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Whoever saves a single life ….

Screenshot 5:38 PM Calif. time, December 7, 2021


May be an image of text that says 'Whoever saves a single life, is as though he saved an entire world -Talmud, Sanhedrin 37a ៤ Chabad.ORG'
Martin Kroll and 34 others


  • Gary Gevisser

    Don’t believe that.
    It is only a reward for oneself.
    You are not doing the world a favor considering the overpopulation.
    The insensitivity towards the poor who are only deprived of knowledge is astounding, but then the Old One, to use Einstein’s marvelous words, must have a clear plan.
    Man makes plans and God laughs, wouldn’t you agree Solly Krok, Steven Kofsky, Steven Bailey and Alexey Shumeyko?

    Lidia Monroe

    Gary Gevisser Psychopathic post…
    • 20h

      Gary Gevisser

      Lidia Monroe, yes we have to be all lovey-dovey about every little clique, quote which means absolutely nothing.
      People don’t care about each other, and definitely not about the planet that sustains us.
      That is why we have two-thirds of the population obese and climbing.
      How can you save people who don’t want to save themself?
      Now that is psychopathic.
      Lidia Monroe, let’s now look at our respective schooling and work experience.
      Your profile mentions “military history” schooling at Harvard?
      Did you graduate, and if so what exactly was your degree/s?
      What is your professional experience in the minerals market?
      Would you like to hear mine?
      • 10h

        Lidia Monroe

        Gary Gevisser Doesn’t matter that you’re the most educated man on the planet if you’re a sociopath.



        Gary Gevisser

        How weak can you be?
        People with little intelligence have great difficulty feeling stupid! ~ MDG
        You are what you eat and the company you keep; since everybody likes these little quotes, feel good.
        Who appointed you psychotherapist who is part of the mass psychosis?
        • 2h

          Lidia Monroe

          Gary Gevisser Hitler also thought people who didn’t share his psychopathy were ‘weak.’ Great company you’re keeping.
          • 1h

            Gary Gevisser

            Lidia Monroe what about Ben Gurion, Einstein and Smuts?
            Are you unwilling to acknowledge you know nothing about the mineral resource business?
            You are establishing that you have a big ego.
            May be an image of 1 person and text that says '1 ego= knowledge MORE THE KNOWLEDGE, LESSER THE EGO. LESSER THE KNOWLEDGE MORE THE EGO." ~ALBERT EINSTEIN RAINY MOOD.COM'
            • 1h

              Gary Gevisser

              Lidia Monroe, you have been on a roll casting dispersion on my character.
              That is bad. Very bad indeed, and you know it which is why you behave so badly while constantly ducking the big issues.
              To align me with Hitler is insidious and you know it; again you are fully conscious of your wrong actions.
              Let me tell you about my closeness and that of my highly secretive Jewish British-English mother Zena to Ben Gurion.
              May be an image of 1 person
              Lidia Monroe, study for a moment the photo of my mother Zena’s second husband, South African clothing “magnet” [sic], Alan Zulman and Ben Gurion.
              • 1h
              • Edited

                Lidia Monroe

                Gary Gevisser The world is ‘overpopulated.’ Shall we start depopulating it with you? Or you think too well of yourself? 😉
                • 1h
                • Edited

                  Gary Gevisser

                  Lidia Monroe we are making more steps in the right direction than most. Our footprint is minimal.
                  More importantly, you know you are distracting from the big issues, and besides you are not a child, everyone knows that overpopulation places the most pressure on the mineral resources that are critical in weapon systems, a subject someone such as yourself, with your educational background should know like the back of your hand and that would include the pricing of weapon systems which dictate all economic and political policies.
                  Let’s compare our respective knowledge of the Jewish General of Generals, David Ben Gurion since you are so outwardly religious, as well as so apparently aware of the problems which have faced Israel from the start; namely, traitors amongst us Jewish people which in modern day times starts with Hitler being brought to power as the German people were starving and food parcels had to be sent to the most formadible and courageous of the German Generals, General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck by Allied South African General, Field Marshal Smuts to keep von Lettow-Vorbeck and his family alive.
                  BTW, did Smuts come up in any of lectures at Harvard? Did you graduate?


                  Lidia Monroe, it was approximately 15 minutes ago, 4:09 PM Calif. time which may be both of our times zones that you wrote your rubbish, which you know is rubbish.
                  • 1h

                    Gary Gevisser

                    Ms. Monroe, it was 3 years, 5 months and 16 days after that photo was taken of Ben Gurion and Alan Zulman that I first met Ben Gurion.
                    BTW, you see I edited my original writings when introducing to everyone Alan Zulman, with two English Quotation Signs around “magnet” followed by the Latin adverb “SIC” which you probably know means “thus” or “so” and used to denote a grammar or spelling error; and the correct spelling is “magnate”.
                    • 1h


                      Gary Gevisser

                      Ms. Monroe, 1 November 1972 is well imprinted in my memory as well as in the diary I kept, and which I still have, while on a 4 month ulpan at Mossad head, Ben Gurion’s kibbutz Sde Boker, Negev Desert and where I did well above average in the academics and a perfect score in Gadna training which to Ben Gurion was more important.
                      I assume you are a generation one below me.
                      Did either of your parents or grandparents or great grandparents know Ben Gurion intimately?
                      Yes, my relationship with Ben Gurion goes back 3 generations. My great maternal grandmother, Nechie Becker Bardash [1874-1943] was an intimate of Ben Gurion beginning long before Nechie moved to Tel-Aviv from England in 1925; and you would know that Mossad remain headquartered in Tel-Aviv which I understand is now the most expensive city in the world to live.
                      If you are talking Jewish history, then you would know how important is Ben Gurion who also perfectly understood who was behind Hitler.
                      Now if you didn’t know the first thing about the mineral resources business and you lacked common sense to figure it out, then surely you questioned in your “National Security & Military History at Harvard University” how the Germans went from starving on 29 January 1933 to the shelves of the supermarkets in Germany being fully stocked by the end of the following day, 30 January 1933 when Hitler who was neither a magician, cook, or farmer or financier, came to power?
                      True, at 15 years of age I knew mo[re] about how the real world worked than most, and that would include my 3 elder siblings.
                      Our curious nature is most certainly not in each of our DNA.
                      As time marches on, one has less time.
                      People with less time not only know that but the smart ones, who have something to teach, look to the next generation of thinkers.
                      You must have heard the quote of Ben Gurion, “Let the children of Israel be a light unto the nations.”
                      I didn’t yet mention that in 1929 Ben Gurion arranged for my paternal grandfather, Israel Issy Gevisser [c.1890-24 February 1970] to purchase the most strategic asset in all of Israel, the harbor properties of Haifa and that purchase extended all the way up the hill.
                      In essence my immediate family on both sides are well represented in the founding mothers and fathers of modern State of Israel.
                      Moreover, I was also made aware on my first two trips to Israel, both in 1966,
                      that Ben Gurion had a keen interest in the visit.
                      We, of course, visited mostly with Syd Cohen
                      and his family.
                      BTW, are you familiar with Operation Diamond?
                      Following the 1967 6 Day War whose success the Israel Air Force [IAF] guaranteed in the first 4 hours, all thanks to Operation Diamond, my mother Zena
                      May be an image of 1 person
                      whose photo above shows her one of a kind diamond broach, containing about half fake diamonds and which my mom mostly wore pinned to her brassiére, was offered by Ben Gurion ownership of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem
                      or the honor of being the first civilian in the captured area of the Sinai.
                      My mother’s response, “I will accept such an unmistable honour of being the first non-combatant into the captured territories of the Sinai, and I would still like to keep my privileges at the King David”. Ben Gurion smiled and agreed.
                      No photo description available.
                      No photo description available.
                      • 26m

                        Gary Gevisser

                        Ms. Monroe, it is now 5:12 PM Calif. time, and Im going to make a current backup of this wall.
                        Is there an email address you would like me to send you a copy?
                        • 25m

                          Gary Gevisser

                          Ms. Monroe, you should in a matter of moments see the backup appearing on the BLOG.
                          BTW, Ms. Monroe, you see that I have an eclectic fb friend membership, now numbering 2217 odd, ranging across all socio-economic levels which doesn’t mean the affluent are more knowledgeable than the desperately poor when it comes to the way the real dog eat dog world works, unless they are tuned into my missives which you would expect me to have first shared with my richest clients such as my fb friend, South African multibillionaire philanthropist Solly Krok with whom I share 223 odd fb friends.
                          If you were a member of the House of Commons or the House of Lords, I would guarantee, that unless you were doing cocaine which most of them do, along with their staff, you would be glued to this missive even if you weren’t aware that the Jerusalem Post assisted me in exposing terrorist financier Marc Rich for who he was.
                          Im quite sure that you are not about to comment on the 4 articles
                          of mine that the JP published immediately following the treason pardon of Rich on the last day in office, 20 January 2001, of the 42nd Commander In Chief of all US Armed Forces, President Bill “De Beers-Rhodes Scholar” Clinton who crossed the pond for his Oxford Studies in 1968, the year following Marc Rich being observed more closely by German-South African Harry Oppenheimer and his German-American partner, no less racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Ben Gurion, Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] than when Rich first journeyed to mineral rich South Africa in 1958 when he was the laughing stock of the establishment.


  • Daniel Schlifer

    Absolutely!!!!!! That is why I try to help as much as I can and I do without!!!!!

