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You don’t know when to keep quiet [Word count 1157] -: Someone worth following [Word count 492] – Cannot be a random event [Word count 170] – Watch Zuckerberg [Word count 609] – Take a couple of hours [Word count 242] – Feeling horrible [Word count 87] – Where’s the progress of the human mind [Word count 575] -: Let’s examine motivation [Word count 1172] – Let’s talk [Word count 402] Great – It starts working

From: “” <>
Subject: You don’t know when to keep quiet [Word count 1157] -: Someone worth following [Word count 492] – Cannot be a random event [Word count 170] – Watch Zuckerberg [Word count 609] – Take a couple of hours [Word count 242] – Feeling horrible [Word count 87] – Where’s the progress of the human mind [Word count 575] -: Let’s examine motivation [Word count 1172] – Let’s talk [Word count 402] Great – It starts working
Date: June 27, 2019 at 5:03:28 PM PDT
To: Nicholas Oppenheimer – DeBeers Diamond Cartel <>,,, “Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. – Senior General Partner of Rosemont Realty, a subsidiary of Rosemont Capital.” <>
Cc: rest; Neal Hugh Hurwitz – No longer FB friend <>, “Terry Rosenberg – Director of Uranium One [2006-2018] which is controlled by President Putin-Oppenheimer.” <>, Johann De Jager – General Counsel South African Reserve Bank <>, Jim Al-Khalili – Physicist <>, “Jennifer Wiseman – participant in NOVA The Great Math Mystery c/o of” <>, Noam Chomsky – I AM movie <>, Trevor Noah – Daily Show <>, Charles 8 Ivie <>, Nick Tapping – Fb friend <>, “Matthew Margo – Senior attorney CBS – 60 Minutes. Matthew and I have known each other intimately since I headed up the restructuring team of Epilady USA Inc. starting back in late 1989.” <>, “Megan Ellison – Film producer [Detroit] and only daughter of $60 billionaire Larry Ellison” <>, 60 Minutes <>, Geoffrey van Leeuwen – Unchallenged Dutch Ambassador to Afghanistan <>, Yoko Grandsagne – Abstract artist wife of Hubert Astier – former Director of Versailles & Vice Minister of Culture <>, Hubert Astier – Former Director of Versailles & French Vice Minister of Culture <>, “Gillian Slovo -daughter of assassinated Ruth First, whose husband and father of Gillian was Joe Slovo, a South African politician, an opponent of the apartheid system. A Marxist-Leninist, he was a long-time leader and theorist in the South African Communist Party (SACP), a leading member of the African National Congress (ANC), and a commander of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).” <>, “Diane-David Levy – Captain in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s army; President of Jewish Orthodox synagogue La Jolla, Calif. and another quiet classmate of Gary Gevisser and murdered Sandy Jacobson [1957-1997]” <>, Janet Bick <>, “Glen Sol – Administrator of Beare Investment Holding Co. – No longer FB friend of GG.””T. Colin Campbell, PhD – Cornell University The China Study” <>, “Olg Zabludoffa – former Editor-in-chief at National Association of Educational Broadcasters – Continues to chat on FB messaging but No longer Facebook friend of Gary Gevisser. Previously Olg was open challenger of Jerusalem Post’s Steve Linde. Olg’s husband Sid is a 33 year veteran CIA economist [1962-1995] who worked directly for President from 1969 until 1972; and Sid Zabludoff was in the White House when President Nixon gave his most distracting and illogical speech on August 15 1971 announcing the official end of the Gold Standard and placing the principal profiteers of ourJewish Holocaust in charge of the money supply.” <>, “Mark Blumberg – No longer FB friend. Blumberg says that his father marched alongside armed wing of the ANC head, Joe Slovo.” <>, “” <>, British Embassy – Israel <>, JFK Library Textual Archives <>, Oprah <>, “” <>


Screenshot 16:58

Socialism doesn’t work they tried it before.
Nor did aeroplanes
did they quit?
quitting is for quitters
Matt Florence First time socialism in the paris commune lasted 2 weeks.
Second time socialism in Ireland led to a revolution and independence.
Third time socialism in Russia created a superpower that changed the entire world.


Nick Tapping This is where there is contention between the Marxist view of socialism or the socialism portrayed by the capitalist machine. and also acted out through state actors.
A real marxist will argue that socialism/communism was never acted out in those count
Marx envisioned a society that had made the STATE obsolete, and also the monetary system obsolete.
The counties that you mentioned were not socialist, in a Marxist eye, they are state capitalists; the use the state to control the capital, and to control the production and distribution of resources via the exchange token system known as capital. They are capitalists
Marx’s socialism would be the more local control of resources and emphasis on creating sustainable [and environmental] by the people, without use of currency


Ryan John Aldred A real Marxist would argue that the Russian revolution achieved more than state capitalism. Between 1917-1924 it was a real workers’ state, however the invasion of Western powers, the failure of the revolution to spread to the advanced capitalist countries like Germany and the poverty that existed from Russia transitioning from essentially a feudal state to a socialist one laid the groundwork for a bureaucracy to crystallise.

By 1924 this bureaucracy took form with Stalin at its head but even with the grotesque warping of the gains of the revolution Russia could still be described as a deformed workers’ state rather than a state capitalist one due to the planned economy. The key missing ingredient was workers’ democracy which Stalin did more and more to strangle in order to consolidate his power.

Likewise, Cuba could be described as a deformed workers’ state as it too has a planned economy but like Russia post-1924 suffers from a bureaucratic regime which stifles genuine workers’ control and management of the means of production.


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping what if the valuing of the money is rigged?


Dave Chesham A ‘workers’ state’ is a contradiction in terms.


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping, I notice that more than 4 hours has elapsed and you have not responded 

You could just be asleep but how could you ignore?

Do you have any formal training in the study of economics?

Let’s assume Mark Zuckerberg is not baffled by the question that no one else has asked and it is also not covered in the formal study of economics and conspiracy theorists don’t touch it with a 100 foot pole because they are either ignorant or bought and most simply totally ignorant, and since it is only me bringing the world’s attention to this most critical matter then you would expect Zuckerberg to be listening very carefully also to your next response.

Bear in mind that Zuckerberg does have the answer because the true facts cannot be disputed, then it becomes an interesting question, does it not, when Zuckerberg became aware and who was responsible for that?


Nick Tapping Gary i didn’t answer because what difference if the value is rigged?…. of course its rigged, its a total fiction, its value is arbitrary
Ryan John Aldred Dave Chesham how so? If the workers achieve power like they did in Russia we wouldn’t immediately arrive at a classless utopia.

The capitalist class would still exist and would try to reassert control but as wealth is redistributed and class antagonis
ms become lessened as we transition to a socialist economy the state apparatus withers away.

I’m a scientific socialist not a utopian anarchist and therefore to say that a workers’ state is a contradiction in terms is to misunderstand how workers would achieve power and implement a socialist programme.


Dave Chesham But the workers never achieved power in Russia. Within a few years of the Bolsheviks seizing control in November 1917 they had suppressed all other parties and established a one-party dictatorship. While he was a member of the government Trotsky justified the description “Workers State” by arguing that the Bolshevik Party, which controlled the state, was the party of the workers who therefore controlled the state through it. When, however, he and his followers were banned too he could no longer use that argument. So, in ‘The Revolution Betrayed’ (1936) he came up with another: that Russia was still a “Workers State” because most industry was nationalised; there was central planning and a state monopoly of foreign trade. This, despite his admission that state power was actually controlled by a privileged “bureaucracy” and producing statistics to show that the workers were badly off and oppressed.

This argument was so absurd that it soon aroused criticism within the ranks of his own followers. Some refused to described a state in which the workers were oppressed and powerless as a “Workers State”. They disagreed about what to call it – some saw it as a new exploitative class society, others as “state capitalism” – but agreed that it wasn’t any kind of “Workers State”, not even a degenerate one. 

Russia was a long way from socialism. Lenin had to admit this by saying: “Reality says that State capitalism would be a step forward for us; if we were able to bring about State capitalism in a short time it would be a victory for us” (‘The Chief Task of Our Times’,1918).

Socialism will only be possible when a majority of workers both understand and want it – it cannot be imposed upon unwilling workers by a minority.
Gary Gevisser Title: Let’s talk [Word count 402]

Nick Tapping, I don’t see why your answer above would have caused such delay in you responding.

1) How do you know it is rigged? What are your sources of information based on what you have observed through reading or documentaries and/or work experience?

2) When did you become aware that the money is rigged?

3) Where have you previously commented that it is rigged?

4) Who exactly controls the rigging?

5) How do they achieve this masterful control over everyone’s lives and at the same time manage to eliminate all substantive conversation on such an important subject?

6) Why when discussing the merits of capitalism over socialism and communism isn’t it the first item you mention? In other words, how can you waste time and energy talking about differences in economic systems without first mentioning that the money is rigged?

7) Could it be that you are just saying now that the money is rigged because you don’t want to admit that you have been duped?

8) Who are these players involved in the rigging of such an important material which decides things like elections? You would understand even if it is only poor people contributing to a politician who they believe cares about small business people the politician is either ignorant or bought when not exclusively focused on the rigging of the money.

In other words, why bother with any discussion until you have put to bed exactly which players are involved in the rigging of the money, since everything in the discussion of commerce, politics and ethics has a predominant money component to it, if not entirely money related?

You must know that even the ethical discussion of scientific research on both human animals and non-human animals for the betterment of either man and/or other animals and/or the environment which we all share takes into consideration the money element both for the monies paid to the researchers who are motivated also by the money to support their lifestyle and the cost of the research which includes the technologies being applied or developed as part of the research?

9) Once you knew that money is rigged didn’t the next question immediately entering your mind had you investigating whether the different warring sides were one and the same?

10) To repeat, do you have any formal training in the study of economics?

11) What is your profession?

[Word count 402]


Nick Tapping I think you have a problem


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping you don’t think is your problem.

Remember, you choose not to respond to my very good questions because you are plagued with all your previous talk about the differences, positives and negatives, and mostly positive about capitalism which 
is all garbage once you factor in the rigging of the money.

It is not only you but most of the financially richest as well as the philosophers who say that they are not all about the money who feel that their mind is essentially worthless which is not the worst of it because that would mean with everything else perfect in nature, there was must be a Higher Energy Spirit [HER] in control.

So you feel the best way to compensate for the empty space between your ears is to say that I have a problem.


Nick Tapping oh yeas, its part my problem, im too lazy … and your prejudices and presumptions are too strong and long, for me to be bothered answering you
Nick Tapping your questions were crap btw…. you can always tell people ego set, with the kind of questions they ask
The OP is a meme get over it
Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping what is wrong with asking you, how do you know it is rigged? What are your sources of information based on what you have observed through reading or documentaries and/or work experience?


Nick Tapping look dude…aint got the time to write a book for you… and as i have already mentioned.. i have no desire to communicate with you…. you are way out of it…. not saying anything new either.. we probably just agree with each other after writing and reading realms and realm of bs to each other… really havnt the time to communicate people like your self.. sorry mate


Nick Tapping Gary Gevisser and i would like you also to refrain from big presumption made by indiots who do not take the effort to read and do thgeir home work… yes thats you….”Remember, you choose not to respond to my very good questions because you are plagued with all your previous talk about the differences, positives and negatives, and mostly positive about capitalism which is all garbage once you factor in the rigging of the money.
….. dude i promote the vision of Marx, Myself/ The Diggers, The venus Project, and other millions of individuals around the planet
Yoiu come here, guns blazing and you do not even know what or who you are shooting at



Mark Warwick Socialism does work. When it starts working capitalists sabatauge it and then say see it doesn’t work.


Roger Matthews Closest attempt at real socialism/communism in my eyes was on the kibbutzim set up by settler refugees in early 20th century Palestine,later Israel.There many that still survive living under socialist principles but the majority voted to become private concerns issuing their members shares since the turn of the millennium.


Ian Thom ?????


Jon Eldude interesting way of putting it


Jon Eldude socialism or Marxism gets trampled on and squashed out of existence over and over yet capitalism fails continually gets resurrected and is put on a high alter. go figure


Roma Banks Especially non governmental socialism
Image may contain: text


Jody Lee Have the worker ever really owned production?


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping, at 2:10 PM Calif. time, approx. 12 minutes ago I began a fb messaging conversation with my new fb friend Dave Chesham who read what I sent him at 2:19 PM:


send me your email if you wish to be on my email list.

you can see that those on the left, center and right are totally stumped.

Bear in mind I have been at this a long time.

The smartest economist in the world, Dr. Rodney Smith Phd is a fb friend of mine.

He also knows there is not a single person now or in the past who can refute my knowledge.

In other words you are very late to the show and everyone else knows it and they have been thinking like you; how can I delay getting the truth out while also staying “engaged.”

Of course the big problem is how do you take back all the words you have written and all the speeches you have given that are totally wrong.

Think about tomorrow and the facts are not going to change other than you thinking that you are somehow different to everyone else thinking, “It can’t possibly be true, someone is going to come and refute Gevisser’s findings and then we can all go back to thinking that we were right about our opinions.”

Go ahead and canvas my other 1111 odd other FB friends.

Of course Zuckerberg knows. So what game do you think he is playing?


[Repeat animation of fat guy walking around like a peacock]


Gary Gevisser Ryan John Aldred I am not fat, but I am knowledgeable. What about you?


Ryan John Aldred Gary Gevisser I didn’t say you were fat I was implying that you were peacocking which your turkeys comment doesn’t help your case for…


Gary Gevisser Ryan John Aldred you know that you are distracting. 

You just want to talk with making no legitimate observation and then your subsequent comments, “doesn’t help your case for…” must now send you deeper into the abyss.

Drawing attention to yourself because you have nothing to contribute to the conversation other than your lack of knowledge shows you are not only stupid but who in their right mind would want to have anything to do with you.

What didn’t you understand about “Let’s talk”?

What knowledgeable people do you surround yourself with?

What is your area of expertise, starting with your formal school training or are you totally self-taught?


Ryan John Aldred Gary Gevisser how many people do you actually persuade when you’re so willing to be dismissive of people you don’t even know?

If you must know I have a degree in sociology and psychology and don’t need either to clearly identify your inferiority compl
ex. I also sit on the National committee of a political party which is linked into an international so have personal links with doctors of economics, some of the best political minds and yet none of which on their own would lead any credence to anything I say because the merits of an argument tend to be measured on the merits of the argument themselves not on who is proffering them.

I have plenty to offer to a discussion but don’t see any productivity in have said discussion with you when you having so many preconceptions before a conversation has even begun.
Gary Gevisser Title: Let’s examine motivation [Word count 1172]

Ryan John Aldred, I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to respond.

Yes, I did look at your ABOUT.

Former Research Assistant at University of Plymouth

Studied BSc (Hons) Sociology with Psychology at University of Plymouth

I do in fact persuade a great many people including all those I have tagged to refrain from talking to talk.

It must be comforting for all those still in a search for truth-knowledge that not only is your formal schooling conspicuously absent the study of economics-money, but bringing those colleagues of yours who you consider expert in this important subject to this conversation to refute the facts I present about the rigging of the money.

You will have noticed of course that Nick Tapping has gone silent.

You know someone very quickly by their writings and what they don’t say.

Why not name this political party where you sit on the National Committee?

Let me share with you a name, America’s richest and most politically connected shareholder class action litigator, my former very close colleague and friend Mr. Jeffrey Krinsk Esq. who has most surely not forgotten me, not only because I gave a little speech at his wedding to Marcy Campbell but I was the one who educated him on the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] and that quickly ended our friendship.

Wikipedia has it correct:

Krinsk is active in Democratic politics and, with his wife Marcy, has made their San Diego home [5] a well known venue for political functions and civic events. He served as a National Finance Chair for John Kerry for President 2004 and Co-Chair of the Patriot Project in 2005.[6] Krinsk is also a member of the Democratic National Committee, the Speaker’s Cabinet of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). He was a founding member of the 2009 Inaugural Committee.[7] Krinsk also serves on certain California governmental committees at the request of Governor Jerry Brown’s administration.

Furthermore, Mr. Krinsk Esquire is a member of at least a couple of my facebook group chats including my most recent, “You have a point, get to it” and “Review of Down Durban Memory Lane.”

Let me quickly address Leslie Coetzee, who I recognize as both a fb friend and fellow Durbanite of mineral rich South Africa.

Like you and everyone else, Leslie Coetzee must be following along the minerals-money talk because South Africa remains not only mineral rich but the cheap labor, slave majority black South Africans still have not got their rights because the South African mineral-banking monopolists, my former employer De Beers-Barclays Bank remain in control of the black South African politicians as they did the white racist Apartheid Regime during their brutal uninterrupted 46 year rule which was also missed by all the Human Rights activists throughout the globe.

I am of course addressing all of that.

Why when you have so much to think about and it is all so close to home do you feel the need to stay relevant, “Quitting certainly is for quitters”?

Is it because racism is so superficial that you forget the profit incentive of cheap labor whose pricing is determined by the same people who price the money and the mineral resources?

Are you that lonely in waking up to the truth about the money that you feel that your mind is no longer yours?

Talk to talk is not only getting less, but logic says it will go viral.

The only question is when?

If man has a conscience it would have started a long time ago but it is obvious that man only thinks it has a conscience because when put to the test man shows itself most ugly when ignoring the good information either by staying silent or distracting.

“Once you have the knowledge, you know everyone’s game!” MDG

How do you once knowing the money is rigged continue on with distracting talk on your and other people’s fb walls?

How can you think that Mark Zuckerberg and other officials high up as well as right at the bottom are not be paying the most careful attention to this page?

Mark Zuckerberg is no fool.

He too can see that it is up to each of you so deafeningly silent or choosing to follow in the footsteps of Ryan John Aldred who is now in sales; i.e. a talker, to end the distraction game. 

One person can make a difference as we are all made of the identical atoms and we all also understand that chain reactions don’t have to turn out destructive.

Yet this psychologist makes mumbling mention “doesn’t help your case for…” as he trails off into dense bush; now fast exiting inwards the event horizon of his self-induced black hole.

Who would ever think a psychologist would dream of manipulating their prey for the enjoyment of getting more money and feeling superior to their patient never getting well or taking a long time before there is any improvement in their mental health?

Who has ever heard of psychologist-psychiatrist never eager to also fuck their prey?

What sort of person wants to hear all day the problems of others?

There is a both a brain and money reason why so few psychologists-psychiatrists begin their free consultation:

“Can I suggest first that you embrace a healthy, low fat whole plant food based diet, treat your internal organs including your brain muscle right, with the respect it deserves because it is all that you have in this lifetime. 

If you don’t know what foods are healthy and what are poison then please consult, starting out watching on Youtube the likes of cardiologist Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., Jr. and John McDougall MD, and then think why not enjoy exercising in nature which is far quieter as well than in a gym sharing air with stinky people; and when in shape and still needing a date, spend that much more time in the organic section of the produce department around those items others also find attractive. Then when you are all better, your internal body parts quite pleased with your external looks, feel free to send me a thank you note.”

Imagine how the rest of the world’s psychologists-psychiatrists profiting from sick clients feel about being so duped and then to contend with all the advice they have given their patients most often suffering from financial hardship which has them attracted for the wrong reasons to finding either a rich spouse and/or a great lover where the attracting force is either their money or lack of money.

Let’s say you are a rich woman but you are ugly. The young stud that you are attracted to is much easier picking if he is poor.

Is anyone here motivated to find a politician or health official like Beth Isaacs from the Israel Ministry of Education willing to join this conversation?
Ryan John Aldred Gary Gevisser I’m on the National Committee of the Socialist Party of England and Wales part of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).

The reason my response was delayed was because I work so can’t sit on Facebook being an unconvincing keyb
oard warrior all day. Even if I did have the time I’m not going to spend it listening to the half-cocked ideas of a name dropping egotist who thinks they can belittle me to sound more superior when their arguments are as long as they are non-sequitur.

Allow me to finish as I started because you’re not ready to have a genuine discussion…


[Repeat animation of fat guy walking around like a peacock]



Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping, below is what I’m about to broadcast. It is addressed to a Charles Ivie who wrote this response to me, after sharing with him and hundreds of others, an earlier backup of your wall.

Charles wrote: 

It’s all been a fabricated fraud from the beginning(with the 14 puppets before Washington), and the world has been wasted due to the white-two-legged-northern Europeans and brown-brothers to the south. The problem is you have a completely drugged-up, dumbed-down society with the half-percent colonial-monarchs at the bottom controlling resources allowed by the people by fascist-force who do not know any history, are completely-ignorant, and spue rhetoric(with an “H”) as if they know something as fact because tweeted, or in a paper and cau-tau to the most evil and corrupt. they are all socialist-propped-up-fully-subsidized from the beginning whole stole and killed everything for worthless currency. so hold on to your hats, it’s all fixin’ to go because of ya’ll, on your watches!! 

His 138 word response is less than my 727 odd word response below, but I’m sure you will agree mine is much clearer.

Title: Great – Re: It starts working

Charles, why are you so inarticulate?

I didn’t think you would mind me posting my response first up on Nick Tapping’s wall which you can look at below and also on his wall.

Getting talkers to stop talking unclear thoughts is a huge achievement, is it not?

You did great by hitting “reply all” but not only are your writings weakening the great progress that has been made today on Nick Tapping’s fb wall where the talkers including Tapping are now suddenly quiet but more of his fb friends are wanting to be my fb friend, and they can clearly see where it is all going, all the while you are going in reverse and horrifically distorting the true history as to why we are in this mess.

Everything that you have written could have been deposited in a washing machine, and what came out was everything other than the true facts.

How could one man have ingeniously achieved such a feat?

Do you have any doubt in your mind that someone such as Zuckerberg is following along given not only the deafening silences along with the extraordinary distractions, but the fact that his closest, most trusted financial advisor Don Graham who sold his Washington Post to Bezos and his huge Kaplan University to Purdue University most recently for $1, is the single advertiser on Epstein’s The Diamond Invention book?

Surely you recognize the magnitude of being able to crow so loud, and you alone have the blessing of the people who control the mineral resources and the money, making any money contribution to an election, no matter what side of the fence or on the fence the politician sits, a support for this DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation] enterprise.

When you get one academic or one politician not to talk on this very important subject you have the makings of a very positive not simply paradigm shift but a most gigantic quantum leap in human thinking.

So let us go on the assumption that not everyone is like my 3 siblings and Neal Hugh Hurwitz who asks what happened to Zagiew when he learned from me just weeks ago, and to his horror, that he joined an organization whose leadership was the same leadership as Zagiew, and therefore Zuckerberg has read Epstein’s The D I book and would know that I am the only person continuing to expose it to the light with heavy duty insight and analysis; and of course it is a book that you also do your very best to avoid mentioning.

Would you expect Zuckerberg to be personally paying attention to what is taking place on Nick Tapping’s wall right now assuming that Don Graham still has the ear of Zuckerberg?

Do you think Epstein has forgotten me as well as why he went silent once I introduced myself to him on January 13, 2004 which again was 9 months and 29 days before I broke my 24 year silence with Oppenheimer-DAAC?

Do you think Nick Oppenheimer has forgotten that it didn’t take long for him-DAAC to go silent on me before than writing to me on April 7, 2005 letting me know that their South African Sunday Times newspaper refused to place my De Beers INFORMERS WANTED ad?

We are not talking in general terms. No one else is talking but you, and you are most unclear; and so you might as well not talk other than you reflect in your writings the horrors they see within their own brains from which there is no escape and you are not helping them with their choice of mental suicide.

Im looking at the time right now and it is 1 hour and 6 minutes before joining a 33 year old young man whose father is a professor of physics on a mountain bike ride and after that Im going to be preparing an organic sunflower pate.

I have shared my thoughts with the most critical thinker I know besides for my mother Zena who you know the people are hellbent on her murdering her one of a kind mind, without anyone having the slightest conscience other than it is a state of consciousness which is all but impossible to imagine given its cruelty.

Marie Dion Gevisser of course knows what is at stake, as do the rest of you.

[Word count 727]
Nick Tapping Keep counting the words…facepalm



Gary Gevisser Jamie Boyle Melisa Perling Robinson Jeremy Perling Tish Vorster Hazel Freed who acts as confused as Beth Isaacs, and yet they remain FB friends, Aviva FreerMonjurul Islam MeghIvan Bloch


Michael James Socialism is fundamentally flawed. The whole idea, the economic model, everything about it is flawed.

It was more practical in a time where people were content working in factories, but in 2019, its almost impossible. 

If possible, it wouldn’t last long.


Dave Chesham Socialism, as a worldwide society based on common ownership and democratic control of productive resources and the abolition of the wages system and the market with goods and services being produced and distributed to meet needs, has yet to be tried and more than ever remains the only way forward for humanity.


Michael James Its unpractical


Gary Gevisser Note the chronology of this conversation. It is 7:17 AM California time and moments ago I responded with “Let’s talk” to the initiator of this discussion Nick Tapping who finally responded last evening at 11:25 PM to my question more than 15 hours prior, “what if the valuing of the money is rigged?”

Helen Levy Helen Fraser Chris Baker Jeff Nathan Kerry MenziesKerry Nelson Leslie Coetzee Patricia Herrera Paul Anstey Microdontics Paul Bushnell Paul Cartwright Paul Punt Charlene du PlessisCharlene Jansen van Vuuren Abigail Sher Gail SaulSaul Hirschhorn Stan Katz Stan Milc Keith Kenny Peter BarendsePeter Abrams Pierre Waldemar Brouard Pierre Waldemar BrouardNina Senčar Gavin Krok Gavin Ferrier distracting South African politician-priest, former policeman.


Leslie Coetzee Quitting certainly is for quitters


Gary Gevisser Title: Where’s the progress of the human mind [Word count 575]

Ryan John Aldred, did you notice that Leslie Coetzee liked “Lets examine motivation”?

I notice as well that this very minute Nick Tapping chose to write “I think you have a problem” without answering any of the important questions addressing his adamant statements, “what difference if the value is rigged?…. of course its rigged, its a total fiction, its value is arbitrary”

So they cut short their nonsense talk with playing poor psychologist.

That is not good but when it is so transparent, not only will the nonsense talkers speak less but others will learn.

It is also good that each of us can make backups in the event those embarrassed by their weak thinking decide to try and wipe the slate clean.

Always remember you can find find the important discussion on the BLOG of my clever name website

“People with little intelligence, have great difficulty feeling stupid” ~ MDG

“Lack of knowledge-information-light-energy, power to change the world, stems from humans being lazy and fearful of embracing the truth” ~ MDG

I have also forwarded to shareholder class action litigator [SCAL] Jeffrey Robert Krinsk Esq. a screenshot of this page taken at 9:24 AM California time, 47 odd minutes ago.

Included in the carbon copy as well as blind copy section in the initial email broadcast were 407 other individuals/groups.

Below is the Gold Business flowchart that Mr. Krinsk Esq. prepared for me on Wednesday, October 1, 2003 as we celebrated the 4th anniversary of the filing of the Revlon Corporation epic class action lawsuit where I played the pivotal role from the start to the end which resulted in Revlon’s multi-billionaire majority shareholder and chief executive officer, Ronald Perelman falling heavily on the sword.

Nor was it the not inconsequential $10 million money fine that his insurance carrier had to pay that was most important; rather the evidence we uncovered should have immediately resulted in the permanent suspension of the trading of shares on all the world’s stock exchanges; and why it didn’t is because of distracting people like you having neither the intelligence nor the courage to do the right thing, but as you can see Mr. Krinsk’s very brilliant flowchart is working and will inevitably resonate with all those who have yet to allow their formal education to interfere with their learning.

Ryan John Aldred you are demonstrating above all else how extraordinarily passive aggressive is your inner core.

Would you say that is a common trait amongst your colleagues?

You are most impolite with your false assertions and distractions. Do you not have any shame?

I will be attending to other matters for the remainder of the day including making the time to eat smart and exercise; and the work related matters will tie in with all this.

In the meantime everyone should look at how all the talkers here are not only talking less but those still talking including Leslie Coetzee who also just typed in my name without saying anything more, have yet to address the fundamental question, where is the evidence that any of you knew that the pricing of the money was as rigged as pricing of the mineral resources all of which is tied directly to the heinous economic index Gross Domestic Product which has never been seriously questioned by any economist or politician or philosopher in its 85 odd year existence.

Where’s the progress of the human mind?

[Word count 575]
No photo description available.
No photo description available.


Michael James I don’t think Gary Gevisser understands Facebook comments.

Gary thinks spamming the comments will improve the possibility of people reading what he put.

Gary doesn’t know spamming the comment section just ruins the thread.

Gary thinks when people loose interest from all the spamming he does, its people he is right. 

Gary doesn’t understand people loosing interest is not the same as People conceding.


Hide 12 Replies
Gary Gevisser Michael James, what don’t you understand about the rigging of the money or do you now understand it so well because I write clearly and present irrefutable evidence?

This you know is not spamming or anything close.

How do you live with yourself being in such denial?


Nick Tapping Gary seriously.. you are doing shit and upstanding this.


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping I am only showing you up. You understand this and so does everyone else including your weak support.


Michael James I am talking about your delivery, not the content.Spamming means commenting over, and over again instead of saying your bit in one single comment.


Nick Tapping funny that… because from my perspective, you are showing your self up…. not really getting on with anyone on this thread are you Gary Gevisser?… must be everyone elses fault.. seriously you have a communication problem


Michael James Gary in a real life conversation, do you say your bit, then when the person replies, say more of your bit? Then when the person tries replying, do you continue to speak over them?
Because spamming threads is the internets equivalent of speaking over somebody.

Work on your communication man if you want people to take you seriously. Another question too, what is your academic background?


Nick Tapping Really Gary.


Gary Gevisser Title: What is your academic background [Word count 214]

Michael James, I studied, economics, finance, accounting and law at the University of Natal-Kwazulu, South Africa. 

None of the lectures or economic textbooks were in Zulu because they were all in English.

Soon after I began officially my post graduate studies in business-economics as I had passed during my undergraduate degree a couple of post graduate courses including Deceased & Insolvent Estates, and I was employed by the faculty as a tutor to first year students where I managed to impress more than the students and the senior faculty staff, I was given the opportunity to sit for a year long entrance exam starting in early spring 1978 when just 21 years of age and having immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st, before joining De Beers-Barclays at their most important observation post on US soil; a site holder by the name of Codiam Inc. who remain headquartered on 47th Street, New York City.

My year long orientation was directly supervised by the head of mining-banking cartel De Beers-Barclays Bank, Harry Oppenheimer who the reader is introduced to in chapter one of scholarly author Professor Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention.

What is your academic background?

[Word count 214]
Michael James Gary Yey! You wrote it all in one comment. Im proud of you 🙂


Gary Gevisser Michael James you did not provide an answer to my question, what is your academic background?


Michael James I asked for academic background, not your life and work history.

Academic wise, i have a BA in international Relations, Philosophy and Ethics, and diploma in economics.

For the obvious reasons, i am not going to provide my life and work history.


Gary Gevisser Title: You don’t know when to keep quiet [Word count 1157]

Michael James in your studies and work experience did you demonstrate any knowledge of the rigging of the money and its implications by a mostly South African and United Kingdom based entity who today has retail establishments in prime locations on United States soil where they trade, again at the retail level, price fixed, never regulated diamond currency?

I plan to publish here, unless there is an objection which restricts me, and then I will go elsewhere including posting up on my fb wall and/or my BLOG a piece titled, Man on the right, which you can figure out when you get to the bottom of this.

You know that you are distracting at the same time wanting to get argumentative with me for giving you what you asked; and what I provided in that 214 word response also told you that my work experience is most important in a conversation about the subjects you profess to be most expert in.

You have no bloody reason for being a prick with your despicable sarcasm:

“… not your life and work history.
Academic wise, i have a BA in international Relations, Philosophy and Ethics, and diploma in economics.

For the obvious reasons, i am not going to provide my life and work history.”

In fact, why other than you were eager to put me on the defensive even begin with the writings, “I asked for academic background.”

So you got your fight, but you didn’t bait me.

You don’t show your fb friends but in all likelihood they are more than our mutual fb friend Nick Tapping who shows that he has 1455 odd fb friends in addition to the two of us.

You are obviously involved in this discussion because you think you have something to offer beyond obviously not knowing as much as me about the influence on politics, ethics, and philosophy when one mineral-banking monopolist De Beers-Barclays has the most dramatic influence on global competition thanks to its diamond studded, iron-fist control of the world’s drilling industry since the turn of the last century.

The Diamond Invention book which I suggest in interests of full disclosure you include with your full curriculum vitae, explains clearly that De Beers-Barclays tolerate no competition in every market they enter, besides for the drilling industry.

Moreover, long before you finished all your international Relations, Philosophy, Ethics, and economics studies, if you were as smart as you want everyone to believe you are, then you would have made it your business to identify the world’s most powerful institution who have managed to side step, again for the more than a century, all their anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies Laws.

In other words, the most aware students in the subjects history, economics, military & politics [hemp] choose to get a job with De Beers-Barclays-Central Bank of England and not necessarily for the money, but for the knowledge of exactly how they have managed to pull it off.

I, of course, have that knowledge.

You would expect that when I attempted to place my De Beers INFORMERS WANTED ad 

in their South African Sunday Times newspaper, and De Beers-Barclays responded 

on April 7, 2005, which was 4 months and 27 days after I broke my 24 silence with them on 11.11.2004

that the head of De Beers-Barclays, Nicholas Oppenheimer read not only my well worded ad, but the letter his lawyers sent me to “cease and desist” and knowing that I was not about to cower.

You not only need to have a lot of balls to take on people who didn’t simply escape prosecution for the war crimes at Nuremberg

and knew they had to move rapidly to expand their Żagiew

membership to all 4 corners of the globe which they succeeded in doing, but huge knowledge and to then line up the necessary ducks as well as humanely possible and then pray to God.

The final step you would surely know was the war with the resisting Israeli diamond merchants in the late 80s; and of course you would expect the last pocket of resistance to be the fledgling State of Israel where my mother Zena continues to be held captive for her well founded support of me.

If you don’t already know, given how I would expect someone as scholarly as you to have done your due diligence, when still 15 years of age I shared with Mossad head, David Ben Gurion [1886-1973] at his kibbutz-midrasha Sde Boker, Negev Desert towards the end of my 4 month Ulpan-Gadna training, words which you will not find elsewhere unless they have been “borrowed” from me:

“Those who know, don’t talk; those who don’t, do all the talking; once you tell a secret, it is no longer a secret.”

Given also how there has never been in the 131 year history of De Beers-Barclays-Kaplan University-Purdue University anyone who has openly challenged them as I began doing some 14 years ago and still live to tell it, you would expect De Beers-Barclays officials to monitor my activities as closely as they studied my “chutzpah” in asking them to place in their most widely read South African newspaper, my De Beers INFORMERS WANTED ad.

I can also say with almost absolute certainty that you have never worked directly for De Beers-Barclays at their highest levels unless you are currently keeping a seat warm in an insane asylum. 

There are however, people I know including members of my immediate and extended family going back to the 1950s who have done their level best to ingratiate themselves with the De Beers-Barclays.

If fellow Jewish people, again including family members can turn on me for challenging anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, De Beers-Barclays who engineered and profited the most from our Jewish Holocaust which wiped out half of European Jewry, do you reasonably expect everyone else in the world to love me?

Again, I am still here and the information is getting out.

That does not mean I can tell you with absolute certainty what is going to happen in the next instant although I received a text message ALERT about an hour ago that an earthquake is expected in southern California. 

I just saw ALERT EARTHQUAKE and didn’t bother to read any further. I couldn’t think of a safer spot to be than where I am currently.

What I can tell you is that I would never hire you if you were to apply now for a job with De Beers-Barclays or one of their affiliates because you don’t know when to keep quiet.

[Word count 1157]


Gary Gevisser's photo.
Gary Gevisser Ryan John Aldred, I see that you have said that you are on the National Committee of the Socialist Party of England and Wales part of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).

I will send them a copy of this. Is there anyone in particular who thinks highly of you?


Ryan John Aldred Gary Gevisser I wouldn’t bother wasting either your or their time with an email.


Gary Gevisser Title: Cannot be a random event

Ryan John Aldred, I beg to differ. It has interested you sufficiently even if you would prefer to have figured out on your own that the money is rigged and its consequences for human society and the environment which th
e money and the GDP index have devastated.

Again, such epic catastrophe cannot be a random event as much as you would prefer that be the case.

Your distraction techniques while very much aligned with Nick Tapping hasn’t prevented Steve Engelking Chairman at Engelking Elektronik GmbH, who says he is also an Author/ Writer at Publisher and Author and works at ILBS on Facebook from just accepting my fb friend invitation.

You remember how I get to Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. and I have addressed how your professional qualifications and work experience don’t quite match up to mine in the important money, banking and mineral resource business.

Your decision to bury your head in the sand cannot possibly help either your mental faculties or impressing your colleagues, don’t you think?


Ryan John Aldred Gary Gevisser give it a rest, you’re beginning to sound like a broken record.

You have two friend requests and haven’t seemed to grasp that the merits of an argument matter far more than name dropping or so called expertise.

Your head seems to be firmly buried up your arse.


Gary Gevisser 

Title: Someone worth following [Word count 492]

Ryan John Aldred, a copy will shortly be on its way to your Socialist headquarters.

Let us all watch Mark Zuckerberg who must delight seeing the world’s first psychologist so dramatically implode, and that should boost him that much more in a positive direction; and besides nothing other than the fear of the establishment which is you, prevents Mr. Zuckerberg from owning the world’s insurance market.

Do I need to give you my credentials in that segment of the false economy?

You sit on a National Committee where you do a lot of money talk.

You have a fiduciary responsibility to explain that you have only just become aware that the money is rigged or that you were oblivious and want to make the other board members at an equal disadvantage.

Does it really make you feel good about yourself to think that everyone is the same as you, and that I have got it all wrong?

It must surely bother you which is why you provide a laughing face to “Cannot be a random event”, that so many are willing to kill their brains by believing that if enough of you don’t talk about the rigging of the money, then it along with the aftermath will simply disappear.

So of course your very poor psychology training has you now wanting to twist it on me.

Should we go back to whether, and if so how, did you manipulate your psychology patients or fellow co-workers and/or officials who may not think that you are all that great?

You must have thought in your spare time what if the human existence is not a random event?

Going forward, and the evidence mounting that this existence is not a random event would that make you more or less intellectually honest?

Do you feel unsure as to whether you are coming or going?

I am not saying that you are automatically ready for adult diapers but when that time comes do you think you could trust your caregiver if they have received a copy of this?

Again, the money is no less rigged than the valuing of the mineral resources and therefore the distribution of both substances is systemically flawed and that could include the monies paid to the slaves; and to top it off you can’t even mouth the duplicity of the GDP index and yet you proudly occupy a political leadership position.

You come across as heavily conflicted. Would I be wrong?

I don’t see you making a great standup comic, at least not now. 

Do you think you have managed to convince all our 10 mutual friends and their friends that you are someone worth following?

Emmanuel Niyoyabikoze
 27 mutual friends

Emmanuel Sindikubwabo
 3,568 friends

Ester Centellas Ortigosa
 3,930 friends

Ismail Mugyenzi 401 friends

Justus Christopher
 1,036 friends

Kay Baxter 
4,344 friends

Kim Mike Kisegerwa
 2,271 friends

Mera Gonzalez 
8 mutual friends

Nick Tapping
 1,457 friends

Tobias Ojijo 2,450 friends
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor
[Repeat animation of fat guy walking around like a peacock]


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping, I never said that you were lazy and prejudice. You are just typing words to fill in the void between your ears.

You obviously did not know that the money is rigged otherwise you would have long answered by now why none of your writings a
ddress this very important point.

Again, you can’t talk different economic systems once you know that the money traded between the different economic systems is rigged.

Yes, it stumps all the politicians and economists as well as Captains of Industry who didn’t know.

It bothers no less those who knew but choose to keep quiet.


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping, on the subject of communication, what didn’t you understand about Mr. Krinsk’s flowchart which I am continuing to execute?


Nick Tapping i prefer Marx myself, he envisioned a society that had made both the state and the monetary system obsolete


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping was your reply “i prefer Marx myself… ” your best effort to distract from how you have known and when did you know that the money was rigged as well my question more recently what didn’t you understand about the very clever flowchart which Mr. Krinsk Esq. had me pay for.

You can see by the credit card receipt it was my credit card and Mr. Krinsk Esq. not only signed my name but filled in the tip amount without asking me. In fact all the writing on the receipt belongs to Mr. Krinsk Esq.

Try now and imagine Mr. Zuckerberg reading all this in real time. Do you really think he would buy into all your distraction?


Nick Tapping dude Zuckerfucker couldnt give a shit about this conversationalist… its a pretty shit conversation to tell you the truth


Ryan John Aldred Do you want a list of the people who think highly of me? Is that was this is being reduced to?


Nick Tapping lets see a list of people who will vouch for Gary


Gary Gevisser Ryan John Aldred, you know that I was not asking you for a list. I would like to know who thinks the most highly of you on this National Committee of the Socialist Party of England and Wales, and if you could give me their email address, that would be even better.


Gary Gevisser Nick Tapping why don’t you first start with my fb friends?

Perhaps even Mr. Krinsk Esq. will take your call USA 1-619-238-1333 or try him via email I don’t think it is necessarily to give you his home phone number.


Nick Tapping lets see you people come here Gary.. lol has it come to this… i have never seen a thread degenerate to this sad state before…. have you Gary?


Gary Gevisser Title: Feeling horrible [Word count 87]

Nick Tapping no, I have not ever seen such explicit degeneration by someone who cannot back up his initial protestations, “what difference if the value is rigged?…. of course its rigged, its a total fiction, i
ts value is arbitrary”

The fact that I spell out clearly the huge impact the rigging of the money has, has obviously caused the loose screws in your head as well as others who support your shamefulness, to leave you defenseless other than to ignore your stupidity which has you feeling horrible.
Gary Gevisser Ryan John Aldred, I have so far only two email addresses for your Nationalist Socialist group, and Should I place your name in the subject line when sharing all this?


Nick Tapping Gary i am quite aware that value is subjective, and that money is a false reflection of value, and creates a false value system…
We are on the same side bud…. only if there is too many people like you on our side, god pity us.


Gary Gevisser Title: Watch Mr. Zuckerberg [Word count 609]

Nick Tapping your awareness must tell you that your best thinking is tapped out.

The abuse of alcohol leading to Poverty of Thought [POT] is rampant, all caused by the GDP index that promotes increasing concentrations of humans in toxic cities filled with not only condense housing but restaurants making the people increasingly sicker to the point that they cannot even think through the logic of how anyone can charge for water when the water comes from the heavens and the money is rigged.

The POT is also getting worse and not helped by the increased addiction to opioids more available than ever to the common man; and it increasingly only computer programmers needed to be logical at all times, but then again the computers are programming themselves making that profession a dying breed.

All that will remain are skilled artisans which few want to be bothered with because it doesnt pay as much as Wall Street and that too has a very limited lifespan as this information gets out as well as soldiers, and it is hard finding enemies to fight because the weapons developers can only back all sides to war when up until now they have got away with their heinous crimes of treason and mass murder.

But one can wake up the world not only because nature is totally unpredictable but people like you can only hate being in the same room as the rest of the pretenders.

It is also very wrong to fool your soldiers whose strong and athletic bodies does not mean there is nothing going on in the space between their ears.

Soldiers continue to be motivated by a moral code because they are not all highly paid mercenaries and even the mercenaries have downtime and their handhelds tell them what is going on in places like social media with the most interesting information.

Keep examining Mr. Krink’s flowchart and try visualizing how many people I have reached in the going on 16 years when of course I first started out at the very top.

You wouldn’t expect them to be speaking out in support of the people getting the information, would you?

You may fool yourself into thinking that you had previously figured out that the money was rigged without explaining how you were able to arrive at that conclusion, but you have not managed to fool anyone else.

The fact that there are a great many of you in the same leaky boat does not mean you can trust dishonorable people to work together on any level; quite the opposite in fact.

So logic tells you it is a matter of time before you pull the plug.

I am not saying that you are suicidal or that suicide is the smart option, rather you have now grown totally bored with yourself.

You could have easily kept it short by just admitting that you were clueless that the money is rigged.

So imagine a 14 year old reading this and the 14 year old does not have a huge trust fund dangling at the end of their nose but decides that they have far too long a life ahead of them to end up like you, wouldn’t you choose change for the better?

Of course your current wrong thinking is how to keep the information from continuing to get out there.

That is why it is most important that we watch how Mark Zuckerberg decides to act and if he is going to follow the same course as the rest of you, will you continue to subscribe to facebook?

If you are not on facebook to face truth, what then?


Ryan John Aldred Why would I share the emails of comrades to someone that is revealing themselves to be a crackpot with each and every post? You console yourself that I am too “stupid” to get it whilst seeking validation from elsewhere.



Steve Engelking The problem is that capitalism is a total failure too. We need a new way forward and that means sitting around the table and talking about it like adults.


Gary Gevisser Title: Take a couple of hours [Word count 242]

Steve Engelking, you must realize that you are not the only one quiet who has been following along perfectly.

I have strongly suggested that there is no need to sit around the table and talking about it like adults if you first dont understand that it is the money that makes socialism, capitalism, communism or hybrids a total failure.

All one need do is take a couple of hours of your schedule and read Professor Epstein’s book The D I which is a available free on the Internet WITHOUT having to download it, even though that is an option.

The fact that the most interesting non-fiction book ever written is free and it causes everyone who thinks they know the first thing about money to shut down, is a question that the people who have been so horribly duped pull out all stops to avoid answering, just like my original question to Nick Tapping which really shouldn’t have got him all flustered and bent out of shape other than he obviously did not know that the money is rigged.

So to be clear, why do you think The D I book which future clients of mine Simon & Schuster published in 1982 and they were obviously very satisfied with the results that had everyone who read it shutting “dow” [sic], is offered free on The Internet with just one subtle, almost subliminal advertiser who happens to Mark Zuckerberg’s most trusted financial advisor?

[Word count 242]
Nick Tapping I think you owe me an apology Gary


Gary Gevisser Title: Mental suicide [Word count 277]

Steve Engelking, most, if not all my fb friends, as well as my 10,000+ email list, know that I waited 24 years before deciding on 11.11.2004 to break my silence with De Beers-Barclays and knowing perfectly well t
hat I would get this “cold reception”; but I also knew that it couldn’t wait any longer because the human brain was clearly atrophying and which is self-evident in this conversation and the pitiful reactions to my positive suggestions.

Start with the book, and you will quickly learn about yourself and everyone you know as you see how easy it is to put them to the test by asking for their reaction to the book.

Should you wish to be added to my email list write to me here or email me;

But it is really foolish just to go on without first understanding from reading The D I book why it is that no one, starting with the richest and most politically connected people on the planet, have not made the general public aware of this important book.

Nor does it mean that people like President Putin are totally oblivious to what is going on in this rather ugly dog eat dog world with the most amazing positive upside.

Quantum Mechanics teaches us much more than what does forward must work in reverse which is not to say that isn’t itself mind-bogglingly ingenious, but that only nature is totally unpredictable.

The human does not have the brain width to understand how when given the information about how the money is rigged and who is behind it, you get across the board mental suicide.

[Word count 277]

