February 23, 2025
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"We make you think!"

We aren't getting our bailout, so why not get our taxes back?

What's the Point?

Humans can only take truth in small doses.

To say it is enough to focus on solutions without looking at the history of the problem does suit those who are profiting from the unresolved "problem".

Americans believe that what goes on in America goes on everywhere, even worse.

Those thoughts quickly evaporate once understanding the very easy to understand shameful history of the USA that begins with placing our tyrants in charge long after the CIA has laid the groundwork for the invasion.

There are people even in the United States as well as amongst the remaining 96% of the world's population who can remember why they were raped and pillaged of their raw materials such as gold, diamonds, water, oil, platinum and uranium, not to mention all the raw war materials that the US and its allies grab in the process of not exactly spreading "freedom and democracy", including finding new soldiers loyal to our tyrants who don't need to attend elementary school let alone college to create new enemies to fight.

So, what stops the media from exposing all those who profit from the US military economy is the fact that the media is a necessary extension of the US military economy.

Personally, I cannot think of anything more important than a large container vessel with as many as 500 containers on board that went missing for 16 days this month?
In order to identify all these corrupt people do we really need to ask this not in the least bit honest media whose serve just like our tyrants, who know to watch mostly their second-in-commands to see if they are getting more intelligence and weapon systems from the CIA who have just like other members of the US State Department "diplomatic immunity" along with "diplomatic pouches" which can in fact be as big as super oil tanker or just a container vessel carrying enough nuclear weaponry to blow up all of Israel; and most likely the world?
If someone can come up with a better name than the "$ hit list" (sic) that needs a major update, please contact Andrew "Guru" Greig and/or Adam L. Tucker.
Those who join me in speaking out will immediately feel uplifted as they stand tall, and nor do they need to talk.
Those who know don't talk; those who don't, do all the talking.
Once you tell a secret it is no longer a secret.
I am talking because I know and I also have a very carefully thought through peace solution that of course has a military component that does not require any more violence, not even from the most violent country; i.e. the United States of America.
Those corrupt and/or brainwashed who say humans are by nature aggressive that we have not evolved beyond the Neanderthal choose such expressions to make themselves feel better about their corruption and/or stupidity.
These same people say nothing will change the status quo of the rich getting richer trickling down the cost of getting rich on to the back of the poor, unless the rich get hungry.
Hunger to some people is, "I've only got one car, not two".
There has to be an innate desire to search for the truth before you get hungry, fat, old and ugly where you don't care, at least about anyone else.
Shutting down and deciding to nothing is also part of my peace plan.