Wow ~ There will never be peace here – fb messaging with Sharon Hammerschlag
SUN 2:34 PM
Hi do you know me
3:26 PM
i would say only through our mutual fb friends.
You can now call each other and see information like Active Status and when you’ve read messages.
SUN 10:32 PM
Sharon gives “Thumbs up”
7:02 AM
what do you do?
what do you think of my mother Zena
Had you previously heard of Żagiew?Żagiew
7:03 AM
I have the only South African restaurant in Israel
7:06 AM
When you have the time let me know about my other two questions.
I know the life of a restaurant owner doesnt afford much time for anything else.
7:07 AM
I work day and night
7:07 AM
Yet you have managed to mount up 4964 fb friends. I don’t know how people do it.
7:09 AM
On my business page I have over 6.000 likes
7:13 AM
How much time a day would you say you spend on fb?
7:18 AM
I advertise a lot on FB. I’m addicted to fb
7:26 AM
Do you know of any South African Chartered Accountants?
7:27 AM
7:28 AM
Where do you live?
7:33 AM
What about Jonathan Davis?
I live in San Diego but we travel about half the year. You should watch the video of my mother Zena who was a very famous South African but not even her closest friends know my mother all that well, but they would all agree that they had never met anyone as bright as my mother, not even close, and my mother still has the looks.
Were you not aware that Jonathan Davis is SA Chartered Accountant?
I ask because I am explaining on a group chat I started yesterday titled, “You have a point, get to it” the fatal flaws of the accounting profession who guide both small and large businesses throughout the world.
I happen to recognize them well before I began my university economic-law-finance-accounting studies back in 1975 as when I was 15 on Ulpan-Gadna training
7:35 AM
I don’t know Johnathan Davis
7:36 AM
back in the last third of ’72 at Mossad head Ben Gurion’s midrasha Sde Boker, it didn’t take me long to realize how these fatal flaws had not only messed up the world but the problems would accelerate; and of course it explains why there is still not peace in Israel.
Isnt J. Davis one of your fb friends?
7:36 AM
There will never be peace here
I have so many fb friends
7:37 AM
One of the things one learns when one has a good memory is to conduct a mindful conversation without forgetting the important material.
7:37 AM
7:37 AM
You would expect me to remember everything I have written to you and I have also read and understood everything you have written.
7:37 AM
Ok I need to work now
7:37 AM
My father Bernie Gevisser
7:38 AM
Are you friends with Michelle
7:54 AM
was an Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot and his wingman, the only other Jewish Fighter Bomber Pilot in Jan Smuts’ South African Air Force Squadron 11, Syd Cohen went on to lead Israel’s only Fighter Squadron, Squadron 101 to victory in Israel’s War of Independence while my father Bernie was kept in reserve back in South Africa to execute a counter offensive which would have also had little chance of succeeding.
On my father’s 77th birthday, October 18, 2000 I sent him this gift
and at the end of Perspective One you can read my account of the first meeting I had with Ben Gurion on November 1, [1972] by which time Mossad hit squads had already been activated throughout the world to go after those responsible for the Munich massacres which took place just a few days after we arrived at Sde Boker on September 1, 1972.
It is possible that you will change your opinion “There will never be peace here” by the time we finish our conversation, but I must ask you; since you have such a strong opinion, why would you bring children into this world with such negativity?
You must realize that unless one can address the problem of those who profit from war and who see peace as war on their profits, Israel’s enemies can only grow from strength to strength and all it takes is one of those enemies either getting their hands on a handful if not less nuclear bombs and of course that would include Israel’s enemies who already have an arsenal of nuclear bombs and decide to execute a false flag-covert operation and blame it on an Arab nation or a country like Iran and by which time who would even care about a debate as Israel would be no more.
I have 3 fb friends out of 1107, and all you did was give me part of her name.
These are them, which one are you referring to?
Michelle B Dagan
Chemise Michelle
Michelle De Bruyn Tricker
BTW, one of Ben Gurion’s most trusted advisors, but not as trusted as my redoubtable mother Zena, was IAF Deputy Chief of Staff, South African-Israeli Boris Senior
who I also spent considerable quality time, and most of my questions Boris deferred back to my mother Zena
who was also a co-founder of Oil of Olay.
8:03 AM
As I was preparing to return to South Africa and thinking that it wouldn’t be long before my entire family came to settle in Israel and I would complete my high schooling in Israel before going on to join the IAF which was clearly “in the cards” given how I had done well in my studies as well as in Gadna training where I shot consistently perfect scores and already knew more than the basics of flying as my dad would take me in his aircraft when visiting the many branches of our multinational conglomerate The Moshal Gevisser Group of Companies [1910-1970] which was bought out by Natie Kirsh in 1969, Ben Gurion asked me, “What did you learn the most from this trip?” and my reply without hesitation, “Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret.”
He asked if he could borrow those words should the occasion arise. In other words, Ben Gurion who like my mother Zena suffered fools gladly, was impressed with my response.
8:07 AM
BTW, upon arriving back at Louis Botha Airport in Durban and my whole family greeted me in, my mother Zena was the first to talk and began an incredibly distracting conversation which was totally out of character but it told me not to talk.
We never immigrated to Israel and immediately following the completion of my university studies I immigrated to the United States and began a year long orientation into the mafia of mafia De Beers-Barclays
which was directly supervised by its head Harry Oppenheimer.
Have you heard of Harry Oppenheimer or his father Sir Ernest or his only son Nicholas?
[Within seconds of seeing the photo above, Sharon Hammerschlag blocked me, and then hit the unfriend.]