You know better – Censor
[Screenshot 14:57 Calif. time]
Gary Gevisser Backup Censor – Overpopulation is a myth
Gary Gevisser As you can all see Stephanie Shaw has not left the conversation and nor has she unfriended me.
Reason as we know does not work with everyone, but that is not the fault of logic, but the human who hates more than anything else to feel like a fool, other than when starving to death and feeling no shame going through the most disgustingly dirty sidewalk trash cannisters where not every pet owner carefully wraps their pet’s feces.
It would also be one thing if every pet were as healthy as our vegetarian and almost 100% vegan dog Mango whose feces doesn’t really smell, the same with healthy vegan eaters who don’t need the scientific studies to know that a non-oil, non-meat, non-dairy diet makes both the mind and body strong because nothing quite like experimenting on one’s own body-mind.
That is not to suggest that when occassionally meat-dairy eaters eat a vegetable with their steak and then they have serious flow problems when doing business number 2, they quickly blame the vegetables, god forbid they would use their common sense to figure out when passing by a rotting carcass either on a street or in perfect nature always talking to us, that there is something disgusting about that smell which should remind them of their last painful visit to the toilet.
If you can’t get the diet routine right what makes you think you will react politely to good information provided in Epstein’s The D I book.
Now wouldn’t the rest of you voyeurs encounter the greatest stroke were Stephanie Shaw to act differently right now to the common mentality herd?
Relax, let your minds settle down and thinking that would never happen because the rest of you are rational humans and being so much smarter than the other more sensitive animals, plants and trees, you would have figured that out ahead of her.
Now may I suggest that you all, including those of you who say how much you hate war and not very bright in that category which is none of you men who think you are total experts, watch this debate, BRITAIN SHOULD NOT HAVE FOUGHT IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR…/britain-first…/
paying the most careful attention to the following, which I am going to make very easy, because I would like to see you all sitting comfortable and just focusing on letting your brain do what it is supposed to, which is to think.
First, two speakers for the motion
John Charmley
Professor of Modern History at the University of East Anglia, and author of Splendid Isolation? Britain and the Balance of Power 1874-1914. Best known for his revisionist interpretation of British foreign policy in the mid-twentieth century
Dominic Sandbrook
Historian, columnist and broadcaster. He is best known for his acclaimed series of four books on post-war Britain, as well as his BBC2 television series on the 1970s and the Cold War. He is a regular book reviewer for the Sunday Times
Second, two speakers against the motion
Max Hastings
Historian, journalist and former newspaper editor. Author of twenty books, his latest publication is Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War 1914. He is also writing and presenting a BBC2 documentary on the outbreak of the war and will be a key figure in the centenary events in 2014
Margaret MacMillan
Warden of St Antony’s College and Professor of International History at the University of Oxford. Author of numerous historical books, her latest publication is The War That Ended Peace: The Road to 1914
And finally the Chair
Edward LucasEdward Lucas
Senior editor at The Economist
Suffice to say, a bunch of people throughout the world including the most senior members of the DAAC know that I have been in touch with most of these individuals who have spent many years at university and have written more books and given more speeches than most university educated.
In short order the rest of you will see our communication.
Those who can’t wait, can email me:
Again, please will everyone notice that despite how “hot to trot” each of you are to talk on Facebook or when commenting on what a talking head on radio or TV, not one of you, including big talker Steve Bailey has “tagged” anyone; yet you can’t mount a counterargument to the important information that I share.
Were you to think logically, you would conclude that such a person would inevitably drive themself out of their mind and end up saying the most stupid things, “… You must come from a different galazy”.
That doesn’t mean you must like yourself once you realize how stupidly you are behaving; and all you have going for you is the growing number of people just like you who give you comfort when again logic says you should be vomiting all over one another.
The fact that this may be the first time in history where the human gets to see how huge a hypocrite it is, at the same time so ugly, so therefore it would make sense it would be difficult to really improve your diet.
That does not mean all hope is lost for this universe or for that matter our particular Milky Way Galaxy, just the most terrible pain and suffering for those who don’t play the game right.
You will all have noticed that there really isn’t one of you saying a nice thing about me; and yet you know it is all true and it takes quite a bit of bravery on my part knowing how you are mostly very very ugly people who are quite happy to have your politicians who love talking badly about making the decisions to send the youth to war while impoverishing that much more the poor.
So what exactly do you all have to look forward to besides for more meals which keeps adding the pounds of fat that you try putting on a happy face but you of course hate the fat you see more so than the people who have to look at you stuffing your faces with shit and taking up that more space; and of course so you think more about how you go about pushing your weight around to beat up on others.
How does that sum things up?
Yes, your radio and TV brainwashing hots have you believing that they all speak the truth, to some degree or another, but mostly the truth, and you have only had a difference of opinion.
But your opinions are not your own because your opinion comes off the TV or radio which you don’t have to think much and again believing that for them to be on radio and/or the TV they must know what they are talking about, and if they are holding back anything it is because they want to protect the general public from worrying too much and instead to worry themselves to death about things like the bad weather, blah blah.
By a show of hands, how is the rest of your day going?
Gary Gevisser BTW, who would like to see the lead in to my response to Ambassador Geoffrey van Leeuwen?
I am not going to ask for a “show of hands” because again your silence is very comforting until you start speaking to others and then you must just want to die, if not to just stuff another doughnut into your mouth and hope that you will choke on it and death will come quickly.
Instead, just email me:
Gary Gevisser Who feels that they are at least in control of their breathing, when exhaling rather than inhaling where it is automatic?
Have you noticed how the BLOG is keeping up with things of importance?
Why do you think Steve Bailey and the rest of you who have read my response yesterday to Bailey’s, “Every action has a reaction. We have one planet, one chance”
hasn’t thought of either a better question to ask than the one I provided, “why do you think Christianity is by far the dominant religion” and/or my answer, “Christianity is the path where you can get away with not being perfect, and still go to heaven”?
How is it possible to have the people all so either boring and/or violent with their thoughts and actions and yet each of you want to present the image that you are both intelligent and peaceful?
Do you think humans have always been so stupidly ugly or that it has got progressively worse?
Who of you thinks it is fair to bring more children like yourselves into this uncaring world, or does the thought bother you that we could fix it all quickly but that thought would mean your worst fears surface in that instant; namely that it is not only you who is stupid but all the people you have complimented for their brilliance?
Gary Gevisser Back to the other important matter of the day without any of you forgetting that your silence makes you no better than those responsible for the murder of my mother Zena.
Gary Gevisser