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Where are you now?

From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Where are you now?
Date: February 11, 2022 at 10:40:43 AM PST
To: Professor Oliver Lazar <>


Professor Lazar,


If the methodology is sound both Zuckerberg and Musk would have to agree.

You don’t push the existence of a Creator, but that is automatic.

You, your daughter and her school friend, the victim of the accident and all the other pieces would have needed to be in place at the outset.

That would include your scientific background, which I’m sure you have pondered to the Nth degree.

What you may not have given as much thought as me is, as I wrote to you in my first communication, how this study has resulted in those aware of it improving themselves with respect to searching for knowledge in order to improve both the lives of the downtrodden which the clergy and charities are supposed to be on the forefront, as well as the health of the planet which is diametrically opposite real estate developers who most profit from the destruction of the earth’s green.

Since the introduction of the GDP in 1934 we first experienced the carnage of World War II that could have easily been avoided if conscious man looked at how bankrupt Germany, also burdened with severe restriction from rearming, was able to unleash such unimaginable horror, and to this day the most logical questions are not asked.

It goes beyond one man’s indifference.

Society is sick beyond the human imagination until it is faced with the truth, and still it is unmoved, and the destruction of the planet continues at a blistering pace, no concern for the children.

This mass psychosis, egotistical beyond belief, is only in the realm of the supernatural.

In the course of the past few days since coming across your Youtube documentary, and sharing it with selected audiences, including my now 2,274 fb friends – Elon Musk’s father, Errol Musk is my latest fb friend – without exception they have all gone into deep denial.

Most surprising are those who previously said they believe in God and all of God’s miracles. Tells you about their sincerity.

Therefore you must have come across similar findings and concluded logically that these people are in a state of shock, feel defensive because they are hypocrites, but inevitably they will come around, and not to bother with them.

They are only driven by money.

The money however is figured by the Gross Domestic Product index that is spectacularly corrupt, immoral in the extreme and controlled by the world’s biggest thieves; moreover, this calamity has been missed by everyone, and most likely you as well.

If that is the case, and you also know the power of the Creator to execute the impossible to predict, and which you acknowledge in Quantum Mechanic’s double slit experiment, then you must come around, sooner rather than later, to joining me in exposing to the light the catastrophe of the GDP.

How much time are you going to need?

Bear in mind that the silence of all those who know including Musk and Zuckerberg only adds weight to the Creator’s ability to control the minds of the humans so full of themselves.

So weird that when given the information everyone is in such a hurry to busy themselves.

What goes around comes around with a vengeance.

Keep smiling as my most conscious mother Zena says.


Sent from my iPhone
