-American-Soviet spy Jonathan Pollard,
      nails it.
      “The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.”
      Note again.
      Not 1 but 4 articles and all on point.
      Just because the Congressional investigation that followed failed to mention my critically important insight and analysis didn’t mean the entire US Congress and the rest of the world’s politician were all oblivious to the truth.
      “Furthering terrorism” did not appear in a Mickey Mouse comic strip.
      “Furthering terrorism” benefits all those who see peace as war on their profits.
      What would the bad actors within Doctors Without Borders do for a living without State sponsored terrorism benefiting the most the world’s biggest thieves and mass murderers?
      There are only so many politician spots.
      One may ask how many times over his lifetime would Matt Damon need to brush his teeth in order to formulate such important words that grab the attention quickly of the worst Attention Deficit Disorder victims of mostly bad parenting unless their weak personality disorder is the result of punishment from the previous lifetime?
      Nor is that to suggest that a stink bug has any choice but to rummage and role up crap because that doesn’t make a lot of sense, rather the stink bug and all other insects and creatures are more likely there to spark up our imaginations of the long haul when you screw up as a human.
      I tend to favor the selfish first returning as shellfish but that is just a play on words, and therefore the spineless are likely to feel more at home in the skin of a jellyfish.
      Could Damon and Krazinski have been set up from the start?
      Of course that is a possibility, but unlikely because if it was a setup then why not once exposed to truth which I shared with Damon’s one Hollywood lawyer Sam Fischer Esq of the law firm Ziffren Law, change lawyers, explain the truth and remembering to give credit where it is due and not waiting too long because none of us live forever, Thank God.
      Matt Damon to Star in Marc Rich Movie at Universal
      Matt Damon to Star in Marc Rich Movie at Universal

      Matt Damon to Star in Marc Rich Movie at Universal

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      • 3d
    • P14 – When the wind blows the other way
      Chaim Paddaman

      , the thinking that war is for the government-public sector to protect the private enterprise sector full of innovation and neighbor helping neighbor for the benefit of the entire community is far from reality, but still there are plenty who want to believe that because such thinking affords them a better lifestyle.

      It is only lifestyle choices that all the advertising is geared towards.
      But again in reality you know that you have been horribly fooled by the buffer of ruling mineral elite who have everyone fooled with their propaganda that keeps repeating, “Beware of the ruling elite” or much shorter version “Elite”.
      Again for a Jewish person not to know the obstacles faced by Ben Gurion with traitors planted in his midst is simply stupid but try telling that to someone who has a big ego especially someone who prides themselves on their religiousness.
      Everyone is indoctrinated with the belief system, “War is a good business” and then they quickly move on to other things like talking about the corruption in government and thank God there are still places on earth where there are democratic principles which require the “rule of law” to be maintained at all cost.
      Of course it is us Jewish people who are the most dependent upon the “rule of law” synonymous with “law and order” because in order to sustain a logical argument not to exterminate all of us given how great a scapegoat are us Jewish people going back to the earliest of times when the dictator Roman Rulers corrupted our Jewish High Priests who like our rabbis today far preferred the good life rather than having to work the fields, you have to be able to get the people to listen.
      When there is chaos on Capital Hills, all hell breaks loose.
      If in fact Trump wanted to create a violent riot in the Capital then of course he should be immediately institutionalized.
      This insurrection has to be the most poorly organized in the history of all insurrections but that doesn’t mean when the dust clears we won’t find a dirty hand belonging to one of Trump’s adversaries.
      To keep people calm it is important to focus on the most interesting elements surrounding the truth which is the coverup of the theft of the world’s mineral resources who we should all prefer to have in the hands of Elon Musk than anyone else I can think of at the present time, without anyone else in the manufacturing of efficient factories coming close.
      How to divide up fairly the royalties due to software and hardware engineers all over the planet and some homeless working out of their falling apart motor vehicles and not helped by public libraries now all closed and adding to the weight of their deep depression is really not worth pondering because it is not only impossible to execute fairly but we are immersed in the intricacies of the spy business; and so yes why not focus on it is right now, the time is 10:41 AM Calif. time, Saturday, January 16, 2021.
      Robots can today both kill and spy at the same time.
      Will the robots be wondering how they got here once we become extinct?
      Boston Dynamics' amazing robots Atlas and Handle
      Boston Dynamics’ amazing robots Atlas and Handle

      Boston Dynamics’ amazing robots Atlas and Handle

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      • 3d
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    • P15 – When the wind blows the other way
      Just moments ago, 9:54 AM Calif time, I posted on Chaim Paddaman’s wall in response to his announcement that he is breaking away from being a political commentator the following:
      Title: How do we know you are not an automaton?
      We are going to miss your opinions, however totally misguided, which you discovered just the other day after you posted up on my Facebook wall a long and boring speech.
      You obviously hoped it would attract more attention to you and now you feel deflated.
      Are you hoping Facebook will ban you and remove all your writings and then you can start out afresh?
      How do we know you are not an automaton?
      Can you twiddle your toes on command?
      Can you think your own thoughts?
      Do you see other creatures on this earth showing more empathy towards each other than us humans who don’t seem to be able to change bad habits and willing to see the world destroyed for their future offspring just so that they don’t feel embarrassed?
      Yet they are willing to remain in the same room as the rest of the fools.
      This is strange behavior for any species let alone one that prides itself on its superior intellect.
      You also don’t seem comfortable with the notion that you need intellect to have morals.
      All I know about you is what you write above and that we have 3 mutual fb friends; two I don’t know, Anton Hattingh and Graham Clarke and one I know very well, Jewish South African multibillionaire industrialist philanthropist Solly Krok.
      Solly Krok along with bunches others were tagged by me as I began to expose your weak thinking but feeling the need to explode on the public airwaves like a bat out of hell.
      Why do you think they all stay at the same time have nothing to further contribute other than when occasionally they speak, it is all to distract?
      You must have thought by now what Hitler exhibited which caught the attention of his puppeteers?
      Are you thinking the same thing?
      Can you think of anyone else on Facebook who is presenting to the masses as important information as I am doing?
      I am in a position to speak with authority on this subject given how I know what the people at the very top think every moment of the day when they are awake, including when they are eating and few of them eating healthy because they lack empathy, consciousness-logic which is not necessary to our survival as we can all notice that in pursuit of economic progress we are fast destroying our natural habitat which hasn’t resulted in the religious being any less conscious-less than the rest and that greatly helps neutralize a huge segment of the human population.
      When you don’t speak you speak, especially when it is all of you so embarrassed by your common bond of failing to recognize when you were still a young person, full of vitality the enormous calamity of the most stupid in every respect Gross Domestic Product economic index which was necessary to create the very underwhelming middle class made up predominantly of medical doctors, lawyers and such.
      So tell us more about your background and the sudden change of heart not to continue as a political commentator?
      Let’s assume that you have perfectly followed my logic would you expect that if people like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk and the Twitter guy Jack Dorsey came across my writings they would choose to be as disinterested as everyone else is trying to make out but failing hopelessly?
      Both my Jewish parents, and each coming from opposite ends of the earth, did a lot of international traveling starting with my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser who while still 21 years of age completed, without being shot down once, a spectacular 71 dive-bombing missions over the rugged terrain of northern Italy all in support of both the resistance, including the Jewish Brigade and the Russian Red Army needing the pressure to be taken off; and the Allied delay in moving on Germany’s western front had everything to do with the west’s fear of Stalin and the spread of Soviet communism as well as Chinese communism.
      It is highly likely that you don’t have the first clue why communism came about.
      Don’t quickly jump to Google because Google isn’t going to give you the right answer.
      It was not to help the rich landowners own more tracks of farmland unless you think the rich landowners needed to distract from their pillaging at the same time give the peasants who worked the land a false sense of security.
      One of the benefits of being a “late talker” such as myself is that you don’t get idiots such as yourself talking crap into our ears from an early age.
      With the educational curriculum corrupted by the warmongers, the only way to learn the truth is to travel a lot and listen carefully to everything spoken both the rich and poor as well as those in between.
      That takes an inordinate amount of patience considering all the same shit the people speak.
      At some point you have to make a cutoff, and I’ve decided that day is today.
      You learned from my writings “When the wind blows the other way” and we are now moving on to page 15 with page 14 completed the morning of the 16th that the history is only important in terms of how we got into this mess and that can’t be overstated because at its core has all the brainwashed such as yourself thinking you are independent thinkers with an opinion that others should hear.
      Now, this very moment, it is only about how best to compensate the peacemakers as well as those who profit from promoting fear which goes hand in hand with the war business.
      I made it perfectly clear to you and everyone else listening, it is who best amongst us to be in charge of determining the compensation of the engineers designing the battlefield robots at the same time assessing their loyalty other than to whoever pays them the most.
      See how easy it is to boil everything down into one book that obsoletes all the rest other than manuals on how to work robots?
      Which Captain of Industry would you trust the most wanting to see beauty and perfection?
      You would expect my audience to be much larger than those I tagged such as Solly Krok’s relatives Dylan Chad Treger, Mark Krok and Nadine Krok Segal and others also trying to make money connections and/or just bored in general, South African litigator Geniv Wulz, Alan Davidoff, Alan Yudelman, Alan Levy, Alan Glauber, Micha-el Frame, Austin Michael Faure, Harold Schenk, Harold Joffe, Lynda Egnos, Lynda Jacobson Rabinowitz, Lynne Karen Bentel, Ray Lipner, Rephael Mendel Perkel, Basil Cohen, Arnon Zangwill, Arnold Gerson, Arnold Joffe, Beth Isaacs, Jenny Feinstein, Jenny Arenstein – Friedman, Ann Nurock, Wendy Ann Bouman, my high school history teacher, Steven Kofsky, Steven Bailey, Gary Steven Sachs, Stan Kessel, Stan Milc etc.
      So when Elon Musk talks about the need for mankind, the oxymoron of all time, to preserve our consciousness and that we should become an interplanetary traveling species which won’t prevent another galaxy like Andromeda crashing into the Milky Way and creating much more havoc than the previous collision do you think it is because Musk is totally stupid?
      I happen to think both Musk and Zuckerberg to be smart enough to follow my logic.
      What do you think?
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      • 1d
    • Gary Gevisser

      I don’t know wtf you are talking about. If you can please explain what you tagged me for, and what your issue is all about, I’d appreciate it.

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      • 6h
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    • Alan Glauber

      He has written a load of drek, a Meshugner.

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      • 5h
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    • Alan Glauber

      He gave a long list of Jewish names. He is obsessed with old Solly Krok.

      I know many Jews in South Africa too.
      Natie Kirch he came from Potchefstroom.
      Ivan Subel from the Klerksdorp Shul. I think Michael Waks is in-charge now.
      Hazel and Sam Feldman. I remember Percy Tucker and of course Tony Factor, Jim Stodel, Taubie Kushlick!! He knows Solly Krok, Mazel Tov to him.
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      • 4h
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    • Alan Glauber

      I don’t know why the smock is on my case. Do you know him. He is probably a gattes

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      • 3h
    • P16 – When the wind blows the other way.
      Chaim Paddaman it is 12:36 PM CALIFORNIA time, January 19, 2021, 1 day before the 20th anniversary of De Beers-Rhodes Scholar of ‘68, President Bill Clinton granting “turned” Jewish terrorist financier, Marc Rich a pardon at the 11th hour of his presidency.
      You make out like you never got through the first 32 word sentence of my first of four articles published in the Jerusalem Post on February 1, 2001,
      “The pardon of Marc Rich eliminated not only an opportunity of justice being served but it would have allowed the public to view the role that oil brokers play in furthering terrorism.”
      12 days after the pardon which incriminated a great many besides for Clinton and Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak who is also caught up with other former top notch Israel Defense Force commanders in the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein saga.
      The quietness of the media doesn’t mean the money-mineral forces behind the media have forgotten my prescient timing articles, and their author you might recall was neither you, Chaim Paddaman nor your new friend Alan Glauber also wanting to make a spectacle out of himself.
      What is your profession and academic training?
      Are you religious? For example if you lay Tefillin every morning is it either to fool God or intimidate others that you are pious and connected to an extortion mob?
      You began by talking about universal income and equity, communism-socialism and such.
      Then ducked.
      Now you are back to being a crazy political commentator?
      How come you left out inheritance in that initial long onslaught?
      Where is the equity in the inheritance laws?
      You must have read Torah for your barmitvah, where does it explain the foundation of the inheritance laws which says a child born into a rich family should have greater privileges and if the inheritance is sufficient then to employ slaves?
      Do you think the 4th Commandment which condones slavery was simply bad hearing on the part of the scribes listening to God speak or the corrupt ruling elite wanted the masses to believe that God approved or that God ingenuously sought to expose the hypocrisy of the religious?
      Can you give a definitive answer as to whether you agree that you need intellect to have wisdom?
      Given what I see as low intellect on your part, still you must speculate that Ehud Barak couldn’t possibly be a pedophile which is what you might expect more of amongst politicians handpicked to spread lack of morals.
      But then it begs the question of why would Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad (IMIM) need to get more dirt on Bill Clinton given how IMIM had all the dirt the moment they read the first sentence in my first article, if not the moment that SA Oppenheimers-De Beers-Deutsche Bank-IG Farben-Bitcoin granted terrorist financier, Marc Rich the pardon on January 20, 2001, 234 days prior to 9/11.
      Then again given your status as a reformed political commentator you might expect IMIM to have put Bill Clinton “to work” in order to get more goods on Bill Gates Jr, Tony Blair etc other than the pardon of Marc Rich exposed all the politicians then, and since?
      Chaim Paddaman let’s assume you are aware that nobody Natie Kirsh was given a free pass to “asset strip” my immediate family’s hugely successful, 60 year old multinational trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies (1910-1970) by virulent anti-Semite, monopolist German-South African Harry Oppenheimer (1908-2000) and his partner German-American Charles W Engelhard Jr (1917-1971) who was no less anti-Semitic and anti Israel, anti-competition than my former boss Harry Oppenheimer, otherwise why would you bring up Kirsh?
      You would agree that taking down one moving target is easier than two.
      You of course would expect me at the first opportunity to ask IMIM head David Ben Gurion (1886-1973) who was born in the same tiny village Plonsk, White Russia-Poland as my pogrom orphaned great paternal grandmother Nechie Bardash (1874-1943) who was most likely assassinated during the height of our Jewish Holocaust, if there was any purpose for IMIM getting rid of Engelhard Jr on March 2, 1971, the month after celebrating his 54th birthday, while focusing that much more attention on Harry Oppenheimer.
      Someone as pedantic as you must already know given how well you ignore the truth while throwing as much shit as you can fit in your mouth that Engelhard Jr’s “male heir”,
      my Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father, Bernie Gevisser’s first cousin, the turncoat, David Gevisser (1926-2009) left the clearest trail when transferring all of Engelhard’s most valuable South African mineral assets, starting with control of the world’s supply of platinum, 80% mined in South Africa to Oppenheimer who was of course most displeased with such public publicity given how easy it would have been for my “lucky uncle” Dave Gevisser to have transferred title to an institution like Mitsubishi which the small South African Oppenheimer family like a lot to hide their ownership.
      Chaim Paddaman do you have an email address I can use to send you a backup or would you prefer I start out sending it to our mutual fb friends?
      Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post –
      Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post –

      Letters Published by the Jerusalem Post –

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      • 15m
    • P17 – When the wind blows the other way
      Chaim Paddaman, there are once again very high gusts of wind.
      Do you see GoDNature completely hands off including the display of the supernatural with coincidences?
      Could you see punishment much like reward for doing the right thing?
      Let’s assume the first thing that goes wrong for someone in denial is their health failing and to prove to themselves that their mind is apart from the rest of their failing body they increasingly disregard the health of all their internal organs until they reach the point of no return?
      Let us both accept that you know you are doing wrong and the game you are playing is just to prove that you don’t need to be good in order to succeed financially.
      What are you hoping to achieve?
      Are you looking for a girlfriend and feel a beautiful woman would put aside the look of your body and concentrate only on your intellect?
      Do you have any money motivation behind your boring ploy?
      Since you choose so carefully Natie Kirsh whose name didn’t come up in any of my previous 15 pages, you must know that while he made the biggest killing of his life simply selling off the real estate assets of Moshal Gevisser which had all been purchased for cash on instruction from my paternal grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser (c 1890- 24 February 1970), i.e no mortgages and even a snuck like yourself could have retained an auctioneer to find a buyer while holding on to Moshal Gevisser’s very successful pilot Cash & Carry project in Newcastle, South Africa, TradeMarket
      which my father Bernie was spearheading and TradeMarket became the foundation of Kirsh’s global empire allowing his family to own 5 penthouses in Trump Tower New York City while Kirsh makes more killings in the security business which you would expect terrorist financiers to hold dear in their hearts while spreading fear amongst the masses, Kirsh left on the table during his epic theft, again not lost for a moment on Mossad head Ben Gurion, Moshal Gevisser’s most important strategic asset, their technical and management control of ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which David Gevisser later transferred to Harry Oppenheimer who felt that Kirsh had not only made a sufficient killing, but more importantly, it showed the world that Jewish people were disproportionately “pigs at the trough” and willing to stab their best Jewish brothers and sisters in the back.
      Of course research with very little effort would tell you that ACME TIMBERS controlled South Africa’s furniture and real estate development market, commercial and residential.
      Chaim Paddaman when did you realize that zoning ordinances such as what areas are zoned residential and commercial is all part of the game to confuse the weak thinker?
      Are you continuing on to ingratiate yourself further with SA Oppenheimers-Brenthurst Foundation who have now managed to hook former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Myers?
      Do you know why you are Facebook friends with Solly Krok?
      Why do you now choose to demean him?
      Do you agree that people with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid and go through the stages of grief before inevitably accepting their foolishness since what alternative choice do they have?
      How come you have yet to leave any of my Facebook group chats I have invited you “too” (sic)?
      Again, why now bring up Natie Kirsh; do you know him personally?
      Does he know you?
      Since the possibility exists that Kirsh would be cautious to have anything to do with you given how erratic is your behavior, to keep yourself busy do you just look up names in the White Pages to get your mind off the disappointment of low intellect?
      Are you an automaton?
      How Natie Kirsh built his global business |
      How Natie Kirsh built his global business |

      How Natie Kirsh built his global business |

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