Today, September 14, 8:37 AM Calif. time
What do [you] have to say about the South African Oppenheimers?
Do you think it makes a difference to them whether a politician or would-be politician or member of the media or someone like yourself venting your frustrations on social media is a capitalist, socialist or communist or a mixture of all 3?
8:59 AM
Did I say that it does??? Or that I care? Or that I know anything about them?
1:05 PM
Gary, I don’t appreciate it when you humiliate me on my wall (as in “go cap in hand to your relatives”), or invite (or try to humiliate) your friends on my wall. It’s really overstepping the bounds of privacy.
2:38 PM
I can’t believe the offensive stuff you’ve been posting on my wall. Have you no respect for others? It’s all about you, apparently, and your world view. My friends are all messaging me, asking me where you came from, and how I can let you talk to me like this.
3:15 PM
You protest too much.
You have been “baiting” the “lefties” to take you seriously and the best you can come up with is support from a Franette Blom who is so patronizing towards you; and of course it may have taken longer for you to realize it.
Did you receive a backup before you blocked me from posting up more?
Can that really get out of your head, how childish you are?
Are you interested in her?
I have already begun letting her know how I feel about her, and why shouldn’t the world know as you now attempt your best to play down the power and influence of the Oppenheimer family.
You really should have paid more attention to what our mutual friend Raphael Wyngarten had to say about both you and me.
Try imbedding into your brain, his words:
It is said
” when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”
I am ready
3:22 PM
You are now going to have to wait a little longer as I rebroadcast the postings on your Facebook wall, to hear about my 33 minute conversation with
Solly Krok
; bearing in mind what an actor you are, “…Im shaking my head…”
Correction of spelling: Raphael Wyngaardt
You sent
3:33 PM
Remember, there is no privacy when it comes to the SA Oppenheimers and their informer network.
Nor does it mean for those who previously weren’t informers that they couldn’t be bought or look to offer their informer services to the the SA Oppenheimers-Anglo American Corporation-Barclays Bank-INVESTEC-IG Farben.
So don’t try the “privacy” bullshit even if you mastered sneakiness while serving in the Apartheid Regime’s Navy.
3:34 PM
I find it most offensive and so would any reasonable person that you attack black South Africans all the while what did you do to protest the abuse of the majority black South African population during the 46 year Apartheid Regime rule?
3:35 PM
A hypocrite feels so sick inside that they can barely speak until it becomes their first nature.
You and my fat cousin Mark Gevisser would probably get along great if you could stand the sight of one another.
3:36 PM
Let’s look at your ugliness on Facebook:
Dear lefty friends that are left on my Facebook list:
Last night, some lefty thug walked up to a police patrol car in LA and shot two police officers, who, when last I heard, were in critical condition. One of the officers, a woman, has a six year-old boy. Both the officers, deputies, where shot in cold blood, without provocation….
You sound so fricken smug; like you are some teacher of ethics and business.
Again, how would you present yourself in writing to someone like Solly Krok?
3:51 PM
Our mutual friends are quiet.
Caroline Hurry
26 mutual friends
Des Lindberg
14 mutual friends
Guillaume Earle
9 mutual friends
Melanie Walker
32 mutual friends
Mike Jankelowitz
44 mutual friends
Rahla Xenopoulos
64 mutual friends
Raphael Wyngaardt
5 mutual friends
Wilma Robins
6 mutual friends
That does not mean that in the event they were to give you “lip service” that you could trust them.
If they said, this Raphael Wyngaardt said everything that we felt but we simply didn’t have the courage to write it, then they wouldn’t be paying you “lip service”.
3:53 PM
Would you know if any of your wrong words about the “lefties” have resulted in the deaths of innocent black African lives?
Do you not have a bad conscience for having so misled your flock, or is your only concern to make yourself out to be some tough intellectual?
Do you really think with your, “I’m shaking my head here, Franette…” that you convinced anyone other than idiots looking for consolation?
How could you have missed the Oppenheimers in all your bullshit?
When you wrote about how Harry Oppenheimer would have been so quick to hire you once he met you, and you were so charming and witting and so incredibly knowledgeable about history and economics blah blah, did your mind escape the detail of the Oppenheimers’ Nazi past?
3:58 PM
You are Jewish South Africa, what’s wrong with you?
Just because most Jewish South Africans are as stupid as you doesn’t make them bright or trustworthy.
Your words, “Did I say that it does??? Or that I care? Or that I know anything about them?” make no sense, and of course you know it.
You [were] just wanting a lead in to the garbage you planned to throw out of your rear end:
“Gary, I don’t appreciate it when you humiliate me on my wall (as in “go cap in hand to your relatives”), or invite (or try to humiliate) your friends on my wall. It’s really overstepping the bounds of privacy.”
How about your lack of decency towards all those whites you have incited to violence while hardening the hearts of the black South African majority who have been fooled by their puppet leadership?
I sent the following to all 8 mutual friends:
Did you see my writings on Tat Wolfen’s wall before he took them down after he protested too much, “I’m shaking my head here, Franette…”?
You may have picked up that Im writing a book in real time that picks up where Professor Edward Jay Epstein’s epic 1978 non-fiction book The Diamond Invention which is free on the Internet leaves off, while filling in the critical gaps.
Tat Wolfen knows he has done a very bad thing feigning his ignorance.
If you would like to the see [the] backup I made prior to Wolfen’s censorship which should remind you of the Apartheid Regime, send me your email and I will add you to my email list which is a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate population.