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… Why write?


l giorno lun 28 gen 2019 alle ore 21:42 Gary Gevisser <> ha scritto:

Marie thought the 3 second video said nothing important but it might have you remembering us better

I also ran out of storage space on my iPhone at the 3 second mark

There is a book I suggest everyone reads. It is called THE DIAMOND INVENTION

The D I book is written by a scholarly American professor, Edward Jay Epstein

It is available free on The Internet

He wrote it in 1978 the same year I began a year long orientation into the banking-mining monopolist De Beers-Barclays Bank

You are introduced to the head of D-B in chapter 1

Harry Oppenheimer directly supervised my initiation.

Harry and his father Sir Ernest Oppenheimer should have been the first and last people prosecuted at Nuremberg and following their conviction the people would have learned to resolve their differences without the governments of D-B interfering

The business of corrupt government is to corrupt grass roots organizations before they take root

All governments following the assassination of Patrice Lumumba on Jan 17, 1961 are in the business of war and creating chaos while scaring the people to trust the government in fighting terrorism and not trusting their neighbors other than to take advantage of any weakness

So when you see tv film footage of refugees coming ashore and taking jobs from citizens or becoming future terrorists if you have any doubt about what is happening go back and read The D I book

With regard to the Rothschilds who are most definitely members of the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] they have absolutely no power because they have no military of their own.

The only question you should have for the Rothschilds is to ask them why they allow the media of the world to portray them as the leaders of a criminal banking conspiracy when it is clear from The D I book that they are minor players at best.

Btw Marie and I had dinner a week ago this past Saturday with the former French Vice Minister of Culture and Houbert Astier went on to become the Director of Versailles.

Our conversations continued on through breakfast the following morning.

I knew the moment he explained his knowledge of the Boxer Rebellion which had all the Allied nations including Japan and Russia invading China that he was in for the shock of his life once getting his head around the DIG

Today he is quiet and so is his Japanese wife of 7 years who is about 20 years younger than him and of course she is only now waking up to how little her husband knows about the real dog eat dog world

Since man left the trees for the open fields he has increasingly only cared about himself, not his spouse, not his children, not his close relatives or distant relatives, not even his business partners other than how each of them can be useful to his selfish needs.

So man is in essence a devolved monkey.

But man is not as physically strong as a monkey and a gorilla who is mostly a non meat eater just like the elephant who is the strongest land based mammal, could tear the strongest human apart in a matter of seconds if not less

So what are we doing here when all we do is war and destroy the nature to make way for more useless humans?

There is obviously a plan when you have one species that is so destructive and stupid at the same time, and how stupid is it to believe that the governments want peace when peace puts them all out of a job.

The human is the only species that makes no sense and yet the human thinks it has superior thinking capabilities compared to all other animals and plant life who only kill for survival and as a defense mechanism when the human overpopulates.

No other species is as close to violent as us humans, and yet we keep bringing defenseless children into this world thinking that man desires peace without there any evidence that is our goal.

Nor does it matter if man doesn’t learn from nature by simply paying attention which a sick body person is too self absorbed to do, because nature is capable of influencing each of our minds just like one human with the strongest arguments can shut up the rest.

Time to prepare for bed after a long day but one where a lot was accomplished, all thanks to Marie providing the thoughts and words for the end of my book which picks up where The D I book ends

Wishing you a good evening


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2019, at 7:35 PM, Remo Vitale <> wrote:

thanks Gary 👍
I’m Remo
Il giorno lun 28 gen 2019 alle ore 19:21 Gary Gevisser <> ha scritto:

I don’t know your name.

All the best


Sent from my iPhone
