losers of the 2nd World Oil War; namely the entire world minus the
US, figure out that their money is just as good, if not better, than
the victor of both World Oil War I and II, then they can now set the
price without interference from the US on everything including the
price they charge for oil and stuff like toothpaste, paint and
toilet paper.
In other words when you beat someone, and they beat you back, they
first let you know, now that you have both the big gun and they have
the ability to "blind" your biggest guns, by setting the price of
their currency, and at the same time they can look back and see
everything that the US bought with its highly inflated currency
before then asking for reparations.
Obama came into the Oval Office talking about reparations for Black
African American slaves and just before then, when President elect,
he was told he needed to hire former CIA Director Robert Gates to be
in charge of the "War on Terror" which the CIA started; and remember
Gates' previous job was also US Minister of Defense/Offense.
Obama's supporters were mostly liberal elitists with strong ties to
Hollywood who couldnt get enough of the Dali Lama who has been most
applauded by the victor of World Oil Wars and all those in between;
moreover, the Dali Lama is an educated man would therefore know why
the US Congress before getting Japan to invade Manchuria, China on
September 17th, 1931 told the Japanese that so long as they did not
declare war on China, and simply invaded, then the forked-tongued,
bursting at the seams with lawyers US Congress would continue to
supply Japan with raw war materials.
Those same supporters who didnt protest Robert Gates are now very
quiet because they thought by now Obama would have managed to ignite
World Oil War III, and that didn't happen.
You understand that it was not just arrogance on the part of the
Rockefellers when placing their I.G. Farben gas pellet production
facility in the center of Auschwitz, it was all the Americans who
let the Rockefellers know that they would get away with it for at
least 6 more decades; and of course you have noticed how outraged
are the vast majority of very comfortable Jewish Americans who
continue to support political party of the murderous President
Roosevelt; not that the cowardly bastard Republicans are any better.
Hollywood and Obama's feigned opponents like Big Mouth Glenn Beck
and pill popping Rush Limbaugh are also smart enough now to
understand that Obama knows better than to piss off the Chinese by
schmooching with the Dali Lama; and you remember during the nonsense
Presidential campaign how Obama's opponent, Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton who has never been a master of economics, not even
close, accused the Chinese of killing American children as well as
manipulating their currency by keeping it so undervalued, without a
single person of note, apart from me, suggesting there was nothing
to stop the US from simply devaluing the US Dollar but that didnt
suit all the two-faced people talking out of both sides of their
Even Hillary's staunchest opponents here in the US are very quiet
because they know that in the very next instant, even before I hit
the send button on this relatively short missive, China can revalue
its very undervalued currency and price the US completely out of the
oil market, without the slightest fear of inflation, and in that
same instant America which wouldn't be able to afford to even pay it
labor force including its illegal immigrants as the US Dollar
becomes instantly worthless, would become a 4th world country as
third world countries have learned to exist with far less.
Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Peres, the most
trusted arms procurer of David Ben Gurion, have been spending a
whole lot of time in Russia in very recent times ever since Israeli
Special Forces Commandos who first intercepted the Russian ship
Arctic Sea which was enroute to Iran, returned it on August 16th to
Russian authorities after removing one third of the containers that
most likely contained components for building nuclear weapons if not
the weapons themselves, along with the delivery systems of these
Neither Peres nor Netanyahu need highly decorated US soldier David
Bellavia to confirm what they know including the 4 Ray Ban sunglass
bags full of diamonds that were left on board the Arctic Sea knowing
that when Russian authorities opened them up not only would they act
"spasdically", but US military who had their orbiting platforms and
satellites "blinded" could now see crystal clear what "exchange"
took place; which is not to say anyone in the US military including
Bellavia would be able to gauge the quality of each stone based on
the 4 Cs; Clarity, Color, Carat-weight, and Cut.
I am proposing that President Obama embrace very quickly my
Kibbutz-Farm One concept that has been proven in both Israel and
China, sooner rather later, and understand that having carrots as in
carrot juice should immediately become the means of exchange
throughout the world, given how very little the US has to bargain
To delay does not change history; and therefore there is the need
for Obama and the entire US Congress to also be most contrite. |