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Wow that is interesting – Tesla vie

From: “” <>

Subject: Wow that is interesting – Tesla vie
Date: December 28, 2018 at 7:59:11 PM PST
To: Aron Pflanz – TESLA <>,,,,, Elon Musk <>
Cc: rest;, Geoffrey Rothwell <>, “” <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Paul Watson – Founder Seashepherd <>,, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, “Gary Barber – former CEO of MGM – on Ulpan-Gadna training with Gary Gevisser 1972. Barber owner of racehorse , WONDER GADOT.” <>, “Peter van Leeuwen – Legal scholar and private university tutor.” <>, Michal Mendelbuim <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, “Tomer – Israeli farmer and former Israel Air Force [IAF] pilot ותומר טנא” <>, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>, Vernon Smith – 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences <>, “Dr. Rod Smith Phd – formerly of RAND \”Think Tank\” – Principal Waterstrategist – Facebook friend of GG and also present at the Wetherly Capital Group board meeting on Feb. 8, 2002 held in the corporate headquarters of Arden Realty, the largest REIT trading on the New York Stock Exchange before being bought out by General Electric.” <>

Please forward this and the earlier broadcast, The twits and their mother, to Elon Musk as emusk@tesla.combounced back. 
Also let him know that I-we have now purchased Teslavie.comand the one customer service representative of the webhosting company assisting thought that the name Teslavie.comwas interesting even before I shared the Tesla vie communique; and when she did read it, responded immediately “Wow that is interesting”.
Test if out on yourselves before sharing it with your family members and friends; and the results will be the same.
Let’s assume 99.9999% of the literate world thought the same. 8 billion or so humans in total who can explain it all to the illiterate. You can’t beat that.
Not all of them can yet afford a TESLA, but they could in the next instant should Mr. Musk decide to call out House of Saud’s Mr. Bull-Shitter – and should you require more on that subject, you know how to reach me.
In one Twitter Musk could defeat all his enemies and figure his friends in the next instant.
No friend would have allowed him to have let his health suffer especially when he has done nothing wrong.
Wrong rests with the politicians-media covering up the one of a kind fraud of the financial services sector as they fail to condone the genocide of the poor which is what all governments have been doing consistently from the time they replaced the kings and allowed them to hold on to their stolen wealth.
Israeli generals as well as Israel prime minister Netanyahu understand this but mistakes happen even with the best of intentions, although it is more likely for things to go wrong when you are dealing with a den of thieves just out there grabbing for their nest eggs.
Customer service people when knowing to watch their “Ps” and “Qs” and equally aware that their communications are being viewed by high ups are not disinclined to move the information up the chain of command without risking their job, because they know it is the right and smart thing, which is the right thing.
When you can get customer service people to see in a matter of less than 60 seconds the big picture of the real dog eat dog world works, they are capable of catapulting someone Elon Musk to new horizons, but he has to get down to earth because space exploration is polluting and just a joyride for the rich who can cry until the cows come home about how hard they, their children and their parents and grandparents worked but no one in a paper pushing job ended up dying from a bullet fired from the gun of an invasion force doing only the bidding of the mineral monopolist thieves who find all the excuses for their poor actions with the help of their sly tongues.
Musk is killing himself and burying himself in tunneling and firing up the most polluting rockets is completely at odds with the mission of TESLA vehicles and TESLA Energy which combined have a worldwide solution for ending all wars which drive governments to keep driving up their size and quietening the population
He could have a heart attack in the next instant and his legacy will be that much more trashed by the people who are hell bent on wiping him out.
He does not have a mother such as mine who needed to restrain him when he embarked on a space mission before he had given it his all to make the most of the gifts he was given at birth. Yes there are synergies but if his health is suffering then the synergies are all for naught and it allows his enemies to catch up to him that much quicker.
He has to make his stand and fight.
Otherwise he is going to eat himself to infinity and beyond, oblivion.
When you know that the information put out by the media-politicians blaming each other is fraught with deception, you are more keen to be tuned in to the most reliable source of information. 
A person doing wrong is not capable of seeing good anywhere in the universe and that doesn’t make them right when concluding that this is the only life worth thinking about because you would expect the creator of this wondrous universe to stunt the growth of the mental faculties belonging to all those full of themselves.
My enemies are lining up clearly with The twits and their mother but still they remain incapable of convincing someone like Elon Musk that he should throw in the towel with them.
The very moment you choose to ignore the truth, you are not a friend of anyone; and you are certainly not a friend of your own body-mind.
Think Tesla vie.

Begin forwarded message:
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: Tesla vie
Date: December 27, 2018 at 5:19:35 PM PST

Hopefully, this email account is one you have secured.

They are going for you, just like they went for me.

They are going for the jugular.
You have got to wake up.
Here is how you fight back.
You are up against the offshoots of German-American Engelhard Jr. who only fooled the fools when he argued that he was opposed to the South African Apartheid Regime.
Engelhard did not seem to bother himself with apologies or explanations of the relation between his fortune and apartheid. As a businessman and as a strong supporter and confidante of Democratic politicians, he appears to have viewed apartheid as inefficient and doomed but did not further concern himself with its injustices.

That article is put out by Engelhard Corporation who are now owned by German BASF who to their great dishonor founded IG Farben, the Auschwitz gas pellet production operationwith HoechstBayer, and three other companies. What is no less important is Carl Bosch, the head of BASF at the time IG Farben was established in the dead center of the death factory Auschwitz, was a critic of Nazipolicies – source Wikipedia.
An average mid-teenager would see the duplicitous, talking out of both sides of the mouth, similarity between Bosch, Engelhard Jr. and Harry Oppenheimer.
It is the South African-German Oppenheimer family and their De beers-Anglo American Corp. who I worked for just a decade after they wiped out my immediate family’s hugely successful multi-national trading conglomerate, The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] using as their proxy Natie Kirsh who while making the biggest killing of his life left on the table Moshal Gevisser’s most valuable interest in ACME TIMBER INDUSTRIES which Oppenheimer-De Beers-Anglo American Corporation who had the majority ownership all thanks to German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] swallowed up, but in the process left a trail of deceit like none other.
They are oil from start to finish, and will only rest once they have destroyed you who is their only opposition.
Stress to the mind brings bad decisions that are not helped by adding weight to the body that quickly shows up on the face.
Even the fat amongst them will have noticed how much weight you have gained, as the picture they have used of you in today’s Wall Street article is anything but flattering.
They look like they have reduced you to a blob.
But the mind-body is most resilient. 
It just wants to heal.
Not to mention, there is no reason to believe that your lawyers are on the level given how they have provided the weakest arguments in defending your position.
Your actions were “in the heat of the moment”; moreover, you quickly apologized, and most importantly your accuser will not be able to show any damages to his reputation, while you took it on the chin from all quarters.
Sounds, because it is, a malicious lawsuit.
Surely your lawyers in “private chambers” with opposition counsel put forth the logical request when seeking for themselves as well as their client, the big bucks that your accuser show “damages”; and that would mean he would already have people responsible for his livelihood saying that they believed your accuser is a pedophile.
There was no “maliciousness” on your part, and the whole world picked up on your apology, again taking it on the chin, and you winning very few friends; and on its heels came the House of Saud-De Beers-Barclays-BASF setup.
In one public forum you-we can “unwind” them to the point that as far as they are concerned “time stands still”.
They would all be paralyzed.
I have the important irrefutable facts at my fingertips and I am also passing them along to you who gets it quicker than most.
All business transactions involving either cash, share swaps etc etc amount to absolutely nothing once you look at the absolute fact that the Oppenheimers and their octopus
institutions, never afraid to use their untraceable diamond currency, have been rigging the value of the money since the turn of the last century.
All these paper pushing CEOs, chairmen and other board members, Goldman Sachs and the rest of the Wall Street investment bankers, not to mention spineless medical doctors clearly singularly motivated by greed otherwise when suggesting to their fat patients to read up on nutrition such as MD McDougall’s, The Starch Solution, to make poignant mention of why nutrition is absent from the medical school curriculum, are only there to create chaos and for their efforts they have been handsomely rewarded with the media all quiet.
You would not be going to war with the world because first of all the majority of the world are not profiting from the contrived chaos; quite the opposite in fact.
No less important you have truth at your side.
Don’t be sad, and don’t get mad. Breathe slowly and deeply.
On a lighter note.

We, my wife and I, and of course our one of a kind healthy vegan doggy Mango, soon to be 9 and still not close to peaking, faster and more agile than you would ever believe, are your perfect clients.
You should sponsor us!

Who would think of camping in a Tesla, hence the license plate, limited to 7 characters, of our California registered TESLA should read T[Tesla symbol] followed by the letters “eslavie” – 
Test life.
