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You didn’t know your history -: Wrong in not listening to my mother’s last wishes – Re: אי שור קבלת דוא”ל בנושא – Fat ego – Fwd: My mother, “You are very nice, I like you.” – Re: What are we fighting for? Zena Gevisser – Re: witch hunt, מתאריך 30/04/2018

From: “gary” <gary>
Subject: You didn’t know your history -: Wrong in not listening to my mother’s last wishes – Re: אישור קבלת דוא”ל בנושא – Fat ego – Fwd: My mother, “You are very nice, I like you.” – Re: What are we fighting for? Zena Gevisser – Re: witch hunt, מתאריך 30/04/2018
Date: May 1, 2018 at 8:34:38 AM GMT+2
To: “Kathy Gevisser Danziger c/o Albi – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate. A. Zulman died on August 6, 2016” <albi>, “Kathy Gevisser-Danziger – The replaced executor of Alan Zulman’s estate.” <dkdanz>, “Neil Gevisser – author, Picking up the pieces of yourself [1972] – imprisoned for most of his service in the 3rd Reich’s Southern Division.” <neil>, Melvin Gevisser <mgevisser>
Cc: rest; Deborah Sturman Esq. – replaced Kathy Gevisser Danziger as executor of Alan Zulman’s estate on Zulman’s death bed.” <sturman>, “Shmuel Rabi -American-Israeli lawyer practicing Jewish Law in Israel. Nephew of Deborah Sturman Esq.” <devora0527678711>, GWerbel <GWerbel>, Rabbi Abner Weiss <rab.ab>

Saying sorry is all that’s needed.

You should take no comfort in the silence of the bad who [are] not your friends, and nor are they fair-weathered friends. They lack the sensitivity to realize that they are being sucked under and when finally waking up to being out of breath, they will thrash about aimlessly.

To drown to death when you have failed the test of life which is to share is great suffering, even worse when the world is looking on.

It is also a very slow process.

The 3 of you never had many friends to begin with. This was not lost on either of your parents. It was also my mother’s decision, with guidance from above, to suck it all in when our father Bernie lost his job and everything with the sale of Moshal Gevisser as the fallout would have proven devastating to Jewish people throughout the world because all it looked like was that it was Jews doing the dirty on Jews.

There was not the Internet in 1970 and nor had you left such an incriminating trail of total heartlessness.

It doesn’t [matter] that it is only me speaking out publicly because your deafening silences only amplify your lies.

Begin forwarded message:

From: “gary” <gary>

Subject: Wrong in not listening to my mother’s last wishes – Re: אישור קבלת דוא”ל בנושא – Fat ego – Fwd: My mother, “You are very nice, I like you.” – Re: What are we fighting for? Zena Gevisser – Re: witch hunt, מתאריך 30/04/2018

Date: April 30, 2018 at 11:23:59 PM GMT+2

To: Ayelet Shaked – Minister of Justice Israel <Sar>

Cc: Galit ZAMIR Law office <manager>, Office for the Israeli Department of Defense Attache Israeli Embassy Washington DC <Att-sec>, Galit Tassi <galit.tassi>, “Gonen Ben Itzhak – Shin Bet handler of Mosaf “Green Prince”, son of Hamas founder, Sheikh Hassan Yousef ” <gonenb1>, vaadmerkazi, amy.s, info, gizbarut, emyk, avivab, revitalb, katym, monicp, shaulm, mmozes, mnahari, smoalemr, mmizrachy, amitzna, amiller, michaelim, amichaeli, ymargi, emargalit, umaklev, llivnat, ylitzman, dlipman, aliberman, mickeylevy, ylevin, olevy, alavie, ylapid, slandver, Yad Vashem Holocaust Resources <holocaust.resources>, ulandau, akoll, “Tomer Tene – IAF Lt. Colonel + organic produce farmer. FB friend of Gary Gevisser” <tene.organi>, “Vegetarian Tzipora Malka \”Tzipi\” Livni” <zlivni>, “Jeremy Sharon – Jerusalem Post reporter, WATCHDOG CONSIDERS ACTION AFTER CHIEF RABBI COMPARES BLACK PEOPLE TO MONKEYS” <jeremysharon>

Imagine if you are all wrong in your solid belief that God does not exist, that would mean you would all already be feeling the breaking of your hearts.

The breaking of my mother’s heart is being heard, but you are already transitioning into the far more sensitive animal you thought nothing of killing.

Your interpretation of the Abraham-Isaac sacrifice is wrong; and my belief system is my right as much as it is your right to choose wrong in not listening to my mother’s last wishes.

[Word count 88]

On Apr 30, 2018, at 9:26 PM, שרת המשפטים <Sar> wrote:

שלום וברכה,

הריני לאשר בתודה ובברכה את קבלת הדוא”ל אשר שלחתם ללשכת השרה, חה”כ איילת שקד.
תוכנו עבר לטיפול ולתגובת הגורמים הממונים על כך.

מענה לפניה יתקבל בהקדם.

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