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Yummy – screenshot 18:08, Oct. 8, 2018


Gary Gevisser

October 6 at 11:56 AM ·




Chris Savile, Bryan Lilley and R.d. Monroe



Bryan Lilley Looks yummy.



Gary Gevisser Great clean healthy food made with love leads to healthy thought

Try writing down all the coincidences that happen in your life going forward if you can’t remember them



Gary Gevisser Peace Pies San Diego – get their new recipe book



Harry Andreou Must love eating as you post many food pictures.



Gary Gevisser Its a passion for being healthy and avoiding the doctors etc etc



Harry Andreou Or to make me hungry hehe



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou fat people are always hungry. If you fed them the human anus and plucked away only large visible traces of human feces so long as it had barbecue sauce and enough salt and pepper, and a bit of mashed potato they wouldn’t know the difference with their regular cottage pie; wouldn’t you agree?



Harry Andreou You have no sense of humour you skinny sod.



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou do you feel that fat people like yourself are really happy?

Where’s your sense of humor to a new blend of cottage pie?

You are a meat eater and therefore I would expect you to be able to distinguish when you eat cottage pie whether the minced meat is half a meter or a centimeter away from the cow’s anus?

The human is regressing.

Do you remember writing this past Thursday at 12:10PM Calif. time on my very public group chat Review of Down Durban Memory Lane, regarding your own pitiful state, “…Fingers to fat for the keyboard. Yep too old to screw women! So stomach is all I am left with”?



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou, Im sending out backups – great pun – could you either send me your email address and/or share this with your followers?



Harry Andreou I don’t consider my state pitiful and even if the mince was soya beans modified to taste like meat my palate will tell me if it’s tasteful or not. After all loads of food are genetically engineered. I also noticed that when do gooders beg for money to feed “starving” Africa the show pictures of skinny people.



Harry Andreou Sense of humour is not determined by my eating habits.



Harry Andreou Share what with my followers?



Gary Gevisser Share this.



Gary Gevisser Sense of humor is a sign of intelligence is it not?



Harry Andreou Not so. I see a lot of intelligent people with no sense of humour and a lot of dumb people without it as well.



Gary Gevisser Okay; I see your point.

Do you think it is intelligence or hooked on bad habits that have humans eating dead animal carcass and knowing that a plant based diet eliminates all heart disease and reduces the chances of cancer considerably?



Gary Gevisser Also, do you think unintelligent people are competent to determine the intelligence or lack of intelligence of others?

Do you consider yourself intelligent and why you allowed yourself to get so out of shape?

6h · Edited


Harry Andreou I am 67 years old. I have lived long enough and really don’t give a dam about how long I live. I have no dependence to sponge on me. Please note that I don’t criticise anyone for their eating habit or even their drinking habits despite my hatred for alcoholic beverages including wine.



Gary Gevisser ‘Okay, I see your point.

Have you noticed that sick people who mostly end up sick because disease feeds off their fat, die in pain.

Does your pain explain why you are so grumpy and feel that at a young age of 67 you would hang yourself if you had the courage?



Gary Gevisser Im testing your sense of humour. On a scale of 0 to 10 and 10 being a great sense of humour, where would you rate yours?



Gary Gevisser Let’s bring in expert eater, my FB friend, Maxie Pohl over in Israel.



Harry Andreou Even dumb people think they are smarter than most and those who are intelligent think they are better than most .



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou, this is now starting to get boring. I don’t feel your last response had you rating your own sense of humour. Could you try again?



Harry Andreou I consider myself to have a great sense of humour and find it funny when a statement made in jest is taken seriously



Gary Gevisser Do you feel that your choice of diet is an indicator of intelligence?



Gary Gevisser Let’s bring in Israel Ministry of Health official, Beth Isaacs.



Harry Andreou What the heck has a diet to do with intelligence?



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou, your reply indicates that you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?

That show how little intelligence you have, does it not?



Harry Andreou Bring in as many officials as you like. I am at an age where I really don’t care. By the way past experiences with doctors has lead me to mistrust them.



Gary Gevisser Lets bring in others; Keisha Whitakerwhose husband Forest is vegetarian, Steven BaileyRay Oshry Esquire who still can’t get enough of biltong.



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou, your mind surely tells you that you are being very naughty in trying to change the subject and now telling us that you don’t trust doctors which you should have figured out long before you felt the need to see a doctor; in other words before you got sick.

Doctors don’t do well if their patients are healthy.

I never said anything about bringing in officials to help you think.

I simply wrote:

“your reply indicates that you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?”

That show how little intelligence you have, does it not?”

Please have another stab at it.



Harry Andreou Your beliefs in vegetarianism is your affair and so it is easier to justify your belief. I have no problem with that. I eat meat vegetables bread dairy products pork except fish. Don’t like that. Lived to see 67 years most of them enjoyable and will not change to suit other people’s ideas.



Harry Andreou Are only vegetarians healthy and intelligent? I mentioned doctors because you mentioned health officials. I assumed that some medical knowledge might be a requirement.



Harry Andreou Thinking that only vegetarians are intelligent doesn’t sound right to me but then I am not intelligent.



Harry Andreou BTW Hitler was a vegetarian but he didn’t strike me as being intelligent



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou it is most interesting, most important that you are pulling out all stops, rambling on and on to avoid answering my very logical question.

So I will shorten it and then get back to what it took to qualify as one of General Smuts’ World War II Fighter Bomber Pilots when they didn’t have quite the knowledge we have today about food.

Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?



Harry Andreou I have no idea what the criteria for choosing pilots in WW2 was and why our fighting men were such a formidable force. I know that in my days the air force rations included 16 ounces of meat per day per man.



Harry Andreou




Gary Gevisser Subject: How the DIG [Diamond Invention Game] works

We established in my group chat, REVIEW of DOWN DURBAN MEMORY LANE, that despite your hobby, which makes you far from an expert, in military aviation, specifically fighter bombers during WW2, you were totally clueless; and hence your decision to say that you were now “bowing” to me.

Big ego



Page 2 – How the DIG works

people can only be saved by ensuring that as children they are not allowed to develop oversized egos, which may sound like an impossible task but a clear solution exists when you consider that even the most ill-equipped parents don’t want to be embarrassed; i.e. identified publicly as FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES by either their kid or their kid’s friends pointing out the arrogance of those over-controlling parents who breed big ego children who go from kid to dik very quickly.

Imagine for the moment the entire literate world reading this and instead of seeing only names like Maxie PohlKeisha WhitakerSteven BaileyRay OshryAlec Boswijkare you learning anything, Christina Moritsch-Krall stay away from the fat, Mark RockAlan Mark ZeligsonIngrid RockMichael E. V. KnightMicha-el FrameBeth IsaacsJeremy Perling and Michael Ditz, it was everyone.

That was very easy to do without you feeling like you were being spoon-fed to the point of getting angry because we now have everyone in the room.

This was not the case back in mid-July 1939 when General Smuts who was not yet Prime Minister of South Africa took a journey with Nazi Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to the Belgian Congo from where Oppenheimer and his DAAC [De Beers-Anglo American Corporation], using officials of the Red Cross were supplying Nazi Germany with their industrial diamond needs.

Of course in attendance would include Donald Trump, Barack Obama, all members of the FBI, CIA, US Congress and US Supreme Court as well as the Israeli Knesset, President Putin and Israeli Military Intelligence-Mossad IMIM], and so lets now add in my FB friend, IAF Lt. Colonel Tomer Tene.


Page 4 – How the DIG works

Everyone would agree that I can explain even better than current DAAC head, Nick Oppenheimer, born on June 8, 1945, the same day my father’s beloved 50 year old mother Kate Sher Gevisser passed away of stomach cancer, how the Diamond Invention Game [DIG] works given how I not only learned everything that his father, Harry Oppenheimer [1908-2000] knew at the time H. Oppenheimer directly supervised my year long orientation before officially joining in early spring 1979 the DAAC at Codiam Inc., their most important “Observation-Listening Post” on US soil, but 16 years later, mid-1995, when Harry Oppenheimer was at the height of his power,…/harry-oppenheimer-s-empire……/

I spent an entire day in Johannesburg with my “lucky uncle” David Gevisser [1926-2009], the “male heir”…/CH10_ENGELHARD_EXPERIENCE.pdf

of H. Oppenheimer’s strategic partner, German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971] who right before his untimely death on March 2, 1971, having turned just 54 the month before, had David Gevisser, who was now Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises of South Africa begin transferring publicly to Harry Oppenheimer all of Engelhard’s most valuable South African assets, including Engelhard’s control of the world supply of platinum which would prove essential in handcuffing the United States Congress in the years to come.

Imagine if in 1969, instead of focusing on what meat you were being served in Third Reich’s Southern Division’s most ugly military, you had instead paid attention to an event just a continent away.

The Israelis, IMIM, chose for Operation Green Island to begin on the same day as Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, July 19-20, 1969.

IMIM were aware that the IDF had an Air Force because the IAF had proved quite decisive in the earlier 6 Day War.

So being in an air force, you would have quickly concluded that by not using the IAF, Israel was sending a clear message to its foes that its ground forces could achieve what many believed was impossible; and it also came with a price, including Amy Ayalon losing part of his finger, but still he could swim.

Every military has an intelligence gathering sector, which dates back to cavemen times.

If the caveman managed either to store sufficient supplies to feed himself and his family, he wouldn’t have to go out as often to hunt and run the risk of being hunted.

Another option would be to get others like his toughest sons to kill the game.

This brings in the question of when exactly does family loyalty end?

A caveman as he ages has to decide at what point is he best suited just to eat and fuck or send out his children assuming there are no other cave dwellers nearby.

The iteration that must go on in his mind making the moral decision as well as what is best for the clan, can get very intense, and coming up with the right answer is difficult.

This also assumes the caveman is capable of pure rational thought.

As we move from about 77,000 years ago


Page 5 – How the DIG works…/new…/page1.htm



Gary Gevisser Page 6 – How the DIG works

to July 19, 1969, the logistics of war which are all about survival of the richest thieves since the turn of the last century, have become rather sophisticated from a technology standpoint, deciding how best to get your forces their supplies as well as retrieval from behind enemy lines, either as part of the plan or in the event things don’t go according plan, like for example a commando having to go unexpectedly to the bathroom or suddenly getting hungry and wanting to eat a ham sandwich.

But the goal of winning as well as having your forces focused on nothing else such as owning my mother Zena’s two apartments on the same floor in Netanya, Israel overlooking the Med. Sea, becomes increasingly difficult for a Commander In Chief like President Obama and President Trump as the information about the DIG is revealed best as a result of stupid people like you thinking yourself smart by ducking such an important question which you triggered as a result of something happening inside of you and/or the space outside of your body-mind which is made up of exactly the same atomic structure.

If you feel like you are ticking time bomb, finding the fuse either to make it happen quicker or diffusing it, is going to prove most difficult.

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At the time of Operation Green Island also known as Operation Bulmus 6, my father Bernie’s “wingman” from WW II, Syd Cohen





Harry Andreou Yes I always bow to people who feel they are superior and don’t talk shit about my knowledge of aircraft you don’t know what i know about military aircraft and I don’t need you to try to educate me.



Gary Gevisser Harry Andreou, I see that you have piped in before I have finished How the DIG works story, without addressing, “Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?”

You are also choosing to forget that we have already establish on Review of DDML, that you were wrong in your opinion about General Smuts making the wrong decision in the choice of the American built Kittyhawk fighter bomber for his very best front line fighter bomber pilot warriors; as they did in fact have the choice of the Allies’ best fighter bombers including the Spitfires that my father was most expert at flying during his training on Spitfires over the skies of Egypt before moving on to northern Italy, but choosing smartly the Kittyhawk fighter bomber.

You are probably better at picking winners at the racetrack. But then you would know that there is such a thing as horses for courses.

That is not to suggest that you now start training to be the next Sea Cottage.

I very much doubt you are going to get out of your head ever Cottage pie.

Why wouldn’t you add to the mix bacon, turkey, lizard, kangaroo, leopard and swordfish given how you surely have acquired the good taste of being able to differentiate and enjoy each of them with every mouthful.

You have failed miserably in your assessment of the Kittyhawk to achieve optimum effectiveness in very low level bombing runs while having to descend from a dizzy height through an avalanche of intense ak ak.

Before opening your mouth again on how much General Smuts would have been better off having you as his most trusted military advisor for which weapon systems to be use thoughout the war, try focusing on the question, “Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?” and once completing that task to then share your thoughts on the trip Smuts took with Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to the Belgian Congo in mid-July 1939, a month and half before Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

Do you think General Smuts was on the side of the Nazis?

Could you see certain Americans wanting to rewrite that part of history?

32m · Edited


Steven Bailey Harry Andreou Youre kind of an attn whore. If we were in a class room, and the rest of the students have to be continually distracted by the guy in the front row, who wants to be the professor, but his brain doesnt react as fast as the professors brain, then he just becomes an annoying distraction, and the whole class falls behind.



Steven Bailey We have a saying here in amerika, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

1h · Edited


Harry Andreou Same here so why are you trying?



Steven Bailey What was Smuts purpose of the congo trip with Ernest? To uncover the diamond routes to hitler, or establish them?



Steven Bailey Harry Andreou

In other words…




Harry Andreou Steven Bailey



Harry Andreou Yep shhhh who really gives a shit about Smuts trip to Congo? I don’t so cheers folks. Find someone else to pick on.



Steven Bailey Harry Andreou You understand, without hitlers diamond supply, he would have been cut off at the knees, and 30 million people (6 million jews) would not have been foddered, right?

1h · Edited


Steven Bailey Gary Gevisser I would say to uncover them, yeah? Because he favored the Jews, but Not the Kapos.



Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, well said.



Gary Gevisser Steven Bailey, that was “well said” to your first comment to Harry, “oure kind of an attn whore…” In fact Steve you were totally brilliant.

I will answer in due course the very important trip to the Congo that extraordinarily few white South Africans want to hear about, and certainly not a white South African who would later go on to serve in the DAAC’s Third Reich’s Southern Division military.




Gary Gevisser 

[Picking up from … Bernie’s “wingman” from WW II, Syd Cohen]



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hadn’t forgotten that it was his protege Mordechai Hod who led the IAF in the 6 Day War which really should be referred to as the 4 hour war given the devastation that the IAF reeked on the air forces of the enemy.

On July 19, 1969, my father Bernie was a very healthy 44 year old and his relationship with Syd Cohen couldn’t have been better.

It was already getting close to perfect when the photo of the two of them was taken in Pontedere, Italy back in December 1944 and solid as a rock by the time my father completed his 71st dive-bombing mission on April 15, 1945, which was 10 days after President Franklin D. Roosevelt


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wrote House of Saud King, Ibn Saud the rather disgraceful “Letter of Friendship” given how Ibn Saud was not that favorably inclined towards Jewish people and both he and Roosevelt were aware that just a little over 2 weeks before their meeting on board the US destroyer USS Quincy on February 14, 1945, the Russian Red Army, not American GIs, had liberated the Nazi death factory Auschwitz, and everyone knowing that the 2 million Jewish people murdered there would not be returning to the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan to live out the remainder of their lives in the lap of luxury.

It was also not lost on General Smuts or his partner, the General of Generals, David Ben Gurion that President Roosevelt while being forgiven for having a poor memory as well as a weak command of logic for he was a lawyer, he had allowed Sir Ernest Oppenheimer to get away with mass murder.


Page 10 – How the DIG works.

Harry Andreou, I have just responded to your latest “bow” above, and maybe you are thinking of sending me more poison tipped arrows.

You know, once you give it time to register in your mind, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained and nor it lost.

It is very late where you are, and perhaps you should try and get some sleep; and even though President Trump goes to sleep every night eating a hamburger in bed, and I assume he dental flosses as well as brushes his teeth, I don’t suggest you now make yourself the largest cottage pie your oven can take and what you cannot fill up your stomach cavity with, you smoosh in your bed to keep company what’s inside of you, as you twist and turn.

Can you tell me if it is true that fat people have the most difficult time sleeping, and when they wake up it takes them a long time to prepare the smile on their face?


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As the moments ticked by and President Roosevelt failed to let Ibn Saud know that he intended to live up to his word to hunt down the most egregious Nazis and of course not to start with pions like Eichman but instead to focus exclusively on both the financiers and raw war materials suppliers of Nazi Germany, and Sir Ernest Oppenheimer stood head and shoulders taller than any other individual on the planet, people like Ben Gurion and Smuts did not suddenly become stupid and calling upon the likes of Harry Andreou to help assess their next moves and knowing that the people would prefer a much more sanitized version of the truth.



Harry Andreou I wonder why you sent me a friends request which I stupidly axcepted as I cannot fathom what the heck you are rambling about. Sorry mate but I really don’t get most of your ramblings. I think it better if we part company as I am not up to your intellectual level neither am I interested in your family feud . Besides DIG does not interest me at all. I am too old for this crap.


Page 12 – How the DIG works

Harry Andreou, you are not too old for this crap. You are crap. You are what you ate.

Furthermore, you only now want out because your mind is totally traumatized by your inability to answer to the question that you triggered or a much healthy force outside of your rotting internal organs created most beautifully, again, “Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?””


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While the Internet was not around on April 7, 1945, when Roosevelt sent his mind-boggling, totally in the face of us Jewish people, “Letter of Friendship” to Ibn Saud which only emboldened the other enemies of us Jewish people, starting with Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, Ben Gurion and Smuts perfectly understood that in order for Oppenheimer and his son Harry to survive with their wealth intact, they would need the assistance of very powerful people.

German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.’s father of the same name established in 1902, the year the Anglo-American Boer War ended, Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation, the parent of Engelhard Enterprises of South Africa which was the “control person” of the German-South African Oppenheimer’s two sister corporations, De Beers and Anglo American Corporation [DAAC] who combined owned not simply 85% of the capitalization of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, but much more importantly since all stock exchanges are the biggest ruse, the world’s drilling industry, beginning at the turn of the previous century.

You wouldn’t need to be an expert in military strategies or tactics but nor would it harm to know that there are two expressions which say pretty much the same thing.

Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.

Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

Engelhard Minerals & Chemicals Corporation was already importing materials such as platinum into the United States when Engelhard Jr. decided to begin journeying to mineral rich South Africa in the late 1940s, around the same time that Ben Gurion’s most trusted British friends, my maternal family emigrated from England.

Rich people tend to stick with rich people even if they are not good.

Poor would do the same if they were rich.

But we are not talking about setting up a dating service.

We are talking about how to fix the problem of all the warring which is only continuing because there is this most extraordinary coverup going on that is costing my mother Zena her life.


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Harry Andreou, it is very easy for you, since you remain a member of REVIEW OF DDML to go back and look towards the tail end of my posts from yesterday:

“No one forced David Gevisser to wait a decade before attending [2005] Oxford University at age 78 to get a Master of Studies Degree in Historical Research covering the years leading up to WW2.”…/CH17_ACADEMIA.pdf


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Harry Andreou, I noted as I directed everyone from REVIEW of DDML to check out what is going on here, that you gave a “thumbs up” following my posting, “Note that my first cousin Karene Fisher has left, and I will try inviting her younger brother Nigel Gevisser, and I will be discussing both of them.”


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And again yesterday, immediately after providing the hyperlink above taking the reader to chapter 17, ACADEMIA of David Gevisser’s The Unlikely Forester I continued:

“I never read his thesis, but my mother Zena assured me that he didn’t point a finger at the German-South African Oppenheimer family or his principal benefactor German-American Charles W. Engelhard Jr.; and he most certainly did not get into the truthful detail of the rearming of Nazi Germany.”

Nor did David Gevisser in his 2006 memoir-autobiography mention his all day meeting with me back in 1995, but he did make a point of making out in his THE UNLIKELY FORESTER that I never existed, because he did not like me.

It is important to note that people like Smuts and Ben Gurion and his IMIM hadn’t forgotten how effective the Jewish Kapo system had worked for the Nazi SS, and even though it was not a nice thing the Nazis had done, it was inevitable that they would do the same thing following the end of World War II if they were able to get away with it.

Even more important than focusing on my Jewish Kapo “lucky uncle” David Gevisser is to give thought to how the world would have reacted to people like Ben Gurion and Smuts writing letters, giving speeches, and calling TV news conferences to point out that no one was objecting to the failure of the Nuremberg prosecutors to prosecute Sir Ernest Oppenheimer and his son Harry who while fighting for the Allies during WW2, was most active in consolidating the DAAC’s power in the United States when he came over in September 1938 and took control of Madison Avenue-Hollywood.

To understand their difficulty, all you need observe is what is happening with my mother Zena and how much support we get from all you today when we each have the power of 8 billion Goebbels.

Back to Jewish Kapo David Gevisser.

No one should get the wrong impression that my “lucky uncle” Dave didn’t like me from the start of our all day meeting because the exact opposite was true.

I demonstrated that I had not lost my touch of being most discrete which was an essential element in order to be considered a suitable candidate to become Harry Oppenheimer’s “right hand”; and nor did it bother Harry Oppenheimer or my “lucky uncle” Dave that I was left-handed but mostly ambidextrous, while never using my right hand for writing.

It may also explain why I can type quite fast when I put my mind to it, but more likely the best explanation is that my mother taught me from a young age how to touch type.

Harry Andreou, since you are still awake, and that is quite incredible, until you realize that others perhaps in remote areas like the outskirts of Timbuktu would be just as fixated, if you think this is a good time to share with the world everything you have eaten for breakfast since you can recall eating on your own, please do so, but only on your own FB wall.

Everyone is on Facebook either because they can afford the money it takes to have a computer as well as an Internet connection and/or they want to make more money and/or they are very lonely and hoping that they will finally find someone beautiful to fuck before they croak even if it is only for 10 minutes because their failing ticker couldn’t last much longer in trying to drive the blood to their penis.

But the money is the driving force because if you have enough you can afford a high class prostitute who is so very professional that you wouldn’t think for a moment that she was putting on an act; and besides your only goal is to get in that last fuck with the most beautiful woman you can possibly imagine.

You have seen a few people leaving my FB group chats but you know they are not bored because they are learning about the money and something they have never previously understood because the DIG is not discussed in the economic and finance university text books and nor do the media touch it with a 100 foot pole.

Those leaving all want to act like they are disinterested but they are really not thinking all that clearly because they can see the logic I am sharing along with the irrefutable facts, and those remaining are there because they not only want the information but they also want to see who is being added and who is leaving the conversation.

There are a good number of pretty sophisticated money people like top shareholder class action litigator [scal] Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq. who remain at REVIEW OF DDML and who know better than to get into a public debate with me about my knowledge of the systemically corrupt monetary system which again you cannot find covered anywhere.

Everything else is a distraction.


Page 17 – How the DIG works

Bear in mind I have known all this since the very start of my year long orientation into the most inner sanctums of the DAAC and it is most likely more than a coincidence that it began right at the time that Harry Oppenheimer was putting the final nails into the coffins of the resisting Israeli diamond merchants

which began once the DAAC had first placed the tightest of screws on the Israeli Knesset.

The fact that I am 40 years older does not mean I have become less wise.

The fact that at age 24 when I was relatively speaking very healthy and playing competitive rugby also did not mean I had stopped searching for knowledge.

I could easily figure out that there was a strong correlation between diet, strength, exercise and performance also in bed.

As I looked around and saw that most people were aging poorly I did not conclude that I wanted to be like them and start looking like a penguin.

I was also able to imagine what it meant for someone having to sway from side to side in order to move forward, and then it was also most likely that they had thick sweaty thighs which given the forces of nature – hot air rises – sent up to stench to their nostrils and taste buds until such time as they began to lose their sense of smell and back we come to the cottage pie.

Call it a coincidence if you prefer, but right before my trip to South Africa in 1995 which was intended to be all business apart from spending as much time as I could with my one of a kind, most amazing, most humble, most fun to be with father Bernie, I was just getting to know the most beautiful, perfect body-face Française-Canadienne woman

who has ever stepped foot




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on the planet; and the fact that Marie Dion, a very distant relation to the singer, had the most delectable mind is why I took her with me to a business meeting in San Diego whose purpose was to investigate the purchase of a computer maverick’s computer business and really we would be buying this man’s brains and loyalty; and my client who would have been doing the acquisition, Randolph Apperson Hearst [1915-2000]



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who was chairman of the board of Hearst Corporation and the last surviving son of the media mogul, liked not only the fact that I took my future wife along but my decision to pass on that acquisition.

You should recall about the grass being greener, but helping in addition to being surrounded by the most beautiful women in the world since my birth



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and it is me in my mother’s arms just 3 days after I was born and my mother Zena was hard back at work, was the reaction of all the men when coming into close contact with Marie Dion including those such as Bozo The Clown, cardiologist Dr. Tierstein MD who when we met him and his wife Jackie for the first time at the upscale Matre D. restaurant located on the flats of La Jolla [J is not pronounced Y in Latin], the same evening we first met Jeffrey R. Krinsk Esq, made it patently clear in front of his wife that he was ready to leave her, if only Marie Dion would oblige.

Paul Tierstein MD is on FB, you should write and see if he wants to be your FB friend; and of course ask him if he remembers the evening any different to me. I would title it, Red feather hat.



Page 21 – How the DIG works

Harry Andreou, so when I reached 50 it did not take much convincing from my gorgeous F-C wife Marie Dion that I needed to stay healthy if I wanted to continue making love to her, and the logic which she provided I was able to grasp quickly; and remember I hadn’t stopped being logical during the 24 years I kept silent after leaving the DAAC’s employment and therefore I couldn’t fault; i.e. healthy diet versus sick diet like your disgusting inhalation that is a death sentence to your internal organs who retaliate by producing the ugliest of fat diseased talkative cells and the merger of shit coming out of the mouth is one most absolute perpetual motion machine which probably extends into your next life as each atom is an ingenious and ever so quiet machine.

It also looks like you are trying to blame the Third Reich’s Southern Division who took over from General Smuts for their choice of your meals when serving this Nazi military.

You painted yourself into a corner which everyone can see.

You don’t like it, and nor do those who would also prefer that I move away from the very important 20 word question, “Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?”

Of course you would not know as well as me and my WW II Allied Fighter Bomber Pilot father Bernie Gevisser the criteria highly intelligent General Smuts established for his fighter pilots who were several notches up from high altitude bomber pilots or those who simply flew weapon systems cargo; and the fighter pilots always “bowed” to the Fighter Bomber Pilots because FBPs first had to demonstrate that they were the very best of the fighter pilot cadets.

You knew that before deciding to go down that tangent.

At some point you must have established before you signed up to serve in The Third Reich’s Southern Division’s maniacal military and police forces, that there were possibly certain foods which made you sick, and also contributed to your weight gain as the unhealthy foods did not properly energize you to do exercise.

Granted when you are 18 you can get away with eating unhealthy food but surely long before you started looking more often at your fat fingers and fat stomach that there were certain foods you were not eating that could have been healthier?

I am for good reason very focused on on this very important question which you show you understand its importance by avoiding it with the most waffle you can muster; but again for very good reason I am not letting up.

I am even forgoing following up with Part 2 of Unpredictable Nature [UN] to Elon Musk which will immediately dive into why they, the SEC-DAAC were unrelenting in going after Musk as well as providing the extraordinary chronology showing the irrefutable evidence of premeditated murder of my mother Zena by my 3 elder siblings, aided and abetted by the most willing, hungry for power and money Israeli lawyers.

Yes, I have sufficient intelligence to gauge the relative importance and I consider this all most relevant to what is happening to Musk and my extraordinary and inspirational mother Zena.



Page 22 – How the DIG works

Everything in life, including inanimate objects such as the most solid rock which just happens to catch your eyes’ attention, or the tiniest and most beautiful bird which just stopped by to say hello to me, is connected.

Once you answer the question, “Do you think that choosing what you eat, even if it makes you unhealthy, has nothing to do with intelligence?” then you will quickly also see why only a fool would think it is important to go around telling people that they have a great sense of humour.

Yes it is important that my mother Zena prided herself, “I don’t have a sense of humour!”

The fact that most professional comics are telling everyone that they have a great sense of humour is not reason to follow fools.

You might well expect that if you were a comedian like Jay Leno or South African Trevor Noah and following along that you only wish you had decided on a different profession such as a bricklayer other than there is a reason for each of us being exactly where we are right this instant, and contributing to the betterment of humanity which again you first learned at REVIEW OF DDML has now reached its lowest point.

Yes, it is very important what my father Bernie learned about humanity just days after he had completed his final 71st dive bombing mission while still 21 years of age but having accomplished what even few Fighter Bomber Pilots dreamed of achieving.
