You aren’t nearly as attractive
Subject: You aren’t nearly as attractive – Re: Number of intelligent people – Re: Out of sight out of mind Fwd: OVA-Re: From me
Date: September 30, 2013 11:04:06 AM PDT
Cc: rest; “United Sec. of State John Kerry ℅ Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq.” <>, “” <>, Alexey Shumeyko <>, Cara <>, “” <>, K Leavitt <>, Alexander Walter <>, Alexanders On 30th <>, “Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard.” <>, Darren Krok <>, “Michael \”TORDU\” Awerbuch” <>, “” <>, “Alex Davis – female marketing friend of Michael The Thief Grant.” <>, charles ivie <>, “Michael \”The Big Lie Thief\” Grant” <>, Pal Marsden <>, “” <>, author and founder Dream Change Change John Perkins – former CIA Economic Hit Man <>, “Patrick K. Tillman Sr. Esq. – father of American Football athlete Pat Tillman who was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.” <>, “Patrick. J. Fitzgerald – US Attorney – prosecuted Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich’s attorney, Scooter Libby.” <>, Sandie Lampe – Celebrity TV Dog Show Host – San Diego <>, “” <>, “” <>, “Gilbert Takam – brother of magnificent heavyweight World Boxing Federation Champion Carlos Takam who defeated The Thief Michael Grant in Paris back on May 24, 2013” <>, Embassy of Sweden – Washington DC <>, “” <>, Chief Rabbi of South Africa Goldstein <>, Thulani Xulu <>, “Newell \”The Big Lie\” Starks – Citicorp Venture Corporation officer.” <>, Ann Neumeister <>, Marcia Kramer – CBS TV New York City <>, “” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “EDITOR@SHANGHAIDAILY.COM” <EDITOR@SHANGHAIDAILY.COM>, “” <>, Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah <>, “” <>, “” <>, “Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.” <>, “South African Professor of Economics Mark Darrock – \”De Beers bring order to the diamond marketplace that would otherwise be chaotic\” [July 1, 2006 – China]. [July 1″ <>, “” <>, “Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of the David Gevisser [1926-2009] the male heir of American-German mineral monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] whose 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture-murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter, ANC military wing member Sandy Jacobson whose brother Steve Jacobson is a Facebook friend of Mark Gevisser who while publishing the biography of US-De Beers-Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation black puppet Thabo Mbeki, The Dream Deferred in 2007, has yet to comment publicly on either whether or not he and/or his father David snitched on members of the ANC’s military wing that contributed to the torture-death of Sandy or the clear message murder of his close relation Sandy Jacobson whose murderers would have known that David Gevisser supported the Armed Struggle of the African National Congress in its fight, not against the United States of America’s sponsored South African Apartheid Regime, but against the true Freedom Fighters of South Africa who were easily hunted down on their way to the Apartheid Regime’s ANC-CIA terrorist training camps. Nor has Mark Gevisser explained to the world why Mark, his 3 younger brothers and mother Hedda and all those who curry favor with them are so quiet about David Gevisser being the male heir of Engelhard Jr. – Chapter 18 THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY of Edward Jay Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book – who along with his German-South African partners, the Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, Harry and Nick O. clan were the greatest beneficiaries of The WW II Holocaust and the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division-The National Party which quickly took root in South Africa, none of which was lost on the long memory Mossad who assassinated Engelhard Jr on March 2 1971 and having him leave an extraordinary paper trail starting right before when he named David Gevisser Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises South Africa in 1970 which is the year prior to Engelhard’s death which David Gevisser gets twice wrong in THE UNLIKELY FORESTER. Engelhard Jr. was buried not in a Jewish cemetery because racist and anti-Semite Engelhard Jr. was never Jewish and was buried at Roman Catholic St. Mary’s Abbey Church Morristown New Jersey” <>, “Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10, 1996” <>, Jonathan Beare – founder Investec <>, “Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare. Jonathan Beare.” <>, Samantha Ash <>, Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa <>, “” <>, “Rabbi Caspers C. Funnye – close cousin of First Lady Michelle Obama.” <>, Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, “The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall Solana Beach, California” <>, “” <>, “Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission” <>, “King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Sc” <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes.” <>, 60 Minutes <>, “” <>, Vice President Dan Quayle <>, “Rock legend Cyndi Lauper – referenced in VP Dan Quayle’s response to Major Sam Samples on December 9, 2011” <>, “” <>, Mary Valder – Personal assistant David Rockefeller <>, “” <>, “Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy, Washington DC.” <>, “ Negev Desert” <>, “Glenn Greenwald – Guardian reporter who released the Snowden documents.” <>, Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University <>, “Andile Madikizela – First cousin of Winnie Mandela and close confidant of Nelson Mandela who acknowledged in private meetings with Andile of his knowledge that the CIA turned him in to the South African Apartheid Regime during the Kennedy Administration. Andile first contacted me because he was curious about multi-billioinaire Jonathan Beare who hung out in gay bars in Johannesburg; and no one seemed to know much about him. It was my email postings on The Internet which first caught his eye, and Andile was impressed that I did not fear J. Beare.” <>, “Hlumelo Biko – son of Steve Biko, now running a Wall Street charity-investment portfolio. 11” <>, “Jann Turner – daughter of Richard Turner murdered in Durban, South African on January 8, 1978, 119 days after his co-founder of The Durban Movement, Steve Biko was tortured to death, beginning on September 11, 1977. 8” <>, Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker <>, “” <>, “ Adam Lee Tucker” <>, Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones <>, “Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author END OF POVERTY.” <>, jeff hubbard <>, Jeffrey Fall <>, Thomas Gustinis <>, Laura Malter – ex CIA <>, Catherine Robson <>, LaVern Whitt – Agent of Asher Gevisser ℅ Whitt’s agent Neil Bragg of Don Buchwald & Associates Associates <>, Neil Gevisser <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <chomsky@MIT.EDU>, Alan Dershowitz – Harvard Law School <>, US Marine – Corporal Kevin Gipe <>, Matthew Hoh – former US Captain who resigned from US State Department <>, Bool Smuts <>, NANCY SPIELBERG <>
Subject: Re: Nice-Re: Out of sight out of mind Fwd: OVA-Re: From me
Date: September 29, 2013 11:33:54 AM PDT
To: Gg <>
You are fucking lucky. I don’t know how lucky she is. You aren’t nearly as attractive. Please you have other positive attributes. I’d say number one is your tenacity. Why is she lucky to have you? What’s luck got to do with it?I am lucky to have found Genevieve. We’ve been on and off for 35 years. E.g., in 1996, I published an article on the differences between standardization in the nuclear power industries in the US and France. At the time she was a scientific librarian introducing scientists to this new fangled thing known as… the Internet. She was working with someone and entered a few key words, such as standardization, and found the article that had just been published. Talk about luck.How did you two get together? And what does luck have to do with love?Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: GgSent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 15:32To: Alexey ShumeykoCc:;;; Neil Gevisser; Laura Malter; Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard who felt the heat of having a Facebook account and not choosing change was better to deactivate his FB account.; Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones; Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author END OF POVERTY.;; Matthew Hoh – former US Captain who resigned from US State Department; US Marine – Corporal Kevin Gipe; Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967 the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation; \”Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of the David Gevisser the male heir of American-German mineral monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. whose 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture-murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter 2011\” <> \”\” <> \”\” <> \”\” <> \”Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare.\” <> \”\” <>;; Tefo Mohapi; Adam Tucker; Cliff and Ronlynne Benn – Durban South Africa.; Darren Krok; Lynne Karen Bentel;; 1996 Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10Subject: Nice-Re: Out of sight out of mind Fwd: OVA-Re: From me
Give us the information.What are we missing?Do you have new stock; did your new financing come in?Was any of my information helpful?I cannot seem to retrieve your beautiful ex girlfriend’s email; please send it to me or just have her write me herself.Are you thinking about writing your book and if so would you think it important that you provide at the start your complete bio?Have you noticed how all the people who write books and articles about why you shouldnt trust the corrupt media-politicians are very short on their own personal accomplishments?When next replying please give me your detailed resume starting with your formal education schooling and that shouldnt include who was responsible for getting you to cover your mouth when yawning and when that event took place?Do you agree that there is a correlation between people who have bad memories and when they first started lying?Do you see a difference between someone in denial and who is profiting from the monetary system corruption and those who steal outright?Reporting live from Corsica, France on a trail following the most perfect female shaped body with a face and smile to die for and who said at lunch today right across from me, “You are lucky to have me” and after the pregnant pause, she perfect in everything that is important to a man, continued, “And I am lucky to have you”.
Gary Steven GevisserPs – if you want to see the photo I took of Marie Dion Gevisser at the start of today’s perfect weather hike, feel free to email Professor Geoffrey Rothwell who was sent that photo and who we hope to catch up again with him and his wife in Nice this coming weekend.
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 29, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Alexey Shumeyko <> wrote:Gary its a long mail. I did not read it. Because I am sure there are many things you would not say if you had a complete information. Come visit me.
On 29 Sep 2013 12:08, “Gg” <> wrote:
The continued silence remains interesting to me and perhaps you needed more visual imagery of the problem child created by the problem parent, that bites the generous hand of the parent thinking their child is more special than other children without being able to provide logical reasoning, and in doing so once the hand is no more, it is tantamount to never having existedTo forget means it does not exist in one’s consciousnessIf you have a bad memory and not determined to be brain dead at birth, it means you are a bad liar; and there is no such thing as a good liar unless one believes one’s own bullshit or the bullshit of others who take you to be a bigger fool than them because they have succeeded in confusing you to believe that they are somehow smarter because they have the price fixed money that is first allocated to the least accomplished professionals; namely doctors, lawyers and the such.Im pretty much done with my first book whose first and last chapter will be in my follow up to very cash and land rich litigator Jeffrey R Krinsk who was one of those grossly misled and feels increasingly vulnerable to the masses because he has been such a peacock; and of course that makes him that much more threatening but who can he turn to for help other than his friends like Sec of State Kerry and his boss Obama who in turn know everything that you know about how the money which is all you really care about, is valued; and which you will not find in any economics text book because if you did then you would never have allowed yourselves to be fooled by the least accomplished humans.Did it ever occur to you why there was a dramatic explosion in human overpopulation following each human extermination that wad unprecedented in its brutality and volume?Do you think it would be a remarkable achievement if i could get every sick human to never laugh including those Le Super Betisier de la Annee where each one is funnier than the next?Being non-confrontational is no excuse for bad judgment – Marie Dion GevisserIt is raining hard in Corsica right now and it is very beautiful apart from the ugly human who modern technology makes the same everywhere.Youth are not boring until they become corrupted and then the chase is no longer exciting.If people dont fuck and it is difficult to fuck a boring person unless they are a highly paid prostitute and I wouldnt know for sure since I’ve never been with a prostitute, it is not only difficult to have unwanted children but knowing that you dont know how the children will turn out, just the thought of all the wasted energy raising them all those years can be so utterly draining and cause a smart young woman to take a pregnant pause.Do you think cavemen suffered from depression brought on by people with too much time on their hands and needing something like a cigarette and glass of wine to hold on to make up for uninteresting conversation?When you dont travel or when you travel around the world with blinkers as do most travelers, you wouldnt make it a point to ask why it is that there are so many Russians about as they have suddenly come into the money.This subject could be my second book although i might decide to cover it in the first print edition of D-Money LieBtw have you noticed that dishonest people are always looking at every opportunity to preach love and forgiveness when not also looking to give the wrongdoer the benefit of the doubt?Why would you bother with such people other than misery finds its own company?After the most unimaginable downpour there is now the most blue sky coming up, it is weird.If there is a Higher Being there must be reason for every word uttered by each of us as well as each time there is a sigh either by a human or more evolved species like Mango.When you hear idiots profess the words of Ghandi that has an eye for an eye eventually having the whole world go blind, does it have you thinking of Ghandi’s very homosexual letters written to a white homosexual South African architect that were not sensuous towards his Indian wife or his racist remarks about Black South Africans who were in prison with him in South Africa, being a dirty people?
Dont you find it odd that Ghandi would be in support of British-American colonialism in places like all of Africa, but fervent in his desire that India be an independent country?Do you ever get the feeling that you know less about the real world than a gnat?Dont you see how important it is that you lay your rightful ownership claim to Alexander’s (A) immediately, in the event you end up with nothing from Old Venus (OV)?Given how i feel like i am talking to the trees when no one writes me back, you would agree that in order for me to make a positive contribution to this world that I expand my audience and who knows you and someone like big on talk and small on written text Russian Alexey might become long last friends without feeling the need to thank meThank you for helping me increase the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day!
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:From: Gg <>
Date: September 24, 2013, 8:42:55 AM GMT+02:00
To: Kathleen Walter <>
Subject: OVA-Re: From meOf course the bullshit is still interesting to have me respond
Your protectiveness of Alex because he is your son is the most bullshit
How do you attack the numbers of OV when you dont even know the numbers of A?
You dont is the problem, at least not as well as you would if you had the verifiable numbers of A.
Your son’s tardiness continues to cost you.
Alex had no business opening the doors of A without a competent management-information system in place because without it, it is like pissing in the wind to determine the direction of the wind and when you go around in circles as Alex has been doing because he had to have been dancing the night away at clubs in Santa Barbara that roundtrip takes 4 hours at least, you eventually lose track of everything because you end up mad from trying to keep up with your lies and so you say stupid things like him paying you $350k over the past 6 years and that most of the money was in interest
Neither you nor he have responded to my repeated requests that you verify what he said and that must be because you simply dont have a way of verifying his bullshit and the same with Alex and why he who is such a talker on the telephone is quiet on this rather important event
If someone who is an adult lies once it is most likely not the first time because it would have likely happened in his youth and there was no reprimand because a smart parent knows that when a kid lies once there is no turning back and therefore the only way for the good parent to protect itself from being the slave of the child is to distance themselves from their liar child
The fact that most stupid parents dont separate and let the child inevitably hang themselves with their words and actions and then demand full restitution for the slave wages you were paid by Alex to be the identity of A and work busy night Monday after doing the same thing during the rest of the week at OV does not make it smart to enable their corrupt children by rewarding them with money and other wealth that they have not worked for and which they resent by quickly forgetting who gave them the handout and inevitably bite the hand that feeds them because whatever the parent hands them without having to work and that means breaking a sweat is best left forgotten
What happened to the thought of getting the information first from the old lawyer who you paid $50k?
Wouldnt that make writing the letter to Carl asking him to defend himself that much stronger?
What did you do during this 90 minutes? (and please dont tell me how many times u went to the ladies room)
Why would you bother telling that this person from the restaurant association is so knowledgeable?
Alex also couldnt say enough good things about this man
I see Alex and Carl as reverse barometers; when they say it is going to rain i would leave my umbrella behind
Who attended this free read of you by a lawyer preparing to fleece you more?
Ask this lawyer why he didnt think first of writing a free letter to the old lawyer asking both for your file and his written findings that the old lawyer gave you verbally?
No im not interested in speaking with this new lawyer unless he is willing to pay my consulting fee of $10000 per hour with an initial retainer of $50000 which i would wave if i thought it would have sufficient entertainment value to attract a worldwide audience and then you would have to make a convincing enough case to me
Btw when did Alex get his place in Santa Barbara and when did he start visiting there often or was it something he has always done since he was a teenager?
Ps – i notice that you avoided hitting the reply button to my previous communique yesterday, was that because you have never hit the reply button before and dont know where to find it or was it intentional in order to avoid?
Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 24, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Kathleen Walter <> wrote:
Last week I spoke with Mr.Krinsk he was very plesent to Speak with but was not able to help us he said that we would need a bussiness lawyer he referred us to Mr.Cassy he was unable since he was a lidigater. We then spoke with Steve who is very knowledgeable he is on charge of the restaurant association he suggested a man by the name of Mike who is a restaurant lawyer I went to his office and spoke with him for an hour and a half I did tell him about you and he said that he would like to talk with you and feels that you will be a big help in this. As it stands he proposed a plan to write a letter to the brother stating to no longer having the currant bookeeper working and then we can list other things we would like to include.he said that he would write the letter without a cost but would like me to sign a paper starring that I will use him as my lawyer. He would like a 1000.00 retainer fee and would charge 200.00 per hour. What are your thoughts? Mike’s number is 619.5503011 please let me know if you would like his e mail. Thank you Gary Kathleen
Sent Fromm my iPhone
Raising funds for charity became the order of the day with as many as 52 charities a year. Some for small events and others for national occasions. Her advice was sought by politicians and business executives for their wives and for themselves.
Eventually, Zena found herself lecturing to corporate lawyers and public figures in America and elsewhere overseas on the benefits of investment in South Africa.
Mining was one of the chief attractions of South Africa for the British settler colonialists. It became the first area of monopoly investment. South Africa has vast mineral resources, including huge reserves of gold, diamonds, uranium, chrome, etc. Gold in South Africa, which has almost half of the world’s known reserves, has been mined since the end of the 19th century. The mining companies’ profits are based on the cheap labor of the African migrant workers. What is now the largest gold mining monopoly in South Africa, the Anglo-American Corporation, was formed after World War I by a South Africa diamond monopolist, Ernest Oppenheimer, in partnership with the U.S. Morgan Guaranty Bank and other U.S. and British capital. Anglo-American and its affiliated companies now have investments in mining throughout southern Africa (including Zambia’s huge copper mines), as well as in manufacturing, trade, finance and real estate. The Anglo-American Group is the largest monopoly capitalist company in South Africa, with over $10 billion in assets. One U.S. multinational closely linked to Anglo-American is Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals. Its founder, Charles Engelhard, was an open supporter of the South African regime. He was also a large contributor to the Democratic Party and a good friend of former presidents Kennedy and Johnson.
I found that I could have watched that movie in English, but then discovered that the only TV show that I love, Lie to Me, was on in multiple episodes, so watched that instead while I waited for my friend, Mr. Dreamland, or is it Ms. Dreamland, probably the later, given my fantasies, to pay a visit. Neither has shown up, given my nap after Zumba this afternoon. More tomorrow, pleasant memories…How many intelligent people do you know? And how many types of intelligence do you know? Do you know one per type, or are they all the same type? Is she intelligent? What type?Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: GgSent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 22:08Cc: rest; 1996 Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10;; Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard who felt the heat of having a Facebook account and not choosing change was better to deactivate his FB account.;;;; Adam Hochschild – author of Blood & Treasures – founder of Mother Jones; Jeffrey D. Sachs – Columbia University – author END OF POVERTY.;;;;; Joe Could I stop you? Grundfest – former Commissioner of the SEC and Stanford Law School – intimate of Diana Henriques.; Michael Sewitz – Brother-in-law of Gevisser close cousin Gary Levinsohn co-producer with Spielberg of Saving Private Ryan.; 2012. James A Mackay – Senior Lyolds of London Insurance agent who was assigned to meet with World Heavyweight Boxing Federation Champion Michael Grant and Gary S. Gevisser on March 27; Laura Malter; Bruce Willis c/o Melanie Gurvits Esq. – Attorney for Producer-Director Steven Spielberg; \”Mark Gevisser – celebrated investigative journalist and author son of the David Gevisser the male heir of American-German mineral monopolist Charles W. Engelhard Jr. whose 2006 autobiography THE UNLIKELY FORESTER mentions the torture-murder of D. Gevisser’s first cousin’s daughter 2011\” <> \”\” <> \”\” <> \”\” <> \”Colin Cowie – Celebrity Caterer – former longtime lover of South African Jonathan Beare.\” <> \”\” <>; Adam Tucker; Daniel Ellsberg – In March 1971 leaked Pentagon Papers that his boss Offense/Defense Minister McNamara authorized in June 1967 the same time McNamara and company placed the USS Liberty spy ship in harms way Sinai Peninsula – c/o Karen Jenkins – RAND Corporation; Tefo Mohapi;; Thulani Xulu; Neil Gevisser; LaVern Whitt – Agent of Asher Gevisser ℅ Whitt’s agent Neil Bragg of Don Buchwald & Associates Associates; Samantha Ash; Chinese Embassy – USA; Capers C Funnye; Sam Hackner – Chief Executive Officer – Investec South Africa; Michael Strauss – International Monetary Fund – former student of Grundfest.;; US Marine – Corporal Kevin Gipe; Matthew Hoh – former US Captain who resigned from US State Department; 60 Minutes; Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; Noam Chomsky – I AM movie;; Israel Professor Amiram Goldblum – Hebrew University;; Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May – ACLU – roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School; King Golden Jr. Esq. – former in-house General Counsel of Science Applications International Corporation – sister corporation of General Atomic. Golden was Gary S. Gevisser’s long time American attorney and bosom buddy of Roger W. Robinson aka Our Man Roger who joined the National Security Council in March 1982.; Roger W. Robinson – protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U. S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission;; expose De Beers.; Amy Noel – ex wife of baseball fielder; Embassy of Sweden – Washington DC; Lynne Karen Bentel; Vic Shayne – co-author of American George Lichter’s autobiography; Roy Essakow – Marc Rich Lieutenant; Conrad Wolff – supporter of Roy Essakow; California The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow – co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall Solana Beach;; Bool SmutsSubject: Number of intelligent people – Re: Out of sight out of mind Fwd: OVA-Re: From me
My first memory was sitting on a green lawn at Highbury boarding school where my eldest brother Neil was and which I later attended in 1967 when he had gone on to Michaelhouse, holding a plastic model airplane next to my mother and I was about 18 months – check out the photo taken by my amazing Fighter-bomber-Pilot father Bernie on and tell me if you think I was still in diapers that might give a better gauge to my exact age – the point being that photos play a big factor in what we remember so very young.I dont think anybody is different at birth, we are all geniuses.Different, I don’t know. People become stupid, it doesn’t mean the human becomes more intelligent.Look at the Chinese who are being pushed to learn; not sports unless the govt decides you should go into sports.Us westerners on the other hand live to eat, and talk shit because we mostly eat shit and keep the company of nonsense talkers.I feel sleepy after our hike; and Marie having led the way in creating the most spectacular butternut squash soup and celery rave salad just returned with a broom to sweep my crumbs from the peelings and brought with her a bunch of moths; and commenting “Now I’m going to have to clean the ceiling”Mango decided he has had enough and went to bed.Our size does play an important role in deciding where we are going to play to our strengths; and it becomes a balancing act, at best; and if fat, well that makes it al-to-get-her SIC impossible.Marie just asked me after I shared with her some unpublished thoughts, “How many intelligent people do you know?”GgPs – i see there are 4 emails you sent me after this; can they wait until morning? If not, can you call me, and if I’m asleep, speak with Marie, she would be happy to talk with you. She is watching a movie dubbed into French with Burt Lancaster; you might be watching the same movie?Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 29, 2013, at 8:23 PM, wrote:Let’s discuss memories for a moment. What are your earliest memories? I remember the births of my sister and brother. When do you start to realize that you were alive? When did you realize that you were different?Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: GgSent: Sunday, September 29, 2013 12:08Cc:;;; Laura Malter; Devin Standard – eldest son of former President of New York State Bar Kenneth Standard who felt the heat of having a Facebook account and not choosing change was better to deactivate his FB account.; Keisha Whitaker – wife of Forest Whitaker; Neil Gevisser;;;; 1996 Diana Henriques – journalist New York Times – Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards – December 10; Ed Bertolas; Edward Jay Epstein – Author of The Diamond InventionSubject: Out of sight out of mind Fwd: OVA-Re: From me
The continued silence remains interesting to me and perhaps you needed more visual imagery of the problem child created by the problem parent, that bites the generous hand of the parent thinking their child is more special than other children without being able to provide logical reasoning, and in doing so once the hand is no more, it is tantamount to never having existedTo forget means it does not exist in one’s consciousnessIf you have a bad memory and not determined to be brain dead at birth, it means you are a bad liar; and there is no such thing as a good liar unless one believes one’s own bullshit or the bullshit of others who take you to be a bigger fool than them because they have succeeded in confusing you to believe that they are somehow smarter because they have the price fixed money that is first allocated to the least accomplished professionals; namely doctors, lawyers and the such.Im pretty much done with my first book whose first and last chapter will be in my follow up to very cash and land rich litigator Jeffrey R Krinsk who was one of those grossly misled and feels increasingly vulnerable to the masses because he has been such a peacock; and of course that makes him that much more threatening but who can he turn to for help other than his friends like Sec of State Kerry and his boss Obama who in turn know everything that you know about how the money which is all you really care about, is valued; and which you will not find in any economics text book because if you did then you would never have allowed yourselves to be fooled by the least accomplished humans.Did it ever occur to you why there was a dramatic explosion in human overpopulation following each human extermination that wad unprecedented in its brutality and volume?Do you think it would be a remarkable achievement if i could get every sick human to never laugh including those Le Super Betisier de la Annee where each one is funnier than the next?Being non-confrontational is no excuse for bad judgment – Marie Dion GevisserIt is raining hard in Corsica right now and it is very beautiful apart from the ugly human who modern technology makes the same everywhere.Youth are not boring until they become corrupted and then the chase is no longer exciting.If people dont fuck and it is difficult to fuck a boring person unless they are a highly paid prostitute and I wouldnt know for sure since I’ve never been with a prostitute, it is not only difficult to have unwanted children but knowing that you dont know how the children will turn out, just the thought of all the wasted energy raising them all those years can be so utterly draining and cause a smart young woman to take a pregnant pause.Do you think cavemen suffered from depression brought on by people with too much time on their hands and needing something like a cigarette and glass of wine to hold on to make up for uninteresting conversation?When you dont travel or when you travel around the world with blinkers as do most travelers, you wouldnt make it a point to ask why it is that there are so many Russians about as they have suddenly come into the money.This subject could be my second book although i might decide to cover it in the first print edition of D-Money LieBtw have you noticed that dishonest people are always looking at every opportunity to preach love and forgiveness when not also looking to give the wrongdoer the benefit of the doubt?Why would you bother with such people other than misery finds its own company?After the most unimaginable downpour there is now the most blue sky coming up, it is weird.If there is a Higher Being there must be reason for every word uttered by each of us as well as each time there is a sigh either by a human or more evolved species like Mango.When you hear idiots profess the words of Ghandi that has an eye for an eye eventually having the whole world go blind, does it have you thinking of Ghandi’s very homosexual letters written to a white homosexual South African architect that were not sensuous towards his Indian wife or his racist remarks about Black South Africans who were in prison with him in South Africa, being a dirty people?
Dont you find it odd that Ghandi would be in support of British-American colonialism in places like all of Africa, but fervent in his desire that India be an independent country?Do you ever get the feeling that you know less about the real world than a gnat?Dont you see how important it is that you lay your rightful ownership claim to Alexander’s (A) immediately, in the event you end up with nothing from Old Venus (OV)?Given how i feel like i am talking to the trees when no one writes me back, you would agree that in order for me to make a positive contribution to this world that I expand my audience and who knows you and someone like big on talk and small on written text Russian Alexey might become long last friends without feeling the need to thank meThank you for helping me increase the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day!
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:From: Gg <>
Date: September 24, 2013, 8:42:55 AM GMT+02:00
To: Kathleen Walter <>
Subject: OVA-Re: From meOf course the bullshit is still interesting to have me respond
Your protectiveness of Alex because he is your son is the most bullshit
How do you attack the numbers of OV when you dont even know the numbers of A?
You dont is the problem, at least not as well as you would if you had the verifiable numbers of A.
Your son’s tardiness continues to cost you.
Alex had no business opening the doors of A without a competent management-information system in place because without it, it is like pissing in the wind to determine the direction of the wind and when you go around in circles as Alex has been doing because he had to have been dancing the night away at clubs in Santa Barbara that roundtrip takes 4 hours at least, you eventually lose track of everything because you end up mad from trying to keep up with your lies and so you say stupid things like him paying you $350k over the past 6 years and that most of the money was in interest
Neither you nor he have responded to my repeated requests that you verify what he said and that must be because you simply dont have a way of verifying his bullshit and the same with Alex and why he who is such a talker on the telephone is quiet on this rather important event
If someone who is an adult lies once it is most likely not the first time because it would have likely happened in his youth and there was no reprimand because a smart parent knows that when a kid lies once there is no turning back and therefore the only way for the good parent to protect itself from being the slave of the child is to distance themselves from their liar child
The fact that most stupid parents dont separate and let the child inevitably hang themselves with their words and actions and then demand full restitution for the slave wages you were paid by Alex to be the identity of A and work busy night Monday after doing the same thing during the rest of the week at OV does not make it smart to enable their corrupt children by rewarding them with money and other wealth that they have not worked for and which they resent by quickly forgetting who gave them the handout and inevitably bite the hand that feeds them because whatever the parent hands them without having to work and that means breaking a sweat is best left forgotten
What happened to the thought of getting the information first from the old lawyer who you paid $50k?
Wouldnt that make writing the letter to Carl asking him to defend himself that much stronger?
What did you do during this 90 minutes? (and please dont tell me how many times u went to the ladies room)
Why would you bother telling that this person from the restaurant association is so knowledgeable?
Alex also couldnt say enough good things about this man
I see Alex and Carl as reverse barometers; when they say it is going to rain i would leave my umbrella behind
Who attended this free read of you by a lawyer preparing to fleece you more?
Ask this lawyer why he didnt think first of writing a free letter to the old lawyer asking both for your file and his written findings that the old lawyer gave you verbally?
No im not interested in speaking with this new lawyer unless he is willing to pay my consulting fee of $10000 per hour with an initial retainer of $50000 which i would wave if i thought it would have sufficient entertainment value to attract a worldwide audience and then you would have to make a convincing enough case to me
Btw when did Alex get his place in Santa Barbara and when did he start visiting there often or was it something he has always done since he was a teenager?
Ps – i notice that you avoided hitting the reply button to my previous communique yesterday, was that because you have never hit the reply button before and dont know where to find it or was it intentional in order to avoid?
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On Sep 24, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Kathleen Walter <> wrote:
Last week I spoke with Mr.Krinsk he was very plesent to Speak with but was not able to help us he said that we would need a bussiness lawyer he referred us to Mr.Cassy he was unable since he was a lidigater. We then spoke with Steve who is very knowledgeable he is on charge of the restaurant association he suggested a man by the name of Mike who is a restaurant lawyer I went to his office and spoke with him for an hour and a half I did tell him about you and he said that he would like to talk with you and feels that you will be a big help in this. As it stands he proposed a plan to write a letter to the brother stating to no longer having the currant bookeeper working and then we can list other things we would like to include.he said that he would write the letter without a cost but would like me to sign a paper starring that I will use him as my lawyer. He would like a 1000.00 retainer fee and would charge 200.00 per hour. What are your thoughts? Mike’s number is 619.5503011 please let me know if you would like his e mail. Thank you Gary Kathleen
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