You took the high road
From: Gary Gevisser <>
Subject: You took the high road
Date: February 18, 2019 at 10:06:36 AM PST
To: Prof. Steve Jones –
Date: February 18, 2019 at 10:06:36 AM PST
To: Prof. Steve Jones –
Dear Mr. Jones,
Our paths crossed twice this past [Friday]; once when leaving your residence and the second upon your return.
We are also born on the same day, 13 years apart.
Our second “crossing” was when you took the “high road” crossing the stream. My Française-Canadienne wife Marie Dion and I, along with our world traveler dog Mango were in the grey TT.
I also believe that we have other mutual interests, beginning with a search for the truth; and mine did not begin in the sciences per se, but in wanting to understand the relationship between government issued monies and those who control the mineral resources such as uranium, gold and diamonds and their tight bonds with the banks and which none of the “conspiracy theorists” touch with a 100 foot pole, either because they are stupid or they are bought, and it isn’t difficult to figure which one it is, once knowing the right questions to ask.
Not to my surprise I discovered that the relationship between the mining sector, government sector, and banking sector was conspicuously absent in my university economics-law-finance text books, specifically in the area of anti-Trust/anti-Monopolies investigations.
That simply required the logical conclusion to join as soon as possible the most powerful mining house, De beers-Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who also just happened to have the closest business ties to my immediate family.
I won’t go on, other than to share with you that I am about to publish my book about the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] which picks up where scholarly author, Edward Jay Epstein’s 1978 epic non-fiction book, The Diamond Invention leaves off;
Not to mention, I joined the DAAC at their most important “listening post” on US soil in early spring 1979 when I looked like this
after a year long orientation that was directly supervised by DAAC head Harry Oppenheimer whose son Nicholas you probably don’t recognize seated across from Putin,
and having begun this one of a kind introduction to the world’s most successful monopolist soon after I immigrated to the United States on March 17, 1978, one week shy of my 21st.
My very well connected
and most excellent ESP British-English mother Zena, is looking proudly towards me; and knowing that while I was about to enter the “lion’s den” my survival skills had been honed well enough to give me an excellent chance of success; and going on 4 decades later, I am not only still here, but about to give the DAAC “a run for their money.”
Your Wikipedia profile shows that you have a deep interest in the education curriculum and while history is not everyone’s favorite subject because it is mostly religious stuff and war, it is the victors of war who write the history books and with an agenda to turn people off and when brainwashed, logic quickly escapes them.
Nor was being indiscrete considered a virtue by DAAC officials which included my father’s first cousin, my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser who is the unnamed “male heir” referenced in The D I book’s chapter 18, aptly titled, THE AMERICAN CONSPIRACY.
Who is to say if our paths will cross again as in “3 times lucky”, which would allow us to compare in person our respective findings on what the science reveals about human nature which in my view is increasingly less curious, and it can’t all be on account of the SAD [Standard American Diet] which of course does not help the human in his critical thinking.
We are now in Spain, returning soon to the United States, and hope to be back this time next year, if not sooner.
I hope not to have bored you to death.
All the best,