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Why in this very organized atomic structure are there exceptions?


Subject: Why in this very organized atomic structure are there exceptions?
Date: August 9, 2018 at 10:23:17 PM PDT
To: Two new interested parties

Note that I have removed your names-email addresses and made minor edits to what I sent first sent you at 5:48.

When you are in a survival mode it is hard to think.

If you think of yourself as an animal in a forest encountering new knowledge, such as a water hole with just enough to get a mouthful and you are very thirsty and the heat is soaking it up very quickly and you would know that the animals are far more aware of the forces of nature at work, would you wait out of fear that another animal will be waiting to attack you?

Everyone must have a purpose and that would apply to Hitler.
We learned nothing from that war and all the other wars that have followed other than to keep making war because we accept that it is good business and if you are in that business you are going to want to shut everyone else up, if they say anything more negative than war is a good business.
I can’t talk for anyone else, but I dont like this stupid talk that war is a good business, because everything about it is ugly.
How can you bring children into this world with such ugly talk?
When you are in this heat and fires breaking out everywhere, which have developers joyful because they explain to their city council pawns that brush will be cleared and it is better for the economy because unimproved land is worse than dead weight, it is a fire hazard, and can only invite lawsuits, the fear factor is non-existent. All you want is water.
Just earlier for the first time in 16 years I found a tarantula in the living room of the cabin. I saved it without hurting it, but I was a little clumsy, using a large round metal bowl that one finds often in a commercial kitchen. We mostly use it for cleaning around the cabin.
I have been looking at this computer screen for most of the day. I could have used the time to grab things such as photos and letters and just a few books all of which my wife Marie told me when we spoke at the beginning of the day, that I should not wait to do, because if there is a need to evacuate there is little time for anything else.
I will do that after this.
It is not only Elon Musk who could hire me, Donald Trump could decide to do so before someone such as his eldest daughter decides that she has the hell in with all the pretending.
I started reading soon after we got back from Europe on June 28, this book by Eckhart Tolle, A NEW EARTH – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. I haven’t pick it up in a couple of weeks. I have got to the top of page 6. I have 310 pages to go. The last page, and I just looked, with a number is 316. On the next page, yes without a number there is an email address I will write to them.
Do you think when you next pick up a book you will be able to concentrate more or less?
Do you think that the reason Tolle has never written to me back is because he is too busy?
You are probably not thinking about how much money and wealth people have accumulated writing stuff that is really not very helpful to humans.
There is no attempt to stop humans from consuming because all these writers just want to make money writing and if talking too much about human overpopulation they will cut into their profits.
But how else would these people make a living?
But to think that all these self-help gurus have missed how the money is priced is not a small number of people, but they are all quiet.
Imagine if Obama was reading my writings?
If you were one of his advisors and got one of my communications would you really toss it without first speaking to Obama?
Assume you are one of these writers and you are now finding out about me, what would you be thinking when you see your name-email address in the cc section which is not only very large but there are big name people who you recognize?
When you are an animal in a survival mode for water and you know that if you don’t quench your thirst soon, you will become very weak, you drink and immediately get back your strength.
How can one empower other people when the evidence is showing that people don’t really want to be empowered other than to rule over the next person before they rule over you?
I think we need to change our thinking altogether.
The game we are playing just does not have a nice outcome.
We don’t know that other animals understand death as we do, they may fear getting tortured, but permanent death may be kept out of their mindset. My point is only [that] there are no other animals that destroy the environment the way we do and our attitude is I better eat you before you eat me.
You know how easy it is for Elon Musk and his mother Maye to take down my posts. Look at how long is my post on Maye Musk’s FB wall 
You know how people are when they don’t like what they see, they either write a public comment and I have had many such negative comments or they contact the person allowing the posts and the communication is kept private; and pretty much everyone removes my posts.

The Musks have not done this. This sounds like a “game changer” going on. If I am wrong, then nothing lost, I will just move on. But if I am right and I know that I have right at my side, then why not write on Elon Musk and Maye Musk’s FB wall in support of me?
She has previously indicated to me in the clearest manner possible that she reads everything that I write. This has been going on for about 6 months, if not longer.

She and her son Elon are very close. It is a close-knit family.
They are also not stupid.
They know there is nothing stupid about my writings.
They must also be feeling that the human is unconscious. 
But we turned into a conscious being sufficiently aware that we want to look back into our past and eager to see how our atoms have us all making sense.
Most people in this world are very very poor and they know they are the lucky ones because a great many more have been murdered in order for man to grab the mineral wealth.
Knowing what I know, and especially how very few people care about others, it would be very difficult for me to hold down a regular job which I have done, but that was before I knew that there would be such a negative reaction to the truth.
I am not naive.
I honestly thought that if I got through to one person in explaining it all, that person would know that I was talking to others and so just based on human nature not to the last to react positively, they would talk about it to all the people they knew and in no time the people would all come together to lend a hand.
Well that hasn’t happened.
One just has to keep trying.
_, you are at a cross-roads and you are in your words wanting “to empower people by bicycling.” TESLA and bicycling are all in the same vein.
In Paris, along the Seine river banks they have stationary bicycles that you can hook your iphone to and as you exercise you charge your phone. It may already be here in San Diego and I wouldn’t be surprised if it started in LA and headed west.
We are now finding out how incredibly toxic is both WIFI and cellphones, and this knowledge has been out a long time, but they just want to sell and they prefer the people are sick and dumb and this way they are easier to control; a story going back a long time.
But for some reason not all us humans are wired this way.
Why in this very organized atomic structure are there exceptions?
Time for sleep.
[Word count 1432]

Begin forwarded message:

From:” <>
Subject: How far we’ve come
Date: August 9, 2018 at 7:20:03 PM PDT
To:, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>
Cc: rest; Elon Musk <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.


Subject: How far we’ve come
Date: August 9, 2018 at 5:48:45 PM PDT
To: Two new interested parties
